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南海北部陆坡的天然气水合物样品各具特色,神狐海域天然气水合物样品肉眼不可见,是典型的分散型水合物;珠江口盆地东部海域天然气水合物样品具有块状、脉状、结核状及分散状等多种赋存形式。在实验室内,采用现代分析仪器对这些水合物及其赋存的沉积物样品进行了系统的分析测试,研究了南海北部陆坡神狐、珠江口盆地东部海域天然气水合物的微观结构、水合指数、气体组成等基本特征,探讨了沉积物对天然气水合物赋存形式及微观分布的影响。结果表明,神狐海域沉积物中富含钙质微化石和有孔虫有利于水合物生成,且水合物主要分布在其腔体内;珠江口盆地沉积物颗粒更细,且不含微化石与有孔虫,故难以生成分散状水合物。研究区天然气水合物是典型的Ⅰ型结构,主要组成气体是甲烷,占99.4%以上;神狐海域与珠江口盆地水合物中甲烷分子在大笼的占有率99.3%以上,在小笼中分别为85.7%和91.4%,相应的水合指数分别为5.99和5.90。碳、氢同位素的综合研究表明,研究区天然气水合物的甲烷主要来源于微生物作用下的CO_2还原。  相似文献   

中国南海神狐海域水合物储层地质特征复杂,难以获取储层全部参数。本研究通过智能拟合手段,根据实际试采产气量拟合选择南海神狐海域作为目标区域,降压开采,结合垂直井网开采措施,提升开采效果,解决我国未来的能源紧缺问题。由于南海神狐海域水合物储层参数缺少数值模拟所需的精确值,通过历史拟合方法确定储层物性参数,并进行长期开采预测,为后续水合物开采实验做铺垫。  相似文献   

我国在海洋和冻土区都已发现天然气水合物资源区并成功获取实物样品。含水合物沉积物的热导率是估算水合物资源量、设计合理开采方案的关键性数据之一。受水合物稳定条件和测量技术的限制,水合物热导率测定尚不完善。本文通过自主研制的天然气水合物热物理参数测量系统,开展了海洋沉积物中天然气水合物热导率与饱和度测量研究。实验使用取自南海神狐海域的沉积物作为反应介质,在压力7.8 MPa、温度2℃的条件下合成甲烷水合物,并利用热脉冲探针与时域反射技术联合测量的方式获得沉积物中水合物形成过程的热导率和饱和度等实验数据。结果表明,当水合物饱和度从0增加至49%时,体系热导率出现了先升高后降低的变化趋势。分析发现体系热导率随水合物饱和度的变化特征与水合物在沉积物中的填充方式有关,在实验选用的南海沉积物中,水合物优先选择在颗粒孔隙间成核生长,并最终与沉积物颗粒胶结共存。  相似文献   

南海神狐海域天然气水合物注热降压开采数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对南海神狐海域天然气水合物成藏条件,利用pT+H软件和水平井技术对天然气水合物的注热和注热降压开采效果进行了模拟分析。重点讨论了注入热水温度为30、60、90℃时水合物饱和度以及CH4气体饱和度、CH4产气率、累积CH4产气量和产水量的变化规律,发现两种开采模式下水合物低饱和度分布范围随时间增长和温度升高而增大;CH4产气率在开采10 d内升高较快,之后逐渐减小。模拟结果表明:注热降压开采模式比单纯注热模式的效果有较大改善,而且温度对于提高CH4产气量效果不明显,但因为天然气水合物藏的低渗透性,神狐海域的天然气水合物的CH4产气量不大。研究结果可为南海神狐海域和类似地区天然气水合物开采提供参考。  相似文献   

南海神狐海域天然气水合物地球物理测井评价   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
我国南海北部神狐海域的天然气水合物钻探过程中采用电缆测井来识别水合物储层,使用了自然伽马、电阻率、密度、声波全波列、井温—井方位、井径及中子等7种测井仪器,测量的参数主要包括地层的自然放射性、深(浅)探测电阻率、密度、纵波速度、温度、井径、长(短)源距中子计数率及井眼方位,这些参数对于确定天然气水合物的赋存位置起到非常重要的作用。详细介绍了神狐海域天然气水合物测井的工作方法和基本步骤,参照国外相关分析,针对其中某站位钻孔ZK1的地层孔隙度及天然气水合物饱和度进行初步评价。结果表明密度测井和电阻率测井两种方法求出的地层孔隙度的一致性较好,而计算的天然气水合物饱和度值则高于孔隙水淡化分析得到的值,因此尚需结合研究区岩心分析数据来提高解释精度。研究结果对未来我国的天然气水合物测井评价具有指导意义。  相似文献   

陈芳  苏新  陆红锋  周洋  庄畅 《地球科学》2013,38(5):907-915
通过对神狐海域沉积物组分与水合物成藏关系的研究, 得到SH7B孔含水合物层(155~177 m)有孔虫丰度以及有孔虫壳体微结构与水合物饱和度的关系.结果表明, 有孔虫丰度与水合物饱和度有良好的对应关系, 有孔虫丰度高, 水合物饱和度也高; 反之亦然.有孔虫丰度与水合物饱和度二者的相关系数为0.72, 说明有孔虫与水合物的分布和富集有关.扫描电镜研究表明, 有孔虫成岩作用不明显, 有孔虫为有效孔隙, 有孔虫独特的壳体结构增加了沉积物的孔隙空间, 有利于水合物的储存和富集.大部分有孔虫壳体大小相当于砂粒级, 它的存在一方面增加沉积物粗组分砂的含量, 另一方面增加沉积物的孔隙度.沉积物中生物组分——有孔虫, 是南海神狐海域水合物富集的重要因素之一.   相似文献   

神狐海域是我国天然气水合物勘探的一个重点区域,2015年在该区域执行的GMGS3天然气水合物钻探,不仅发现了高饱和度天然气水合物,而且发现了热成因的Ⅱ型天然气水合物。其中的W11井在细粒泥质沉积物中获得了厚度达70多米的水合物层,饱和度平均值达40%,局部层高达53%。本文分析了神狐海域W11井的随钻测井资料,利用各向同性的电阻率模型,基于阿尔奇公式估算了天然气水合物饱和度,并与岩心资料中孔隙水氯离子异常估算的水合物饱和度进行对比,查明水合物在垂向上的变化,再结合地震资料反演的声波阻抗来获得水合物横向分布特征,发现水合物空间分布与储层变化、流体运聚和深部热成因气有关。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡神狐海域烃源岩生烃潜力巨大且烃类运移条件良好,可为水合物成藏提供充足的气源和通畅的疏导通道,而且神狐海域海底沉积层的温度、压力条件满足水合物形成的要求,具备了水合物聚集成藏的地质条件,成为我国水合物勘探开发的重点靶区。为了明确神狐地区水合物的成藏特征和主控因素,首次将随钻成像测井引入对水合物赋存状态、成藏序列、成藏模式和主控因素的研究中,从而为今后水合物的开采和钻井方案的设计提供强有力的理论依据。通过随钻成像测井、电阻率频谱及相对饱和度分析发现神狐海域共发育厚层状、分散状、斑块状、断层附近和薄层状5种赋存状态的水合物,其中厚层状和分散状水合物相对饱和度高且厚度大,开采价值较大,是研究区的主力水合物层,厚层状水合物常分布于水合物层顶部而分散状水合物常分布于水合物层底部;斑块状、断层附近和薄层状水合物相对饱和度较低且分布不规律,开采价值较小。厚层状、分散状、斑块状和断层附近水合物主要为深部热解气通过断层运移至水合物稳定区聚集成藏,为构造渗漏型水合物;薄层状水合物主要为浅部生物气横向运移聚集至水合物稳定域,为地层扩散型水合物。神狐海域发育开启型、填充型和界面型3种类型的断层,断层作为气体和流体的运移通道,沟通了气源和水合物稳定带,控制了水合物在纵向上和横向上的展布范围,为神狐地区水合物的主控因素。  相似文献   

掌握影响天然气水合物(简称水合物)在海底沉积物中形成的因素对其能源和气候环境效应的评估有重要的意义。水合物的含量与沉积物颗粒的粒径紧密相关,水合物多产出于粗砂中。以人工样品为主的实验研究表明,由于孔隙半径产生的毛细管抑制压力,多孔介质的颗粒越细,孔隙越小,一定条件下稳定温度越低(或压力越高)。沉积物颗粒的比表面积与水合物饱和度呈现很高的相关性,比粒径更有优势。利用比表面积可以定量地表示粒径和孔隙大小之间的关系,量化分析孔隙大小对水合物形成的影响。此外,我国南海神狐海域水合物尽管赋存在细粒沉积物中,却具有较高的饱和度,这可能与南海沉积物中富含丰富的有孔虫壳体有关,通过微观层面的观察发现,这些古生物壳体不仅充当了沉积物中的粗砂部分,而且其多孔结构也使沉积孔隙空间增加,从而为水合物富集提供了有利的生长环境和便利的赋存空间。Klauda等的模型假定多孔介质孔径尺寸的概率密度分布函数为正态分布,新的相平衡模型包含了尺寸效应。颜荣涛等把有效孔隙半径和水合物饱和度联系起来,从而将水合物饱和度引入相平衡模型中。分形模型将分形参数与孔隙度建立了关系,但并没有与温压条件等进一步联系起来,对水合物形成和分解的影响还需做进一步的推导和实验。  相似文献   

利用南海北部神狐海域A站位的地震和测井资料综合分析神狐海域含天然气水合物沉积层的声波测井速度及水合物饱和度的分布特征和变化规律,并对水合物饱和度的理论计算值和实测值进行对比分析,同时对水合物稳定带的纵波速度特征与饱和度的关系进行了综合研究。结果表明:神狐海域A站位的水合物层厚度约20 m,纵波速度在1 873~2 226m/s之间,水合物饱和度在15.0%~47.3%之间变化,水合物饱和度值相对较高;受海底复杂地质因素的影响,根据岩心孔隙水的氯离子淡化程度实测的水合物饱和度随声波速度的变化并不是单一的正比例关系,而是随声波速度的升高而上下波动,波动幅度在10%~20%之间,总体趋势上随声波速度的升高而升高,并集中分布在理论曲线附近;利用热弹性理论速度模型计算并校正后的水合物饱和度随声波速度的增加而有规律地增加,水合物饱和度的理论计算值与实测数据比较吻合,说明所建立的岩石物理模型正确,模型参数选取合理。根据声波速度计算水合物饱和度这一方法可扩展到整个研究区域,并为研究区的水合物资源量评价提供基础数据。  相似文献   

南海神狐海域含水合物地层测井响应特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
分析了南海北部神狐海域含天然气水合物沉积层声波速度及密度的分布特征和变化规律,并通过对比DSDP 84航次570号钻孔含天然气水合物层段测井资料,总结出神狐海域含水合物地层的测井响应规律特征:神狐海域含水合物地层存在着明显的高声波速度、低密度特征,地层密度随声波速度的变化并不是单一的反比例关系,总体趋势上随声波速度的升高而降低;含水合物地层高声波速度值主要集中在197~220 m段,饱和度值在15%~47%之间,低密度值集中在200~212 m段,分布在水合物饱和度大于20%的地层内;含水合物地层声波速度平均值为2 076 m/s,其上覆和下伏地层的声波速度平均值为1 903 m/s和1 892 m/s,所对应的地层密度值分别为1.89 g/cm3、1.98 g/cm3和2.03 g/cm3,声波速度受孔隙度和饱和度的共同影响,地层密度受水合物饱和度影响较大;从水合物上覆地层到声波速度最高值段,声波速度值增加了9.1%,相对应的地层密度值减少了4.55%,从水合物声波速度最高值段到下伏地层,声波速度值减少了8.86%,相对应的地层密度值增加了7.41%。这些测井响应特征,可用来识别地层中天然气水合物,并可以用来计算水合物的饱和度,同时结合其他地质和地球物理资料,确定水合物层的厚度、分布范围,计算天然气水合物的资源量。  相似文献   

Abstract. Simulation experiments with a one-dimensional static model for formation of methane hydrate are used to demonstrate models of hydrate occurrence and its generation mechanism for two end-member cases. The simulation results compare well with experimental data for two natural examples (the Nankai Trough and the Blake Ridge).
At the MITI Nankai Trough wells, the hydrate occurrence is characterized by strongly hydrated sediments developing just above the BGHS. Such occurrence can be reproduced well by simulation in which the end-member case of upward advective fluid flow from below the BGHS is set. The strongly hydrated sediments is formed by oversaturated solution with free gas which directly enters the BGHS by the upward advective fluid flow. The recycling of dissociated methane of preexisting hydrate also contributes to the increase of hydrate saturation.
At the Site 997 in the Blake Ridge area, the hydrate occurrence is characterized by thick zone with poorly hydrated sediments and no hydrate zone developing above the hydrate zone. Such occurrence can be reproduced well by simulation in which the end-member case of in-situ biogenic production of methane in the sediment of methane hydrate zone is set. The distribution pattern of hydrate saturation is basically controlled by that of TOC. However, the hydrate concentration near the bottom of the hydrate zone is increased by the effect of recycling of dissociated methane of pre-existing hydrate. No hydrate zone expresses the geologic time needed until the local concentration of methane exceeds the solubility by gradual accumulation of in-situ biogenic methane with burial.  相似文献   

侯颉  邹长春  曲璐  朱吉昌  李康  岳旭媛  彭诚  李宁 《现代地质》2015,29(5):1110-1121
三露天天然气水合物钻探结果揭示,水合物主要赋存于裂隙型和孔隙型储层中。基于钻探结果,在测井岩性识别的基础上,综合利用常规测井和超声波成像测井等资料,总结两类天然气水合物储层的测井响应特征,形成了基于测井资料的水合物储层识别方法,并对该区储层进行划分。结果表明:(1)裂隙型水合物储层比纯泥岩层段的裂隙发育;声波速度较高,范围为1.5~4.5 km/s ;电阻率最高可达90 Ω·m。孔隙型水合物储层比砂岩水层的声波速度高,范围为2.0~4.0 km/s;电阻率亦为高值,范围为90~180 Ω·m。(2)研究区14个钻孔共识别出裂隙型储层12层,孔 隙型储层15层,总厚度为217.2 m。钻遇水合物的厚层均能识别,但少量钻遇的薄层未能识别,原因可能为薄层水合物含量少,导致测井响应不明显。总体上,测井方法在三露天天然气水合 物储层识别方面应用效果良好。  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrates have been hailed as a new and promising unconventional alternative energy, especially as fossil fuels approach depletion, energy consumption soars, and fossil fuel prices rise, owing to their extensive distribution, abundance, and high fuel efficiency. Gas hydrate reservoirs are similar to a storage cupboard in the global carbon cycle, containing most of the world’s methane and accounting for a third of Earth’s mobile organic carbon. We investigated gas hydrate stability zone burial depths from the viewpoint of conditions associated with stable existence of gas hydrates, such as temperature, pressure, and heat flow, based on related data collected by the global drilling programs. Hydrate-related areas are estimated using various biological, geochemical and geophysical tools. Based on a series of previous investigations, we cover the history and status of gas hydrate exploration in the USA, Japan, South Korea, India, Germany, the polar areas, and China. Then, we review the current techniques for hydrate exploration in a global scale. Additionally, we briefly review existing techniques for recovering methane from gas hydrates, including thermal stimulation, depressurization, chemical injection, and CH4–CO2 exchange, as well as corresponding global field trials in Russia, Japan, United States, Canada and China. In particular, unlike diagenetic gas hydrates in coarse sandy sediments in Japan and gravel sediments in the United States and Canada, most gas hydrates in the northern South China Sea are non-diagenetic and exist in fine-grained sediments with a vein-like morphology. Therefore, especially in terms of the offshore production test in gas hydrate reservoirs in the Shenhu area in the north slope of the South China Sea, Chinese scientists have proposed two unprecedented techniques that have been verified during the field trials: solid fluidization and formation fluid extraction. Herein, we introduce the two production techniques, as well as the so-called “four-in-one” environmental monitoring system employed during the Shenhu production test. Methane is not currently commercially produced from gas hydrates anywhere in the world; therefore, the objective of field trials is to prove whether existing techniques could be applied as feasible and economic production methods for gas hydrates in deep-water sediments and permafrost zones. Before achieving commercial methane recovery from gas hydrates, it should be necessary to measure the geologic properties of gas hydrate reservoirs to optimize and improve existing production techniques. Herein, we propose horizontal wells, multilateral wells, and cluster wells improved by the vertical and individual wells applied during existing field trials. It is noteworthy that relatively pure gas hydrates occur in seafloor mounds, within near-surface sediments, and in gas migration conduits. Their extensive distribution, high saturation, and easy access mean that these types of gas hydrate may attract considerable attention from academia and industry in the future. Herein, we also review the occurrence and development of concentrated shallow hydrate accumulations and briefly introduce exploration and production techniques. In the closing section, we discuss future research needs, key issues, and major challenges related to gas hydrate exploration and production. We believe this review article provides insight on past, present, and future gas hydrate exploration and production to provide guidelines and stimulate new work into the field of gas hydrates.  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are globally recognized as an important type of strategic alternative energy due to their high combustion efficiency, cleanness, and large amounts of resources. The NGHs reservoirs in the South China Sea (SCS) mainly consist of clayey silts. NGHs reservoirs of this type boast the largest distribution range and the highest percentage of resources among NGHs reservoirs in the world. However, they are more difficult to exploit than sandy reservoirs. The China Geological Survey successfully carried out two NGHs production tests in the Shenhu Area in the northern SCS in 2017 and 2020, setting multiple world records, such as the longest gas production time, the highest total gas production, and the highest average daily gas production, as well as achieving a series of innovative theoretical results. As suggested by the in-depth research on the two production tests, key factors that restrict the gas production efficiency of hydrate dissociation include reservoir structure characterization, hydrate phase transition, multiphase seepage and permeability enhancement, and the simulation and regulation of production capacity, among which the hydrate phase transition and seepage mechanism are crucial. Study results reveal that the hydrate phase transition in the SCS is characterized by low dissociation temperature, is prone to produce secondary hydrates in the reservoirs, and is a complex process under the combined effects of the seepage, stress, temperature, and chemical fields. The multiphase seepage is controlled by multiple factors such as the physical properties of unconsolidated reservoirs, the hydrate phase transition, and exploitation methods and is characterized by strong methane adsorption, abrupt changes in absolute permeability, and the weak flow capacity of gas. To ensure the long-term, stable, and efficient NGHs exploitation in the SCS, it is necessary to further enhance the reservoir seepage capacity and increase gas production through secondary reservoir stimulation based on initial reservoir stimulation. With the constant progress in the NGHs industrialization, great efforts should be made to tackle the difficulties, such as determining the micro-change in temperature and pressure, the response mechanisms of material-energy exchange, the methods for efficient NGHs dissociation, and the boundary conditions for the formation of secondary hydrates in the large-scale, long-term gas production.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

研究目的】中国地质调查局先后于2017年、2020年在南海北部神狐海域成功实施两轮水合物试采,创造了产气时间最长、产气总量最大、日均产气量最高等多项世界纪录,了解和掌握南海天然气水合物开采储层相变与渗流机理,有助于进一步揭示该类型水合物分解机理、产出规律、增产机制等,可为中国海域水合物资源规模高效开采提供理论基础。【研究方法】基于两轮试采实践,笔者通过深入研究发现,储层结构表征、水合物相变、多相渗流与增渗、产能模拟与调控是制约水合物分解产气效率的重要因素。【研究结果】研究表明,南海水合物相变具有分解温度低,易在储层内形成二次水合物等特点,是由渗流场-应力场-温度场-化学场共同作用的复杂系统;多相渗流作用主要受控于未固结储层的物性特征、水合物相变、开采方式等多元因素影响,具有较强的甲烷吸附性、绝对渗透率易突变、气相流动能力弱等特点;围绕南海水合物长期、稳定、高效开采目标,需要在初始储层改造基础上,通过实施储层二次改造,进一步优化提高储层渗流能力,实现增渗扩产目的。【结论】随着天然气水合物产业化进程不断向前推进,还需要着力解决大规模长时间产气过程中温度压力微观变化及物质能源交换响应机制以及水合物高效分解、二次生成边界条件等难题。创新点:南海水合物相变是由渗流场-应力场-温度场-化学场共同作用的复杂系统;南海泥质粉砂储层具有较强的甲烷吸附性、绝对渗透率易突变、气相流动能力弱等特点,多相渗流机理复杂。  相似文献   

Higher-precision determinations of hydrate reservoirs, hydrate saturation levels and storage estimations are important for guaranteeing the ability to continuously research, develop and utilize natural gas hydrate resources in China. With seismic stereoscopic detection technology, which fully combines the advantages of different seismic detection models, hydrate formation layers can be observed with multiangle, wide-azimuth, wide-band data with a high precision. This technique provides more reliable data for analyzing the distribution characteristics of gas hydrate reservoirs, establishing velocity models, and studying the hydrate-sensitive properties of petrophysical parameters;these data are of great significance for the exploration and development of natural gas hydrate resources. Based on a velocity model obtained from the analysis of horizontal streamer velocity data in the hydrate-bearing area of the Shenhu Sea, this paper uses three VCs(longitudinal spacing of 25 m) and four OBSs(transverse spacing of 200 m) to jointly detect seismic datasets consisting of wave points based on an inversion of traveltime imaging sections. Accordingly, by comparing the differences between the seismic phases in the original data and the forward-modeled seismic phases, multiangle coverage constraint corrections are applied to the initial velocity model, and the initial model is further optimized, thereby improving the imaging quality of the streamer data. Petrophysical elastic parameters are the physical parameters that are most directly and closely related to rock formations and reservoir physical properties. Based on the optimized velocity model, the rock elastic hydrate-sensitive parameters of the hydrate reservoirs in the study area are inverted, and the sensitivities of the petrophysical parameters to natural gas hydrates are investigated. According to an analysis of the inversion results obtained from these sensitive parameters, λρ, Vp and λμ are simultaneously controlled by the bulk modulus and shear modulus, while Vs and μρ are controlled only by the shear modulus, and the latter two parameters are less sensitive to hydrate-bearing layers. The bulk modulus is speculated to be more sensitive than the shear modulus to hydrates. In other words, estimating the specific gravity of the shear modulus among the combined parameters can affect the results from the combined elastic parameters regarding hydrate reservoirs.  相似文献   

海底泥底辟构造与天然气水合物成藏关系密切,泥底辟既能为水合物提供充分的气源物质,同时又能促使地层温度场改变进而影响水合物成藏稳定性。南海北部神狐海域SH5站位虽然BSR明显,但钻探证实不存在天然气水合物。该钻位温度剖面异常高,温度场上移,同时在其下伏地层中发现泥底辟构造和裂隙通道。根据上述事实并结合泥底辟发育各个阶段中的特点,认为泥底辟构造对天然气水合物成藏具有控制作用。泥底辟发育早期和中期阶段,低热导率和低热量有机气体有利于天然气水合物生成;而在晚期阶段,高热量液体上侵稳定带底界,导致水合物分解迁移。SH5站位很可能由于受到处于晚期阶段的泥底辟上侵而未能获取天然气水合物。  相似文献   

固井作业是能源开采过程中的一道重要工序,当深水油气固井遇到水合物地层时,固井水泥浆水化放热会引起近井壁储层中水合物分解和产生高压气水反侵,从而严重影响固井质量,甚至导致固井报废和井壁失稳,为减小和避免水合物分解的不利影响,明确不同固井工艺条件下水合物储层的物性响应和高压气水反侵规律是关键。以南海神狐海域水合物钻探工程GMGS-1中SH2站位勘探井为研究对象,建立固井二维数值模型,采用TOUGH+HYDRATE数值模拟软件再现固井水泥浆侵入和水化过程,分析过程中近井壁储层物性响应规律,得出南海水合物储层不同固井压差与水泥浆放热速率条件下高压气水反侵的临界条件判别曲线,并创新性地采用“连续分段模拟”思路解决水泥浆的动态放热问题。结果表明:水泥浆初凝之前主要可分为诱导、分解和二次水合物生成3个阶段;侵入行为主要发生在保压时期,当压力卸去后侵入深度基本不再增加;水化放热造成的温度升高导致水合物大量分解,产生的高压气水向四周运移,而压力卸去之后,高压气水向环空方向反侵的趋势更加明显;水化放热速率越大,固井压差越小,气水反侵发生的可能性越大,发生时间越早。对于浅部水合物储层,降低固井水泥浆水化热可有效减少反侵现象的发生,提高固井质量,而对于埋藏较深的储层可在破裂压力范围内同时使用较高的固井压差。本研究对水合物地层固井工艺参数优选具有良好的指导和借鉴作用。   相似文献   

陈芳  苏新  周洋 《地球科学》2013,38(1):1-9
2007年我国首次在南海北部陆坡神狐海域实施了天然气水合物钻探, 并钻取水合物实物样品.为了解钻区地层、水合物产出带(the zone of gas hydrate occurrence)或水合物储层的地层时代以及沉积速率特征, 对其中4口钻孔(SH1B、SH2B、SH5C和SH7B)岩心沉积物进行钙质超微化石年代地层学和沉积速率变化的研究.本次工作识别出17个新近纪钙质超微化石事件, 确定了神狐钻探所钻达最老地层为新近系上中新统; 水合物产出带的地层为上中新统-上新统.这4个钻井地层沉积速率的变化特征因站位和时期而异.中新世以来各地质时期沉积速率差异较大, 全新世最高(20~34.16 cm/ka之间), 其次为更新世和晚中新世(3.14~5.74 cm/ka), 上新世最低(1.88~3.27 cm/ka).此外, 水合物产出带地层的沉积速率在各钻孔也有差异, SH2B孔为4.18 cm/ka, SH7B孔为1.88 m/ka.表明南海水合物产出层位沉积速率差异较大, 沉积速率与水合物成藏的关系可能比前期的认识更为复杂.   相似文献   

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