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东平湖沉积物 210Pb、137Cs 垂直分布及年代学意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对东平湖沉积物柱状岩芯放射性年代学研究表明: 12cm处的 137Cs比活度峰值对应于1963年人工核试验高峰,9cm和6cm处的 137Cs比活度蓄积峰可能分别与1974年的全球核素散落和1986年前苏联切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏有关; 210Pb比活度随深度呈指数衰减,利用 137Cs核素1963年对应的蓄积峰进行校正,采用 210Pb计年的CRS模式建立了1889年以来东平湖现代沉积年代序列。根据 210Pb年代序列,计算了东平湖现代沉积速率,发现近百年来东平湖地区沉积速率有明显变化: 1889~1945年,沉积速率较高,平均达0.297g/cm2•a; 1945~1963年,沉积速率整体处于下降趋势; 1963~2000年,沉积速率比较稳定,平均约0.141g/cm2•a; 约2000年以来,沉积速率有增高趋势。通过分析认为,1945年以前东平湖较高的沉积速率可能与东平湖作为黄河水的自然滞洪区有关; 1950年代国家对东平湖的治理改造,控制了黄河水的自然倒灌,导致了东平湖沉积速率的迅速下降; 1963年以后,由于黄河上中游大型水利工程设施的修建,抑制了东平湖调洪功能的发挥,导致东平湖沉积速率低而稳定; 近年来,东平湖沉积速率有增大趋势,这可能与湖区人民发展围网养殖带入较多的沉积物有关。  相似文献   

【研究目的】 开展渤海湾北部滦河三角洲晚更新世以来不同沉积环境的划分,计算分析碳埋藏速率的大小和控制因素,进一步评价区域碳储能力。【研究方法】 本文对BXZK03孔岩芯开展晚更新世以来的古沉积环境恢复,并取样分析了包括粒度、年代(AMS14C 和OSL)、含水量、有机碳、总碳和其他营养成分等在内的测试指标。【研究结果】 该孔晚更新世以来地层自下而上划分为泛滥平原、海滩沙脊、浅海、障壁沙坝(三角洲前缘)和潟湖的沉积环境单元,各沉积单元平均有机碳埋藏速率大小依次为:障壁沙坝51.47 g/(m2·a)>海滩沙脊32.59 g/(m2·a)>浅海7.82 g/(m2·a)>潟湖4.66 g/(m2·a)。总碳、有机碳与各营养元素具有显著(P< 0.01)线性相关关系,方差分析显示沉积速率和碳浓度分别是滦河三角洲碳埋藏速率的主要控制因素。【结论】 滦河三角洲沉积物中有机碳浓度相对较低,但是在全新世三角洲沉积速率较高,使得有机碳埋藏速率也相对较高,因此具有一定的碳储能力。  相似文献   

江苏圆陀角位于长江北支岸线与江苏海岸线的交汇处,发育了粉砂淤泥质海岸典型潮滩地貌,潮滩岩芯沉积物粒度变化记录了潮滩环境变化的信息。2007年在圆陀角附近潮滩采集了192cm长的柱状岩芯,对沉积物的粒度组成进行了分析,分析结果显示,砂质粉砂是主要的沉积类型,岩芯分为三部分,从下部向上,粗颗粒沉积组分减少,反映了采样点附近潮滩环境由潮滩中部向上部转化的过程。根据岩芯沉积物137Cs的1963年和1986年两个蓄积峰值时标推算,1963年以来的平均沉积速率为2.3cm/a,1986年以来的平均沉积速率为1.6cm/a,1963~1986年之间的平均沉积速率达到2.9cm/a。沉积速率变化表明20世纪60年代以来伴随潮滩淤积增高,圆陀角附近潮滩沉积物的沉积速率下降,大体与辐射沙洲南翼淤积型潮滩淤积速率一致,小于长江口外的泥沙沉积速率。泥沙来源主要是苏北沿岸流携带的部分泥沙在圆陀角附近沉积,伴随研究区围垦活动向海推进,在长江北支口门北侧形成了大片的泥质潮滩和水下沙嘴。  相似文献   

1964,1975及1986年三个137CS时标计算出红枫湖和洱海沉积物平均堆积速率完全一致,说明1975年和1986年次级蓄积峰作为计年时标的可靠性。洱海沉积物平均堆积速率为0.047±0.002g/(cm2·a),与210Pb方法所获得的结果一致;红枫湖为0.17±0.01g/(cm2·a),与其建湖以来沉积物实际堆积的观察结果吻合。洱海1964年沉积物中137CS的比活度(校正到沉积年代)仅46.4Bq/kg,而红枫湖达145Bq/kg。由于红枫湖沉积物堆积速率约为洱海的3.7倍,所以其1964年层节沉积物中137CS蓄积量比洱海大11.5倍。红枫湖沉积物中137CS累计值的99.4%分配于1985年以前,而洱海的19.4%分配于1986年以后,显示出137CS在洱海沉积物中的较大扩散能力。  相似文献   

李延河  李金城  宋鹤彬 《矿床地质》1998,17(Z4):733-736
太平洋中部CC区海底多金属结核的氦丰度和同位素比值被测定,3He/4He= 1.73×10-5~13.26×10-5。通过与大气、地壳、地幔及宇宙尘的氦同位素对比提出多金属结核的。3He/4He比值异常可能与海底热液或宇宙尘的注入有关。根据氦同位素异常与海底热液活动的关系指出结核中的成矿物质可能主要来源于海底热液;深晦沉积物与多金属结核的3He/4He比值相似,表明沉积物的沉积速率与多金属结核的生长速率基本一致。  相似文献   

西藏纳木错沉积物单水方解石出现前后的环境变化   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2005年在西藏纳木错水下60m处钻取一支332cm的湖芯,沉积物皆为灰黑-黑色碳酸盐粘土。对湖芯1cm间隔取样并进行X射线、扫描电镜、Sr/Ca和碳酸盐含量的分析。研究发现,纳木错湖底0~258cm沉积物中出现了单水方解石,扫描电镜下该矿物晶形完好,这是个亚稳定矿物,具有重要环境意义。利用碳酸盐含量(24.12%~54.52%)、Sr/Ca比值(<0.006)、方解石中Mg含量(MgCO3mol%<3.325%)、石膏、粘土矿物(伊利石和镁绿泥石)、单水方解石成因和沉积速率讨论了单水方解石形成前后湖泊环境的变化。2.1cal.kaB.P.单水方解石开始出现,此时纳木错湖水性质推断为pH>8.6,mol Mg/Ca>6.5,Ca2+和SO2-4离子浓度足以沉淀少量石膏,演化至现代,表层湖水性质为pH=9.4,mol Mg/Ca=10.03~15.03,SO2-4浓度较高,Ca2+含量低,不足以沉淀石膏。单水方解石出现之前的3.0~2.1cal.kaB.P.时期,沉积速率低(0.134mm/a),蒸发作用强度不稳定,湖水温度低,矿化度呈上升趋势。该矿物出现后的2.1~1.7cal.kaB.P.时期,沉积速率快(1.639mm/a),矿化度稳定,气温低,1.8cal.kaB.P.温度达到最低值,为气候冷事件的表现。较快的沉积速率(>1.168mm/a)是纳木错单水方解石形成的重要原因之一,碳酸盐沉积加快和入湖碎屑物质增加是沉积速率加快的主要原因。  相似文献   

文章讨论了南黄海泥质区、东海陆架及冲绳海槽北部表层沉积物和柱状岩芯中10 Be及9 Be含量的水平和垂直分布,并与重金属Pb的分布进行了比较。表层沉积物中的10 Be,9 Be和Pb三者表现出完全不同的分布特征。10 Be的分布主要受黑潮及其支流黄海暖流所支配; 9 Be的分布受黄河陆源物质输入的影响,主要集中在南黄海泥质区; Pb则主要分布在长江口和琉球群岛附近,反映了人类活动的影响。冲绳海槽北部末次冰期和全新世时10 Be的沉积通量变化在整体上反映了10 Be大气生产率的变化,即地球磁场屏蔽效应的影响。03孔全新世时10 Be的沉积通量 (1.12×109atoms/cm2ka)基本上等于10 Be的现代大气平均生产率,而在末次冰期时平均为4.06×109atoms/cm2ka, 高于10 Be 的现代大气平均生产率3倍以上。在冲绳海槽由于黑潮的缘故,10 Be对气候的变化响应要比极地冰芯的10 Be变化响应灵敏的多,对气候变化信号起了放大的作用。冰期时冲绳海槽北部10 Be的沉积通量远远高于太平洋大洋海区,充分反映了黑潮的传送带作用和边缘海的聚焦沉积作用,并表明末次冰期时在千年尺度上黑潮仍流经冲绳海槽,且强度并未减弱。 10 Be的通量在新仙女木时降到整个岩芯所跨时期的最低点,甚至低于10 Be的现代大气平均生产率,因此推测在新仙女木事件时,黑潮的变动特别大,有可能改向或断流。  相似文献   

东北四海龙湾玛珥湖沉积物纹层计年与137Cs、210Pb测年   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对东北四海龙湾玛珥湖SHLF6孔纹层沉积物的137Cs放射性测量表明:137Cs比活度的最大值出现在55cm处,对应于1963年世界原子弹试爆高峰期。纹层计年表明0~6cm共有35个纹层层偶。从75cm到65cm,137Cs比活度从256±009dpm/g急剧增加到1868±017dpm/g,可能65cm对应于1954年。通过测量226Ra子核214Pb和214Bi(能量为295keV,352keV和609keV)放射的光子数获得226Ra比活度数据,然后求得过剩210Pb比活度(210Pbuns)。210Pbuns比活度随深度增加而呈指数衰减,其异常波动可能与人类活动以及沉积速率变化有关,例如55cm处210Pb比活度较高,与137Cs的峰值对应,这可能与1963年前后人工核实验的高峰有关,因为核试验不仅产生137Cs,而且可以产生208Pb和210Pb;45cm处210Pb比活度较低,而226Ra较高,可能与人类活动加剧,导致沉积速率增加有关。根据210PbunsCRS模式,SHLF6孔0~19cm的平均沉积速率为20mg/cm2·a,或约为011cm/a。210Pb测年数据与137Cs时标及纹层计年均有很好的一致性。四海龙湾玛珥湖发育的纹层为年纹层,可以建立高分辨率时间序列。  相似文献   

现代沉积的210Pb计年   总被引:74,自引:10,他引:74       下载免费PDF全文
万国江 《第四纪研究》1997,17(3):230-239
210Pb具有百年时间尺度沉积计年的重要价值。210Pbex计年假设:沉积物是封闭系统;进入水体的210Pb能有效地转移到沉积物中并不发生沉积后迁移;非过剩210Pb与其母体226Ra保持平衡。210Pbex计年可用稳定输入通量-稳定沉积物堆积速率模式、常量初始浓度模式或恒定补给速率模式。沉积物柱芯必须保持原态并以0.5~1cm间隔分截;用相应层节226Ra校正。沉积物表层混合作用及222Rn的丢失可能导致顶部210Pbex异常。季节性缺氧湖泊沉积物顶部可能存在210Pb及210Po的再迁移。210Pb与137Cs两种计年方法原理上具有根本差别。210Pb,137Cs与沉积纹理方法对比是准确计年的重要保证。  相似文献   

基于大样本14 C测年资料的 华北平原沉积速率研究*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
许炯心 《第四纪研究》2007,27(3):437-443
华北平原是我国研究程度较高的地区,历年来积累了大量的14 C测年资料。从这些资料中尽可能地提取沉积速率的信息,并进而研究华北平原沉积速率的变化及其与流域自然和人文环境变化之间的关系,是一个有重要意义的问题。利用华北平原456个地点的14 C年龄与样品埋深资料,计算出了各个样品所在层位沉积以来的平均沉积速率(RT),以此来近似反映各地点的平原沉积速率,并据此建立了RT随时间的变化关系。从古至今, RT有明显的增大趋势。以点群的上包线反映各时代的平原最大沉积速率,该指标可以反映华北平原的主体即黄河下游冲积平原的沉积速率。发现了最大平均沉积速率随时间变化过程中的4个突变点,分别为10000aB.P. , 5000aB.P. , 3000aB.P. 和1400aB.P. 。4个突变点将上包线分成5条折线,由此可以将近4万年以来的变化分成5个阶段。从古至今,5条折线的斜率增大,反映了平原沉积的加速过程; 并对4个突变点的成因进行了解释。阶段1,阶段2和阶段3沉积速率的加速是由自然原因造成的; 阶段4和阶段5沉积速率的加速则是由自然和人为原因共同造成的。从456个地点的14 C年龄与样品埋深资料中提取了距今4万年以来华北平原的平均沉积速率的信息,计算出平均沉积速率为0.9mm/a。按此求出,近4万年以来华北平原的沉积总厚度为36m。  相似文献   

Three hydrographic surveys were carried out in Deep Bay, which is located in the eastern part of Pearl estuary between Shenzhen, the most successful special economic zone of PRC, and Hong Kong. Data on current, size distributions of bottom sediment, suspended solids, and some water quality parameters were obtained. This information is of value for mathematical modeling of tidal circulation and sediment transport in the bay, and also useful in the planning of further development in this area. The sedimentation rate in Deep Bay was estimated by two different approaches, viz. comparison of historical navigation maps and210Pb dating. Information obtained from the maps indicated that average sedimentation rate between 1898 and 1949 was about 8 mm/yr, while a 15 mm/yr figure was obtained from the210Pb dating for recent years.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rates were determined with the 210Pb method in eight sediment cores from Lake Constance. The rate of deposition in the main basin (Obersee) varies from about 0.06 g cm?2 y?1 in the central part to 0.13 g cm?2 y?1 in the eastern part of the lake and then increases rapidly towards the Rhine delta. In the central lake area the rate of deposition has been approximately constant since 1900, and dating with the 210Pb method is in good agreement with sedimentological observations. In the Konstanzer Trichter area, the deposition rate has been increasing since about 1955 as a result of eutrophication and subsequent high carbonate production. Dating with 137Cs is fairly accurate for sediments deposited at a high rate, but is questionable for slowly accumulating ones. A positive correlation of 210Pb fluxes and sedimentation rates indicates that 210Pb flux into sediments follows the distribution pattern of solids. 210Pb profiles in four sediment cores interpreted in terms of a constant flux model display synchronous fluctuations of the sedimentation rate; however, their relation to long-range particulate input variations remains to be proved. Sedimentation rates determined with the 210Pb method were used to calculate recent nutrient and heavy metal fluxes. Anthropogenic fluxes of Zn and Pb are in the same range of magnitude as in other polluted areas in Europe and America.  相似文献   

Reliable dating is an essential element of palaeoseismological studies, yet whilst a suite of geochronological methods can now provide late Quaternary age control it remains very difficult to date modern events (i.e., those occurring within the last 150 years). This is significant because the starting point for many palaeoseismological investigations is a modern surface-rupturing event, whose geological effects need to be disentangled in trench stratigraphies from palaeoseismic ruptures. Two dating methods which, in combination, can provide robust dating control in recently deposited sediments are the 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods. Here, we test the applicability of using 210Pb and 137Cs to date colluvial sediments exposed in three trenches excavated across an earthquake fault—the Eliki fault, Gulf of Corinth, Greece—which ruptured in an earthquake in 1861. The 210Pb and 137Cs profiles observed in these colluvial sequences are relatively erratic due to the mixed nature of the sediments, i.e., their deposition in an environment where the supply of slope sediments is driven by seasonal rainfall, causing non-uniform sediment accretion and sediment reworking. In one trench, however, 210Pb dating, corroborated by 137Cs dating, indicates that a proposed post-1861 surface colluvial unit has been deposited over the period 1950 AD–present (at a rate of ca. 9 mm/year), and overlies a significantly older unit (>120 years old). The dating control provided here by 210Pb and 137Cs dating corroborates the published interpretation of the trench stratigraphy, and refines the 14C-based estimated dates for the upper unit. At two other trenches 210Pb and 137Cs dating only provided minimum ages (based on the presence or absence of 210Pbexcess and 137Cs). Such approximate ages, however, may still useful in corroborating interpretations made using the trench stratigraphy, or, at sites which have long earthquake recurrence intervals, determining which earthquake event was responsible for a particular bed offset.  相似文献   

Vast palaeolakes once occupied the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (TP). Analyses of the sedimentary records of these lakes could potentially provide an extensive dating archive. Many previously constructed age‐depth models simulating lacustrine cores have been principally based on radiocarbon (14C) dating. However, such dating could have been hampered by the so‐called ‘lake reservoir effect’ (LRE) and the reworking of lakebed sediments, resulting in inaccurate 14C age‐depth models and limiting interpretations of existing lacustrine palaeoclimatic records. Lake Linggo Co is located on the central TP, in one of the coldest and most arid regions of Tibet. We dated a 9.87‐m‐long lacustrine core extracted from the lakebed at a water depth of ~60 m using a combination of 210Pb, 14C and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques. Some 14C ages showed significant age reversals; all the 14C ages were much older than the 210Pb and OSL ages for the same depths. This could possibly be attributed to the presence of old, inherited carbon, causing the inherited 14C age to appear unstable during the deposition period. The 210Pb and OSL ages were roughly concordant, and were also consistent with the stratigraphical succession. We therefore suggest that 14C dating may, on its own, be inadequate for accurate dating of lacustrine sediment sites on the TP, and that the OSL method should also be applied in order to evaluate the reliability of any 14C ages. With this approach, we constructed an age‐depth model, revealing sedimentation rates of 1.7, 0.8, 6.8 and 0.6 mm a−1 between 0–1.9, 1.9–4.2, 4.2–4.4 and 4.4–9.4 ka, respectively.  相似文献   

Rates of surficial sediment mixing and sediment burial are measured in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota, using radionuclide tracers. Based on 106Ru profiles in 16 cores, mixing rates average 13 cm2/yr within the upper 9 cm of sediment. Two other nuclides, 210Pb and 137Cs, provide further evidence for calculation of mixing rates. In addition, 210Pb profiles estimate sediment burial rates (about 0.4 cm/yr). Mixing estimates are shown to be fairly insensitive both to uncertainties in sediment burial rates and to temporal patterns of 106Ru deposition.  相似文献   

沉积速率主要受上层海洋生物生产的影响,而在湾口浅滩区沉积速率则主要受底栖生物的影响。此外,水流、水体稳定度、冰封期长短和海底地形等条件也对沉积速率产生一定的利用中国第21次南极科学考察获得的普里兹湾海域的沉积物样品,运用沉积地层同位素210Pb测年技术,探讨了该海域沉积物的近现代沉积速率及其影响因素。研究结果表明,南极普里兹湾海域的近现代沉积速率变化范围在0.47~1.88 mm/a之间,平均值为1.06 mm/a,高于南极罗斯海而低于威德尔海,总体上与南、北极多个海区的沉积速率相当。在湾内和冰架边缘区影响,沉积速率的分布是多种因素共同控制的结果。在生物量较高、水体条件较为稳定的湾内中心区域,沉积速率较高,而冰架边缘区的沉积速率则较低  相似文献   

Persistent inorganic constitutents preserved in sediments of aquatic ecosystems record temporal variability of biogeochemical functioning and anthropogenic impacts.210Pb and137Cs dating techniques were used to study the past variations of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, and Zn) and accumulation rates of sediments for Tivoli South Bay, in the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve ecosystem. South Bay, a tidal freshwater embayment of the Hudson, may play an important role in the sediment dynamics of this important river. The measured sedimentation rate range of 0.59 to 2.92 cm yr−1 suggests that rapid accumulation occurred during the time period represented by the length of the cores (approximately the past 50 yr). Direct measurements of sediment exchange with the Hudson River reveal high variability in the sediment flux from one tidal cycle to the next. Net exchange does not seem to be adequate to explain sediment accumulation rates in the bay as measured by210Pb and137Cs. The difference may be supplied from upland streams or the Hudson River during storm events. Concentrations of the metals Pb, Cu and Zn were found to be well correlated with each other within individual cores at five of six sites tested. This suggests a common proximate source for the three metals at a specific site. The evidence is consistent with mixing in some environmental compartment before delivery to the bay. While metals self-correlate within individual cores, absolute concentrations, depth distribution patterns, and ratios of the metals to each other vary among the cores collected at different locations within the bay. Organic matter, Fe content, and particle size distribution of sediments do not account for the intercore variations in metal concentration. It is likely that cores collected from different sites may have derived metals from different sources, such as watershed streams and tidal exchange with the Hudson River.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对乌梁素海沉积物柱心样品进行210Pb、137Cs测年分析表明,柱心剖面上有明显的1963年蓄积峰,这个蓄积峰对乌梁素海的现代沉积有明显的时标意义。根据210Pb的CRS模式,可以计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,在该沉积柱心中与137Cs时标吻合较好。乌梁素海的沉积速率并不稳定,变化比较大,表明乌梁素海近113 a来沉积环境不稳定。210Pb、137Cs两种计年方法的结合有助于认识沉积速率变化较大的沼泽的沉积状况,也有助于对核素计年方法的理解。  相似文献   

Sediment profiles of210Pb and137Cs in cores collected at increasing distances from the heads of Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra fjords indicate that watersheds influence the inventories of radioisotopes present and that the steep topographies of the fjords enhance sediment redistribution. Episodic deposition of terrestrially derived sediment was responsible for roughly 50% of the137Cs and 45% of the210Pb inventories in shallower (less than 180 m) locations in Wilson and Bakewell arms of Smeaton Bay.210Pb sedimentation rates at shallower sites when corrected for episodic deposition were less than sedimentation rates obtained in the deep basins of the fjords where sediment focusing and increased primary productivity in the overlying water column occur. Higher fluxes of dissolved Mn from surficial sediments and subsequent reoxidation in the overlying water may have enhanced scavenging of210Pb in basin locations, resulting in higher inventories. Episodic events have occurred frequently in Smeaton Bay and Boca de Quadra suggesting that steady-state conditions with respect to sedimenting particles can be achieved only when averaged over long time periods approaching the time over which137Cs and210Pb are useful.  相似文献   

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