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在地面沉降过程中含水砂层的蠕变量不可忽视。本文以石英砂为试验材料,研究颗粒粒径、级配及形状对砂土蠕变特性的影响,并从细观角度定性和定量分析其蠕变机制,建立与宏观变形的联系。结果表明:砂土的蠕变过程分为稳定蠕变、减速蠕变和衰减蠕变3个阶段,砂土的粒径、级配及颗粒形状对蠕变特性产生影响:粒径越大,级配越好,颗粒形状越复杂,则任意时刻的蠕变速率越大,最终蠕变应变也越大。砂土细观参数可较好地反映其宏观蠕变特性,砂土的最终蠕变应变越大时,颗粒破碎程度越高,颗粒最终平均形状系数越大,孔隙率变化越大,最终面积概率分布指数也越大。在此基础上,引入砂土蠕变潜力评价指数(Icp),提出了利用砂土颗粒与孔隙特征评价地面沉降中不同砂土层蠕变潜力的方法。  相似文献   

冻结砂土在动荷载下的蠕变特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
通过分析不同试验条件下的蠕变过程曲线,探讨了冻结砂土在动荷载下的蠕变模型,分析了最大加载应力,温度及加载频率对冻土蠕变破坏应变,破坏时间和最小蠕变速率的影响.结果表明,当最大加载应力变大时,破坏应变增加,破坏时间缩短,最小蠕变速率变快;加载条件相同时,温度越低,破坏应变越小,破坏时间越长,最小蠕变速率越小;加载频率变化时,最小蠕变速率的变化无明显规律,都在一个量级范围内,当频率变大时,最小蠕变速率略有变小的趋势.频率增加,破坏时间缩短,破坏应变减小.频率小于7Hz时,频率对破坏应变和破坏时间影响较大,而当频率大于7Hz时,随频率加快,破坏时间和破坏应变只略有减小.  相似文献   

高应力下颗粒材料一维力学特性研究(I):压缩性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王者超  李术才 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3051-3057
高水平应力作用下,砂土等颗粒材料中的颗粒将发生破碎。一方面,颗粒破碎导致材料的颗粒分布曲线发生变化:材料中的粗颗粒含量减少,细颗粒含量增加;另一方面,颗粒的破碎引起了能量的转化。由能量守恒定律,作用过程中外力所做的功一部分由粒间摩擦力转化成热能,而另一部分则消耗到颗粒破碎过程中。利用表面物理学理论,颗粒破碎能可以表达为颗粒表面张力在颗粒破碎中所作的功。由此得到了一维压缩条件下颗粒破碎量与宏观压缩量之间的关系表达式。为了验证得到的关系式,开展了砂土的一维压缩试验,并进行了试验数据的整理分析。研究结果表明,所得关系表达式能较好地反映高水平应力作用下颗粒破碎对颗粒材料压缩性的影响。  相似文献   

高水平应力作用下,砂土等颗粒材料中的颗粒将发生破碎。一方面,颗粒破碎导致材料的颗粒分布曲线发生变化:材料中的粗颗粒含量减少,细颗粒含量增加;另一方面,颗粒的破碎引起了能量的转化。由能量守恒定律,作用过程中外力所做的功一部分由粒间摩擦力转化成热能,而另一部分则消耗到颗粒破碎过程中。利用表面物理学理论,颗粒破碎能可以表达为颗粒表面张力在颗粒破碎中所作的功。由此得到了一维压缩条件下颗粒破碎量与宏观压缩量之间的关系表达式。为了验证得到的关系式,开展了砂土的一维压缩试验,并进行了试验数据的整理分析。研究结果表明,所得关系表达式能较好地反映高水平应力作用下颗粒破碎对颗粒材料压缩性的影响。  相似文献   

砂土层在地面沉降过程中呈现一定的蠕变特性。文章采用一维压缩试验对4 MPa 下砂土的变形特征进行了研究,并 采用改进的试验装置对砂土的微观结构进行了提取。通过对8 组不同级配砂土样的蠕变特性和微观结构分析,得到如下结 论:粒径单一的砂土在蠕变过程中更容易出现突变,砂粒受力后更容易发生破碎,产生滑移错动;砂土蠕变的蠕变量与砂 粒级配密切相关,砂土的粒径越单一且粒径越大时,砂土的蠕变量也越大;采用表征砂土颗粒形状复杂程度的形状系数, 从微观上定量分析了砂土在蠕变过程中发生破碎的情况和蠕变量大小,且形状系数越小,表明该种砂土形状越复杂,在蠕 变过程中砂土的破碎性越高,蠕变量越大。  相似文献   

高燕  余骏远  陈庆  史天根 《岩土力学》2023,(5):1385-1394
任何构筑物长久安全稳定的重要性使得土的时间效应成为该领域学者最为关心的问题之一。基于3D打印杆件的等效砂土颗粒,通过侧限条件下的蠕变试验,采用近景摄影测量与粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry,简称PIV)技术,从单颗粒运动与颗粒间接触运动的角度出发,探究密实砂土蠕变的内部颗粒运动特征及其与宏观蠕变变形的关系。试验结果表明,3D打印杆件能够很好地反映密实砂土蠕变的宏观变形特性,侧限条件下蠕变变形随时间的增加而增加,随蠕变应力的增加而减小,蠕变变形呈现出蠕变速率减小并趋于稳定的初始蠕变阶段与稳态蠕变阶段。其原因为蠕变最初阶段颗粒整体向下平动,并发生较大转动,颗粒间孔隙明显减小,蠕变变形主要由颗粒间孔隙的压密提供;而后颗粒间孔隙减小不明显,趋于稳定,颗粒发生不规则方向平动,蠕变变形主要由局部的颗粒位置调整与重排列控制,揭示了宏观的蠕变变形与微观的颗粒平动变化有着密切联系。颗粒间的接触运动随着蠕变时间的增加而明显增大。蠕变过程中,接触滚动和接触滑动同时发生,并逐渐集中在某些易发生移动的接触点上。强运动接触点的平均滑动距离与平均滚动距离存在着良好的线性关系,随着时...  相似文献   

丁金华  童军  张静  周武华 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2048-2054
针对高密度聚乙烯单向拉伸土工格栅进行了一系列不同环境因素条件下的蠕变试验,研究了应力水平、温度、化学作用、施工损伤以及砂土侧限约束等对格栅蠕变性能的影响。结果表明,温度或应力水平越高,格栅蠕变量越大,蠕变速率也越快;常规条件下单向拉伸土工格栅的蠕变临界应力水平不宜大于40%;化学作用可导致格栅蠕变量增大约10%,施工损伤对蠕变的影响非常显著;另一方面,砂土侧限约束下的蠕变特性与格栅的受力状态有关,填料约束以及上覆荷载作用可大幅降低格栅的蠕变量。  相似文献   

上海砂土蠕变变形特征的试验研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用室内单向压缩试验研究了上海砂土的蠕变变形规律和蠕变机制以及蠕变变形与应力历史的关系。试验结果表明,上海砂土具有明显的非线性蠕变特征,应变与应力、时间的关系可以用幂函数拟合;应力历史对砂土的蠕变性有显著影响,当荷载小于预压荷载时砂土的蠕变性显著减小。上海砂土的蠕变原因主要是砂土颗粒间的相互错动滑移所致。  相似文献   

通过对泥岩在4种不同加载速率(0.005、0.05、0.5、3mm/min)下进行的系列性单轴压缩试验和分级蠕变试验,研究了加载速率及其变化对泥岩的变形强度特性和蠕变变形的影响规律。结果表明,泥岩具有明显的加载速率变化效应且表现为等速黏性特性,即:以定速率加载时,不同速率对应不同的应力-应变关系;在变速率加载时,随着加载速率的变化,泥岩的应力-应变关系也随之改变。此外,泥岩蠕变前的加载速率对蠕变变形量和蠕变速率也有显著影响。随着泥岩蠕变前加载速率的增大,蠕变变形量和蠕变速率呈现出逐渐增大的趋势。泥岩的蠕变速率随着时间的推移表现出逐渐衰减的规律,其衰减过程可分为线性衰减、对数衰减和稳定3个阶段。基于三元件模型框架和加载速率变化效应,建立了泥岩的弹黏塑性本构模型,并将其用于泥岩室内试验的数值计算。对比模型计算结果与试验结果发现,弹黏塑性本构模型可以较好地描述单轴压缩条件下泥岩的加载速率变化效应。  相似文献   

基于物理和常规变形特性分析,认为某水电站坝基碎屑岩力学特性异常复杂,故采用岩石三轴伺服仪开展了系列的蠕变力学特性试验研究。首先,探讨了轴向、侧向及体积蠕变特性和速率变化规律;其次,分析了蠕变对偏应力-应变特性影响并开展了破坏岩样微细观电镜扫描试验;最后,在采用等时曲线簇法确定长期强度的基础上,以实际延性扩容为依据,认为岩石侧向体积扩容速率大于轴向压缩速率的临界点为快速蠕变破坏的标志,提出确定长期强度的新方法。结果表明,碎屑岩表现出显著的蠕变特性,蠕变曲线主要分为初始衰减和稳态蠕变两阶段,且最后一级应力施加后呈现加速蠕变现象;应力增加导致蠕变变形加剧,最终破坏表现出轴向压缩变形过大、体积延性扩容明显、稳态蠕变速率较大等特点,且蠕变速率与应力符合指数函数关系。岩样长期强度与三向稳态蠕变速率交点和侧向体积扩容应力阀值基本一致,为常规强度的54%~80%。试验结果旨在为相关岩石工程长期稳定分析及蠕变模型构建提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

The high mobility of rapid landslides is one of the most important subjects of both theoretical and practical interest to engineers and scientists. The idea that ultralow resistance could explain the high mobility inspires researchers to examine the shear behavior of granular materials under a wide range of conditions, but the response of granular materials to fast loading rates is largely unknown. The motivation for this study was to examine several fundamental issues of particle properties and mechanical conditions on the fast shear behavior of granular materials. Two granular materials were studied in the oven-dried state and were sheared by employing a ring-shear apparatus. Results indicated that angular particles (silica sand) had higher shear strength parameters than spherical particles (glass beads). In addition, the dilative process was observed during shearing, which depended on normal stress and particle shape. A slightly negative shear-rate effect on shear strength was observed for both granular materials under a certain range of shear rates. Furthermore, cumulative shear displacement had a significant effect on the degree of particle crushing. Fast ring-shear tests also revealed that shear rate had a slightly negative effect on particle crushing. Based on these experimental results, the possible applications of dynamic grain fragmentation theory to assess the high mobility of rapid landsliding phenomena were discussed. It was indicated that the magnitude and release rate of elastic strain energy generated by grain fragmentation played important roles on the dynamic process of landslide mobility.  相似文献   

李国英  傅华  米占宽 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):575-578
颗粒破碎是堆石料的一项基本特性,它对堆石体的变形和强度特性具有明显的影响。对于高堆石坝而言,在高应力场作用下堆石颗粒发生明显破碎,可导致坝体变形率增加。为了正确认识堆石体及堆石坝的变形特性和机理,研究了堆石颗粒破碎特性以及颗粒破碎的影响因素。采用大型三轴试验研究了堆石料的颗粒破碎特性,分析了堆石体干密度、级配特征、堆石颗粒强度等对颗粒破碎的影响,研究了应力状态对颗粒破碎率的影响,建立了颗粒破碎率的计算模型以及颗粒破碎引起的堆石体应变增量与颗粒破碎率的关系。  相似文献   

岩石颗粒破碎是影响粒状材料剪切强度和变形的最主要因素, 岩石颗粒破碎并不是想象的那么难, 像花岗岩颗粒有时在很小的压应力作用下就可以破碎。岩石单颗粒破碎的物理试验结果常常很离散, 完成大量单颗粒破碎的物理试验费时费力不现实, 采用离散单元法(Discrete element method, DEM)PFC软件模拟单颗粒压缩破碎试验, 既能克服单颗粒破碎物理试验的缺陷, 又能解决单颗粒破碎物理试验工作量大的难题, 是研究单颗粒破碎的理想选择。基于DEM的软件PFC2D, 将粒径为0.075~0.1245mm的基本粒子捆绑成不同粒径的单颗粒, 模拟岩石单颗粒压缩破碎试验, 观察颗粒破碎演化过程, 统计单颗粒破碎强度。计算单颗粒压缩破碎后颗粒分布的分维, 验证单颗粒破碎强度的分形模型和单颗粒破碎强度的尺寸效应。文中引用玄武岩单颗粒破碎试验结果, 与单颗粒破碎的离散单元模拟结果进行比较, 验证单颗粒破碎强度的尺寸效应和修正的Weibull理论的离散单元模拟结果。  相似文献   

We extended a previous study on the influence of Mg solute impurity on diffusion creep in calcite to include deformation under a broader range of stress conditions and over a wider range of Mg contents. Synthetic marbles were produced by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) mixtures of calcite and dolomite powders for different intervals (2–30 h) at 850°C and 300 MPa confining pressure. The HIP treatment resulted in high-magnesian calcite aggregates with Mg content ranging from 0.5 to 17 mol%. Both back-scattered electron images and chemical analysis suggested that the dolomite phase was completely dissolved, and that Mg distribution was homogeneous throughout the samples at the scale of about two micrometers. The grain size after HIP varied from 8 to 31 μm, increased with time at temperature, and decreased with increasing Mg content (>3.0 mol%). Grain size and time were consistent with a normal grain growth equation, with exponents from 2.4 to 4.7, for samples containing 0.5–17.0 mol% Mg, respectively. We deformed samples after HIP at the same confining pressure with differential stresses between 20 and 200 MPa using either constant strain rate or stepping intervals of loading at constant stresses in a Paterson gas-medium deformation apparatus. The deformation tests took place at between 700 and 800°C and at strain rates between 10−6 and 10−3 s−1. After deformation to strains of about 25%, a bimodal distribution of large protoblasts and small recrystallized neoblasts coexisted in some samples loaded at higher stresses. The deformation data indicated a transition in mechanism from diffusion creep to dislocation creep. At stresses below 40 MPa, the strength was directly proportional to grain size and decreased with increasing Mg content due to the reductions in grain size. At about 40 MPa, the sensitivity of log strain rate to log stress, (n), became greater than 1 and eventually exceeded 3 for stresses above 80 MPa. At a given strain rate and temperature, the stress at which that transition occurred was larger for samples with higher Mg content and smaller grain size. At given strain rates, constant temperature, and fixed grain size, the strength of calcite in the dislocation creep regime increased with solute content, while the strength in the diffusion creep regime was independent of Mg content. The results suggest that chemical composition will be an important element to consider when solid substitution can occur during natural deformation.  相似文献   

Evolution of Shear-Zone Structure in Undrained Ring-Shear Tests   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Undrained monotonic torque-controlled tests were conducted on fine-grained silica sand to study the shear-deformation process in granular materials by using a ring-shear apparatus. Shear-zone structures at various stages in the undrained shear tests were observed during a series of tests in which the experiments were terminated at different shear displacement. For undisturbed samples, the shear zone was only developed during the post-failure stage and its thickness increased with progressed shearing. First the shear surfaces had undulating and asymmetric structures; later they gradually became smooth and parallel to the shearing direction. During this process, pore water pressure was generated, and the effective friction angle decreased correspondingly. Generally, the shear zone could be divided into three parts: the compacted core, the adjacent zone above the core, and the adjacent zone below the core. Grain-size analysis on the sample from the shear zone revealed that grain crushing occurred during each stage and the extent of grain crushing differed for different shear stages. An interesting phenomenon occurred during the steady-state deformation where the coarse and fine particles within the shear zone segregated during motions and a parallel orientation structure developed. These results are helpful for understanding the mechanism of progressive failure in granular material as well as the rapid landslide with long runout study.  相似文献   

钙质砂是一种易破碎粒状材料。本文在分析颗粒破碎机理的基础上,提出了颗粒破碎与剪胀耦合作用的破碎功表示式,并用实验证明了相对破碎Br 与1,Wp,WB 之间的关系,从而建立了钙质砂颗粒破碎的评价指标及其能量公式。  相似文献   

This article deals with the effect of grain crushing on shear localization in granular materials during plane strain monotonic compression tests under constant lateral pressure. The grain diameter and the initial void ratio were stochastically distributed using a spatial correlation. To describe the mechanical behavior of cohesionless granular materials during a monotonic deformation path in plane strain compression, we used a micropolar hypoplastic constitutive model that is able to describe the salient properties of granular bodies including shear localization. The model was extended by introducing changes to the grain diameter with varying pressure using formulae from breakage mechanics proposed for crushable granulates. The initial void ratios and grain diameters took the form of correlated random spatial fields described by both symmetric and nonsymmetric random distributions using a homogeneous correlation function. The field realizations were generated with the help of an original conditional rejection method. A few representative samples of the random fields selected from the generated set were taken into account in numerical calculations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2002,63(1-2):93-98
Two granular materials — alluvial quartzy Zbraslav sand and granular silica gel — were tested with the intention to demonstrate the effect of grain crushing. Stepwise transformation of the compression curve produced by progressive grain crushing was observed. Due to grain crushing, shear strength envelope became nonlinear, and the behaviour was no more physically isomorphous. The shear stress–strain diagrams acquire a typical wavy (garland-like) form, induced by periodic softening and hardening of the soil response. The intensity of grain crushing depends (in addition to stress level, grain resistance and time) on the shear path. In the crushing phase, initial porosity and angularity play a secondary role. Many other behavioural features common with granular soils (like increase in dilatancy with density and grain size) are suppressed. Grain crushing thus produces a qualitatively different feature of geomaterial behaviour with grave practical consequences (dense sand, e.g. starts to behave like loose).  相似文献   

马林建  李增  罗棕木  魏厚振  段力群 《岩土力学》2019,40(12):4637-4643
珊瑚单颗粒破碎特性与珊瑚砂高压缩性、剪缩性及良好蠕变性等宏观力学行为密切相关。珊瑚颗粒的应变率效应对于不同形式荷载作用下珊瑚砂强度与变形特性研究具有重要意义。对约300颗珊瑚颗粒进行0.1~50 mm/min位移速率下的单颗粒破碎试验,探讨加载应变速率对颗粒破碎强度、破碎模式、破碎能量及破碎分形的影响。结果表明,珊瑚颗粒破碎强度服从Weibull分布规律,且特征破碎强度随应变率的提高非线性增大;随着加载速率的增大,颗粒主劈裂破坏往往先于棱角的局部碎裂和表面研磨,相应的荷载?位移曲线呈现出由峰前“多峰”向峰后“多峰”现象转变;珊瑚颗粒破碎能量密度和破碎分形维数同样具有明显的应变率效应,且均与对数应变率呈线性正相关关系,表征能量耗散和破碎程度均随加载应变率的增大而增大。  相似文献   

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