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自从Kalkowsky在1908年构筑了叠层石的术语之后,叠层石一直是地质学家采用不同方法研究和思考的主题,而且一直被当作证明地球早期生命历史的代表物而得到深入调查。叠层石确实为地球早期生命历史提供了间接而且复杂的证据,所以,现代叠层石确实代表着明显的生物信号而成为研究的焦点。最为引人注目的是,现代叠层石的多样化构成,确实表明了蓝细菌生物席建造了叠层石,而且进一步表明了微生物席转化成叠层石不是一个直接的作用过程。那些反映现代叠层石多样化构成的典型实例包括:(1)南极Untersee地区的湖泊相锥状泥质叠层石;(2)新西兰North群岛被称为煎锅湖的热水湖泊中以及美国黄石国家公园热泉中的硅质叠层石;(3)巴哈马台地、澳大利亚鲨鱼湾以及巴西东南部海湾碳酸盐沉积物构成的叠层石。由于蓝细菌微生物席是否代表了古代叠层石的形态学前体总是存在争议,而且在生命的图像中叠层石一直是一个迷惑的关键片段,因此,现代叠层石的多样化构成,将成为认识古代叠层石形成的关键和窗口。立足于前人的研究成果,追踪和总结现代叠层石的多样化构成,以及它们所代表的沉积作用和微生物新陈代谢活动丰富而复杂的信息,将不但丰富微生物沉积学的研究内容,还将拓宽沉积相分析的基本内容,对深入了解叠层石复杂的沉积学特征和生物学属性具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

作为记录地球早期生命历史的代表物,叠层石已经从35亿年追溯到了古老的37亿年。叠层石为早期生命的存在提供了间接证据,特别是现代碳酸盐叠层石的形成,更加证实了叠层石是蓝细菌生物席的钙化建造物。在现代碳酸盐叠层石中,以下地区的碳酸盐叠层石经前人长期研究已取得一些进展:巴哈马台地的粗粒叠层石、澳大利亚超盐度环境中的细粒叠层石、巴西东南部超盐度潟湖中的细粒叠层石。基于前人的研究成果,通过对现代碳酸盐叠层石的生长机制,以及复杂的微生物活动和沉积过程的追溯,认为本溪火连寨剖面寒武系张夏组中部的叠层石生物丘与现代碳酸盐叠层石存在明显差异,说明现代叠层石的沉积模式还不能完全应用在古代叠层石中。因此,现代碳酸盐叠层石和古代叠层石的对比,可以进一步为了解寒武纪叠层石的构建以及微生物碳酸盐岩工厂提供丰富的思考途径。  相似文献   

在生命历史长河的所有生物化学创造中,光合作用无疑是最伟大的创造之一;因为在光合作用过程中,作为废料的氧气生产作用,确实明显改变了地球海洋、大陆和大气圈的构成。但是,光合作用起源与进化的确切证据,包括光合作用的基本生物学过程,如地球早期光合作用生物的属性、光合作用生物如何获取光合作用装置等,可能已经消失在时间的长河之中;因此,光合作用起源与进化就成为一个引人入胜的重大科学命题。叠层石可能是地球上最为古老的宏观化石,其形态学特征究竟记录了什么样的微生物过程,还存在很多争论。在这个方面的研究中,科学家们获取了两个最为引人注目的创新性认识:(1)锥状叠层石与一些现代微生物席之间的定性化的相似性,表明了古代锥状叠层石的光合作用成因;(2)早在35亿年的水生环境之中,锥状叠层石被认为是在光合作用微生物存在的坚实标志,而且现代锥状聚合体尖端氧气的蓝细菌生产作用较为充分地表明,蓝细菌不但建造了锥状叠层石,而且光合作用产生的氧气气泡可能包含着生氧光合作用进化的时间进程。因此,锥状叠层石的形态学属性及其所蕴含的光合作用信号的研究以及其所取得的创新性认识,不但代表了叠层石研究的一个重要进展,而且成为从沉积学特征去阐释生物学过程的一个典型范例;进行这方面的研究,对深入了解叠层石的沉积学特征和生物学属性具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

河北承德路通沟剖面芙蓉统凤山组中部发育厚层块状叠层石生物丘,构成一个淹没不整合型层序的强迫型海退体系域,指示这些叠层石形成于中高能浅海环境。该生物丘宏观上主要由柱状叠层石组成,叠层石内部纹层较粗糙,在构成叠层石的致密泥晶和微亮晶组构中,还见到球粒、底栖鲕粒及凝聚颗粒等多种生物成因颗粒类型,代表着复杂的微生物活动特征,以此而区别于前寒武纪的叠层石。更为重要的是,叠层石生物丘中的致密泥晶基质中发育一些“石松藻(Lithocodium)”状的钙化蓝细菌菌落残余物,以及一些丝状钙化蓝细菌化石,指示了形成叠层石的微生物席为蓝细菌所主导的微生物席。因此,凤山组叠层石生物丘内复杂而特殊的碳酸盐岩沉积组构为研究叠层石形成过程中复杂的微生物代谢活动所产生的钙化作用机制提供了一个宝贵的地质实例。  相似文献   

梅冥相  张瑞  李屹尧  接雷 《岩石学报》2017,33(4):1073-1093
华北地台东北缘的芙蓉统,大致为长山组和凤山组所组成,可以进一步划分为3个三级沉积层序;层序划分主要基于沉积相序列的旋回性所代表的沉积趋势,较深水的陆棚相钙质泥岩和深缓坡相条带状泥晶灰岩和泥灰岩组成的凝缩作用序列、与高水位体系域和强迫型海退体系域的中至浅缓坡相碳酸盐岩组成的总体向上变浅序列,是这些三级沉积层序的基本构成,从而形成了较为典型的淹没不整合型层序。那些典型的叠层石生物丘,类似于微生物礁,主要发育在长山组和凤山组下部构成的三级层序的强迫型海退体系域之中,代表了缓坡型台地中相对海平面下降阶段的沉积记录。这些叠层石生物丘中的叠层石,泥晶和微亮晶是其基本构成,最为特征的是发育着一些典型的钙化蓝细菌化石,表明了这些寒武纪芙蓉世的叠层石生长于蓝细菌主导的微生物席的钙化作用之中。最为重要的是,在构成叠层石生物丘的粗糙纹层柱状和穹窿状叠层石中,较为普遍地发育着"石松藻(Lithocodium)";这种谜一样的钙化蓝细菌化石,与其他的钙化蓝细菌化石一起,表明了寒武纪叠层石形成过程中复杂的微生物沉淀作用,成为窥视叠层石生长和石化过程中重要的微生物作用信号。就像其名称所蕴含着的高级绿藻中的松藻(Codium)的涵义一样,"石松藻(Lithocodium)"状的钙化蓝细菌,多描述于中生代的微生物碳酸盐岩中,而且还常常被解释为结壳状有孔虫或"海绵骨针的网状物",其生物亲和性还存在着剧烈的争论。因此,华北地台东北缘寒武系芙蓉统中的叠层石生物丘,特殊的层序地层位置代表了较为典型的强迫型海退沉积记录,特别的钙化微生物构成代表着叠层石生长和石化过程中复杂的微生物作用信号,成为深入了解"寒武纪-早奥陶世微生物碳酸盐岩复苏期"和"显生宙早期第一幕蓝细菌钙化作用事件"中的微生物造礁和成丘作用的典型实例。  相似文献   

叠层石研究现状及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在地球早期生命演化过程中,叠层石-微生物席生态系统主宰地球海洋近30亿年,叠层石作为微生物岩,是一种特殊的生物沉积构造,记录了大量的微生物、环境、地球化学和地球物理等方面的信息。叠层石研究经历了迂回曲折的道路,本文在综述国内外叠层石研究现状的基础上,重点阐述了中国叠层石研究取得的主要成绩和存在的不足,并从多学科交叉融合的角度,结合上下地层岩相变化,提出叠层石研究的新方法和新思路,为我国今后叠层石的研究和古环境的重建提供参考。  相似文献   

华北地台的寒武系苗岭统,大致包括毛庄组、徐庄组、张夏组和崮山组,这些组分别组成相应的三级沉积层序,在它们的顶部集中发育着鲕粒滩相灰岩而构成强迫型海退沉积,成为时间特化的相,代表着鲕粒主导的特别的寒武纪碳酸盐岩台地类型,表现在浅海陆架中大面积分布鲕粒滩,而且在这样的鲕粒滩中生长和发育着微生物碳酸盐岩主导的生物丘;河北省秦皇岛市驻操营剖面的张夏组上部鲕粒滩相灰岩中的生物丘正是上述现象最为典型的代表。虽然类似的现象曾经被描述为"藻坪"沉积,或者笼统地归为"微生物礁",但是,河北省秦皇岛市驻操营剖面的张夏组上部鲕粒滩相灰岩中的生物丘,以下现象不但将其特征化而且代表着壮观的沉积学现象:(1)在强迫型海退体系域的下部与鲕粒滩相灰岩交互产出的主要是柱状叠层石生物丘;(2)在张夏组顶部则以集中产出的均一石和树形石生物丘为特征;(3)下部的柱状叠层石生物丘中主要包括石松藻(Lithocodium)-孢网菌(Bacinella)状组构的钙化蓝细菌;(4)在上部集中产出的均一石与树形石生物丘,则发育着丝状钙化蓝细菌、基座菌(Hedstroemia)和附枝菌(Epiphyton)之类的多样化的钙化蓝细菌。由于石松藻(Lithocodium)-孢网菌(Bacinella)状组构的钙化蓝细菌是一种灭绝了的浅海生命形式,而且是不知道分类位置归属的生命形式,尤其是石松藻(Lithocodium)状组构近年来在寒武纪微生物碳酸盐岩研究中多被解释为"硅质海绵骨针的网状物"或"非骨针角质海绵骨骼纤维",再考虑到均一石自从命名以来很少描述在古老的地层记录之中,因此,驻操营剖面张夏组上部多样化微生物碳酸盐岩所主导的生物丘,以及生物丘中特别而且多样的钙化蓝细菌化石构成,为了解蓝细菌主导的光合作用微生物席复杂的钙化作用形成微生物碳酸盐岩提供了较为典型的实例。  相似文献   

大连金州湾寒武系毛庄组微生物碳酸盐岩生物丘复合体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅冥相  胡媛  孟庆芬 《地质学报》2020,94(2):375-395
寒武纪苗岭世早期的毛庄组沉积时期,华北地台围绕着西北部的古陆分布着两个沉积相带,靠近古陆的是局限潮坪相带,远离古陆的是开阔潮坪相带,前者以海侵体系域的干旱红层或海岸萨布哈沉积与高水位体系域的潮坪相白云岩沉积序列为特征,后者则以海侵体系域的潮坪相砂泥岩与开阔海台地相(潮下坪)灰岩沉积序列为特征;大连金州湾剖面的毛庄组,属于远离古陆的开阔潮坪相带的产物,在其高水位体系域中为一套夹有鲕粒灰岩的叠层石与均一石生物丘灰岩,组成一个特别的生物丘复合体。以下特征表明,这个微生物碳酸盐岩生物丘复合体代表着一个较为罕见的蓝细菌主导的微生物席形成的微生物碳酸盐岩的典型实例:①在生物丘复合体第一个单元的大型柱状和穹隆状砂泥质叠层石中发现孢网菌状组构,说明了这些叠层石属于蓝细菌微生物席的钙化作用产物;②在第二个单元均一石灰岩生物丘中,见到少量丝状蓝细菌鞘化石,表明均一石可能为较厚的蓝细菌微生物席的钙化作用产物;③在小型柱状叠层石组成的顶部单元中,保存较好的蓝细菌泥晶纹层、以及充填在叠层石柱体之间的基质中的蓝细菌团块,较为特征地说明了这些小型柱状叠层石是蓝细菌所主导的微生物席的建造物;④在鲕粒灰岩组成的第三个单元中,鲕粒边缘中的丝状蓝细菌鞘化石,表明了鲕粒的蓝细菌生物膜成因。因此,毛庄组生物丘复合体构成了一个壮观的沉积学现象,成为窥视"显生宙早期第一幕蓝细菌钙化作用事件"的典型实例。  相似文献   

梅冥相 《地质论评》2011,57(3):419-436
当蓝绿藻被修正为蓝细菌的时候,多年使用的藻席的概念就被修正为微生物席。科学家们长期观察和研究的结果表明:微生物席实际上是一种多种生物共生的、而且是同营养生物的同生微生物群落,这个复杂的微生物群落几乎包含了曾经出现在地球上的所有的新陈代谢途径。尽管还存在一些争议,多年来认为碳酸盐叠层石是“藻席”(微生物席)的建造物的理念,促使沉积学家们在碎屑岩中寻找微生物席的生命活动留下的痕迹。随着对早年描述的一些可疑的遗迹化石的重新解释,产生了席底和席底构造的新概念;也随着现代和化石记录中更多的与微生物席相关的沉积构造在碎屑岩中的发现,从而出现了将碎屑岩中的微生物诱发的沉积构造(Microbial induced sedimentary structure;简称为MISS构造)归到第五类原生沉积构造的新认识;在强调了包含一个较宽泛的物理、化学和生物过程的基础上,微生物诱发的沉积构造还被进一步归为微生物席生长、新陈代谢、破坏、腐烂和成岩过程几个大类。成因类型的挖掘和分类体系的建立,促进了在地球生物学框架下的碎屑岩微生物席沉积学的发展。  相似文献   

北京西郊寒武系凤山组叠层石生物层   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
梅冥相  刘丽  胡媛 《地质学报》2015,89(2):440-460
叠层石是微生物碳酸盐岩的典型代表,同时也是岩石记录中的"藻席"(微生物席)的建造物。在北京西山寒武系芙蓉统凤山组下部,见一层厚度为2~3m的叠层石生物层。宏观上,该生物层主要为大型柱状叠层石所组成;微观上,表现为致密泥晶灰岩和颗粒泥晶灰岩构成的泥晶相叠层石。在叠层石内部,各种特殊的颗粒如底栖鲕粒、核形石和凝块石的发育,表明了微生物席内颗粒的多样性,而三叶虫骨屑的发育则意味着叠层石生长过程中较为强烈的泥晶粘聚作用;致密泥晶中的黄铁矿晶体,间接地反映了泥晶的异养细菌成因。因此,凤山组中的叠层石生物层,作为"贫乏骨骼的寒武纪风暴海"中典型的沉积学现象,成为较深水背景之中微生物造礁作用的典型实例,也成为理解微生物席内微生物成因颗粒多样性的典型岩石记录。  相似文献   

Stromatolite, as the representative of recorder in the early life history of the Earth, has been traced back from 3.5 billion years to 3.7 billion years ago. Stromatolites do provide indirect evidence for the existence of early life on the Earth, especially the composition of modern carbonate stromatolites, which further proves that stromatolites are calcified structures of cyanobacterial mats. Among the modern carbonate stromatolites, the following examples have been studied for a long time: Coarse stromatolites on the platform of Bahamas, fine stromatolites in the ultra-salinity environment of Australia and ultra-salinity lagoon of southeastern Brazil. Based on the predecessors' research results, by tracing the growth mechanism of modern carbonate stromatolites and the complex microbial activities and deposition processes, the formation of stromatolites in the middle of the Zhangxia Formation of Cambrian in the Huolianzhai section of Benxi is obviously different from that of modern carbonate stromatolites, which indicates that the sedimentary model of modern stromatolites cannot be fully applied in the ancient stromatolites. Therefore, the comparison between modern carbonate stromatolites and ancient stromatolites provides a rich way to further understand the construction of Cambrian stromatolites and microbial carbonate factory.  相似文献   

梅朝佳 《古地理学报》2018,20(3):453-464
作为微生物碳酸盐岩的主要类型之一,叠层石是微生物席的主要建造物已成为共识。天津蓟县中元古界铁岭组二段叠层石生物礁灰岩发育,其中的细粒叠层石被前人解释为微生物席捕获碳酸盐泥的微生物建造物,使得其既不同于现代叠层石,也不同于显生宙尤其是寒武纪的叠层石。更为特殊的是,这些叠层石中的海绿石和黄铁矿代表着2种特殊的矿化作用,其中研究区普遍产出的黄铁矿,作为硫酸盐还原细菌的产物,是了解古代微生物的窗口;而发育在高能浅海的海绿石,产出环境不同于现代海绿石,不能作为慢速沉积环境的指示矿物,亦不具有沉积间断的地质意义。2种矿化作用表明铁岭组叠层石是由沉淀作用而非捕获碳酸盐泥形成,这为了解中元古代叠层石的形成和特征提供了一些有益的线索。  相似文献   

The morphology of fossilized biogenic particles and the elemental composition of biogenic formations, discovered for the first time in Lower Silurian deposits within the Timan–Northern Urals region, are considered. The diversity of biogenic formations identified in stromatolites indicates a high level of activity of microorganisms forming the cyanobacterial mat and confirms the microbial origin of the Wenlockian stromatolite buildups.  相似文献   

叠层石成因和形成条件的研究综述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
综合介绍了最近20多年有关叠层石成因与形成条件的研究成果及其进展,包括与成因有关的各种叠层石类型,微生物席组分及内部结构特征,叠层石的形成与光合作用、硫还原作用等生物作用的密切关系,以及基本的形成过程和方式,同时与现代叠层石对比,简要总结了叠层石生长所需要的特殊沉积、水体和生物环境条件。  相似文献   

Reconstructing the environmental conditions that supported early life on Earth relies on well-preserved geochemical archives in the rock record. However, many geochemical tracers either lack specificity or they are affected by post-depositional alteration. We present a data set of major and trace element abundances and Cd isotope compositions of dome-shaped and conophyton-type stromatolites of the Late Mesoproterozoic Paranoá Group (Brazil), showing distinct values with unprecedented resolution at the lamina scale.The studied stromatolites consist of dolomite with a high purity and a negligible content of immobile elements (e.g., <0.66 ppm Zr), indicating that elemental compositions are not influenced by detrital contamination. Even though the carbonates have experienced different extent of recrystallization, the measured elemental and isotopic compositions do not correlate with fluid mobile elements. The stromatolites thus represent prime archives for geochemical proxies to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions.Two endmember compositions can be distinguished by multiple proxy analysis, reflecting the contrasting depositional environments of the two types of stromatolites: Shale-normalized rare earth elements including yttrium (REYSN) patterns of domal stromatolites show a light REYSN (LREY) enrichment (YbSN/PrSN < 0.84), slightly super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios (33.6–39.3) and unfractionated Cd isotopes relative to upper continental crust. This indicates that the stromatolites formed in a shallow-water environment that was episodically influenced by seawater. Their REY and Cd compositions are dominated by dissolved elements that were delivered via weathering and erosion processes from the ambient continent.In contrast, REYSN patterns of the conophyta are parallel those of modern seawater with an LREYSN depletion relative to HREYSN (YbSN/PrSN = 2.1 to 3.9), positive GdSN anomalies (1.1 to 1.4) and strong super-chondritic Y/Ho ratios (37.9 to 46.2), suggesting a microbial habitat that was dominated by seawater. Cd isotopes correlate negatively with Cd and U, but positively with Mn and Ce concentrations, reflecting authigenic carbonate formation at different depths within a redox gradient of the ancient microbial mat. ε112/110Cddol values increase from −3.52 at the mat surface to +3.46 in the interior of the mat, due to the effect of kinetic fractionation during Cd-uptake, e.g. by adsorption onto organic matter or by precipitation of sulfides, in addition to incorporation into carbonate minerals. Hence, our multi-proxy approach including Cd isotopes bears a high potential to shed light on environmental conditions in ancient microbial habitats and the activity of microbial life on Early Earth.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):483-502
Detailed petrological, mineralogical, geochemical and radiogenic (U, Sr, Nd) and stable isotope (C, O, S) studies have been carried out on the Quaternary phosphorites of the continental margin off Chennai, southeast coast of India. These phosphorites are formed as a result of trapping and binding of sediments by microbial mats and are similar to phosphate stratiform stromatolites. Detrital and biogenic constituents enclosed in the phosphorites controlled the major and minor element composition. Except for Sr and U, the concentrations of most of the trace metals are lower than those in average shale and phosphorite. Middle rare earth element (MREE)-enriched patterns are the characteristic feature. The U–Th dating method indicates that the ages of the phosphorites are beyond 300,000 years. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the phosphorites are higher than that of present-day seawater and εNd values are more negative than those of seawater of the Atlantic Ocean. Carbon isotope ratios are within the range expected for the oxic/suboxic zone but sulfur isotope ratios indicate suboxic conditions during phosphorite formation. These results imply that the benthic microbial mats thrived on the shallow shelf during the Quaternary low sea level conditions. Periodic or episodic sedimentation onto the mats led to their death. The bacteria associated with decaying microbial mats utilised phosphorus supplied by continental sources and rapidly precipitated phosphate. The availability of a high percentage of phosphorus in seawater seems to be an important controlling factor for the formation of phosphate stromatolites. The composition of these phosphorites differs from the modern phosphorites in upwelling regions, but are similar to Cambrian apatite stromatolites. These phosphorites provide evidence that the replicates of ancient phosphate stromatolites do exist in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Lilypad stromatolites, up to 3 m long and 1·5 m wide, were found to be actively growing in the shallow marginal waters of Frying Pan Lake and its outflow channel. These stromatolites, composed of Phormidium (> 90%), Fischerella, and a variety of other microbes, develop through a series of distinct growth stages. Dark green microbial mats cover the floor of the outflow channel and give rise to columns of various sizes and shapes in the shallower marginal waters. Once the columns reach the water level, the mats spread laterally to form a lilypad stromatolite. The lilypads are characterized by a raised, dark green rim, 4–5 mm high, that encircles a flat interior covered with a distinctive orange-red mat. The microbes forming the columns and lilypad plate are being actively silicified. The stromatolites are formed of: (i) flat-lying Phormidium filaments (P-laminae), (ii) upright filaments of Phormidium that are commonly associated with Fischerella (U-laminae), and (iii) mucus, diatoms and pyrite framboids (M-laminae). P-laminae dominate most of the columns, with tripartite cycles of P-, U-, to M-laminae being found mostly in the upper parts of the stromatolites. The transition from the P- to U-laminae is marked by a change in the growth pattern of the Phormidium and branching of Fischerella, which was probably triggered by a change in environmental conditions. In the Frying Pan Lake outflow channel, this change may be related to fluctuations in water level and flow rates that are caused by periods of heavy rain, seasonal changes, long-term variations in rainfall, and/or the unique 40-day hydrological cycle that exists between Frying Pan Lake and Inferno Crater, which is a nearby hydrothermal crater lake.  相似文献   

Accumulation of microbial mats and stromatolites dominate in the crystallization ponds of solar salt works west of Alexandria, Egypt. These microbial mats are laminar in the permanent submerged part of the ponds. The microbial mats commonly form sites for growth of gypsum crystals during periods having higher salinity. In the dominant submerged part of the pond, domal stromatolites are common around groundwater seepage holes. In the shallow, intermittent margin of the ponds, the laminated microbial structure forms laterally close-linked hemispheroidal stromatolite type, with unidirectional and multidirectional ripple mark-like morphology on their surface. The microbial laminite and stromatolite types in the modern solar salt works are similar to the organic-rich Miocene gypsum beds of El-Barqan (west Alexandria, Egypt) and Rabigh (north Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). The Miocene organic-rich beds consist of interlayered dark-colored microbial laminae and light-colored gypsum laminae. These beds may have three different variations: regular even lamination, laterally closed-linked hemispheroidal stromatolites, and/or discrete hemispheroidal stromatolites. Petrographic examination of the microbial laminites and stromatolites in the solar salt works and the Miocene gypsum beds indicate that the dark-colored, organic-rich laminae are composed of micritized microbial laminae and/or brown organic filaments. In El-Barqan area, the light-colored gypsum-rich laminae are composed of either gypsum crystal fragments, or lenticular and prismatic gypsum. These gypsum crystals are either entrapped within the microbial filaments or are nucleated at the surface of the microbial laminae to form a radial pattern, whereas in Rabigh area, the light-colored gypsum-rich laminae are composed of secondary porphyrotopic, poikilotopic, or granular gypsum crystals. By comparison of the microbial structure in the Miocene gypsum beds with the recent occurrence of the microbial laminites and stromatolites in the solar salt works, it is demonstrated that the organic-rich Miocene gypsum beds were formed in a very shallow salina with slightly fluctuating brine levels.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation, near Jixian, northern China, contains thick beds of vertically branched, laterally elongate, columnar stromatolites. Carbonate mud is the primary component of both the stromatolites and their intervening matrix. Mud abundance is attributed to water column ‘whiting’ precipitation stimulated by cyanobacterial photosynthesis. Neomorphic microspar gives the stromatolites a ‘streaky’ microfabric and small mud flakes are common in the matrix. The columns consist of low‐relief, mainly non‐enveloping, laminae that show erosive truncation and well‐defined repetitive lamination. In plan view, the columns form disjunct elongate ridges <10 cm wide separated by narrow matrix‐filled runnels. The stromatolite surfaces were initially cohesive, rather than rigid, and prone to scour, and are interpreted as current aligned microbial mats that trapped carbonate mud. The pervasive ridge–runnel system suggests scale‐dependent biophysical feedback between: (i) carbonate mud supply; (ii) current duration, strength and direction; and (iii) growth and trapping by prolific mat growth. Together, these factors determined the size, morphology and arrangement of the stromatolite columns and their laminae, as well as their branching patterns, alignment and ridge–runnel spacing. Ridge–runnel surfaces resemble ripple mark patterns, but whether currents were parallel and/or normal to stromatolite alignment remains unclear. The formation and preservation of Tieling columns required plentiful supply of carbonate mud, mat‐building microbes well‐adapted to cope with this abundant sediment, and absence of both significant early lithification and bioturbation. These factors were time limited, and Tieling stromatolites closely resemble coeval examples in the Belt‐Purcell Supergroup of Laurentia. The dynamic interactions between mat growth, currents and sediment supply that determined the shape of Tieling columns contributed to the morphotypical diversity that characterizes mid–late Proterozoic branched stromatolites.  相似文献   

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