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<正>地质灾害是指由于自然或人为因素诱发的对人民生命和财产安全造成危害的地质现象。根据灾害发生的动态特征,分为突发性地质灾害和缓发性地质灾害,北京的地质灾害以突发性的为主。北京面积16410平方公里,其中山区1 0072平方公里,占61.4%,三面环山,总体地势西北高,东南低。突发地质灾害主要发生在山区,主要有泥石流、崩塌、滑坡和采空塌陷。泥石流是北京山区最严重的地质灾害  相似文献   

位于青藏高原东北缘的西秦岭是滑坡、崩塌和泥石流地质灾害非常严重的地区,科学认识这些地质灾害的发育规律、形成机理和控制因素,对于该地区社会经济发展和重大工程建设中地质灾害的科学防御和治理具有重要意义。对西秦岭地区的断裂构造格架和活动特征及其与地质灾害的空间分布和发育强度研究表明,虽然滑坡、崩塌和泥石流地质灾害是内外动力地质作用复杂耦合作用之结果,但区域断裂构造格架和活动特征对滑坡、崩塌和泥石流地质灾害空间和强度分布具有主导控制作用,其主要表现在:1)滑坡、崩塌、泥石流多沿区域断裂带呈带状发育,断裂构造活动强的地段是地质灾害发育强烈的区域 2)断裂带的长期活动造成的岩体破坏和复杂的构造结构面体系不仅为滑坡、崩塌和泥石流的发生提供了重要的物源条件,而且提供了地质结构条件 3)断裂构造突发活动,即地震活动是诱发大规模区域滑坡群和崩塌灾害的最主要因素。因此对滑坡、崩塌和泥石流等地质灾害的研究,不应孤立地探讨其中单一地质灾害的形成与发展,而应把它们放在区域地质构造环境演化过程中统一认识,尤其是应把区域断裂格架、断裂带结构和断裂活动性作为地质灾害形成与发展的关键影响因素。  相似文献   

近年来,受全球气候变暖和城市扩张进程中的人类社会经济活动影响,青海省突发性、局地性地质灾害事件频发。为积极应对地质灾害严峻形势,保障人民生活生产安全、巩固防灾减灾成果、提出科学合理的应对措施。文章以1990—2019年青海省滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害为研究对象,通过数理统计,分析研究了30年间青海省滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害发育特征、时空分布规律及主要引发因素。结果表明:①灾害规模多为小型,灾害类型以滑坡为主。②时间上,多发生在5—10月;空间上,主要发生在地形复杂的青东地区西宁市和海东市。③降雨和开挖边坡是主要引发因素。④近年来,滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害增加趋势明显。研究结果对于今后一段时期青海省地质灾害防范工作具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害发育规律初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用遥感手段,结合MapGis,研究了喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害的发育情况,发现本区发育的主要地质灾害有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、冰湖以及堰塞湖。其中崩塌、滑坡、泥石流斜坡地质灾害是本区最重要的地质灾害类型,占到总灾害数量的95.3%。在此基础上对喜马拉雅山东南地区地质灾害发育规律初步研究,发现本区地质灾害的发育在空间上的分布并非均匀,而是具有丛集性的特点。滑坡灾害主要发育在隆子和朗县。泥石流灾害比较严重的有米林、隆子和洛扎3县,而崩塌则主要集中在隆子县。研究发现,本区滑坡发育与地层、地形坡度以及土地类型关系密切,其中修康群、日当组和念青唐古拉群是本区的易滑地层。涅如组由于面积大,其中发育的滑坡较多,但是滑坡的发育率只略高于本区的平均水平。统计表明,16~30的坡度范围是滑坡最容易发生的。大于45以上的坡段很少发生滑坡。灌木林和天然草地这两种土地类型滑坡发育率最高。对于泥石流,研究表明,涅如组中泥石流发育面积最大,发育率也最高。泥石流发育的最适宜坡度也是16~30这样一个坡度范围。冰川和永久积雪区则最易发生泥石流。崩塌发育与地层类型、坡度的关系较为密切,崩塌主要发育在涅如组中,并且集中在坡度大于60以上的陡坡段中。这些初步成果的取得,是以后进行该区地质灾害空间预测的基础。  相似文献   

绝大多数地质灾害由人类工程活动和降雨协同作用诱发,降雨是滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地质灾害的主要激发因子,气象预报预警可有效预警滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地质灾害。商城县滑坡、崩塌、泥石流地质灾害发育,以地质灾害易发性区划图为基础划分为4个地质灾害预警区。充分考虑降雨对地质灾害发生的影响,对重点预警区及次重点预警区采用临界日综合有效过程降雨量模型判据法,进行地质灾害气象预警预报。  相似文献   

我国西南地区城市地质灾害与防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西南地区城市地质灾害种类多,主要有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、岩溶塌陷等.滑坡、崩塌主要发生在西南中、高山地区;泥石流主要分布在地质构造复杂、断裂发育、岩石易于破碎风化的地区、暴雨中心地区以及深切割的高山、中山地区;岩溶塌陷主要分布在贵州省、云南省、四川省和重庆市,分布面积32.7 km2.西南地区有102个市、县、区(镇)遭受到滑坡、崩塌的严重危害,近年来随着西部大开发建设和城镇化速度的加快,滑坡、崩塌灾害频次明显增多、危害加大.其防治对策包括开展城市地质灾害调查工作,制定地质灾害防治规划;建立城市地质灾害空间数据库,实现地质灾害的动态预测和监测;开展城市地质灾害预警示范调查研究,健全完善地质灾害预誊系统;加强城市地质灾害防治宣传工作,提高全民防灾、减灾意识.  相似文献   

2010年。甘肃、四川、云南等许多地方都发生了特大的泥石流等地质灾害,给人民群众的生命和财产造成了巨大的损失。我们淳安县,2010年也遭受了“6.18”、“7.8”、“7.15”三次百年未遇的特大洪灾,山洪暴发,导致数百处山体滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害。造成数百幢房子倒塌,上万亩良田被毁……笔者分管地质灾害这项工作,通过多年的调研和实践,对减少地质灾害造成的损失谈几点想法:  相似文献   

地质灾害指自然因素或者人为活动引发的危害人民生命和财产安全的山体崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降等与地质作用有关的灾害。随着瑞安市经济社会的快速发展,人类工程活动规模与强度不断加大,滑坡、崩塌、泥石泥等地质灾害时有发生,  相似文献   

汶川大地震对地质环境影响很大,由于大地震的影响,其震前震后的地质灾害类型、数量等发生了很大的改变。本文通过搜集前人资料,现场调查,分析了汶川大地震前后汶川县地质灾害的变化。结果表明,地震前汶川县地质灾害类型主要以泥石流为主,地震后,汶川县地质灾害类型主要为崩塌,其次为泥石流和滑坡。地震使汶川县地质灾害数量极大增加,同时,也使得其主要地质灾害类型发生改变。  相似文献   

我国地质灾害总体特征为灾害数量多、分布广、损失重,多发生在汛期的5~8月,地质灾害年内高发时段由南向北逐渐推移。滑坡崩塌泥石流高易发区主要分布在西南山地区、秦岭大巴山区和黄土高原等地区。近年来,极端气候事件增多、地震活跃等因素增加了地质灾害预警预报的难度,总体来看,未来5年,我国地质灾害仍将处于高发期,面临的防灾减灾形势更加严峻。  相似文献   

Matja? Miko? 《Landslides》2011,8(4):541-551
The international journal Landslides (ISSN 1612-510X), launched in 2004 and published by Springer Verlag, soon gained international recognition as the only specialized scientific journal in the world dedicated to different aspects of landslides, and as one of the leading world journals in the field of geological engineering. After 7 years, seven published volumes with 28 issues and 290 published papers on 2,794 pages, there is time to make a comparison with other related journals that also cover the field of landslide risk mitigation. The critical review of these seven publishing years was done using ISI Journal Citation Reports produced by Thomson Reuters, and available scientometric data from the ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS. The data presented in this paper and the analysis shown may help the Editorial Board to further improve the journal into the direction of a high quality scientific journal with even higher impact on the international research community in the field of landslide risk mitigation.  相似文献   

作为防灾减灾的重要措施之一,滑坡风险评价已经成为近年来国际上滑坡研究的热点,并形成了较为完备的滑坡风险管理体系。国内的滑坡风险研究则起步较晚,滑坡风险评价的关键支撑技术体系尚未建立。本文对滑坡风险评价中的关键理论和方法进行梳理,阐述了国际滑坡风险评价的理论框架和技术流程,介绍了国内外滑坡易发性、危险性和风险评价的最新进展,评述了滑坡易发性评价、扩展范围预测、频率分析以及承灾体易损性评价的主要方法,阐明了现阶段滑坡风险评价的重点领域和前沿科学问题,并对滑坡灾害的风险评价提出了三点展望。  相似文献   

There is a clear need for integrated research on landslide disaster risk. Landslide disasters have major impacts in developing countries due to the increasing social vulnerability of both rural and urban communities. In recent decades, landslide disasters in Latin America triggered by both precipitation and earthquakes have also increased considerably. Thus, scientific contributions based on integrated risk research are quite urgent for improving the knowledge base for reducing the vulnerability of exposed communities to landslides. Thus, there is a parallel necessity to promote capacity building for young scientists in Latin America by considering the shift of disaster paradigm to recognize the “unnaturalness” of disasters. Under such a framework, there are particular goals to be pursued including: (1) Development of landslide regional networks with a commitment for understanding risk as a socially constructed process; (2) Engagement of young scientists in integrated landslide risk research; (3) Inducing a scientific multi- and transdisciplinary approach for integrated landslide risk research; (4) Development and implementation of capacity building; (5) Contributing to the dissemination and application of common methodologies on landslide disasters investigations; and (6) Strengthening collaboration on integrated landslide disaster risk research in Latin America. In this paper, we present one of the main activities of the ICL Latin-American network in terms of capacity building carried out in 2013; to that end, the first international workshop on forensic investigations of disasters associated with landslides was held in the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, from June 26th to July 4th, 2013.  相似文献   

The ancient landslide has endured long-term slope evolution which results in its complicated material and special rock-soil properties. The risk of ancient landslide reactivation is substantially increasing due to the increase of intensified human engineering activities and the frequency of extreme weather events. Many ancient landslides have been reactivated all over the world and led to serious fatalities and severe damage to many important engineering facilities such as transportation and hydropower engineering projects. On the basis of the analysis of the research situation about the ancient landslides at home and abroad, the main research advances were summarized including the regional developing laws and recognizing of the ancient landslides, the mechanics properties of ancient landslide body and related sliding zone, reactivation mechanism of ancient landslides, reactivating process and modeling analysis of ancient landslides, early recognization of ancient landslide reactivation, etc. To meet the demands of disaster prevention and reduction, three key scientific issues were put forward to be solved: ①automaticaly establishing the methodology and identification criterions for recognition of ancient landslide; ②revealing the reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide based on a new strength theory; ③establishing the early rapid recognition method and predictive model for ancient landslide reactivation. Solving the above mentioned scientific theory and methodology will facilitate the planning and site selection of major projects as well as the disaster prevention and reduction in ancient landslide developing areas.  相似文献   

赵重 《探矿工程》2013,40(7):49-51,54
曾家棚滑坡属于三峡库区较少失稳的滑坡之一,有过9年的专业监测史,包括地表变形、深部位移等多种监测手段。通过多年的监测经验,结合滑坡的实际变形失稳过程,对各种监测方法的实用性和科学性进行分析和评估,为后续同类型滑坡监测工作提供科学依据,使资源利用更加集中、合理,并对以后的监测方案设计提出建议。  相似文献   

基于Web of Science数据库,以1999—2019年检索所得1240篇浅层滑坡期刊论文为样本,利用CiteSpace对该领域内国家/机构、学科/期刊和高频关键词进行文献计量和可视化分析,结果表明:浅层滑坡研究的国际合作非常普遍,意大利在浅层滑坡研究中占据核心地位,意大利国家研究委员和中国科学院两家机构在该领域发挥重要作用,GEOMORPHOLOGY和LANDSLIDES杂志为浅层滑坡研究代表性期刊。复合模型算法为浅层滑坡研究领域近期的热点主题。  相似文献   

冲击铲刮效应一直是中国西南山区高位岩质滑坡动力学研究的热点问题。文章在开展大量的野外调查基础上,结合目前国内外的研究现状,对目前的基础理论和研究方法进行了归纳总结;从国内外高位远程铲刮型滑坡的典型案例入手,总结了高位远程滑坡的冲击铲刮模式主要有嵌入铲起模式、裹挟刮带模式、冲击滑移模式和冲击飞溅模式;提出了在高位滑坡冲击铲刮研究中的难点和重点问题;并在理论解析、数值计算、人工智能和风险预测方面对今后的冲击铲刮研究思路进行了展望。目的是为冲击铲刮效应响应下的高位滑坡成灾模式和动力学特征分析提供重要的研究基础,为高位远程滑坡动力研究、科学防灾减灾和科学救援工作提供技术支撑。   相似文献   

Matjaž Mikoš 《Landslides》2018,15(8):1459-1482
Dissemination of research results is an important part of basic as well as applied research if not the most important one. A large part of research results is published in scientific literature, and since there are many forms of it, the question arises which form is the most visible and attractive to the world scientific community. The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), based in Kyoto, Japan, is one of the leading institutions in the field of landslide research and landslide risk reduction. On behalf of ICL, Springer Nature has published the journal Landslides: Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides since 2004. It is a very successful scientific journal with regard to its scientometric parameters. Since January 2018, it has been a monthly journal published in full color in electronic as well as printed form. Another form of dissemination of the ICL scientific and professional activities are published books in the form of monographs and proceedings from triennial World Landslide Forums. This paper discusses the impact of 52 books with 3426 chapters taken from the field of landslide science and published by Springer Nature from 2005 to 2018 in the earth sciences category, using different scientometric parameters, such as Bookmetrix downloads and citations, Scopus citations, Scopus h-index, Google citations, and Google h-index. The analysis was performed on the book chapter level (using mainly citations as the main scientometric parameter) as well as on the book level (using book h-index and percentage of cited chapters). Out of the selected 52 titles, 22 were published on behalf of the ICL, with 1419 chapters. The differences among landslide-related books can be quite large; only a few chapters from analyzed book titles were found to be cited frequently compared to highly cited scientific journal articles. On average, the analyzed 3426 book chapters from 52 landslide-related books have been downloaded since publication over 53,000 times each; 1092 chapters (32%) received 2932 citations (2.68 citations per cited chapter and 0.86 citations per published chapter). The analysis shows that the books published on behalf of the ICL are, together with other landslide-related book titles, on the forefront in the Springer eBook collection Earth and Environmental Science (EES). The selected 52 landslide-related book titles are above the average metrics for the whole EES with regard to the total number of downloads per book, the total number of citations per book, and the total number of readers per book. The ICL-related books are getting more downloads but less readers and citations (so far) as the selected non-ICL-related books. A way in raising the visibility and impact of the ICL books on landslide research community would be to support their open access publication in the form of e-Books as much as possible, and inclusion of ICL books into Web of Science.  相似文献   

针对滑坡治理以后的稳定状态综合评价问题,从影响因素多因子多层次角度出发,构建综合评价决策模型,提出了滑坡治理稳定状态综合评价的耦合权重确定方法,即基于优先关系排序-二元相对比较的权重计算确定方法,以避免一致性检验,减少评判的主观性,还采用程序编程语言编制了相应计算分析程序。在此基础上,结合杭金衢K103滑坡的地形地质条件和工程治理情况,采用基于耦合权重的滑坡治理稳定状态综合评判方法,进行其历经治理的稳定状态分析和效果评价。研究结果表明:滑坡历经综合治理,所处的稳定状态等级区间为基本稳定状态(EII);各项工程措施充分发挥功能效应,稳定系数由0.98提高至1.20,滑坡整体稳定,安全储备充足。  相似文献   

云南小江流域滑坡关键影响因子研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
确定诱发滑坡失稳的关键因素是滑坡研究的一个重要内容。采用不同影响因子图层进行危险性分区结果存在明显差异,这是由于第一因子对于滑坡变形失稳的贡献程度不同,即不同影响因子与滑坡的相关性不同。在进行滑坡灾害分析时,必须首先确定影响滑坡的关键因子以建立准确的统计分析模型。采用滑坡确定性系数的合并检验方法,在GIS中对云南小江流域进行了滑坡影响因子分析,并确定了影响滑坡的关键性因子。据此建立的多元统计分析预测模型经检验具有较高精度,要以为小江流域的灾害防治、规划建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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