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在对毛乌素沙漠风积砂物理特性进行试验研究的基础上,通过室内击试验、压缩试验及三轴剪切试验,对毛乌素沙漠风积砂的力学特性进行了初步研究。结果表明:毛乌素沙漠风积砂击实特性与粉、黏性土有较大的差异,在干燥和最佳含水率状态下易于击实,击实曲线呈双峰形态;压缩试验表明毛乌素沙漠风积砂一般属于低压缩性土,其压缩特性与试样初始密度、含水率、荷载级别及加载条件有关;三轴剪切试验表明毛乌素沙漠风积砂抗剪强度指标受试样密度的影响较大,虽然含水率对抗剪强度指标有一定影响且具有一定规律性,但影响程度并不明显。本文相关成果为解决该区风积砂相关岩土工程问题和工程地质问题提供了可靠的试验依据。  相似文献   

吕梁山脉东麓花岗岩风化土的工程类型与我国南方以及日本、韩国等地的花岗岩风化土有较大差别。为了对吕梁山压实花岗岩风化土的物理力学性状有较全面认识,通过常规土工试验、X射线衍射试验、大固结试验、大三轴试验等方法,对其击实特性、承载特性、变形特性、剪胀特性、强度特性等进行了分析。结果表明:黏土掺量对花岗岩风化土的击实特性和承载特性影响较大,存在两个不同的黏土掺量界限值(约8%和4%),分别使得试样密实状态和承载能力处于最优;试样不存在膨胀潜势,无膨胀性,为低压缩性材料;压实花岗岩风化土颗粒破碎的特点导致试样二次加载→卸载压缩曲线存在两次明显塑性变形增大的现象;剪切时由于试样内部颗粒历经压密→错动→翻越→破碎的过程,导致不同围压下试样表现出不同的剪胀性;剪切过程中由于颗粒破碎的存在,使得试样表现出强度非线性特点。  相似文献   

马刚  周伟  常晓林  周创兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3454-3464
三维变形体离散元法能够自动检索接触关系,并对具有不规则形状的粗粒土颗粒和结构物进行有限差分网格离散,因此,具有模拟离散-连续耦合问题的先天优势。采用随机模拟技术生成粗粒土三维数值试样,基于变形体离散元进行粗粒土与结构接触面特性的数值试验,研究了不同接触面粗糙程度的接触面力学特性,对比了粗粒土与结构物在单剪和直剪状态下的接触面力学特性,从宏观和细观两个层面分析了数值试验结果。结果表明,数值试验能较好地反映粗粒土与结构接触面的力学特性,其剪应力-相对剪切位移曲线与试验结果规律相似;接触面粗糙程度对接触面的强度和变形特性影响较大,其机制在于剪切对试样的扰动程度不同;直剪和单剪状态下试样剪应力-相对剪切位移均为双曲线,单剪试验的初始剪切刚度低于直剪试验,两种试验得到接触面抗剪强度指标比较接近。  相似文献   

张雷  张连卫  张建民 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):314-0320
为了研究粒状材料的各向异性力学行为与细观组构演化之间的关系,采用自主研发的双轴压缩试验系统,以圆形和椭圆形截面的金属棒状材料组成的二维堆积体为试验对象,对不同大主应力方向角?(沉积面与大主应力作用面的夹角)的试样进行了各向等压、常侧向压力、等p剪切3种应力路径试验,并通过分析试样在不同变形阶段的数字照片得到了其细观组构演化规律。发现对于椭圆形截面的试样存在一个卓越剪切方向,随剪应变增大,颗粒长轴呈现出向该方向偏转的趋势,并且在大变形条件下沿该方向形成剪切带;卓越剪切方向与沉积面方向关系不大,而与大主应力作用面方向夹角约为45°+ /2, 为残余内摩擦角;随卓越剪切方向与沉降方向夹角的不同,颗粒偏转程度的不同是导致剪胀特性和峰值强度各向异性的主要原因  相似文献   

水泥加固红土的受力特性及其微结构特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
水泥加固红土的击实、剪切、压缩和渗透等受力特性及其微结构特征受到水泥加入比例和试样养护时间的影响。研究结果表明,水泥加固红土存在最佳击实制样时间,水泥加入越多,最大干密度越大、最优含水率越小。其抗剪强度和抗剪强度指标随水泥加入比例的增加和试样养护时间的延长逐渐增大,但增大的程度逐渐减慢,对粘聚力的影响大于对内摩擦角的影响;其压缩性和渗透性随水泥加入比例的增加和试样养护时间的延长显著减小,但减小的程度逐渐变缓;水泥加入比例的影响大于试样养护时间的影响。实质上,水泥的加入和试样的养护导致水泥加固红土呈现出包裹、填充和胶结的微结构特征,引起水泥加固红土的击实、剪切、压缩和渗透等力学特性的宏观变化。  相似文献   

详细介绍了所研制的岩石多功能剪切试验测试系统的主要功能、技术指标和仪器组成,并开展了一系列相关力学试验。该试验测试系统主要包括试验装置、测量系统和控制系统3部分,最大法向拉伸应力为40 MPa,最大法向压缩应力为120 MPa,最大水平剪切应力为120 MPa,试样尺寸为50 mm?50 mm?50 mm;可开展多种力学试验,包括直接拉伸试验、直接剪切试验、拉伸-剪切试验和压缩–剪切试验。利用该试验测试系统对花岗岩进行试验研究,研究结果表明:直接拉伸试验中,试样发生脆性破坏,声发射信号瞬间达到峰值,破坏断面表现出拉伸破坏特征;直接剪切试验中,试样发生多次破坏,破坏瞬间声发射信号均发生突增,破坏断面表现出剪切破坏特征;拉伸-剪切试验中,试样在拉应力作用下剪切强度显著降低,声发射信号在破坏阶段表现强烈,破坏断面既有拉伸破坏特征也有一定的剪切破坏特征。上述力学试验结果,表明了所研制的岩石多功能剪切试验测试系统能够开展多种力学试验,为进一步研究岩石的剪切力学特性提供新的测试手段。  相似文献   

针对粗粒料的应变软化、剪胀等力学特性,通过考虑以剪切带为标志的应变局部化现象,建立了具有广泛适用性的剪切损伤力学模型。损伤模型采用了包体理论中的剪切带数学简化,基于应变等价原理、Weibull分布,推导了粗粒料的应力-应变关系方程。从剪胀作用的机制出发,提出可以描述剪胀弱化的轴向塑性应变和体积塑性应变的非线性函数关系。结合粗粒料三轴压缩试验中的伺服过程,提出了基于遗传算法的损伤模型参数确定方法。通过开展不同围压下的粗粒料三轴压缩试验,对剪切损伤力学模型进行验证,进一步分析了参数演化对粗粒料强度和变形特征的影响。研究结果表明,考虑应变局部化特征的剪切损伤力学模型可以高精度的模拟粗粒料的应变软化和剪胀等特征,有效揭示剪切带内部变形对试样整体宏观变形的影响机制,模型中剪切带参数和围压的关系与粗粒料细观机制一致,计算得到强度组成与颗粒破碎、重组特征较为吻合。  相似文献   

将生活垃圾分为易降解材料、难降解材料和不可压缩的固体材料3大类,其比例为50%、15%、35%。在环境土工实验室,人工配制该比例的垃圾,采用超大型直接剪切试验仪器,进行了生活垃圾强度特性及抗剪强度参数的研究。研究表明,生活垃圾的强度与压缩时间和剪应变有关,且符合库仑定律,得到了初始孔隙比为2.9的生活垃圾在不同压缩时间及不同剪应变下的抗剪强度参数,黏聚力为9.69~15.64kPa,内摩擦角为18.73~35.53。  相似文献   

粗粒料的力学特性与材料状态诸如围压、密度、岩性、级配等因素密切相关。通过粗粒料常规大型三轴各向等压固结排水剪切试验,研究了材料状态对粗粒料力学特性的影响,试验结果表明,初始干密度越小,应力–应变曲线硬化性越强,剪缩性越明显,随着初始干密度的增大,应力–应变曲线的软化性和剪胀性逐渐增强;岩性对粗粒料的力学特性也有明显影响,岩性越硬,应力–应变曲线的软化现象越明显,试样的剪胀性也越大,抗剪强度也越高;级配对粗粒料的力学特性也有重要影响,粗砂和细砾含量相同时,粗砾含量越低,粗粒料抗剪强度越小,体胀变形越大;不同围压的试样孔隙比随着剪切变形的发展逐渐趋向于临界孔隙比,且在平均正应力对数坐标系内呈较好的线性关系;围压、密度、岩性、级配等影响因素下,粗粒料的Rowe剪胀模型参数的归一性都较好,说明Rowe剪胀模型能反映粗粒料的材料状态对其力学特性的影响。  相似文献   

上海重塑粘性土的直剪特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海地区浅层广泛分布的淤泥质粉质粘土、淤泥质粘土和粘土具孔隙比大、含水量高、压缩性大、强度低等特点,容易对工程造成严重不良影响。对这三种土重塑样的直剪特性进行了系统研究,试验方法包括固结快剪和固结慢剪,剪切过程中量测剪切位移和竖向压缩量,剪切结束后量测了破坏面上的土样含水率。结果显示,固结慢剪试验中土样均硬化,剪切位移达6mm时仍未破坏;而固结快剪试验中,除粉质粘土外另两类土在0.2mm的位移下就达到剪切强度。通过试验得到了剪切应力与剪切位移关系、剪缩变形量和抗剪强度参数等。结合试验结果,对粉质粘土与粘土的不同结构导致直剪特性的差异进行了分析讨论。可为上海重塑土的结构及力学特性研究提供依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

为了研究粉煤灰和二灰掺量及养护时间对桂林红黏土的改良效果,进行了直剪试验、固结试验以及电镜扫描试验。试验结果表明,粉煤灰的掺入提高了红黏土的抗剪强度,但超过一定量(18%粉煤灰掺量)反而会降低红黏土黏聚力,各掺量粉煤灰红黏土随养护龄期的延长,抗剪强度呈先增后缓趋势。二灰改良红黏土,在早期强度剧增,且强度随养护时间增长而大幅增加,一定龄期内,二灰红黏土黏聚力随二灰掺量呈先增后减趋势。粉煤灰和二灰的掺入均增大了红黏土的压缩模量,且随养护时间的延长而逐渐增大。红黏土中随粉煤灰、石灰的加入,发生一系列物理化学反应,从微观结构分析得知土中孔隙减少,结构性较素红黏土好。  相似文献   

Conventionally, red clay is used for agricultural purposes in southern China. Fertilizers, especially urea, are commonly introduced into the red clay to improve the crop yields. However, due to the rapid urbanization in China, large areas of lands with red clays have been converted into sites for domestic and industrial constructions. Nevertheless, few researchers focused on the effect of urea on the strength and compressibility of red clay. In this research, the shear strength and compressibility of the red clay saturated by different concentrations of the (NH4)2CO3 solution (urea's hydrolysates) were experimentally investigated using direct shear as well as oedometer tests, respectively. It was noticed that both the shear strength and stiffness of the red clay significantly decreased after exposure to the urea solution. In addition, the micromechanisms of the strength and compressibility of the red clay treated by the (NH4)2CO3 were studied by the scanning electron microscope test and X-ray diffraction test. Based on the test results, a new model was developed to simulate the chemomechanical behavior of saturated clayey soil by modifying the Barcelona basic model (BBM) for unsaturated soils. The proposed model introduces four additional parameters, compared to the BBM, to account for the nonlinear shear strength behavior of the red clay. This model accounts for most of the complex features related to the strength and stiffness behavior of clayey soils. The parameter calibration procedures, by using the oedometer and direct shear test results, are also presented. To validate the proposed model, experimental results from the literature are considered in which illite clay samples were either mechanically or chemically or both mechanically and chemically loaded. Part of the experimental results is used to calibrate the model parameters and the other part along with the calibrated parameters is used to verify the proposed model. A comparison between experimental data and predicted results demonstrated that the proposed model is able to capture the main features related to the chemomechanical coupling behavior of saturated soils.  相似文献   

The distinctive bathymetric feature exists in the Suruga Bay, Japan. It has been called as Senoumi (Stone flower sea) from old times. Senoumi is a 30?km wide and 20?km long concave feature. Its origin has not been explained yet; however, the feature might be a combined consequence of intensive tectonic activity in the plate border, landslides, and a submarine flow coming from the Oi River. If the Senoumi was caused by a landslide, the latter would be larger than any on-land landslide in Japan. The downshelf “exit” from this feature is much narrower than its central part. This is not usual shape of landslides, but it is similar to the liquefied landslides such as those in quick clays which mobilize great strength reduction after failure. To study Senoumi as a landslide, the shear behaviors of the following three soil samples were investigated by the cyclic and seismic undrained stress control ring shear tests. One sample is volcanic ash taken from the base of landslide deposits (mass transport deposits), from 130 to 190?m deep layer below the submarine floor which was drilled and cored by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333. Another two samples are the Neogene silty–sand and silt taken from the Omaezaki hill adjacent to the Senoumi, because the shear zone might have been formed in Neogene layers extending from on-land to the continental shelf. The largest strength reduction from peak to steady-state shear resistance in the undrained cyclic loading test was found in volcanic ash. The strength reduction in Neogene silty–sand was smaller than volcanic ash, while the Neogene silt mobilized the least post-failure strength reduction. An integrated model simulating the initiation and motion of earthquake-induced rapid landslides (landslide simulation (LS)-RAPID, Sassa et al. Landslides 7–3:219–236, 2010) was applied to this study. The steady-state shear resistance and other geotechnical parameters measured by the undrained ring shear tests and the greatest strong motion record in the 2011 off-the-Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake (M w 9.0), also known as “2011 Tohoku Earthquake” at the observation point MYG004 (2,933?gal) were input to this model. As the result, it was found that landslides would be triggered by 0.30–1.0 times of MYG004 in volcanic ash, 0.4–1.0 times of MYG004 in Neogene silty–sand and Neogene silt, though the depth and area of triggered landslides were different in soils and intensity of shaking. Feature, created by LS-RAPID using the parameters of volcanic ash, was most similar to the Senoumi in depth and extent. The result obtained from this study includes a hypothesis to be proved, but presents the strong need to investigate the risk of the large-scale submarine landslides which could enhance tsunami wave and possibly enlarge the submarine landslide retrogressively into the adjacent coastal plain by the upcoming mega earthquake in the Nankai Trough.  相似文献   

为分析昆明呈贡次生红黏土物理力学指标的统计规律,以呈贡吴家营片区69个岩土工程勘察钻孔的275组次生红黏土试样的指标数据为研究对象,基于统计分析原理,运用SPSS统计分析软件,分析了13个指标的变化范围、平均值、标准差、变异系数及指标与深度的相关性,总结次生红黏土的物理力学特性,拟合指标间的线性经验公式,用偏斜度和峰值法检验指标的正态分布规律。结果表明:次生红黏土的土粒相对密度大,塑限和液限低,以可塑状态为主,压缩性高,抗剪强度低;指标与深度的相关性不高,力学指标的离散性比物理指标大,次生红黏土指标的离散性比原生红黏土大;指标间的相关性总体较弱,孔隙比、压缩系数、湿密度及内摩擦角与含水比呈负相关,压缩模量、黏聚力、湿密度及塑性指数与天然含水率呈正相关;仅湿密度、孔隙比和内摩擦角服从正态分布。研究结果为昆明呈贡地区岩土工程设计、土工参数的选取提供参考,为次生红黏土地区的工程防灾减灾提供基础依据。   相似文献   

A set of ash layer samples within the uppermost Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM) sediments (N and E of Frauenfeld, Switzerland) was dated by apatite fission track (FT) means. The ages indicate an early Tortonian (perhaps latest Serravallian) eruption and sedimentation age of 11.5 ± 0.3 Ma. The age is in agreement with time constraints by Mammalian relicts which point to MN7-8. Due to the position of the ash layers close to the erosional gap and overlying Quaternary cover, the age represents a maximum age for the cessation of OSM sedimentation in the Swiss Molasse Basin. However, the end of Molasse sedimentation in this region had not stopped before the cover of OSM sediments by volcanic ash layers at the Höwenegg volcano (southern Germany), an event further constrained by an apatite FT age of 9.8 (?0.7/+0.8) Ma from a hornblende-bearing ash layer at Höwenegg. An isolated bentonitic ash layer occurring 25 km to the WSW of the main set of dated ashes (near Humlikon) has an age component identical to the OSM ash layers near Frauenfeld. The age suggests a source for this material within the Hegau, but is too young to be related to the volcanic activity at the Kaiserstuhl.The apatites from the ash layer samples show two distinct compositional populations, one very close to a Cl end member and one with apatites of equal proportions of Cl and OH end member. These populations are interpreted to have possibly originated from at least two distinct igneous sources for the ashes, separated by their eruption site or eruption time or both. The distinct compositional data on the volcanic apatites may provide a basis to clarify their origin in future work.  相似文献   

Results of the detailed study of Miocene volcanic ashes from Kerch and Taman peninsulas are presented. Based on the distribution of pyroclastics in the rocks under consideration, the Sarmatian and late Meotian stages of volcanic activity are distinguished. In close association with other geological data, results of the first microprobe analysis of the volcaniclastic materials are analyzed. It has been revealed that Sarmatian ashes are characterized by rhyolitic composition, whereas upper Meotian ashes correspond to dacites and rhyodacites. Decrease of silicate content and increase of alkalinity in the studied pyroclastic rocks are traced from ancient to younger sediments. The upper Meotian volcanics are noted for higher concentration of potassium. The predominantly vitroclastic Kerch-Taman ashes with a low content of calcium and high contents of potassium and sodium most likely belong to a single magmatic center. Stages of volcanic events and petrochemical similarity of composition of the magmatic products suggest that the studied ash material belongs to volcanic centers of the Lesser Caucasus.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of addition of lime and lime along with gypsum on the compressibility behavior of two class F fly ashes. Since the fly ashes develop strength and exhibit lower compression, consolidation testing with conventional duration of load increment may not be appropriate. Hence, an attempt has been made to assess the minimum duration of load increment necessary to study the compressibility characteristics of such materials. Thus compressibility behavior of fly ashes with additives has been studied using conventional consolidation test with different durations of load increments varying from 30 min to 48 h. The results obtained indicated that 30 min of duration of load increment can be used to assess the compressibility behavior of such materials. The effect of lime which reduces the compression is seen to be maximum from the results obtained with the duration of load increment of 30 min but gradually reduces with higher durations of load increment. It has also been observed that the rate of decrease in the compressibility is maximum up to 2.5% lime and gradual thereafter. The compressibility of lime treated fly ashes further reduces when gypsum is incorporated, the optimum gypsum percentage being 2.5. This reduction in the compressibility of fly ashes enhanced by incorporating lime and gypsum makes them versatile in the construction of embankments and for structural fills, particularly reducing the time required in between laying of each lift.  相似文献   

Minerals formed and mineral formation from volcanic ash by weathering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Koji Wada 《Chemical Geology》1987,60(1-4):17-28
Weathering of volcanic ash and pumice is unique regarding minerals formed and mineral formation. These minerals include allophane, imogolite, opaline silica and some halloysites, and have distinctive structures and properties. Studies on the surface and subsurface weathering of various volcanic ashes in different settings are reviewed. This review illustrates that relatively rapid weathering of finely comminuted volcanic ash well reflects the effects of climate, vegetation and time, and produces various combinations of weathering products. The moisture regime, the nature and amount of organic matter incorporated, the deposition of volcanic ash as overburden, and the chemical and mineralogical composition of parent ash are important in controlling the mineral formation in weathered volcanic ash.  相似文献   

四海龙湾玛珥湖沉积物中碱流质火山灰的来源及其意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
四海龙湾玛珥湖位于东北新生代龙岗火山区内,在玛珥湖沉积物距湖底69-70cm处分离出新鲜的火山灰。根据火山灰产出的层位、原生沉积特征、形貌和碱流质化学成分特征,属于长白山天池火山公元1199-1200年大喷发的产物。这一结果不仅表明天池火山历史时期大喷发的规模比原来估计的还要大,并且为建立千年以来四海龙湾沉积物及古气候演化的时间标尺提供了依据。  相似文献   

火山灰年代学是控制地层年代最简单可靠的直接手段,近年来在磁性地层、构造演化和古气候环境、考古等研究中被广泛重视和应用,经常成为最关键的要素。然而对其在地层中的识别常常产生较大分歧,制约了对年代的控制及与此相关的许多科学问题的解决。火山玻璃作为火山灰中的常见和标签物质,是识别火山灰最直接可靠的材料。日本强烈的第四纪火山活动和清晰连续的火山灰沉积在这方面具有代表性。本文利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对日本樱岛第四纪晚期典型火山灰中的火山玻璃形态和表面结构特征进行观察分析,总结出火山玻璃碎屑的外部形貌为独特、醒目的各种玻璃碎片状,呈各种大小和形态的带有气孔的曲面或弧面尖棱角状颗粒,如锋利的长条状、各种多边形粒状、片状(月牙状、三角状、多边形状等)和三交面状等,表面特征为各种与火山喷发炸裂作用相关的光滑或弱贝壳状断口的曲面,及与火山喷气有关的各种孔洞、管槽、小圆坑、椭圆形坑和眼状坑。其中眼状坑和三交面状这两种特殊表面形态分别只在安山质和流纹质火山灰中出现,为准确识别中-酸性火山灰及其类型提供了微观形态学鉴定标志。  相似文献   

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