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叠覆式三角洲——一种特殊的浅水三角洲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
不同于常规三角洲以分流河道体系所形成的分流河道、河口坝、席状砂等微相为三角洲朵体的基本单元,叠覆式三角洲以内部结构简单的朵体为基本构成单元,朵体相互叠置,形成复合叠合体,进而构成三角洲骨架。单个朵体由河道扫描或扩展而成,复合朵体则是由单朵体侧向迁移或前(退)积而成。三角洲因大量朵体叠置而形成厚层状、内部结构复杂的复合砂体。不同朵体形成于不同时期,因而不存在统一的分流体系,单一沉积体具有层状特征,但不同期朵体受可容空间和地貌控制,呈三维叠置,而非简单的层状叠加,从而使得三角洲内部呈现出拼合式、立体式特点。单朵体是结构的基本单元,发育范围有限,与相邻朵体发育于不同时间单元,因而只能在复合体约束下小范围追踪。单一朵体接触关系及接触界面的渗流能力决定了油气富集和注水开发响应特征。朵体迁移、叠置造成大面积、巨厚的砂层可形成大型油气藏,而同时朵体间泥岩的不均匀分布也造就了砂体局部不连通或朵体间连通性变化,为岩性油气藏形成创造了条件,并且影响了注水开发中的注采对应性,进而影响水驱采油效果。  相似文献   

黄河河口段一维水流泥沙数学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对黄河河口段河道来水来沙特性和河道冲淤演变特点,综合考虑了断面上水沙分布和冲淤分布不均匀,阻力变化、河口三角洲淤积延伸等问题,建立了黄河利津以下河口段一维水流泥沙数学模型。用该模型对多年汛期和冬季河口段内水沙进行验证计算表明:计算结果与实测结果基本吻合。本模型可用来预测河口段内沿程不同时刻水位、含沙量及河床冲淤的变化过程。  相似文献   

辫状河三角洲是一类常见的沉积体系,也是一类常见的油气储层,其沉积特征、沉积演化过程及内部结构一直受到沉积学研究的关注。为明确辫状河三角洲沉积特征、演化过程及生长演变规律,笔者等通过水槽实验模拟辫状河三角洲在平缓的水下底形上逐步发育的过程,并采用三维激光扫描仪、延时拍照等手段进行精准的沉积地貌监测和定量沉积学分析。研究表明:(1)辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程中,三角洲的规模、水流分散样式、沉积体表面地貌特征及沉积物分布样式存在阶段性差异,可据此将实验辫状河三角洲的演化分为3个阶段。(2)在最初阶段,辫状河携带沉积物直接入“湖”堆积并形成朵状河口坝,入“湖”水流无明显的水道化特征,随着朵状河口坝逐渐堆积露出水面,三角洲平原初步形成,平原上河道开始分流并导致后续河口坝转变为连续的弧形坝分布于先期沉积体周缘,这一阶段三角洲平均半径快速增加;进入第二阶段后,三角洲平均半径增速减缓,供给河道进入三角洲平原后形成1~2条主干分流河道与多条次级分流河道,并在主干河道河口区形成弧形的前缘朵体;到第三阶段,三角洲平原面积已经较大,其平均半径增速进一步降低,平原上分流河道的分叉性更强、宽度更小,不同分流河道规模...  相似文献   

本文再现了了三角洲分流河道的形成及演变过程,定量剖析了分流河道形态特征及三角洲朵体展布特征,研究了分流河道,边滩及决口扇粒度变化,对比分析了水上、水下分流河道及前缘席状砂的宽厚比变比趋势,并结合三角洲砂体平面展布特征为生产实际提供了有价值的信息。  相似文献   

河口延伸及流路改道的溯源影响是科学制定黄河下游河道治理与河口治理规划的关键问题之一,关系到治黄战略及策略的确定。基于沿程冲淤和溯源冲淤在时空上的传播特征,提出了平移相关分析方法,采用1950—1990年的水位数据,分析了黄河口流路演变对黄河下游河道的溯源影响过程和范围。结果表明:①黄河下游不同断面上的水位总体呈震荡上升趋势,水位变化过程在空间上并不完全同步,相同时间节点上各断面水位存在较大差别,具有扰动波的传播特征;②黄河下游沿程冲淤发展速率较快,冲淤扰动波从花园口传递到高村大约需要1 a,高村与艾山之间的冲淤变化则基本同步;③溯源冲淤发展速度较慢且存在滞后效应,泺口冲淤变化主要受利津前8 a冲淤变化的累积影响;④黄河口流路演变溯源影响主要在艾山以下,距离黄河入海口约350 km以内的河段主要受溯源冲淤影响。  相似文献   

何艺玮  房元龙  冯文杰  刘远航  范洋  郭华粘  张佩  贾风娟 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020002-2023020002
辫状河三角洲是一类常见的沉积体系,也是一类常见的油气储层,其沉积特征、沉积演化过程及内部结构一直受到沉积学研究的关注。为明确辫状河三角洲沉积特征、演化过程及生长演变规律,笔者等通过水槽实验模拟辫状河三角洲在平缓的水下底形上逐步发育的过程,并采用三维激光扫描仪、延时拍照等手段进行精准的沉积地貌监测和定量沉积学分析。研究表明:① 辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程中,三角洲的规模、水流分散样式、沉积体表面地貌特征及沉积物分布样式存在阶段性差异,可据此将实验辫状河三角洲的演化分为3个阶段。② 在最初阶段,辫状河携带沉积物直接入“湖”堆积并形成朵状河口坝,入“湖”水流无明显的水道化特征,随着朵状河口坝逐渐堆积露出水面,三角洲平原初步形成,平原上河道开始分流并导致后续河口坝转变为连续的弧形坝分布于先期沉积体周缘,这一阶段三角洲平均半径快速增加;进入第二阶段后,三角洲平均半径增速减缓,供给河道进入三角洲平原后形成1~2条主干分流河道与多条次级分流河道,并在主干河道河口区形成弧形的前缘朵体;到第三阶段,三角洲平原面积已经较大,其平均半径增速进一步降低,平原上分流河道的分叉性更强、宽度更小,不同分流河道规模接近并可同时将沉积物输送到三角洲前缘多个部位发生沉积,在同一时期形成多个孤立的小规模的前缘朵体。③ 在整个沉积演化过程中,伴随着三角洲规模的逐渐增大,分流河道的宽度逐步减小、流程变长、分流河道数量逐步增加,三角洲前缘沉积由少量弧形的连续分布朵体转变为多个孤立分布的小规模朵体。④ 在第二、三阶段,分流河道表现为多个侵蚀—回填的自旋回演化过程,形成了多套自旋回沉积复合体。⑤ 辫状河三角洲前积层存在自下而上、由近向远表现为沉积连续性逐步减小、叠切规律逐渐复杂的特性。通过水槽实验揭示辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程及内部结构,可为露头解剖与地下储层研究提供参考。  相似文献   

吐哈盆地WM油田辫状河三角洲前缘砂体分析   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
湖盆可容空间较小时,辫状河三角洲相对发育,水下分支河道横向迁移频繁,易形成席状分布的砂体 (水下分支河道复合体 )。可容空间增大时,辫状河三角洲相对不发育,水下分支河道延伸不远,河道砂体较孤立,河口坝相对比较发育。文中根据水流和波浪强弱提出九种水下分支河道与河口坝的关系图,基本上总结了吐哈盆地WM油田三间房组河口坝的形态;并对水下分支河道复合体的形成机制提出了独特的推理。  相似文献   

在系统回顾传统三角洲成因模式基础上,介绍了一种发育于低可容纳空间背景条件下,由内部结构相对简单、规模相对局限的多个朵体相互叠置而成的叠覆式浅水三角洲。以现代浅湖沉积过程分析、实验模拟等为基础探讨了此类三角洲的形成过程、内部结构特征与解剖思路、连片性与连通性及沉积发育条件等。结果表明,叠覆式浅水三角洲发育过程分为2个阶段:单一朵体发育与复合朵体发育。单一朵体发育又可分为舌状向前伸展式和帚状侧向加积式,复合朵体发育则表现为进积、退积、侧积等多种叠置方式,进而以不同时期分流河道为纽带叠合成大面积的沉积体;朵体发育过程中遵循"填洼"原理,即优先沉积于可容纳空间发育的低洼处,一旦有效可容纳空间被填满,朵体或复合朵体将会迁移至其他低洼处;叠覆式浅水三角洲不具有传统三角洲以分流河道为骨架的层状结构特征,而是由不同时期三角洲朵体相互叠置而成,具有典型的"同层不同期"特征;不同时期三角洲朵体受可容纳空间与动态地貌控制而呈三维叠置,而非简单的层状叠加,使得三角洲内部呈现出立体拼合的结构特征,单一朵体是地层对比的基本单元,展布范围有限,与相邻朵体发育于不同时间单元,只能在复合朵体约束下小范围追踪。不同时期朵体之间的连通性受控于分流河道下切能力、沉积物供给沙泥比、湖平面升降周期等因素;沉积物供给充足、地形坡度低、湖平面长距离迁移造成的河道稳定性弱是此类三角洲发育的重要条件。叠覆式浅水三角洲成因模式的提出为此类发育于低可容纳空间背景下大型河流-湖泊三角洲提供了一种合理的地质成因解释模型,进一步深入分析其内部结构特征将为提高此类三角洲的勘探开发效率提供有益指导。  相似文献   

三角洲分流河道及河口坝形成过程的物理模拟   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
三角洲砂体是已开发油气田中最重要的储集类型之一 ,对该类砂体的形成过程开展物理模型研究以预测储集砂体的分布特征及演变规律具有重要的实际意义。文中以鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长统长 6三角洲砂体为模拟原型 ,对三角洲前缘水下分流河道及河口坝形成过程进行了较深入研究。指出长 6三角洲储层主要是在基准面下降过程中 ,由水下分流河道的频繁分汊、交汇、叠合、迁移形成的。由于受到不同期水下分流河道的切割 ,河口坝保持时间较短而欠发育。实验结果与油田地质研究 ( 14口井资料 )对比表明 ,砂体组成及粒度参数的符合率达73% ,砂层厚度分布的符合率达 62 %~ 81% ,沉积微相展布的符合率达 58%。实验过程显示 ,水下分流河道的变迁与湖平面的下降速率及活动底板的运动强度密切相关  相似文献   

笔者对钻井和测井资料综合分析认为:陇东华池油田延长组长3油层组形成于湖盆逐渐萎缩、三角洲沉积不断向湖盆进积期,主要发育有三角洲平原分流河道、洪泛平原、三角洲前缘水下分流河道、河口坝、复合式坝、远砂坝和分流间湾等沉积微相,沉积环境由三角洲前缘演变为三角洲平原,储层砂体主要为三角洲前缘的水下分流河道、河口坝和复合式坝砂岩。沉积微相对城华地区延长组长3油层组含油气性的控制主要表现在3个方面:①沉积微相控制着生储盖的组合;②沉积微相控制着储层砂体的展布;③沉积微相影响着储层的储集性能。  相似文献   

Sediment production and accumulation on shallow carbonate platforms are controlled by allogenic, externally controlled processes (such as sea level, climate, and/or platform-wide subsidence patterns) as well as by autogenic factors that are inherent to the sedimentary system (such as lateral migration of sediment bodies). The challenge is to determine how and in which proportion these processes interacted to create the observed sedimentary record. Here, a case study of Middle Berriasian, shallow-marine carbonates of the Swiss and French Jura Mountains is presented. Based on vertical facies evolution and bedding surfaces, different orders of depositional sequences (elementary, small-scale, medium-scale) have been identified in the studied sections. The hierarchical stacking pattern of these sequences and the time span represented by the investigated interval imply that eustatic sea-level fluctuations in the Milankovitch frequency band were an important controlling factor. The small-scale and medium-scale sequences relate to the 100 and 400-kyr orbital eccentricity cycles, respectively. The elementary sequences are attributed to the 20-kyr precession cycle. Differential subsidence additionally produced accommodation changes. The present study focuses on one specific small-scale sequence situated at the base of the transgressive systems tract of large-scale sequence Be4, which is identified also in other European basins. This small-scale sequence has been logged in detail at eight different outcrops in the Jura Mountains. Detailed facies analysis reveals that different depositional environments (tidal flats, internal lagoons, open lagoons, carbonate sand shoals) were juxtaposed and evolved through time, often shifting position on the platform. The boundaries of the small-scale (100-kyr) sequence can be followed over the entire study area and thus must have formed through predominantly allogenic processes (eustatic sea-level fall, the effect of which was locally modified by differential subsidence). In two sections, five well-developed elementary sequences constitute the small-scale sequence. In the other sections, the identification of elementary sequences often is difficult because sedimentation was dominated by autogenic processes that overruled the influence of sea-level fluctuations. In low-energy, tidal-flat and internal-lagoonal settings, orbitally induced sea-level changes were recorded more faithfully, while high-energy shoals were mainly submitted to autogenic processes and the allogenic signal is masked. Consequently, the studied Jura platform experienced a combination of auto- and allogenic processes, which created a complex facies mosaic and a complex stacking of depositional sequences. Nevertheless, the 100-kyr orbital signal was strong enough to create correlatable sequence boundaries. Within a 100-kyr sequence, however, the unambiguous definition of sequences related to the 20-kyr orbital cycle is often difficult and the prediction of their lateral or vertical facies evolution impossible.  相似文献   

Alluvial fans are relatively simple depositional systems, due to the direct coupling of sediment sources and adjacent accumulation areas. Nonetheless, general models of alluvial‐fan evolution and stratigraphy remain elusive, due to the great sensitivity of such systems to allogenic controls and their strongly case‐specific responses. Autogenic processes intrinsic to alluvial‐fan dynamics can complicate stratigraphic architectures, with effects not easily distinguishable from those of allogenic forcing. A distinction is made here between lateral autogenic dynamics, tied to spatial sediment distribution over fan surfaces, and vertical autogenic dynamics, related to independent incision‐aggradation cycles. Autogenic mechanisms have been highlighted recently by modelling studies, but remain poorly constrained in field‐based studies. Examples are presented here from the margins of the Cenozoic Teruel and Ebro basins (Spain), where alluvial fans accumulated thick successions during phases of basin topographic closure and endorheic drainage which promoted forced aggradation. Fan successions consist of conformable architectures of stacked clastic sheets, laterally continuous and with no evidence of internal unconformities, inset architectures, fan segmentation or preserved incised channels. Continuous aggradation in these closed basins strongly inhibited ‘vertical’ autogenic dynamics in the form of fan head and through fan incision, due to the forced rise in geomorphic base level and the creation of positive accommodation. Furthermore, the lack of incised channels favoured widespread sediment transport and aggradation over broad fan sectors in relatively short time spans, in contrast to the typical occurrence of active lobes and abandoned fan surfaces caused by ‘lateral’ autogenic dynamics. Stratigraphic records of alluvial fans developed in endorheic basins are essentially complete and largely unaffected by autogenic processes. The latter characteristic implies that they can be more unambiguously interpreted in terms of allogenic forcing, because stratigraphic signatures are not complicated by the effects of complex fan autodynamics.  相似文献   

ADAM VECSEI 《Sedimentology》1998,45(3):473-487
A thick bioclastic sediment wedge was deposited on the slope of the Maiella carbonate platform margin in the Late Campanian to Late Maastrichtian. The wedge consists of lobate depositional units (laterally and vertically convex structures). The complex internal geometries of the lobes combine characteristics of unidirectional sandwaves and the alternating point-sources of deltas. Excellent outcrop permits a detailed documentation and discussion of the depositional processes.
The sediment wedge constitutes a supersequence, which prograded along the platform margin as a result of high sediment supply and forced regression. Within the supersequence, a hierarchy of higher-order stratigraphic units (sequence sets and sequences) are developed. The individual bioclastic sediment lobes are interpreted as systems tracts and parasequences of the sequences within the sequence sets.  相似文献   

The area of coastal rivers with a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes is defined as the fluvial to marine transition zone and can extend up to several hundreds of kilometres upstream of the river mouth. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of sediment distribution and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone using a comprehensive dataset of channel bed sediment samples collected from the Mekong River delta. Six sediment types were identified and were interpreted to reflect the combined action of fluvial and marine processes. Based on sediment‐type associations, the Mekong fluvial to marine transition zone could be subdivided into an upstream tract and a downstream tract; the boundary between these two tracts is identified 80 to 100 km upstream of the river mouth. The upstream tract is characterized by gravelly sand and sand and occasional heterolithic rhythmites, suggesting bed‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by fluvial processes with subordinate tidal influence. The downstream tract is characterized by heterolithic rhythmites with subordinate sand and mud, suggesting suspended‐load supply and deposition mainly controlled by tidal processes with subordinate fluvial influence. Sediment distributions during wet and dry seasons suggest significant seasonal changes in sediment dynamic and depositional processes along the fluvial to marine transition zone. The upstream tract shows strong fluvial depositional processes with subordinate tidal influence during the wet season and no deposition with weak fluvial and tidal processes during the dry season. The downstream tract shows strong coexisting fluvial and tidal depositional processes during the wet season and strong tidal depositional processes with negligible fluvial influence during the dry season. Turbidity maxima are present along the downstream tract of the fluvial to marine transition zone during both wet and dry seasons and are driven by a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out in a model basin 16 × 1·2 × 0·9 m to address the effect of base‐level and discharge changes on actively growing alluvial‐shoreline wedges. Two distinct types of erosive surfaces were investigated: one produced by base‐level fluctuations in the coastal zone and the other by discharge and supply fluctuations in the upstream alluvial basin. In the first experiment, three similar base‐level cycles were simulated keeping sediment supply and basin tilting constant within each cycle, and changing discharge from one cycle to the next. In the second experiment, rises and falls of base level were instantaneous and discharge changes were in phase (high discharge linked to high water levels in the basin). In the third experiment, base level and discharge changed gradually, at different rates and they were out of phase, resembling a typical glacio‐eustatic cycle in which sea‐level rises and falls are linked to increased and decreased discharge, respectively. The resulting stratigraphy of the alluvial to deltaic sedimentary wedge was analysed in terms of the development of unconformities and the evolving depositional geometry. An intervening decoupled zone between parts of the model basin dominated by alluvial processes and that at the coastal zone is identified. Within this decoupled zone, unconformities in the alluvial succession tend to vanish basinward, and base‐level generated coastal unconformities disappear landward. The two types of unconformity can be generated at different times during a glacio‐eustatic cycle, and it is thus erroneous to correlate them, even though they may appear to form a continuous surface. Unconformities within the modelled stratigraphy do not constitute time lines nor do they consistently separate younger from older beds, as they require a significant time to form and they have thick sedimentary packages as depositional correlatives. The experiments also support a fourfold division of sequences, showing the development of a significant sedimentary package during base‐level falls.  相似文献   

Submarine external levées are constructional features that develop outside slope channel systems, and are a volumetrically significant component of continental margins. However, detailed observations of their process sedimentology and depositional architecture are rare. Extensive exposures of external levées at multiple stratigraphic intervals and well‐constrained palaeogeographic positions in the Fort Brown Formation, Karoo Basin, South Africa, have been calibrated with research boreholes. This integrated data set permits their origin, evolution and anatomy to be considered, including high‐resolution analysis of sedimentary facies distribution and characterization of depositional sub‐environments. An idealized model of the stratigraphic evolution and depositional architecture of external levées is presented, and variations can be attributed to allogenic (for example, sediment supply) and autogenic (for example, channel migration) factors. Initiation of external levée construction is commonly marked by deposition of a basal sand‐rich facies with sedimentary structures indicating rapid deposition from unconfined flows. These deposits are interpreted as frontal lobes. Propagation of the parent channel, and resultant flow confinement, lead to partial erosion of the frontal lobe and development of constructional relief (levées) by flow overspill and flow stripping. Overall fining‐upwards and thinning‐upwards profiles reflect increased flow confinement and/or waning flow magnitude through time. Identification of a hierarchy of levée elements is not possible due to the absence of internal bounding surfaces or sharp facies changes. The down‐slope taper in levée height and increasing channel sinuosity results in increasing numbers of crevasse lobe deposits, and is reflected by the increased occurrences of channel avulsion events down‐dip. External levées from the Fort Brown Formation are silt‐rich; however their stratigraphic evolution and the distribution of many components (such as sediment waves and crevasse lobe) share commonalities with mud‐rich external levées. This unique integrated data set has permitted the first high‐resolution characterization of external submarine levée systems.  相似文献   

河流沉积的重矿物可以较为准确反映源区的母岩性质,进而揭示河流的演化过程。本研究以岷江下游河流阶地沉积与现代沉积的重矿物为主要研究对象,开展了古流向、重矿物组合特征、特征重矿物类型及重矿物特征指数分析。研究结果表明: 岷江下游Ⅴ级阶地至Ⅲ级阶地沉积中的重矿物以岩浆岩型重矿物为主,其物源来自龙门山构造带;现代沉积中的重矿物以变质岩型重矿物为主,其物源来自松潘—甘孜褶皱带。结合重矿物特征指数对比分析,认为造成这种重矿物类型差异的原因是青藏高原东缘阶段性隆升引起的岷江溯源侵蚀。受昆黄运动B幕影响,岷江于0.73—0.7 Ma下切至汶川附近,Ⅴ级阶地形成;受昆黄运动C幕影响,岷江于0.5—0.3 Ma强烈下切,Ⅳ级阶地形成;受共和运动影响,岷江在0.11—0.09 Ma下切至石大关,同时形成Ⅲ级阶地;此后岷江继续溯源侵蚀,在距今27 ka左右形成现代岷江。  相似文献   

Heavy minerals deposited on river terraces can be used to reflect source rock properties and reveal river evolutionary processes. This study focused on the heavy minerals deposited in the lower Min Jiang River terraces and in the modern deposits. We studied paleo-current direction, characteristics of the heavy mineral assemblages, characteristic metamorphic minerals and heavy mineral characteristic indices. The results show that the lower reaches of the Min Jiang River Ⅴ- to Ⅲ-level terrace deposits consist dominantly of magmatic rock type, which mainly comes from the Longmen Shan mountain tectonic belt. The heavy minerals deposited in modern sediment come from the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt. The heavy mineral characteristic indices suggest that this change is due to headward erosion of the Min Jiang River. Affected by the phase B of the Kunhuang movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the Wenchuan area at 0.73-0.7 Ma and the Ⅴ-level terrace formed. The Min Jiang River was strongly cut down at 0.5-0.3 Ma due to the phase C of the Kunhuang movement, and as a result the Ⅳ-level terrace formed. Influenced by Gonghe movement, the Min Jiang River was incised to the stone mark and Ⅲ-level terrace formed in 0.11-0.09 Ma. After that, the modern Min Jiang River was formed at around 27 ka.  相似文献   

小型水坝随着服役时间的增长,其面临的安全、经济和生态方面问题日益突出,针对一些修复价值较低的病险水坝,实施降等或报废拆除已成为一种综合最佳的管理措施。拆坝后,原库区大量淤沙无控释放将改变原有河道形态,对水生生物栖息地造成影响。为预测拆坝后河道在不同时间尺度上的变化特征,以长江流域乌江水系内的西河水坝为研究对象,建立二维水沙数学模型,分别研究了拆坝后水沙输运造成的短期和长期河床形态变化。结果表明:拆坝后短期内,坝址上游主河道发生了强烈的冲刷下切,且水库淤沙前缘部分出现了显著的淤积抬高,相比而言,坝址下游河床变化并不明显,只有坝下河段及河口附近出现较显著的泥沙淤积;在拆坝后长期的河床演变过程中,坝址上下游河道均发生了不同程度的冲刷下切,拆坝2年后下游河床逐渐趋于稳定,而上游主河道由冲刷下切转化为冲淤交替的演变趋势,河床形态不断调整变化。本研究可为病险坝和小水电报废拆坝后的河道治理、水生生物栖息地修复提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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