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A series of centrifuge shaking table model tests are conducted on 4?×?4 pile groups in liquefiable ground in this study, achieving horizontal–vertical bidirectional shaking in centrifuge tests on piles for the first time. The dynamic distribution of forces on piles within the pile groups is analysed, showing the internal piles to be subjected to greater bending moment compared with external piles, the mechanism of which is discussed. The roles of superstructure–pile inertial interaction and soil–pile kinematic interaction in the seismic response of the piles within the pile groups are investigated through cross-correlation analysis between pile bending moment, soil displacement, and structure acceleration time histories and by comparing the test results on pile groups with and without superstructures. Soil–pile kinematic interaction is shown to have a dominant effect on the seismic response of pile groups in liquefiable ground. Comparison of the pile response in two tests with and without vertical input ground motion shows that the vertical ground motion does not significantly influence the pile bending moment in liquefiable ground, as the dynamic vertical total stress increment is mainly carried by the excess pore water pressure. The influence of previous liquefaction history during a sequence of seismic events is also analysed, suggesting that liquefaction history could in certain cases lead to an increase in liquefaction susceptibility of sand and also an increase in dynamic forces on the piles.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the seismic pile moment induced by the combined structure–pile inertial and soil–pile kinematic effects for single piles and pile groups in liquefiable ground, an extensive series of 3D finite element simulations are conducted in this paper. The roles that lateral inertial and kinematic interactions play on the pile moment are found to differ in different soil–pile–structure systems. Inertial structure force and kinematic soil displacement of the same direction could cause pile head moments of the same or opposite directions depending on the rotational constraint at the pile head. Kinematic interaction has a dominating influence on the pile moment for pile foundations with pile head rotation constrained by the existence of a pile cap, while inertial interaction is strongly influential for free-head piles. The coupling of inertial and kinematic interactions depends on the soil–pile–structure system configuration and the magnitudes of the inertial structure force and the kinematic soil displacement. Many current pseudo-static methods for calculating the seismic pile moment through summing a percentage of the kinematic induced moment with another percentage of the inertial induced moment could produce very inaccurate results under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The significance of liquefaction-related damage to pile foundations has been clearly demonstrated by the major earthquakes occurring during past years. The current project investigates the seismic behaviour of a single pile in the three-layered soil of the Babol City centre site (located in Babol City, Mazandaran Province, Iran). The site soil consists of sandy and clayey soils modelled based on the data collected from drilled boreholes. Numerical analysis was performed using Flac2D finite difference program. Three different natural ground motion records are considered, and the influence of each earthquake on the bending moment and lateral displacement of the simulated pile is investigated. In addition, the effect of vertical surcharge on the settlement of the pile during the earthquakes is investigated. Results illustrate that the maximum bending moment has occurred on the interface of liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil layers.  相似文献   

软土地层中当桩顶水平荷载较大时,采用传统m法计算容易低估桩身弯矩与挠曲变形,有必要针对该问题提出相关计算方法。将地基土体简化为理想弹塑性体,假定桩身某一深度处存在土体的弹塑性变形临界点,临界点以上的土体进入塑性变形状态,而临界点以下的土体仍处于弹性变形状态,分段建立桩身挠曲微分控制方程,得到水平受荷单桩简明弹塑性计算方法。现场单桩实测和参数敏感性分析结果表明:采用简明弹塑性计算方法得到的桩身最大弯矩较传统m法计算精度提高38.1%;桩身最大水平位移计算精度提高22.3%;桩顶边界条件对桩身水平位移与弯矩沿桩身的分布规律影响显著;桩身最大弯矩和水平位移对土体的极限抗力系数及其形状参数较敏感,设计中宜按下限值选取。  相似文献   

Seismic response of pile foundations in liquefiable soil: parametric study   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The performance of pile foundations in liquefiable soil subjected to earthquake loading is a very complex process. The strength and stiffness of the soil decrease due to the increase in pore pressure. The pile can be seriously destroyed by the soil liquefaction during strong earthquakes. This paper presents the response of vertical piles in liquefiable soil under seismic loads. A finite difference model, known as fast Lagrangian analysis of continua, is used to study the pile behavior considering a nonlinear constitutive model for soil liquefaction and pile?Csoil interaction. The maximum lateral displacement and maximum pile bending moment are obtained for different pile diameters, earthquake predominant frequencies, Arias intensities, and peak accelerations. It is found that the maximum lateral displacement and the maximum pile bending moment increase when the predominant earthquake frequency value decreases for a given peak acceleration value.  相似文献   

张磊  龚晓南  俞建霖 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2441-2445
为提高桩身变形较大时纵横荷载单桩的设计计算水平,假定地基反力系数沿深度线性增加,考虑土体屈服及纵向荷载的P-?效应并计入桩身自重和桩侧摩阻力的影响,得到了地面以下桩身变形和内力的幂级数解。结合已有的地面以上桩身响应的幂级数解,采用Fortran语言编制了计算程序。计算结果表明:桩顶位移、地面处桩身位移及桩身最大弯矩均随纵横向荷载和自由段桩长的增加而增大,并随土体屈服位移的增加而减小;纵向荷载足够大时桩基失稳;桩顶约束条件对桩的响应影响很大。计算值与模型试验的实测值吻合较好,所得解和程序是可靠的。  相似文献   

Flexural response of piles under liquefied soil conditions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The paper pertains to the development of a generalized procedure to analyze and predict the flexural behavior of axially and laterally loaded pile foundations under liquefied soil conditions. Pseudo-static analysis has been carried out taking into consideration the combined effect of axial load and lateral load. Based on the available literature effect of degradation on the modulus of subgrade reaction due to soil liquefaction has been incorporated in the analysis. The developed program was calibrated and validated by comparing the predicted behavior of the pile with theoretical and experimental results reported in literature. The predicted behavior has been found to be in excellent to very good agreement with the theoretical and observed values in the field, respectively. The present study highlights the importance of considering the axial load from the superstructure along with the inertia forces from the superstructure and the kinematic forces from the liquefied soil in the design of pile foundations in liquefiable areas. The significance of densification of the soil in the liquefiable areas and presence of an adequate top non-liquefied soil cover causing appreciable reduction in deflection and bending moment experienced by the piles has been highlighted.  相似文献   

This study includes the results of a set of numerical simulations carried out for sands containing plastic/non-plastic fines, and silts with relative densities of approximately 30?40% under different surcharges on the shallow foundation using FLAC 2D. Each model was subjected to three ground motion events, obtained by scaling the amplitude of the El Centro (1940), Kobe (1995) and Kocaeli (1999) Q12earthquakes. Dynamic behaviour of loose deposits underlying shallow foundations is evaluated through fully coupled nonlinear effective stress dynamic analyses. Effects of nonlinear soil structure interaction (SSI) were also considered by using interface elements. This parametric study evaluates the effects of soil type, structure weight, liquefiable soil layer thickness, event parameters (e.g., moment magnitude of earthquake (M w ), peak ground acceleration PGA, PGV/PGA ratio and the duration of strong motion (D 5?95) and their interactions on the seismic responses. Investigation on the effects of these parameters and their complex interactions can be a valuable tool to gain new insights for improved seismic design and construction.  相似文献   

为了研究地震动特性对液化场地高桩码头抗震性能的影响,本文依托高桩码头工程实例,建立了液化场地全直桩高桩码头地震反应分析数值模型,系统分析了地震作用下高桩码头的关键动力响应特征,确定了高桩码头各抗震性能需求指标,揭示了地震动特性对各抗震性能需求指标的影响规律。研究表明:地震作用下高桩码头桩基受弯、受剪和受压薄弱环节分别出现在持力层与上部粉质黏土层交界处、岸坡标高处和砂层与上部粉质黏土层交界处;峰值加速度、频谱特性和地震动输入方向均会显著影响高桩码头各项性能指标的抗震需求;高桩码头桩基的抗弯、抗剪和抗压性能需求分别由最靠陆侧桩桩顶处弯矩、各薄弱环节剪力和砂层与上部土层交界处轴力控制,抗震延性需求均由最靠海侧桩桩顶处水平位移需求控制。  相似文献   

曹卫平  陆清元  樊文甫  李升 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3048-3056
通过模型试验研究了竖向荷载作用下砂土中斜桩的荷载传递性状,分析了桩身倾角及长径比对斜桩桩身轴力、弯矩、剪力、桩侧摩阻力及端阻比的影响。试验结果表明:在桩顶竖向荷载作用下,斜桩桩身轴力均小于相应直桩桩身轴力,桩身倾角越大,轴力沿深度衰减得越快,桩长径比越大,轴力沿深度衰减得也越快;斜桩桩身最大弯矩随桩身倾角及长径比的增加而增加,最大弯矩出现的深度与桩身倾角无关,只与长径比相关;不论桩身倾角及长径比的大小,斜桩桩身最大剪力均出现在桩顶截面处,桩身最大剪力随着桩身倾角的增加而增大;桩身倾角越大,斜桩最大摩阻力越大,长径比越大,斜桩最大摩阻力越小,斜桩最大摩阻力出现在桩顶下1/4~1/5桩长处;斜桩端阻比随着桩顶竖向荷载的增加而增大,随着桩身倾角及长径比的增加而减小。  相似文献   

为探究抗滑桩实际内力与变形间的规律,特别是桩土相互作用下桩体受力、变形、稳定性等特征,通过抗滑桩大型物理模型试验,结合MATLAB拟合推导实现从桩表面应变散点数据到桩身挠度分布的求解。对比同桩长不同加载条件与同加载条件不同桩长两种情况下桩表面应变、桩身弯矩、剪力及挠度,分析抗滑桩的应变特征与内力变化规律。研究表明:单调与循环加载条件下抗滑桩工作阶段划分为三阶段,即未开裂阶段、混凝土开裂-钢筋屈服阶段、钢筋屈服-桩体破坏阶段。未开裂阶段一、二级荷载下由于土的压密性桩体略微回弹,桩表面应变、桩身弯矩、受荷段剪力及挠度出现较小的负值(绝对值约为破坏时的1%)。混凝土开裂-钢筋屈服阶段应变、弯矩、剪力、挠度增速明显加快。钢筋屈服-桩体破坏阶段应变、弯矩、剪力、挠度呈非线性增长,桩体的破坏模式均为弯剪破坏。随着自由端长度的增加,破坏时应变、弯矩增大,而剪力减小,破坏时应变增长约10%,弯矩增长约3%,剪力减少约20%;相对于单调加载,循环加载下最大弯矩值和最大挠度均有增大,最大弯矩增长约2%,最大挠度增长约1%。  相似文献   

水平荷载作用下PCC桩复合地基工作性状   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用河海大学岩土所自行研制开发的大型试验模型槽进行PCC桩水平承载足尺试验,实测得到了水平荷载作用下桩身弯矩分布。利用三维弹塑性有限元方法,研究了PCC单桩与等截面实心圆桩、PCC桩复合地基与等截面实心圆桩复合地基在水平荷载作用下的工作性状,对其桩身弯矩和水平位移的分布规律进行了比较,分析了竖向荷载、褥垫层厚度、基础埋深和置换率对PCC桩复合地基桩身性状的影响。研究表明,PCC桩复合地基在水平荷载作用下,随着竖向荷载、褥垫层厚度、基础埋深和置换率的增加,其桩身弯矩和水平位移随之减小。因此,在PCC桩复合地基设计时可以通过适度调整这些影响参数来减小水平荷载作用下的桩身弯矩和水平位移,确保桩身的安全。  相似文献   

Although the loads applied on piles are usually a combination of both vertical and lateral loads, very limited experimental research has been done on the response of pile groups subjected to combined loads. Due to pile–soil–pile interaction in pile groups, the response of a pile group may differ substantially from that of a single pile. This difference depends on soil state and pile spacing. This paper presents results of experiments designed to investigate pile interaction effects on the response of pile groups subjected to both axial and lateral loads. The experiments were load tests performed on model pile groups (2 × 2 pile groups) in calibration chamber sand samples. The model piles were driven into the sand samples prepared with different relative densities using a sand pluviator. The combined load tests were performed on the model pile groups subjected to different axial load levels, i.e., 0 (pure lateral loading), 25, 50, and 75% of the ultimate axial load capacity of the pile groups, defined as the load corresponding to a settlement of 10% of the model pile diameter. The combined load test results showed that the bending moment and lateral deflection at the head of the piles increased substantially for tests performed in the presence of axial loads, suggesting that the presence of axial loads on groups of piles driven in sand is detrimental to their lateral capacity.  相似文献   

为了揭示斜坡效应和循环弱化效应共同影响下的斜坡桩水平循环特性,进行了不同循环次数、荷载幅值及坡度下的单向水平循环加载试验,并将水平静载试验作为对照,揭示了桩顶位移、桩身弯矩及地基反力等变化规律。综合考虑二阶效应及桩-土相互作用的影响,对单元刚度矩阵进行了改进,提出了有限杆单元解。将理论预测曲线等与实测曲线及幂级数法计算结果进行了对比,验证了有限杆单元解的合理性。结果表明:桩身弯矩及位移均随循环次数非线性增加,最大弯矩位置逐渐从无量纲深度zα=1.25下移到zα=1.75;桩顶无量纲位移y0,α与循环次数n之间的关系符合幂函数y0,α=An0.11;当荷载幅值由20 N增加到40 N时,最大无量纲弯矩由0.010增加到0.029,位置均保持在zα=1.7附近;当坡度由30°增加到60°时,最大无量纲弯矩由0.011(zα=1)增加到0.025(zα=2.5)。  相似文献   

Any earthquake event is associated with a rupture mechanism at the source, propagation of seismic waves through underlying rock and finally these waves travel through the soil layers to the particular site of interest. The bedrock motion is significantly modified at the ground surface due to the presence of local soil layers above the bedrock beneath the site of interest. The estimation of the amplifications in ground response due to the local soil sites is a complex problem to the designers and the problem is more important for mega cities like Mumbai in India, where huge population may get affected due to devastations of earthquake. In the present study, the effect of local soil sites in modifying ground response is studied by performing one dimensional equivalent-linear ground response analysis for some of the typical Mumbai soil sites. Field borelog data of some typical sites in Mumbai city viz. Mangalwadi site, Walkeswar site, BJ Marg near Pandhari Chawl site are considered in this study. The ground responses are observed for range of input motions and the results are presented in terms of surface acceleration time history, ratio of shear stress to vertical effective stress versus time, acceleration response spectrum, Fourier amplitude ratio versus frequency etc. The typical amplifications of ground accelerations considering four strong ground motions with wide variation of low to high MHA, frequency contents and durations are obtained. Results show that MHA, bracketed duration, frequency content have significant effects on the amplification of seismic accelerations for typical 2001 Bhuj motion. The peak ground acceleration amplification factors are found to be about 2.50 for Mangalwadi site, 2.60 for Walkeswar site and 3.45 for BJ Marg site using 2001 Bhuj input motion. The response spectrum along various soil layers are obtained which will be useful for designers for earthquake resistant design of geotechnical structures in Mumbai for similar sites in the absence of site specific data.  相似文献   

可液化场地微型桩的地震响应分析是确保工程安全和优化抗震设计的前提。应用动态离心机试验和三维有效应力数值分析方法,研究了微型单桩桩台的侧向变形和加速度、不同埋深桩身弯矩、可液化场地的加速度及超孔隙水压力等响应特征。首先开展了相对密实度为57%饱和土层、输入波是频率为1 Hz和峰值加速度为1.516 m/s2正弦波的微型桩40 g动态地震响应离心机试验,进而应用基于多重剪切机构塑性模型和液化前缘状态面概念的三维有效应力分析方法,反演了试验结果,并进行了对比分析,结果表明,数值模拟与离心机试验结果吻合,液化场地特性控制着建于其中微型桩的地震响应特征,微型桩桩台的水平变形和残余变形可达78、30 mm,桩身最大弯矩和最大残余弯矩呈现向桩身底部迁移特点,同时表明,基于动态土工离心机试验和数值分析相结合的研究方法,分析可液化场地微型桩地震响应特性是有效可行的,研究结论为可液化场地微型桩的抗震设计提供了可靠的依据和参考。  相似文献   


Physical-scaled model testing under 1 g conditions is carried out in obtaining the vertical response of fixed head floating-inclined single piles embedded in dry sand. Practical pile inclinations of 5° and 10° besides a vertical pile (0°) subjected to static and dynamic vertical pile head loadings are considered. To account for the effects of soil nonlinearity as well as the soil–pile interface nonlinearity on the response of piles, a range of low-to-high magnitude of pile head displacements is considered for the static case while a varying amplitude of harmonic accelerations for a wide range of frequencies is considered for the dynamic case. Experimental results are obtained in the form of pile head stiffnesses and strains generated in the pile under both the static and dynamic loadings. Results suggest that the nonlinear behavior of soil as well as the nonlinearity generated at the interface between the soil and the pile as the result of applied loading considerably affect the response of piles. The soil–pile interface nonlinearity that governs the slippage of pile shows a clear influence on the pile head stiffnesses by providing two distinct values of stiffnesses corresponding to the push and the pull directional movement of piles; the two values are significantly different. Axial and bending strains generated in the piles show expected dependency on the amplitude of applied loading; the pile head-level bending strain increases almost linearly with the increase in the angle of pile inclination.


An efficient analytical approach using the finite element (FE) method, is proposed to calculate the bending moment and deflection response of a single pile under the combined influence of lateral and axial compressive loading during an earthquake, in both saturated and dry homogenous soil, and in a typical layered soil. Applying a pseudo-static method, seismic loads are calculated using the maximum horizontal acceleration (MHA) obtained from a seismic ground response analysis and a lateral load coefficient (a) for both liquefying and non-liquefying soils. It is observed that for a pile having l/d ratio 40 and embedded in dry dense sand, the normalized moment and displacement increase when the input motion becomes more severe, as expected. Further increasing of a from 0.1 to 0.3 leads to increase in the normalized moment and displacement from 0.033 to 0.042, and 0.009 to 0.035, respectively. The validity of the proposed FE based solution for estimating seismic response of pile is also assessed through dynamic centrifuge test results.  相似文献   

喻豪俊  彭社琴  赵其华 《岩土力学》2018,39(7):2537-2545
斜坡上的桩基础的承载性能是复杂多变的。对于四川西部山地地形较广泛,且地基覆盖层多为特有的碎石土地层来说,水平受荷桩的相关研究还较少。为了研究碎石土地基斜坡上单桩基础的水平承载特性及桩土间的相互作用,通过现场水平静载荷试验在坡度为0°、15°、30°、45°的条件下,探讨桩身变形、桩身弯矩、土压力的变化。运用FLAC3D有限元分析软件得出水平荷载作用下,碎石土斜坡不同坡度的桩基础与桩周土之间的应力云图、位移云图的变化特点。将数值模拟结果与现场试验结果进行了对比,提出了单桩水平临界荷载和极限荷载在不同坡度区间内取值时的折减系数,为实际工程提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

为研究桩-土-断层耦合作用下桩基动力响应特性,利用振动台试验选取0.35g地震动峰值加速度时4种类型地震波,研究断层上下盘桩基加速度响应、桩顶相对位移、弯矩及桩基损伤情况。试验表明:断层上盘桩基各项参数明显大于断层下盘,呈现出上盘效应;桩顶峰值加速度大于桩底峰值加速度,上部土层对输入地震波具有滤波作用;桩顶加速度响应相较于桩底具有滞后性;桩顶峰值加速度与桩顶加速度放大系数α在输入El-Centro波时最大;上、下盘α 差值在输入Kobe波时最大;弯矩和桩顶相对位移峰值在输入Kobe波时最大;弯矩在土层分界面处较大,输入不同地震波时弯矩峰值均未超过桩身抗弯能力;提出了强震区近断层桩基可根据验算内容选取合理地震波进行验算的抗震设计建议。  相似文献   

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