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最近,花岗岩混合成了花岗岩研究的热点,国内外许多学者探讨了花岗岩混合问题,并尝试用不同端元组分不同比例的混合来解释花岗岩的地球化学变化。本文从花岗岩与玄武岩的对比出发,探讨了花岗岩混合的可能性和局限性。作者认为,花岗岩混合的现象是普遍存在的,但是次要的和局部的。岩浆混合的能力或能干性(competence of mixing)主要取决于岩浆的黏性和温度,而黏性又与硅氧四面体有关。相对于玄武岩,花岗岩的SiO_2含量高,温度低,因此,花岗质岩浆的混合能干性很低。玄武质岩浆的混合是mixing(以化学混合为主),而花岗质岩浆的混合通常只是mingling(以机械混合为主),只有在少数情况下才能达到mixing的程度,例如,埃达克岩与地幔混合形成的高镁安山岩或高镁埃达克岩。许多人认为,花岗岩中的暗色微粒包体是花岗质岩浆混合作用最显著、最直接证据。研究表明,花岗岩中的暗色微粒包体大多是闪长质成分的,其初始成分大多是玄武质的。因此,暗色微粒包体不是花岗质岩浆混合作用最显著、最直接证据,而是玄武质岩浆混合能力强过花岗质岩浆的证据。与玄武质岩浆的起源比较,花岗质岩浆从一开始熔融就是不均一的,这源于源区的不均一及熔融过程的复杂性。花岗质岩浆原始均一性的假定是不可能的。花岗岩成分的变化以及在哈克图解中成分点的"连续谱系",主要是由源区不均一性引起的,混合和分异可能有一定的作用,但毕竟是次要的。花岗质岩浆从源区生成、迁移、直至在地表喷出或在浅部定位的全过程,是一个不断均一化和不均一化的过程。但是,由于花岗质岩浆的黏性大,上述过程及岩浆演化的程度和规模都受到限制,也限制了岩浆混合的程度和规模。许多人仅从花岗岩地球化学成分的变化来研究花岗岩的成因,而很少考虑花岗岩物理性质对岩浆演化的制约。对比玄武岩与花岗岩,我们认为,地球化学方法在花岗岩中应用的范围和程度可能远远不及玄武岩,我们应当重新考虑花岗岩的地球化学应用问题。  相似文献   

张旗 《地质科学》2023,(2):319-346
花岗岩能否分离结晶?世界上有没有堆晶花岗岩?这是学术界长期争论的问题。从近期发表的文献判断,上述争论已经从国际学术界转入国内学术界。国际学术界一直坚持花岗岩能够分离结晶,笔者一直持反对意见。最近,关于堆晶花岗岩的说法突然盛行起来。什么是堆晶岩?堆晶与堆积是一回事吗?斜长石是堆晶矿物吗?这些问题都是需要认真讨论的。众所周知,玄武岩有堆晶岩,花岗岩则主要呈晶粥状态出现,这是两种岩浆粘性不同的表现。花岗岩由于粘性大,晶出的矿物不能下沉,与其晶出的岩浆一起构成类似粥状的面貌,故称为“晶粥”。玄武岩粘性低,晶出的矿物可以下沉离开其结晶的部位在岩浆房底部堆积形成堆晶岩,故玄武岩不形成晶粥。花岗岩形成晶粥后,由于冷却、固结而不可能再次升温熔融造成“晶”与“粥”分离的可能。因此,关于上有高分异花岗岩(或流纹岩),下有堆晶的花岗岩的说法是不可能成立的。堆晶岩、堆晶结构等,统统是外国学者创造的。毋庸置疑,外国学者对花岗岩研究有很大的贡献,现今花岗岩理论的成果基本上都是外国学者提出来的,我们只是在学习、仿效和跟踪。然而,花岗岩研究中也有许多错误的理论、模型、假说,毫无疑问也是外国学者提出来的。面对上述情况,...  相似文献   

南岭中西段若干复式花岗岩体的成因模式研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
岩石学、岩石地球化学、黑云母矿物化学和副矿物特征等研究表明,南岭中西段3个复式花岗岩体的演化规律表现为两种方式:一种是以花山复式花岗岩体为代表的不同母岩浆演化方式,其补体美华花岗岩可能经历了与花山主体岩浆相似的分离结晶作用;另一种是以金鸡岭复式花岗岩体和大东山复式花岗岩体为代表的相同母岩浆演化方式,它们的补体螃蟹木花岗岩和猪蹄石花岗岩分别为金鸡岭主体和大东山主体花岗质母岩浆经过分离结晶作用形成。两种不同产出方式的补体花岗岩可能表明它们与主体岩浆的形成机制不同。  相似文献   

新疆且末县几克里阔勒镁铁—超镁铁岩体位于塔里木板块南缘活动带之喀拉米兰晚古生代沟弧系中段北侧,侵入下石炭统满达拉恰普组第三段海相碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩及中酸性火山岩建造中。主要岩石类型有纯橄岩、二辉橄榄岩、单辉橄榄岩、含长橄榄二辉岩、二辉岩、橄榄辉长岩、淡色辉长岩。岩石地球化学及岩相学特征表明:岩浆作用早期,分离结晶作用主导了岩浆演化过程和岩体形成过程,橄榄石和斜方辉石呈分离/堆晶相;矿物结晶顺序是:尖晶石/橄榄石→斜方辉石→单斜辉石→单斜辉石+斜长石→褐色普通角闪石/黑云母。原生岩浆可能来自原始地幔或中等程度熔融的高镁玄武质岩浆,属拉斑玄武岩系列,形成过程中受到了一定程度同化混染作用的影响,但硫化物熔离程度较弱。岩浆源区位于尖晶石稳定域。  相似文献   

花岗岩成矿的地球化学判别标志   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
花岗岩具成矿专属性。花岗质岩浆中成矿元素行为受控于源岩成分、氧化状态、结晶分异作用和挥发组份。花岗岩地球化学特征和矿物化学成分一定程度上继承了源岩的特征,反映了岩浆作用的大地构造背景、氧化状态和结晶分异,因此,可使用花岗岩成分判别成矿花岗岩。本文归纳总结了花岗岩成矿的地球化学判别标志。  相似文献   

吉林南部太古宙英云闪长质片麻岩类的特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吉林南部太古宙英云闪长质片麻岩类主要由石英闪长质、英云闪长质、花岗闪长质和奥长花岗质片麻岩组成。地质学、岩相学、地球化学研究表明,它们是同源岩浆通过结晶分异作用形成的最主要的分离矿物相是角闪石和斜长石。岩浆来源于下地壳角闪岩石的部分熔融作用。  相似文献   

花岗质岩浆能够结晶分离和演化吗?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学术界普遍认为花岗岩能够分离和演化,实际上这是不对的,理由是没有野外和镜下观察的证据。岩浆演化的理论是对的,该理论是从研究玄武质岩浆得来的,只适合玄武质岩浆而不适合花岗质岩浆。本文指出,鲍温反应原理不适用于花岗质岩浆。文中呼吁要重视区分幔源岩浆和壳源岩浆,幔源岩浆可以演化,但是,幔源岩浆不可能演化为壳源岩浆,壳源岩浆不可能演化。  相似文献   

黑龙江省张广才岭南部早侏罗世花岗岩具有明显的岩浆混合特征。岩体中暗色微粒包体发育,主要为细粒闪长质岩浆包体,包体形态多样,与寄主岩呈截然、过渡关系。包体的矿物组合明显不平衡,如矿物具有定向排列的特点,斜长石发育自形环带并存在新、老两个世代,发育针状磷灰石。由电子探针对斜长石、角闪石和黑云母等矿物分析结果可知,寄主花岗岩和包体中各主要矿物含量基本一致。岩石地球化学特征研究显示,包体与寄主花岗岩关系密切,两者在稀土元素和微量元素方面也表现为明显的地球化学亲缘关系。这表明张广才岭南部早侏罗世花岗质岩石具有壳幔混合成因特征,暗色微粒包体是由较基性的地幔岩浆进入寄主岩浆中淬火结晶而成,花岗质岩浆的源区主要为新生的地壳物质。  相似文献   

东太平洋海隆为世界典型的扩张脊,其上的洋中脊玄武岩为研究快速扩张作用下的岩浆作用提供了机会。在东太平洋海隆1°N采集到的洋中脊玄武岩内发现了大量结晶状况良好的斜长石斑晶。基于玄武岩的常量元素测试分析,洋脊下部的原始岩浆经历了以橄榄石为主的结晶分离过程,并未发生大规模的斜长石结晶分离。对样品中斜长石斑晶的电子探针测试表明,这些斜长石斑晶为岩浆自生矿物,而非捕掳晶。部分环带斜长石斑晶成分的规律性的变化主要受控于原始岩浆温度的变化,而非岩浆混合作用。我们推测Galapagos三联点下部可能存在一个相对封闭的岩浆体系,为斜长石矿物的结晶提供了时间和空间条件。这些斜长石斑晶形成后并未分离成岩,而是被岩浆带至洋底喷发形成玄武岩。  相似文献   

吉林南部太古宙英云闪长质片麻岩类主要由石英闪长质、英云闪长质、花岗闪长质和奥长花岗质片麻岩组成。地质学、岩相学、地球化学研究表明,它们是同源岩浆通过结晶分异作用形成的,最主要的分离矿物相是角闪石和斜长石。岩浆来源于下地壳角闪质岩石的部分熔融作用。  相似文献   

The Cordillera del Paine pluton in the southernmost Andes of Chile represents a deeply dissected magma chamber where mafic magma intruded into crystallizing granitic magma. Throughout much of the 10x15 km pluton, there is a sharp and continuous boundary at a remarkably constant elevation of 1,100 m that separates granitic rocks (Cordillera del Paine or CP granite: 69–77% SiO2) which make up the upper levels of the pluton from mafic and comingled rocks (Paine Mafic Complex or PMC: 45–60% SiO2) which dominate the lower exposures of the pluton. Chilled, crenulate, disrupted contacts of mafic rock against granite demonstrate that partly crystallized granite was intruded by mafic magma which solidified prior to complete crystallization of the granitic magma. The boundary at 1,100 m was a large and stable density contrast between the denser, hotter mafic magma and cooler granitic magma. The granitic magma was more solidified near the margins of the chamber when mafic intrusion occurred, and the PMC is less disrupted by granites there. Near the pluton margins, the PMC grades upward irregularly from cumulate gabbros to monzodiorites. Mafic magma differentiated largely by fractional crystallization as indicated by the presence of cumulate rocks and by the low levels of compatible elements in most PMC rocks. The compositional gap between the PMC and CP granite indicates that mixing (blending) of granitic magma into the mafic magma was less important, although it is apparent from mineral assemblages in mafic rocks. Granitic magma may have incorporated small amounts of mafic liquid that had evolved to >60% SiO2 by crystallization. Mixing was inhibited by the extent of crystallization of the granite, and by the thermal contrast and the stable density contrast between the magmas. PMC gabbros display disequilibrium mineral assemblages including early formed zoned olivine (with orthopyroxene coronas), clinopyroxene, calcic plagioclase and paragasite and later-formed amphibole, sodic plagioclase, mica and quartz. The early formed gabbroic minerals (and their coronas) are very similar to phenocrysts in late basaltic dikes that cut the upper levels of the CP granite. The inferred parental magmas of both dikes and gabbros were very similar to subalkaline basalts of the Patagonian Plateau that erupted at about the same time, 35 km to the east. Mafic and silicic magmas at Cordillera del Paine are consanguineous, as demonstrated by alkalinity and trace-element ratios. However, the contemporaneity of mafic and silicic magmas precludes a parent-daughter relationship. The granitic magma most likely was derived by differentiation of mafic magmas that were similar to those that later intruded it. Or, the granitic magma may have been contaminated by mafic magmas similar to the PMC magmas before its shallow emplacement. Mixing would be favored at deeper levels when the cooling rate was lower and the granitic magma was less solidified.  相似文献   

Island arc basaltic rocks (basalts and basic andesites with SiO2 < 56.5%) from the Soufrière volcano. St. Vincent, West Indies (prehistoric lavas and 1902 and 1979 eruptions) underwent extensive fractional crystallization at various levels during the ascent of the magma. Although the precipitation of minerals occurring in coarse-grained cumulate inclusions dominated the derivation of basic andesites from basaltic magma, the distribution of the trace elements is not consistent with a simple fractional crystallization process. The lavas have a partially cumulate character and were probably generated from similar but separate parental magmas. The partition coefficients of transition and large ion lithophile elements are given for clinopyroxene, amphibole. olivine, plagioclase and titanomagnetite in basaltic liquid which crystallized under well-defined P-T conditions. The temperatures obtained from the geothermometers based upon the distribution of the major elements are in good agreement with the data from trace element geothermometers.  相似文献   

Partial melting has been shown to be an important mechanism for intracrustal differentiation and granite petrogenesis. However, a series of compositional differences between granitic melt from experiments and natural granites indicate that the processes of crustal differentiation are complex. To shed light on factors that control the processes of crustal differentiation, and then the compositions of granitic magma, a combined study of petrology and geochemistry was carried out for granites (in the forms of granitic veins and parautochthonous granite) from a granulite terrane in the Tongbai orogen, China. These granites are characterized by high SiO2 (>72 wt%) and low FeO and MgO (<4 wt%) with low Na2O/K2O ratios (<0.7). Minerals in these granites show variable microstructures and compositions. Phase equilibrium modelling using P–T pseudosections shows that neither anatectic melts nor fractionated melts match the compositions of the target granites, challenging the conventional paradigm that granites are the crystallized product of pure granitic melts. Based on the microstructural features of minerals in the granites, and a comparison of their compositions with crystallized minerals from anatectic melts and minerals in granulites, the minerals in these granitoids are considered to have three origins. The first is entrained garnets, which show comparable compositions with those in host granulites. The second is early crystallized mineral from melts, which include large plagioclase and K-feldspar (with high Ca contents) crystals as well as a part of biotite whose compositions can be reproduced by crystallization of the anatectic melts. The compositions of other minerals such as small grained plagioclase, K-feldspar and anorthoclase in the granites with low Ca contents are not well reconstructed, so they are considered as the third origin of crystallized products of fractionated melts. The results of mass balance calculation show that the compositions of these granites can be produced by mixing between different proportions of crystallized minerals and fractionated melts with variable amounts of entrained minerals. However, the calculated modal proportions of different crystallized minerals (plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and quartz) in the granites are significantly different from those predicted by melt crystallization modelling. Specifically, some rocks have lower modes of biotite and plagioclase, whereas others show lower K-feldspar modes than those produced by melt crystallization. This indicates that the crystallized minerals would be differentially separated from the primary magmas to form the evolved magmas that produce these granites. Therefore, the crystal entrainment and differential melt-crystal separation make important contributions to the composition of the target granites. Compared with leucogranites worldwide, the target granites show comparable compositions. As such, the leucogranites may form through the crystal fractionation of primary granitic magmas at different extents in addition to variable degrees of partial melting.  相似文献   

The Tunk Lake pluton of coastal Maine, USA is a concentrically zoned granitic body that grades from an outer hypersolvus granite into subsolvus rapakivi granite, and then into subsolvus non-rapakivi granite, with gradational contacts between these zones. The pluton is partially surrounded by a zone of basaltic and gabbroic enclaves, interpreted as quenched magmatic droplets and mushes, respectively, as well as gabbroic xenoliths, all hosted by high-silica granite. The granite is zoned in terms of mineral assemblage, mineral composition, zircon crystallization temperature, and major and trace element concentration, from the present-day rim (interpreted as being closer to the base of the chamber) to the core (interpreted as being closer to the upper portions of the chamber). The ferromagnesian mineral assemblage systematically changes from augite and hornblende with augite cores in the outermost hypersolvus granite to hornblende, to hornblende and biotite, and finally, to biotite only in the subsolvus granite core of the pluton. Sparse fine-grained basaltic enclaves that are most common in the outermost zone of the pluton suggest that basaltic magma was present in the lower portions of the magma chamber at the same time that the upper portions of the magma chamber were occupied by a granitic crystal mush. However, the slight variations in initial Nd isotopic ratio in granites from different zones of the pluton suggest that contamination of the granitic melt by basaltic melt played little role in generating the compositional gradation of the pluton. The zone of basaltic and gabbroic chilled magmatic enclaves, and gabbroic xenoliths, hosted by high-silica granite, that partially surround the pluton is interpreted as mafic layers at the base of the pluton that were disrupted by invading late-stage high-silica magma. These mafic layers are likely to have consisted of basaltic lava layers and basalt that chilled against granitic magma to produce coarse-grained gabbroic mush. Basaltic and gabbroic magmatic enclaves and gabbroic xenoliths are hornblende-bearing, suggesting that their parent melts were relatively hydrous. The water-rich nature of the underplating mafic magmas may have prevented extensive invasion of the granitic magma by these magmas, owing to the much greater viscosity of the granitic magma than the mafic magmas in the temperature range over which magma interaction could have occurred.  相似文献   

对国内外30个实例的汇总表明,所谓"广西型花岗岩"不具备张旗(2014)所认为的岩石学和地球动力学意义。富Sr和Yb的"广西型花岗岩"在岩性包含了中性岩、酸性岩和过碱性岩,绝大多数具有负Eu异常。从岩石组合(系列)方面看,"广西型花岗岩"是钙碱性系列、碱性系列与A型花岗岩的"混杂"。"广西型花岗岩"可以是基性岩浆分离结晶或分离结晶+混染(AFC)、壳源岩石部分熔融等多种成岩机制的产物,斜长石是结晶相或残留相。对不同源岩的失水熔融相图的比较分析表明,花岗岩类的全岩Sr、Yb含量不是指示花岗质岩浆起源压力的可靠指标,张旗提出的以"Sr-Yb"为基础的花岗岩分类没有地球动力学意义。  相似文献   

近代花岗岩研究的回顾   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
近代花岗岩实验和地球化学的研究使花岗岩研究走向一个最终成因和在地构造环境变迁结合的动力学方向。  相似文献   

铌钽矿研究进展和攀西地区铌钽矿成因初探   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
王汾连  赵太平  陈伟 《矿床地质》2012,31(2):293-308
铌钽矿主要产出类型包括伟晶岩型、富Li-F花岗岩型、碱性侵入岩型、碳酸岩型及冲积砂矿型。前2种类型以钽为主,后3种则以铌占主导。铌和钽大多以铌钽独立矿物(铌铁矿、钽铁矿、细晶石、烧绿石等)呈浸染状分布于含矿岩石中,也有部分以类质同象的形式分布于云母、榍石、霓石、钛铁矿等矿物中。关于铌钽矿的富集机制,一些学者认为可由富F-Na和稀有金属(铌、钽等)的花岗质熔体经结晶分异作用形成;另一些学者则根据铌钽矿化与岩石的钠长石化、锂云母化等紧密共生的特点,认为铌钽的富集是岩浆期后流体交代早期形成的花岗岩所致。攀西(攀枝花-西昌)地区的铌钽矿床(化)基本上都是沿着断裂带分布,矿体赋存于印支期碱性岩脉(碱性正长伟晶岩)中,有少数存在于碱性花岗岩中,与区域上邻近的正长岩体及花岗岩体关系密切。其矿石矿物主要为烧绿石、褐钇铌矿等。初步推断,攀西地区的铌钽矿与二叠纪地幔柱活动有关。碱性的正长岩体及花岗岩体与广泛分布的峨眉山玄武岩、辉长岩均是地幔柱岩浆活动的产物,长英质岩体(包括正长岩体和花岗岩体)是富铌钽岩石的母岩体。碱性伟晶岩脉(如炉库和白草地区)是碱性岩浆逐步演化的产物,含矿的碱性花岗岩是花岗质岩浆分异演化的结果。此外,在该地区的铌钽矿床中,铌钽矿物几乎都富集在钠长石化发育的地段,说明后期的热液交代对铌钽的富集也起到了一定作用。因此,攀西地区铌钽的富集是岩浆结晶分异和岩浆期后热液交代共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

研究I型花岗岩中再循环晶的成分和结构特征,对揭示岩浆系统的形成和演化历史以及壳源和幔源岩浆的相互作用具有重要的意义。本文以西秦岭北西段三叠纪过马营复式岩体内的不同造岩矿物为主要研究对象,通过对具有不同结构特征的斜长石"粗晶"和黑云母展开电子探针(EMPA)、LA-ICP-MS微量元素面扫描、原位Sr同位素分析,来探讨含高An斜长石的成因,示踪不同岩浆房端员的属性,约束岩浆演化过程并建立多级岩浆房模型。过马营复式岩体的岩性分为偏铝质花岗岩类和过铝质花岗闪长岩类,两类岩性中均存在An值呈突变的筛状结构斜长石,即高An(72~85)区与低An(20~55)区在同一颗粒中并存,其对应主、微量元素也存在截然变化。与低An区相比,高An区具有高Fe、Mg,高Ba的特征。高钙区斜长石可进一步分为两类,第1类高钙区斜长石(An80-85),和第2类高钙区斜长石(An72-78)。第1类高钙区比第2类高钙斜长石区具有更高的Ca、Al、Fe、Mg、Ba含量。本研究中斜长石晶体存在核高An-边低An与核低An-幔高An-边低An两种不同类型的环带结构,表明其各自的生长过程有所不同。高An区与低An区之间An值跳跃式的变化与对应主、微量元素Fe、Mg、Sr、Ba含量特征均指示斜长石成分差异并非晶内扩散、动力学作用以及物理条件的变化造成的,更可能形成于开放的岩浆系统。本文认为斜长石粗晶为再循环晶,其内部的高An区形成于深部富H2O玄武质岩浆,低An区形成于浅部酸性岩浆房(偏铝质与过铝质)。两种不同高钙区斜长石及其对应的主、微量元素差异指示它们很可能结晶于两批次不同的玄武质岩浆,其中第1类高钙区斜长石的母岩浆相对更富Fe、Mg、Ba。两种玄武质岩浆携带高An斜长石沿岩浆通道向上运移,上升过程熔蚀先前结晶的高An斜长石,将其带入浅部酸性岩浆房后与内部花岗质/花岗闪长质岩浆发生混合。混合之后的岩浆沿高An斜长石残晶边部继续结晶生长,同时高温玄武质岩浆的注入导致浅部岩浆房已结晶的低An斜长石被熔蚀形成筛状结构,随后玄武质岩浆、混合后岩浆依次沿其边部继续生长。我们认为两批次的玄武质岩浆体积较小并未对浅部酸性岩浆房成分造成大的影响。  相似文献   

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