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用激光粒度仪对南黄海中部(YSZD01孔)与北黄海西部(B45孔)泥质区沉积物短柱样进行高分辨选样(0.5 cm)的粒度测试与分析,并对柱样进行210Pb测年分析.B45孔柱样沉积时间为1913~2010年,沉积物以粉砂为主,粒度参数垂向波动较大.YSZD01孔柱样沉积时间为1909~2012年,沉积物为泥与砂质泥,粒度参数垂向变化较小.两孔在1958年、1971年、1980年左右砂含量突增,很可能归因于强度大的寒潮,其增强了黄海两泥质区的水动力环境,导致两孔在这些年份左右的粗颗粒沉积物含量突增.用粒级-标准偏差法得到B45孔沉积物敏感粒级组分为15.6~71.8 μm,YSZD01孔沉积物敏感粒级组分为23.7~500.0 μm,用其作为东亚季风变化的指标,显示自1910年代以来东亚冬季风强度增强,两孔在1925~1935年、1955~1964年、1974~1977年、1982~1986年这四个时期敏感粒级含量出现增加趋势,对应冬季风强度增强较为明显.从岩芯粒度来看,季风强度的变化体现为敏感粒级组分含量变化,季风频率的变化体现为敏感粒级含量波动的程度.  相似文献   

新疆柴窝堡湖沉积物中环境敏感粒度组分揭示的环境信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对柴窝堡湖沉积物剖面和流域表层沉积物进行粒度分析,结合沉积剖面年代序列,研究了柴窝堡地区的环境演变与沙尘暴事件。首先通过主成分因子分析,对柴窝堡湖沉积物剖面粒度不同粒级组分含量进行了研究,探讨了湖泊沉积物的物质来源,获得了两个主控因子F1和F2,它们控制了湖泊沉积物近97.7%的粒度变化特征。研究表明,F2代表了以57 μm为众数粒径的次总体,主要来源于地表风沙侵蚀;而F1为以7 μm为众数粒径的次总体,主要受流水作用控制。进而通过粒径-标准偏差法,提取了湖泊沉积物中环境敏感粒度组分,风成组分C2(20~209 μm)反映了区域风沙活动的历史,并揭示了1910-1930年和1980-2000年为百年来的两个沙尘暴相对活动强烈的时期。沉积物中记录的1980年和2000年左右的沙尘事件与器测记录及历史文献记载具有很好的一致性。最后利用均值突变诊断分析,发现柴窝堡湖地区1910年前后存在近百年来最强的沙尘事件,揭示了近百年来该地区一次最强的环境突变事件。   相似文献   

程良清  宋友桂  李越  张治平 《沉积学报》2018,36(6):1148-1156
基于新疆伊犁盆地肖尔布拉克黄土剖面粒度数据,以贝叶斯粒度端元模型法为主,粒级标准偏差法为辅探寻对气候变化响应敏感的粒级组分及其对粉尘来源示踪和古气候重建的意义。研究结果表明粒度端元组分EM1(众数粒径:21.22 μm)代表大气粉尘中较为稳定的背景值,其含量的变化与高空西风环流强度有关。EM2(75.29 μm)主要代表了近源河流沉积物的悬移搬运组分,可视为较敏感的古气候指标。EM3(47.5 μm)也代表了近距离的悬移搬运组分,可能主要由较粗颗粒对地表的碰撞磨蚀作用而产生。EM2记录了深海氧同位素2阶段(MIS2)以来的北大西洋气候波动事件,如Heinrich事件、YD事件等。贝叶斯粒度端元模型能够区分不同的沉积动力过程,在新疆黄土古气候研究中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地近50年来风沙活动的湖泊记录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
干旱、半干旱地区湖泊沉积物能否有效地记录大气粉尘源区的风沙活动历史对理解沙尘暴发生的气候和环境背景具有重要的意义。对于位于内蒙古浑善达克沙地南缘的夏日淖(湖)近代沉积物进行 137Cs/210Pb定年和沉积学分析显示,碎屑沉积物具有两个明显的粒度组分,其一是与当地沙丘砂粒度分布相同的中细砂组分; 另一为与大气降尘粒度相似的粉砂组分,自1957年以来反映这两个粒度组分相对变化的中值粒径和>63μm砂的含量都具有显著的变化。与浑善达克地区和中国北方气象记录对比发现,沉积物中值粒径和>63μm砂的含量分别与沙尘暴和6m/s风速(或大风)发生频次呈正相关,与温度呈负相关; 最近50年来这些沉积和气候参数具有总体一致的变化。这样的事实说明,夏日淖沉积物主要由风力搬运沉积的,其粒度与风沙活动存在内在联系,粗粒沉积物增加是风沙活动加强的结果。因此,干旱、半干旱地区湖泊中风力搬运的沉积物粒度受风沙活动强度控制,可以成为重建过去风沙活动历史的重要标志。  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物粒度多组分特征及其成因机制研究   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
利用高分辨率激光粒度仪MS2000对安固里淖、三台河以及长江等多个地点湖泊和河流沉积物样品细粒部分的粒度多组分分布特征进行了系统、深入研究。总结了其粒度分布特征及组分间差异并讨论了其成因机制。研究认为:1)湖泊沉积物粒度一般由多个组分叠加构成,表现为多组分粒度分布特征,其受控于水动力强度和搬运方式等因素。2)粒度分布最多可有6个组分(中值粒径范围分别为①<1μm,②2~10μm,③10~70μm,④70~>150μm,⑤150~700μm,⑥>700μm),其中前4个组分属悬浮组分(③组分是流域内风成作用强弱的判别标志),⑤为跳跃组分,⑥为滚动组分,整体分选性差。3)据粒度分布特征可分为湖滨、过渡和湖心三相,三相间粒度分布特征有明显差异,同时又存在此消彼长的良好过渡关系。湖滨相以④组分为优势组分,该组分含量越高,指示沉积物越靠近湖滨;过渡相④组分含量随距湖心距离靠近而减小,但②组分含量却在逐渐增加;湖心相以②组分占主导优势,该组分含量越高,指示沉积物越靠近湖心。4)湖相沉积物受湖滨拍岸浪和湖心波浪的影响而产生了明显的粒度分异规律。  相似文献   

东海内陆架泥区沉积物的环境敏感粒度组分   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:25  
肖尚斌  李安春 《沉积学报》2005,23(1):122-129
对东海内陆架泥质沉积区的DD2孔和悬浮体进行了陆源物质提取,应用激光粒度仪做了粒度分析,并分析了DD2孔粒度参数的垂向分布序列。通过计算粒级-标准偏差的变化获得了DD2孔沉积物中对沉积环境变化较为敏感的粒度组分,约 19和 130μm是DD2孔所属区域对沉积环境敏感的粒级,分别对应于东海沿岸流和风暴流沉积动力过程。敏感粒度组分含量随深度变化的分析表明,该孔上段的沉积作用主要受控于沿岸流,沉积环境相对稳定;而下段沉积环境变化大,是风暴流和沿岸流的混合作用沉积的结果。  相似文献   

为进一步探究定南大湖湖沼晚冰期以来的水文特征及气候变化,对研究区K02钻孔的粒度特征进行了详细的分析,采用粒级-标准偏差法和主成分分析法对348个沉积样品提取了对环境变化比较敏感的三个粒级组分:0.6~7.1 μm(组分1),20~44.8 μm(组分2)和89.3~447.7 μm(组分3)。结合湖泊沉积物粒度一般分布规律,并根据敏感组分2和14C测年数据探讨了该区域近16 ka B.P.以来的气候变化。结果表明在过去的16 000年里,大湖地区的水文及气候变化可以分为4个阶段:1)在16.0~11.5 ka B.P.期间,气候总体偏冷干,敏感组分含量增降比较明显,能较好的对应老、中、新仙女木事件和B/A暖期;2)11.5~6.0 ka B.P.期间,大湖地区进入了湿润的全新世适宜期,敏感组分总体含量偏低;3)6.0~3.8 ka B.P.期间,敏感粒度组分含量迅速升高且波动较大,大湖湖沼地区进入一个相对干冷的时期;4)3.8 ka B.P.至今为第四阶段,敏感粒度组分含量总体偏低,考虑到人为干扰因素,暂不做详细讨论。通过对大湖地区水文状况的研究发现,大湖湖沼地区自晚冰期以来气候变化很不稳定。与格陵兰GISP 2冰芯、董哥洞D4石笋及其K02钻孔其他指标的记录对比可以发现,敏感组分2对仙女木、9.5 ka、8.2 ka等冷事件的记录更加明显,也说明了大湖地区的气候变化具有全球性,这种气候变化可能与太阳活动有关。  相似文献   

以昌平区钻孔岩芯为例,分析沉积物粒级组分与磁化率大小变化的相关性。从厚约150 m的剖面选取590多个样品,分别测试从0.5~500 μm各个粒度区间颗粒的百分含量和磁化率。通过计算它们之间的相关关系,认为湖相沉积物磁化率的变化与0.5~30 μm间细粒物质的含量,特别是与0.5~10 μm区间悬浮物质的含量反相关,而与65~500 μm间较粗粒物质的含量正相关。这种相关性与黄土沉积刚好相反,反映了二者之间磁化率不同的变化机制, 蕴涵着一定的古气候信息。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠西北缘湖泊沉积记录的区域风沙特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
隆浩  王乃昂  马海州  李育 《沉积学报》2007,25(4):626-631
对位于腾格里沙漠西北缘的青土湖QTL01剖面进行了沉积物粒度分析,并利用粒级—标准偏差模型,提取出了对沉积环境变化敏感的粒度组分,60~550 μm粒级含量指示了区域风沙活动的强弱,而<60 μm颗粒含量指示了入湖径流量的变化。结合14C测年结果,探讨了10~2.5 Cal kaBP青土湖地区风沙活动和环境演化特征:10~7.8 Cal kaBP,<60 μm组分含量逐渐增加,指示湖区入湖径流逐渐增多,同时60~550 μm组分含量逐渐减少表明湖区风沙活动逐渐减弱,总体上表明了早全新世该区域环境逐渐转湿;7.8~7.5 Cal kaBP,60~550 μm组分含量几乎占该阶段沉积物的95%以上,表明风沙活动极为强烈,区域非常干旱;7.5~5 Cal kaBP,沉积物中<60 μm、60~550 μm的组分含量相对稳定,且<60 μm组分含量达到了10~2.5 Cal kaBP期间最高值,表明了区域风沙活动较弱,气候环境湿润稳定; 5~2.5 Cal kaBP,<60 μm组分含量逐渐降低,而60~550 μm组分逐渐升高,表明了区域风沙活动逐渐加强,入湖径流逐渐减小,指示了区域干旱化的趋势。  相似文献   

依据Stokes颗粒沉降原理将黄河利津水文站和汊河清八站的表层沉积物分别提取为<2μm,2~4μm,4~8μm,8~16μm,16~32μm和32~63μm的6个粒级,采用ICP-MS法对各个粒级沉积物的15个稀土元素进行测试。结果表明:黄河沉积物两个样品REE含量随粒度增大的变化趋势有细微差别,但总体随粒度大小呈"高—低—高"的不对称马鞍型分布,其中最高REE含量和最低REE含量分别位于<4μm的粘土粒级和4~16μm细粉砂粒级中; 各粒级沉积物经北美页岩标准化后,REE的配分模式一致,呈平缓的右倾型,相对富集轻稀土,明显的Eu正异常和Ce负异常。对各个粒级样品进行X射线衍射分析及体视镜下观测,石英含量随粒级增大而增加, 长石在8~16μm中含量最高,在16~32μm中,碳酸岩含量最高,随着粒级增大,重矿物含量逐渐增加,黄河沉积物REE随粒度的变化特征与粘土矿物对其吸附及流域碎屑沉积物不同粒级的矿物成分密切相关。  相似文献   

乌伦古湖沉积物粒度特征及其古气候环境意义   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
蒋庆丰  刘兴起  沈吉 《沉积学报》2006,24(6):877-882
利用乌伦古湖沉积钻孔的粒度资料,分析了粒度频率曲线、粒度参数和粒度组成等粒度特征,并探讨了乌伦古湖粒度代表的古气候意义。结果表明乌伦古湖沉积物频率曲线主要是正态单峰型,反映流水作用为主要沉积作用。岩芯下部(225197cm)沉积物分选较差,偏度和尖度较大,为浅水沉积环境;中部(197103cm)分选由差变好,物源由复杂变单一,为浅水沉积向深水沉积过渡环境;上部(1030cm)分选较好,物源单一,中值粒径减小,反映了湖水位的下降。沉积物粒度特征反映了乌伦古湖地区全新世降水、流水和风力作用以及湖面水位高低的变化。乌伦古湖一万年来的古气候环境演化大致经历了102507720cal.aBP的干旱、77202800cal.aBP的湿润和2800cal.aBP以来的偏干三个阶段。   相似文献   

乌梁素海湖泊沉积物粒度特征及其环境指示意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
结合放射性同位素测年,在对乌梁素海湖泊沉积物粒度的分析基础上,结合黄河以及河套地区相关文献资料,探讨乌梁素海在自然和人类活动共同作用下的演变过程。乌梁素海沉积物中黏土(<4 μm)平均含量28.7%、细粉砂(4~16 μm)平均含量34.4%、中粉砂(16~32 μm)平均含量17.3%、粗粉砂(32~64 μm)组分平均含量14.1%、砂质组分(>64 μm)含量整体较低,平均含量为5.5%。沉积物不同粒级范围颗粒含量的相关性分析表明,在1965年左右(岩芯深度20 cm)乌梁素海沉积物组分特征发生了明显变化。基于此,结合前期对湖泊沉积物中元素含量特征的分析,利用粒径-标准偏差方法,通过对比黄河泥沙以及流域沉积物的粒度特征,研究了约1965年前后两个时段的沉积物来源。尽管乌梁素海湖泊沉积物主要来源于黄河携带的泥沙以及河套平原灌溉退水携带的大量流域表土侵蚀物质,但同一物源组分在1965年前后这两个不同的演化阶段具有不同的粒级特征。1965年之前,<19.95 μm的粒级组分反映了河套平原灌溉退水携带的流域表层侵蚀物质组分特征,而19.95~181.97 μm的粗颗粒组分反映了黄河径流携带的泥沙,后者决定了乌梁素海沉积物的粒级特征。1965年以来,这两种不同来源组分的粒级变细,灌溉退水携带的流域表土侵蚀物质(<5.71 μm组分)控制了湖泊沉积物的粒度特征,并与总排干入乌梁素海的水量变化、围湖建堤以及扬水站的修建等人类活动强度密切相关。总体来看,上世纪六十年代以来,乌梁素海湖泊沉积物的粒度组成受人类施加的影响已经超越了自然作用的影响。  相似文献   

We used a 55-cm sediment core from shallow Chaiwopu Lake in the central Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, northwest China, to investigate climate and environmental changes in this arid region over the past ~150 years. The core was dated using 137Cs. We compared temporal changes in several sediment variables with recent meteorological and tree-ring records. Organic matter had a positive correlation with the Palmer Drought Severity Index in the central Tianshan Mountains, and the δ13C of organic matter had a positive correlation with regional temperature. We applied constrained incremental sum-of-squares cluster analysis to element concentrations in the core and identified three distinct zones: (1) 55–46 cm, ~1860–1910, (2) 46–26 cm, ~1910–1952, and (3) 26–0 cm, 1952–present. Between 1880 and 1910 AD, following the Little Ice Age (LIA), the sediment environment was relatively stable, climate was cold and dry, and the lake water displayed high salinity, in contrast to conditions during the LIA. During the LIA, westerlies carried more water vapor into Central Asia when the North Atlantic Oscillation was in a negative phase, and encountered the enhanced Siberia High, which probably led to increased precipitation. In the period 1910–1950 AD, the lake was shallow and the regional climate was unstable, with high temperatures and humidity. In the last ~15–20 years, human activities caused an increase in sediment magnetic susceptibility, and heavy metal and total phosphorus concentrations in the sediment were substantially enriched. Mean annual temperature displays a warming trend over the past 50 years, and the lowest temperature was observed in the 1950s. There has been an increase in annual total precipitation since the 1990s. The combined influences of climate and human activity on the lake environment during this period were faithfully recorded in sediments of Chaiwopu Lake. This study provides a scientific basis for environmental management and protection.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of modern climate and environmental changes in east Asia using inland natural climate archives can provide valuable insights on decadal–multidecadal climate and environmental patterns that are probably related to both natural and anthropogenic forcing. Here we investigated an 89‐cm‐long sediment core (TH1) from Tian Lake, southeastern China, for sedimentological, physical and geochemical parameters in order to understand climate and environmental changes for the latest two centuries. 137Cs‐ and 210Pb‐based age models show that the fine sand–coarse silt‐dominated core contains ~170 years (c. AD 1842–2011) of continuous sedimentation. Sediments with fine sands, low MS values, high water content, high TOC content and a high C:N ratio from c. AD 1842 to 1897 suggest intense hydrological conditions and strong runoff in the catchment, probably because of a humid climate. From AD 1897 to 1990, sediments with very fine sand and coarse silt, high MS values, low water content and unchanged TOC and C:N ratios indicate normal hydrological conditions and in‐lake algae‐derived organic matter. During this interval, the chemical weathering indicators show stronger weathering conditions compared with sediments deposited during AD 1842–1897, supporting the dominance of weathered surface soil input in the earlier interval and physical erosion dominance in the later period, respectively. Since AD 1990, the continuous decrease of geochemical proxies suggests human‐interacted Earth surface processes in the catchment of Tian Lake. A PCA revealed four dominant geochemical controlling factors – detrital input, trophic status, grain size and early diagenesis –, accounting for 26, 20, 18 and 16% of total variance, respectively. This study for the first time provides lacustrine geochemical evidence for the most recent two centuries of climate and environmental changes in coastal southeastern China, a region that is currently undergoing an inversion of critical zone, i.e. an overturning of its soil profile, owing to swift modernization.  相似文献   

Grain-size distributions of fluvial, eolian and marine sediments were explicated decades ago. For lake sediments, however, there is still great uncertainty in explaining the genesis of grain-size components due to the inherent complexity of their polymodal distributions. In this study, the grain-size components of the surface sediments of Daihai Lake, Inner Mongolia, were partitioned using a lognormal distribution function and the relationship between the identity of each component and the specific sedimentary environment was investigated. The data indicate that the modern clastic sediments of Daihai Lake contain five distinct unimodal grain-size distributions representing five grain-size components. Each of the components retains its identity including modal size, manner of transportation and environment of deposition although the relative percentage varies with the hydraulic condition throughout the lake. These components are specified from fine to coarse modes as long-term suspension clay, offshore-suspension fine silt and medium-to-coarse silt, and nearshore-suspension fine sand and saltation medium sand. The percentage of the components interpreted as an indication of nearshore environments displays a negative correlation with water depth across the modern lakebed, suggesting a model for linking the nearshore components in sediment cores to the lake level status in the geological past. The model was applied to a sediment core from the lake where high percentages of the nearshore components in the core sediments were correlated with low regional precipitations reconstructed on the pollen profile of the same core. The coincidences between two independent proxies do not only demonstrate the validity of lognormal distribution function in partitioning polymodal sediments but also reveals the potential of the grain-size component–lake level status model for lake’s paleohydrological reconstruction.  相似文献   

The development of a glacial lake impounded along the retreating, northeastern ice margin of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation and environmental conditions directly following the early Holocene deglaciation have been studied in NE Finland. This so‐called Sokli Ice Lake has been reconstructed previously using topographic and geomorphologic evidence. In this paper a multiproxy approach is employed to study a 3‐m‐thick sediment succession consisting of laminated silts grading into gyttja cored in Lake Loitsana, a remnant of the Sokli Ice Lake. Variations in the sediment and siliceous microfossil records indicate distinct changes in water depth and lake size in the Loitsana basin as the Sokli Ice Lake was drained through various spillways opening up along the retreating ice front. Geochemical data (XRF core‐scanning) show changes in the influence of regional catchment geochemistry (Precambrian crystalline rocks) in the glacial lake drainage area versus local catchment geochemistry (Sokli Carbonatite Massif) within the Lake Loitsana drainage area during the lake evolution. Principal component analysis on the geochemical data further suggests that grain‐size is an additional factor responsible for the variability of the sediment geochemistry record. The trophic state of the lake changed drastically as a result of morphometric eutrophication once the glacial lake developed into Lake Loitsana. The AMS radiocarbon dating on tree birch seeds found in the glaciolacustrine sediment indicates that Lake Loitsana was deglaciated sometime prior to 10 700 cal. a BP showing that tree Betula was present on the deglaciated land surrounding the glacial lake. Although glacial lakes covered large areas of northern Finland during the last deglaciation, only few glaciolacustrine sediment successions have been studied in any detail. Our study shows the potential of these sediments for multiproxy analysis and contributes to the reconstruction of environmental conditions in NE Finland directly following deglaciation in the early Holocene.  相似文献   

We investigated mineral aerosol (dust) deposition in the Aral Sea with intention to understand the variability of dust in central Asia and its implications for atmospheric circulation change in the late Holocene. Using an 11.12-m sediment core of the lake, we calculated bulk sediment fluxes at high time-resolution and analyzed grain-size distributions of detrital sediments. A refined age-depth model was established by combined methods of radiocarbon dating and archeological evidence. Besides, a principal component analysis (PCA) of grain-size fractions and elements (Fe, Ti, K, Ca, Sr) was used to assess the potential processes controlling detrital inputs. The results suggest that two processes are mainly relevant for the clastic input as the medium silt fractions and Ti, Fe and K are positively correlated with Component 1 (C1), and the fine size fractions (<6 μm) are positively correlated with Component 2 (C2). Taking the results of the PCA, geological backgrounds, clastic input processes into account, we propose that the medium silt fractions and, in particular, the grain-size fraction ratio (6–32 μm/2–6 μm), can serve as indicators of the variability of airborne dust in the Aral Sea region. On the contrary, the fine size fractions appear to be contributed mainly by the sheetwash processes. The bulk sediment deposition fluxes were extremely high during the Little Ice Age (LIA; AD 1400–1780), which may be related to the increased dust deposition. As indicated by the variations of grain-size ratio and Ti, the history of dust deposition in central Asia can be divided into five distinct periods, with a remarkably low deposition during AD 1–350, a moderately high value from AD 350–720, a return to relatively low level between AD 720 and AD 1400 (including the Medieval Warm Period (MWP, AD 755–1070)), an exceptionally high deposition from AD 1400 to 1940s and an abnormally low value since 1940s. The temporal variations in the dust deposition are consistent with the changes in the Siberian High (SH) and mean atmospheric temperature of the northern hemisphere during the past 2000 years, with low/high annual temperature anomalies corresponding to high/low dust supplies in the Aral Sea sediments, respectively. The variations in the fine size fraction also show a broadly similarity to a lacustrine δ18O record in Turkey (Jones et al., 2006), implying that there was less moisture entering western central Asia from the Mediterranean during the LIA than during the MWP.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that lake sediment grain‐size distributions tend to be polymodal and consist of two or more grain‐size components. However, for specific cases, the genesis of each component usually is poorly understood. In this study, the grain‐size components of the surface sediments of Hulun Lake, Inner Mongolia, were partitioned using the log‐normal distribution function method and the relationship between the identity of each grain‐size component and the hydraulic condition of the lake was investigated in order to relate the constituent components to specific depositional processes in the lake. The data indicate that the modern clastic sediments of Hulun Lake contain six distinct unimodal grain‐size distributions representing six grain‐size components. Each of the components retains its identity including modal size, manner of transportation and environment of deposition, although the relative percentage varies with the hydraulic conditions throughout the lake. These components are specified from fine to coarse modes as long‐term suspension clay, offshore‐suspension fine silt and medium to coarse silt, and nearshore‐suspension fine sand, saltation medium sand and traction coarse sand. The percentage contribution of several grain‐size components interpreted as being indicative of nearshore environments is shown to be correlated negatively with water depth across the modern lake bed; this suggests that the proportion of these components in core data might be useful as a proxy for water depth. This possibility was tested using a sediment core from Hulun Lake where high percentages of the nearshore grain‐size components were found to be correlated with low regional precipitation reconstructed from the pollen profile of the same core. The coincidence of two independent proxies does not only demonstrate the validity of log‐normal distribution function in partitioning polymodal sediments but reveals the potential of lake sediment grain‐size components for the research of lake‐level fluctuations during the geological past.  相似文献   

Sporopollen, when recorded in the sedimentary record, is a characterization factor of vegetation over geological time of an area; the grain-size characteristics are direct reflection of the hydrodynamic conditions. Based on analyses of high-time resolution sporopollen and grain size of a 55-cm-long sediment core of Dongping Lake, it is shown that the sedimentary environment and hydrodynamic processes of Dongping Lake have seen significant changes over the past 150 years. From 1855 to 1865, the lake is in a hydrostatic depositional environment, where submerged plants were in great abundance, emergent and floating-leaved aquatic plants were comparatively fewer, and reworked sporopollen fossils were not observed. These indicate a weak and stable hydrodynamic condition during this stage. However, fluctuation of Mz, amounts of clay and silt were present, which may be due to high volumes of sediments around Dongping Lake basin transported into Dongping Lake via the Yellow River during the early lake-forming stages. From 1865 to 1922, the lake is in a backswamp depositional environment, where aquatic plants are nearly nonexistent, appearing occasionally in some layers with relatively low abundance. Fern spores show a twofold increase in occurrence and reworked sporopollen fossils are frequently identified. All of these indicate a strong hydrodynamic condition and frequent environmental change. Grain-size characteristics also support this interpretation. From 1922 to 1961, aquatic plants appeared at the upper layers of this zone at relatively low amounts, and reworked sporopollen fossils were frequently identified. Grain-size characteristics show an obvious change in grain-size distribution, indicating a strong hydrodynamic condition and unstable depositional environment. These relationships were attributed to a backswamp depositional environment. From 1961 to 2007, Dongping Lake is in a hydrostatic depositional environment, where the hydrodynamic condition is weak and stable. Evidence for this is shown by a remarkable increase in submerged plants, a rapid decrease in fern spores, and occasional appearances of reworked sporopollen fossils in the lower part of the zone. However, grain-size characteristics reveal that fluctuation of Mz, amounts of clay, silt and sand are noticeable and frequent, which may be mainly related to impacts of ever-enhancing human activities in recent years.  相似文献   

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