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用一种新的合成方法在水相中合成了钛磁铁矿(Fe3-xTixO4),并用XRD和FTIR对已合成的Fe3-xTixO4进行了表征。结果表明:合成的Fe3-xTixO4为立方晶系尖晶石结构,样品中的钛离子都已经进入Fe3-xTixO4晶格中,且Fe3-xTixO4表面羟基量随着钛掺杂量的增加而增加。随后,以亚甲基蓝为模拟染料污染物,考察了Fe3-xTixO4的吸附性能。实验表明:钛掺杂能够显著促进Fe3-xTixO4对亚甲基蓝的吸附,吸附反应在0.5h内就能达到吸附平衡。  相似文献   

用XRD、FTIR及TG-DSC等手段对磁选后的天然钒钛磁铁矿进行结构表征,然后在酸性条件下,探讨天然钒钛磁铁矿非均相Fenton法催化降解酸性橙Ⅱ的性能。结果表明:磁选后的天然磁铁矿主要以钛磁铁矿为主,同时含有少量的钛铁矿和绿泥石。降解实验结果表明,天然钒钛磁铁矿催化降解酸性橙Ⅱ的能力明显强于人工合成的单相磁铁矿,并随着钛磁铁矿含量的增加而增强。降解过程以异相Fenton反应为主,动力学曲线符合准一级方程。反应开始210min后,天然钒钛磁铁矿对酸性橙Ⅱ的矿化率约为30%。在降解过程中,苯环和萘环逐步断裂。  相似文献   

<正>在自然界中,磁铁矿(Fe3O4)结构中的铁离子常被一些过渡金属离子类质同象替换,导致其结构、电学、磁学和催化性能发生一定变化。近年来,相关研究表明:Co、Mn、Cr等类质同象替换磁铁矿结构中的Fe,能有效地提高磁铁矿的异相Fenton催化能力。而这些过渡金属离子掺杂作用对磁铁矿催化性能的影响,与掺杂离子的价态,占位以及掺杂量有关。  相似文献   

在自然界,磁铁矿结构中广泛存在类质同象置换。部分置换离子显著改变磁铁矿的表面反应性,影响其对有机污染物的催化降解性能。本研究用熔融法合成一系列不同掺杂量的铬掺杂磁铁矿,利用X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线吸收精细结构谱(XAFS)等谱学技术对合成磁铁矿进行结构表征,并在中性条件下,探讨磁铁矿催化UV-Fenton反应降解酸性橙Ⅱ的性能。铬掺杂磁铁矿为立方晶系反尖晶石结构,Cr以+3价占据在八面体位。铬掺杂显著提高磁铁矿对酸性橙Ⅱ的催化降解性能,降解过程以异相UV-Fenton反应为主,遵循准一级动力学方程。反应160 min后,铬掺杂磁铁矿对酸性橙Ⅱ的矿化率达40%。  相似文献   

钛磁铁矿内部尖晶石出溶体的成分组成和形成机制对估算磁铁矿固溶体的成分以计算铁钛氧化物的氧逸度-温度具有重要意义.为了探究攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿中尖晶石的成因及形成机制,运用岩相观察和各种微区原位观测手段,系统研究了各类尖晶石的矿物学特征.尖晶石的粒度在纳微米之间,有3种类型:第1种为钛磁铁矿晶界处不规则的大颗粒尖晶石,Mg#为60~70;第2种为钛磁铁矿颗粒内部的粒状尖晶石,Mg#为71~77;第3种为沿钛磁铁矿(100)方向定向分布的尖晶石片晶,Mg#为75~77.3类尖晶石分别与磁铁矿主晶具有相同的取向关系:{111}Mag//{111}Spl,{110}Mag//{110}Spl和{100}Mag//{100}Spl.3类尖晶石均是磁铁矿主晶的出溶体,钛磁铁矿晶界处及其内部的粒状尖晶石的形成与某些晶体缺陷关系密切,是在降温过程中较早出溶的产物,尖晶石片晶在两者之后以旋节分解出溶形成.   相似文献   

通过对山东昌乐方山新近纪碱性玄武岩中原生刚玉巨晶的观察研究,发现在刚玉巨晶与玄武岩间存在反应边,可见新近纪碱性玄武岩中的刚玉巨晶为捕虏晶。电子探针下观察,反应边有两类:第1类由尖晶石带和钛磁铁矿 熔体带构成,第2类由尖晶石带和长石 钛磁铁矿带构成。在第1类反应边中,尖晶石带很窄(<40μm),钛磁铁矿 熔体带较宽(100~120μm);而且尖晶石的成分变化很大,从靠近刚玉一侧(内侧)向外,Al_2O_3逐渐降低,从85.08%~58.94%,MgO和FeO逐渐升高,分别从5.14%~14.82%和8.08%~28.24%。在第2类反应边中,尖晶石带较宽且稳定(100μm左右);长石 钛磁铁矿带不稳定,特别是钛磁铁矿不但窄(<40μm),而且分布断断续续;尖晶石的成分变化较小,Al_2O_359.25%~62.82%、MgO 12.34%~13.50%、FeO 23.25%~27.37%。本文对两类反应边的形成模式进行了探讨,认为刚玉巨晶与玄武岩浆反应持续时间的长短是导致形成两类反应边的主要因素,第1类反应边是反应没有达到平衡的产物,第2类反应边为反应平衡或者是接近平衡的产物。  相似文献   

根据矿物薄片颜色判估铬尖晶石类型的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尖晶石族矿物为AB2X4型氧化物,因其阳离子A和B元素的不同,分属Cr、Fe、Al、Zn、Mn、Ti、Ni等不同种属,并有不同的产状。其中铬尖晶石仅见于幔源超镁铁岩和镁铁岩中。对岩石中副矿物铬尖晶石的薄片颜色与其矿物化学类型对比发现,二者存在着明显的专属关系,薄片中铬尖晶石的不同颜色可做为寄生岩体可能产出铬矿床或镍矿床的判据。副矿物和造矿铬尖晶石的化学通式是相同的,其中二价阳离子为Mg和Fe,三价阳离为Cr、Al和Fe。铬尖晶石以其三价阳离子含量百分比的不同分为不同的种属。岩石薄片下,铬尖晶石类矿物除含钛磁铁矿、铬磁铁矿和高铁…  相似文献   

<正>铁钛氧化物在火成岩和变质岩中广泛存在,不仅具有重要的地磁学意义,还可以作为地质"温度计"和"氧逸度计"反映岩体的形成条件。铁钛氧化物在结晶时主要形成3个系列的固溶体,包括:1)立方晶系"尖晶石型"的磁铁矿(Fe2+Fe3+2O4)—钛铁晶石(Fe2+2Ti O4)固溶体;2)三方晶系"刚玉型"的赤铁矿(Fe2O3)—钛铁矿(Fe Ti O3)固溶体;3)正交晶系的"假板钛矿"系列固溶体Fe3+2Ti O5—Fe2+Ti2O5。人工合成实验证明  相似文献   

邵辉  陈觅  纪敏  曾丽平 《地球科学》2020,45(1):118-130
铜绿山矽卡岩型铜铁多金属矿床是长江中下游鄂东南矿集区的一个典型矿床,矿体产于铜绿山岩体与三叠系碳酸盐岩地层的接触带.磁铁矿是铜绿山铜铁矿床中广泛发育的矿石矿物,选取内矽卡岩和外矽卡岩中的热液磁铁矿以及岩体中副矿物磁铁矿为研究对象,对其开展系统的显微结构观察和电子探针分析.热液磁铁矿中普遍发育有钛尖晶石出溶结构和富硅环带结构,且没有明显的后期热液交代改造现象.钛尖晶石出溶结构指示铜绿山矿床的早期热液磁铁矿具有较高的Ti含量,磁铁矿结晶后经历了降温和氧逸度降低过程导致钛尖晶石出溶.热液磁铁矿中还普遍含有较高含量的Si、Al、Cr、V、Mn、Mg、Co和Ni等元素,Si4+、Al3+、Mg2+、Mn2+等以类质同象方式进入磁铁矿晶格;但在不同产状的磁铁矿中,替代强度和机制略有不同,说明流体成分、温度、压力等物理化学条件影响元素替代强度和方式.外矽卡岩中磁铁矿的Al2O3/MgO比值小于4,内矽卡岩中磁铁矿的Al2O3/MgO比值为5~8,而副矿物磁铁矿的Al2O3/MgO比值约为13.岩体副矿物磁铁矿具有最高的V2O3含量(平均值为0.31%),与岩体接触的内矽卡岩中的磁铁矿次之(平均值为0.14%),外矽卡岩中磁铁矿的V2O3含量最低(平均值为0.01%~0.03%).Al2O3/MgO比值和V2O3含量说明磁铁矿生长环境(熔体/热液)、围岩的成分及水-岩反应等对磁铁矿的化学组成均有影响.铜绿山矿床从岩体到内矽卡岩、再到外矽卡岩,磁铁矿的形成温度逐步下降,其成分的变化指示了磁铁矿可以作为矽卡岩矿床成矿过程的重要指示矿物.   相似文献   

游离态Fe(Ⅱ)与磁铁矿的相互作用对环境污染物具有较强的还原活性。在自然界中,磁铁矿结构中的Fe2+和Fe3+常被过渡金属类质同像置换,显著改变磁铁矿的结构特征,物理化学性质和表面反应性。本研究考察了锌类质同像置换对磁铁矿与Fe(Ⅱ)共存体系去除Cr(Ⅵ)活性的制约及其机制。系列锌置换磁铁矿(Fe3-xZnxO4,x=0,0.25,0.49,0.74和0.99)用共沉淀法制备,并用XRD、TG、比表面积、酸碱滴定等方法进行系统的结构和物理化学性质表征。研究结果表明:系列锌置换磁铁矿样品具有尖晶石结构,Zn置换没有明显改变磁铁矿的晶体结构。比表面积和表面位密度随Zn置换量的提高而逐渐增大。在中性条件下,Cr(Ⅵ)快速吸附到磁铁矿表面,然后逐渐被磁铁矿及其表面吸附态Fe(Ⅱ)还原,最终固定在磁铁矿表面。随着Zn置换量的增加,磁铁矿与Fe(Ⅱ)共存体系对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除效率呈现先降低,后提高的变化趋势,这主要归因于共存体系对Cr(Ⅵ)还原能力的降低和吸附能力的提高。  相似文献   

Magneticmineralsintheloess paleosolseriesaccountforabout 1 % -2 %ofthetotal (LiuTungshengandZhangZhonghu ,1 962 ) .Duetotheiraerolianorigin ,themagneticmineralsarecomplicatedincomposition ,largeingrainsizerange ,andsignificantlydifferentincrystallinity .Asaresult,researchonthesemagneticmineralswouldbesetwithalotofdifficulties.Previousre searchersemployedopticalmicroscopic ,X raydiffractionandM ssbauerspectrometrictechniquestostudythemagneticmineralsintheloess paleosolseries,andchieflyontheb…  相似文献   

Geochemistry of magnetite and maghemite in soils in European Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is proposed for determining the proportions of soluble Fe oxides (magnetite, FeOFe2O3, and maghemite, γ-Fe2O3) based on the measured magnetic susceptibility before and after treatment of soil with the Tamm or Mehra-Jackson (DCB) reagents. The development of hydromorphism in steppe soils in Ciscausiaia is associated with an increase in the magnetite fraction and, consequently, the average magnetite: maghemite ratio increases from 0.8–0.9 to 1.1. In these soils, smectites facilitate magnetite oxidation to maghemite. Soddy-podzolic and dark humic soils in the Cis-Ural region are noted for low values of the magnetite: maghemite ratio (0.5 on average) due to maghemite predominance. Soils in the Cis-Ural region on cover red-earth clays inherit lithogenic Fe oxides: hematite and maghemite. Hydromorphism in humid environments in northern taiga is accompanied by a significant increase in the magnetite: maghemite ratio to 4–9. Some issues of Fe geochemistry in magnetite and maghemite are considered.  相似文献   

Relatively strongly magnetic fine components (< 30μm, XS-4J and DS-4J) which are most environmentally sensitive were separated from layer S5-1 in the Xifeng and Duanjiapo loess sections and analyzed by MPV-3 for their morphometric characteristics and reflectance, SEM-ESD for their element contents and XRD for their mineral phases, respectively. The results showed that minerals in both samples are dominated by detrial Fe-Ti oxides of aeolian origin. In sample XS-4J the reflectance and iron contents of magnetic minerals are usually high. In addition to magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (γFe2O3) and hematite (Fe2O3), some Fe-high oxide (72.25 wt%–86.67 wt%), ilmenite (FeTiO3), and magnetite-ulvöspinel [Fe(FeCr)O4, Fe (FeNi)O4] were also detected. In sample DS-4J obvious negative linear correlations were found between Ti and Fe, and the contents of Mn, Si, Al and Ca are usually high and the minerals are dominated by magnetite (maghemite), goethite (FeOOH) and limonite (containing Si and OH). In addition, the signs of corrosion of magnetic minerals and newly crystallized magnetite (maghemite) were recognized. Differences in the composition and assemblage characteristics of magnetite minerals between XS and DS reflect significant differences in source rocks and preserving conditions.  相似文献   

In nature, iron cations in magnetite are usually isomorphically substituted by divalent (Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Mn, etc.), trivalent (Al, V, Cr, etc.) and tetravalent (Ti) cations while maintaining the spinel structure. Some of the substituting cations, e.g. Cr3+, V3+ and Mn2+, improve the catalytic activity of magnetite in heterogeneous Fenton reaction through the enhancement of hydroxyl radical OH production and the pollutant adsorption.  相似文献   

磁赤铁矿可以在厌氧微生物作用下固相转化为磁铁矿,这种转化过程具有重要的矿物学及环境磁学意义。文章通过开展硫酸盐还原菌(SRB) —磁赤铁矿交互作用实验,重点探讨了SRB 活性对磁赤铁矿—磁铁矿固相转化速率的影响。在31 d 培养期内,SO42-+SRB+磁赤铁矿体系中SRB 的生长导致16.7%的SO42-转化为酸可挥发性硫(AVS),部分还原释放的Fe(II) 与AVS 反应生成单硫化物、双硫化物和多硫化物,同时铁氧化物因溶解作用粒径减小;在无SO42-的SRB+磁赤铁矿体系中, SRB 还原产生的Fe (II) 主要存在于铁氧化物中,没有次生沉淀产生。X 射线衍射和穆斯堡尔谱分析结果表明在SRB 作用下纳米磁赤铁矿逐渐向磁铁矿转化,加入SO42-时转化速率加快,与矿物接触的SRB 菌体的数量及其向磁赤铁矿传递电子的能力均得到了增强。在天然或人工厌氧条件下,SO42-是制约磁赤铁矿向磁铁矿转化的重要因素。  相似文献   

采用X射线粉末衍射和电子顺磁共振等方法,对青田石中的珍贵品种"灯光冻"样品进行了研究。结果表明,"灯光冻"样品的矿物组成为叶蜡石,多型特征为2M型,含极少量的1TC型;其结构有序度高,化学成分表现为贫Al、富Si型,边缘部位具有石英化迹象。"灯光冻"样品中的Fe3+呈八面体占位,与Ti4+,Si-O--Al空穴心共同致色。"灯光冻"样品中的叶蜡石晶体呈不规则叶片状,大小较均一,呈弯曲片状集合体结构。  相似文献   

The removal of the antibiotic compound tetracycline hydrochloride (TC) was investigated by using goethite/H2O2 as a heterogeneous Fenton reagent. Five principle operational parameters, especially solution pH value, were taken into account to investigate how the heterogeneous Fenton process factors mediated the TC removal. This process was effective but seriously impacted by the pH value and temperature, as well as the dosages of α-FeOOH, TC and H2O2. Very interestingly, the acidic and alkaline aqueous medium conditions were both very favorable due to the occurrence of transformation of Fe(III) to Fe(II) on goethite surfaces reduced by TC at pH 3.04.0 even though with a low adsorption capacity of TC because its maximum adsorption of negatively charged form occurred at pH around 8.0[1], thereby greatly promoting the TC Fenton oxidative elimination. However, a rapid initial TC decay was observed at the first 5 min, followed by a much slower retardation stage, which was likely because the reductive transformation of Fe(III) to Fe(II) by TC in the solution was inhibited as the Fenton reaction proceeded. Moreover, the hydroxyl radical scavenger t-butanol addition can decrease the removal rate of TC in the goethite/H2O2 system to a certain extent. This further indicated that the main reactive species in this process were hydroxyl radicals[2]. All the goethite-catalysed heterogeneous Fenton reactions are responsible for the TC removal following the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model, were well fitted to pseudo-first order kinetics (R2>0.99), and their apparent activation energy (E) for this Fenton-like reaction was 31.86 kJ mol 1, a low value that is highly consistent with the ease of TC decay greatly enhanced by the temperature rise, indicated that the interfacial controlling interactions such as a proton induced solubilization and a reductive dissolution of goethite can clearly improve its Fenton catalytic activity[3], and these dissolution processes may not be effective in some cases, while the TC adsorption process may always play an important role to control the TC removal rate during the Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

This study has characterised the oxidation products of a fine-grained single domain magnetite which was made synthetically by a colloidal method. Changes in the intrinsic magnetic properties (saturation magnetisation, saturation remanence, and coercive force) during progressive oxidation are correlated with lattice parameter changes and an oxidation mechanism. It is proposed that magnetite oxidises to hematite via at least two metastable maghemites. The first of these, formed on low temperature oxidation by the formation of a magnetite/maghemite solid solution, is a face centered maghemite with lattice parameter a= 8.3419±0.0006 Å. A second maghemite, produced on oxidation at higher temperatures, has a primitive cubic structure and a lattice parameter a = 8.3505±0.0005 Å. Maghemite cation distributions are derived to explain the reduced saturation magnetisations of between 56 and 74 Am2 kg-1 observed, and a maghemite structure containing an increase in tetrahedral Fe3+ ions and up to 3 octahedral vacancies per 32 oxygen unit cell is proposed.  相似文献   

Evidence for a simple pathway to maghemite in Earth and Mars soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil magnetism is greatly influenced by maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), the presence of which is usually attributed to the following: (1) heating of goethite in the presence of organic matter; (2) oxidation of magnetite (Fe3O4); or (3) dehydroxylation of lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH). Formation of the latter two minerals in turn requires the presence of Fe(II) in the system. No laboratory experiment or soil study to date has shown whether maghemite can form from ferrihydrite, a poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide [∼Fe4.5(O,OH,H2O)13.5], below 250°C. However, ferrihydrite is the usual precursor of goethite (α-FeOOH) and hematite (α-Fe2O3), the most frequently occurring crystalline Fe(III) oxides in soils. Here is presented in vitro evidence that ferryhidrite can partly transform into maghemite at 150°C. This transformation occurs upon aging of ferrihydrite precipitated in the presence of phosphate or other ligands capable of ligand exchange with Fe-OH surface groups. This maghemite coexists with hematite and is a transient phase in the transformation of ferrihydrite to hematite, which is apparently stabilized by the adsorbed ligands. Its particle size is small (10 to 30 nm), and its X-ray diffraction pattern exhibits superstructure reflections. The possible formation of maghemite in Mars and in different Earth soils can partly be explained in the light of this pathway with minimal ad hoc assumptions.  相似文献   

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