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纵向岭谷区冬、夏水热条件空间分布研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
曹杰  何大明  姚平 《地球科学进展》2005,20(11):1176-1182
利用纵向岭谷区内76个测站降水、温度资料和大气环流资料,研究该区冬、夏两季降水的空间分布规律。结果表明:纵向岭谷区多年平均冬季降水空间上沿河流呈纵向分布;但纵向岭谷独特地形对冬季降水变化的空间分布影响不明显;冬季气候平均温度大致呈东西向带状分布,由低纬到高纬温度逐渐递减;在区域上,纵向岭谷独特地形的“通道—阻隔”作用对冬季温度空间分布的影响不明显;但在怒江和澜沧江流域,这种影响则较为明显。纵向岭谷区多年平均夏季降水空间分布主要由纵向岭谷的“阻隔”效应,以及夏季从孟加拉湾来的气流和从南海来的气流在相应迎风坡面辐合,形成两支较强的上升气流所致;而纵向剖面大气环流的变化则较为均匀,显示了纵向岭谷的“通道”效应。纵向岭谷的这种“通道—阻隔”效应使得西南季风和东南季风在区内交汇,并使区内夏季降水空间上及夏季降水的变化沿河流呈纵向分布。地形对怒江、澜沧江流域夏季温度空间分布的“通道—阻隔”作用较明显;对夏季温度变化的“通道—阻隔”作用则在纵向岭谷西北部地区最明显,但其余地区地形的作用则相对较弱。  相似文献   

通江铁厂河上二叠统长兴组生物礁是在川东北地区地表发现的生物礁的又一代表,通过野外四条剖面的测量及详细的室内研究,可以认为,该区长兴组发育有生物礁及生物碎屑浅滩组合相,圆丘状点礁与浅滩叠置构成纵向上三个旋回的礁、滩复合体。生物礁的造礁生物主要是海绵,含量为20%~50%,附礁生物主要有藻类、有孔虫、蜓类等。储层岩性主要以礁灰岩及生物屑亮晶灰岩为主,岩石白云化程度较低,孔洞较丰富,但多被方解石晶体充填。通过与普光气田地下剖面对比,该区的沉积微相、岩性特征及储层岩石类型,与普光地区有明显差异。  相似文献   

地壳元素分布及其生态环境效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周国华 《物探与化探》1999,23(1):54-59,63
地球演化引起物质分异加上人类活动使元素在地表的分布很不均匀.从局部到全球,地球化学异常分布具有谱系模式.元素不仅是生物的基本组成物质,而且在生命活动中起着复杂而重要的作用.生物与其生存环境的协调平衡是生物演化和发展的基本准则,因此,元素地球化学异常的谱系分布模式对应着相应的生物作用和生态效应.本文初步探讨了不同级次地球化学异常的生态环境效应特征.  相似文献   

“三江”地区即金沙江、澜沧江、怒江流域,纵跨我国云南、四川西部,西藏东部及青海南部,面积近50万平方公里。该区地壳抬升快,江水对地表切割深,地表起伏大,形成了著名的横断山脉。在地质上称为“三江”地槽褶皱系。其地质构造复杂,深大断裂发育,岩桨侵入及喷溢频繁,矿产资源丰富,是我国有色金属重要蕴藏地,有有色金属成矿带之称。黑色、稀有,非金属及盐类矿床也有蕴藏,特别是固体  相似文献   

为研究矿山开采及修复过程中如何开展生物多样性管理,本文借鉴IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)发布的《矿山生物多样性管理系列指南》成果,将相关理论和方法应用到广东大宝山矿生态修复实践中。文章在介绍IUCN的“综合生物多样性管理体系”方法主要内容的基础上,将其作为大宝山矿实施生态修复依据,阐述了该管理体系在矿山生态修复工程中的应用,并结合广东大宝山矿的实际情况,提出了大宝山矿生物多样性管理的保护与修复框架,包括全周期的生物多样性管理手段,重点阐述大宝山矿生物多样性调查与监测、评价、保护与受损控制及恢复的技术方案,最后分析了对中国矿山生物多样性保护和修复的启示,IUCN矿山生物多样性管理系列指南对于指导我国矿山生态修复具有重要作用。  相似文献   

结构面对程潮铁矿东区地表及岩体移动变形的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以程潮铁矿东区为例,通过现场结构面调查、地表及深部岩体变形监测,分析了该区地表及岩体移动变形与结构面的关系。结果表明:程潮铁矿东区地表及岩体移动变形主要受该区复杂的地质条件控制,特别是结构面的影响,变形方向和变形量值均与理论预期不同。NNE、NE向结构面的存在控制着岩体向采空区运动的侧向边界条件,同时导致变形方向的向西偏转,NWW向结构面的松动导致东主井区岩体向采空区的倾倒变形,地表变形在南北剖面上呈三级阶梯分布;西风井相对东西采空区的特殊位置以及NE向结构面的影响使其变形值小于预期,是该区相对安全的主要原因。  相似文献   

缅甸岩溶地质研究正处于快速发展阶段,系统综合的岩溶地质资料有助于从宏观上了解缅甸岩溶情况。文章在系统收集资料的基础上,综合多种尺度地质图、水文地质图、构造图及其遥感资料,编制1∶100万缅甸岩溶地质分布图,从地质演化过程、岩性组合、气候环境等方面综合剖析岩溶作用的背景条件,以此总结缅甸岩溶分布规律和岩溶景观特征,为“全球岩溶地质”数据库提供基础支持。缅甸的岩溶分布面积达7×104 km2,是东南亚岩溶分布面积第二大的国家,厚层的古生代碳酸盐岩地层、复杂的构造运动、温润多雨的气候、活跃的生物活动等均有利于岩溶作用的发生,其发育峰林、峰丛、洞穴岩溶景观,岩溶景观资源潜力巨大,具有全球最高的生物多样性,但同时也面临着生态被破坏、干旱、洪涝等地质环境问题。  相似文献   

断层是油气纵向输导的主要通道,其发育特征与断圈的油气成藏有着密切的联系。通过分析恩平凹陷断层特征,将该区断层划分为2个断层系统4类不同活动期次的断层,并系统研究了断层的构造样式、活动性和封闭性对本区新近系油气成藏的影响。结果表明:恩平凹陷新近系发育7种构造样式,控制着新近系各二级构造带圈闭发育类型,翘倾半背斜和背斜是该区最有利的成藏类型;长期型断层和晚期型断层是本区主要的控运断层,在油气运聚与成藏中断层具有通道和封堵的双重作用,其封堵性制约了油气烃柱高度,而活动性主导了新近系油气富集程度,且断层生长指数为1.09是该区控运期断层纵向输导成藏的临界值,随着控运断层活动性增大,断层纵向输导能力增强,新近系圈闭成藏的概率越高。  相似文献   

生物土壤结皮研究:进展、前沿与展望   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
生物土壤结皮是由隐花植物和相关土壤微小生物与表层土壤颗粒胶结而形成的复合体,与维管束植物覆盖一样,它是干旱区地表的重要覆盖类型(其盖度达40%)。生物土壤结皮是荒漠生态系统组成和地表景观的重要特征,在不同生物气候区的荒漠景观过程、土壤生态过程、土壤水文过程、土壤生物过程和地球化学循环过程,以及干旱半干旱地区生态修复过程中发挥着重要作用。关于生物土壤结皮的研究是地学和生物学学科交叉的前沿研究领域,已成为国际干旱区地表过程研究的重要核心科学问题之一。综述了国内外该领域最新研究进展,分析了研究的趋势,讨论了其前沿科学问题和未来研究的重点,以期促进我国生物土壤结皮的研究,加深对我国干旱半干旱区地表过程的认识。  相似文献   

西北地区是中国西部大开发的主战场和重要的生态环境安全屏障区,该区气候变化直接影响到“一带一路”倡议实施中的水资源、生态和环境安全。在全球气候变化背景下,西北地区气候呈现出明显的“暖湿化”现象并呈东扩发展趋势,极端降水事件趋多趋强。一方面,降水量的增加有利于该地区的水资源可持续利用和生态环境保护;另一方面,极端降水的增加也对区域综合防灾减灾提出了新挑战。针对近年来备受关注的西北地区气候“暖湿化”问题,从其演变特征、形成原因和物理机制以及未来趋势预估等方面进行了总结和评述,归纳了已有的科学共识,并进一步剖析了当前研究中存在的问题和不足,最后对未来科学研究的重点方向进行了展望。对西北地区气候“暖湿化”趋势、成因及未来预估进行系统回顾,将对今后深入研究西北地区气候“暖湿化”问题具有重要的科学指导意义。  相似文献   

South Asia is the subregion of Asia with the most neighbors of China. Although the high mountains in the Great Himalayas spatially separate South Asia from East Asia along the border of China’s autonomous region of Tibet, the geographical items such as mountains and rivers link the countries in South Asia with China, resulting in a special and complex geopolitical environment and relationship. In this geopolitical relationship, the transboundary rivers are becoming a key issue of this region in an era of increasing water stress. Depleted and degraded transboundary water supplies have the potential to cause social unrest and spark conflict within and between countries in South Asia, and complicate the geopolitical relationship among them. In addition, the increasing impacts from climate change and human activities will definitely bring many transboundary eco-environmental issues in this region, projecting a big challenge to regional stability and development. The key issues related to the water resources supplement and exploration require the transboundary rivers to be a positive role in regional water resources utility and exploration, and the result will definitely affect regional relationship and water security. How to handle these issues and challenges will be a question for the countries in this region with a long time. Currently, the “Belt and Road” Initiative represents an opportunity to build a shared vision for common prosperity through regional cooperation and is a way to inject new positive energy into world peace and development. In the light of this, the countries with transboundary rivers in South Asia must come together to construct a cooperative mechanism of water security, and adopt a win-win cooperation for the use of transboundary rivers under the principles of “equal”, “equitable” and “reasonable”.  相似文献   

跨边界含水层作为地下水资源系统的一部分,涉及国家或地区之间的利益关系。文章分析了跨边界含水层问题,针对亚洲东部、中部和南部地下水系统,圈定了具有重要意义的跨国界含水层9处。对这些含水层,特别是我国边界上的黑龙江一阿穆尔河平原和伊犁河谷含水层进行了评价;对我国跨省界含水层进行了初步分析。研究跨边界含水层问题,对管理国家或地区之间共有的珍贵地下水资源,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

全球变化下跨境水资源理论与方法研究展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球变化影响下,水危机位列未来10年世界风险之首,以国际河流区的跨境水纠纷及其导致的地缘战略竞争最受关注。科学调控跨境水安全,保障国家水权益,面临诸多科学与技术难题。回顾了国际河流水安全与水权益保障的研究进展,判识了存在的问题及面临的挑战。围绕创建全球变化下跨境水资源利益共享理论与方法体系研究目标,提出了需要解决的关键科学问题、技术瓶颈和创新思路;设置了主要研究目标与内容、总体方案与技术路线。这些研究,将推进国际河流水科学研究发展,提升全球变化下中国管控跨境水安全风险、保障国家水权益的科技支撑能力。  相似文献   

跨边界含水层研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
韩再生  王皓 《地学前缘》2006,13(1):32-39
跨边界含水层作为地下水资源系统的一部分,与国际河流同样涉及国家或地区之间的利益关系。文中分析和总结了近年来对跨边界含水层研究的进展;对亚洲东部、中部和南部地下水系统进行了分析,圈定了具有重要意义的跨国界含水层9处,对这些含水层,特别是中国边界上的黑龙江—阿穆尔河平原和伊犁河谷含水层进行了评价;对中国跨省界含水层进行了初步分析。跨边界含水层问题的提出和研究,对管理国家或地区之间共有的珍贵地下水资源,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐社会具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
生态系统服务是国际生态学研究的前沿和热点,表现出向生态系统服务机理和区域集成方法两大方向发展的趋势.开展陆地生态系统服务研究,是生态系统恢复、生态功能区划和建立生态补偿机制、保障国家生态安全的重大战略需求.面向国家重大需求和生态系统服务研究的国际前沿,以主要陆地生态系统为对象,"中国主要陆地生态系统服务功能与生态安全"项目拟解决3个科学问题:①生态系统结构-过程-服务功能的相互作用机理;②生态系统服务功能的尺度特征与多尺度关联;③生态系统服务功能评估的指标与模型.通过上述研究,发展生态系统服务研究的理论与方法,为国家的生态建设和环境保护提供科学支撑.  相似文献   

关于中国西部干旱区生态环境演变与调控研究的思考   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
从中国西部干旱区的界定、自然条件特点的分析出发,结合国家西部大开发战略的实施,指出进行该区生态环境演变与调控研究的重大意义。提出了在时间序列上进行生态环境演变研究,在空间结构上开展生态系统结构、功能及生态过程研究,在时空耦合界面上探讨重大生态环境问题,进行生态系统的调控与管理研究的思路。并从生态环境形成演变、生态系统结构和功能、重大生态环境问题及生态环境管理等方面探讨了研究工作的技术路线。同时,指出了主要研究内容和需要解决的关键科学问题以及将要实现的研究目标。  相似文献   

Water reservoirs play an important role in areas with limited and erratic precipitation where water is stored and re-distributed later for different purposes. Irrigation is primarily a major water consumer in arid countries of Central Asia for the economic development, employment and food security of the region. The major rivers of Central Asia (e.g., Amu Darya, Syr Darya, and Zerafshan) are turbid watercourses. Sedimentation reduces the main reservoir asset i.e., its volume capacity. In addition, vast territories of the region’s countries have been transformed for agriculture to grow water intensive crops such as cotton, rice and wheat during the Soviet Union that dramatically accelerated soil erosion by water and wind. Thus, many man-made water reservoirs are affected by high sedimentation rates. Moreover, uneven spatial and temporal water resources and a Soviet-inherited unified hydraulic infrastructure have raised transboundary reservoir management issues over water resources allocation among the countries in the region such as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The rivers such as Syr Darya and Amu Darya are already regulated by more than 78 and 94 %, respectively and attempts for new reservoir projects upstream raises increased concerns of the downstream countries (e.g., the Rogun hydropower station in Tajikistan and the Toktogul reservoir in Kyrgyzstan). For instance, the uncoordinated use of reservoirs has caused the Arnasai lake problem in Uzbekistan with environmental, material damage and social unrest. The aim of this paper is first to review the present conditions and the role of man-made water reservoirs for irrigation in Central Asia with special focus on Uzbekistan, second to document past and current reservoir sedimentation conditions in Uzbekistan and third to discuss research carried out by Soviet and present-time local research community in the domain of erosion and sedimentation in the region.  相似文献   

Worldwide experience has shown that interstate economic integration can help states in strengthening of management of transboundary waters and international water law serves as a reference for developing of relevant interstate cooperation. Transboundary waters in Central Asia play important role in the economic cooperation among riparian states, including those who are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). At the current stage of transboundary waters management in Central Asia, the obsolete legal status is evident. The international water law sources developed under the United Nations’ auspices have no binding application due to luck of formal membership of the EAEU states in these treaties. Also the regional set of regulations, especially for the Aral Sea Basin, needs further enhancement and more efficient implementation. The bilateral interstate regulatory framework of the managemennt of waters shared by EAEU states in Central Asia requires development of additional rules to enable better accommodation of challenges existing in terms of the current interstate cooperation. Having said that can one further assume that EAEU could serve as a new legal framework for more effective cooperation on transboundary watercourses in Central Asia? The answer might be yes, but… the current stage of the legal framework for cooperation on transboundary waters within the EAEU requires sufficient enhancements in terms of developing its legal and institutional framework. The first condition for EAEU to serve as framework for cooperation on transboundary waters of Central Asia is to strengthen the regulatory framework for the cooperation of EAEU member states regarding environmental issues in general and transboundary water relations in particular, able to accommodate two main goals: environmental protection on the one hand and economic development on the other hand. The EAEU legal framework shall also lead to improvement of existing institutional cooperation and a dispute settlement mechanism on transboundary waters shared by the member states of the EAEU.  相似文献   

Estuaries, which lie at the end of rivers, belong to the interlocking area between marine ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems. In the estuary region, there are plenty of biological resources that carry many important ecosystem services. However, severe degradation of the estuary ecosystem in northern China has been caused by anthropogenic disturbances, including water pollution from upstream area, change of marine environmental dynamics, animal habitat loss, and unreasonable exploitation in the estuary region. In order to provide scientific evidence for restoration and conservation of the estuary ecosystem, we collected data from published literature to analyze the ecological problems in several main estuary regions in northern China, such as the Yellow River estuary, Liaohe River estuary, Haihe River estuary, Yalu River estuary, and some others. The main ecological problems in the estuary region of northern China include the input decrease of fresh water from rivers, the change of the sediment input from rivers, the destruction of the estuary wetland ecosystem, the environmental pollution in the estuary region, the erosion in the estuary region, seawater encroachment, the biodiversity decline of the estuary region, and the depletion of the fish resources in the estuary region. Meanwhile, the driving forces for these ecological problems in the estuary region were also assessed. Based on the analysis of these driving forces, we propose several pieces of advice for integrated estuary management in northern China, including the creation of a management system for estuary conservation, improvement of the means and strength of the environmental law execution, increased investment on scientific research in the estuary ecosystem, improvement of public participation on the conservation for the estuary environment and biodiversity, and construction of a monitoring system for the estuary environment.  相似文献   

能源与生态安全是关系国家社会经济发展的基础性和战略性问题,煤炭作为我国主体能源在一次能源中的消费占比长期保持在60%以上,但我国煤炭资源保障能力不足,存在浅部资源已近枯竭、深部资源开采难度大、西部开发能力弱、绿色煤炭资源保障程度低、接替资源储量不足、煤系共伴生矿产勘查开发程度低等问题;另一方面,矿山环境治理是目前生态环境治理的主体,亟需加大治理力度来保障新时代的“绿水青山”,对以往矿山环境损伤的修复治理工作需要进一步加强,新采矿引发的环境问题要逐步实现开发与治理同步。基于当前主体能源与主要生态安全保障问题,提出了资源勘查和生态勘查具体方法与路径,提高我国能源与生态安全保障程度。  相似文献   

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