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为了考察铁锰氧化物对酚类污染物的氧化降解能力,采用天然以及合成的铁锰氧化物对苯酚的氧化降解进行对比实验研究。土壤中铁锰氧化物样品分别为天然针铁矿及氧化锰,合成铁锰氧化物样品分别为合成针铁矿及软锰矿。结果表明:苯酚与铁锰氧化物发生氧化还原作用时,还可能与土壤中杂质发生吸附等作用;铁锰氧化物还原反应强度随着反应介质pH值的升高而迅速下降;可用零级反应动力学方程拟合铁氧化物还原溶解反应,针铁矿溶解反应的强度与介质的pH值呈负相关关系;天然针铁矿对酚类污染物的氧化降解能力明显高于合成针铁矿,pH值对天然针铁矿溶解反应影响较大;可用一级指数衰减方程拟合锰氧化物还原溶解反应,锰氧化物溶解反应的强度与介质的pH值呈指数衰减关系;pH值对软锰矿还原溶解反应的影响大于对土壤中氧化锰的影响,pH值越小,影响越显著;对比pH值对铁和锰还原作用的影响发现,在pH=6.5时,锰氧化物仍有较强的氧化性能。  相似文献   

针铁矿/水界面反应性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择针铁矿对Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+等3种重金属离子的吸附实验,开展矿物/水界面反应性研究.金属离子(M2+)在矿物-水溶液间分配有多种表面反应机制,这些表面反应发生作用的条件主要取决于吸附质水化学性质和矿物表面荷电性,因此,溶液pH值是影响矿物/水界面反应性的关键因素.在不同pH值条件下, 表面羟基可通过发生质子化或去质子化反应而使得矿物表面产生荷电性并发生改变,而金属离子的水解则可显著加快金属羟基配合物的形成,从而进一步增强了矿物/水界面反应.本实验条件下针铁矿表面对重金属离子的吸着量随pH值升高而升高,在一个较窄的pH值范围内吸附率急剧升高,呈S形分布.针铁矿对3种不同的重金属离子的吸附能力的强弱顺序是Cu2+>Pb2+>Cd2+.无论是Langmuir方程还是Freundlich方程,都能较好拟合针铁矿对重金属离子的等温吸附过程.Freundlich方程的n值均在0.1~0.5之间,说明重金属离子在针铁矿表面的吸附并不能简单地归结为单配位或双配位模式,可能存在着多种吸附结合形态.表观吸附常数KM值的变化规律,说明重金属离子与针铁矿表面反应模式及其表面吸附形态发生了变化,具体的吸附形态还有待谱学研究进一步证实.  相似文献   

合成铁氧化物矿物对苯酚的吸附实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用TEM、X射线衍射分析及BET比表面积测定等手段对合成的针铁矿、赤铁矿两种矿物进行表征,对此两种矿物对苯酚的吸附特性并批处理吸附实验研究结果表明,针铁矿对苯酚的吸附量大于赤铁矿的吸附量;针铁矿吸附苯酚的pH吸收边为峰型曲线,且峰值在pH 7~8。Langmuir方程拟合结果的吻合程度较之Henry线性方程与Freundlich方程高。实验中氧化铁矿物表面对苯酚的吸附则主要表现为表面分子吸附,可能存在表面疏水性作用,而静电离子交换和表面配合吸附模式不明显。  相似文献   

天然铁(氢)氧化矿物对铜离子的吸附特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了天然铁的(氢)氧化矿物对铜离子的吸附行为,结果显示不同种类的铁(氢)氧化矿物的吸附能力明显不同。针铁矿的吸附能力最强,赤铁矿吸附能力变化最大。对于同种矿物,矿物中杂质的种类和含量是影响吸附能力的主要因素,矿物的晶体习性有一定的影响。粒度较大(>140目)的情况下,天然矿物的粒度对矿物吸附能力的影响没有规律性。pH值对铁氧化物矿物的吸附性能影响最大。随着初始浓度的增加,铁的(氢)氧化矿物的吸附量增加,但吸附率变化复杂且没有明显规律性。铁的(氢)氧化矿物的吸附行为较为符合Freundlich型和Temkin型等温吸附式。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了天然软锰矿对酸性大红GR的脱色效果,并从溶液的pH值和软锰矿的用量、粒径以及水浴温度、振荡速度方面探讨了软锰矿对其脱色效果的影响。实验表明,软锰矿可使250mL浓度为40mg/L的酸性大红溶液脱色达到95%以上,脱色效果较好,溶液pH值是影响酸性大红脱色的最主要因素,软锰矿的用量、粒径以及水浴温度、振荡速度对酸性大红脱色影响不大。软锰矿对酸性大红的高脱色率以及红外光谱分析和COD去除率表明,酸性大红在矿物界面发生了氧化还原反应,其显色基团被氧化破坏,但并不能将染料溶液全部氧化去除。软锰矿对酸性大红GR的氧化脱…  相似文献   

酸性矿山废水(acid mine drainage,AMD)是一类pH低并含有大量有毒金属元素的废水。AMD及受其影响的环境中次生高铁矿物类型主要包括羟基硫酸高铁矿物(如黄铁矾和施威特曼石等)和一些含水氧化铁矿物(如针铁矿和水铁矿等),而且这些矿物在不同条件下会发生相转变,如施氏矿物向针铁矿或黄铁矾矿物相转化。基于酸性环境中生物成因次生矿物的形成会"自然钝化"或"清除"废水中铁和有毒金属这一现象所获得的启示,提出利用这些矿物作为环境吸附材料去除地下水中砷,不但吸附量大(如施氏矿物对As的吸附可高达120mg/g),而且可直接吸附As(III),还几乎不受地下水中其他元素影响。利用AMD环境中羟基硫酸高铁矿物形成的原理,可将其应用于AMD石灰中和主动处理系统中,构成"强化微生物氧化诱导成矿-石灰中和"的联合主动处理系统,以提高AMD处理效果和降低石灰用量。利用微生物强化氧化与次生矿物晶体不断生长的原理构筑生物渗透性反应墙(PRB)并和石灰石渗透沟渠耦联,形成新型的AMD联合被动处理系统,这将有助于大幅度增加处理系统的寿命和处理效率。此外,文中还探讨了上述生物成因矿物形成在AMD和地下水处理方面应用的优点以及今后需要继续研究的问题。  相似文献   

以合成针铁矿为原料,通过煅烧法获得比表面积分别为85.74和22.65 m2/g的多孔纳米赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿,通过静态实验探究了针铁矿和煅烧产物的Sb(Ⅲ)吸附性能.结果 表明,Sb(Ⅲ)吸附效率为赤铁矿>磁赤铁矿>针铁矿,其前二者效率显著高于针铁矿.Sb(Ⅲ)在3种矿物表面的吸附均为快速的化学吸附,吸附在2h内即可接近平衡,符合准二级动力学反应和Freundlich等温吸附模型,为自发进行的吸热反应,升高温度有利于反应的进行.在45 ℃、pH=7的条件下,针铁矿、赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿的最大吸附量分别可达16.04、50.44和33.53 mg/g.pH对赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿的Sb(Ⅲ)吸附效率影响不大,但pH升高会导致针铁矿的吸附能力降低.CO32-、SiO44-、PO43-和胡敏酸会与Sb(Ⅲ)竞争吸附位,抑制3种矿物对Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附,但这种抑制作用只在阴离子浓度较高的条件下有效.研究认为磁赤铁矿具有更多的表面活性位和较强的磁回收能力,是优于针铁矿和赤铁矿的含Sb(Ⅲ)废水处理材料.  相似文献   

采用批量振荡吸附平衡法设计针铁矿和蒙脱石对菲的吸附解吸试验,对比研究了针铁矿和蒙脱石对菲的吸附解吸行为,并考察了不同K+浓度的溶液对蒙脱石吸附菲的影响,比较分析了线性吸附模型和Freundlich吸附模型描述矿物吸附等温线的准确性,并从吸附热力学角度探讨了矿物的吸附机理。结果表明:针铁矿和蒙脱石对菲的吸附解吸均表现出明显的非线性和解吸滞后现象;相对于线性吸附模型来说,针铁矿和蒙脱石对菲的吸附解吸更符合Freundiich吸附模型;与蒙脱石相比,针铁矿对菲的吸附更为显著,且具有更好的稳定性;溶液中软阳离子K+的存在使蒙脱石对菲的吸附能力得到显著提高;菲在蒙脱石和针铁矿上的吸附过程是一个自发放热,同时伴随着熵值减小的过程;随着温度的升高,蒙脱石和针铁矿对菲的吸附能力均减弱。  相似文献   

铁氧化物矿物对苯酚和溶解性有机质表面吸附的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中以铁氧化物矿物对苯酚和溶解性有机质(DOM)的吸附研究为例开展生态矿物学研究。铁氧化物矿物的吸附作用存在多种机制,这些吸附机制发生作用的条件主要取决于溶液化学性质和吸附质的理化性质。批处理实验研究表明,苯酚吸附在酸性微酸性条件下不强,吸附等温线符合Langmuir方程,属于表面分子吸附模型;DOM的吸附强并发生吸附分异,配体交换、憎水键和范氏力等多种模式并存,在酸性中性条件下对DOM在针铁矿上的吸附起着重要贡献。本文实验条件下DOM吸附等温线近于线性,不能采用Langmuir方程拟合,可能原因是DOM浓度较低。矿物表面荷电性对吸附影响显著,例如,当矿物表面净电荷为零(pH=pHpzc)时,矿物表面水化膜减薄甚至消失,苯酚分子、憎水DOM分子或片断都会倾向于在矿物表面上吸附。由于苯酚吸附机制单一,其受到的影响很明显,所以苯酚在pH值7~8范围内出现吸附最大值;由于配体交换作用主要发生在酸性微酸性条件下,所以在本文pH值约7.5的实验条件下,尽管配体交换仍在发生作用,但它不是主要吸附机制,针铁矿对DOM吸附的主要贡献应是憎水键和范氏力作用,此外,DOM吸附等温方程近于线性还可能与此有关。显然,铁矿物表面作用在对有机质含量低而铁矿物含量高的红壤中污染物和DOM的固定与归宿控制中扮演着重要的角色。  相似文献   

利用批量平衡技术研究了石英、高岭石、伊利石、蒙脱石和铁氧化物对五氯苯酚(PCP)吸附的pH关系等温线和浓度关系等温线,发现所有矿物的pH关系等温线都表现出典型的峰形曲线特征,峰位在pH=5~6之间,依矿物不同而不同。基于矿物表面羟基位化合态和PCP的化合态考虑,提出一种包含表面络合反应和表面静电吸附反应的模式,对pH关系等温线计算拟合发现有很好的相关性。模式计算还表明,石英和层状硅酸盐矿物对PCP吸附以表面络合反应为主,而氧化铁矿物则包含表面络合反应和表面静电吸附反应,但以后者占主导,其反应平衡常数比前者大1~3个数量级。高岭石和氧化铁矿物的浓度吸附等温线可用Langmuir方程很好拟合,最大吸附量的大小顺序是赤铁矿>纤铁矿>针铁矿>高岭石>石英>蒙脱石≈伊利石,并可以用矿物表面羟基位浓度和反应机制加以解释。PCP在矿物表面可观的吸附量说明矿物表面吸附对憎水性可离解有机化合物(HIOCs)在天然水相体系和沉积中的迁移转化过程起着相当重要的作用。  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):2971-2987
Many sediment and soil systems have become significantly contaminated with cadmium, and earth scientists are now required to make increasingly accurate predictions of the risks that this contamination poses. This necessitates an improved understanding of the processes that control the mobility and bioavailability of cadmium in the environment. With this in mind, we have studied the composition and structure of aqueous cadmium sorption complexes on the iron oxyhydroxide minerals goethite (α-FeOOH), lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), akaganeite (β-FeOOH), and schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6SO4) using extended X-ray adsorption fine structure spectroscopy. The results show that adsorption to all of the studied minerals occurs via inner sphere adsorption over a wide range of pH and cadmium concentrations. The bonding mechanism varies between minerals and appears to be governed by the availability of different types of adsorption site at the mineral surface. The geometry and relative stability of cadmium adsorption complexes on the goethite surface was predicted with ab initio quantum mechanical modelling. The modelling results, used in combination with the extended X-ray adsorption fine structure data, allow an unambiguous determination of the mechanism by which cadmium bonds to goethite.Cadmium adsorbs to goethite by the formation of bidentate surface complexes at corner sharing sites on the predominant (110) crystallographic surface. There is no evidence for significant cadmium adsorption to goethite at the supposedly more reactive edge sharing sites. This is probably because the edge sharing sites are only available on the (021) crystallographic surface, which comprises just ∼2% of the total mineral surface area. Conversely, cadmium adsorption on lepidocrocite occurs predominately by the formation of surface complexes at bi- and/or tridentate edge sharing sites. We explain the difference in extended X-ray adsorption fine structure results for cadmium adsorption on goethite and lepidocrocite by the greater availability of reactive edge sharing sites on lepidocrocite than on goethite. The structures of cadmium adsorption complexes on goethite and lepidocrocite appear to be unaffected by changes in pH and surface loading. There is no support for cadmium sorption to any of the studied minerals via the formation of an ordered precipitate, even at high pH and high cadmium concentration. Cadmium adsorption on akaganeite and schwertmannite also occurs via inner sphere bonding, but the mechanism(s) by which this occurs remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

The complexation of Cd(II) and Cd(II)-phthalate at the goethite/water interface were investigated by EXAFS and IR spectroscopy, by batch adsorption experiments and by potentiometric titrations at 298.15 K. The EXAFS spectra showed Cd(II) to form only inner-sphere corner-sharing complexes with the goethite surface sites in the presence and absence of phthalate. EXAFS spectra also showed the presence of Cd(II)-chloride complexes in 0.1 mol/L NaCl. IR spectra also showed phthalate to form (1) an inner-sphere complex with adsorbed corner-sharing Cd(II) surface complexes in the pH 3.5 to 9.5 and (2) an outer-sphere complex with the same type of corner-sharing Cd(II) complex however at pH > 6, in addition to the inner- and outer-sphere complexes of phthalate reported in a previous study. The potentiometric titration and the batch adsorption data were used to constrain the formation constants of the different Cd(II)-phthalate surface complexes on the dominant {110} and the {001} planes of the goethite. The models were carried out with the Charge Distribution Multisite Complexation model coupled to the Three Plane Model and can predict the molecular-scale speciation of cadmium and phthalate in the presence of goethite. Cd(II) adsorption models calibrated on a 90 m2/g goethite also could accurately predict experimental data for a 37 m2/g goethite of slightly different basic charging properties.  相似文献   

Adsorption of copper, cadmium and nickel at low concentrations on goethite was studied in the presence of the simple organic ligands oxalate, salicylate, and pyromellitate. The experimental metal adsorption behavior was compared to calculations with a surface complexation model to evaluate the most important interactions. Oxalate mostly decreased Cu and Ni adsorption at high pH-values by competition between solution and surface complexation but had no effect on Cd adsorption. Cu adsorption in the presence of oxalate below pH 6 could best be described by defining a ternary complex of type A (surface-metal-ligand). Salicylate had only minor effects on metal adsorption. The adsorption of Cu in the presence of salicylate above pH 5 could be explained by a ternary complex of type A. Pyromellitate increased the adsorption of Cu and Cd in the acidic pH-range, likely by formation of ternary surface complexes of type B (surface-ligand-metal).  相似文献   

Fluoride ion interaction with synthetically prepared goethite has been investigated over a range of pH values (4–9) and F concentrations (10–3–10–5 M). The amount of F retained by goethite suspensions was found to be a function of pH, media ionic strength, F concentration, and goethite concentration. The lowest ionic strength (0.001 M KNO3) gave the highest adsorption medium. Uptake was minimal at pH >7 and increased with decreasing pH. Thermodynamic properties for fluoride adsorption at 298 K and 323 K were investigated. The isosteric heat of adsorption (H r) was calculated and the heterogeneity and homogeneity of the surface examined for goethite. In view of the importance of fluoride in dental health, the interaction of fluoride on goethite in the physical environment has important implications on dental epidemiology.  相似文献   

A combination of macroscopic experiments and in situ attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy was used to study Cd(II)-sulfate interactions on the goethite-water interface. The presence of SO4 dramatically promoted Cd adsorption at lower pH (pH 5.5-6.5) and had a smaller effect at higher pH. ATR-FTIR studies indicated sulfate adsorption on goethite occurred via both outer- and inner-sphere complexation. The relative importance of both complexes was a function of pH and sulfate concentration. ATR-FTIR spectra provided direct evidence of the formation of Cd-SO4 ternary surface complexes on goethite. In addition to ternary complexes, Cd specifically sorbed on goethite promoted SO4 adsorption via changing the surface charge, and caused additional SO4 adsorption as both inner- and outer-sphere complexes. The relative importance of ternary complexes versus electrostatic effects depended upon pH values and Cd concentration. Ternary complex formation was promoted by low pH and high Cd levels, whereas electrostatic effects were more pronounced at high pH and low Cd levels. A portion of SO4 initially sorbed in inner-sphere complexes in the absence of Cd was transformed into Cd-SO4 ternary complexes with increased Cd concentration.  相似文献   

The adsorption of copper(II) onto goethite was studied as a function of pH, total dissolved copper concentration, surface area of goethite, and ionic strength. The adsorption of copper was similar to that of other hydrolyzable metals. A tenfold increase in goethite surface area had a significant effect on the adsorption edge, but a tenfold increase in the ionic strength of the medium did not effect the adsorption edge. The distribution coefficients increase sharply with increase in pH and ranged from 10 to 60,000 ml/g over a range of two and half pH units, depending on the goethite surface area and copper concentration. A tenfold decrease in ionic strength as well as a tenfold increase in surface area of goethite did not have any effect on the magnitude of distribution coefficients. Distribution coefficients were used to calculate the number of protons released per mole of copper adsorbed during the adsorption process. The average number of protons released per mole of copper adsorbed was estimated to be 1.40 ± 0.10.Managed by Martin Marietta Energy System, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC05-840R21400.  相似文献   

The adsorption of monocarboxylates (acetate, benzoate, and cyclohexanecarboxylate) at the water/goethite interface was studied as a function of pH and ionic strength by means of quantitative adsorption measurements and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. ATR-FTIR spectra were obtained of suspensions prepared in both H2O and D2O. In order to identify the number of predominating surface complexes and to improve the resolution of overlapping peaks the ATR-FTIR spectra were subjected to a 2D correlation spectroscopic analysis. The adsorption envelopes of acetate, benzoate, and cyclohexanecarboxylate are similar and depend strongly on pH and ionic strength, but the pH dependence is also correlated to the slightly different pKa values of the monocarboxylic acids. At the molecular level, the ATR-FTIR spectroscopic results reveal two surface complexes: one solvent-surface hydration-separated ion pair and one surface hydration-shared ion pair. The former predominates at circumneutral pH values while the latter forms mainly in the acidic pH range. We find no evidence for direct inner-sphere coordination between the carboxylic oxygens and the Fe(III) ions present at the surface. The identification of surface hydration-shared ion pairs emphasizes the importance of comparatively strong ionic hydrogen-bonding interactions for adsorption processes at the water/goethite interface.  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(19-20):3003-3008
Hydroxamate siderophores are biologically-synthesized, Fe(III)-specific ligands which are common in soil environments. In this paper, we report an investigation of their adsorption by the iron oxyhydroxide, goethite; their influence on goethite dissolution kinetics; and their ability to affect Pb(II) adsorption by the goethite surface. The siderophores used were desferrioxamine B (DFO-B), a fungal siderophore, and desferrioxamine D1, an acetyl derivative of DFO-B (DFO-D1). Siderophore adsorption isotherms yielded maximum surface concentrations of 1.5 (DFO-B) or 3.5 (DFO-D1) μmol/g at pH 6.6, whereas adsorption envelopes showed either cation-like (DFO-B) or ligand-like (DFO-D1) behavior. Above pH 8, the adsorbed concentrations of both siderophores were similar. The dissolution rate of goethite in the presence of 240 μM DFO-B or DFO-D1 was 0.02 or 0.17 μmol/g hr, respectively. Comparison of these results with related literature data on the reactions between goethite and acetohydroxamic acid, a monohydroxamate ligand, suggested that the three hydroxamate groups in DFO-D1 coordinate to Fe(III) surface sites relatively independently. The results also demonstrated a significant depleting effect of 240 μM DFO-B or DFO-D1 on Pb(II) adsorption by goethite at pH > 6.5, but there was no effect of adsorbed Pb(II) on the goethite dissolution rate.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the influence and mechanism of soil-derived humic acid (SHA) on adsorption of P onto particles in soils, the amounts of PO4 adsorbed by synthetic goethite (α-FeOOH) were determined at different concentrations of SHA, pH, ionic strength and order of addition of adsorbents. Addition of SHA can significantly reduce the amount of PO4 adsorption as much as 27.8%. Both generated electrostatic field and competition for adsorption sites were responsible for the mechanism by which SHA inhibited adsorption of PO4 by goethite. This conclusion was supported by measurement of total organic C (TOC), infrared spectral features and Zeta potential. Adsorption of PO4 onto goethite was inversely proportional to pH. Order of addition of PO4 and SHA can influence adsorption of PO4 as follows: prior addition of PO4  simultaneous addition > prior addition of SHA. Iron and SHA apparently form complexes due to prior addition of SHA. Observations made during this study emphasized that PO4 forms different types of complexes on the surface of goethite at different pH, which dominated the interaction of SHA and PO4 adsorption on goethite. Based on these observations, the possible modes of SHA inhibition of PO4 adsorption on goethite were proposed.  相似文献   

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