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岩土工程勘察是开展飞机维修机库工程项目设计施工建设的基本条件。本文在分析了盐碱地层机库地基岩土工程勘察目的、依据和方法的基础上,详细阐述了工程场地的地层结构、岩土特性、地下水等工程地质条件,对建筑场地类别、抗震地段划分、抗震设防烈度、设计基本地震加速度和设计地震分组等进行地震效应评价,并结合岩性特征、物理力学性质指标及动力触探试验结果等对地基稳定性进行了综合评价,旨在为盐碱地层岩土工程勘察提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

针对国内岩土工程勘察现状,对岩土工程勘察理论与经验、勘察的经济性等有关问题进行了探讨;结合天津地区岩土工程勘察实际特点,对天津地区岩土工程勘察涉及的地基承载力、抗震地段划分等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王汉席  杨淼  单春雪  胡博 《探矿工程》2014,41(7):76-79,84
城市化的发展,使市政道路改造工程越来越多,如何科学有效地利用拟建期的勘察资料,节约勘察成本,成为工程勘察关注的焦点。通过对场地地形地貌和地质构造、地层和水文地质条件、岩土物理力学性质、场地稳定性评价和地震效应、岩土工程重点分析评价等岩土工程要素进行分析,对比前后各要素,探讨勘察资料的时效性,进而确定勘察点布置和深度,以及取土(水)样和原位测试工作量。最后以具体工程为例,探讨勘察要点,指出利用拟建期的勘察资料应主要考虑4.0m以内的地层变化,重点勘察路基破损的路段。  相似文献   

张国强  杜立志 《世界地质》2018,37(3):952-957
通过波速测试技术进行岩土体弹性波速度原位测试,利用岩土体的纵、横波速度值能够进行场地类别划分,确定场地卓越周期,以及计算地基土的动参数,为岩土工程提供必要的设计参数。通过计算获得了徐州苏宁广场场地土的纵、横波速度以及场地土的动参数,根据《建筑抗震设计规范》确定徐州苏宁广场场地为二类场地,利用波速值计算场地卓越周期为0. 415 s与规范中查表获得的特征周期一致。为该工程场地工程地质评价和抗震设计提供了丰富的参数。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察相关问题浅析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把作者工作经验同国家现行规范及行业标准结合起来,分析了岩土工程勘察中存在的一些问题,从现场勘探资料收集(勘探点布设、野外地层的划分、原位测试、地下水位的观测)、土工试验(粉土的划分、剪切方法的选择、固结试验)及岩土工程分析评价(地基均匀性、粉土及粉砂地基承载力特征值的修正、地基承载力的确定、地震效应、基础方案选择、建筑工程分级)三个方面进行了剖析,提出了一些解决问题的个人的看法,以便与同行交流学习。  相似文献   

李彪 《安徽地质》2003,13(4):290-293
高层建筑对抗震有更高要求,本文阐述了岩土工程勘察中高层建筑场地抗震性能评价的主要内容和基本工作方法。  相似文献   

《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)于2010年5月31日发布,2010年12月1日起实施。与2008年版《建筑抗震设计规范》相比,本次规范修编关于场地、地基和基础的条文调整较多,对岩土工程勘察中涉及的部分均有不同程度的变动,在此对规范中与岩土工程勘察关系密切之处进行总结,以利于在勘察过程中更好地执行规范规定。  相似文献   

基于大量岩土工程勘察资料的分析、整理 ,详细阐述了民安大厦建筑场地地基土的工程性质 ,主要涉及岩性特征、物理力学性质、地震效应及震动液化等方面 ,并对持力层的选择、基坑支护、地基处理等方面进行了工程对策分析 ,所提建议与参数均被设计、施工部门采纳。  相似文献   

吴亚萍 《甘肃地质》2000,9(2):92-95
基于大量岩土工程勘察资料的分析、整理 ,详细阐述了民安大厦建筑场地地基土的工程性质 ,主要涉及岩性特征、物理力学性质、地震效应及震动液化等方面 ,并对持力层的选择、基坑支护、地基处理等方面进行了工程对策分析 ,所提建议与参数均被设计、施工部门采纳。  相似文献   

深圳市勘察测绘院有限公司(深勘)成立于1981年元月,具有国家综合甲级勘察、甲级测绘、甲级岩土工程、甲级地震安全性评价、甲级地质灾害勘察、设计、和施工。一级地基与基础施工资质。经营范围包括:工程勘察;工程测量;岩土工程设计、监测、治理与监理;水文地质;地基与基础工程;重大工程和复杂地质条件的技术咨询;  相似文献   

Engineering geological and geotechnical site characteristics were assessed and seismic hazard studies performed for the Upper Pliocene to Pleistocene fluvial and Quaternary alluvial and terrace deposits for a site west of Ankara, Turkey. Sediment conditions were determined and a soil profile was characterized by surface geophysical methods. These studies were integrated with existing in-situ characterization studies to create a seismic and geotechnical database for the site. A seismic zonation map of the site was then prepared. Site classification systems were assigned to account for site effects in relation to seismic hazard assessments. The consequences of the seismic hazards were investigated and recommendations were presented.  相似文献   

本文从强调研究地质环境~工程设施系统的协调稳定性出发,建议在研究、分析地质环境对城市建设的适宜性和适应性基础上,以城市工程地质环境稳定性作为其质量评价指标。而城市工程地质环境稳定性可由研究、分析地壳稳定性,地面稳定性和地基稳定性等综合进行评定。文中初步提出了地壳、地面及地基稳定性级别划分的原则和标准,也提出了城市工程地质环境稳定性的简单判别式,并附一实例。该方法对地震区城市工程地质环境区划和城市建设规划将有实用意义。  相似文献   

膨胀土地基工程地质分析专家系统(ESCES)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴恒  王思敬 《地质科学》1991,(4):384-395
在中国南方地区膨胀土地基工程地质研究基础上,概括了国内外知名学者的研究成果,进行了土体结构的工程地质力学分析,归纳成近千条规则,设计并建立了膨胀土地基的专家系统。它包括膨胀土类型鉴别,胀缩特性判定,膨胀恶化预测,地基工程结构选定和基坑边坡稳定性评价等内容。本专家系统在河北、湖北、广西等四个不同地区的工程中得到验证,表明它是解决复杂的膨胀土地基问题及推动膨胀土工程地质研究的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

对场地地质条件进行平面上合理的分区和评价,是岩土工程勘测工作的重要内容,也是地基基础方案设计的第一步。通过工程地质分区在济南奥体中心勘测中的实际应用,分析场地按地质条件细分对地基承载力、地基基础设计及场地类别划分的影响,指出工程地质条件的详细分区在重大工程建设中的重要性。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of the engineering geological and geotechnical investigations that have been carried out at the Daroongar dam site. According to the geomorphology and geological conditions and economic reason, the dam has been designed as an earth dam with a clay core. The dam foundation is composed of a sequence of sandy limestone and limy marl of the Upper Cretaceous period. This study is based on field and laboratory investigations, surface discontinuity surveying, drilled borehole data and permeability of dam foundation. The present studies include the evaluation of the dam foundation by water pressure tests. The water pressure tests indicate the necessity to provide a grout curtain below the dam foundation.The geology of the Daroongar dam foundation has a significant influence on the permeability and groutability characteristics. The permeability of jointed rock masses is strongly depended on joint characteristics; degree of jointing, opening, continuity and presence of filling materials. The laboratory tests included tests for unit weight, porosity, uniaxial, triaxial, tensile strength and deformation parameters. The strength and modulus of elasticity of rock masses were determined using the Hoek–Brown empirical strength criterion. The rock mass qualities and classifications of the dam site is assigned using the rock mass rating (RMR), the rock quality (Q) and the geological strength index (GSI) classification systems.  相似文献   

The 1999, Ms=5.9, Athens earthquake caused serious structural damage to buildings in the western part of Athens, Greece. This paper presents the ground zoning against seismic hazard proposed shortly after the earthquake in order to aid reconstruction of the area. Existing engineering geological and geotechnical data were combined with local observations to provide a unified set of classification criteria, consistent with provisions of the Greek Seismic Code EAK. The accuracy and the possible limitations of this zoning procedure are addressed through comparison with observed damage distribution as well as results from seismic ground response analyses performed at sites with well established soil profiles. There is clear evidence that the proposed zones correspond to geological formations exhibiting grossly different seismic response with regard to the design of common engineering structures. However, the mostly qualitative nature of the guidelines for ground categorisation provided by EAK and the general lack of systematic, site-specific geotechnical data for the whole area induce uncertainties in the definition of the seismic design actions for the different zones. These objective uncertainties certainly demand increased conservatism but do not limit application of the proposed methodology for first aid, preliminary planning in the event of destructive earthquakes.  相似文献   

Engineering geology, like geotechnical engineering, is a new scientific subject in Denmark. Experience in the period since 1924 is laid down in the Danish Code of Practice for Foundation Engineering, which states that the geological conditions establish the foundation class and must be determined as early as possible during the soil investigations by experienced geologists and engineers. The consequences are illustrated by some examples from geotechnical investigations performed at the Danish Geotechnical Institute:
• The economic foundation of a small wooden building on the brink of a postglacial lake and fiord basin at Vedbæk.
• The deep excavation for and foundation of a huge commercial center at Lyngby situated in the middle of a tunnel valley with more than 12 m late- and postglacial organic deposits, based on design and control in the high foundation class.
• The engineering geological modelling of the Quaternary development in the Danish North Sea. Applied geology plays an increasing part in geotechnical engineering as a prerequisite for economic and safe technical solutions. The future use of geological and geotechnical data bases will bring Quaternary geological knowledge into focus.  相似文献   

根据峰峰矿区工业及民用建筑的岩土工程特征,以及在岩土工程勘察中所遇到的诸如由地形地貌产生的不良工程地质现象、特殊地质体等问题,认为在岩土工程勘察中,不仅要研究勘察场地的工程地质条件,而且要重视周围地质条件的宏观研究,同时建议建立岩土工程勘察档案数据库,为今后岩土工程勘察成果的使用、以及正确确定勘察手段奠定基础。  相似文献   

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