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北京城区土壤中Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu及Zn化学形态及环境效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为弄清北京城区土壤中Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu及Zn五种重金属元素的化学形态分布特征,系统采集了126件城区表层土壤样品,采用连续提取法对重金属元素各化学形态含量进行了测定。结果表明:土壤中土壤中Hg、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn含量差异显著。Hg元素以残渣态和强有机结合态为主,Cd元素离子交换态、碳酸盐结合态、残渣态、铁锰氧化物结合态含量较高,Pb、Cu、Zn元素以残渣态、铁锰氧化物结合态为主。Hg元素的有效态含量最低(不足1%),现情况下不会对环境造成污染;Cd元素的有效态含量最高(40%),生物有效性和潜在生态危害性较大,运用植物修复技术对其治理为经济有效的方法;Pb、Cu、Zn有效态含量较低(约10%),生物有效性和潜在生态危害性均有限。各元素形态与全量之间相关程度虽有差别,但基本呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

通过对安徽再生铅工业园周边0~20 cm深度的表层土壤及0~300 cm深度的剖面土壤中重金属含量、分布特征、赋存形态的研究及来源解析,发现土壤中Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni及Zn含量平均值分别为300.4 ng/g、39.45 ng/g、12.22 mg/kg、42.5 mg/kg、75.4 mg/kg、28.5 mg/kg、33.5 mg/kg、74.1 mg/kg,富集元素主要有Cd、Pb及Hg,其中土壤Cd、Pb富集明显受工业活动影响,Hg富集与工业活动无关。土壤Cd明显富集面积为21 km~2,影响深度为65 cm。土壤Pb明显富集面积为12 km~2,影响深度为20 cm。土壤Hg普遍为中度富集,富集深度为0~65 cm。土壤中Cd以碳酸盐结合态为主,其次为铁锰氧化物结合态,Pb以残渣态、铁锰氧化物结合态为主。Cd的碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态、Pb的残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态均与其全量呈显著正相关。研究区土壤环境质量较好,仅有9.5%样点Cd含量与5.4%样点Pb含量超过了《GB 15618—2018土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》规定的污染风险筛选值。  相似文献   

呼和浩特市大气降尘中镉赋存形态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Tessier连续提取法对呼和浩特市不同区域的9个大气降尘样品中镉的赋存形态进行了研究。结果表明,各形态含量在总镉中所占比例由大到小排列顺序依次是:铁锰氧化物结合态>残渣态>碳酸盐结合态>强有机结合态>可交换态。大气降尘中镉的5种形态占总镉的平均质量分数由大到小为:铁锰氧化物结合态31.80%,残渣态24.42%,碳酸盐结合态19.04%,强有机结合态14.61%,可交换态10.13%;铁锰氧化物结合态是主要存在形态;铁锰氧化物结合态镉、有机结合态镉、残留态镉这三种形态镉生物有效性很低,但当环境改变时可能发生镉释放,应予以关注。汽油和煤的燃烧以及工厂排放镉能加大城市大气降尘中的镉含量。  相似文献   

印染污泥中重金属形态分析及生物有效性   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
选取上海某印染厂的印染废水处理后的活性污泥样品,通过盆栽土培试验,用黑麦草对印染污泥进行修复,运用Tessier A连续提取法研究修复后黑麦草根际和非根际印染污泥中铅、铜、镍、锌、镉5种重金属形态的变化,以及重金属的生物有效性与植物中有效态含量之间的关系。结果表明,栽培后根际与非根际环境中各重金属元素具有典型的形态分布特征:铅主要以离子交换态和残渣态存在;铜主要以碳酸盐结合态和残渣态存在;镍由紧结合态(铁锰氧化物结合态+有机结合态)向离子交换态转移;锌的有机结合态和碳酸盐结合态有所增加;镉主要以离子交换态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,说明镉元素较活泼,具有潜在的环境影响能力,应该给予更多的关注。印染污泥中重金属的生物有效性与重金属元素的性质有关,铜、锌的生物有效性较高,其次是铅,最低是镍、镉。  相似文献   

金沙江(攀枝花段)水系沉积物中重金属的形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用连续提取法,并用原子吸收光谱法进行分析研究了金沙江攀枝花段水系沉积物中重金属的形态及分布特征。研究发现:①各重金属的形态以残渣态为主,离子交换态含量很少;②各元素的形态有自己的特点。铜在有机硫化物结合态中的含量较高,钴在碳酸盐结合态中的含量较高,铅锌钴的铁锰氧化物结合态均较高;③有效态对水环境质量具有潜在的危害。  相似文献   

煤及其转化产物中重金属形态分布研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
参考Tessier形态分析程序,对煤及其转化产物中的Mn、Mo和Pb的存在形态进行了实验研究,为原煤使用形态转化中的环境效应评价提供参考。结果表明,Mn、Mo和Pb在原煤、煤焦、气化灰、燃煤灰中的形态变化依次为:可交换态、碳酸盐结合态比例下降,铁锰水合氧化物结合态比例上升;各元素的可交换态和碳酸盐结合态含量之和在原煤、气化灰、燃煤灰中依次减少;对原煤和煤焦中的有机态重金属的重复及高提取剂浓度提取是有效的。  相似文献   

填海工程会扰动滨海地区的环境平衡,导致区域地下水中多种重金属浓度的变化.为探明重金属浓度发生变化的确切原因,为最大限度减少填海工程对环境影响提供参考依据,本文以深港西部通道填海区为例,通过实验室模拟填海条件,研究了填海区重金属迁移的关键影响因素.结果表明,填海区地下水中Zn含量升高与地下水淡化、淤泥氧化过程及填料风化有关;Co、Mn含量升高则主要与填料风化释放有关;Pb则保持较稳定的状态.  相似文献   

选取离石黄土中的黄土及黏土层和重金属铬作为研究对象,通过等温吸附实验及Tessier法形态提取实验,分析了Cr3 在离石黄土中的存在形态,并对其分布规律进行了比较,研究了离石黄土对Cr3 的去除机理.实验结果表明:黄土及黏土层对Cr5 均有很好的去除效果,吸附率超过98%.当初始质量浓度ρ0<100 mg/L时,其等温吸附曲线属Henry型.形态提取研究发现:黄土及黏土层对Cr3 的吸附形态以碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态为主,两者的总和都在95%以上,有机质结合态较少且相对稳定.受黄土及黏土层化学成分差异的影响,它们对Cr3 的去除在形态分布上存在一定差异,黄土中Cr3 的形态分布:碳酸盐结合态>铁锰氧化物结合态>有机质结合态>可溶态>可交换态;黏土层中Cr3 的形态分布:铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>有机质结合态>可溶态>可交换态.  相似文献   

为了了解岩溶区石灰土中重金属Cd形态分配特征及富集情况,在桂林毛村采集了3种处于不同发育阶段的黑色、棕色和红色石灰土进行研究。通过原子光谱仪测试了Cd质量分数,运用改进的Tessier分析法测定了3种石灰土中Cd的可交换态(EXC)、碳酸盐结合态(CAB)、铁锰氧化物结合态(OXI)、有机结合态(ORG)、残渣态(RES)5种形态,并对其指示意义及风险进行了分析与评价,结果表明,3种石灰土中Cd质量分数从大到小依次为早期黑色石灰土、中期棕色石灰土、晚期红色石灰土。形态测试结果表明:黑色石灰土和棕色石灰土中Cd形态以铁锰氧化态和残渣态为主,占土壤Cd质量分数的63%以上,且5种形态质量分数从大到小顺序均为铁锰氧化态、残渣态、可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、有机结合态;红色石灰土Cd形态以残渣态为主,占土壤Cd质量分数的76%,形态分配特征从大到小为残渣态、铁锰氧化态、可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、有机结合态。Cd稳定度和富集程度评价结果表明:在黑色石灰土、棕色石灰土和红色石灰土中Cd稳定度逐渐减小,环境二次释放风险逐渐降低;富集程度从大到小依次为黑色石灰土、棕色石灰土、红色石灰土,其中Cd在黑色石灰土中呈显著富集状态,在棕色石灰土中呈中度富集状态,在红色石灰土中呈轻微富集状态。潜在生态风险评价和健康风险评价结果表明,由早期黑色石灰土到中期棕色石灰土和晚期红色石灰土,土壤中Cd的生态风险和健康风险均逐渐降低。研究结果可为岩溶区土壤重金属Cd污染修复与治理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

北京市街道灰尘中重金属元素赋存状态及环境效应   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
刘春华  岑况  于扬 《岩矿测试》2011,30(2):205-209
采用Tessier的五步提取法,对北京北西—南东剖面所采集的街道灰尘样品粒度≤100μm组分中As、Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb和Zn等6元素的5个形态(可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机物结合态、残渣态)的分布特征研究发现,在可交换态和碳酸盐结合态中Cd的含量比都为最高,Pb、Hg、Zn和As在有机物结合态中含量比相近,铁锰氧化物结合态中Pb所占比例最高,而As和Cr主要存在于残渣态中。6种街道灰尘污染元素的相对活动性和潜在生物利用度顺序为:Cd>Zn>Pb>Cr>Hg>As。  相似文献   

Coastal reclamation has been carried out along the coastal areas near Shenzhen, China in a large scale since 1980s by dumping fill materials over the marine mud at the sea bottom. Usually the area to be reclaimed is drained first and some of the mud is air-dried for a few weeks before it is buried by fill. After reclamation, the terrestrial groundwater, which is relatively acidic and with high dissolved oxygen, gradually displaces the seawater, which is alkaline with high salinity. The changes in the burial conditions of mud and the properties of the pore water in the mud may induce the release of some heavy metals into the mud. Field survey confirms that the pH and salinity of the groundwater in the reclamation site are much lower than the seawater. Chemical analyses of mud and groundwater samples collected from the reclamation sites reclaimed in different years indicate that most of the heavy metals in the mud decrease gradually with time, but the heavy metals in the groundwater are increased. The release of heavy metals into pore water due to reactivation of heavy metals in the mud is of environmental concern. To understand why some of the heavy metals can be released from the mud more easily than others, a sequential extraction method was used to study the operationally determined chemical forms of five heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Cd) in the mud samples. Heavy metals can be presented in five chemical forms: exchangeable, carbonate, Fe–Mn oxide, organic, and residual. Ni and Pb were mainly associated with the Fe–Mn oxide fraction and carbonate fraction; Zn was mainly associated with organic fraction and Fe–Mn oxide fraction, while Cu and Cd were associated with organic fraction and carbonate fraction, respectively. If the residual fraction can be considered as an inert phase of the metal that cannot be mobilized, it is the other four forms of heavy metal that cause the noticeable changes in the concentration of heavy metals in the mud. On the basis of the speciation of heavy metals, the mobility of metals have the following order: Pb (36.63%) > Cu (31.11%) > Zn (20.49%) > Ni (18.37%) > Cd (13.46%). The measured metal mobility fits reasonably well with the degree of concentration reduction of the metals with time of burial observed in the reclamation site.  相似文献   

太湖MS岩芯重金属元素地球化学形态研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
采用BCR三步提取法对太湖MS岩芯沉积物中Cu、Fe、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn等6种重金属元素的化学形态进行了研究.结果表明,有效结合态的Cu、Ni和Pb主要以有机物及硫化物结合态、Fe-Mn氧化物结合态存在,Fe和Zn主要以Fe-Mn氧化物结合态存在,Mn主要以可交换态及碳酸盐结合态存在;Fe-Mn氧化物结合态的Ni、Pb和Zn与可还原态的Mn有较好的正相关关系,有机物及硫化物结合态的Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn与有机碳含量有较好的正相关关系;重金属形态分布体现了重金属元素地球化学性质的差异,以及重金属形态含量与沉积物理化性质的关系.沉积岩芯重金属元素形态垂向变化规律及次生相富集系数表明,Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn在沉积岩芯13~4 cm有效结合态含量较稳定,为自然沉积;4~0 cm有效结合态含量明显升高,存在一定程度的人为污染.根据137Cs测年结果判断,沉积岩芯Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn等重金属污染开始于20世纪70年代末期,主要污染元素及污染历史与太湖流域污染工业类型及经济发展阶段相吻合.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物中重金属的地球化学形态及特征分析   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
用连续提取法分析了太湖沉积物5种重金属的地球化学形态,对地球化学形态的组成和地理特征进行了分析研究.重金属地球化学形态配分的共同特点是可交换态最低,残渣态最高.两种形态中Cd的可交换态最高,Cr的残渣态最高,可交换态最低.Cd的碳酸盐态较高,Cr的最低;Pb、Cd的Fe-Mn氧化态较高,Cu的偏低;Cu的有机态最高,Cd的最低;Zn的地球化学形态比例大都处于中间.地域上变化较大的元素是Cd和Cu,变化不明显的元素有Pb和Zn.化学成分中Fe2O3、MnO与重金属地球化学形态的相关性最好,TOC与Cu的形态相关系数最高.综合对比分析表明,太湖沉积物重金属的生物有效性以Cd为最高,其次为Pb.  相似文献   

The species of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr in sediments of the Taihu Lake, China, have been analyzed using the sequential chemical extraction method. Variations in the chemical fractions of these metals and their geographic distributions have also been studied. For all five metals, the residual fraction is highest but the exchangeable fraction is lowest among all the fractions. Compared to other metals, Cd has the highest percentage in the exchangeable fraction, and Cr is associated mainly with the residual fraction. Cu in the organic fraction and Pb in the Fe-Mn fraction are the important species, whereas the lowest percentages are found for Cd in the organic fraction, Cu in the Fe-Mn oxide fraction and Pb in the carbonate fraction. With respect to spatial differences, the total contents in the non-residual fractions of the metals in bay sediments are found to be higher than those in other sediments. The fractions of Cd, Cu and Cr showed significant variations in different regions. The fractions of Pb and Zn, however, did not show significant variations in spatial distribution, suggesting different amounts and different paths of anthropogenic input for the metals. Comparisons of the metal speciation indicated that Cd might be the most bioavailable metal, followed by Pb.  相似文献   

Sequential core sediments from northwestern Taihu Lake in China were analyzed for grain size, organic carbon and heavy metal content. The sediments are composed of organic-poor clayey-fine silts. The chemical speciations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also analyzed using the BCR sequential extraction procedure. Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are mainly associated with the residue fraction; Mn is concentrated mainly in exchangeable/carbonate fraction and residue fraction; and Pb mainly in Fe/Mn oxide fraction and organic/sulfide fraction. The exchangeable/carbonate fractions of Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb are lower. The fractions of Ni, Pb and Zn bound to the Fe/Mn oxide have significant correlations with reducible Mn; the organic/sulfide fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn have significant correlations with TOC. The extractable fractions of Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn are high at the top 4 cm of the core sediments as compared to those in the deeper layers, showing the anthropogenic input of heavy metals is due to rapid industrial development. The heavy metal pollution history of the sediments has been recorded since the late 1970s, determined by the result of ^137Cs dating.  相似文献   

恬矿库周围土壤中重金属存在形态特征研究   总被引:48,自引:4,他引:44  
通过对大冶铜绿山铜铁矿尾矿库周围土壤中重金属形态分析实验,研究了重金属各种形态在土壤中的分布特征。由对比实验可知,尾矿库周围土壤中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd等重金属含量都显著地高于对照样品,书经受到重金属的严重污染。土壤中重金属形态分布征为:w(Cr、Zn、Fe);可变换态〈碳酸盐态〈有机态〈铁锰氧化态〈残渣态;w(Cu、Pb):可变换态〈碳酸盐态〈有机态〈残渣态〈铁锰氧化态;w(Cd):残渣态,有机  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,初步研究了干旱区绿洲土壤—胡萝卜系统中镉、锌、镍3种重金属的形态变化特征及其生物有效性问题。结果表明:供试绿洲土壤原状土中,Cd、Zn、Ni均以稳定的残渣态形式存在,而处理土壤中重金属被钝化的量有限,Cd的存在形式主要以碳酸盐态为主,Zn、Ni则主要以铁锰氧化态为主;3种元素的活性大小依次为Cd>Ni>Zn。根据回归分析,元素Zn对胡萝卜块茎和茎叶吸收Zn量贡献最大的分别是Zn的碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化态;元素Ni对胡萝卜各部位吸收贡献最大的均为Ni的铁锰氧化态。  相似文献   

A sediment core collected from coastal zone near the Qiao Island in the Pearl River Estuary was analyzed for total metal concentrations, chemical partitioning, and physico-chemical properties. Three vertical distribution patterns of the heavy metals in the sediment core were identified, respectively. The dominant binding phases for Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn were the residual and Fe/Mn oxides fractions. Cd in all sediments was mainly associated with exchangeable fraction. Influences of total organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity on the total concentrations and fractions of almost all the metals were not evident, whereas sand content might play an important role in the distributions of residual phases of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn. In addition, sediment pH had also an important influence on the Fe/Mn oxides, organic/sulfide and residual fractions of Cr, Cu, and Zn. Contamination assessment on the heavy metals in the sediment core adopting Index of Geoaccumulation showed that Cr, V, Be, Se, Sn, and Tl were unpolluted, while Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Co were polluted in different degrees throughout the core. It was remarkable that the various pollution levels of the metals from moderate (for Cu, Pb, and Zn) to strong (for Cd) were observed in the top 45 cm of the profiles. The relative decrease of the residual fraction in the upper 45 cm of the core is striking, especially for Zn and Cu, and, also for Pb, and Cr. The change in fraction distribution in the upper 45 cm, which is very much contrasting to the one at larger depths, confirms that the residual fraction is related to the natural origin of these metals, whereas in the upper part, the non-residual fractions (mainly the Fe/Mn oxides fraction) are increased due to pollution in the last decade. The possible sources for Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd contaminations were attributed to the increasing municipal and industrial wastewater discharges, agricultural runoff, atmospheric inputs, and runoff from upstream mining or smelting activities, which may be associated with an accelerating growth of economy in the Pearl River Delta region in the past decade.  相似文献   

为了解大亚湾表层沉积物中重金属的污染状况,对大亚湾海域23个点位表层沉积物中7种重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As)的质量分数、形态特征、来源控制因素以及潜在生态风险进行了研究。采用优化BCR提取法分析重金属元素赋存形态,并依据各种重金属元素的形态特征与沉积物基质属性进行了相关因子分析,了解其分布的控制因素。结果表明:大亚湾沉积物重金属元素呈现环带状分布特征,从岸向湾内逐渐减小;重金属元素质量分数的高值区主要分布于大鹏澳、哑铃湾及范和港附近;重金属元素赋存形态中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As主要以残渣态存在,Pb主要以可还原态存在,Cd主要以酸提取态存在;7种重金属元素各自非残渣态所占比率从大到小为Pb(78.83%)、Cd(78.65%)、Cu(48.54%)、Zn(48.10%)、Ni(38.31%)、Cr(28.43%)、As(27.76%),即Pb最高,As最低,表明Pb的迁移性最强;通过因子分析,大亚湾重金属主要为沿岸自然风化产物的输入,其次为工业废水及养殖污水。运用酸提取态风险评估法对重金属元素潜在生态风险进行评价,发现研究区所选重金属元素综合风险评价Cd为高风险,其余重金属为中-低风险等级。  相似文献   

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