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谢昕  邹海波等 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):617-628
本文对中国东南沿海不含幔源包体的中生代玄武岩和含幔源包体的新生代玄武岩进行了微量元素和Nd-Sr-Pb同位素对比研究。中生代玄武岩呈Ta,Nb和Hf负异常,低Ce/Pb,Nb/U比值和高La/Nb比值,与岛弧火山岩和陆壳岩石的微量元素特征相类似,说明在岩浆生成和上升过程中,幔源组分受到了陆壳组分的混染。新生代玄武岩呈Ta,Nb正异常和Pb负异常,高Ce/Pb,Nb/U比值和低La/Nb比值,与海岛玄武岩(OIB)相类似,Nd-Sr同位素成分与夏威夷玄武岩类似,因而它们未受明显的陆壳混染。^143Nd/^144Nd与^206Pb/^204Pb之间的负相关关系和^87Sr/^86Sr与^206Pb/^204Pb之间的正相关关系说明本区新生代玄武岩起源于中等亏损程度的软流圈地幔,并与EMII富集地幔组分发生了混合。  相似文献   

山西省繁峙玄武岩位于华北克拉通重力梯度带附近,是华北克拉通中部新生代玄武岩重要组成部分。前人全岩K-Ar测年结果为26.3~24.3Ma。对繁峙地区苏孟庄和应县两地玄武岩的地球化学特征研究表明,其微量元素和同位素均具有类OIB特征,即富集不相容元素,轻、重稀土元素分馏明显((La/Yb)N=8.42~21.60),不存在Sr、Eu负异常,Sr同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr=0.703848~0.704870)较低,Nd(143Nd/144Nd=0.512617~0.513057)和Hf(176Hf/177Hf=0.282873~0.283001)同位素比值较高,Pb同位素比值分别为206Pb/204Pb=17.2~17.9,207Pb/204Pb=15.3~15.4和208Pb/204Pb=37.5~37.9。结合岩相学特征和主量元素特征,我们推断繁峙新生代玄武岩是软流圈低程度部分熔融结果,并存在岩石圈物质的加入,岩浆上升时在岩石圈地幔条件下的岩浆房内经历了以橄榄石、单斜辉石为主的分离结晶作用,岩浆因快速上升而地壳混染程度甚低。苏孟庄碱性玄武岩具有较深的熔融深度和较低的熔融程度,而应县亚碱性玄武岩熔融深度较浅,熔融程度较高。结合重力梯度带附近其他地区的新生代玄武岩的研究,我们推测重力梯度带附近新生代的火山活动可能起源于西部软流圈地幔向东流动越过重力梯度带时的减压部分熔融,该地区广泛分布的断裂带为岩浆上涌提供了通道。本文为中国东部新生代玄武质火山活动的岩石成因学研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

太行山地区中、新生代玄武质岩浆的源区特征与时空演化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文总结了太行山地区中生代辉长岩和新生代玄武岩的元素和同位素组成,其组成显示它们的地幔源区存在着明显的差别。新生代玄武岩以碱性玄武岩为主,含有少量橄榄拉斑玄武岩,它们来自软流圈的部分熔融,并伴有少量古老岩石圈地幔组分的加入。相比之下,中生代辉长岩具有明显不同的地球化学特征:SiO2含量高,LREE和LILE(Ba,Th,U)富集以及HFSE(Nb,Ta,Zr和Ti)亏损,Sr-Nd同位素富集(大多数^87Sr/^86Sri〉0.705,^143Nd/^144Nd;〈0.512)、Pb同位素亏损(^206Ph/^204Pbi〈17.5,^207Ph/^204Pbi〈15.5,^208Pb/^204Pbi〈38.0)。这些特征表明中生代辉长岩来源于经过富硅熔体强烈改造的古老岩石圈地幔,这种富集改造过程很可能与华北克拉通内部元古代的俯冲/碰撞事件有关。古老且同位素富集的岩石圈地幔残存至新生代,并被新生代玄武岩携带的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体所记录。  相似文献   

浙江东南部晚中生代上、下火山岩系(以下简称上、下岩系)中均有玄武岩产出,本文对这些玄武岩分别进行了元 素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素研究。不同岩系玄武岩的主量元素均表现出富碱、富Al等特征。但微量元素存在差异,下岩 系天台和青田样品具有轻稀土富集以及Ba, Pb和Sr富集,Eu负异常,Nb, Ta, Zr和Hf亏损的特征。上岩系玄武岩的元素特征 也有差别,永嘉花坦、宁波玄坛地、新昌镜岭和永嘉镜架山等地样品的元素特征表现出的性质与下岩系样品相似,武义玄 武岩样品没有Ta, Nb亏损特征,金衢盆地玄武岩的元素特征则介于两者之间。对应的,这些玄武岩样品的同位素组成也有 明显差异,下岩系玄武岩的初始同位素组成范围为 I Sr=0.70850~0.70897,εN(d t) = -5.6~-4.1,(206Pb/204Pb) i =18.21~18.38,(207Pb/204Pb) i =15.55~15.58,(208Pb/204Pb) i =38.26~38.49,接近下岩系中酸性岩浆岩的范围,反映了下地壳物质对其岩浆源区的显著影响。上岩系玄武岩有明显差异,表现出与元素特征对应的分组现象。其中永嘉花坦、宁波玄坛地、新昌镜岭和永嘉镜架山样品 I Sr = 0.70734~0.70936, εN(d t)= -7.1~-2.1,( 206Pb/204Pb) i =18.01~18.40,( 207Pb/204Pb) i = 15.54~15.62,( 208Pb/204Pb) i=37.99~38.62, 具有富集特征, 可能来自活动大陆边缘; 而武义和金衢盆地样品的 I Sr=0.70533~0.70589, εNd( t) =0.4~3.3,(206Pb/204Pb) i =17.23~18.11,( 207Pb/204Pb) i =15.46~15.53,( 208Pb/204Pb) i =36.91~38.43,具有类似OIB特征,趋向亏损地幔端元。上下岩系玄武岩的元素和同位素组成的研究表明,玄武岩的物质来源有较明显的差别,且表现出随时间变化的特征。其中下岩系玄武岩源区中可能有古老岩石圈地幔、下地壳物质和俯冲蚀变洋壳物质的贡献,而上岩系中玄武岩源区有可能是类似下岩系玄武岩性质的岩石圈、软流圈地幔和下地壳物质等的贡献。浙东南晚中生代岩石圈演化的动力学过程可能与太平洋板块俯冲有关,但不能排除岩石圈地幔拆沉的影响,具体的讨论还需要更多的岩石学和/或地幔包体资料的补充。  相似文献   

青海省共和盆地周缘晚古生代镁铁质火山岩分属阿尼玛卿蛇绿混杂带,宗务隆构造带和苦海-赛什塘带。阿尼玛卿带正常洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)样品具有较高的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr(t)比值(0.7066~0.7084)、高的ε_(Nd)(t)(12.2~12.8)和较低的~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb初始值(17.72~17.79)。这些同位素特征类似于秦岭勉略蛇绿岩带的N-MORB以及印度洋低~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb高~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd N-MORB。该带中的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值为0.7036~0.7044,ε_(Nd)(t)=4.4~4.8,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=17.45~17.62。其Sr和Nd同位素比值可与印度洋代表热点构造的洋岛玄武岩对比,但~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb低于印度洋的热点构造玄武岩,因此,具有类似印度洋低~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd比值MORB同位素特征。宗务隆构造带的N-MORB的Sr同位素比值在0.7041~0.7058,ε_(Nd)(t)=6.1~8.4,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=17.51~17.90,划归高~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd比值的N-MORB。苦海大陆裂谷玄武岩显示了高的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr同位素比值(0.7115和0.7104)和低的ε_(Nd)(t)值(-1.7和-2.5),其~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb(17.64和17.46)与上述大洋玄武质岩石无显著区别。上述各岩类的同位素特征反映了它们生成的构造环境和陆壳组分混染的程度。阿尼玛卿带的N-MORB代表了典型的来自亏损地幔源区的洋中脊产物。与勉略带同类岩石可能来自同一源区。OIB可能属于热点构造成因的洋岛产物并与MORB一起构成了阿尼玛卿洋洋壳。宗务隆带MORB同样代表了主要源自相对亏损地幔的洋脊产物并指示宗务隆带曾开裂成洋。苦海大陆裂谷玄武岩极高的Sr和低的Nd同位素比值是陆壳物质组分的强烈印记,这与该类火山岩发育在前寒武纪基底之上不无关系。结合本区大洋玄武岩普遍低的Nb/U和Ce/Pb比值,推测它们可能源自EMII与DMM物质的交代混合。按照习惯的想法,明显的Dupal异常(△~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb值=46~103和△~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb值=4~18;大多样品~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr>0.704)指示这些岩石在空间上代表了来自南半球印度洋位置的古洋壳残余。但是,北半球愈来愈多的Dupal异常的发现有可能指示它们是类似现今东南亚多洋岛构造历经"汇聚式(focused)俯冲"的产物。此外,宗务隆带MORB的Dupal异常指示本区古特提斯域的北界较先前所定还要北推200km。  相似文献   

韩江伟  熊小林  朱照宇 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3208-3220
对雷琼地区21个晚新生代玄武岩样品的主量、微量元素和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素分别用湿化学法、ICP-MS和MC-ICPMS进行了测定.这些玄武岩主要为石英拉斑玄武岩,其次为橄榄拉斑玄武岩和碱性玄武岩.大多数样品的微量元素和同位素成分与洋岛玄武岩(OIBs)相似,而且随着SiO_2不饱和度增加,不相容元素含量也增加.除R4-1可能受到地壳混染外,其他样品相对均一的Nd同位素(ε_(Nd)=2.5-6.0)以及变化明显但范围有限的Sr同位素(0.703106~0.704481),可能继承了地幔源区的特征.~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr与~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb的正相关和~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd与~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb的负相关特征暗示DM(软流圈地幔)与EM2(岩石圈地幔)的混合.地幔捕虏体的同位素特征暗示EM2成分不可能存在于尖晶石橄榄岩地幔,而La/Yb和Sm/Yb系统表明岩浆由石榴石橄榄岩部分熔融产生,这意味着EM2成分可能存在于石榴石橄榄岩地幔.雷琼地区玄武岩的地球化学变化可以用软流圈地幔为主的熔体加入不同比例石榴石橄榄岩地幔不同程度熔融产生的熔体来解释:碱性玄武岩和橄榄拉斑玄武岩是软流圈熔体与石榴石橄榄岩地幔较低程度(7%~9%)熔融体混合,而石英拉斑玄武岩是软流圈熔体与石榴石橄榄岩地幔较高程度(10%~20%)熔融体的混合.  相似文献   

对东北牡丹江海浪、鸡西鸡林、东宁老黑山三处亚碱性玄武岩类进行了柏A卜”Ar定年和元素与Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成研究,结果显示,始新世海浪(玄武)安山岩属钙碱性系列,相对富硅碱,贫铁钙,高度富集Rb、Ba、Sr,亏损Th、U、Nb、Ta,富集LREE及极低的HREE含量,与五大连池钾质火山岩相近的同位素组成(^206Pb/^204Pb=16.56~16.66,^207Pb/^204Pb=15.44—15.47,^208Pb/^204Pb=36.80—36.95;ISr=0.704882~0.705564;εNd=-4.05~2.29),表明来源于较厚的、受交代作用影响的含石榴石富集(LoMu)岩石圈地幔;中中新世鸡林拉斑玄武岩分布极为局限,辉石斑晶发育骸晶结构,富铁、钙、钛,不亏损Nb、Ta,富集Ba、Sr,REE相对平坦,HREE高于OIB,Sr、Nd同位素组成相似于Samoa岛玄武岩,显示源区除软流圈成分外,还有EMII富集组分的加入;晚中新世老黑山拉斑玄武岩,低碱低钾,LREE轻度富集,Nb、Ta不明显亏损,同位素比值与镜泊湖一带中新世碱性玄武岩范围一致,主要来源于软流圈并与富集岩石圈(EMI)发生过相互作用。地幔源区经历了古近纪富集地幔源到中新世软流圈组分增多的演化。东北新生代拉斑玄武岩不同的地球化学特征为认识大陆拉斑玄武岩成因的多样性提供了有益启示。  相似文献   

秦社彩  范蔚茗  郭锋 《岩石学报》2019,35(6):1892-1906
本文对沿江绍断裂带的江山和浦江两地区中生代镁铁质火山岩进行了Ar-Ar年代学、岩石学和元素-同位素地球化学研究。Ar-Ar年代学结果显示,江山玄武岩的形成年龄约为99Ma,为晚白垩世喷发产物;浦江玄武岩和玄武质安山岩的喷发时间为111~112Ma,属于早白垩世。两区中生代镁铁质火山岩都为中钾钙碱性系列,根据其地球化学指标可划分为三组:第1组为江山OIB型玄武岩,在微量元素组成上无Nb-Ta亏损和Pb负异常,高ε_(Nd)(t)和低(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值,总体上显示出类似洋岛玄武岩的元素-同位素组成特征;第2组为高钛磷玄武岩,Nb-Ta弱负异常和明显Pb正异常,中等ε_(Nd)(t)和(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i比值;第3组为低钛磷玄武岩,强烈Nb-Ta负异常和中等Pb正异常,低ε_(Nd)(t)(-6.0~-3.7)和高(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i为特征。三组镁铁质火山岩相互之间缺乏分异演化关系,也不是同一母岩浆经历地壳混染作用的结果。对比三组镁铁质火山岩的La/Nb、Ba/Nb、Zr/Ba比值和Sr-Nd同位素模拟结果,我们认为江绍断裂带晚中生代玄武岩为软流圈-岩石圈相互作用的产物,从早期(111~112Ma)到晚期(99Ma)镁铁质岩浆地幔源区软流圈组分的比例越来越多而岩石圈成份逐渐减少的趋势。考虑到该区晚中生代的盆岭构造格局与邻区郴州-临武断裂带同时期镁铁质岩浆的产出特点,华南地区在早白垩世晚期到晚白垩世期间发生了强烈的岩石圈伸展-减薄作用。  相似文献   

闫峻  陈江峰  谢智  杨刚  喻钢  钱卉 《地球化学》2005,34(5):455-469
长江中下游地区繁昌火山盆地蝌蚪山晚白垩世玄武岩为硅饱和岩石, SiO2含量在 47.63%~ 50.02%之间,在 TAS图上位于碱性和亚碱性的分界线上,多数属于玄武岩,少数为粗面玄武岩. MgO含量较低( 3.72%~ 5.58%),但 Mg#值较高( 61~ 71).岩石富集大离子亲石元素 Ba、 Th、 U、 LREE和 Pb,亏损高场强元素 Nb、 Zr和 Ti,具富集的 Sr、 Nd和 Pb同位素组成.初始 87Sr/86Sr(t)比值介于 0.706 5~ 0.706 6之间,ε Nd(t)值介于-5.5~-7.3之间.在 87Sr/86Sr(t)-ε Nd(t)相关图上投在富集的第Ⅳ象限,并趋向于 EMⅡ地幔端员. 206Pb/204Pb(t)、 207Pb/204Pb(t)和 208Pb/204Pb(t)比值分别为 17.928~ 18.311、 15.426~ 15.621和 37.785~ 38.525,在 Pb同位素相关图上处在 DMM和 EMⅡ地幔端员之间.蝌蚪山玄武岩的地球化学特征表明其原始岩浆来源于岩石圈地幔,底侵到壳幔边界后曾有一段时间的滞留,并经历了一定程度的以橄榄石和斜方辉石为主的结晶分异,随后在上升过程中没有受到明显的地壳物质的混染.本地区晚中生代时期陆下岩石圈地幔具有同位素富集的性质,曾受到过古老俯冲事件中析出流体 /熔体的交代.与本地区新生代玄武岩地球化学性质的对比表明,从晚中生代至新生代,由于岩石圈拉张和软流圈的上涌,长江中下游地区发生了岩石圈的减薄,其过程和华北地块东部的岩石圈减薄事件基本一致.造成华北地块东部和华南地块东部的岩石圈减薄具有一致的动力学机制和背景,很可能是晚中生代时期古太平洋板块向亚洲大陆之下俯冲造成的弧后盆地的拉张减薄.  相似文献   

莒县早白垩世火山岩沿郯庐断裂带分布,由粗安岩、粗面岩和流纹岩组成,属高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列.岩石富集Rb、K、Ba等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素和重稀土元素,Sr-Nd同位素组成((87Sr/86Sr)t=0.7082~0.7095,ENd(t)=-16.4~-19.8)与区内基性岩的相类似,而Pb同位素组成((206pb/204Pb)t=16.523~17.038,(207pb/204Pb)t=15.414~15.468,(208pb/204Pb)t=37.058~37.427)类似于EM1型富集地幔.(87Sr/86Sr)t和εNd(t)与SiO2没有明显的相关性,且较高的Th/U、Ce/Pb值和较低的Nb/La、Nb/U值均暗示岩浆在上升过程中未遭受明显的地壳混染.粗安岩具有高的Cr、Ni、MgO含量及Mg#值和古老Nd同位素模式年龄,暗示其起源于富集的岩石圈地幔.粗面岩与粗安岩的主要氧化物、微量元素与SiO2呈明显的相关性,这暗示可能为同源岩浆结晶分异而来.研究表明,莒县地区中酸性火山岩形成于岩石圈伸展减薄背景下,由曾遭受俯冲扬子陆壳熔体改造的华北岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成的岩浆分离结晶作用而成.郯庐断裂带的伸展活动控制着火山岩的分布,为岩浆的形成和运移提供了有利的场所,在华北克拉通破坏中可能起到了重要的作用.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1919-1931
Major element, trace element, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of Cenozoic diabase in southeastern China provide insights into the nature of their mantle sources and processes. The diabases are alkaline in lithochemistry (Na2O + K2O = 4.37–5.19 wt.%) and have overall oceanic island basalt-like trace element patterns, without negative Nb–Ta anomalies. In addition, they are characterized by lower La/Nb (<1.5) and La/Ta (<22), and higher Ce/Pb (>15) and Nb/U (>30) ratios, indicating an origin in the asthenospheric mantle. The relatively lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.512632–0.512648) and 206Pb/204Pb (18.20–18.22), but intermediate 87Sr/86Sr (0.7061–0.7063) ratios of the diabases are similar to enriched mantle type 1, suggesting crustal contamination or mixing with metasomatized lithsopheric mantle. However, the low Th and U contents and lack of correlations of Nd isotope compositions and MgO preclude significant crustal contamination. Alternatively, the moderate TiO2 contents (2.01–2.09 wt.%) and high Cr concentrations (>240 ppm) suggest interaction between asthenosphere-derived melts and metasomatized lithospheric mantle. Petrological modelling suggests that the diabases were generated from a low degree (~3–5%) of partial melting of lherzolite with ~2–3% garnet. Jiangxi diabase was generated in a within-plate extensional regime, probably related to the far effect of the Himalaya–Tibetan orogen.  相似文献   

207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb model ages using Shonkin Sag data and published analyses for magmas of the Cenozoic Wyoming-Montana alkaline province (WYMAP) provide evidence of an Archean age for the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SLM) associated with the Wyoming craton. The SLM imprint on magmas is expressed as Ba, Ta, Nb and Ti "anomalies" which correlate with radiogenic isotopic data, and it resembles a subduction imprint on Cenozoic south-western USA basalts (SWUSAB). However the latter give Proterozoic Pb isotope model ages. Although the Archean and Proterozic model ages may represent mixing lines, the fact that they resemble the ages for continental crust cut by WYMAP and SWUSAB respectively indicates that the age of the underlying SLM helped control the "isochron" slopes and inferred "ages". Lower 143Nd/144Nd and 206Pb/204Pb but comparable 87Sr/86Sr for WYMAP suggest that SLM associated with Archean cratons has lower Sm/Nd, U/Pb and Rb/Sr ratios than SLM associated with SWUSAB Proterozic terranes, regardless of when the subduction imprint or imprints developed. WYMAP magmas have high Pb/Zr ratios indicating that Archean SLM, like Archean continental crust, is enriched in Pb compared to Proterozoic SLM. If the enrichment was Archean, it implies that higher Archean heat flow enhanced Pb transfer from the subducting slab to overlying lithospheric mantle and crust. A subducted sediment imprint on the SLM is also consistent with high i18O values for the Shonkin Sag. Low TiO2 in WYMAP may reflect a residual mantle TiO2 phase. If so, the Nb "missing" from crustal and oceanic mantle reservoirs may reside in rutile of Archean SLM. Isotopic similarities between WYMAP and EM1 oceanic island basalts may reflect the presence of delaminated, Archean SLM in the oceanic mantle, although low Pb/Zr ratios and a lack of Ti, Nb and Ta anomalies in oceanic island basalts deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

 The Urach volcanic field is unique within the Tertiary–Quaternary European volcanic province (EVP) due to more than 350 tuffaceous diatremes and only sixteen localities with extremely undersaturated olivine melilitite. We report representative Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions and incompatible trace element data for twenty-two pristine augite, Cr-diopside, hornblende, and phlogopite megacryst samples from the diatremes, and seven melilitite whole rocks. The Pb isotopic compositions for melilitites and comagmatic megacrysts have very radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 19.4 to 19.9 and plot on the northern hemisphere mantle reference line (NHRL). The data indicate absence of an old crustal component as reflected in the high 207Pb/204Pb ratios of many basalts from the EVP. This inference is supported by 206Pb/204Pb ratios of ∼17.6 to 18.3 and ɛNd of ∼−7.8 to +1.6 for five phlogopite xenocryst samples reflecting a distinct and variably rejuvenated lower Hercynian basement. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7033 to 0.7035 in the comagmatic megacrysts are low relative to their moderately radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (ɛNd +2.2 to +5.1) and consistent with a long-term source evolution with a low Rb/Sr ratio and depletion in light rare-earth elements (LREE). The melilitite whole-rock data show a similar range in Nd isotopic ratios as determined for the megacrysts but their Sr isotopic compositions are often much more radiogenic due to surface alteration. The REE patterns and incompatible trace element ratios of the melilitites (e.g. Nb/Th, Nb/U, Sr/Nd, P/Nd, Ba/Th, Zr/Hf) are similar to those in ocean island basalts (OIB); negative anomalies for normalized K and Rb concentrations support a concept of melt evolution in the lithospheric mantle. Highly variable Ce/Pb ratios of 29 to 66 are positively correlated with La/Lu, La/K2O, and Ba/Nd and interpreted to reflect melting in the presence of residual amphibole and phlogopite. The data suggest an origin of the melilitites from a chemical boundary layer very recently enriched by melts from old OIB sources. We suggest that the OIB-like mantle domains represent low-temperature melting heterogeneities in an upwelling asthenosphere under western Europe. Received: 9 March 1995/Accepted: 24 July 1995  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic intraplate basaltic rocks in northeastern China have been interpreted as being derived from a mantle source composed of DMM and EM1 components. To constrain the origin of the enriched mantle component, we have now determined the geochemical compositions of basaltic rocks from the active Baekdusan volcano on the border of China and North Korea. The samples show LREE-enriched patterns, with positive Eu and negative Ce anomalies. On a trace element distribution diagram, they show typical oceanic island basalt (OIB)-like LILE enrichments without significant Nb or Ta depletions. However, compared with OIB, they show enrichments in Ba, Rb, K, Pb, Sr, and P. The Nb/U ratios are generally within the range of OIB, but the Ce/Pb ratios are lower than those of OIB. Olivine phenocrysts are characterized by low Ca and high Ni contents. The radiogenic isotopic characteristics (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70449 to 0.70554; εNd = −2.0 to +1.8; εHf = −1.7 to +6.1; 206Pb/204Pb = 17.26 to 18.12) suggest derivation from an EM1-like source together with an Indian MORB-like depleted mantle. The Mg isotopic compositions (δ26Mg = −0.39 ± 0.17‰) are generally lower than the average upper mantle, indicating carbonates in the source. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease with decreasing δ26Mg values whereas the 143Nd/144Nd and (Nb/La)N ratios increase. These observations suggest the mantle source of the Baekdusan basalts contained at least two components that resided in the mantle transition zone (MTZ): (1) recycled subducted ancient (∼2.2–1.6 Ga) terrigenous silicate sediments, possessing EM1-like Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopic signatures and relatively high values of δ26Mg; and (2) carbonated eclogites with relatively MORB-like radiogenic isotopic compositions and low values of δ26Mg. These components might have acted as metasomatizing agents in refertilizing the asthenosphere, eventually influencing the composition of the MTZ-derived plume that produced the Baekdusan volcanism.  相似文献   

Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the Cenozoic basalts were analyzed from Baengnyeongdo Island, Jeongok, Ganseong, and Jejudo Island of Korea. They reveal relatively enriched Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.703300.70555, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.512980.51256) compared with MORB.207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values of all the analyzed Korean basalts lie above the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line (NHRL) defined by Hart (1984). Pb isotopic compositions of basalts from Jejudo Islands (206Pb/204Pb = 18.6119.12, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.5415.69, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.9839.72) are significantly more radiogenic than the rest (206Pb/204Pb = 17.7218.03, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.4415.58, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.7738.64). The Cenozoic Korean basalts thus can be divided into two groups based on their Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. The north group reveals mixing between DMM and EM1 while the south group displays DMM-EM2 mixing. Such a distribution is the same as Chinese Cenozoic basalts and it can be interpreted that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under Korea represents simple lateral continuation of the South and North China Blocks. We suggest that Korean continental collision zone cross the Korean Peninsula through the region between the north and south basalt groups of Korea.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2006,9(4):529-538
Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the Cenozoic basalts were analyzed from Baengnyeongdo Island, Jeongok, Ganseong, and Jejudo Island of Korea. They reveal relatively enriched Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70330∼0.70555, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51298∼0.51256) compared with MORB.207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values of all the analyzed Korean basalts lie above the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line (NHRL) defined by Hart (1984). Pb isotopic compositions of basalts from Jejudo Islands (206Pb/204Pb = 18.61∼19.12, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.54∼15.69, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.98∼39.72) are significantly more radiogenic than the rest (206Pb/204Pb = 17.72∼18.03, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.44∼15.58, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.77∼38.64). The Cenozoic Korean basalts thus can be divided into two groups based on their Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. The north group reveals mixing between DMM and EM1 while the south group displays DMM-EM2 mixing. Such a distribution is the same as Chinese Cenozoic basalts and it can be interpreted that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle under Korea represents simple lateral continuation of the South and North China Blocks. We suggest that Korean continental collision zone cross the Korean Peninsula through the region between the north and south basalt groups of Korea.  相似文献   


Zircon U–Pb ages, major element and trace element compositions, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions for late Mesozoic granites from the southern Jiaodong Peninsula (eastern China) were determined. Ages for the Wulianshan, Xiaozhushan, and Dazhushan plutons are 119.1–122.3, 114.2, and 108.9 Ma, respectively. Major and trace element characteristics show that these granitic rocks belong to alkaline, A-type granites formed in an extensional setting. Trace element compositions show strong, variable negative anomalies in Ba, K, P and Ti, and positive anomalies in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Ce, Zr, and Hf, which are typical characteristics of A-type granites. Variable Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70540–0.7071 and εNd(t) = ?14.5 to ?20.9. Whole-rock Pb isotopic compositions have the following ranges, (206Pb/204Pb)t = 15.707–16.561, (207Pb/204Pb)t = 15.376–16.462, and (208Pb/204Pb)t = 36.324 to 37.064. Isotopic modelling indicates an origin that lies between mantle tapped by Cenozoic basalts around the Tan-Lu megafault and lower continental crust (LCC), and which can be explained by mixing of 11–18% mantle and 82–89% LCC. Based on new and compiled data, we suggest that the southern Jiaodong Peninsula, as well as the Laoshan area, was in a regional extensional setting of an orogenic belt during 106–126 Ma. The granitic rocks may be the result of late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning and decratonization (i.e. late Mesozoic craton destruction event occurring throughout eastern China).  相似文献   

为了进一步了解中国东北新生代玄武岩地幔源区的物质属性,报道了大兴安岭哈拉哈河-柴河地区新生代玄武岩的全岩主量、微量元素和Sr、Nd、Pb、Hf同位素组成.哈拉哈河-柴河玄武岩属钠质碱性系列,具有与洋岛玄武岩相似的微量元素特征,如富集大离子亲石元素(LILEs)、明显的Nb、Ta正异常等.它们具有中等亏损的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成(87Sr/86Sr=0.703 5~0.703 9、εNd=5.21~6.55、εHf=10.00~11.25),接近中国东部新生代玄武岩的亏损端元.这些玄武岩具有中等的放射成因Pb同位素组成(206Pb/204Pb=18.37~18.57、207Pb/204Pb=15.52~15.54和208Pb/204Pb=38.24~38.43),在206Pb/204Pb-207Pb/204Pb相关图上位于4.42~4.45 Ga的地球等时线之间.它们在Sr-Nd-Pb同位素相关图中均落入地幔柱来源的、高3He/4He比(>30Ra)的洋岛玄武岩范围内,暗示其源区可能存在来自深部地幔的古老原始地幔物质.此外,这些玄武岩具有高MgO(8.49%~11.58%)、高Ni(174×10-6~362×10-6)和高Mg#(59.1~66.9)的特征,表明它们接近于原始岩浆的成分.反演的哈拉哈河-柴河玄武岩的原始岩浆组成具有中等的SiO2、低Al2O3以及高CaO/Al2O3比的特征,与石榴子石橄榄岩高压(>2.5 GPa)实验熔体的成分相当,暗示玄武岩的源区岩性最可能为橄榄岩.对以原始地幔(而不是亏损地幔)的微量元素为初始成分的饱满石榴子石二辉橄榄岩进行低程度(1%~2%)部分熔融的模拟计算,产生的熔体与哈拉哈河-柴河玄武岩具有一致的微量元素特征,这进一步支持了上述推断.综上所述,认为大兴安岭地区哈拉哈河-柴河玄武岩的源区含有来自深部地幔的古老的橄榄岩质原始地幔组分.   相似文献   

Submarine volcanic rocks dredged during RV Meteor cruise M43-1 comprise alkali basalts, basanites, nephelinites and their differentiates representing both basement-shield and young post-shield volcanics of Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro. The primitive lavas vary widely in trace element composition (e.g., Zr/Y=6.6-11.7, (La/Sm)N=2.3-5.4, and Ba/Yb=71-311), and they are characterized by steep, rare-earth element patterns with mean (La/Yb)N=16, and by pronounced, positive primitive mantle-normalized Nb and Ta and negative K anomalies similar to HIMU-type basalts. Rocks from the submarine flanks west and north of Gran Canaria are isotopically and geochemically identical to rocks of the subaerial Miocene shield stage, but they are distinct from rocks of the post-shield stages (Zr/Nb=6.3-8.9, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70327-0.70332, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51289-0.51293, 206Pb/204Pb=19.55-19.88). Most rocks dredged from the submarine flanks of Tenerife are isotopically and geochemically similar to rocks of the adjacent subaerial shield remnants, but a few resemble rocks of the subaerial post-shield stages (total range in Zr/Nb=4.6-6.1, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70300-0.70329, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51281-0.51292, 206Pb/204Pb=19.51-19.96). Rocks from the southern submarine ridge of La Palma cover the entire compositional range of the subaerial rocks of that ridge. Additionally, they comprise a high Zr/Nb group which resembles rocks of the ca. 1-Ma-old Taburiente shield of northern La Palma (total range in Zr/Nb=3.0-6.4, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70297-0.70314, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51288-0.51296, 206Pb/204Pb=19.21-19.79). Rocks from the southern submarine ridge of El Hierro compositionally resemble subaerial rocks of the island (Zr/Nb=4.1-6.2, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70296-0.70314, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51291-0.51297, 206Pb/204Pb=19.25-19.91). The degree of melting in the subcanarian mantle is interpreted to decrease from east to west across the archipelago whereas the proportion of depleted mantle component in the melting anomaly increases, as illustrated by Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes. The isotopic characteristics of the mantle source beneath the Canary Islands represents a mixture of HIMU, DMM and EM I. The overall isotopic signature is intermediate between that of Madeira to the north, which trends towards more depleted compositions, and that of the Cape Verde Islands to the south which shows a pronounced trend towards enriched mantle compositions. A clear trend towards the EM II component is only evident in more evolved rocks dredged from a seamount between Tenerife and Gran Canaria, some of which contain terrigenous sedimentary xenoliths. We propose a genetic model which relates similar mantle source signatures of volcanic archipelagos off West Africa to a common, large-scale lower mantle upwelling which, according to geophysical data, becomes more diffuse in the upper mantle. Narrow plumes or blobs feeding the volcanic centers along the passive margin may rise from this thermal anomaly due to upwelling in small, continent-parallel upper-mantle convection cells.  相似文献   

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