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陈卓识  袁晓铭  孙锐  王克 《岩土力学》2019,40(7):2748-2754
岩土工程中的不确定性是工程风险的重要来源。在我国7个主要地区的20个工程场地上开展了国内外首次大范围现场剪切波速不确定性专项试验,共由47家单位用11种工程常用仪器采用单孔法完成,获取了600组土层剪切波速Vs实测数据。依据实测结果拟合了场地时间平均剪切波速Vs, z的变异系数COV与计算深度Z的对应公式,揭示了土层剪切波速不确定性对场地刚性判断的影响,进而分析了我国场地分类的可能潜在误判区域。结论如下:在目前我国现场剪切波速测试水平下,Vs, z的变异系数与深度负相关——在近地表处达到极大值15%,并随着深度增加明显减小;地表至10 m深度区间内,Vs, z的变异系数迅速减小;10~20 m深度区间内,Vs, z的变异系数减小趋势变缓;超过20 m深度后,Vs, z的变异系数小于5%且基本不变;我国III、IV类场地分类采用的等效剪切波速Vse和欧美场地分类指标Vs, 30的变异系数基本相等;依据我国建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2010,对I类场地以及覆盖层厚度小于5 m或等效剪切波速接近500 m/s的II类场地分类时需考虑剪切波速不确定性的潜在影响,其他类型的II类场地、III类和IV类场地在分类时基本可忽略其影响。  相似文献   

建筑场地的不同类别反映不同场地条件对基岩地震震动的综合放大效应,建筑场地类别是根据土层等效剪切波速和覆盖层厚度进行划分的。这里介绍了单孔法波速测试在计算土层等效剪切波速度,划分建筑场地类别上的应用,以及通过对宿州市区40个建筑场地的201个土层等效剪切波速数据Vse20和场地类别划分结果进行统计分析、研究,得出该区域类似地层条件的土层等效剪切波速近似呈正态分布特征,估算范围在195.89m/s~222.46 m/s,推测建筑场地类别为Ⅲ类。  相似文献   

陈国兴  李磊  丁杰发  赵凯 《岩土力学》2020,41(9):3056-3065
地震基岩深度和土体动力本构模型的选取对核岛场地地震效应评价结果的合理性具有重要影响。以拟建某沿海核电厂深度470 m沉积土夹火山岩层场地的3个钻孔剖面为研究对象,采用一维等效线性波传分析(ELA)法、基于Matasovic本构模型和Davidenkov-Chen-Zhao(DCZ)本构模型的一维非线性分析(NLA)法,选取不同剪切波速的5个岩土层作为地震基岩,研究了输入地震动特性、地震基岩深度和土体动力本构模型的选取对巨厚沉积土夹火山岩层场地非线性地震反应特性的影响。结果表明:(1)以浅层硬岩夹层或深部土层作为地震基岩,NLA法计算的5%阻尼比的地表谱加速度SA的短周期部分较之ELA法的计算值大,但两者计算的地表SA谱的长周期部分几乎一致;(2)基于Matasovic模型和DCZ模型的NLA法计算的地表SA谱谱形和峰值加速度随深度的变化趋势基本一致;(3)从NLA法计算的地表峰值加速度和累积绝对速度而言,以剪切波速约2 500 m/s的浅层硬岩夹层作为地震基岩是适宜的。  相似文献   

表层土剪切波速的不确定性对地表设计谱平台值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土层剪切波速对地表反应谱有重要的影响。选取构建了不同场地类别的235个场地地震反应模型,人工合成了12条强弱及频谱特性不同的加速度时程,运用一维土层地震反应的等效线性化波动方法,研究了不同地震动输入下表层土剪切波速的不确定性对设计谱平台值的影响,统计给出了表层土剪切波速的变异率与地表设计反应谱平台值间的经验公式。结果表明:地表设计反应谱平台值与表层土剪切波速的变异率呈负相关关系,即随表层土剪切波速变异率的增大而减小;不同地震波输入条件下各类场地类别地表设计谱平台高度与表层土剪切波速变异率的数学模型为一阶指数函数。  相似文献   

建立了土的性状指标与土层剪切波速经验关系,用实例阐述了利用土的性状确定建筑场地类别的评价方法。  相似文献   

针对新型核电工程结构AP1000核岛结构设计地基中的5类非坚硬岩场地,即硬岩场地、软岩场地、上限软-中等土场地、软-中等土场地和软土场地,采用一维土层场地模型开展场地土和计算基底条件对设计地震动影响计算分析。分析中,场地模型的计算基底剪切波速分别取为700、1 100、2 438 m/s,计算基底输入地震动分别选择基于核电建设相关技术文件和规范规定的反应谱RG1.60谱、AP1000谱和HAD101/01谱(5个阻尼比)合成的人工地震动时程。计算分析表明:非坚硬岩场地会导致场地地震动峰值加速度及频谱特性显著变化,场地越软影响程度越显著;除软土场地外,场地对地震动峰值加速度和反应谱的影响均为放大作用,软土场地对地震动较低频段反应谱有放大作用,但对峰值加速度和较高频段反应谱具有强烈的减小作用;对于各类场地,计算基底及其剪切波速的变化均会导致地表地震动峰值及频谱特性明显甚至显著变化,其影响程度与计算基底剪切波速成正比;随着场地由硬变软,计算基底剪切波速的变化对场地地震动的影响程度大为减小,至软土场地几乎不产生影响。考虑到场地类型及计算基底选取对场地地震动的显著影响,我国核电厂建设引用AP1000标准设计时应合理分析场地的适宜性。  相似文献   

在对吉林经济技术开发区工程地质概括地描述,分析的基础上,选取地面披度,切割深度,冲沟长度,卵砾石埋深,地下水埋深,平均剪切波速,负5m切面岩性和断层性质为评价因子,利用模糊综合评判的方法,对场地稳定性进行分区和评价,并在权重的选取上提出一种新的思路。  相似文献   

对照现行《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)场地类别划分方法,应用模糊数学原理,推导了场地类别的模糊二次评价方法,得出了场地类别的模糊向量和模糊特征周期,实现了场地类别划分的连续化;在此基础上,基于收集到的杭州市254个建筑场地波速钻孔实测资料,通过建立场地类别地质模型,实现了场地类别、特征周期的模糊等值线,与实测资料对比,结果表明:由该模糊等值线得出的建筑场地抗震类别与现行《建筑抗震设计规范》给出的场地类别是统一的,模糊特征周期与规范给出的特征周期基本上是吻合的,该模糊等值线对建筑抗震设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

波速测试技术是地震勘探方法之一,也是一种简便、快速、准确的原位测试技术。它通过获取的地震波在经过不同深度的岩、土层的直达波旅行时,求得纵波、剪切波波速,进而通过弹性波理论,计算出岩、土层动弹性力学参数,同时也可以根据剪切波的波速,来划分场地土类型和建筑场地类别,以及计算卓越周期,这些参数可以为场地抗震设计及地震安全性评价提供依据。这里简述了波速测试技术的工作原理和野外实测技术,以及数据处理和资料解释全过程,并且结合某一建筑场地的实例,说明了波速测试技术在场地抗震评价中的应用及其效果。  相似文献   

单孔波速测试的传统做法是在地面激振,在孔中接收,但该方法测试深度受限,测试精度较低,且对于海上钻孔来说,根本无法实现激振,故对于海洋工程钻孔的波速测试,则需要新技术来实现横波波速的获取。笔者介绍的悬挂式波速测井法将震源和检波器同时放入井孔中,摆脱了笨重的地面敲击震源,实现了波速测井设备的轻便化,由相距1 m的两个检波器接收S波的传播信号,为一发双收装置,利用传感器接收到震源传来的S波信号到达时间(初至)差,来确定钻孔所在处地层波速的一种新技术。该方法在南堡油田平台场址调查中发挥了重要作用,对120 m深的钻孔进行了横波测井,取得了良好的测试成果,为该工程项目提供了准确的剪切波速,为划分该场址的场地土类别发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the seismic site classification of Bahrah area, Wadi Fatima, to characterize the local site conditions. The dynamic behavior of sediments was studied by the application of surface wave inversion. The multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) shallow geophysical technique was utilized for site classification. MASW survey was carried out at 66 sites along with 13 seismic refraction profiles at suitable localities. MASW and seismic refraction profiles were processed and compared with the available borehole data. The integration of MASW techniques with seismic refraction and borehole data progressively enhanced the subsurface visualization and reliability of the shear wave velocity estimation in the subsurface in the study area. The subsurface shear-wave velocity model was achieved by the solution of an inverse problem-based dispersion of surface waves and propagation in a vertically heterogeneous medium. The 2D genetic algorithm was employed for the inversion of dispersion curves to obtain velocity and thickness of subsurface layers. The depth to engineering bedrock and velocity of shear waves in the first 30 m was deciphered and mapped. The depth of bedrock in study area varies from 4 to 30 m, and V S 30 ranges from 320 to 800 m/s. The most of study area falls in B and C class categories in addition to few sites of D class according to the NEHRP guidelines.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model of near-surface shear-wave velocity in the deep alluvial basin underlying the metropolitan area of Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), is being developed for earthquake site response projections. The velocity dataset, which includes 230 measurements, is interpolated across the model using depth-dependent correlations of velocity with sediment type. The sediment-type database contains more than 1 400 well and borehole logs. Sediment sequences reported in logs are assigned to one of four units. A characteristic shear-wave velocity profile b developed for each unit by analyzing closely spaced pairs of velocity profiles and well or borehole logs. The resulting velocity model exhibits reasonable values and patterns, although it does not explicitly honor the measured shear-wave velocity profiles. Site response investigations that applied a preliminary version of the velocity model support a two-zone ground-shaking hazard model for the valley. Areas in which clay predominates in the upper 30 m are predicted to have stronger ground motions than the rest of the basin.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of soil shear-wave velocity and the fundamental period of vibration were selected as input parameters for the determination of potential seismic site effects in the Saguenay region, Canada. The methodology used in this study involved three clear steps. First, a 3D geological model of the surficial deposits was built taking into consideration the type, spatial distribution and thickness of the deposits. Second, representative average Vs values were determined for each of the major soil units. Finally, the average shear-wave velocity from the ground surface to bedrock (Vsav), the shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m (Vs30) and the fundamental site resonance period (T0) were calculated over a regular grid for the study area. The results include the spatial distribution of the fundamental site resonance period, the average shear-wave velocity in the first 30 m of the ground and the spatial distribution of National Building Code of Canada seismic soil classes for the Saguenay region.  相似文献   

苏永奇  马巍  吴志坚  马尔曼 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):1090-1098
根据青藏工程走廊北麓河及楚玛尔河场地地震危险性分析结果,合成年超越概率为1.97%、1.00%、0.21%、0.10%、0.04%、0.02%的人造基岩地震波作为输入地震动,结合场地钻孔剖面及波速资料,和已有的冻土动力学研究成果,建立一维模型,通过等效线性化方法进行场地地震反应分析计算,研究了青藏工程走廊多年冻土场地地震动加速度峰值特征及影响因素.研究结果表明,北麓河场地与楚玛尔河场地的人造基岩地震波峰值及持时均存在显著差异,北麓河场地峰值大、持时短,以近震影响为主,楚玛尔河场地峰值小、持时长,以中远震影响为主;多年冻土区场地,夏季场地地震动加速度峰值显著大于冬季,活动层融化对场地地震动加速度峰值有明显的放大效应;冬季场地冻结后,场地地震动加速度峰值随冻土波速增大而减小,最大减小幅度为6.1%,随动剪切模量比减小、阻尼比增大而减小,最大减小幅度为8.9%.活动层的融化有利于放大场地地震动加速度峰值,重大冻土工程抗震设防应予以重视.  相似文献   

Shear wave velocity (V s) and the fundamental site period of the subsurface condition are the primary parameters that affect seismic soil amplification in particular sites. Within the topmost layer of the soil, which measures 30 m, the average shear wave velocity V s30 is commonly used to build codes for site classification for the design of earthquake-resistant structures and to conduct microzonation studies. In this study, the development of a microzonation map for V s30 distribution, National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program V s30 site classification, and a fundamental site period for Penang are presented. The multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) test was conducted for more than 50 sites with available borehole data to develop the microzonation maps. The ten selected V s profiles measured by MASW show a good correlation with the data obtained using empirical correlations in a previous study. The highest V s values were identified at the northeastern and southeastern parts of Penang Island, corresponding to the shallow bedrock and the outcrop zone. Conversely, the lowest V s values were found in the northwestern and southwestern parts of the Penang mainland owing to the thick layer of soft clay and silt deposits. The site period map shows the variation in site periods, with the highest value of 1.03 s at the western part of the Penang mainland and the lowest value of 0.02 s at the eastern part of the Penang Island. The microzonation maps developed in this study are vital to studies on seismic hazard and earthquake mitigation programs in Malaysia.  相似文献   

One hundred thirty-four horizontally polarized shear-wave (SH) seismic soundings have been performed in the Jackson Purchase Region of western Kentucky. These data have been used to derive the thicknesses and shear-wave velocities for the various impedance horizons in the upper 30 m of the soil column at each site for the purposes of general land-use management and loss estimation in the event of an earthquake. A generalized seismic susceptibility soil classification scheme adopted by the Borcherdt (1994a,b) was fit to the results. Soils across western Kentucky were found to be either SC-II or SC-III soils, correlating to gravelly soils having soft to firm consistency and stiff clays to loose/dense sands, respectively.  相似文献   

Vertical seismic compressional- and shear-wave (P-and S-wave) profiles were collected from three shallow boreholes in sediment of the upper Mississippi embayment. The site of the 60-m hole at Shelby Forest, Tennessee, is on bluffs forming the eastern edge of the Mississippi alluvial plain. The bluffs are composed of Pleistocene loess, Pliocene-Pleistocene alluvial clay and sand deposits, and Tertiary deltaic-marine sediment. The 36-m hole at Marked Tree, Arkansas, and the 27-m hole at Risco, Missouri, are in Holocene Mississippi river floodplain sand, silt, and gravel deposits. At each site, impulsive P- and S-waves were generated by man-made sources at the surface while a three-component geophone was locked downhole at 0.91-m intervals.

Consistent with their very similar geology, the two floodplain locations have nearly identical S-wave velocity (VS) profiles. The lowest VS values are about 130 m s−1, and the highest values are about 300 m s−1 at these sites. The shear-wave velocity profile at Shelby Forest is very similar within the Pleistocene loess (12 m thick); in deeper, older material, VS exceeds 400 m s−1.

At Marked Tree, and at Risco, the compressional-wave velocity (VP) values above the water table are as low as about 230 m s−1, and rise to about 1.9 km s−1 below the water table. At Shelby Forest, VP values in the unsaturated loess are as low as 302 m s−1. VP values below the water table are about 1.8 km s−1. For the two floodplain sites, the VP/VS ratio increases rapidly across the water table depth. For the Shelby Forest site, the largest increase in the VP/VS ratio occurs at 20-m depth, the boundary between the Pliocene-Pleistocene clay and sand deposits and the Eocene shallow-marine clay and silt deposits.

Until recently, seismic velocity data for the embayment basin came from eartquake studies, crustal-scale seismic refraction and reflection profiles, sonic logs, and from analysis of dispersed earthquake surface waves. Since 1991, seismic data for shallow sediment obtained from reflection, refraction, crosshole and downhole techniques have been obtained for sites at the northern end of the embayment basin. The present borehole data, however, are measured from sites representative of large areas in the Mississippi embayment. Therefore, they fill a gap in information needed for modeling the response of the embayment to destructive seismic shaking.  相似文献   

The best method to evaluate the seismic site response is by means of borehole vertical arrays that use earthquake records from different depths. In this paper we introduce the implementation of a single borehole sensor system (synchronized to a sensor on the surface) that is fixed at variable depths within a single well. This system is used for recording small amplitude earthquake signals at variable stiffness conditions in depth to compute empirical borehole transfer functions. The computed average empirical borehole transfer functions allow the estimation of an S-wave velocity model that is constrained using the frequency peak observed in the H/V ratio curve.Pairs of surface and borehole earthquake records were obtained with the borehole sensor placed at − 10, −20, −50, and − 100 m depth in a test site in Managua, Nicaragua. The average velocity of the final model down to − 100 m appeared to be in good agreement with the average velocity computed via cross-correlation using the surface and borehole signals. Likewise, an inverted MASW profile and H/V ratio at the same site agree with the S-wave velocity model obtained.  相似文献   

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