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1问题的提出 长期以来,我国建筑工程主要推行的是设计与施工分别承发包的模式。设计单位与施工单位泾渭分明,设计单位负责方案设计、初步设计及施工图设计,施工单位简单按图施工。在这种模式下,设计人员因为设计取费较低、施工配合费不落实、同时承担的设计任务过多、设计周期紧等原因很少到施工现场,造成设计人员对施工现场情形不熟悉、不...  相似文献   

一场设计界的盛宴——由教育部、科技部、文化部和北京市人民政府共同主办的2012北京国际设计周于9月28日至10月6日在北京成功举办。本次活动主题为"设计提升城市品质",由开幕式暨颁奖典礼、年度设计奖、主宾城市、北京国际设计品交易会、国际信息设计展、北京设计论坛和设计之旅7个主体活动构成,旨在展示设计对促进城市可持续发展,带动社会经济文化进步,推动设计产业发展,促进设计交易与设计消费,提升公众生活幸福指数的重  相似文献   

地下水源热泵是一种国内外正在迅速推广的新型节能环保型空调技术,但如果设计和运行管理不合理,会造成水资源的耗损和地质环境的破坏,因此需要加强其水文地质设计。地下水源热泵的水文地质设计包括水力学设计、热力学设计和地质环境保护设计。水力学设计的重点是维持地下水回灌能力,热力学设计的重点是防止回灌井导致的地下水过热和过冷,地质环境保护设计重点是防止水资源浪费和地下水污染。算例分析表明,抽灌井距的确定需要把水力学设计与热力学设计结合起来进行。  相似文献   

道路设计应注重节能设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民用建筑和公共建筑的节能设计已被国家列入强制性标准,在道路交通设计方面的节能设计尚未起步,从城市道路的规划、平面线形、纵面线形设计以及道路路面材料的选用、道路排水、道路照明、道路绿化、交通工程等方面的设计阐述城市道路设计中的节能设计。  相似文献   

针对建筑设计领域采用协同设计出现的问题,进行了深入分析,将设计实践与协同设计理论紧密结合,提出了建筑设计领域正确使用协同设计概念的方法。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条为贯彻落实科学发展观,推动工程勘察设计行业技术创新,提高工程勘察设计水平,引导、鼓励工程勘察设计单位和工程勘察设计人员创作出更多质量优、水平高、效益好的工程勘察设计项目,规范全国优秀工程勘察设计奖评选工作,特制定本办法。第二条全国优秀工程勘察设计奖是我国工程勘察设计  相似文献   

随着采修一体化海洋平台项目的日益增多,各平台从工艺设计到配管布置设计大同小异,如何更好地利用集成系统软件SP3D的复用功能以及配管模块化设计,成为提高设计质量及工作效率的重中之重。本文主要基于设计集成系统对海洋平台项目的复用以及对平台模块化设计应用探索进行阐述,实践证明,复用功能及模块化设计应用很大程度上提高了工作效率,缩短了设计周期,具有良好的实用价值。  相似文献   

基于我国目前勘察设计企业的设计管理的发展趋势与存在的问题,概述了协同设计的基本概念和特点,以及基于网络化的CAD协同设计面临的基础性问题,提出了CAD标准是规范勘察设计企业协同设计活动的基本准则的观点,同时介绍了本企业在CAD标准编制、实施以及不断修编和完善方面的基本情况。并根据积累的经验,介绍了设计企业在CAD规范编制过程中所应注意的内容分类方法与实施步骤。对一般设计企业在设计活动中的规范管理具有非常重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Rhino是一款功能强大的专业三维造型设计软件,广泛地应用于各种行业的设计领域。在珠宝首饰设计方面,国外应用Rhino设计珠宝首饰已较普遍,在我国的应用则处于发展初期。因此,研究和介绍Rhino设计珠宝首饰的技法,对于普及Rhino在我国珠宝首饰设计中的应用具有重要的意义。根据对Rhino在珠宝首饰设计中的应用研究体会,以设计精度要求很高的钉镶首饰为例,介绍了钉镶首饰的结构和设计要求,并结合两种简单典型的钉镶首饰模型实例,详细讲解采用Rhino进行精确的钉镶首饰设计的建模技法,供珠宝首饰设计人员和学习者参考。  相似文献   

随着中国勘察设计市场竞争的加剧,设计企业的设计和管理面临着众多严峻的挑战:建设工程的庞大、工期的缩短、变更越来越频繁等等,设计企业进行协同设计已经是整个行业发展的趋势。如何搭建适合设计企业自身的协同设计平台,是每个要进行协同设计的企业都面临的问题。Bentley公司的ProjectWise是个较为成熟的通用工程内容管理平台,本文讨论的是在此平台上定制开发,从而构建真正适合本企业的协同设计平台。  相似文献   

The first trans-Saharan epicontinental transgression began in the Late Cenomanian and peaked in the Early Turonian. The sea entered through rifts (Nigeria) and subsiding areas (north Africa) and, at maximum extent, spilled out onto stable craton. The central Sahara was land in late Early Turonian time; the sea seems to have remained in the central part of the Benue rift, to sally forth again during the minor Coniacian transgressive pulse. The Coniacian transgression went no further than eastern and central Niger Republic. For a short time during the Cenomanian-Turonian link-up between the Tethys and the South Atlantic, some organisms (mainly ammonites and pelecypods) passed across the Sahara. The Coniacian marine deposits of eastern Niger contain several elements typical of the Mungo River Formation of Cameroun, and coastal Nigeria. These faunistic indications imply that the topographical obstacle formed by the Zambuk ridge of northeastern Nigeria was swamped at maximum transgression. A third, very extensive epicontinental transgression began in latest Campanian time and reached its acme in the Early Maastrichtian. In the central Sahara, at least, there was a retreat of the sea in later Maastrichtian times. A final transgression peaked during the Paleocene, after which the sea withdrew permanently from the northwest African hinterland. The same marine ostracod associations occur in the Paleocene of coastal Nigeria, the Sokoto embayment, Mali and Libya, thus providing strong evidence of a marine connexion, albeit brief, between the South Atlantic and the Tethys, despite the lack of outcrop evidence in the crucial Niger valley region.  相似文献   

This paper explores the inherent contradiction and conceptual conflict that arises when sacred sites are marketed as secular for the purpose of promoting tourism. The question of conflict is further frustrated within the context of Israel’s contested religious landscape and Israeli policy. Using a Lefebvrian framework, the historical development of the Bahai Gardens in Haifa, Israel, the tourism board’s promotion of the site as Haifa’s primary tourist designation, and the distinct spatial practices that have been used by both constituencies are investigated. Further, the authors posit that the Bahai Gardens are multi-dimensional spaces characterized by two different socio-spatial processes and practices that co-exist—the tourist’s and the pilgrim’s. These practices transform the holy site into a secular shared community asset. The paper concludes with a discussion of the socio-spatial implications of the case and its broader implications concerning the globalization of tourism and the efficacy of developing “layered” Lefebvrian triad to try and avoid conflict.  相似文献   

Planning versus youth: Stamping out spatial unruliness in Harare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amin Y. Kamete   《Geoforum》2008,39(5):1721-1733
The paper examines the illegal occupation and use of urban spaces by Harare’s youth and the ensuing tussles with the repressive machinery of the local authority and the nation-state. It analyses efforts by planning to contain rampant spatial unruliness. The paper maps the patterns of official hostile responses to the illegal activities of the youth whose daily routines inevitably entail the disregard of the spatial planning framework as reflected in existing legal and regulatory controls. The analysis reveals the reliance by the urban planning and management system on the use of force and violence, a feat made possible by the mobilisation of the repressive state apparatus. The discussion argues that what comes out in the relationship between the order-imposing planning system and the regulation-flouting youth is a situation that can largely be comprehended by turning to the non-progressive side of planning.  相似文献   

The post-glacial environmental history of Voua de la Motte, a small pond, was studied by the lipid geochemistry of a 6 m long core. Palynological studies show that the deepest part of the core goes back to 10,000 yr BP corresponding to the time of formation of the lake following the retreat of the Rhodanian glacier. Hydrocarbons, aldehydes, linear alcohols, sterols, monocarboxylic and monohydroxy fatty acids, were determined throughout the core both in the free and bound lipid fractions, as well as in the tightly bound fraction for the carboxylic acids. There is no clear evidence of a transformation from the unbound to the bound form, except perhaps for the α-hydroxy acids.Qualitative as well as quantitative fluctuations in the distributions of these lipid classes were observed upward in the core. An attempt is made to correlate these fluctuations with the bioenvironmental and climatological evolution of the Basin on the basis of information obtained from palynology.  相似文献   

Well investigated platforms have been selected in each continent, and the history of Cretaceous transgressions and regressions there is concisely reviewed from the available evidence. The factual records have been summarized into a diagram and the timing of the events correlated between distant as well as adjoining areas.On a global scale, major transgressions were stepwise enlarged in space and time from the Neocomian, via Aptian-Albian, to the Late Cretaceous, and the post-Cretaceous regression was very remarkable. Minor cycles of transgression-regression were not always synchronous between different areas. Some of them were, however, nearly synchronous between the areas facing the same ocean.Tectono-eustasy may have been the main cause of the phenomena of transgression-regression, but certain kinds of other tectonic movements which affected even the so-called stable platforms were also responsible for the phenomena. The combined effects of various causes may have been unusual in the Cretaceous, since it was a period of global tectonic activity. The slowing down of this activity followed by readjustments may have been the cause of the global regression at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A Barremian microflora is recorded in the terrigenous facies (Weald) of the Lower Cretaceous in the northern region of the Province of Valencia (Spain), these beds have been poorly dated up to now due to the absence of fossils. The Villar del Arzobispo microflora correspond unquestionably to the Barremian-Aptien period, but the numerical importance of derived forms from the Jurassic, the remarkable variety of forms of Cicatricosisporites, and the rareness of pollen of Angiosperms, indicate a Barremian age to be more likely.This discovery permits us to establish the stratigraphical relationship of this terrigenousfacies of Villar del Arzobispo with the dated “Weald” of other areas of the Iberian Chain and to give a complete chrono-stratigraphical interpretation to the different litho-stratigraphical units that constitute the Lower Cretaceous of this region.  相似文献   

This study of the Pontet mine aimed at updating the understanding of ore-structural geology setting and, in terms of archaeology, at pointing out how the geometry of structures influenced the medieval workings and the shape of the galleries. The mineralisation and the WNW–ESE dextral normal faults controlling its emplacement are assigned to the Eocene by analogy with the neighbouring La Gardette structure. This confirms the Late Eocene to Oligocene age classically proposed for Phase 1 and places it in the Eocene. The Prégentil-type P1 folds described by Lameyre (1958) are here attributed to Phase 1, which raises the question as to whether the contemporaneous tectonic uplift of the crystalline basement should also be assigned to Phase 1 rather than to Phase 2. To cite this article: J.-L. Feybesse et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

国际二叠纪年代地层划分新方案   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王向东 《地质论评》1998,44(5):478-488
国际二叠纪地层分会已就二叠系的统和阶的划分,命名及下界的层位达成统一意见,提出新的二叠系年代地层表,该表由3个最佳的区域性地层序列组成,即代表下二叠统的俄罗斯和哈萨克坦乌拉尔地区的乌拉尔统(CisuralianSeries)上二叠下部和上部的美国西南部的瓜德鲁普统(GuadalupianSeries)和中国华南地区的乐平统(LopingianSeries)。新表为建立二叠系内部界线的全球层型及点位  相似文献   

二叠纪末期发生的显生宙以来最大的生物绝灭事件,使海洋生态系统和陆地生态系统均受到重创之后,微生物岩广泛分布于全球正常浅海地区。研究认为,扬子地台在二叠纪末期存在一次海平面降低的事件,造成研究区二叠纪地层与早三叠世微生物岩之间存在沉积间断或剥蚀,并使三叠纪牙形石混入二叠纪末期的沉积物中。二叠-三叠系界线位于微生物岩层的底界;微生物岩形成于早三叠世最早期,相当于Hindeodus parvus带,是早三叠世最早期开始的海侵事件为其提供生长所需的可容纳空间。在Isarcicella staeschei带-I. isarcica带早期再次发生相对海平面降低事件,之后海平面开始快速上升。研究区早三叠世早期的微生物岩以凝块构造发育为特征,具有斑状、层状、枝状和网状凝块构造4种典型中型构造。结合前人的工作,认为微生物群落通过生物沉积和物理沉积作用形成球状体,球状体汇聚形成不同的中型凝块构造。研究扬子地台早三叠世凝块石的确切时代和结构、构造类型特征,为准确恢复生物大灭绝事件前后的环境变迁以及生物演化事件与环境变化的相互作用关系提供重要的证据。  相似文献   

寒武纪年代地层的研究现状和研究方向   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
全球寒武系的底、顶界层型已被确定 ,但寒武系内的统和阶一级的全球标准划分尚待进行。介绍了国际地层委员会寒武系分会有关建阶的意见和推荐的 13个分阶的层位 ;同时介绍了劳亚大陆新近提出的 4统 6阶的年代地层划分方案。回顾了我国的建阶过程 ,指出我国现有的阶一级单位实质上仍然是岩石地层单位 ,具有建立在单位层型上、底界被粗略界定因而时间意义不明确、对比性差、与岩石地层单位重名和不利于竞争国际标准阶和GSSPs等一系列缺点。在湘西、黔东地区新建的 5个阶可取代我国现有的中—晚寒武世年代地层系统。建议暂将我国寒武系划分为 3统和 9个阶 ,即 :下寒武统梅树村阶、筇竹寺阶、沧浪铺阶和龙王庙阶 ;中寒武统台江阶和王村阶 ;上寒武统酉水阶、瓦儿岗阶和桃源阶。  相似文献   

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