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This study is aimed at determining the level of environmental degradation as well as the concentration of trace elements in soil and stream sediments in order to evaluate the environmental impact of the mining operation. Twenty-five (25) soils and ten (10) stream sediment samples were collected from the study area. The physicochemical parameters were determined using appropriate instrumentation with the aid of a digital pH meter (Milwaukee meter) to measure the pH and electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, moisture content and loss on ignition of the soil and stream sediment samples. The pH of the soil sample ranged from (6.10 to 7.19); Electrical conductivity ranged from (21.3 to 279.4 µS/cm), moisture content varied from (0.60% to 7.20%), and the LOI ranged from (2.03% to 18.62%). The results of the analysis showed that the concentrations of the trace elements in the soils and stream sediment samples were slightly higher than the background values. Plots of the trace elements in stream sediment samples show moderate, consistent decrease downstream except at points where there was mine water discharge into the main river. The pollution levels of heavy metals were examined in stream sediment and soil samples using different assessable indices, such as the enrichment factor, which showed significant-moderate enrichment for Cr, Th, Nb, Zn, Pb, Y and Zr and the geo-accumulation index, which showed practically moderate contamination with Cr, Ni and Sr based on regional background reference values. Geo-accumulation index and contamination index for soils and stream sediment revealed uncontaminated to moderate contamination. Likewise, elements with moderate contamination were Cr, Ni and Sr. The Pearson correlation showed that there were significant positive associations among selected metals in soil and stream sediment samples.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of coal mining on groundwater quality in Talcher Coalfield area, seventeen groundwater samples for pre and post monsoon seasons were collected from borewells/dugwells and analysed for major ions and trace elements. Water quality analysis of major ions and trace elements shows elevated concentration in few groundwater samples. The water quality data was analysed using multivariate statistical techniques viz., factor analysis and cluster analysis. The result clearly shows that the variation in the season is due to recharge of rain water during monsoon. The factor and cluster analysis brought out impact of intensity by mining activity on groundwater regime. Discharge of mining seepage effluents and its interaction with the groundwater contaminate the surrounding groundwater regime. Multivariate statistical techniques are potential tools and provide greater precision for identifying contaminant parameters linkages with mining environment.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg+) concentrations in streambed sediment and water were determined at 27 locations throughout the Sacramento River Basin, CA. Mercury in sediment was elevated at locations downstream of either Hg mining or Au mining activities where Hg was used in the recovery of Au. Methylmercury in sediment was highest (2.84 ng/g) at a location with the greatest wetland land cover, in spite of lower total Hg at that site relative to other river sites. Mercury in unfiltered water was measured at 4 locations on the Sacramento River and at tributaries draining the mining regions, as well as agricultural regions. The highest levels of Hg in unfiltered water (2248 ng/l) were measured at a site downstream of a historic Hg mining area, and the highest levels at all sites were measured in samples collected during high streamflow when the levels of suspended sediment were also elevated. Mercury in unfiltered water exceeded the current federal and state recommended criterion for protection of aquatic life (50 ng/l as total Hg in unfiltered water) only during high streamflow conditions. The highest loading of Hg to the San Francisco Bay system was attributed to sources within the Cache Creek watershed, which are downstream of historic Hg mines, and to an unknown source or sources to the mainstem of the Sacramento River upstream of historic Au mining regions. That unknown source is possibly associated with a volcanic deposit. Methylmercury concentrations also were dependent on season and hydrologic conditions. The highest levels (1.98 ng/l) in the Sacramento River, during the period of study, were measured during a major flood event. The reactivity of Hg in unfiltered water was assessed by measuring the amount available for reaction by a strong reducing agent. Although most Hg was found to be nonreactive, the highest reactivity (7.8% of the total Hg in water) was measured in the sample collected from the same site with high CH3Hg+ in sediment, and during the time of year when that site was under continual flooded conditions. Although Hg concentrations in water downstream of the Hg mining operations were measured as high as 2248 ng/l during stormwater runoff events, the transported Hg was found to have a low potential for geochemical transformations, as indicated by the low reactivity to the reducing agent (0.0001% of the total), probably because most of the Hg in the unfiltered water sample was in the mercury sulfide form.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples from near-shore shallow water as well as deeper water locations N and NE of the island of Methana were investigated geochemically. Shallow water samples from Thiafi Bay reveal up to 38-fold enrichment of As, associated with elevated contents of Sb, Fe and Zn. Deeper water samples NE of Methana show moderate Mn enrichment accompanied with elevated trace metal concentrations of As and, in some samples, Cd and Cu. In an area, where small mounds of possible hydrothermal origin were observed on the sea floor, fine-grained Fe-rich sediment was sampled with enrichment of typical hydrothermal trace elements As, P and Sb. Element enrichment in the investigated areas off Methana corresponds in terms of absolute concentrations and element suite to comparable hydrothermally influenced sediments from other locations of the Hellenic volcanic arc. The region between Methana peninsula and Aegina Island is not marked by vigorous hydrothermal activity, but localised enrichments of Fe and/or Mn, As, Sb as well as associated trace elements typically found in hydrothermally influenced sediments were identified.  相似文献   

以贵州龙场地区水系沉积物中的Pt、Pd异常为研究对象,选择相容性接近的7对元素比值Cr/Ni、Nb/Ta、Pd/Pt、Rb/Cs、Sr/Ba、Th/U和Zr/Hf以及CaO、TFe2O3作为地球化学示踪指标,对龙场地区水系沉积物的物质来源组成进行了示踪探讨。结果表明:(1)龙场地区水系沉积物的物质来源主要为玄武岩风化产物,其中的高含量Pt、Pd是对玄武岩层中Pt、Pd高背景的继承和进一步浓缩富集;(2)根据对分布在灰岩区的水系沉积物物质来源的地球化学示踪研究,推测部分样品的物质来源应为玄武岩和灰岩风化产物;(3)根据对红岩村的水系沉积物物质来源的示踪研究,推断有热液活动和基性-超基性侵入体的物质成分,预测该地区具有一定的找矿远景。  相似文献   

洋中脊热液硫化物勘探技术的滞后,严重制约了对海底热液硫化物资源的勘探开发。以我国西南印度洋硫化物勘探合同区域采集的25个表层沉积物样品为研究对象,基于主量、微量和稀土元素检测数据,采用元素含量特征、相关性分析、元素对比值、特征元素三角图解,以及稀土元素分馏特征值等手段,开展沉积物热液信息研究。结果表明:样品所代表的大部分研究区域内主要为钙质生物沉积,部分样品元素地球化学特征受沉积物中玄武岩风化碎屑的影响,龙旂热液区的部分样品中表现出一定的热液迹象,稀土元素分馏特征和配分模式、(Al+K)?Mg?(Fe+Mn)三角图解可较好地指示热液活动。研究不仅为我国在西南印度洋的硫化物勘探提供基础数据参考,同时也是对海底热液硫化物勘探的沉积物地球化学找矿理论和方法的初步探索。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1399-1416
The Second Region of Chile (126,500 km2) is extremely arid, with a dramatic scarcity of water. The only water resource for the population (about 420,000 habitants) and the mining industry (the most important economic activity in the region) is the 440 km long Rio Loa. Moreover, this is highly enriched in As. In order to assess As concentrations and sources, and to evaluate the impact of mining activity on the water quality in the Rio Loa basin, water and sediment samples were taken at strategic points along the river and its major tributaries. The water in the whole basin is quite saline (total dissolved solids up to 11 g/l) and heavily enriched in As (average: 1400 μg/l) and B (average: 21,000 μg/l). These values are up to 300 and 100 times higher than the respective guidelines suggested by the WHO for drinking water. The quality of water is extremely poor along the tributary Salado, mainly fed by the El Tatio geothermal waters that are very rich in As (up to 27,000 μg/l) and other components. Sediments from the Rio Loa and its tributaries have As contents in the range of 26–2000 mg/kg (mean value of 60 samples: 320 mg/kg), and reach 11,000 mg/kg at El Tatio. Sequential extraction analyses show the As to be mainly associated with Fe–Mn oxy-hydroxides and residual phases, but part of the As (about 20%) is readily available being extracted from the exchangeable and carbonate phases. This result is in agreement with the correlation observed between As content in sediments and As concentration in waters in the area. The extreme arid conditions, high evaporation, and the lack of low-As tributaries contribute to maintain high concentrations of As and other components in the Rio Loa water to the mouth. Due to the oxidising conditions, neutral to alkaline pH, high salinity and high As concentrations, adsorption of As-species is not favoured. The main As source in the Rio Loa basin is considered to be natural, i.e. linked to the lithologies in the area. Smelter emissions and mining wastes, as well as the As-rich effluents from the water treatment plants, possibly represent additional sources.  相似文献   

The Eastern Desert of Egypt represents a remote arid area which is scarce in water resources. The area is characterized by many mining sites to exploit the phosphate deposits; thus, these activities can generate groundwater contaminants. The main objective of the present study is discussing the effect of the mining activities and phosphate bearing rocks on groundwater. The obtained results pointed out that the water bearing formations can be distinguished as Quaternary alluvial, Oligocene sandstone, Campanian phosphate limestone (Duwi Formation), and Precambrian basement rocks. Some of the investigated groundwater shows relatively high concentrations of trace elements compared to other samples, such as Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Sr. This is consistent with the analyses of phosphate rocks which are also enriched in the same trace elements. The high groundwater salinity is due to evaporation, limited re-charge, and leaching of salts in rocks. The results of speciation modeling reveal that majority of groundwater samples are supersaturated with calcite, aragonite, and dolomite, and some samples are also at equilibrium or supersaturated with hydroxyapatite. The groundwater quality in the study area evaluated for human drinking, livestock and poultry domestic, and industrial purposes is not suitable in most wells. It is obvious that the groundwater contamination occurs when drilling wells penetrate the phosphate bearing beds and not only at mining activity sites. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid any groundwater exploration from the Duwi Formation and also select the drilling sites outside the mining areas.  相似文献   

通过对山西省马兰煤矿2号煤层采掘面在开采和封闭时期的矿井水和沉积物的研究,揭示采掘面封闭前后对矿井水水质和沉积物的影响机理。研究结果表明:马兰煤矿矿井水均为SO4-Ca型水质,矿井水均富含SO42-和Fe离子;随着上部煤层的不断开采,3处矿井水呈现相同的变化规律,矿井水的pH值升高,Eh值降低,SO42-、Fe、Mn和Zn离子浓度随之下降,其中北一暗斜井处的矿井水水质变化最显著;矿井水水质指标和流速变化能够控制其沉积物的矿物组成和结晶程度,北一暗斜井处的沉积物在两次采样中由斯沃特曼铁矿变为针铁矿,而其他两处的矿井水沉积物矿物组分没有发生变化,主要由针铁矿组成。研究结果能够提高对老空区积水水质的预测精度,并对煤矿突水水源判识具有重要意义。   相似文献   

Plant and soil samples were collected from one uncontaminated and four contaminated sites (in the Dashkasan mining area western Iran). Total and water-soluble arsenic in the soil ranged from 7 to 795 and from 0.007 to 2.32 mg/kg, respectively. The highest arsenic concentration in soil was found at the ore dressing area (up to 1,180 mg/kg) and lowest at an uncontaminated area (up to 11 mg/kg). A total of 49 plant species belonging to 15 families were collected from four sampling sites. A significant positive correlation was detected between the concentrations of arsenic in plant dry matter and those in soils. The highest arsenic concentrations were found in Hyoscyamus kurdicus Bornm. (up to 205 mg/kg) and Helichrysum oligocephalum DC. (up to 162 mg/kg). These two accumulator species could have potential for soil clean-up by phytoextraction. The data have been compared with those for the Zarshuran mining area (north-western Iran) obtained in a former study.  相似文献   

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