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综合鄱阳湖盆地的沉积特征和构造活动特点,并结合钻孔及剖面资料,分析了鄱阳湖盆地在东亚地区中新生代大地构造背景下的地质演化过程,总结了控制鄱阳湖盆地发展的主要断裂构造及其特征以及盆地的中新生代沉积古地理演化,最后进一步根据已有资料,总结了区域主要断裂的第四纪活动性及与地震活动的关系,并探讨析了盆地的成因机制。综合研究认为,在中生代,中国东南部的燕山运动事件使一套大致平行的北东-南西向断裂带形成,并在此时期导致了鄱阳湖断陷,形成鄱阳湖沉积盆地的雏形;之后,随着赣江断裂系活动方式的变化,鄱阳湖盆地经历了复杂的构造演化过程;至第四纪,盆地中部发生整体拗陷并持续接受沉积;全新世中期后,演化成现代鄱阳湖。   相似文献   

新生代, 中国东部大陆边缘系统总体受到来自印度、澳大利亚、菲律宾和太平洋板块向欧亚板块下部俯冲碰撞的作用, 在大陆边缘形成一系列边缘海盆地和断陷-坳陷盆地, 主要发育松辽、渤海湾、江汉、苏北、东海、珠江口和北部湾等盆地.基于中国东部沉积盆地的中生代构造背景分析和新生代盆地的分布特征, 对其中的7个主要沉积盆地进行了详细的沉积序列和构造演化分析.通过周缘板块和郯庐断裂的构造演化、火山活动、低温热年代学、气候演变等对比分析, 中国东部沉积盆地的演化可划分为3个阶段: 古新世-始新世、渐新世-早中新世和晚中新世-第四纪.   相似文献   

运用地质、力学观点分析了黔西盘关向斜燕山期发生的正、反扭动构造特征、成因及其复合叠加现象,认为它们是该区煤田后期改造的主要控制构造,是欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块相互运动的结果。自北向南运动的欧亚板块与自南向北运动的太平洋板块,两者作反时针直扭运动,产生北西、南东向挤压形成北东向褶皱(压性结构面)与北西、南东向张性结构面以及两组扭性结构面;自北向南运动的欧亚板块与自南向北的印度洋板块,两者的顺时针直扭运动,又产生了北东、南西向挤压,形成北西向褶皱(压性结构面)与北东向张性结构面以及两组扭性结构面。正、反扭动构造产生两种复合叠加方式:一是地层不发生偏转的简单叠加形式;二是后期顺时针扭动构造导致先期反时针扭动构造发生偏转,这与该区内岩石地层裂隙、断裂和构造形变特征相一致。  相似文献   

羌塘-三江构造-地层大区的古生代-中生代沉积盆地和构造演化受特提斯洋的控制.通过综合分析前人对羌塘-三江地区大量岩石地层、生物地层、同位素年代学及构造学等研究资料,对羌塘-三江构造-地层大区各分区古生代-中生代的沉积盆地类型进行了划分,并分析了各个沉积盆地的形成和演化过程,探讨了该区的大地构造演化:早古生代该区主体属于大洋环境;晚古生代随着特提斯洋向南东、北东方向的俯冲,该区开始发育一系列活动陆缘沉积盆地,产生金沙江弧后洋、澜沧江弧后洋和甘孜-理塘弧后洋,形成多岛洋弧盆系;中生代,随着特提斯洋向北东的俯冲消减,弧后洋逐渐闭合,羌塘-三江地区发生大规模弧-弧、弧-陆碰撞增生,逐渐转化成陆.随着白垩纪特提斯洋的闭合,印度板块与中国西部碰撞、造山,羌塘-三江地区发育陆内盆地.   相似文献   

溪洛渡地区节理构造特征及解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用构造解析方法,遵循共轭节理配套原则对溪洛渡地区发育的次生节理构造进行逐步分析,将该区发育的北东向和北西向节理、近南北向和近东西向节理、倾向南东和北西的两组北东-南西向剖面节理、北东东向和北北东向节理以及倾向北东和南西的两组北西-南东向剖面节理组成5套共轭节理,分属南北向、北东向和北西向3个构造期次。据此推出该区次生节理的形成、发育先后受到该区南北向、北东向和北西向构造期构造应力场作用的影响和制约。  相似文献   

贵州赤水地区位于四川盆地西南缘,晚白垩世时期该地区沉积了一套厚达1300m的陆相地层。本文通过地表露头的古流向野外观测和室内分析,详细研究赤水地区晚白垩世沉积充填过程及构造意义。赤水地区晚白垩世早期辫状河的古流向为自北东向南西,表明碎屑物源主要来自盆地北侧和东侧。根据物源、地层分布及区域地质背景推断,赤水地区晚白垩世的陆相沉积盆地属于陆内前陆盆地,陆内造山带位于盆地东侧。晚白垩世陆内前陆盆地的形成,可能受控于此阶段华南的构造挤压事件形成的陆内造山作用。  相似文献   

川西前陆盆地中—新生代沉积迁移与构造转换   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
川西前陆盆地中—新生代各构造层的残余厚度展布和沉积特征分析发现,四川克拉通周缘的前陆盆地在晚三叠世时期发育于龙门山山前,明显属于龙门山褶皱逆冲构造载荷所形成的前渊凹陷;侏罗纪早期的沉积地层呈面状分布,没有表现出显著的挠曲沉降,指示了一个构造相对平静的阶段;中侏罗世早期前渊凹陷迁移至龙门山北段和米仓山山前,前渊沉积从晚三叠世的北东向转换为近东西向,广泛的湖泊相沉积预示了前陆盆地的欠充填状态;中侏罗世中晚期,川西盆地沉降中心又迁移到大巴山山前,相应的挠曲变形又从近东西向转化为北西向,构成了大巴山的前渊凹陷;晚侏罗世—早白垩世时期,沉降中心再次回到米仓山山前,巨厚的前渊凹陷沉积指示了米仓山冲断带的主要活动时期;白垩纪末—古近纪的前渊凹陷则跃迁至雅安—名山地区。川西前陆盆地的同造山沉降中心以四川盆地中心为核心在西部和北部呈弧形迁移,沉积序列不断更替和叠加。中生界各构造层底界构造图显示现今的构造低部位位于川西北地区和川西南地区,在川西北地区均有东西走向的等值线分布,而川西南地区等值线走向则为北东-南西向。因此分析认为,晚侏罗世至早白垩世的构造变形可能控制了川西盆地现今的地层变形,形成了川西北地区的南北向构造挤压结构,而晚期的新生代构造变形则主要体现在川西盆地的西南部,形成北东-南西向的地层展布特征。  相似文献   

临汾盆地位于华北克拉通汾渭地堑系中南部,是典型的受控于北东-南西向和近东西向正断层的晚新生代断陷盆地。沉积相、古水流和重矿物综合分析表明,盆地中部的柴庄新生界剖面除顶部的风成黄土之外,可以划分为3个岩性段,分别具有不同的物源,反映了不同时期的构造背景。第一岩性段为上新统(5.0~2.6 Ma),冲积扇和风成红黏土沉积,冲积扇碎屑物源为盆地周缘的灰岩等沉积岩类;第二岩性段为更新统下部(2.6~1.0 Ma),三角洲相沉积,沉积物来自盆地南缘中条山北部和东缘太行山西部的太古宇-下元古界的花岗片麻岩和片麻岩、上元古界-古生界的碳酸盐岩、中生界的陆源碎屑岩及少量不同时代的花岗岩;第三段为更新统中上部( < 1.0 Ma),河流相沉积,主要物源为盆地北东缘太行山的花岗岩类、少量沉积岩和变质岩。结合区域应力演化过程认为,距今5.0~2.6 Ma期间,受北西-南东向伸展作用影响,北东-南西向正断层为盆地的主控断层;距今2.6~1.0 Ma时期,主要受到北东-南西伸展应力的影响,近东西向断层开始活动;距今1.0 Ma以来,沉积环境由三角洲和湖泊相转为河流相沉积,指示盆地发育的减弱,可能与后一期伸展应力的减弱有关。上述结果表明,受青藏高原向北东扩展的影响,汾渭地堑系至少经历了中新世晚期-上新世早期(>5 Ma)、2.6 Ma和1.0 Ma等主要构造转换时代。   相似文献   

沉积盆地地层及其结构记录了盆地的构造演化过程,并由其所处的不同历史时期的构造背景所决定。全球油气勘探的不断深入和大量地震剖面的完成为系统认识盆地构造演化提供了大量基础资料。本文在板块构造理论的指导下,收集了全球上百个重要沉积盆地的资料编制了2条洲际纬向超长剖面:(1)北美-北非-中东-中亚-东亚纬向超长剖面;(2)南美-非洲纬向超长剖面。这两条洲际纬向超长剖面能直观地显示出不同类型盆地构造演化阶段及其时空对应关系受控于板块运动。盆地发育的程度(沉降厚度、沉降率、构造间断)及其完整性(规模大小、剖面形态、垂向结构),受控于其所处区域的构造背景。北美和南美大陆不同类型沉积盆地存在有序并列的特征:自西向东均为大洋盆地、海沟、弧前盆地、弧后前陆盆地、克拉通盆地、裂谷盆地和被动陆缘盆地。由于板块边界作用影响,相同板块上不同的盆地群之间具有密切的构造-沉积联系和构造事件响应,北非和非洲中部东西向剖面依次发育被动陆缘(西部)-克拉通(中部)-裂谷(偏东部)的特征。  相似文献   

酒泉早白垩世盆地群构造特征和成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对酒泉盆地群充填物、早白垩世火山岩、早白垩世原型盆地构造样式和新生代反转构造的特征进行了分析,旨在查明酒泉原型盆地群的成因。初步认为,酒泉盆地群是早白垩世陆内热事件的表部响应,为近南北向或北东向裂谷盆地。在新生代,由于印度板块的挤压作用,北祁连山前展式北向推覆作用可能使早白垩世酒泉盆地群的南部地区转换为山脉,现今的盆地边界被掩覆在北祁连山之下;同时,印度板块的挤压作用还造成控制酒泉盆地群内部次级构造单元沉积体系的近南北向和北东向正断层转换为逆冲断层,盆地发生反转。  相似文献   

We discuss several models of the evolution of the trench-trench-trench triple junction off central Honshu during the past 1 m.y. on the basis of plate kinematics, morphology, gravity and seismic reflection profile data available for the area. The study area is characterized by large basins, 7–8 km deep on the inner lower trench slope on the Philippine Sea side and the deep (9 km) Izu-Bonin Trench to the east. Between the basins and the trench, there are 6–7 km-deep basement highs. The triple junction is unstable due to the movement of the Philippine Sea plate at a velocity of 3 cm/yr in WNW direction with respect to Eurasia (Northeast Japan), subparallel to the strike of the Sagami Trough. Generally we can expect the boundary area between the Philippine Sea and Pacific plates to be extended because the Pacific plate is unlikely to follow the retreating Philippine Sea plate due to the obstruction of the southeastern corner of Eurasia. The above peculiar morphology of the junction area could have resulted from this lack of stability. However, there are several possible ways to explain the above morphology.

Our gravity model across the trench-basement high-basin area shows that the basement highs are made of low-density materials (1.8–2 g/cm3). Thus we reject the mantle diapir model which proposes that the basement highs have been formed by diapiric injection of serpentinites between the retreating Philippine Sea plate and the Pacific plate.

The stretched basin model proposes that the basins have been formed by stretching of the Philippine Sea plate wedge. We estimated the extension to be about 10 km at the largest basin. We reconstructed the morphology at 1 Ma by moving the Philippine Sea plate 20 km farther to the east after closing the basins, and thus obtained 8 km depth of the 1 Ma trench, which is similar to that of the present Japan Trench to the north. Although this stretched basin model can explain the formation of the basins and the deep trench, other models are equally possible. For instance, the eduction model explains the origin of the basin by the eduction of the Philippine Sea basement from beneath the basement high, while the accretion model explains the basement highs by the accretion of the Izu-Bonin trench wedge sediments. In both of these models we can reconstruct the 1 Ma trench depth as about 8 km, similar to that of the stretched basin model.

The deformation of the basement of the basins constitutes the best criterion to differentiate between these models. The multi-channel seismic reflection profiles show that the basement of the largest basin is cut by normal faults, in particular at its eastern edge. This suggests that the stretched basin model is most likely. However, the upper part of the sediments shows that the basement high to the east has been recently uplifted. This uplift is probably due to the recent (0.5 Ma) start of accretion of the trench wedge sediments beneath this basement high.  相似文献   

中国近海海域新生代成盆动力机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
任建业 《地球科学》2018,43(10):3337-3361
中国近海海域发育了渤海湾、东海和南海等10多个新生代富油气沉积盆地,其发育演化过程及动力学背景的异同需要在统一的研究思路和方法下进行系统的总结.以海域盆地油气勘探开发中积累的丰富的地质地球物理资料为基础,详细解释和分析了渤海、东海和南海三大海域新生代盆地的构造地层格架,进一步明确了渤海湾盆地斜向拉分盆地的演化阶段,证实了区域走滑断裂体系对盆地发育的重要控制作用;在东海陆架盆地划分出弧后前陆盆地的演化阶段,认识到区域挤压作用对该盆地的演化过程的重要性;在南海北部深水区发现了大型拆离断层及其所控制的拆离盆地,提出大型拆离断层作用是地壳薄化、地幔剥露和陆缘深水盆地形成演化的主要机制.研究揭示出中国近海海域盆地新生代期间在经历了古新世-中始新世期间分布全区的均一断陷作用之后,从晚始新世开始进入到区域构造的差异性演化阶段,其中渤海湾盆地进入斜向走滑拉分阶段,并持续到渐新世末期,随后是中新世的热沉降和上新世以来的加速沉降过程;东海陆架盆地则进入长期的弧后前陆盆地演化阶段,直到上新世开始才进入区域性的沉降过程;而南海则持续伸展形成深水拆离盆地,并最终在渐新世初期(32 Ma)发生岩石圈裂解,南海洋盆开始扩张,陆缘则进入被动大陆边缘演化阶段.区域板块运动学分析表明,晚始新世发生的全球板块运动重组事件导致了中国近海海域盆地构造的差异性演化.该事件发生之前,中国东部处于欧亚板块和太平洋板块相互作用构建的"双板块"动力体制之下,太平洋板块的俯冲后退作用导致了陆缘弧后伸展,形成了广布中国东部大陆边缘的盆岭式断陷盆地系.该事件之后,中国大陆处于印度板块、欧亚板块、太平洋板块和菲律宾海板块等构建的"多板块体制"之下,印度-欧亚大陆的碰撞、太平洋板块俯冲方向的转变、古南海的俯冲碰撞、菲律宾海板块的楔入及其与太平洋板块向西运移俯冲等产生了更为复杂的板块运动过程和多期次的运动重组事件导致了中国海域盆地成因类型的多样性和构造演化过程的差异性.海域盆地是我国重要的油气生产基地,本文的研究不仅进一步深化了中国海域盆地的形成演化过程和动力机制的认识,而且对于该区的油气勘探和开发也具有重要的实际应用价值.   相似文献   

The Chaochou Fault, a major geological boundary in southern Taiwan is considered to be a part of the convergent plate boundary between the Eurasia Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. We applied the Common Conversion Point stacking technique to teleseismic radial receiver functions and obtained Moho variation and crustal structure across the Chaochou Fault. In the Eurasia Plate to its west, the Moho depth is about 37 km and the crust is subducting to the east beneath the Philippine Sea Plate with a dip angle of about 30° between the Backbone Belt and the Tananao Schist. In the Philippine Sea Plate, the Moho depth is about 17 km. The Longitudinal Valley marks the collision boundary between the Eurasia Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. The results suggest that the depth extent of the Chaochou Fault is about 30–35 km and the fault becomes a “shallow-angle” thrust fault at depth. The Common Conversion Point image also shows several bending interfaces of velocity contrast in the crust. We proposed a simple model to explain the Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia Plate collision process and the observed crustal deformations.  相似文献   

南海西北部珊瑚礁记录所反映的新构造运动*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
珊瑚礁是发育于热带海洋环境中由生物作用和地质作用共同形成的地质体,具有独特的新构造运动意义。南海西北部珊瑚礁记录所反映的新构造运动主要有火山活动、地壳升降运动和地震活动等。珊瑚礁区第四纪火山活跃,到现代已停止活动,部分火山构成珊瑚礁的基座,个别出露海面为火山岛;地壳升降运动差异较大,雷州半岛西南部珊瑚礁呈上升趋势,上升率为0.02~0.05mm/a;西沙群岛等岛礁地壳运动则呈下降趋势,下降率为-0.07~-0.10mm/a,岛礁中的造礁石珊瑚生长率、礁顶和灰沙岛的堆积率均相当于或大于地壳下降率与现代海平面上升率的总和;南海西北部珊瑚礁区内地震活动较强,尤其是1994年12月31日和1995年1月10日在雷州半岛西南部海域发生了6.1级和6.2 级地震,这两次地震对该区珊瑚礁的发育有较大的影响。  相似文献   

台湾-吕宋岛双火山弧的构造意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
扼要评介了国内外关于台湾-吕宋岛双火山弧在南海沿马尼拉海沟俯冲的动力学过程和俯冲板块深部形态等方面研究的成果;认为目前的动力学模式还不够完善,没有能够对台湾-吕宋岛双火山弧中存在的第四纪火山间断做出合理的解释,为此引入“板片窗”概念,对已经提出的动力学模式进行了修改;并统计1964~2006年发生于菲律宾地区的地震震中位置,认为存在于菲律宾群岛17°~19°N之间的深源地震稀疏带和存在于14°~15°N之间的喇叭状地震稀疏带是地震作用对于南海板片窗构造存在的反映;结合研究区域已有应力场研究资料,认为俯冲的南海亚板块中板片窗两侧俯冲倾角的差异,应该是造成俯冲带内应力分布出现分带现象的原因之一。  相似文献   

A seismic experiment with six explosive sources and 391 seismic stations was conducted in August 2001 in the central Japan region. The crustal velocity structure for the central part of Japan and configuration of the subducting Philippine Sea plate were revealed. A large lateral variation of the thickness of the sedimentary layer was observed, and the P-wave velocity values below the sedimentary layer obtained were 5.3–5.8 km/s. P-wave velocity values for the lower part of upper crust and lower crust were estimated to be 6.0–6.4 and 6.6–6.8 km/s, respectively. The reflected wave from the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate was observed on the record sections of several shots. The configuration of the subducting Philippine Sea slab was revealed for depths of 20–35 km. The dip angle of the Philippine Sea plate was estimated to be 26° for a depth range of about 20–26 km. Below this depth, the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea plate is distorted over a depth range of 26–33 km. A large variation of the reflected-wave amplitude with depth along the subducting plate was observed. At a depth of about 20–26 km, the amplitude of the reflected wave is not large, and is explained by the reflected wave at the upper boundary of the subducting oceanic crust. However, the reflected wave from reflection points deeper than 26 km showed a large amplitude that cannot be explained by several reliable velocity models. Some unique seismic structures have to be considered to explain the observed data. Such unique structures will provide important information to know the mechanism of inter-plate earthquakes.  相似文献   

A unique feature of the Circum Pacific orogenic belts is the occurrence of ophiolitic bodies of various sizes, most of which display petrological and geochemical characteristics typical of supra-subduction zone oceanic crust. In SE Asia, a majority of the ophiolites appear to have originated at convergent margins, and specifically in backarc or island arc settings, which evolved either along the edge of the Sunda (Eurasia) and Australian cratons, or within the Philippine Sea Plate. These ophiolites were later accreted to continental margins during the Tertiary. Because of fast relative plate velocities, tectonic regimes at the active margins of these three plates also changed rapidly. Strain partitioning associated with oblique convergence caused arc-trench systems to move further away from the locus of their accretion. We distinguish “relatively autochthonous ophiolites” resulting from the shortening of marginal basins such as the present-day South China Sea or the Coral Sea, and “highly displaced ophiolites” developed in oblique convergent margins, where they were dismantled, transported and locally severely sheared during final docking. In peri-cratonic mobile belts (i.e. the Philippine Mobile Belt) we find a series of oceanic basins which have been slightly deformed and uplifted. Varying lithologies and geochemical compositions of tectonic units in these basins, as well as their age discrepancies, suggest important displacements along major wrench faults.We have used plate tectonic reconstructions to restore the former backarc basins and island arcs characterized by known petro-geochemical data to their original location and their former tectonic settings. Some of the ophiolites occurring in front of the Sunda plate represent supra-subduction zone basins formed along the Australian Craton margin during the Mesozoic. The Philippine Sea Basin, the Huatung basin south of Taiwan, and composite ophiolitic basements of the Philippines and Halmahera may represent remnants of such marginal basins. The portion of the Philippine Sea Plate carrying the Taiwan–Philippine arc and its composite ophiolitic/continental crustal basement might have actually originated in a different setting, closer to that of the Papua New Guinea Ophiolite, and then have been displaced rapidly as a result of shearing associated with fast oblique convergence.  相似文献   

西太平洋边缘海盆地的扩张过程和动力学背景   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
任建业  李思田 《地学前缘》2000,7(3):203-213
西太平洋集中发育了全球 75%的边缘海盆地 ,这些盆地形成于始新世、渐新世—中新世和晚中新世—第四纪 3个边缘海扩张幕。文中介绍了边缘海盆地的基本特征和发育模式 ,详细讨论了西北太平洋边缘海盆地周缘板块构造时空格架及其对边缘海盆地形成、演化和关闭过程的控制作用。太平洋板块的俯冲及俯冲带的后退 ,印度—亚洲大陆碰撞的远程效应以及澳洲与印度尼西亚的碰撞是边缘海盆地的 3个重要的区域性控制因素。印度—亚洲大陆的碰撞所形成的向东和东南的地幔流可能推动了东亚大陆东侧和南侧俯冲带的后退 ,并引发弧后扩张作用。同时 ,由这一碰撞引起的东亚大陆边缘NE或NNE向断裂的右旋走滑 ,进一步影响和控制了边缘海盆地的几何学特征及演化。澳大利亚和印度尼西亚的碰撞阻碍了俯冲带的后退 ,导致了南海、Sulu海和Celebes海盆地的扩张终止。同时这一碰撞推动菲律宾海板块向北运移 ,并使Bonin弧与中央日本碰撞 ,导致日本海关闭  相似文献   

运用丰富的二维地震资料,通过构造结构与地层结构的分析,对礼乐盆地的盆地结构演化与转型过程及其对南海地区复杂动力学背景的响应特征进行研究。结果表明:受控于NNE、NEE、NW和近EW向的断裂体系,礼乐盆地现今构造格局表现为"两坳一隆"的结构特征;两个关键的区域角度不整合T70和T50将礼乐盆地新生界自下而上划分为三层结构:陆缘裂陷层、漂移裂陷层和前陆-拗陷层;响应于太平洋板块俯冲、印度-欧亚板块碰撞、新南海扩张、古南海消亡和菲律宾海板块楔入等一系列周缘板块重组事件,礼乐盆地的盆地结构演化及转型经历了三个阶段:陆缘多幕裂陷阶段,盆地结构受控于NNE和NEE向断裂体系,南北坳陷连通;漂移裂陷阶段,NNE和NW向共轭断裂体系控制盆地格局,中部隆起形成,分隔南、北坳陷;前陆-拗陷阶段,前陆盆地结构形成,随后盆地因热沉降进入拗陷沉积阶段。  相似文献   

菲律宾海西部吕宋岛岸外MD98-2188钻孔揭示末次冰期以来发生过数次浊流沉积事件。研究发现浊流沉积层具有密度高、颜色亮度大等物理特征,含有较多粗沉积组分和翼足类化石碎片,说明其来源于浅海沉积物。本文运用AMS 14C测年和浮游有孔虫氧同位素建立精细的年龄模式,发现浊流沉积层段主要与末次盛冰期、冰期Heinrich变冷事件以及氧同位素4期等低海平面时期相对应,推测与千年尺度北半球气候冷期相关的海平面快速上升可能是西菲律宾海浊流沉积的触发原因。这对于认识快速气候变化的环境后果和开展西菲律宾海晚第四纪地层划分对比都有重要意义。  相似文献   

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