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首次报道金伯利岩中铬尖晶石的两种成分分带趋势,其中斑晶铬尖晶石以核部富Cr、边缘逐渐富Al和Fe^3+为特征,该铬尖晶石为金伯利岩岩浆上升过程中形成的;基质铬尖晶石则同上述变化趋势相反,它们是岩浆在温、压增大或母岩在熔融程度增加过程中形成的。根据Cr2O3含量,基质铬尖晶石可分为两类:一是岩浆演化晚期,岩管爆发前增压过程中结晶的低铬铁尖晶;二是来自深源捕虏体的高铬铁尖晶石,本文探讨了它们的形成机制  相似文献   

黄山东镁铁超镁铁杂岩中的辉石化学成分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对黄山东镁铁超镁铁杂岩的辉石化学成分研究,证明辉石的化学成分受寄主岩石类型的制约,从超镁铁岩相到角闪辉长岩相斜方辉石的化学成分由富MgO、SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Cr_2O_3到富FeO、TiO_2、CaO、MnO;单斜辉石化学成分由富Al_2O_3、Cr_2O_3、Na_2O、MgO到富FeO、MnO、CoO。在同一寄主岩石中,单斜辉石比斜方辉石富TiO_2、Al_2O_3、Cr_2O_3、CaO和Na_2O,贫MgO、SiO_2、MnO和FeO。根据辉石化学成分特征得出黄山东杂岩形成于岛弧环境,为上地幔石榴二辉檄榄岩部分熔融形成的拉斑玄武岩岩浆结晶分异作用的产物。  相似文献   

陆琦  周湖云 《矿物学报》1994,14(3):228-233,T001
在山东蒙阴金伯利岩中,首次发现了沂蒙矿类质同象系列新的富Ti矿物(变)种。理想的晶体化学式可表达为:K(Ti5Fe3Cr2Mg2)12O19(简称K-Ti沂蒙矿)(Ba,K)(Ti5Fe4Mg2Cr)12O19(简称Ba-Ti沂蒙矿)从而与原来确定的沂蒙矿K(Cr5Ti3Fe2Mg2)12O19和钡钛铁铬矿(Ba,K)(Cr4Fe4Ti3Mg)12O19g一起构成了金伯利岩中AM12O19磁铁铅矿  相似文献   

李建平 ON.  HSC 《矿物学报》1995,15(4):387-397
本文用Mg-Cr^2+橄榄石、辉石、尖晶石的粉晶X射线衍射数据,采取“整体图谱最小二乘Rietveld”方法计算了上述矿物的晶胞参数和摩尔体积,并对Cr^2+在各晶体结构中的占位情况进行了研究。结果显示,各矿物的晶胞参数随含Cr^2+量的增大而增大。据Vegard定律,推算出各端元组分铬橄榄石(CF2SiO4)、铬辉石(Cr2SiO2O6)及立方铬尖晶石(Cr3O4)的摩尔体积分别为47.7,68  相似文献   

对P507萃淋树脂分离稀土元素的条件进行了实验,拟定了以P507萃淋树脂为固定相,HCl为流动相分离4N级荧光材料Eu_2O_3中14种稀土杂质元素的流程,使被测杂质与基体Eu_2O_3达到了较好的分离;再用阳离子交换树脂分离被测液中非稀土杂质元素。选择了端视ICP-AES测量稀土杂质元素的最佳条件。称样量50mg时各杂质组分的测定下限(ug/g)为:CeO_2、Pr_6O_(11)、Nd_2O_3、Sm_2O_3、Tb_4O_7、Ho_2O_3、Er_2O_3,Tm_2O_3、Lu_2O_30.4,La_2O_3、Gd_2O_3、0.2,Dy_2O_3、Y_2O_30.04,Yb_2O_30.02。6次取样分析,各杂质组分加入量为10ug/g(CeO_2为2ug/g),加入回收率在84%~112%;RSD<13%。方法可用于纯度在99.99%~99.9995%Eu_2O_3中14种稀土杂质元素的测定。  相似文献   

华北地台金伯利岩岩浆活动时代讨论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
路凤香  赵磊 《岩石学报》1995,11(4):365-374
华北地台金伯利岩岩浆活动可分为三个时期:(1)中元古代金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩岩浆活动期,以鄂尔多斯陆核边缘山西阳高岩区为代表(1649~1811Ma);(2)古生代金伯利岩岩浆活动,以冀鲁辽陆核边缘的铁岭岩区、中部的复县和蒙阴岩区为代表(含矿金伯利岩,457~462Ma);(3)中~新生代金伯利岩岩浆活动时期,以鹤壁和涉县岩区为代表(117~52Ma)。含矿金伯利岩岩浆活动与华北地台中奥陶世晚期的造陆抬升作用有关。这类岩浆形成时必须处于克拉通岩石圈底部有小的热扰动以及流体作用的条件,而过高的地温梯度反而起到破坏金刚石保存的作用。  相似文献   

我国东部新生代玄武岩中深源岩石包体内的尖晶石类矿物属铬尖晶石和铁尖晶石,金伯利岩及其地幔岩包体和金刚石中的尖晶石类矿物主要为铝铬铁矿。玄武岩中橄榄岩类包体内的尖晶石比其辉石岩类包体中的尖晶石含Cr高,含Al低,这与Cr为相容元素、Al为不相容元素、玄武岩中橄榄岩类包体是上地幔部分熔融出玄武岩浆后的残留物及其上地幔岩石的捕虏体、而辉石岩类是玄武岩浆结晶的产物有关。玄武岩中深源岩石包体中的尖晶石明显地比金伯利岩中的粗晶、地幔岩石包体及金刚石中的尖晶石含Cr低,含Al高,其主要原因是前者比后者形成的压力低  相似文献   

进贤早官岭侵入体是作者近年来从事1:5万进贤图组区域地质调查所发现的。该侵入体主体岩性为黑云角闪闪长岩,全岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为1240±10Ma,( ̄(87)Sr/ ̄(86)Sr)=0.7034,具有高Al_2O_3、TiO_2、CaO含量,低SiO_2含量的成分特征,其微量元素的MORB标准化曲线与阿卓热斯碱性玄武岩极为相似,稀土总量较高,弱的负Eu异常。地球化学特征反映其岩浆为亏损地幔经低的部分融熔后,发生极低的结晶分异且未受地壳混染,固结后经构造运动拾升至地表。  相似文献   

Cr^2+在橄榄石,斜方辉石和尖晶石中溶解度的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李建平 Seife.  F 《地球化学》1995,24(3):235-244
为了研究Cr^2+在橄榄石、斜方辉石和尖晶石中的溶解度及其在各相间的分配,在压力为0-2.88GPa和温度为1100-1450℃的条件下,于MgO-SiO2-Cr-O体系中完成了一系列实验。实验起始成分由高纯度的MgO、SiO2、Cr2O3和Cr混合得到。通过Cr2O3和Cr等化学混合得到所需的CrO,且加有过量(50%)的Cr,使得实验产物和金属Cr保持平衡。此外,还加入占起始混合物重量10%的  相似文献   

通过4个月实地和近3年的追踪观测,查明拒马矿泉水产于涞源县浮图峪铜矿区的闪长玢岩与夕卡岩接触带中。H_2SiO_3含量25~39mg/L;Sr含量0.40~0.39mg/L,还含有CO_2,I,Br,Li,Zn,Mo,Se,Cu等多种对人体有益的微量元素,是极为宝贵的矿泉水资源。  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, physicochemical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the 77–70 Ma old series bracketing the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary have been investigated by 70 experts. For the first time, direct relationships between macro- and microfossils have been established, as well as direct and indirect relationships between chemo-physical and biostratigraphical tools. A combination of criteria for selecting the boundary level, duration estimates, uncertainties on durations and on the location of biohorizons have been considered; new chronostratigraphic units are proposed. The geological site at Tercis is accepted by the Commission on Stratigraphy as the international reference for the stratigraphy of the studied interval. To cite this article: G.S. Odin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 409–414.  相似文献   

Well investigated platforms have been selected in each continent, and the history of Cretaceous transgressions and regressions there is concisely reviewed from the available evidence. The factual records have been summarized into a diagram and the timing of the events correlated between distant as well as adjoining areas.On a global scale, major transgressions were stepwise enlarged in space and time from the Neocomian, via Aptian-Albian, to the Late Cretaceous, and the post-Cretaceous regression was very remarkable. Minor cycles of transgression-regression were not always synchronous between different areas. Some of them were, however, nearly synchronous between the areas facing the same ocean.Tectono-eustasy may have been the main cause of the phenomena of transgression-regression, but certain kinds of other tectonic movements which affected even the so-called stable platforms were also responsible for the phenomena. The combined effects of various causes may have been unusual in the Cretaceous, since it was a period of global tectonic activity. The slowing down of this activity followed by readjustments may have been the cause of the global regression at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Geological studies established on several sections in Lanping-Simao basin have shown that the salt-bearing strata of Mengyejing formation(Yunlong Fm.in Lanping basin)are constituted by an alternation of salt layers and interbedded facies.The latter consists mainly of mudstones,and mudstone-rich conglomerate.The mineralogy and geochemistry of salt-bearing beds and  相似文献   

正On 22nd April 2014,with the approach of the 45th World Earth Day,China’s Ministry of Land and resources issued the status of China’s mineral resources in 2013.The first task of the prospecting breakthrough strategy action implemented in the last five years has been completed,and China’s security capacity for mineral resources has been significantly improved.In the  相似文献   

正There are more than 700 salt lakes with area of more than 1km2 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China.In recent years,an oilfield brine was also found in the Nanyishan Section of Qaidam Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Physical and numerical models are constructed to investigate the evolution and mechanism of salt migration driven by tectonic processes.In recent years,we have designed and ran series of models to simulate salt  相似文献   

正The study of Cretaceous-Palaeogene salt-bearing strata of the Khorat Basin Laos and the Lanping-Simao Basin in Yunnan,China has an great significance not only in explaining the basin evolution and the genesis of potash  相似文献   

正Potash is one of the long-term scare deposits in China,and potash prospecting has long been listed as a key brainstorm project for our nation and geological prospecting units.There have been considerable studies in search for potash deposits in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin(Jackson et al.,1991;Gemmer et al.,2004;Vendeville,2005;Vendeville and Jackson,1992a,1992b),  相似文献   

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