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针对金铜精矿采用中性催化加压预处理工艺,经试验,在温度180 ℃、氧分压1.8 MPa、催化剂0.14 mol/L的基本条件下,Cu浸出率为99.4%,浸液中残留∑Fe质量浓度仅为3.52 g/L,对后续回收Cu的精炼工艺非常有利。氧化渣以氯化浸金工艺浸出Au、Ag,浸出率分别为98.2%、90.3%,有价元素回收率高,工艺简单,环境效益好。  相似文献   

采用氧化焙烧工艺对碳质银精矿进行除碳、除硫预处理,试验确定焙烧温度为650℃。焙砂以3YL--NaCl无氰氯化体系浸出,研究了影响氯化浸出的因素:3YL用量、氯化钠浓度、浸出酸度、时间、温度℃及固液比等,并在试验确定的工艺条件下,进行了公斤级试验,得出Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn的氯化浸出率分别为95.1%、91.6%、85.7%、95.2%、83.8%。  相似文献   

德兴铜矿是我国乃至世界著名的低品位多金属岩型铜矿之一。多年来,德兴铜矿在低品位矿石堆浸过程中只对Cu元素进行回收,而对Re、Co、Au、Ag等伴生元素研究甚少。本文采用X射线衍射、扫描电镜与电镜能谱、电子探针以及ICP-MS等方法对德兴铜矿杨桃坞与祝家村堆浸场低品位矿石进行测试分析,研究了低品位矿石矿物组成变化、重要共伴生元素的赋存状态与空间分布规律,并对其进行了综合利用的可行性评价。研究结果表明,Au主要以自然金形式存在,Ag以单质和化合物两种形式存在,Co主要以类质同像形式存在;Re与Mo含量很低,无利用价值;Co元素含量相对较高,均值19 g/t左右,浸出率为73%,因此回收酸性水库中的Co元素可能具有重大经济价值;杨桃坞堆浸场Au平均含量0.10 g/t,几乎无浸出;Ag平均含量0.39 g/t,浸出率较低,可作为一种潜在资源。此外,堆浸场中金红石含量较丰富,平均粒度20μm左右,估算储量达460万吨,有必要对其回收性开展深入研究。  相似文献   

从含铜铅金精矿中提取金银的工艺方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用湿法预处理除铜 -氨氰法研究了从含 Cu、Pb金精矿中提取 Au、Ag的新工艺方法。它与常规方法相比 ,Au、Ag的回收率分别提高了 34 .78%和 1 2 .52 % ,对于中小型黄金矿山具有推广价值。  相似文献   

<正>1975年,在澳大利亚南部Stuart Shelf地区探明了超大型铜-铁-金-铀-稀土元素矿床—奥林匹克坝矿。该矿的矿化面积超过20 km2。矿床位于前寒武纪基底的角砾杂岩体中,矿石储量20亿t,矿石品位分别为:Fe 35%、Cu 1.6%、U3O80.06%、Au 0.6 g/t、Ag 3.5 g/t,还有总量达1000万t的稀土元素(Wang等,1999;Drummond等,2006)。由于地下勘探开发过程中的新发现,1983年提出  相似文献   

<正>朱诺斑岩铜矿位于日喀则谢通门县以西100 km处,是近年来在冈底斯斑岩铜矿带最西段新发现的另一大型斑岩型铜矿床,截止到2011年12月朱诺矿床提交的工业矿体333+334资源量为Cu 230.49万吨,伴生元素Mo 3.99万吨、Au 33.80吨、Ag 999.0吨,平均品位Cu 0.5726%、Mo 0.0174%,Au 0.129g/t,Ag 2.482 g/t(黄勇等,2013)。该矿区已开展勘探工作,但对矿床的综合研究甚少,尤其在成矿  相似文献   

根据对铜矿的工艺矿物学分析,制定了先混合浮选后铜硫分离的工艺流程。通过单因素试验确定了混合浮选粗选丁基黄药与丁铵黑药最佳用量为180 g/t+90 g/t,二段磨矿最佳磨矿细度为-0.045 mm含量为80%,铜硫分离粗选捕收剂Z-200最佳用量为30 g/t。采用响应曲面法对铜硫分离抑制剂用量进行优化,结果表明抑制剂的最佳用量分别为Na2S 119.43 g/t、CaO 1874 g/t、KG 498.26 g/t,在该条件下软件模拟得到Cu品位和回收率分别为8.47%、95.67%,与实际优化浮选试验结果相近。采用上诉最佳药剂制度进行闭路试验,最终获得Cu品位23.64%、Cu回收率92.54%的铜精矿和S品位43.45%、S回收率82.86%的硫精矿。  相似文献   

孙广周  曾茂青  王蓓  王世涛  王德英 《云南地质》2010,29(1):102-104,101
在较佳人浸粒度(-20ram)及适宜的喷淋制度条件下,经5天浸出周期柱浸后,可获得金浸出率91.31%、NaCN耗量142.3g/t的技术经济指标,表明该金矿适合用本堆浸工艺提金。  相似文献   

西藏谢通门县雄村铜金矿床元素地球化学特征   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
已经查明西藏雄村铜金矿床的Cu 、Au资源量达到超大型规模.通过对雄村铜金矿床Ⅰ号矿体详细的地质编录和测年成果,发现雄村斑岩型铜(金)矿床形成于晚侏罗世,矿体的形成与晚侏罗世侵位的、含眼球状石英斑晶的闪长玢岩(J3δομ)有关,成矿岩体呈不规则的岩枝状,全岩矿化,岩体中Au的平均品位大于1g/t,Cu含量大于0.7%.含矿围岩是早、中侏罗世的凝灰岩,近岩体部分矿化强烈.矿体被后期侵位的多种岩脉穿插,并被始新世侵位的谢通门大岩基黑云母花岗闪长岩穿插和破坏,岩脉的Cu、Au、Ag含量极低,黑云母花岗闪长岩(E2γδβ)Cu、Au、Ag的平均品位(733件样品分析结果统计)分别为0.0091%、0.0053 g/t、0.279 g/t;成矿前侵位的角闪石英闪长玢岩(J2δομ)Cu、Au、Ag的平均品位(1 414件样品分析结果统计)分别为0.0105%、0.048 g/t、0.395 g/t;穿插矿体的安山岩脉Cu、Au、Ag的平均品位(527件样品分析结果统计)分别为0.065%、0.068 g/t、0.728 g/t,穿插矿体的闪长岩脉的Cu、Au、Ag的平均品位(87件样品分析结果统计)分别为0.081%、0.091 g/t、0.818 g/t.根据167个勘探钻孔编录和化学分析(24 369件化学分析样品)资料,以及对海拔4 000 m、3 950 m、3 900 m水平面的Cu、Au、Ag、Mo、Mn、Pb、Zn、W、K、Na、Ca、Rb元素分布规律的分析,显示矿体具有斑岩型矿床的蚀变、矿化以及元素地球化学特征,主要矿化和围岩蚀变在时间上和空间上均与含眼球状石英斑晶的角闪石英闪长玢岩(J3δομ)有关.成矿期间与矿化热液活动有关的蚀变主要有:①早期钾硅酸盐化;②红柱石次生石英岩化(硅化);③黄铁绢英岩化;④青磐岩化.成矿期形成的脉体类型主要有早期石英-红柱石-硫化物脉、红柱石-黑云母-硫化物脉、磁铁矿-黑云母-硫化物脉、富黄铜矿硫化物脉、黄铁矿脉和多金属矿脉.从矿体中心向外,元素具有明显的分带特征.在矿体中心局部,由于红柱石-次生石英岩化蚀变作用强烈,致使K、Rb等元素向外迁移.矿石富K贫Na,以及K与Rb具有良好的相关性的特点均与国内外典型的斑岩铜矿床相似.  相似文献   

张善明 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):890-901
多年来,北山内蒙地区金矿勘查进展不大。2014年,在北山内蒙黑山咀南发现了金多金属矿带,其位于古生代火山盆地过渡带。探槽控制了三条矿带,Ⅰ号矿带长约1500m,宽0.8~5m,刻槽样显示石英脉Au品位在1.00~45.30g/t间,Pb品位在1.00%~26.86%间,蚀变岩Au品位在1.00~39.90g/t间,伴生Ag品位在60~528g/t间,局部地段Cu品位在0.50%~13.70%间。Ⅱ号矿带长约3800m,宽0.3~10m,刻槽样显示北东向石英脉Au品位在1.00~95.80g/t间,近东西向石英脉Au品位在1.00~4.20g/t间,蚀变岩Au品位在1.00~16.60g/t间,局部地段Cu品位在0.50%~1.30%间。Ⅲ号矿带长约1300m,宽1.2~6m,刻槽样显示石英脉Au品位在1.00~23.20g/t间,蚀变岩Au品位在1.00~13.90g/t间。块状方铅矿脉Pb品位在1.00%~78.73%间,伴生Au、Ag、Cu品位分别在1.00~20.20g/t、60~1088g/t、0.50%~21.54%间。拣块样显示Au、Ag、Pb品位最高达1223.00g/t、1760g/t、81.38%。系统的地表工作表明,该区找矿潜力巨大,该矿带的发现对北山内蒙地区的区域找矿具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

黝铜矿-砷黝铜矿系列矿物(Tetrahedrite -Tennantite Series Mineral,TTSM)作为含Cu、Ag、S、Sb、As、Hg及少量Au、Fe、Zn、Cd、Bi、Te、Se的硫盐矿物广泛存在于世界各地的Cu、Ag、Au、Pb、Zn多金属矿床中.为了能够更好的认识该系列矿物,提高矿物中有用元素的回收率,扩大黝铜矿型铜矿床的经济效益,本文对TTSM的化学组成和类质同象置换规律,晶胞参数和晶体结构的形变,矿物人工合成和有用元素的浸出试验等研究进展进行了综述.天然TTSM矿物一般化学式为:(Cu,Ag)6 Cu4 (Fe,Zn,Cu,Hg,Ag,Cd)2 (Sb,As,Bi,Te)4 (S,Se)13,其中S-Se、Sb-As-Bi-Te、Ag-Cu、Cu-Hg-Fe-Pb-Zn-Cd的类质同象置换相当普遍;TTSM晶体结构中不同结构位置离子置换规律更多的受限于离子价键,而同一结构位置不同离子的置换除受限于离子价键还受限于该位置空间大小,晶胞参数与离子置换类型和数量密切相关;人工合成实验证实形成TTSM矿物的温度范围为350~540℃,浸出试验证明随反应温度增高、浸出浓度增大、矿物颗粒减小时,TTSM中有用元素的浸出速率增大.  相似文献   

The intensification of the thiosulphate leaching of silver from a silver-bearing complex sulphide concentrate (Casapalca deposit) using mechanochemical alkaline leaching as the pretreatment step was investigated. The leaching of “as-received” concentrate with the thiosulphate solution afforded only 6% recovery of Ag into leach. The mechanochemical pretreatment resulted 85% amorphization of tetrahedrite as a silver-bearing mineral in the concentrate as well as an increase in specific surface area from the original value of 0.26 m2 g−1 to a maximum value of 15.7 m2 g−1. The pretreatment was performed in a stirred ball mill using variable milling times and sample weights. The physico-chemical changes in the concentrate as a consequence of mechanochemical pretreatment had a pronounced influence on the subsequent silver extraction. The optimum results from mechanochemical pretreatment and subsequent leaching of the concentrate with ammonium thiosulphate were achieved by using a milling time of 60 min and a weight of sample of 60 g. In this case, 99% recovery of Ag was achieved after only 3 min of leaching.  相似文献   

江山铅锌金矿选矿试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴光发 《安徽地质》2015,(2):119-122
针对江山铅锌金矿品位低,矿物组成复杂的特点,采用"铅-锌-硫优先浮选,硫(金)精矿氧化焙烧预处理-焙砂氰化浸金"的工艺,金在铅(金)精矿、锌精矿、硫(金)精矿中的总回收率为81.25%。可使硫(金)精矿中96.89%的硫以二氧化硫的形式得到回收,对原矿的回收率为73.25%;金的作业浸出率达84.76%,对原矿的回收率为31.91%;浸渣中的铁品位达57.99%,对原矿的回收率为26.71%。通过试验研究与分析,确定适宜的选矿工艺及药剂制度,为今后合理开发该区矿石提供技术依据。  相似文献   

小河金矿的细菌预氧化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑存江  熊英 《陕西地质》2000,18(2):93-97
陕西旬阳小河金矿的浮选金精矿含砷(20-27%),采用细菌预氧化时较为困难。采用不同方式对有T.f菌进行驯化,有效地提高了细菌的氧化活性,金的浸出率从0.6%提高到85.12%。  相似文献   

赵善仁  吴悦斌 《现代地质》1996,10(4):478-484
五台山—恒山绿岩带Au、Ag、Cu矿床可分为二大类型:(1)再生型金银铜矿,产在包括岩浆岩在内的各类岩石断裂构造中,与岩浆期后热液有关;(2)变生型金银铜矿,产于各类变质岩中,具有层控特征(即绿岩型金矿)。在地球化学特征上,再生型矿床与变生型矿床相比,矿体及围岩中Mo、Ag、Pb、Zn、Cd等成矿及伴生元素明显富集;K2O、Rb、Sr、Ba、Th、U也明显富集,是后期岩浆热液作用的结果;Hg、F的明显富集则与后期构造活动有关;Zn/Cd比值较低,说明受到后期岩浆侵入影响;Th/U比值低,可能指示富钙的酸性岩环境。再生型Au矿化的元素组合为Cd、As、Ni、Ag、Sb、Au、Hg(Bi),再生型Ag矿化的元素组合为As、Sb、Ag、Cd、Cu、Ni(Mo、Pb、Zn、Bi),变生型Au矿化的元素组合较简单,只为Au、Hg、As或Au、Cu。上述地球化学特征不仅可以有效地区分矿化类型,而且可以作为地球化学找矿和评价的指标  相似文献   

该文以山东招远大尹格庄金矿床中微量元素为研究对象,通过对矿床围岩、矿石等微量元素的研究,表明大尹格庄金矿围岩中微量元素以富含 Bi,Au,Pb,W,Ag,Sn 为特点,矿体和矿化体中元素组合为 Au,Ag,As,Sb,Hg,B, Cu,Zn,Bi,Mo,Mn,Co,Ni,W。在5个成矿阶段中,第二阶段与第三阶段微量元素的富集程度较明显,表现为 Au, Ag,As,Co,Bi,Cu,Pb,Zn 等的富集,成矿元素可分为2个分带序列,主成矿元素为 Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Bi 组合、头晕元素 As Sb Hg 组合和尾晕元素 Co Ni 组合。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(4):367-385
Enzyme LeachSM (EL) soil surveys were undertaken over known epithermal Au mineralisation at El Mozo and Llano Largo, Azuay, Ecuador to assess the utility of the technique for identifying such deposits in the Ecuadorian Andes. The results indicate the development of both apical- and oxidation-type EL anomalies over auriferous structures at the two sites, the former systematically incorporating Au, and the latter Cl and Br. The spectrum of elements responsive to mineralisation at El Mozo (Cl, Br, I, La, Ce, Nd, Cu, Pb, Au, As, Sb, Ag, Zr, Sr) was found to be considerably greater than at Llano Largo (Cl, Br, Au, As, Sb, Ag, Zn), probably reflecting the contrasting high- and low-sulphidation assemblages of the two prospects. Ratios of EL versus aqua-regia extractable trace element concentrations ranged from 1:<100 for Mn to 1:>400 for chalcophile elements such as Pb, Sb, As, Bi and Ag. Strong correlations between the concentrations of several analytes (including Mn, Sr, Cu, Co, As) extracted by the two procedures indicate, however, that EL datasets are extensively influenced by bulk matrix composition. Spatial variations of EL extractable Mn were found to exert no major influence on apical or oxidation suite anomaly patterns at El Mozo. However, Mn-normalisation of halogen data for Llano Largo elucidated otherwise obscure oxidation features, potentially related to Au mineralisation. Ratios between elements subject to apical enrichment and those of the oxidation suite (e.g. Cl/Au and Bi/Br) were found to highlight known Au targets with improved clarity. The formation mechanism of the recorded Au anomalies is uncertain, but may involve physical enrichment of Au in the soil during pedogenesis with subsequent in-situ formation of (EL soluble) Au halide complexes. The strength of such apical features is, in part, probably a function of the minimal depths to mineralisation which characterise El Mozo and Llano Largo. Oxidation halos formed by volatile non-metallic elements such as Cl and Br may, therefore, provide more valuable EL pathfinders for more deeply concealed epithermal targets.  相似文献   

The Las Cruces VMS deposit is located at the eastern corner of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) and is overlain by the Neogene–Quaternary sediments of the Guadalquivir foreland Basin. The deposit is currently exploited from an open pit by Cobre Las Cruces S.A., being the supergene Cu-enriched zone the present mined resource. The Las Cruces orebody is composed of a polymetallic massive sulfide orebody, a Cu-rich stockwork and an overlying supergene profile that includes a Cu-rich secondary ore (initial reserves of 17.6 Mt @ 6.2% Cu) and a gossan cap (initial reserves of 3.6 Mt @ 3.3% Pb, 2.5 g/t Au, and 56.3 g/t Ag).The mineralogy of the Las Cruces weathering profile has been studied in this work. Textural relationships, mineral chemistry, deposition order of the minerals and genesis of the Las Cruces gossan are described and discussed in detail. A complex mineral assemblage composed by the following minerals has been determined: carbonates such as siderite, calcite and cerussite; Fe-sulfides including pyrite, marcasite, greigite and pyrrhotite; Pb–Sb sulfides and sulfosalts like galena, stibnite, fulöppite, plagionite, boulangerite, plumosite, and the jordanite–geocronite series, Ag–Hg–Sb sulfides and sulfosalts including miargyrite, pyrargyrite, sternbergite, acanthite, freibergite, cinnabar, Ag–Au–Hg amalgams; and Bi–Pb–Bi sulfides and sulfosalts such as bismuthinite, galenobismutite, others unidentified Bi–Pb-sulfosalts, native Bi and unidentified Fe–Pb–Sb-sulfosalts. Remains of the former oxidized assemblage appear as relicts comprised of hematite and goethite.Combining paragenetic information, textures and mineral chemistry it has been possible to derive a sequence of events for the Las Cruces gossan generation and subsequent evolution. In that sense, the small amount of Fe-oxyhydroxides and their relict textures replaced by carbonates and sulfides suggest that the gossan was generated under changing physico-chemical conditions. It is proposed that the Las Cruces current gossan represents the modified residue of a former gossan mineralization where prolonged weathering led to dissolution and leaching out of highly mobile elements and oxidation of the primary sulfides. Later, the gossan was subject to seawater-gossan interaction and then buried beneath a carbonated-rich cover. The basinal fluids-gossan interaction and the equilibration of fluids with the carbonated sediments brought to the carbonatization and sulfidation of the gossan, and thus to the generation of Fe-carbonates and Pb–Sb-sulfides.The Las Cruces mineral system likely represents a new category within the weathering class of ore deposits.  相似文献   

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