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综合示踪方法探测复杂堤基渗流   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从工程地质角度分析了堤防渗漏的在摁,阐述了应用同位素示踪和天然示踪技术探测堤防渗漏的原理和方法,综合分析了北江大堤石角段7+140-7+430渗流场特征,认为红层基岩中溶蚀现象的广泛发育使基岩的渗透性大大提高,而且集水功能的透水断层是历年洪水时发生喷水冒砂的直接原因。  相似文献   

渗漏是严重影响堤坝安全的主要形式,确定渗漏通道的位置是进行堤坝渗漏整治的前提和基础。温度场探测堤坝渗漏的研究是其中一种较便捷的方法,但是在理论上还需要进一步完善。在库水和地下水存在着温度差异的基础上,考虑堤坝发生集中渗漏后,渗漏通道中的地下水与周围土体进行热量交换,造成渗流通道附近地层温度发生改变,建立起温度场对渗漏通道的反演模型。在前人研究的基础上,考虑地温梯度的影响,可以建立有集中渗漏通道影响下的二维热传导方程,进而以现场测井的温度数据作为边界条件,对泛定方程进行求解,最终得到渗漏通道的位置。计算结果和实测结果的对比表明,通过温度场反推渗漏通道参数的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

渗漏是堤坝破坏主要形式之一,只有确定渗漏发生的确切位置和集中渗漏通道的大小和强度,才能对其有效治理。本文基于渗流和渗漏情况下堤坝温度场特征及温度示踪基本原理,对复杂的实际问题进行科学简化合理假设,把集中渗漏通道简化为圆柱状并作为边界条件,结合钻孔探测温度实际,运用稳定热传导理论,建立了圆柱状堤坝渗漏温度示踪模型。利用测井温度曲线的最大异常温度,该模型可以计算渗漏通道的位置,渗漏通道大小,流速等参数。工程实践表明,对于垂向流速较小的地下水渗漏进行温度场示踪是有效的方法。  相似文献   

通过热源法对陡河水库渗漏通道的探测发现,陡河水库左坝肩存在着绕坝渗漏通道。在左坝肩基岩10m高程附近存在低温场异常,通过对水库底部附近温度场分布测量,判定出低温水来自上游右支河水的补给,通过低温区分布确定出绕坝渗漏强渗漏通道的位置,在库水位保持在32m时,根据热源法计算出渗漏通道的渗漏量在3.59×105~4.74×105m3/d之间,钻孔发现水库边基岩中的水位比库水位低22m,水位差是造成了水库跌窝事故的主要原因,在11#钻孔中发现了来自河床的细砂,在11#和9#孔中的连通试验证实基岩中的强渗漏通道。  相似文献   

渗漏污染是建干岩溶地区赤泥堆场的主要环境工程地质问题。解决这一问题的关键是通过查明地下水的渗流特性,从而确定其渗漏通道。试验研究表明,堆场内各水点之间、堆场与外部各水点存在一定的水力联系,其流速受季节影响,在枯水期较为缓慢;地下水流向主要取决于地下暗河的走向;堆场区地下水流向总体是自堆场向北流向右江,局部地下水的流向受构造和岩溶裂隙控制;岩溶管道是渗流的主要通道。因此,存在因赤泥渗流污染居民生产与生活水源地的可能,污染物的扩散途径主要是岩溶通道。  相似文献   

高放废物地质处置库北山预选区地下水的形成和分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘淑芬  郭永海  王驹  王志明  宗自华  周佳 《铀矿地质》2007,23(6):356-362,370
本文论述北山地区不同类型地下水的形成和赋存规律。松散岩类孔隙水主要分布于沟谷和洼地,主要为潜水。沟谷潜水的形成以基岩裂隙水的侧向补给及洪流渗漏补给为主,洼地潜水可由沟谷潜水、断裂带或基岩裂隙水、古洪积扇潜水侧向补给,也可由地表洪流渗入补给;碎屑岩类孔隙-裂隙水主要分布在由自垩系或第三系砂砾石构成的山间沉积盆地中,以承压水为主,洪水下渗和盆地周围基岩裂隙水的侧向径流是此类地下水的主要补给来源;基岩裂隙水主要赋存于变质岩、岩浆岩、碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩节理、裂隙中,以潜水为主。降水垂直渗入、侧向补给或洪流渗漏补给为其主要来源。  相似文献   

利用孔中温度场分布确定堤坝渗透流速的热源法模型研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
地下水温度场是研究地下水运动的一种良好的天然示踪剂。库水或河水发生集中的强渗漏时,由于库水、河水与地下水之间的温度差异,渗漏水必将对周围地层温度产生影响。本文对这种由于热源运动而产生的影响进行研究,将渗漏通道看作是一个线热源,利用虚拟热源法推导出了地层中过余温度公式,提出了一个利用孔中温度分布研究堤坝渗漏的简化模型。利用该模型可以计算出堤坝渗透流速,为工程加固提供科学依据。  相似文献   

落底式止水帷幕条件下深基坑群井试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过武汉绿地中心深基坑群井抽水试验,探讨武汉长江一级阶地地区落底式止水帷幕条件下深基坑涌漏的组成及其渗流规律,并提出了新的数学模型,计算基坑侧壁涌漏量。试验及分析计算结果表明:落底式止水帷幕条件下深基坑涌水量的组成除封闭基坑内含水层所含孔隙水之外,还有基坑侧壁的涌漏和基坑底部涌漏两部分,其中以基坑底部涌漏为主。基坑底部涌漏又包括基岩裂隙水和以基岩裂隙为通道绕渗补给的孔隙水。在涌漏初期地下水通过基坑侧壁涌漏点进入坑内时,在水平方向上以某一弧度的扇形模式扩散;基坑底部基岩裂隙水及坑外地下水通过基岩裂隙通道垂直向上补给。当存在涌漏点时,基坑内外水位变化会出现明显的异常。  相似文献   

本文以上犹江水电站左岸地下水渗漏检测及分析为例。介绍以伪随机流场法、综合水量均衡法、水质和析出物化学分析法等相结合的渗漏检测与分析的方法技术,检测的结果与已有的工程地质资料以及水工观测资料是一致的。该方法技术体系不仅能查明水库渗水来源,还对渗漏通道、渗漏原因进行推断分析。避免以往单一方法的片面性,为检测分析水库坝基的渗漏提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

邯郸武安市郊有一水井因地表水沿井壁渗入到地下水中,使原地下水不符合饮用标准,该井井壁为Ф375mm,厚5mm的螺旋焊管,表土与基岩交接处距地面125m,水深21m,利用聚能装药在井壁的钢管上射孔,然后注浆,堵住地表水的渗漏。  相似文献   

The exhalative rock occurring in the Xiagou Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Qingxi sag, Jiuxi basin is a sort of a rare lacustrine white smoke type, rich in ferrodolomites and albites. This paper introduces the geological background, mineral association, and lithology of the exhalative rock, and discusses its REE geochemical characteristics and connection with hydrothermal environment. It is shown that the exhalative rock has basal characteristics of hydrothermal depositional formation of LREE>HREE, with positive δCe and negative δEu, which is different from the characteristics of marine exhalative rock. Since the REE pattern and exceptional distribution of δEu and δCe are highly similar to the characteristics of alkalescent tholeiitic basalt in the same layer, the exhalative rock of Xiagou Formation is considered to be closely related to the origin of basalt in the same horizon. The fact that the amount of REE of exhalative rock decreases outwards indicates that exhalative rock in the Xiagou Formation may be connected with lacustrine hydrothermal convection circulation. Translated from Journal of Mineral and Petrology, 2006, 26(4): 41–47 [译自: 矿物岩石]  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments showing the effects of rock fragments contained in three different purple soils of the Sichuan basin of southwest China. The experiments investigated how these rock fragments alter the soil’s physical, chemical, and agronomical characteristics such as infiltration and evaporation. We found that the infiltration rate, whether horizontal or vertical, in the three soils has the following order: gray brown purple soil < reddish brown purple soil < brown purple soil. With increasing rock fragment contents the accumulated infiltration decreases, while the total time decreases first and then increases. The minimum occurs at approximately 10–20% of fragment content by weight. The infiltration rate also changes with the distance. In the 0–5 cm range, the initial infiltration rate increases with increasing rock fragment contents, while in the 5–10 cm range, the slope of infiltration curve increases with increasing rock fragment contents. With increasing distance, the slope gradually decreases and finally reaches a stable value. The presence of rock fragments reduces soil water content, the minimal value appearing when the rock fragments were on top of the soil column (soil + rock sample), decreasing with increasing rock fragments for other samples mixed with fragments. Under the constant 40°C temperature, the accumulated evaporation and evaporation rate are minimal for soils covered by rock fragments, and the accumulated evaporation decreases with increasing rock fragment for other soil samples. However, the evaporation rate increases with increasing rock fragments in the first 4 days and decreases thereafter.  相似文献   

Possible water–rock interaction processes, in the Moroccan basin of Oum Er-Rabia, were discussed by a geochemical study of groundwater from the Turonian limestone aquifer, the most important water resource in the region. Different types of water according to the classification of Piper were defined. Waters have shown an evolution from dominant CHO3–Ca–Mg type through mixed to SO4–Cl–Ca–Mg type. The use of geochemical diagrams and chemical speciation modeling method has shown that water–rock interaction is mainly controlled by carbonate and anhydrite dissolution, ion exchange and reverse ion exchange processes. Water–rock equilibrium conditions are favorable for the precipitation of calcite, dolomite, kaolinite and magnesian smectite.  相似文献   

This paper studies the depth variability of uniaxial compressive laboratory test results on intact Toki granite (i.e., sound rock without macroscopic fractures) from the Shobasama and Mizunami Construction Sites, Japan. Some of the depth variability observed in the laboratory results can be indirectly attributed to the high fracture frequency of the “upper highly fractured rock domain” from which some of the samples were taken. For samples taken from the “lower sparsely fractured rock domain,” however, the uniaxial compressive strength of the granite seems to be very strongly correlated to the level of in situ rock stress (i.e., maximum shear stress) determined by measurement results obtained from hydrofracturing tests. The correlation between the laboratory results and the level of in situ stress is explained by the damage due to the complex stress path that the cores undergo during drilling, besides the stress concentrations at the drill-bit/rock contact, which can also affect the microcracking of the samples. An attempt to adjust laboratory test results to estimate the in situ intact rock strength of Toki granite based on its correlation with in situ stresses was carried out.  相似文献   

贵州七星洞滴水的水文水化学特征及其意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对贵州都匀七星洞9个滴水点进行厂为期1年的动态临测,结果显示滴水的物质组成直接源自于洞穴环境,即土壤和岩石。而大气降雨携带的物质成分较少。洞穴滴水的化学组成中元素含量变化主要由水运移过程中水-土、水-岩作用导致的岩石溶解-方解石沉淀过程所控制。QXD-1#、QXD-2#、QXD-6#、QXD-7#、QXD-8#由于水运移过程中经过的土壤较薄。水-岩作用对滴水化学特性的贡献略大。稀释作用发生在干旱条件下的QXD-2#滴水点,活塞作用在雨季对QXD-7#、QXD-9#滴水产生影响,在不同的季节,QXD-1#、QXD-3#、QXD-8#滴水点的滴率产生跳跃式变化。这些作用均受控于水的来源差异。所有这些过程对滴水点水化学产生影响但其效果较弱。滴水的Mg/Ca指示了大气降雨的变化,其值受控于洞穴顶板内水运移过程中水-土、水-岩作用下的水文地球化学过程即岩石的溶解、方解石沉淀过程及土壤物理、化学、生物学过程等。  相似文献   

开采引起上覆公路地表沉降与变形的数值分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张成良  侯克鹏  李克钢 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):635-639
由于开采的需要,某矿群已从露天转入地下开采,在其开采境界内上部有一条乡镇公路穿过,为最大限度地回收资源和保证上部公路的安全运行,通过岩体宏观结构调查分析、取样、室内岩石力学试验和工程类比,综合确定岩体力学参数;并采用三维有限元对三种不同的开采方案引起公路地表的沉降高度进行了卸荷模拟和数值计算,模拟计算结果表明:随着开采高度的增加,公路地表沉降高度呈非线性增加,开采高度越高,其地表沉降高度越大,开采高度采超过1 300水平时,上部围岩将处于不稳定状态,影响公路的安全运行。通过工业试验,开采高度定为1 300水平时,其沉降高度在15 cm以内,能够保证上覆公路的安全运行。  相似文献   

Transitions from pyrrhotite–magnetite- to pyrite–magnetite- and pyrite–hematite-bearing assemblages in metasedimentary rocks in the Kambalda-St. Ives goldfield have been shown to be spatially associated with economic gold grades. Fluid mixing, fluid–rock interaction and phase separation have been proposed previously as causes for this association. Textural, mineralogical and isotopic evidence is reviewed, and thermodynamic calculations are used to investigate the mineralogical consequences of progressive fluid–rock interaction in interflow metasediments. Fluid–rock interactions in response to fluid infiltration and/or bulk composition variation are plausible mechanisms for production of the observed features.  相似文献   

The Kappa model of probability and higher-order rock sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In any depositional environment, the sequence of sediments follows specific high- and low-frequency patterns of rock occurrences or events. The occurrence of a rock in a spatial location is conditional to a prior rock event at a distant location. Subsequently, a third rock occurs between the two locations. This third event is conditional to both prior events and is driven by a third-order conditional probability P(C ∣ (A ∩ B)). Such probability has to be characterized beyond the classic conditional independence model, and this research has found that exact computation requires a third-order co-cumulant term. The co-cumulants provide the higher-order redundancy among multiple indicator variables. A Bayesian analysis has been performed with “known” numerical co-cumulants yielding a novel model of conditional probability that is called the “Kappa model.” This model was applied to three-point variables, and the concept has been extended for multiple events P(G ∣ A ∩ B ∩ C ∩ D... ∩ N), allowing the reproduction of complex transitions of rocks in sequence stratigraphy. The Kappa model and co-cumulants have been illustrated with simple numerical examples for clastic rock sequences. In addition, the co-cumulant has been used to discover an extension of the variogram called the indicator cumulogram. In this way, multiple prior events are no longer ignored for evaluating the probability of a posterior event with higher-order co-cumulant considerations.  相似文献   

Stability Analysis and the Stabilisation of Flexural Toppling Failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flexural toppling is a mode of failure that may occur in a wide range of layered rock strata in both rock slopes and large underground excavations. Whenever rock mass is composed of a set of parallel discontinuities dipping steeply against the excavated face plane, the rock mass will have the potential of flexural toppling failure as well. In such cases, the rock mass behaves like inclined superimposed cantilever beams that bend under their own weight while transferring the load to the underlying strata. If the bending stress exceeds the rock column’s tensile strength, flexural toppling failure will be initiated. Since the rock columns are “statically indeterminate,” thus, their factors of safety may not be determined solely by equations of equilibrium. The paper describes an analytical model with a sequence of inclined superimposed cantilever rock columns with a potential of flexural topping failure. The model is based on the principle of compatibility equations and leads to a new method by which the magnitudes and points of application of intercolumn forces are determined. On the basis of the proposed model, a safety factor for each rock column can be computed independently. Hence, every rock column will have a unique factor of safety. The least factor of safety that exists in any rock column is selected as the rock mass representative safety factor based on which simple equations are proposed for a conservative rock mass stability analysis and design. As a result, some new relations are established in order to design the length, cross-sectional area and pattern of fully grouted rock bolts for the stabilisation of such rock mass. Finally, the newly proposed equations are compared with the results of existing experimental flexural toppling failure models (base friction and centrifuge tests) for further verification.  相似文献   

In this paper an experimental study was planned on rock mass model with three joint sets under triaxial and true-triaxial stress states to assess the influence of joint geometry and stress ratios on deformational behaviour of rock mass. The physical models were composed of three continuous orthogonal joint sets in which joint set-I was inclined at angle θ=0°, 20°, 40°, 60°, 80° and 90° with x-axis, joint set-II was produced at staggering s=0.5 and joint set-III was kept always vertical. Thus, rock mass models with medium interlocked smooth joints (ϕ j =36.8°) were simulated under true triaxial compression (σ123). Modulus of rock mass shows anisotropy with joint inclination θ which diminishes with increase in σ23 ratio. The rock mass at θ=60° shows the highest modulus enhancement (599.9%) whereas it is minimum (32.3%) at θ=90°. Further two empirical expressions for estimation of deformation modulus were suggested based on experimental results, which were developed by incorporating two basic concepts, e.g. Janbu’s coefficients and joint factor, J f.  相似文献   

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