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滑坡风险评估的难点和进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
石菊松  石玲  吴树仁 《地质论评》2007,53(6):797-806
近年来,国内外滑坡研究日益重视滑坡风险评估和管理技术方法的研究,但滑坡风险评估依然是存在很多问题和难点,尤其是在中等—大比例尺区域滑坡风险定量评估方面,主要表现在滑坡编录数据库建设、滑坡影响因素的识别和建模、滑坡时间、空间预测的不确定性,滑坡诱发因素动态变化的定量刻画,承灾体识别和易损性定量评价等方面。在阐述滑坡风险评估流程的基础上,围绕滑坡风险评估与制图中滑坡编录和基础数据获取与更新,危险性分析中的滑坡空间、时间概率和滑坡特征预测、损失评估中的易损性分析与定量和承灾体定量化制图等技术方法中的难点和存在的问题,概述针对这些问题所取得的研究进展,并指出了滑坡风险研究的技术发展趋势。  相似文献   

作为防灾减灾的重要措施之一,滑坡风险评价已经成为近年来国际上滑坡研究的热点,并形成了较为完备的滑坡风险管理体系。国内的滑坡风险研究则起步较晚,滑坡风险评价的关键支撑技术体系尚未建立。本文对滑坡风险评价中的关键理论和方法进行梳理,阐述了国际滑坡风险评价的理论框架和技术流程,介绍了国内外滑坡易发性、危险性和风险评价的最新进展,评述了滑坡易发性评价、扩展范围预测、频率分析以及承灾体易损性评价的主要方法,阐明了现阶段滑坡风险评价的重点领域和前沿科学问题,并对滑坡灾害的风险评价提出了三点展望。  相似文献   

滑坡作为水库库区主要地质灾害类型之一,其风险研究一直是近年来的研究热点.水库滑坡涌浪的产生使滑坡灾害的影响范围由滑坡源本身扩散到上下游数千米,极大地扩大了滑坡风险的承灾体类型与数量以及灾害损失程度.因涉及交叉学科领域,滑坡涌浪风险评估是滑坡风险灾害链评价的难点与前沿课题.本文综合了前人近几十年来的研究成果,首先从危险性...  相似文献   

地质灾害风险评估技术指南初论   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
吴树仁  石菊松  张春山  王涛 《地质通报》2009,28(8):995-1005
为了分析阐明突发地质灾害风险评估领域的一些热点问题,在概要地分析地质灾害风险评估技术指南编写的目的、基本原则和结构层次、核心内容的基础上,重点探索了地质灾害易发程度、危险性和风险评估的工作流程。初步提出地质灾害风险评估应该遵循的6条基本原则、结构层次及核心内容;初步提出定性分析-定量化评价相结合的地质灾害风险评估技术方法,提倡实用性技术方法和GIS技术的推广应用;初步提出地质灾害易发性、危险性和风险评估区划的基本工作流程。最后,简要地讨论了地质灾害风险评估的一些主要难点和易于混淆的问题,为地质灾害风险评估技术指南的编制和修改完善提供参考依据。  相似文献   

滑坡灾害风险评价的系统分析   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
从系统理论的观点出发,提出了滑坡灾害复杂大系统的概念,并以这一概念为基础,探讨了滑坡灾害风险特征及滑坡灾害风险评价的基本内容,提出并系统地阐述了以滑坡危险性分析、承灾体易损性分析和滑坡灾害破坏损失评估为核心内容的滑坡灾害风险评价的系统理论。  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国滑坡灾害风险分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
随着我国减灾防灾工作的深入开展,对大范围区域性的滑坡灾害进行风险评估势在必行。GIS技术为滑坡灾害在不同模型条件下的风险评估提供了有效的技术支持。经过多年研究,作者开发出了基于MapGIS软件平台的滑坡灾害风险分析系统。在该系统支持下,采用信息量模型和专家打分模型对我国全国范围内的滑坡灾害进行危险性分析,进而进行区域社会经济易损性分析,并在此基础上进行最终的滑坡灾害风险评估。分析结果具有一定的指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

滑坡风险管理是国际上广泛应用于滑坡灾害防灾减灾的有效途径之一。以县域滑坡灾害风险管理信息系统(County Landslides Risk Management Information System,CLRMIS)研发及应用为研究目标,在简述国内外相关研究现状的基础上,分析了我国县域滑坡灾害风险管理的基本特征与需求,设计了县域滑坡灾害风险管理信息系统的总体架构与功能模块,详细论述了县域滑坡灾害风险管理的技术流程、评价方法及评价标准,基于地理信息系统技术,完成了CLRMIS软件的开发。选择陕西省宁强县为应用研究区,基于CLRMIS平台,在对宁强县地质环境与地质灾害数据管理的基础上,采用信息量方法和要素权重叠加方法分别进行了区域(县域)滑坡灾害危险性和易损性研究,采用专家打分方法进行了单体滑坡灾害危险性和危害性研究,在此基础上应用风险矩阵分析方法进行了区域(县域)及单体滑坡灾害广义风险评价方法研究和基于降雨量的动态风险评价与预报预警。应用结果表明,CLRMIS能够在滑坡信息管理、风险分析与评价、预报预警等方面提供较为有效的支持,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

滑坡泥石流灾害风险评估目前没有一个统一的概念体系和理论框架.从滑坡泥石流风险评估的基本概念出发,综合分析不确定性与灾害以及灾害与风险之间的关系,明确区分了“灾害体”、“灾害事件”和“灾害现象”三种含义,界定了灾害易发性、危险性和风险性的内涵.然后从这些明确的概念出发,提出了危险性和易损性的数学表达形式,由此构建了滑坡泥石流风险评估的理论框架,以期能够为今后的滑坡泥石流风险研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

我国滑坡灾害分布范围广,危害严重。区域滑坡危险性评价一直都是滑坡灾害防灾减灾的重要内容之一。近年来,随着大数据和人工智能技术的飞速发展,机器学习技术逐渐在滑坡灾害危险性评价方面得到广泛应用,并取得了较好效果。在大量研读文献的基础上,系统阐述了基于机器学习技术的滑坡危险性评价方法研究现状。综述从评价因子选择与量化归一化、数据清洗与样本集构建、模型选取与训练评价等三个关键环节对现有研究成果进行分析评述,最后对机器学习滑坡危险性评价方法的发展趋势提出讨论意见。  相似文献   

我国滑坡灾害分布范围广,危害严重。区域滑坡危险性评价一直都是滑坡灾害防灾减灾的重要内容之一。近年来,随着大数据和人工智能技术的飞速发展,机器学习技术逐渐在滑坡灾害危险性评价方面得到广泛应用,并取得了较好效果。在大量研读文献的基础上,系统阐述了基于机器学习技术的滑坡危险性评价方法研究现状。综述从评价因子选择与量化归一化、数据清洗与样本集构建、模型选取与训练评价等三个关键环节对现有研究成果进行分析评述,最后对机器学习滑坡危险性评价方法的发展趋势提出讨论意见。  相似文献   

区域滑坡灾害预测预警与风险评价   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
区域滑坡灾害预测预警是滑坡灾害研究领域的难点和热点。过去10多年来在这方面的研究主要集中在区域降雨与地质环境的结合方面。文章总结了目前国内外滑坡灾害预测预报、预警和风险管理研究现状,认为把滑坡灾害预警预报与风险管理相结合是减灾防灾的需要,也是今后该领域研究的发展趋势。文章从区域滑坡灾害空间预测、时间预警预报的角度提出了滑坡灾害预测预报的分类和理论基础,并在此基础上,利用MapGIS软件平台进行二次开发,建立了基于WebGIS的滑坡灾害信息管理系统和实时预警发布系统。以2004年"云娜"台风期间浙江省永嘉县滑坡灾害预警预报为例,进行了滑坡危险性预测、人口易损性预测、经济易损性预测到风险预测的实例研究。  相似文献   

区域滑坡灾害人口易损性及人口伤亡风险预测研究是区域滑坡灾害预警预报工作的一个重要环节,该研究对提高预警预报工作的针对性和有效性具有关键作用.在对浙江省永嘉县有关资料进行分析的基础上,从研究区人口年龄结构、居民对滑坡灾害风险的防范意识、政府对滑坡灾害的重视程度及滑坡灾害预警预报体系的完善程度4个方面评价了研究区人口易损性,并给出了计算人口易损性的公式,据此得到了永嘉县人口易损性分布图.根据永嘉县的实际情况,提出了耕地人口密度的概念.综合人口易损性分布图、人口密度分布图和滑坡灾害易发性预测图得到了研究区受威胁人口伤亡风险预测图,为当地政府职能部门实施滑坡灾害风险的控制和管理提供决策依据.  相似文献   

分析了滑坡灾害风险评估的基本方法,通过西五路工程实例介绍滑坡灾害风险评估的基本步骤:(1)全面勘察该地区地理地质环境,包括滑坡各项性质及该地区地面设施和人员分布。(2)进行危险性和易损性分析,包括计算滑坡稳定性和滑坡失稳概率。(3)在危险性和易损性分析基础上进行期望损失分析。  相似文献   

A review of assessing landslide frequency for hazard zoning purposes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The probability of occurrence is one of the key components of the risk equation. To assess this probability in landslide risk analysis, two different approaches have been traditionally used. In the first one, the occurrence of landslides is obtained by computing the probability of failure of a slope (or the reactivation of existing landslides). In the second one, which is the objective of this paper, the probability is obtained by means of the statistical analysis of past landslide events, specifically by the assessment of the past landslide frequency. In its turn, the temporal frequency of landslides may be determined based on the occurrence of landslides or from the recurrence of the landslide triggering events over a regional extent. Hazard assessment using frequency of landslides, which may be taken either individually or collectively, requires complete records of landslide events, which is difficult in some areas. Its main advantage is that it may be easily implemented for zoning. Frequency assessed from the recurrence of landslide triggers, does not require landslide series but it is necessary to establish reliable relations between the trigger, its magnitude and the occurrence of the landslides. The frequency of the landslide triggers can be directly used for landslide zoning. However, because it does not provide information on the spatial distribution of the potential landslides, it has to be combined with landslide susceptibility (spatial probability analysis) to perform landslide hazard zoning. Both the scale of work and availability of data affect the results of the landslide frequency and restrict the spatial resolution of frequency zoning as well. Magnitude–frequency relationships are fundamental elements for the quantitative assessment of both hazard and risk.  相似文献   

Landslide risk assessment and management: an overview   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Landslides can result in enormous casualties and huge economic losses in mountainous regions. In order to mitigate landslide hazard effectively, new methodologies are required to develop a better understanding of landslide hazard and to make rational decisions on the allocation of funds for management of landslide risk. Recent advances in risk analysis and risk assessment are beginning to provide systematic and rigorous processes to enhance slope management. In recent years, risk analysis and assessment has become an important tool in addressing uncertainty inherent in landslide hazards.This article reviews recent advances in landslide risk assessment and management, and discusses the applicability of a variety of approaches to assessing landslide risk. Firstly, a framework for landslide risk assessment and management by which landslide risk can be reduced is proposed. This is followed by a critical review of the current state of research on assessing the probability of landsliding, runout behavior, and vulnerability. Effective management strategies for reducing economic and social losses due to landslides are described. Problems in landslide risk assessment and management are also examined.  相似文献   

Assessing landslide exposure in areas with limited landslide information   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Landslide risk assessment is often a difficult task due to the lack of temporal data on landslides and triggering events (frequency), run-out distance, landslide magnitude and vulnerability. The probability of occurrence of landslides is often very difficult to predict, as well as the expected magnitude of events, due to the limited data availability on past landslide activity. In this paper, a qualitative procedure for assessing the exposure of elements at risk is presented for an area of the Apulia region (Italy) where no temporal information on landslide occurrence is available. Given these limitations in data availability, it was not possible to produce a reliable landslide hazard map and, consequently, a risk map. The qualitative analysis was carried out using the spatial multi-criteria evaluation method in a global information system. A landslide susceptibility composite index map and four asset index maps (physical, social, economic and environmental) were generated separately through a hierarchical procedure of standardising and weighting. The four asset index maps were combined in order to obtain a qualitative weighted assets map, which, combined with the landslide susceptibility composite index map, has provided the final qualitative landslide exposure map. The resulting map represents the spatial distribution of the exposure level in the study area; this information could be used in a preliminary stage of regional planning. In order to demonstrate how such an exposure map could be used in a basic risk assessment, a quantification of the economic losses at municipal level was carried out, and the temporal probability of landslides was estimated, on the basis of the expert knowledge. Although the proposed methodology for the exposure assessment did not consider the landslide run-out and vulnerability quantification, the results obtained allow to rank the municipalities in terms of increasing exposure and risk level and, consequently, to identify the priorities for designing appropriate landslide risk mitigation plans.  相似文献   

吴越  刘东升  陆新  宋强辉 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2487-2492
承灾体易损性定量评估是制约滑坡灾害风险评估研究的瓶颈问题。为此,以滑坡体冲击冲量为致灾强度指标、建筑物整体抗剪力为抗灾性能指标,推导出典型承灾体易损性定量评估模型。在此基础上,考虑滑体运动特征参数随机性对易损性的影响,提出风险曲线和最大风险度指标的概念,以反映滑坡灾害成灾全过程中不确定性对灾害后果的影响。并采用该模型分析了坡体几何特征参数、受灾体空间位置以及受灾体抗灾性能对易损性的影响规律。将风险度指标应用于算例分析,并与以往方法进行了比较,分析发现,建立的易损性定量评估模型可以反映二维简化情况下受灾体毁损程度与各种影响因素之间关系的基本规律,为易损性定量评估提供了一种途径。  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to an important aspect of the systematic and quantitative assessment of landslide hazard and risk. The focus is on site-specific and detailed assessment for rainfall-triggered landslides and, in particular, on the estimation and interpretation of the temporal probability of landsliding. Historical rainfall data over a 109-year period were analysed with particular reference to a site along the Unanderra and Moss Vale Railway Line in the State of New South Wales, Australia. It is shown that the recurrence interval of landsliding and hence annual probability of occurrence is subject to significant uncertainty and that it cannot be regarded as a constant. Accordingly landslide hazard varies spatially as well as being a function of time. For the example case study considered in this paper the annual probability of landslide occurrence was estimated to be in the range 0.026–0.172. However, the mean annual probability of landslide reactivation was estimated to be in the range 0.037–0.078. Utilisation of methods for probability assessment proposed in this paper will contribute to more realistic assessment of hazard and risk and, therefore, to more efficient risk management.  相似文献   

以运营的油气长输管道工程为依托,在收集、整理、综合分析既有资料基础上,通过对大量滑坡案例进行分析,明确了滑坡地质灾害的主要诱发因素与稳定性控制指标,建立了滑坡危险性评价指标体系。应用专家系统研究方法,建立油气长输管道线路滑坡地质灾害危险性评价专家系统,并对具体工程进行了地质灾害危险性评估,结果符合实际,可为油气长输管道工程地质灾害减灾防灾提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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