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通过岩石热解、饱和烃色谱-质谱、镜质体反射率等分析测试方法,对凌源-宁城盆地小庄户剖面蓟县系洪水庄组烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型及成熟度进行了详细分析,综合评价了其生烃潜力.研究结果表明,蓟县系洪水庄组有机碳的含量分布在0.42%~2.65%,平均值为1.46%。应用Pr/n-C17与Ph/n-C18的相关关系及干酪根碳同位素分析,判断其有机质类型为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型.镜质体反射率Ro主要分布于0.62%~0.81%之间,平均为0.73%;岩石热解参数Tmax主要为429~447℃,平均值为440.44℃,指示洪水庄组烃源岩属于成熟演化阶段。综合评价认为,凌源-宁城盆地蓟县系洪水庄组具有良好的生油气潜力.  相似文献   

为了评价豫东地区煤系烃源岩生烃潜力,基于有机碳含量(TOC)、镜质体反射率、干酪根类型及显微组成等测试分析结果,探讨了豫东地区不同区块煤系烃源岩的有机地球化学特征,对比分析了不同区块煤系气资源潜力,提出煤系气勘探有利区块。结果表明:区内煤系烃源岩的有机碳含量偏低(小于1.5%);干酪根类型以Ⅲ型为主,偶见Ⅱ2型干酪根,利于生气;煤系经历了中二叠-中晚三叠世和晚侏罗-早白垩世2个大量生烃阶段,烃源岩热演化程度较高,镜质体反射率(Rran)为1.44%~3.80%,平均2.83%,有机质进入高成熟-过高成熟阶段,生烃量较充足。总体上,区内烃源岩生烃潜力属于差-中级别,砂泥岩储集性能相对较好,含气量高。煤系盖层主要为封盖性好的细砂岩、煤层、泥质岩类,煤系烃源岩气体保存条件好。研究认为研究区的睢西区块烃源岩具有埋藏深度较浅、有效厚度大、孔隙度高、含气量和含气饱和度高、有机质成熟度高的特点,为豫东煤系气勘探的有利区块。   相似文献   

通过岩石热解、饱和烃色谱-质谱、镜质体反射率等分析测试方法,对凌源—宁城盆地小庄户剖面中元古界下马岭组烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型及成熟度进行详细分析,综合评价其生烃潜力。研究结果表明,下马岭组有机碳的含量分布在0.15%~1.68%,平均值为0.67%。应用Pr/n-C_(17)与Ph/n-C_(18)的相关关系及干酪根碳同位素分析,判断其有机质类型为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ_1型。镜质体反射率Ro主要分布于1.26%~2.24%,平均为1.87%,指示下马岭组部分烃源岩属于高成熟演化阶段。综合评价认为,凌源—宁城盆地中元古界下马岭组烃源岩生烃物质基础较好、有机质类型好、成熟度高,可能发生过较大规模的生排烃作用。  相似文献   

刘家洪  杨平  谢渊  杜秋定  张娣 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1886-1893
通过对雪峰山西侧地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩的系统观测、采样和有机地球化学研究,总结了烃源岩的分布规律、有机质母质类型、烃源岩形成与沉积环境的关系、有机质成熟度等。牛蹄塘组烃源岩具有高有机碳、低氯仿沥青“A”、低生烃潜能的特征,有利烃源岩主要分布在黔北遵义、黔东天柱—城步、渝东南—湘西酉阳—麻阳一带及鄂西咸丰—张家界一带。干酪根镜下鉴定表明,有机质以腐泥组为主(75%~93%),饱和烃/芳烃占0.84%~27%,平均5.77%,牛蹄塘组烃源岩有机质类型为Ⅰ型。干酪根δ13Corg较轻,为-34.99‰~-25.36‰,平均-31.80‰,显示沉积母质以浮游生物及海洋性自养菌为主,部分样品有机质来源以藻类为主,结合Pr/ph分析,烃源岩主要形成于缺氧且通常是超盐度的环境中。沥青反射率为2.23%~4.32%,平均3.45%,等效镜质体反射率为1.84%~3.23%,平均2.43%,表明大部分样品已达到过成熟阶段。  相似文献   

解龙 《地质与勘探》2016,52(4):774-782
本文在南羌塘盆地土门地区获得一套上三叠统土门格拉组泥质烃源岩。通过有机质丰度、有机质类型和有机质热演化程度的分析,结果表明,土门格拉组泥质烃源岩有机碳含量在0.54%~1.36%之间,达到了中等-好烃源岩标准,局部达到很好烃源岩标准;干酪根镜检结果显示,有机质类型主要为II1型。镜质体反射率Ro为1.61%~2.76%,岩石热解峰温Tmax介于340~544℃之间,干酪根腐泥组颜色为棕色-棕褐色,表明有机质演化达到过成熟阶段。土门地区土门格拉组泥质烃源岩的发现进一步表明羌塘盆地上三叠统烃源岩具备良好的生烃(气)潜力。  相似文献   

应用岩石热解、氯仿沥青抽提、饱和烃气相色谱和色谱-质谱等分析方法,对首次在漠河盆地依列克得组发现的烃源岩进行研究。 结果表明:烃源岩由煤、油页岩和页岩构成,有机碳(TOC)质量分数>10%,干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ2,镜质体反射率(Ro)为0.56%~0.59%,属于低成熟阶段,烃源岩达到很好级别。烃源岩有机母质均以陆生高等植物输入为主,也有水生生物的输入,反映原始母质具有水生生物和陆源高等植物混源的特征。依列克得组沉积时期,湖盆水体含盐度及还原性具有较大的变化,处于淡水湖-咸水湖的交替状态,沉积水体分层比较明显,有利于有机质的保存和转化。  相似文献   

内蒙古东部林西地区是二连盆地外围石炭-二叠系油气勘探的重要潜力区之一.为了研究上二叠统林西组烃源岩有机岩石学特征,对野外露头剖面的林西组烃源岩开展了总有机碳、有机显微组分、镜质体反射率及岩石热解等测试分析.结果表明:林西组烃源岩总有机碳分布在0.63%~1.30%,平均为0.87%,所有样品含量均大于0.6%;有机显微组分分布在0.27%~3.66%,平均值为2.08%,其中95.24%的样品达到1.0%以上,表明有机质丰度达到了“较好”至“好”级别;镜质体反射率分布在1.26%~2.58%,平均值为1.88%,其中90.47%的样品含量大于1.3%,镜质体反射率较高,表明有机质成熟度达到“高成熟”至“过成熟”阶段;岩石热解氢指数分布在8×10-3~89×10-3,平均为27.52×10-3,表明有机质类型归属于Ⅲ型.综合评价表明林西地区上二叠统林西组烃源岩属于“较好—好”烃源岩,生烃潜力较大,具有较好的油气资源前景.  相似文献   

<正>渤海湾盆地各富烃凹陷内烃源岩干酪根类型以II型为主,排烃门限所对应的镜质体反射率大约为0.5%,但是盆地内各凹陷烃源岩镜质体反射率在进入古—始新统较高热演化阶段的层位后不再随埋深发生明显变化,实测干酪根镜质体反射率大多保持在0.5%~1.0%,怀疑与镜质体表面富氢使其芳构化作用受到抑制有关[1],本次研究通过对渤海湾盆地内11个主要富烃凹陷54口勘探井纵向上连续的烃源岩样品分析  相似文献   

刘曼丽  高福红  徐文 《世界地质》2016,35(1):184-190
为确定东岭鼻状构造带沙河子组烃源岩的发育程度,本文应用有机地球化学分析方法,对沙河子组的暗色泥岩进行了有机质丰度、类型和成熟度的研究。研究结果显示:有机碳平均含量为2.21%,生烃潜量平均值为9.13 mg/g,氯仿沥青"A"含量0.5%,总烃含量500×10~(-6),说明沙河子组暗色泥岩有机质丰度较高;有机显微组分中惰质组分含量较低,"壳质组+腐泥组"相对含量远远高于镜质组和惰质组。T_(max)为446℃~462℃,结合T_(max)与氢指数和降解指数的关系,指示有机质干酪根类型以II1~I型为主;镜质体反射率(Ro)为0.56%~0.71%,处于低成熟-成熟阶段。综合分析认为沙河子组烃源岩有机质丰度高,有机质类型好,有机质成熟度处于低成熟-成熟阶段,属于中等-好的烃源岩,以生油为主。东岭断鼻构造带沙河子组具有较大的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

对松辽盆地西部斜坡区中部吉白地2井上二叠统林西组的烃源岩发育特征及有机地球化学特征进行了系统研究.结果表明,该区上二叠统林西组暗色泥岩、板岩发育,单层最大厚度为29 m,累计厚度达138.42 m.有机碳含量为0.01%~2.10%,平均为0.62%,整体为中等烃源岩范畴,有机质丰度较高.应用干酪根碳同位素、干酪根元素法综合分析,判断其有机质类型以Ⅱ型干酪根为主,部分为Ⅲ型干酪根.镜质组反射率与伊利石结晶度分析表明烃源岩热演化达到高成熟-过成熟阶段,整体处于成岩作用阶段.综合评价认为该区上二叠统林西组具备一定的生烃潜力,且以生气为主,具有一定的页岩气资源前景.  相似文献   

Surma Group is the most important geological unit of Bengal basin, Bangladesh, because petroleum resources occur within this group. It is mainly composed of alternation of shale and sandstone and the shale fraction has long been considered as source rocks and the sandstone fraction as reservoir. These source and reservoir rocks have been studied by different authors by different approach but none of them adopted organic geochemistry and organic petrology as a means of study of source rock and their possible depositional environment. A total of thirty shale core samples have been collected from eight different gas fields to fulfill the short coming. The collected samples have been subjected to Source Rock Analysis (SRA) and/or Rock-Eval (RE) followed by pyrolysis gas chromatography (PyGC), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS), elemental analysis (EA) and organic petrological study such as vitrinite reflectance measurement and maceral analysis. The analyzed organic matter extracted from the shales of Surma Group consists mainly of Type III along with some Type II kerogen. The studied shales are mostly organically lean (TOC ±1%) and the extracted organic matter is fair to moderate. Based on these results, the analyzed shales have been ranked as poor (mostly) to fair quality source rock. The organic matter of the analyzed shale samples is thermally immature to early mature for hydrocarbon generation considering their Tmax and measured mean vitrinite reflectance values. The hopane 22S/(22S + 22R), moretane/hopane ratio and sterane parameters are also in good agreement with these thermal maturity assessments. The predominance of odd carbons over even carbons (most common) and/or even carbons over odd carbon numbered n-alkanes, moderate Pr/Ph ratio, low to high Tm/Ts ratio, comparative abundance of sterane C29 (i.e., C29 >C27>C28), Pr/nC17 — Ph/nC18 values, C/S ratio and dominance of vitrinite macerals group with the presence of liptinite macerals demonstrate that the organic matter has derived mainly from terrestrial inputs with an insignificant contribution from the marine sources. The condition of deposition alternates from oxic to anoxic.  相似文献   

The origin of the oil in Barremian–Hauterivian and Albian age source rock samples from two oil wells (SPO-2 and SPO-3) in the South Pars oil field has been investigated by analyzing the quantity of total organic carbon (TOC) and thermal maturity of organic matter (OM). The source rocks were found in the interval 1,000–1,044 m for the Kazhdumi Formation (Albian) and 1,157–1,230 m for the Gadvan Formation (Barremian–Hauterivian). Elemental analysis was carried out on 36 samples from the source rock candidates (Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations) of the Cretaceous succession of the South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL). This analysis indicated that the OM of the Barremian–Hauterivian and Albian samples in the SPOL was composed of kerogen Types II and II–III, respectively. The average TOC of analyzed samples is less than 1 wt%, suggesting that the Cretaceous source rocks are poor hydrocarbon (HC) producers. Thermal maturity and Ro values revealed that more than 90 % of oil samples are immature. The source of the analyzed samples taken from Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations most likely contained a content high in mixed plant and marine algal OM deposited under oxic to suboxic bottom water conditions. The Pristane/nC17 versus Phytane/nC18 diagram showed Type II–III kerogen of mixture environments for source rock samples from the SPOL. Burial history modeling indicates that at the end of the Cretaceous time, pre-Permian sediments remained immature in the Qatar Arch. Therefore, lateral migration of HC from the nearby Cretaceous source rock kitchens toward the north and south of the Qatar Arch is the most probable origin for the significant oils in the SPOL.  相似文献   

Based on gas chromatography and gas chromatography mass spectrometry techniques, the authors examined biomarker characteristics of the Ganquan Formation source rocks in the area of Dahulishan, Ejina, and analyzed the information and petroleum geological significance that were indicated by the source of organic matter, sedimentary environment and maturity and so on. Gas chromatography peak of saturated hydrocarbons from the Ganquan Formation source rocks showed "the former peak" of the single peak distribution, the main peak of carbon being C18 , indicating the main sources of organic matter with marine organic matter. Pr/Ph ranges from 0.3 to 0.6, indicating a strongly reducing sedimentary environment. Biomarker assemblages of the Ganquan Formation source rocks are abundant in tricyclic terpane with long side chains, with a high level of gammacerane, showing dominant distribution of C27 sterane. High contents of gammacerane in organic matter show organic facies of source rocks in the saltwater sedimentary environment. That average hopane/sterane ratio is 0.59, showing that algae have made more contributions to organic matter than bacteria. And the high level of C27 steranes shows that algae are the main source of hydrocarbon precursors. The Ganquan Formation’s methylphenanthrene index, which is an effective molecular parameter index to measure thermal evolution of organic matter, ranges from 0.35 to 0.50, and the conversion of vitrinite reflectance Rc from it is within the range of 2.00-2.09, indicating that the Ganquan Formation source rocks are in the over-mature stage of thermal evolution.  相似文献   

大杨树盆地中部甘河地区嫩江组烃源岩生烃潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙雷  卞雄飞  何大祥  张健  苏飞 《世界地质》2018,37(3):882-890
通过岩石热解、总有机碳、镜质体反射率、饱和烃气相色谱-质谱等测试方法,系统分析大杨树盆地中部甘河地区嫩江组烃源岩有机地球化学、生物标志化合物特征,评价其生烃潜力。结果表明,大杨树盆地中部甘河地区嫩江组暗色泥岩有机质丰度较高,属于中等-好烃源岩,有机质类型主要为Ⅱ型干酪根,处于成熟阶段,是一套好的烃源岩。烃源岩形成于还原性的淡-微咸水的水体沉积环境中,有机质来源为混合来源,且以陆生高等植物来源贡献较大。总体显示大杨树盆地中部甘河地区嫩江组烃源岩具有一定的生烃潜力。  相似文献   

在对额济纳旗及其邻区石炭系-二叠系的分布特征、岩性特征和沉积环境进行初步研究的基础上,通过对烃源岩展布、有机质丰度和热演化史的研究,结合储、盖务件与保存条件评价,总结了区内石炭系-二叠系油气地质条件.区内残留了厚数千米的上石炭统-上二叠统,岩性组合为碎屑岩+碳酸盐岩+火山岩,反映了裂谷型盆地的沉积特征.广泛发育的浅海陆棚相泥页岩具有较好的生烃条件,以Ⅱ-Ⅲ类干酪根为主,TOC含量中等,R_0一般为0.79%~1.08%,烃源岩演化以成熟为主,部分剖面受构造动力作用的影响达到过成熟.受盆地沉积与演化的控制,区内发育滨岸相砂砾岩、台地斜坡相生物碎屑灰岩、火山碎屑岩(或火山角砾岩)、火山熔岩、风化壳等多种类型的储集层.广泛分布的白垩系为良好的区域盖层,主要成烃期之后的构造作用以坳陷沉降或挤压抬升为主,有利于油气系统的保存.获得了一些与石炭系-二叠系烃源岩有关的油气赋存的信息,显示区内石炭系-二叠系具有良好的油气资源前景.  相似文献   

阿拉善右旗杭乌拉地区下二叠统埋汗哈达组烃源岩特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对阿拉善右旗杭乌拉地区下二叠统埋汗哈达组岩性特征、暗色泥页岩油气地球化学特征研究,总结了烃源岩纵向分布、有机质丰度、干酪根类型和热演化特征。下二叠统埋汗哈达组烃源岩分布层段集中,暗色泥页岩累计厚度160.1 m,占碎屑岩厚度的33.3%。有样品控制的暗色泥页岩厚度94.1 m,w(TOC)平均为0.75%,大于0.3%的样品占93.5%。其中:w(TOC)大于1.0%的好烃源岩厚度22.2 m,占样品控制厚度的23.6%;w(TOC)为0.5%~1.0%的中等烃源岩厚度45.5 m,占48.3%;w(TOC)为0.3%~0.5%的差烃源岩厚度16.5 m,占17.5%。甾烷相对含量具有明显的C27优势,族组分饱和烃含量显著高于芳烃含量,干酪根类型为II型。Rc平均为0.77%,表明干酪根演化进入成熟阶段,最高热解温度(Tmax)分布范围为350~550 ℃,属成熟-高成熟阶段。综合评价认为,下二叠统埋汗哈达组具有较好的生烃条件,以生气为主。  相似文献   

      凝灰岩致密油藏作为一种特殊的油藏类型,已受到高度关注,而烃源岩的质量对致密油藏形成起着至关重要的作用.为了研究新疆三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系火山岩油气藏成藏规律,本文在基本地质特征研究的基础上,通过岩石样品的岩石热解、干酪根碳同位素和饱和烃色质谱等分析测试,对马东地区卡拉岗组不同岩性烃源岩特征进行描述与评价.研究结果表明:凝灰质泥岩和白云质泥岩均具有一定生烃潜力,其中凝灰质泥岩生烃潜力大,有机质丰度高,总有机碳质量分数平均值大于2%,以Ⅱ型有机质为主;卡拉岗组烃源岩埋藏深度较小,镜质体反射率主要分布在0.5%~0.8%,总体上处于低熟—成熟阶段.纵向上各种岩性烃源岩与凝灰岩交错叠置,有利于形成源内自生自储型油藏,对卡拉岗组致密凝灰岩油藏的形成具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation, located in the Masila Basin, eastern Yemen, represents the major source rock in this basin. Organic rich shales from two oilfields (Kharir and Wadi Taribah) were analysed to evaluate the type and origin of the organic matter and to determine the factors controlling its deposition. This study is based on geochemical analyses of whole rock (total organic carbon content, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and carbon isotope data) and petrographic analyses on organic matter (kerogen maceral composition and palynofacies) by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Organic petrographic composition of kerogen shows that the Madbi shale is characterized by high amounts of organic matter, consisting predominantly of yellow fluorescing amorphous organic matter and alginite of marine origin. Terrigenous organic materials such as vitrinite, spores and pollen are present in low quantities. The predominance of marine plankton, as indicated by visual kerogen analysis, is consistent with reported carbon isotopic values. It appears that the high amounts of organic matter in the Madbi shale succession might be mainly due to good preservation under suboxic–anoxic conditions. Consequently the Madbi shales possess very good petroleum generative potential, owing to high content of hydrogen rich Type II and I oil prone kerogen.  相似文献   

内蒙古石拐盆地广泛发育下侏罗统武当沟组煤系烃源岩.在进行野外地质勘查、典型剖面实测、样品采集及实验分析基础上,进行了有机质丰度、有机质类型、有机质成熟度等有机地球化学特征研究,初步对其生烃潜力进行评价.研究认为,石拐盆地中下侏罗统武当沟组烃源岩TOC含量主要分布于0.7%~12.4%,有机质类型为Ⅱ2型和Ⅲ型,Ro分布于0.47%~0.71%之间,演化程度为未成熟-低成熟.武当沟组是内蒙古中部地区重要的生烃层系,具备非常规油气资源潜力.  相似文献   

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