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岩溶水系统的水化学曲线及其在水文地质研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了认识水文地质条件与岩溶泉水化学之间的关系,以西南地区的6个典型岩溶水系统丫吉试验场S31号泉、毛村地下河、官村地下河、陈旗岩溶泉、青木关地下河以及金佛山水房泉为例进行研究。通过对比发现,在这些强烈非均质的山区裸露型岩溶水系统中,仪器能够实现自动化监测的电导率、温度和pH值等指标的水化学曲线存在差异。分析可知控制水化学变化的主要因素如下:首先是降雨补给引起系统的水量与碳酸盐岩溶解过程的变化;其次是CO2气体随降雨进入含水层,促进碳酸盐岩的溶解;最后是地表污染物的淋滤。当电导率、水温、pH曲线出现降低和碳酸盐岩矿物饱和指数下降时,反映的是岩溶水的稀释作用;当电导率曲线出现高峰时,反映的是岩溶水补给的CO2效应,此时水中二氧化碳分压(pCO2)升高;当场雨中水化学曲线的变化滞后于水文动态曲线时,反映的是岩溶管道的活塞流效应;与人类活动有关的NO-3等污染物质量浓度在降雨后出现高峰,反映土壤的降雨淋滤作用,并可能影响电导率的变化趋势。某个系统的水化学曲线趋向于经常出现某几种效应,并且彼此的类型不同,表明了降雨补给的面状渗流方式和集中灌入方式对岩溶水影响的强弱不同,以及系统在径流方式和调蓄机制上的差异。一般而言:以面状补给方式为主的系统,水化学曲线多表现为CO2效应,较少出现稀释作用;而岩溶发育强烈的系统,降雨补给受控于溶蚀裂隙和管道,其水化学曲线较多出现稀释作用,较少出现CO2效应;以管道为主要径流方式的系统易出现活塞流效应,而包气带厚度大和含水层储水能力强的系统水化学变化被减弱。  相似文献   

黔中水利枢纽水源工程——平寨水库位于贵州高原三岔河深切峡谷型岩溶区,是保障黔中地区水资源安全的重要水利基础设施。文章采用水文水化学自动监测技术,对前期水文地质基础研究较为薄弱的平寨水库区间流域内的重要支流——三塘地下河系统的水文水化学变化规律进行了研究,在此基础上探讨了深切峡谷型岩溶地下河系统的岩溶发育规律及管道模式。研究结果表明,该地下河系统水化学动态主要受覆被CO2效应、有效降雨稀释效应和径流-排泄通道开放效应三者的控制。在不同时间尺度和大气降水条件下,水化学动态的总体变化特征不同,起主导作用的效应也有所不同。水温在年尺度上呈夏季高冬季低的变化规律,日尺度上呈昼高夜低的变化规律。电导率和水中CO2分压的动态变化,年尺度下,在覆被CO2效应与稀释效应的共同作用下总体呈现平水期较高丰水期较低;月尺度下,降雨初期可见明显的覆被CO2效应,降雨后则为有效降雨的稀释效应主控;在旱季无雨条件下的日尺度上,可见由径流-排泄通道的开放效应造成的水化学日动态。径流-排泄通道开放效应的识别,可为今后在岩溶水系统模型化研究中判断岩溶管道的承压状态提供水化学方面的依据。本研究对今后该区开展地表与地下水库联合调度、水资源合理利用研究提供了一定的水文地质基础。  相似文献   

黄荣  王发  陈洪松  付智勇 《水文》2022,42(3):20-26
表层岩溶泉的水文水化学特征是认识岩溶含水介质结构的重要手段。基于泉域水文地质调查,2018年对广西环江木连小流域内降水和泉水流量及电导率进行监测,利用端元模型与电导率频率分布分析方法,解析表层岩溶泉径流来源及对降雨的响应特征。结果表明:(1)年尺度上,受驱替作用排泄的水流分别占季节泉、常流泉总径流的32.3%和23%;(2)次降雨过程季节泉和常流泉径流均以驱替含水层中未联通的“旧水”为主,强降雨条件下存在的雨水稀释现象仅约占3.6%;(3)季节泉在次降雨过程中受多重水流补给且对降雨响应敏感,其中管道流和壤中流分别占23%、34.2%,以基质或岩溶裂隙释放的重力水流仅占10.5%,导致持续供水能力较差;(4)常流泉补给来源单一,次降雨过程中主要受到以基质或岩溶裂隙排泄的重力水补给(77%),具有较高的有效涵养地下水资源功能及供水可持续性能力。  相似文献   

以重庆青木关岩溶槽谷姜家泉野外观测试验基地为例,利用CTDP300多参数水质自动记录仪、NITRATAX plussc在线硝氮分析仪及HOBO小型气象站,分别对岩溶泉在不同降雨条件下水化学的动态变化特征进行了监测研究。结果表明:岩溶泉水pH值受偏酸性雨水的影响而降低;水温变化取决于降雨量、持续时间及气温等因素影响。分析认为,电导率的变化随环境的不同而不同,一般降雨环境下雨水的稀释作用仅表现在降雨的开始阶段,之后裂隙含水介质起主要作用;暴雨环境下雨水的稀释作用贯穿整个降雨过程,地下河水质主要受岩溶管道裂隙控制,水动力作用占主要地位。NO3-含量与电导率变化呈正相关,都与降雨量密切相关,从而说明降雨是导致岩溶区土壤元素流失的主要原因,也是造成岩溶山区地下水污染的重要原因。岩溶泉水化学动态变化的监测研究对于解决岩溶石山区居民的饮水、水土保持及石漠化治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

选取桂林丫吉试验场硝盐洞为研究对象,通过示踪试验和高分辨率水文水化学监测,确定滴水补给来源,研究典型岩溶包气带洞穴滴水对降雨响应的水文过程。研究结果表明,硝盐洞XY5滴水主要受到两种径流成分补给,即集中补给的管道流和弥散流。硝盐洞上部包气带中可能存在表层岩溶带含水层,长期维持滴水流量。滴水流量、电导率和示踪剂浓度的峰值均出现在强降雨时段,表现出快速响应的管道流特征,存在降雨阈值引起硝盐洞滴水降雨响应。降雨前岩溶含水层水分条件是包气带水文响应差异的主要原因,雨季滴水对降雨响应迅速,XY5滴水对降雨响应的滞后时间为10 h;而旱季对降雨的响应滞后明显,滞后时间达9.8天,体现了土壤和表层岩溶带的调蓄作用。74.4 mm降雨量是旱季转雨季滴水响应的降雨阈值。借助于洞穴滴水的水文动态变化和示踪试验技术对于研究包气带水文过程,深入了解岩溶含水层结构及特征,揭示岩溶区降雨入渗补给机制具有重要作用。  相似文献   

湖南保靖县白岩洞地下河流域水文地球化学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
白岩洞地下河系统工程主要是解决保靖县城供水水源问题。本文通过三个时段的大量野外实测数据,分析了白岩洞地下河流域内岩溶泉、地表水体和地下河水的岩溶水文地球化学特征及其动态变化。结果显示,该流域内岩溶泉可分为两个主要类型,一类是与深循环有关、沿区域断层带分布,其水文、水化学动态相对稳定,水化学变化受深源CO2浓度控制;另一类为岩溶表层带泉,受地表环境、降雨量影响大,水化学动态变化较大。而地下河及其支流水的水化学变化特征介于表层带岩溶泉和地表水之间,其三个时段的变化规律跟表层带泉相似,主要水化学指标枯季(12月)>雨季1(次年4月)>雨季2(次年7月),说明明显受降雨的稀释作用控制。  相似文献   

陈定容  罗伟权 《中国岩溶》1996,15(4):359-365
岩溶管道水系统为信息不确定的灰系统。本文依据贵州仁怀长岗出水洞地下河系统的流量动态长观资料,应用灰色系统理论原理,对岩溶管道水内在特征关联性进行分析,探讨了地下径流与降雨关系以及外源水对地下水的补给关系,并建立了岩溶管道水的GM(1,1)残差序列周期分析模型及包络模型,取得了较满意的结果。表明该方法在岩溶管道水水资源评价中具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

岩溶含水系统存在不规则的裂隙网络和管道结构,由于贮水空间的差异,导致水流运移的多变性和水动力参数的复杂难测。基于泉流量过程线的分析技术能够很好地识别岩溶系统中的管道流和裂隙流。文章将泉流量分为3个组成部分:前期蓄水量、快速径流和慢速径流,其中快速径流和慢速径流视为两线性并联水库,建立了前期降雨和瞬时单位线之间的识别函数,识别降雨在岩溶不同空隙类型中的水量分配系数,并将该函数模型应用到后寨地下河岩溶小流域。模拟结果表明,上游到下游前期蓄水量呈增加趋势,而水量进入管道中的分配系数分别为0.84,0.6以及0.48,呈现递减趋势,说明岩溶裂隙结构越往下游越发育。模型计算出的泉流量曲线与实测值相比,NSE达到90%以上,模拟效果理想。  相似文献   

济南泉水众多闻名于世,人类活动造成泉水断流。为恢复名泉,多年来一直实施地下水自备井限采、集中开采的水源地禁采、回灌补源等措施,但保泉效果并不明显。根据泉水位观测、示踪试验、水质指标测试、岩溶发育程度分析、数理统计等方法,研究泉水补给来源的混合比例。研究结果表明:泉水位及泉水电导率动态变化特征揭示泉水补给来源存在季节性差异,丰水期泉水以东南方向管道流补给为主,枯水期泉水以西南方向裂隙流补给为主;岩溶水系统排泄区的水位动态与泉水位具有明显的相关性,奥陶系灰岩补给区地下水位与泉水位的相关性高于张夏组岩溶水水位与泉水位的相关性,枯水期在张夏组灰岩含水层进行回灌补源并不能遏制泉水位下降的势态;根据42组水质资料计算,泉水的Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Cl~-、SO4~(2-)、总硬度等常规离子组分含量介于寒武系张夏组岩溶水和奥陶系岩溶水之间,四大泉群流量中,来自张夏组含水层的补给比例占11%~32%,凤山组—奥陶系含水层的补给比例占24%~60%,历阳湖占5%~10%,兴济河占0~6%,玉符河占1%~8%,市区回灌对五龙潭的流量有重要影响。可见,北方岩溶发育极其不均,泉水动态变化反映出北方岩溶的管道流与裂隙流并存,济南保泉回灌补源地点宜选择在奥陶系灰岩分布区。  相似文献   

基于我国南方地区岩溶发育极不均匀、水位水质动态变化快的特点,通过对信息熵法和防污性能法所得结果的对比,分析在缺少系列监测资料条件下,利用岩溶水系统防污性能评价结果快速布设地下河系统水动态监测网的可行性及其布设原则。根据防污性能评价结果,结合水循环特征,桂林海洋寨底地下河系统水动态监测网需由17个监测站组成;采用信息熵法对现有35个监测站进行优化后,认为只需要12个监测站就可组成最优监测网,但这12个监测站点与采用防污性能评价法得到的点位完全重合,且均位于防污性能差的地区。对比分析认为,以地下水系统防污性能评价结果布设地下水动态监测网是可行性的,因为岩溶发育区既是防污性能差的地区,也是地下水动态变化快的地区,能充分反映地下河系统水质水量变化。采用防污性能评价法布设地下水动态监测网时,需要充分认识和了解地下河系统水文地质条件和地下河管道结构特征,且需要遵循以下原则:(1)在岩溶发育相对较弱的系统中部(基本上不存在防污性能差的地区)不设置监测站点;(2)在距离地下河出口较近的岩溶发育区内(即防污性能差的地区)监测站点可由地下河出口替代;(3)对于多支管道系统,岩溶发育相对较弱且距离较短的小型支管道上可以不布设监测站,由支管道与主管道交汇处的监测站代替。  相似文献   

The motion of a zero-mass point under the action of gravitation toward a central body and a perturbing acceleration P is considered. The magnitude of P is taken to be small compared to the main acceleration due to the gravitation of the central body, and the components of the vector P are taken to be constant in a reference frame with its origin at the central body and its axes directed along the velocity vector, normal to the velocity vector in the plane of the osculating orbit, and along the binormal. The equations in the mean elements were obtained in an earlier study. The algorithm used to solve these equations is given in this study. This algorithm is analogous to one constructed earlier for the case when P is constant in a reference frame tied to the radius vector. The properties of the solutions are similar. The main difference is that, in the most important cases, the quadratures to which the solution reduces lead to non-elementary functions. However, they can be expressed as series in powers of the eccentricity e that converge for e < 1, and often also for e = 1.  相似文献   

Geological materials are largely heterogeneous and are typically comprised of approximately ellipsoidal objects immersed in a matrix with different physical properties. Methodologies for the identification of ancient regional tectonic patterns may be developed based on an understanding of the behaviour of heterogeneous materials. In this contribution, the differential equation governing the rotation of a deformable ellipse immersed in a viscous fluid is considered and is found to contain a singularity when the ellipse becomes circular in shape. This problem is avoided by reformulating the equations using the standard algebraic representation of an ellipse. Thus, the equations can be numerically solved without difficulty.  相似文献   

An MHD model for the formation of a jet in the vicinity of a compact object with a supersonic accretion regime is constructed, assuming that the plasma is perfectly electrically conducting. A stable, collimated jet of plasma along the z axis symmetric about the plane of the accretion disk is obtained. The parameters of the jet are in good agreement-with available observational data on the structure and properties of jets.  相似文献   

长江三角洲千年冬温序列与古里雅冰芯比较   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用长江三角洲史料优势, 重建公元820年代以来, 年代级冬温序列. 为测试古里雅冰芯记录的影响力, 与之作比较研究. 结果显示: 其年代级变化背景有很好的对应关系 , 年代级变化有大同小异的复杂情况. 舍弃量级, 就年代级温度, 降水升降, 约有一半是同步的, 且有大致对应的温湿组合. 说明两地虽远隔数千公里, 环境生态条件悬殊, 年代级气候变化仍有响应. 最后就形成响应的成因机制作初步分析.  相似文献   

The theory required to calculate the phase matrix for resonance scattering in the presence of a magnetic field is set out. Interference effects between radiation from individual magnetic sublevels of the atom are taken into account. Errors in the algorithms used to calculate the phase matrix published earlier by other authors are identified.  相似文献   

An estimate of the groundwater budget at the catchment scale is extremely important for the sustainable management of available water resources. Water resources are generally subjected to over-exploitation for agricultural and domestic purposes in agrarian economies like India. The double water-table fluctuation method is a reliable method for calculating the water budget in semi-arid crystalline rock areas. Extensive measurements of water levels from a dense network before and after the monsoon rainfall were made in a 53 km2 watershed in southern India and various components of the water balance were then calculated. Later, water level data underwent geostatistical analyses to determine the priority and/or redundancy of each measurement point using a cross-validation method. An optimal network evolved from these analyses. The network was then used in re-calculation of the water-balance components. It was established that such an optimized network provides far fewer measurement points without considerably changing the conclusions regarding groundwater budget. This exercise is helpful in reducing the time and expenditure involved in exhaustive piezometric surveys and also in determining the water budget for large watersheds (watersheds greater than 50 km2).  相似文献   

This paper deals with a significant process of decohesion of a marly limestone, taking place in the cloister of the medieval Cathedral of Cefalù, a pleasant town on the northern coast of Sicily. After desalination with deionised water and consolidation with ethyl silicate, the decay of the stone became faster. The aim of our study is to characterise the stony material and investigate the observed decay phenomena. The stone, that is a poor building material indeed, is characterised by means of petrographical, chemical and physical analyses on samples taken from the monument. Furthermore, experimental tests are performed in the laboratory in order to highlight the causes of incompatibility between the stone and the applied treatments.  相似文献   

The spatial motion of a star in the vicinity of a globular cluster located in an inhomogeneous, rotating elliptical galaxy (EG) is considered. Perturbations due to the gravitation of the galaxy are taken into account, taking it to be a two-layer system together with its halo: an inner ellipsoid, representing the lumious part of the galaxy, and a homeoid, representing space filled with dark matter between inner and outer ellipsoidal boundaries. The ellipsoids are taken to be homothetic and to have a common center, with the boundary of the outer ellipsoid coincident with the boundary of the galactic halo. The luminous part of the EG and the homeoid have different densities. The motion of the star near a globular cluster occurs outside the luminous part of the EG, but inside the homeoid. The concept of the “vicinity of the globular cluster” is concretized using the concept of a “sphere of influence” (and the gravitational sphere and Hill gravitational sphere). Stellar motions inside and outside the sphere of influence of the globular cluster are considered, and the region of possible motions is determined. A quasi-integral and surfaces of minimum energy are found, which under certain conditions can be transformed into an analog of the Jacobi integral and surfaces of zero velocity. The Lyapunov stability of the stationary solutions obtained is established. The results are applied to model EGs whose parameters coincide with those of NGC 4472 (M49), NGC 4636, and NGC 4374, which contain a large number of globular clusters, and are presented in the form of figures and tables. Using these galaxies as examples, it is shown that studying stellar motions, and also determining the libration points and establishing their stability, requires use of an exact, rather than an approximate, expression for the potential of the luminous part of the elliptical galaxy.  相似文献   

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