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MVT型铅锌矿床是最重要的铅锌矿类型之一,近百年来人们在此类矿床地质和地球化学特征、成矿物质来源、成矿物质活化、运移和沉淀机制、成矿时代和成矿动力学等方面取得了许多重要成果,其中最重要的认识就是与油气相关的烃类流体在Pb-Zn等金属元素活化、迁移和沉淀成矿中起着非常重要的作用.在综合分析前陆盆地烃类流体与MVT型铅锌矿二者之间的成因关系的基础上,系统总结了世界范围内前陆盆地MVT型Pb-Zn矿床共同特征,总结了近年来前陆盆地MVT型铅锌矿烃类流体研究成果和进展,分析表明烃类流体以什么角色、如何参与MVT型铅锌矿成矿作用是目前研究的热点问题,有关烃类流体携带Pb-Zn等金属元素能力及其参与Pb-Zn沉淀成矿机制、前陆盆地构造演化背景下流体汇聚动力学,以及油气藏破坏与Pb-Zn成矿耦合关系等是未来有待深入探讨的重要科学问题.在矿床学和矿床地球化学研究基础上,应该发挥交叉学科特色优势和研究手段,从石油地质学角度出发,研究前陆盆地构造演化过程中烃类流体形成、演化与MVT型铅锌矿成矿过程之间的耦合关系,从有机流体角度切入,探讨MVT型铅锌矿成矿物质来源、成矿作用过程和成矿机制是新的研究趋势.  相似文献   

夏天 《新疆地质》2019,(3):309-312
在总结清白山铅锌矿矿床地质特征、控矿因素的基础上,通过与MVT型矿床典型特征对比,认为其成因类型为MVT型。通过总结控矿因素,讨论了成矿时代,初步建立成矿模型,认为矿床成型分为含矿流体沉淀的主成矿期、构造改造期、岩浆改造期3个阶段。  相似文献   

黔西北地区铅锌矿床流体包裹体与硫同位素地球化学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
黔西北铅锌成矿区位于扬子地块西南缘,矿床产于不同时代的碳酸盐岩建造中,其矿物组合和热液蚀变特征类似于MVT型铅锌矿床。本文通过对该区部分铅锌矿床的矿石显微岩相学结构、矿物学与地球化学、脉石矿物和闪锌矿中流体包裹体岩相学与显微测温学以及硫同位素地球化学等研究,确定了该类型矿床成矿流体的性质及其成矿过程。结果表明,黔西北地区不同赋矿层位铅锌矿床具有相似的成矿流体特征,为中低温(160~260℃)、较高盐度(10%~22%NaCleqv)、含有低密度的CO_2、CH_4和N_2的卤水,不同于MVT型铅锌矿床成矿流体特征;硫同位素地球化学研究揭示,这些铅锌矿床硫化物的δ~(34)S范围均落在对应赋矿地层时代蒸发岩中的硫酸盐和生物成因硫化物的δ~(34)S演化曲线上或其附近,表明这些铅锌矿床硫化物中的S可能主要来源于对应地层本身。结合地球化学热力学分析,认为Pb、Zn等成矿元素的Cl络合物是成矿元素的主要搬运形式,富含Pb、Zn的成矿流体与赋矿地层中富含H_2S还原性流体的混合是铅锌富集成矿的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

新疆阿合奇县琼恰特北铅锌矿是近几年在西南天山地区的找矿新发现,矿床位于塔里木陆块西北缘柯坪陆缘盆地,赋矿地层为上寒武—下奥陶统丘里塔格组上段碳酸盐岩,容矿岩性为岩溶角砾岩,矿体呈似层状、不规则透镜状分布于岩溶角砾岩中,具有后生成矿特点。成矿与西南天山华力西晚期陆-陆碰撞造山事件关系密切,碰撞后造山带形成的区域流体运移进入前陆盆地,流体中的铅锌于丘里塔格组上段溶蚀崩塌形成的角砾岩中沉淀成矿。根据矿床地质地球化学特征以及与世界典型的MVT型铅锌矿床对比,笔者认为琼恰特北铅锌矿床属于MVT型铅锌矿矿床。  相似文献   

文章通过贵港-平南地区主要成矿元素地球化学特征的总结,结合区域地质背景以及区内已探明铅锌矿床的地球化学土壤异常、同位素地球化学、成矿规律、控矿因素、找矿标志等特征,对铅锌矿找矿潜力进行了分析。  相似文献   

贵州普定五指山地区铅锌矿床成矿模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黔西北五指山铅锌矿集区是川滇黔接壤铅锌成矿域的重要组成部分之一,近年已探明多个大中型铅锌矿床,提交铅锌金属资源储量超250万t,实现了地质找矿的重大突破。文章对区内典型矿床的地质、地球化学等资料进行综合分析,并与邻区及MVT矿床进行比较。研究结果显示,本区矿体主要赋存于上震旦统灯影组和下寒武统清虚洞组白云岩中,呈层状、似层状和陡倾斜脉状产出,断控和层控特征明显。矿石自然类型为原生硫化矿型,主要金属矿物由闪锌矿和方铅矿组成。矿床形成受构造、层位及岩性、沉积岩相等因素的约束,构造是必要条件和主要控矿因素,灯影组和清虚洞组鲕状白云岩是有利赋矿层位和容矿岩性,局限-半局限的台地-泻湖相沉积为有利沉积岩相条件。成矿物质具有混合特征,其中成矿金属Pb、Zn等主要来源于基底岩石,而矿化剂C和S则分别来自赋矿海相碳酸盐岩及其内的蒸发膏岩。成矿流体属于与右江盆地演化有关的低温中低盐度盆地卤水,矿体是富金属流体在早燕山期区域挤压向伸展转换的动力学背景下卸载,与富硫流体混合的产物,成矿过程与MVT矿床相似。五指山地区铅锌矿床成矿模式的建立,有望推动区内找矿新突破,并为邻区铅锌成矿预测提供理论指导。  相似文献   

铅锌属于紧缺资源之一,"湘西—黔东铅锌成矿带"是我国重要铅锌成矿带之一,贵州境内部分称为"黔东成矿带",该区铅锌矿床(点)分布广泛,具有成群成带分布等特征。由于相关地质地球化学研究相对薄弱,黔东地区铅锌地质勘探进展缓慢,并未像湘西地区一样取得重大突破。本文通过总结"黔东成矿带"内铅锌成矿作用地质与地球化学特征,探讨该区存在的诸多科学研究薄弱环节,结合MVT铅锌矿床研究现状,提出该区铅锌成矿作用与MVT矿床基本一致,是国内研究MVT铅锌矿床理想基地,采用原位分析等先进测试技术,加强矿床地质地球化学特征对比、成矿物质来源、成矿流体和同位素定年等研究,以揭示各矿区与区域成矿流体系统的性质及其演化,建立合理成矿模式及与研究区构造和古油藏演化的关系,并探讨其形成的动力学背景,不仅突出黔东MVT铅锌成矿作用特色,从而促进MVT铅锌矿成矿作用和分散元素超常富集理论发展,更重要的是可为拓宽黔东地区铅锌找矿思路提供理论依据。  相似文献   

关于密西西比河谷型(MVT)铅锌矿床的一些探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
密西西比河谷型(MVT)铅锌矿床是全球最重要的铅锌矿床类型之一,由于其储量大、开发早,在成矿规律研究等方面均取得了重要进展,如成矿物质来源、成矿流体的驱动机制、成矿金属的迁移机制和沉淀富集机制、成矿时代、成矿模式等。文章在总结前人研究成果的基础上,主要从含矿建造和区域盆地卤水活动两个方面对MVT矿床的成矿规律进行了系统的总结和综合研究,厘定了MVT矿床的含矿建造,主要包括特定的含矿岩性组合、盆地中的红层、生烃层等,分析了区域盆地卤水活动对MVT矿床的制约,主要包括区域白云石化与MVT铅锌矿床的空间分布关系、与MVT铅锌矿床常伴生的其他类型矿床,并对MVT铅锌矿床的成因进行了初步的探讨。最后,认为特定的岩性组合(特别是砂岩、碳酸盐岩、泥页岩组合)、含矿岩系下部碎屑岩的褪色蚀变、区域红层盆地的广泛发育、生烃盆地的边缘、区域白云石化的前锋地带等,是MVT矿床及其伴生矿床找矿勘探的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原周边地区与新生代盆地卤水活动有关铅锌矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童随有  祝新友  王京彬 《矿产与地质》2009,23(3):210-213,246
青藏高原周边已发现大量的铅锌矿床,规模巨大,具有一些相似的成矿地质地球化学特征,均属于后生的、低温热液型矿床,具强烈层控性质,受控于特定的含矿地层(岩石)组合,下部为相对透水的砂岩、砂砾岩,上部为碳酸盐岩,发生广泛的蚀变作用,包括退色、白云石化等。这类矿床大体可与MVT矿床类比。矿床的形成与青藏高原隆升过程中盆地卤水的活动有关,圈闭在不整合面下的含贱金属元素与油气的卤水沿透水层运移,在适当位置沉淀成矿。由此决定了这些地区的主要找矿标志与找矿方向。随着地质认识的深入及勘查的进展,将会有更多更大规模的(MVT)铅锌矿床被发现。  相似文献   

川滇黔接壤区MVT铅锌矿床年代学研究进展及成矿构造背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川滇黔接壤区处于扬子地块西南缘,经历过复杂的地质演化过程并分布有大量的大中型MVT铅锌矿床。对该区MVT铅锌矿床成矿年代学研究开展的大量工作成果显示该区至少经历过2次铅锌成矿事件,分别处于晚泥盆世-晚石炭世和中三叠世-早侏罗世。早期成矿事件与古特提斯洋的扩张(382~328 Ma)密切相关,在伸展构造环境下形成天宝山、大梁子、毛坪等矿床。晚期成矿事件与古特提斯洋闭合、印支期强烈挤压造山运动阶段(245~205 Ma)相对应,在挤压构造环境下形成会泽、茂租、金沙厂等矿床。不同地质背景下形成的矿床在控矿构造性质、矿体赋存规律等方面具有较大差别。在对川滇黔接壤区MVT铅锌矿床成矿时空分布规律总结的基础上,结合该区区域构造演化、矿床的控矿构造特征以及矿体赋存规律,探讨了该区不同时期控制MVT铅锌矿床形成的成矿构造环境。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal dolomite commonly closely associates with oil-gas reservoirs and sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, the Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits in particular. Host rocks of MVT deposits usually experienced extensive dolomitization, and indeed, hydrothermal dolomite is considered as a useful prospective indicator for MVT mineralization. However, genetic link between the hydrothermal dolomitization and MVT Pb-Zn mineralization is a matter of debate. This paper briefly reviewed the nomenclature and research history of hydrothermal dolomite, introduced the major geological, geochemical characteristics, and distribution of hydrothermal dolomite, spatial and possibly genetic relationship between hdyrothermal dolomite and hdyrothermal ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs based on case studies including the occurrence of hydrothermal dolomites in MVT deposits in Southwest China. The temporal and genetic relationships between dolomitizaiton and thermal sulfate reduction, sulfide precipitation and thus the location of ore mineralization well worthy more attention, and comprehensive geological and isotope geochemical and state of art in situ techniques will contribute to understanding of the genesis of hydrotherml dolomite and the spatially related ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

沉积岩型铅锌矿床的成矿系统研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
沉积岩型铅锌矿床是铅锌矿床中重要类型之一。在系统论述沉积岩型铅锌矿床成矿背景、地球化学和矿床类型的基础上,分别阐明了沉积喷流型(SEDEX)、密西西比型(MVT)和砂岩型(SST)3个成矿系统的成矿要素、作用过程、矿床和异常组合以及成矿模式。对3个铅锌成矿系统作了全面对比,获得一些认识:(1)SST矿床的矿化表现为对构造和高孔隙度有利岩性而不是地层层位的依赖性;(2)云南会泽碳酸盐型铅锌矿(MVT)成矿物质除热卤水沉淀来源外,还有火山岩系的提供,属后生混合流体成矿作用;(3)沿古陆边缘同生断裂构造发生的海底热水喷流沉积作用为SEDEX型铅锌成矿奠定了物质基础;裂谷伸展期常有“双峰式”火山活动,提供部分矿源、热源、水源;同生断层长期活动提供热水循环通道和矿质沉积场所;(4)风化剥蚀的变质基底为三者提供了成矿物质,成矿热卤水在盆地中经过了演化过程。  相似文献   

滇东北富锗银铅锌多金属矿集区矿床模型   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
滇东北富锗银铅锌多金属矿集区是扬子地块西南缘之川-滇-黔铅锌多金属成矿域的重要组成部分。矿床矿石品位特高、共(伴)生锗和银等组分多、矿体延深大、矿床规模大、经济价值巨大,该类矿床典型的地质特征反映了矿床成矿环境的特殊性,有别于国内外已知类型铅锌矿床(密西西比河谷型(MVT)、火山喷流沉积块状硫化物型(VHMS)、热水沉积型(SEDEX)等)的特性,提出了该类矿床是铅锌矿床的新类型——会泽型(HZT)铅锌矿床,其形成与海西晚期伸展环境与印支期造山挤压环境的构造体制转换有关,并建立了"构造-流体‘贯入’成矿"的矿床模型。矿床的形成过程大致经历了3个阶段:构造推覆—大规模流体运移;流体"贯入"—气液分异;流体卸载—重力分异成矿。该模型诠释了滇东北矿集区富锗银铅锌多金属铅锌矿床的成矿机理,无疑对川-滇-黔铅锌多金属成矿域的矿床研究与深部、外围的隐伏矿定位预测、勘查评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The coexistence of Zn-Pb deposits and oil/gas reservoirs demonstrates that a close genetic link between them. The Nanmushu is a large Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) Zn-Pb deposit discovered on the northern margin of the Yangtze block in recent years. The deposit is hosted in the Ediacaran Dengying Formation dolostone, accompanied by large amount of bitumen in the orebodies. The MVT Zn-Pb deposit overlaps with the paleo-oil/gas reservoir horizontally, and sandwiched in the paleo-oil/gas reservoirs at depth. The Cambrian Guojiaba Formation may have provided not only the oil for paleo-oil/gas reservoirs, but also ore metals for the Zn-Pb mineralization. With increasing burial depth, the Guojiaba Formation may have become more mature to form metal-rich fluids, and the metals migrated and accumulated with hydrocarbons to form a paleo-oil reservoir. Large-scale Zn-Pb mineralization may have occurred in the destruction process of paleo-gas reservoir. With the deep burial of paleo-oil reservoir, the paleo-oil reservoir may have transformed into a paleo-gas reservoir. Decoupling of metals and hydrocarbons during the paleo-gas reservoir formation may have provided the ore metals. Thermal sulfate reduction (TSR) during the paleo-oil/gas reservoirs formation may have provided the hydrogen sulfide for mineralization. Decompression and cooling during the paleo-gas reservoir destruction may have formed extensive metal sulfide precipitation and mineralization.  相似文献   

云南昭通铅锌矿床是铅锌多金属矿集区的典型代表之一。该矿床严格受NE向毛坪冲断褶皱构造控制,矿体分布于毛坪逆断层上盘的猫猫山倒转背斜西翼层间断裂带中,呈大脉状陡倾斜产出,其延深远远大于走向延长。主要矿石矿物由闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿组成,脉石矿物主要为铁白云石、方解石、石英和重晶石。本文针对成矿流体研究的薄弱环节,进行了闪锌矿、脉石矿物(方解石、石英)流体包裹体成分研究,研究认为流体包裹体类型主要呈纯液相和液相,成矿热液属Na+-K+-Ca2+-Cl--F-型,与典型MVT矿床存在明显差异,为深化"会泽型"铅锌矿床"构造–流体‘贯入’成矿"模型提供了重要证据,而且该研究无疑对矿床深部及外围找矿具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The Tethyan domain from China to Iran hosts many important sediment-hosted Pb–Zn deposits but most have been poorly documented. This study summarizes the salient features of these deposits and discusses the type of ore, tectonic setting, and important ore controls, on the basis of new geological observations and previous publications. The Tethyan domain is characterized by the young and extensive Himalayan–Tibetan and Zagros orogens that formed through collisions between the India/Arabia and Eurasia continents since the Late Cretaceous or early Cenozoic. Abundant Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) and subordinate clastic-dominated (CD, also known as SEDEX) Pb–Zn deposits occur in this domain, including in central and eastern Himalayan–Tibetan orogen in China, the Indian passive margin in southern Pakistan, and various tectonic units of Iran. Economically important deposits contain 0.1–21 Mt Pb + Zn and have total metal resources of ∼75 Mt with ∼48% being oxidized ores. All major deposits known in this domain are MVTs (i.e., the Jinding, Huoshaoyun, Mehdiabad, and Angouran deposits).Mississippi Valley-type Pb–Zn deposits occur in continental-collision-related fold-and-thrust belts and forelands, where deposits are mostly located on the margin of the Eurasian continent, with some in the Indian and Arabian continental margins. Clastic-dominated Pb–Zn deposits occur in central Iran and southern Pakistan, hosted by deep-water siliciclastic sequences of the early Cambrian rifted continental margin of Gondwana and the Jurassic passive continental margin of India, respectively. The youngest mineralized rocks and ages constrain that some important MVT deposits (e.g., the Jinding, Chaqupacha, and Angouran deposits) were formed after a main phase of regional compression, during a regional, large-scale strike-slip or crustal-extension stage in a continental collision setting. In sense of lithologic structure, important ore controls for MVT deposits include evaporite diapir structure, carbonate/evaporite dissolution–collapse structure, pre-existing barite, and porous dolostone. Much of the primary sulfide ore in this domain has been oxidized by supergene processes. This is particularly pronounced in the newly discovered Huoshaoyun deposit, where almost all sulfides have been oxidized to smithsonite and cerussite. An understanding of tectonic setting, ore controls, and supergene processes is essential in exploring for MVT deposits in this domain.  相似文献   

四川盆地富硫天然气与盆地周缘铅锌铜矿的成因联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李厚民  张长青 《地质论评》2012,58(3):495-510
金属元素的搬运和沉淀是热液矿床成矿机理研究的重要方面。目前人们普遍认为热液矿床中金属元素主要呈硫的络合物和卤素络合物形式搬运。MVT铅锌矿床等硫化物矿床盐度较高,包裹体成分中阳离子以Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+为主,阴离子以Cl-、F-、CO2-3为主,很少有HS-、S2-,表明金属元素主要以氯的络合物形式搬运,外来硫的加入是导致铅锌成矿物质以硫化物形式沉淀成矿的关键。四川盆地天然气中富含H2S,其与周缘MVT铅锌矿床具有密切的时空关系,据此推测天然气中的H2S可能是导致铅锌硫化物沉淀形成MVT铅锌矿床的主要硫源,天然气中的H2S与铅锌成矿流体在古油藏中作用形成含沥青的铅锌矿床;当含硫化氢的天然气运移离开古油藏后与含矿流体混合时,形成不含沥青的铅锌矿床。另外,石油热裂解产生的不含H2S的天然气使得含铜热液中的铜还原,以自然铜形式沉淀形成含沥青的玄武岩铜矿;石油热化学硫酸盐还原(TSR)过程中,还会发生溶蚀作用,扩大碳酸盐岩孔隙,为成矿提供空间。  相似文献   

Remarkable advances in age dating Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) lead-zinc deposits provide a new opportunity to understand how and where these deposits form in the Earth's crust. These dates are summarized and examined in a framework of global tectonics, paleogeography, fluid migration, and paleoclimate. Nineteen districts have been dated by paleomagnetic and/or radiometric methods. Of the districts that have both paleomagnetic and radiometric dates, only the Pine Point and East Tennessee districts have significant disagreements. This broad agreement between paleomagnetic and radiometric dates provides added confidence in the dating techniques used. The new dates confirm the direct connection between the genesis of MVT lead-zinc ores with global-scale tectonic events. The dates show that MVT deposits formed mainly during large contractional tectonic events at restricted times in the history of the Earth. Only the deposits in the Lennard Shelf of Australia and Nanisivik in Canada have dates that correspond to extensional tectonic events. The most important period for MVT genesis was the Devonian to Permian time, which corresponds to a series of intense tectonic events during the assimilation of Pangea. The second most important period for MVT genesis was Cretaceous to Tertiary time when microplate assimilation affected the western margin of North America and Africa-Eurasia. There is a notable paucity of MVT lead-zinc ore formation following the breakup of Rodinia and Pangea. Of the five MVT deposits hosted in Proterozoic rocks, only the Nanisivik deposit has been dated as Proterozoic. The contrast in abundance between SEDEX and MVT lead-zinc deposits in the Proterozoic questions the frequently suggested notion that the two types of ores share similar genetic paths. The ages of MVT deposits, when viewed with respect to the orogenic cycle in the adjacent orogen suggest that no single hydrologic model can be universally applied to the migration of the ore fluids. However, topographically driven models best explain most MVT districts. The migration of MVT ore fluids is not a natural consequence of basin evolution; rather, MVT districts formed mainly where platform carbonates had some hydrological connection to orogenic belts. There may be a connection between paleoclimate and the formation of some MVT deposits. This possible relationship is suggested by the dominance of evaporated seawater in fluid inclusions in MVT ores, by hydrological considerations that include the need for multiple-basin volumes of ore fluid to form most MVT districts, and the need for adequate precipitation to provide sufficient topographic head for topographically-driven fluid migration. Paleoclimatic conditions that lead to formation of evaporite conditions but yet have adequate precipitation to form large hydrological systems are most commonly present in low latitudes. For the MVT deposits and districts that have been dated, more than 75% of the combined metal produced are from deposits that have dates that correspond to assembly of Pangea in Devonian through Permian time. The exceptional endowment of Pangea and especially, North America with MVT lead-zinc deposits may be explained by the following: (1) Laurentia, which formed the core of North America, stayed in low latitudes during the Paleozoic, which allowed the development of vast carbonate platforms; (2) intense orogenic activity during the assembly of Pangea created ground preparation for many MVT districts through far-field deformation of the craton; (3) uplifted orogenic belts along Pangean suture zones established large-scale migration of basin fluids; and (4) the location of Pangea in low latitudes with paleoclimates with high evaporation rates led to the formation of brines by the evaporation of seawater and infiltration of these brines into deep basin aquifers during Pangean orogenic events.  相似文献   

青海南部沱沱河地区的多才玛矿床是最近找矿突破发现的一个特大型铅锌矿床.由于赋矿规律不清,找矿方向不明,勘查曾一度陷入困境.针对制约找矿突破的关键地质问题,笔者开展了成矿潜力、矿床赋存规律、矿体定位预测研究,经钻探验证,实现了找矿突破.通过区域对比,认为沱沱河地区与“三江”带内兰坪等其他地区的地质背景相似,具有发育大型沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床的潜力;发现区域发育大型逆冲构造和含膏盐红层沉积、具有碳酸盐岩和暗色泥岩组合等,显示有利的成矿地质环境;区域和矿床内发育大规模高强度的铅锌化探异常,具有形成大型铅锌矿床的潜力.通过填图等研究,指出多才玛矿床为密西西比河谷型(MVT)矿床,产于逆冲推覆构造系统前锋带,矿体赋存于逆冲断裂上盘,受那益雄组碎屑岩和九十道班组灰岩岩相过渡部位及可能的逆冲推覆构造系统派生的反冲构造的控制,矿石主体为热液溶蚀角砾岩型.通过音频大地电磁测深测量,揭示了矿床深部物性特征和构造岩相特点,确定了孔莫陇矿段南侧深部铅锌矿化体的空间位置,并制定了钻探验证方案.经后期勘查,在预测区内探获了品位高、厚度大的铅锌矿体,使该矿段铅锌资源量由原来的76.2万吨增至259万吨,找矿取得重大突破.由此,通过综合分析,提出了一套综合地质、化探异常付化显示、地球物理、遥感等手段的多才玛式矿床定位预测方法组合.  相似文献   

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