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作揖沱崩滑堆积体稳定性评价及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从地质背景、形态特征、滑面特征及水文地质等方面,对作揖沱崩滑堆积体的特征进行了概括。在总结已有研究成果的基础上,将降雨对斜坡稳定性的影响进行了定量确定,并在剩余推力法公式和程序中加入这些量化关系,对剩余推力法进行了改进。然后用试验、参数反演及综合经验等方法确定了作揖沱崩滑堆积体稳定性计算的参数,采用改进的剩余推力法与Sarma法对其进行稳定性计算,结果表明:降雨与库水位的提升对作揖沱崩滑堆积体稳定性的影响较大。最后,根据作揖沱崩滑堆积体失稳可能产生的危害,提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

拉乌滑坡在不同工况下采用剩余推力法进行了稳定性计算。认为持续降雨或暴雨对滑坡稳定性有很大的影响,提出了滑坡处理措施。  相似文献   

文章分析了云南省宾川县拉乌滑坡的形成机制,并对滑坡在不同工况下采用剩余推力法进行了稳定性计算。结果表明,持续降雨或暴雨对滑坡稳定性有很大的影响,必须加以治理。并提出了对滑坡的一些简单处理措施。  相似文献   

边坡抗滑稳定分析一直都是岩土力学与工程中的重要研究方向之一,研究成果众多。针对规范不平衡推力法在实际工程应用中的不合理现象,根据边坡抗滑稳定矢量和分析方法原理,提出了基于矢量分析的边坡矢量下滑推力计算方法,推导了二维及三维边坡强度储备型和超载储备型矢量下滑推力表达式。采用矢量分析方法计算了两个二维算例及一个三维算例的下滑推力,二维算例结果表明:矢量下滑推力方向受滑面倾角变化影响较剩余下滑推力小,矢量下滑推力在滑面不同位置处的变化比剩余下滑推力光滑,避免了剩余下滑推力精度受折线形滑面倾角变化影响过大的问题,当滑面为单折线时矢量下滑推力与剩余下滑推力相同。三维算例结果与对边坡稳定的已有认识保持一致。最后,采用这两种方法对西部某工程滑坡的下滑推力进行了分析,计算中主要考虑3种工况,分别为自重、暴雨和地震工况。结果表明,矢量下滑推力较剩余下滑推力有很好的改善。探讨了矢量下滑推力较剩余下滑推力的进步之处。  相似文献   

抗滑桩设计推力计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滑坡推力是抗滑桩设计推力的重要依据,工程中通常使用剩余推力法来计算滑坡推力。为了比较准确合理地计算出抗滑桩的设计推力,提出了在剩余推力法基础上的一种新的抗滑桩设计推力取值方法。分析极限平衡状态下和工程安全要求下各条块的剩余下滑力,选择合理的桩位,使得抗滑桩位于滑坡体的抗滑段;然后调整桩后滑体的剩余下滑力,其调整量一方面保证桩前桩后滑体满足工程安全要求,另一方面则作为抗滑桩设计推力的修正依据,其过程由程序实现。通过实例证明了该方法的合理性。同时对今后抗滑桩设计推力的合理取值提供了参考作用。  相似文献   

在现有的剩余推力法中,没有对地下水位动态变化的条件下的渗透压力做出明确的说明,因此在对斜坡稳定性评价和设计中难以客观的给出。针对这一状况.在已有研究基础上,提出了将地下水位对库水位的响应应用到剩余推力法中,进一步明确了当库水位波动时对斜坡岩土体产生的渗透压力.然后把这些量化关系应用到剩余推力法公式和程序中,最后通过一个实例分析,计算表明更符合实际设计要求。  相似文献   

简化Bishop法是评价圆弧形滑动面滑坡稳定性的"严格"方法,计算方法简便、精确,已有相关学者研究了其严格性,但却没有与之相适应的滑坡剩余下滑推力解析法,给滑坡(边坡)的综合治理带来了一定困难。本文从简化Bishop法计算原理出发,考虑坡体自重、外力、水平地震力、滑动面处的孔隙水压力等,利用力多边形法则,得到了两类简化Bishop法剩余下滑推力分析模型,即:Ⅰ型(Ti ≥ 0)和Ⅱ型(Ti < 0);针对两类模型推导出了第i-1条块的下滑推力,然后,使Fi-1参与到第i条块的力多边形受力模型中,从上往下逐条块计算下滑推力,进而推导出条块i的剩余下滑推力解析计算公式。该解析法与传递系数法隐式解所计算的剩余下滑推力进行比较,总体上呈现出简化Bishop法剩余下滑推力高于传递系数法隐式解,两者的剩余下滑推力差值随着安全储备的增大而减小,且该解析法适用于安全储备要求较高的滑坡(边坡),该解析法为圆弧形滑动面滑坡(边坡)治理设计提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

边坡稳定性分析中的剩余推力法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
基于传统的剩余推力法思路,推导了包括地表水、地下水、地震力、锚固力等外荷载综合作用下的边坡稳定性和剩余推力计算公式,以实例给出了剩余推力法在MicrosoftExcel中的实现方法,从中可以清晰看出剩余推力法的实质.比较了用同一安全系数但采用不同的折减方法所获得的剩余推力变化趋势.通过上述4类荷载的敏感性分析,指出了剩余推力法应用中应注意的基本问题.运用Excel中加载宏"规划求解”工具,可以方便实现确定性框架下临界滑动面的随机搜索.  相似文献   

滑坡稳定分析剩余推力法的改进研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
徐青  陈士军  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2005,26(3):465-470
首先介绍了刚体极限平衡法的基本原理,然后分析了剩余推力法存在的问题,进而提出了一种改进剩余推力法,其基本思想是:在出现屈服的条分面上,改用Sarma法确定条分面之间的作用力,即假定该条分面上的水平推力不变,但剪切力由摩尔-库仑准则确定。最后对改进剩余推力法进行了算例考核,并介绍了三板溪工程应用情况。  相似文献   

三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对三峡水库区兴山后坝滑坡的地质、结构及变形特征研究以及稳定性分析,阐明了该滑坡成因和影响因素。研究发现,滑坡活动主要受地形地貌、地层岩性、人类工程活动以及降雨等因素的影响。运用剩余推力法对比分析天然及暴雨条件下不同层位的滑坡稳定性系数,得出在暴雨作用下滑坡表层滑带稳定性系数最小,不同滑带的稳定性受降雨的影响也各不相同,呈表层〉浅层〉深层的规律;这主要受滑带土的粘土矿物组分的影响。  相似文献   

国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“我国重大天气灾害形成机理与预测理论研究”经过项目全体科学家的5年研究,取得了一系列重要的研究成果:①提出了基于多种实时观测资料的梅雨锋暴雨的多尺度物理模型;②建立了梅雨锋暴雨的天气学模型;③梅雨锋是由多个不同尺度系统构成的梅雨锋系,它具有介于温带锋系结构与热带辐合带结构之间的副热带锋系结构,在长江中下游可以有时表现为双峰结构。锋前的湿物理过程与锋上强对流系统发展形成的正反馈过程以及梅雨锋系的不同尺度系统的相互作用是梅雨锋维持与发展的重要机制;④提出了多种中尺度暴雨的定量卫星遥感反演理论和方法,并形成一系列新的反演产品;⑤成功地研究了双多普勒雷达同步探测和反演中尺度暴雨三维结构的理论和方法;⑥发展了配有三维变分同化系统的中尺度暴雨数值预报模式系统,在2003年淮河抗洪救灾中发挥了积极作用;⑦成功组织了2001/2002年长江中下游梅雨锋暴雨野外科学试验,在野外试验中还开展了中日国际合作,在此基础上项目建立了规范、完善、使用便捷的暴雨野外试验数据库,实现了数据共享。  相似文献   

淮北平原年降水量空间插值模型的比选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王常森  陶月赞  方必和 《水文》2012,32(2):49-53
为对比不同变差模型在降水量空间插值中的优劣,对淮北平原185个雨量站的2009年年降水观测数据,分别用不同理论变差模型与实验变差值拟合,然后选择普通克里格法进行降水场的变异分析及插值。经交叉验证法等多指标对插值结果检验后,证实了区域降水量具有明显的空间相关性,且三种拟合后变差模型的差异主要在短距离(h<10km)内。同时在现有站网布设方式下,三种模型插值结果并无显著差异,但以球状函数拟合插值结果整体效果最佳。  相似文献   

Most urban agglomerations located in the Mumbai coastal region in India are vulnerable to flooding due to increasing frequency of the short-duration heavy rainfall, by virtue of their location at foothills on one side and tidal variations on the other side. Steep slopes in the catchment ensure fast runoff and tidal variation adds to backwater effect in the drainage system, which together are favorable for flooding. The present study simulates the flood inundation due to heavy rainfall and high-tide conditions in a coastal urban catchment within Mumbai region with detention pond. Overland flow is modeled using a mass balance approach, which can adapt to hilly slopes and smoothly accommodate detention pond hydraulics. Dynamic wave channel routing based on finite element method captures the backwater effects due to tidal variation, and raster-based flood inundation model enables direct use of digital elevation model. The integrated model is capable of simulating detention pond hydraulics within the raster flood model for heavy rainfall events. The database required for the model is obtained from the geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing techniques. Application of the integrated model to literature problems and the catchment of the study area for two non-flooding events gave satisfactory results. Further, the model is applied to an extreme rainfall event of July 26, 2005, coinciding with high-tide conditions, which revealed vulnerability of the area to flooding despite of an existing detention pond. A sensitivity analysis on the location of detention pond indicated that catchment response can be better governed by relocating the detention pond to upstream of existing detention pond especially when heavy rainfall events are becoming frequent.  相似文献   

The basic features of the colluvial deposit slope in Zuoyituo such as geological conditions, dimensions, slip surfaces and groundwater conditions are described concisely in this paper. The formation mechanism of the slope is discussed. It is considered that the formation of the colluvial deposit slope in Zuoyituo has undergone accumulation, slip, load, deformation and failure. The effects of rainfall on slope stability are categorized systematically based on existing methodology, and ways to determine the effects quantitatively are presented. The remained slip force method is improved by the addition of quantitative relations to the existing formulae and programs. The parameters of the colluvial deposit slope are determined through experimentation and the method of back-analysis. The safety factors of the slope are calculated with the improved remained slip force method and the Sarma method. The results show that rainfall and water level in the Yangtze River have a significant effect on the stability of the colluvial deposit slope in Zuoyituo. The hazards caused by the instability of the slope are assessed, and prevention methods are put forward.  相似文献   

Risk analysis of existing slopes in catchment areas requires quantification of their stability. This quantification becomes particularly difficult when dealing with larger areas under 3D conditions and including saturated and unsaturated water flow. This paper proposes the use of an effective numerical procedure to solve three-dimensional slope stability problems in large areas subjected to pore pressure effects. This numerical approach, numerical limit analysis, utilizes the finite element method and mathematical programming techniques. Mathematical programming is needed because the basic plasticity theorems for limit analysis can be cast as optimization problems. The generated optimization problem is formulated under a second-order cone programming framework, which is known to solve large-scale problems with great computational efficiency. The main objective of this work was to determine the slope safety factor and the collapse mechanism of soils governed by the Drucker–Prager yield criterion for large-scale 3D problems including pore pressure effects. This approach is applied to an experimental catchment in the Oregon Coast Range that failed after an intense rainfall. The results were compared with a previous stability analysis of the area available in the literature that used a novel 3D limit equilibrium method.  相似文献   

地下水补给温度与降雨量是重要的水文地质参数,已有的测定方法大多只能给出其相对变化。本文介绍的惰性气体法能同时求得地下水补给温度与降雨量的值,其基本原理是:利用地下水中惰性气体的平衡溶解量计算出地下水补给温度;在得到地下水补给温度的基础上,利用地下水中惰性气体的“过剩空气”量计算出降雨量。该方法主要适用于封闭条件下的深层地下水。  相似文献   

许拯民  荆燕燕 《水文》2014,34(3):53-56
城市暴雨强度公式的准确性直接影响着城市排水管网的规划设计,老一代的暴雨强度公式已经不能正确反映当地的降雨规律,亟需重新修订。本文以郑州市降雨资料为例,采用年最大值法选样和年多个样法选样对公式进行推求,通过对比分析发现年最大值法操作简单,误差更小,该方法有利于新一轮暴雨强度公式修编的普及。  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that many rock slope failures in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, occur during relatively dry periods when there is little, if any, rainfall. In the present paper, we describe these events and propose possible mechanisms for their occurrence. It is believed that daily fluctuations in temperature may create thermally induced stresses of enough magnitude to propagate fractures already existing in the rock mass. Laboratory experiments were conducted in order to measure temperature variations in a fractured rock system. Using the experimentally obtained data, we carried out numerical analyses in order to verify whether temperature-related stresses were indeed able to propagate fractures existing in the rock mass. The results obtained indicate that cycles of temperature change over time, especially during the colder months of the year can indeed create stress conditions in the rock mass able to propagate existing non-persistent joints, and ultimately lead to failure of the rock slope.  相似文献   

史晓亮  杨志勇  绪正瑞  李颖 《水文》2014,34(6):26-32
降雨输入对分布式流域水文模拟具有重要影响。针对流域降雨资料不完整的情况,以武烈河流域为例,基于反距离加权平均法对雨量站降雨资料进行插补延长,并结合SWAT模型研究了降雨输入不确定性对分布式流域水文模拟的影响。结果表明:不同降雨输入对流域平均降雨量的影响较小,但基于气象站资料的降雨数据在降雨空间差异显著的年份会明显低估面雨量,且在夏季汛期表现更为显著;不同降雨输入对分布式流域水文模拟的影响较大;在雨量站降雨资料不完整的情况下,通过对雨量站降雨数据进行插补延长,相对于直接利用气象站降雨资料,在一定程度上可以提高径流模拟精度,满足降雨资料欠缺流域分布式水文模拟的实际需求。  相似文献   

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