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降雨人渗补给规律的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈建峰 《地下水》2010,32(2):30-31
浅层地下水资源计算中,降雨入渗补给系数是最基本的参数,而求解参数关键是确定降雨入渗补给量。从其土壤水下渗机理,包气带蓄水库容,降雨入渗补给系数方面分析研究,最后得出:包气带可容纳库容是降雨入渗补给量的极限值;降雨入渗补给系数因不同岩性、土壤前期含水量、降雨量等因素而变化;降雨入渗补给规律存在一个地下水最佳埋深。  相似文献   

基于氢氧同位素的华北平原降水入渗过程   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
华北平原地下水浅埋区水循环主要以垂直方向上的入渗、蒸发和蒸腾的方式存在,同位素可以作为一种有效"示踪剂"揭示降水入渗补给地下水的过程。选择华北平原中、东部地下水浅埋区的衡水和沧州为典型实验点,研究不同降水特征、土壤质地和植被条件下入渗过程的差异性。结果表明,土壤非均质条件下(沧州),降水入渗补给过程中伴随着蒸发、植被蒸腾作用以及与土壤前期水分的强烈混合作用,活塞流入渗的同时土壤100 cm深度可能还存在大孔隙优先流;土壤均质条件下(衡水),降水向下均匀入渗,入渗速度较快,土壤水运动以新水基本代替老水的活塞流为主要形式,并经过强烈的蒸发浓缩作用补给地下水。  相似文献   

利用传统人工示踪剂峰值方法评价地下水入渗补给存在精度低和适用性差等缺点。为此,本文提出了多区模型方法,采用保守型示踪剂溴和氚对河北栾城和衡水地区进行了不同土地利用方式和不同深度下地下水入渗补给评价。结果表明,栾城和衡水地区地下水入渗补给量分别为124.3 mm/a和13.7 mm/a,与传统方法(103.3 mm/a和0.0 mm/a)相比,多区模型方法的评价结果更符合实际。同时对由优先流引起的地下水入渗补给量进行了分析,栾城和衡水地区优先流程度分别为28.7%和2.3%。秸秆覆盖抑制降雨或灌溉水入渗补给地下水,降低优先流程度,而植被覆盖有利于土壤水优先流的形成。地下水入渗补给量及其优先流程度与示踪深度均无明显相关性,且受土壤结构控制。  相似文献   

陈宝根  王仕琴  宋献方 《水文》2011,31(3):64-70
受地形特征以及人类活动的影响,华北平原地下水浅埋区水循环主要以垂直方向上的入渗和蒸发为主,其中,非饱和带对降水和地下水之间的转化具有重要作用。本文选择衡水作为华北平原地下水浅埋区的典型代表点,利用HYDRUS-1D建立了一维数值模型,以平水年2005年夏季作为模拟期,通过计算降水入渗量、蒸散发量、土壤水储存量的变化及地下水补给量等,揭示了该实验点的土壤水分运动特征以及土壤水在降水和地下水转化之间的作用。结果表明降水后土壤水和地下水都得到补给,土壤水储量增加,但由于强烈的蒸发和蒸腾作用(分别占降水补给量的63%和12%),水分消耗较快,因此总的入渗补给量为25%,土壤总储量增加不大;此外,土壤水和地下水联系密切,土壤深层水分在饱和和非饱和状态之间频繁转换,其间没有明确的界面分割,由此说明土壤水在"三水转化"过程中的重要性。  相似文献   

针对尼日利亚北部乍得湖盆地降雨入渗补给地下水的问题,选择典型区域开展土壤剖面取样工作,采用氯离子平衡法计算各剖面降雨入渗补给量,并结合野外调查、钻探等工作研究影响降雨入渗补给的主要因素。结果表明:4个取样点(Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4)土壤剖面年平均降雨入渗补给量分别为4.9、1.5、7.9、26.2 mm/a,平均值为10.1 mm/a,年平均降雨入渗补给率仅为0.72%、0.22%、1.17%、3.87%,平均值为1.49%;研究区降雨入渗补给量很少,降雨对地下水资源的补给有限,地下水的主要补给来源为Hadejia河;研究区蒸散发量大,植物根系发达、吸水能力强,地表入渗水分多在表层土壤中或泥质层与风积砂层交界面上消耗于蒸发蒸腾,最终散失到大气中。在人类活动严重改变Hadejia河水文情势的背景下,研究区这种独特的地下水补给特征导致地下水位快速下降,使得区内正面临较严重的地下水资源枯竭问题。  相似文献   

赵雪梅 《地下水》2011,33(2):9-10
大气降水入渗补给是地下水的主要补给源.在分析大气降水入渗机理,以及影响降雨入渗诸多因素的基础上,以山西省第二次水资源评价为例,采用相关图解法、回归分析分别对降雨入渗补给量进行计算研究.结果表明,作为大气降水对地下水补给因素影响,综合反映的降水入渗补给系数是计算降水入渗补给量最关键参数,直接表达了降水对地下水垂直入渗补给...  相似文献   

种植条件下降雨灌溉入渗试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于清水河平原头营和黑城试验场降雨(灌溉)入渗过程土壤水分运移观测试验数据的分析研究,笔者应用能量观点描述了包气带水分运移的分带性、降雨(灌溉)入渗补给地下水的水分条件和地下水入渗补给过程的基本特征。应用蒸散量模型、土壤水分通量模型,计算了作物生长期的蒸发蒸腾量、土壤贮水量的变化量、400cm深度处的土壤水分渗漏量及渗漏系数。从多年的角度分析了深层土壤水分渗漏量、渗漏系数与地下水入渗补给量和补给系数的关系。它对分析降雨(灌溉)入渗对地下水的补给过程和定量分析地下水入渗补给量、入渗补给系数具有重要价值。  相似文献   

通过对荒漠区荒地、绿洲区耕地及摞荒地厚层包气带剖面土壤水的含水率、易溶盐离子及稳定同位素(δD、δ18O)的测定和分析,对厚层包气带区土壤水的补给来源及地下水的垂向补给量进行了厘定。结果表明:荒漠区荒地、绿洲区耕地与摞荒地土壤含水率、易溶盐中氯离子与土壤水氢氧同位素在垂向上均呈现旋回变化,每个旋回经历了一次新水入渗补给的过程。绿洲区土壤水与荒漠区土壤补给水中的δD值为-124.10‰~-94.44‰,土壤补给水来源于冬季大气降水或降雪的入渗补给。绿洲内耕地区、摞荒地区及荒漠区地下水垂向入渗补给量分别为1.29~5.53 mm/a、0.52~1.85 mm/a及0.03~0.08 mm/a。  相似文献   

不同降水及灌溉条件下的地下水入渗补给规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
天然降水和人工灌溉是华北平原浅层地下水的主要补给来源。长期过量开采地下水导致华北平原地下水位持续下降,详细分析降水变化规律及灌溉制度的影响有利于深入认识补给及正确评价入渗补给量,对合理开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。基于实测资料,用HYDRUS软件建立一维变饱和流数值模拟模型,模拟分析了衡水地区近60年在天然降水条件下的垂向入渗补给规律,以及在年周期内灌溉活动对于入渗补给规律的影响。结果表明:研究区多年平均降水入渗补给量为66.6 mm/a;枯水年份降水入渗补给量为30 mm/a,丰水年入渗补给量为120~150 mm/a;年补给量与年降水量具有显著的正相关性;入渗补给系数与降水强度呈负相关关系;入渗补给量随灌溉量的增加而增加,实验条件下小麦底墒水与玉米灌溉对应入渗补给系数较大,实际灌溉中应基于当年降水情况及土壤墒情确定合理的灌水定额。  相似文献   

高速公路绿化带能美化环境,吸尘减噪,保持水土,但在降水量少的干旱地区,高速公路绿化带主要依赖地下水补给,会对区域地下水资源分布产生一定影响。以土默川平原北部呼包高速绿化带为研究对象,利用3S技术将研究区的绿化带进行分类,同时,结合ET_0等相关公式计算绿化带的蒸腾耗水量。在收集区域水文地质资料的基础上,掌握研究区的地下水补径排特征,计算研究区侧向补给量,进而得出绿化带蒸腾耗水量与地下水补给量之间的关系,定量分析高速公路绿化带建设对区域地下水循环的影响。结果表明:研究区地下水补给主要来源于大青山山前侧向补给,主要排泄为地下水径流排泄及绿化带的蒸腾耗水; 2016-07—2017-06期间,研究区非植被区、植被覆盖区分别占总面积的17%和83%,绿化带年蒸散发量为1006.10 mm,蒸腾耗水量为2434.86×10~4m^3/a;山前侧向补给量为24372.16×10~4m^3/a;绿化带蒸腾耗水量约占山前侧向补给量的10%。由此可见,高速公路绿化带的建设对地下水资源分布有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

The impact of vegetation cover on groundwater table was assessed with the observed water level fluctuations at two monitored wells in stalled on a bare ground and a vegetated land,respectively.Substantial differences in water table behavior were observed under two land cover scenarios.Ingeneral,the water level in the east grass (EG) well was lower and had much less response to rainfall events than the WNG well mainly due to the difference in the land cover.The effect of vegetation was to lower the water level in the EG well through ET and thus reduce groundwater recharge,which in turn reduced the chemical loads to the creek.The daily and accumulative ET values were estimated with both the Penman-Monteith method and a water table recession model.It is suggested that while the Penman-Monteith method closely modeled hourly ET cycles during the day,it underestimated actual ET during an intensive mid-summer growing period,and especially underestimated actual ET when the water table was close to the landsurface.With the water table recession model,the amount of ET was estimated at its maximum ET of 7.6 mm when the water table was near the groundsurface and then decreases exponentially to zero around day 33 during a dry period with the accumulative ET of 93.9 mm,or 2.84 mm/day.The results from this study clearly demonstrate that landuse and vegetation coverage have significant effects on ET,groundwater recharge and implications for a basin-scale water cycle and chemical loads to rivers and streams.  相似文献   

Evaporation capacity is an important factor that cannot be ignored when judging whether extreme precipitation events will produce groundwater recharge. The evaporation layer’s role in groundwater recharge was evaluated using a lysimeter simulation experiment in the desert area of Dunhuang, in the western part of the Hexi Corridor in northwestern China’s Gansu Province. The annual precipitation in the study area is extremely low, averaging 38.87 mm during the 60-year study period, and daily pan evaporation amounts to 2,486 mm. Three simulated precipitation regimes (normal, 10 mm; ordinary annual maximum, 21 mm; and extreme, 31 mm) were used in the lysimeter simulation to allow monitoring of water movement and weighing to detect evaporative losses. The differences in soil-water content to a depth of 50 cm in the soil profile significantly affected rainfall infiltration during the initial stages of rainfall events. It was found that the presence of a dry 50-cm-deep sand layer was the key factor for “potential recharge” after the three rainfall events. Daily precipitation events less than 20 mm did not produce groundwater recharge because of the barrier effect created by the dry sand. Infiltration totaled 0.68 mm and penetrated to a depth below 50 cm with 31 mm of rainfall, representing potential recharge equivalent to 1.7 % of the rainfall. This suggests that only extreme precipitation events offer the possibility of recharge of groundwater in this extremely arid area.  相似文献   

通过1989~1995年新疆乌拉泊水均衡试验场潜水埋深4m处包气带凝结水对地下水补给的观测:卵砾石2.58mm/a、细砾3.15mm/a、中砂9.90mm/a、细砂35..87mm/a、粉土10.04mm/a。最有利于包气带凝结水形成的时间是每年的4~9月;包气带凝结水量的大小与土体颗粒相对比表面积和渗透系数相关,推测粉砂的凝结水量约为20mm/a,粘性土小于10mm/a;凝结水对地下水补给的最大量约为50mm/a。综合气候和水文地质条件分析,认为本试验研究成果在我国西北干旱区具有代表性,估算西北地区凝结水对地下水的总补给量大于3×1010m3/a,可能大于平原降水入渗量,在某些区域可能是最主要的地下水补给源。  相似文献   

草原化荒漠带人工固沙植丛区土壤水分动态   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
研究土壤水分动态有助于在水文过程与生态格局之间建立定量的联系。以大型自动称重式蒸渗仪为试验设施,对草原化荒漠带固沙植丛区与无植被沙区土壤水分动态及蒸散发进行对比研究。结果表明,观测期内植丛区及无植被沙区土壤水分变化均与降水过程高度相关,油蒿与柠条植丛区总蒸散量大体相当,平均蒸散速率分别为1.31mm/d,1.22mm/d。受固沙植物种生育期差异与降水年内分配变化的综合影响,当经历连续30多天无雨期时,柠条植丛区土壤水分骤降,根系密集区土壤体积含水率降低至0.5%以下,平均蒸散速率由前期的2.2mm/d降至0.6mm/d。油蒿植丛区土壤体积含水率在1%左右变化,平均蒸散速率由1.8mm/d降为0.9mm/d,仍高于柠条植丛区达50%。无植被沙区土壤体积含水率保持在大于2%的水平,平均蒸发速率由1.1mm/d减小至0.4mm/d,平均为0.78mm/d,约为植丛区平均蒸散速率的60%。土壤深层渗漏量达113.4mm,占降水量的40.5%,渗漏速率平均为0.63mm/d。人工固沙植被有效地利用了这部分降水资源,使得植丛区土壤水分无深层渗漏。  相似文献   

Numerous field monitoring programs have been conducted to investigate the performance of an unsaturated soil slope subjected to rainfalls in wet seasons. Most case histories focus on the response of matric suction, which is one of the two stress-state variables governing unsaturated soil behaviour. However, effects due to another variable, net normal stress, are often ignored. Also, slope performance under alternative wet and dry seasons is rarely reported and analysed. In this study, a saprolitic hillslope situated in Hong Kong was instrumented heavily to investigate its seasonal movement due to changes of the two variables and also groundwater flow mechanism. Two-year seasonal variations of matric suction and net normal stress were monitored by tensiometers together with heat dissipation matric water potential sensors and earth pressure cells, respectively. During heavy rainstorms in wet season, there was a substantial recharge of the main groundwater table, causing a significant increase of positive pore-water pressure in deeper depths. Rupture surface likely developed at depths between 5.5 and 6 m, hence resulting in a “deep-seated” mode of downslope movement. The downslope movement resulted in a peak increase of horizontal stress. In dry seasons, matric suction of up to 190 kPa was recorded, and the associated soil shrinkage led to substantial upslope rebounds. The stress built up in wet seasons hence reduced. After monitoring period of 2 years, downslope ratcheting is identified. Up to 40 % of the downslope displacements were recovered by the upslope rebounds.  相似文献   

In the southwestern United States, precipitation in the high mountains is a primary source of groundwater recharge. Precipitation patterns, soil properties and vegetation largely control the rate and timing of groundwater recharge. The interactions between climate, soil and mountain vegetation thus have important implications for the groundwater supply. This study took place in the Sacramento Mountains, which is the recharge area for multiple regional aquifers in southern New Mexico. The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were used to determine whether infiltration of precipitation is homogeneously distributed in the soil or whether it is partitioned among soil-water ‘compartments’, from which trees extract water for transpiration as a function of the season. The results indicate that “immobile” or “slow” soil water, which is derived primarily from snowmelt, infiltrates soils in a relatively uniform fashion, filling small pores in the shallow soils. “Mobile” or “fast” soil water, which is mostly associated with summer thunderstorms, infiltrates very quickly through macropores and along preferential flow paths, evading evaporative loss. It was found that throughout the entire year, trees principally use immobile water derived from snowmelt mixed to differing degrees with seasonally available mobile-water sources. The replenishment of these different water pools in soils appears to depend on initial soil-water content, the manner in which the water was introduced to the soil (snowmelt versus intense thunderstorms), and the seasonal variability of the precipitation and evapotranspiration. These results have important implications for the effect of climate change on recharge mechanisms in the Sacramento Mountains.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to analyse water dynamics in the soil from tensiometer data in two different plots, one with bare soil and another with geotextiles and grass, correlating the information generated in the study concerning biotextile efficiency in soil moisture maintenance, which is essential to vegetation development and to the recovery from and control of erosion. Tensiometers were installed on the bare soil and grass plots at different depths (15, 30, 80 and 120 cm), and the respective readings were taken with a digital tensimeter. Water dynamics inside the soil can be demonstrated by matric potential data from pressure differences. A large difference between the bare soil and grass plots was demonstrated by matric potential medium values at depths of 15, 30, 80 and 120 cm during monitoring.  相似文献   

Soil conservation measures undertaken to address land degradation can alter the hydrologic cycle by changing partitioning of water fluxes at the land surface. While effects on runoff are well documented, impacts of soil conservation activities on fluxes to groundwater are poorly understood. The goal of this study was to examine fluxes to groundwater in a semi-arid area of China’s Loess Plateau that has been subject to extensive soil conservation activities. Unsaturated zone pore-water pressures and concentrations of chloride show that impacts on deep drainage differ between ecological and structural soil conservation approaches. High matric potentials and low chloride beneath cultivated terrace and gulley sites are consistent with deep drainage occurring at these sites. Estimated recharge rates for dryland cultivated upland sites were approximately 55??0?mm/year (11??8% of mean annual rainfall) based upon chloride mass balance. In contrast, results suggest that mature tree and shrub plantations prevent deep drainage. Stable isotope signatures of unsaturated-zone moisture and groundwater indicate that focused infiltration through gullies and other topographic lows is likely to be the primary recharge mechanism. The results of this study highlight the potential for inadvertent effects of some soil conservation approaches on regional water resources.  相似文献   

地表-地下水系统水、热迁移转化与裸土蒸发机理研究对于水量平衡以及地表能量转化具有重要意义。以鄂尔多斯盆地风沙滩地区为研究区,基于原位蒸渗仪长期观测,结合数值模拟,选择2种地下水位初始埋深分别为80 cm(浅埋深)和290 cm(深埋深)的情景,研究了变饱和带水热迁移转化的动力学过程以及对裸土蒸发的影响。结果表明:变饱和带土壤水的运动规律受水头梯度和温度梯度的共同驱动,且在不同水位埋深条件下呈现不同的运动方式;浅埋深条件下,受水头梯度的作用,土壤的毛细上升高度能够到达地表,蒸发条件下土壤水在毛细力驱动下向上运移,土壤内部不存在零通量面,温度对水分运动的影响较小,发现当地下水位埋深小于毛细上升高度时,地下水在毛细力作用下直接贡献土壤蒸发;深埋深条件下,水头和温度是土壤水运动过程的关键因素,位于地表以下18 cm以浅土壤内部出现孤立的零通量面,阻止了土壤水的向上运移,导致蒸发量减小。当地下水位埋深大于毛细上升高度的1.6倍时,地下水不再直接参与土壤蒸发,但会间接地影响包气带的水分转化;因此模拟期间浅埋深的裸土累积蒸发量约为深埋深累积蒸发量的4倍。  相似文献   

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