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哀牢山构造带是青藏高原东南缘重要的边界构造带,其内出露的深变质岩系一直被认为是古老的变质基底岩石。利用LA-ICP-MS原位微区分析技术对哀牢山深变质岩系锆石进行U-Pb年龄、微量元素分析。结果表明深变质岩系的原岩有728±8Ma、727±3Ma、231±4Ma的花岗质岩石和其它年龄的碎屑岩,变质时代为27.8~23.7Ma。综合野外地质特征和分析结果,我们认为哀牢山深构造带在晚渐新世27.8~23.7Ma发生了大规模的地壳深熔作用,现今所见深变质岩系是由不同时代、不同岩性的原岩在晚渐新世(27.8~23.7Ma)变质形成,不全是古老的变质基底岩石。深熔过程中熔/流体发生了明显的迁移。哀牢山变质带具有混合岩化特征的岩石很可能是峰期变质作用后减压熔融的产物。晚渐新世地壳深熔作用与左行走滑剪切是哀牢山深变质带折返过程中近似同时发生的两种不同变质表现形式,两者相互影响、相互制约。  相似文献   

对包括额尔齐斯构造带中片麻岩在内的新疆阿尔泰地区中深变质岩石的时代一直存在争议,李天德等将阿尔泰山造山带中大部分中深变质岩划分为古—中元古界克木齐群和新元古代富蕴群,引起了广泛的关注和争议,特别是对位于额尔齐斯构造带中片麻岩的时代问题争议颇多。笔者对该片麻岩采样进行主量元素、微量元素分析及锆石U-PbSHRIMP年龄测定,表明该处片麻岩以正变质岩为主,成分与闪长质、石英闪长质岩石相当,为后碰撞阶段岩浆活动的产物。锆石U-Pb SHRIMP定年结果表明其锆石主要为岩浆锆石,206Pb/238U年龄主要为350~295 Ma,其中10个点构成的谐和年龄为(326±6)Ma,为石炭纪构造—岩浆活动的产物。该片麻岩中没有前寒武纪古老锆石的年龄信息,基本上可以否定该片麻岩形成于前寒武纪的观点,应为晚古生代的产物。结合前人研究成果,认为阿尔泰造山带中深变质岩可能为不同时代的产物。  相似文献   

阿尔泰造山带存在晚古生代斜长 -二长花岗质片麻岩 ,与中级变质岩系相伴生 ,发育十分复杂的深层次褶皱或韧性剪切变形。斜长 -二长花岗质片麻岩的主体矿物组成为 :角闪石、黑云母、长石和石英 ,含有自形的绿帘石、锆石、磷灰石、环带状构造的褐帘石等副矿物。是一套相当于大陆边缘同构造环境的铝中等饱和的英云闪长质 -花岗闪长质 -二长花岗质系列的正变质岩系。钕模式年龄在 14 0 0 Ma~ 180 0 Ma,εNd(t)为正值 ,反映斜长-二长花岗质片麻岩源于年青地壳 ,并不是前寒武纪结晶基底 ,结晶成岩作用和变质变形作用几乎是同时发生的 ,年龄为 35 5 Ma± 5 Ma  相似文献   

阿尔泰北部大面积出露的喀纳斯群为一套巨厚的浅变质陆缘碎屑岩,本次工作系统采集了锆石同位素年龄样品及岩石地球化学样品,其地球化学分析结果显示沉积物来源于被动大陆边缘环境;获得的碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年龄资料中,最年轻的岩浆锆石年龄为(545.8±3.7)Ma,据此可将喀纳斯群的底界定为震旦系;较老的元古代锆石年龄(858±13 Ma及1 800~1 983Ma)暗示了物源区很可能存在前寒武纪大陆地壳基底。  相似文献   

黄亮  王冬兵  王晓林  刘小春  丛峰  朱勋早  方雄 《地球科学》2021,46(11):3861-3879
滇西崇山变质杂岩带位于三江造山带"峰腰"的北段,带内构造挤压变质作用强烈,主体由一套中-深变质岩系(崇山岩群)和晚期花岗岩组成.其中崇山岩群历来被认为是元古代的结晶基底,但至今无精确的年龄依据,其形成时代和构造属性存在较大争议,严重制约了对区域构造演化的认识.对滇西漕涧地区崇山岩群中的岩石组分开展了碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学及岩石地球化学研究,结果显示副变质岩中的锆石均具明显的磨圆特征和较大的岩浆核,其中3件样品的最小一组碎屑锆石年龄分别为366~412 Ma(平均值为395 Ma)、435~508 Ma(平均值为473 Ma)和673~704 Ma(平均值为689 Ma),指示了其原始沉积时代应不早于395 Ma;岩石地球化学表明,副变质岩是一套活动大陆边缘或被动大陆边缘构造背景有关的大陆岛弧碎屑岩,变质基性岩和变质中性岩为同源异相,均具活动大陆边缘的弧火山岩特征.结合副变质岩和两类正变质岩的构造属性相同以及普遍具相互伴生关系的特点,该3类岩石应属同一套地层系统的不同物质组分,崇山岩群主体为一套成岩于晚古生代(236~395 Ma)和形成于陆缘弧环境的火山-沉积地层单元;并与南东侧澜沧增生杂岩的志留纪弧火山岩组合成原-古特提斯洋盆东侧不同时代多岛弧的构造格局.综合研究认为,崇山变质杂岩带内的中-深变质岩系(崇山岩群)不(全)是前人认为的元古代结晶基底建造,应为原-古特提斯洋盆向东俯冲在兰坪-思茅地块西缘形成的一套火山-沉积地层系统;崇山岩群主要由年轻的(晚古生代)地层岩石组成,由于后期遭受中生代和新生代变质变形作用后形成了现今所见的"古老"岩石面貌的中-深变质系.   相似文献   

喀纳斯群为一套巨厚的中低压型浅变质碎屑岩系,主要由片岩、片麻岩、变质砂岩等组成,其形成时代未有统一的认识,致使阿尔泰构造带的构造演化过程争议较大。对喀纳斯群变质岩进行原岩恢复,认为该套变质岩为副变质岩,考虑到变质碎屑岩的成岩物质继承母岩特征和变质程度的影响,利用碎屑岩研究方法对元素地球化学特征进行探讨,显示出喀纳斯群变质碎屑岩原岩形成环境以大陆岛弧为主,兼有活动大陆边缘的特征,CIA、ICV指数反应出原岩经历了相对温暖、湿润的风化作用,成熟度较低。锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,最年轻的锆石年龄集中在(500±3.0)Ma,代表喀纳斯群的上限年龄,认为该套地层形成于晚寒武世晚期之前,为一套形成于大陆岛弧或活动大陆边缘的复理石建造。新元古代青白口纪初期基底裂解事件,暗示着阿尔泰构造带存在前寒武纪大陆地壳基底。  相似文献   

目前塔里木地块东南缘早前寒武纪岩石形成时代和成因机制研究较为薄弱,制约了人们对塔里木大陆地壳形成和早期演化的认识.岩石地球化学及锆石Hf同位素组成表明塔里木地块东南缘安南坝石英闪长片麻岩原岩岩浆为下地壳变玄武岩部分熔融形成,并有少量幔源物质的加入.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果显示石英闪长片麻岩成岩年龄为2 662±12 Ma、2 676±15 Ma,结合已有资料综合说明塔里木东南缘太古宙岩石形成时代主要集中在2.55~2.70 Ga,变质年龄分别为1 980±30 Ma、1 828±20 Ma~2 087±29 Ma,是古元古代中晚期与造山作用有关的岩浆-变质事件的地质记录.石英闪长片麻岩中锆石两阶段模式年龄TDM2为2 954~3 742 Ma,峰值为~3.24 Ga,据此认为~3.2 Ga是塔里木东南缘大陆地壳生长的主要时期,并于2.55~2.70 Ga发生地壳再造,古老地壳再循环可能是该地区新太古代中晚期大陆地壳演化的重要方式.   相似文献   

孟恩陶勒盖岩体侵位于兴蒙造山带晚古生代浅变质岩系内,根据岩石类型划分为中细粒英云闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩3个填图单位,具有典型S型花岗岩的矿物组成和岩石化学特征.花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定结果分别为234±1 Ma和230±1 Ma,时代为中三叠世,代表孟恩陶勒盖岩体的侵位时代.  相似文献   

王舫  刘福来  冀磊  刘利双 《岩石学报》2017,33(9):2975-2985
澜沧群出露于滇西"三江"地区的南段,其主要岩石由遭受低级变质作用改造的泥质岩和基性火山岩组成。这些岩石普遍经历了古特提斯洋的闭合以及随后的洋陆俯冲过程,是研究古特提斯洋俯冲-碰撞过程的重要窗口。但是有关澜沧群的形成时代、物质来源以及形成的构造背景等一系列问题长期以来存在着多种争议。本文对澜沧群中3件石英岩和1件绢云母变质石英砂岩样品中分选出的碎屑锆石进行了阴极发光图像分析和LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究。澜沧群浅变质岩系碎屑锆石具有明显或弱的振荡环带和较高的Th/U比值,表明岩浆成因。年代学分析结果表明,4件浅变质岩石样品均得到了两组主要年龄峰值,分别为530Ma和930Ma、570Ma和915Ma、540Ma和960Ma、570Ma和910Ma。本次研究中碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄主要分布在570~530Ma和960~910Ma。其中,最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄峰值~530Ma,支持了前人认为澜沧群沉积时代为中奥陶纪(462~454Ma)的认识。本研究中澜沧群浅变质岩系碎屑锆石年龄分布特征表明源区可能主要为泛非期和罗迪尼亚超大陆聚合-裂解过程中形成的岩浆岩。碎屑锆石磨圆较好指示其经历了较长距离的搬运。澜沧群浅变质岩系碎屑锆石与羌塘、特提斯喜马拉雅和拉萨地体变沉积岩或地层中碎屑锆石具有相似的年龄分布特征,表明它们可能具有相似的源区。  相似文献   

赵志忠  曾乔  李志 《地质科学》2002,37(4):473-482
阿尔泰山南缘地区东部与西部地壳岩石构造变形特征与变质岩岩石组合显示该区地壳岩石变形可划分出两个不同的构造变形域,不同构造变形域内的构造形迹、构造样式、变质岩组成等方面存在明显差异.整个南缘地区的岩石变形变质呈现出东西分区、南北分带的总体格架,而形成这-构造格架的原因是两个不同构造变形域具有不同的变质基底及不同的岩石变形方式与变形机制.  相似文献   

新疆大陆基底分区模式和主要地质事件的划分   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:38  
在同位素年代学和地球化学研究的基础上,概括了1982~2000年间的同位素年代学和地球化学研究成果,特别是1987~2000年"305"项目的研究成果。展现了近年来对新疆大陆前寒武纪基底同位素年代学研究的新成果塔里木北缘灰色片麻岩锆石U-Pb年龄为2600Ma,西昆仑基底石榴黑云母片麻岩中的锆石U-Pb一致年龄则为 (2048±20)Ma,阿尔金灰色片麻岩锆石U-Pb上交点年龄为(1820±277)Ma,测定了东天山星星峡群片麻岩的锆石U-Pb上交点年龄为(1404±18)Ma,与1986年的结果一致(1400±42)Ma,获得西天山温泉群、那拉提群和木扎尔特群混合岩化片麻岩中锆石U-Pb年龄分别为(821±11)~(798±8)Ma,(882±83)Ma和(707±7)Ma;基于Sm-Nd模式年龄统计结果,将新疆大陆基底分为5个区域,即塔里木大陆太古宙-古元古代(3.2~2.2)Ga基底区,昆仑-阿尔金造山带古元古代基底区(2.0~1.8)Ga,天山古中元古代基底区(2.1~1.7)Ga,准噶尔为年轻地壳基底区(1.4~0.7)Ga和阿尔泰古元古代、中新元古代复合基底区(≤2.6~2.4Ga,1.5~0.9Ga);基于多年研究的积累,并综合了国内外一些可以应用的同位素年代学研究结果,提出以塔里木太古宙大陆地核向南、北逐步增生的新疆大陆地壳基底演化模式;确定了新疆大陆地壳构造演化中15次主要地质事件的时限为(3000~3200)Ma;2800Ma;2600~2500Ma;2200Ma;2000~1700Ma;1400Ma;1000Ma;;800Ma;700~>500Ma;520~480Ma;450Ma;360~300Ma;300~250Ma;210~135Ma;65~5Ma。这些同位素年代学和Nd同位素示踪研究结果无疑将成为进一步探讨新疆大陆地壳构造演化的一些重要依据。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1705-1727
The tectonic nature of metamorphic terranes and their role in orogenesis are problematic. Here we present new U–Pb ages and geochemical data for widespread metamorphic rocks and associated granitoids from Northwest China. Orthogneisses from the metamorphic complexes have crystallization ages of ~457, ~452, and ~526 Ma. One paragneiss (schist) has a maximum depositional age of 312 ± 7 Ma. Three foliated granites were emplaced at ~450, ~349, and ~410 Ma, and all lack inherited Precambrian ages. The metamorphic terranes may have undergone multiple petrotectonic events as revealed by the metamorphic ages. Both the orthogneisses and granitoids show enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare Earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs), which indicate that they formed in a subduction-generated accretionary arc setting. Our study demonstrates that the metamorphic terranes in the Beishan area, originally considered as Precambrian basement with suspected Neoarchaean to Palaeoproterozoic ages, are actually parts of early Palaeozoic arcs. The protoliths were probably metamorphosed arc plutonic and sedimentary rocks. Combined with other studies, we speculate that the Beishan Orogen formed by progressive arc accretion during the latest Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic time. This new interpretation has implications for other high-grade metamorphic terranes within orogens that have been assumed to represent ancient or pre-existing micro-continental blocks. If so, the importance of collision as a mechanism of mountain building has been overestimated, and the accretionary process as a mechanism of continental growth has been underestimated.  相似文献   

对包括青河一带片麻岩在内的阿尔泰地区中深变质岩石的时代一直存在争议.李天德等将阿尔泰山南缘冲乎尔-阿勒泰-青河一带、富蕴库卫-乌洽沟一带、富蕴县城一带的中深变质岩石划归为古-中元古代克木齐群和新元古代富蕴群。引起了广泛的关注和争议。特别是对位于青河县城西南玛因鄂博断裂带中片麻岩的时代问题争议颇多。笔者对该片麻岩采样进行锆石U—Pb SHRIMP年龄测定,虽然未能获得一致的谐和年龄。但不同时段的年龄数据均具有一定的地质意义,大量的前寒武纪古老锆石的年龄信息肯定了阿尔泰地区前寒武纪地层存在的可能.并确定了该片麻岩应形成于晚古生代之前。  相似文献   

形成于印支期的大别造山带和周缘中生代盆地构成了一级源汇系统,其中位于造山带北缘的合肥盆地中生代地层发育,且以盆地南缘出露最好,这为盆山源汇系统研究提供了理想的沉积记录。笔者从合肥盆地南缘采集了10个砂岩样品和1个砾岩样品,进行锆石U/Pb(LA-ICP-MS)定年分析,获得了742个有效年龄(置信度不小于85%),范围为113±3.6-2983 Ma。这些碎屑锆石年龄谱可以被分为5个年龄段: 113-137 Ma,峰值131 Ma;184-273 Ma,峰值226 Ma;274-517.3 Ma,具有2个峰值280 Ma和474 Ma;532-856.6 Ma,具有3个峰值572 Ma、649 Ma和772 Ma;1786-2600 Ma,具有2个峰值2035 Ma和2506 Ma。同时,总结了物源区大别造山带不同单元锆石U-Pb年龄特征。根据锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值,发现这5个年龄段比较准确地记录了物源区地质体,分别是早白垩世的岩浆岩、大别山高压—超高压变质岩、北淮阳的浅变质岩、北大别的正片麻岩和卢镇关群变质岩。根据锆石最小年龄,修正了合肥盆地南缘中生代地层格架,为源汇系统研究确立了时间框架。合肥盆地南缘中生代沉积可以分为4个演化阶段: 晚三叠世瑞替期—早侏罗世辛涅缪斯期、中—晚侏罗世、早白垩世早期和早白垩世晚期,并据此确定了每个阶段主要物源区特征及其时空变化。碎屑锆石U/Pb年龄和Th/U值限定了大别造山带仅存在三叠纪的超高压变质作用,且超高压变质岩折返到地表的最早时间是晚三叠世瑞替期,大别造山带大陆岛弧发育的时间是新元古代。上述研究结果不仅为恢复大别造山带构造古地理做出了新的贡献,而且更为盆山源汇系统研究提供了一个实例。  相似文献   

金沙江中段元古宙变质岩的Sm-Nd同位素年龄报道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝太平 《地质论评》1993,39(1):52-56
金沙江中段的古老变质岩由多期变质的元古宙变质岩石单元组成。利用Sm-Nd同位素方法获得了雄松群二云母片岩全岩同位素等时线年龄1594Ma和1723Ma、2011Ma两组模式年龄。前者代表了成岩年龄,后者代表金沙江中段地层的基底年龄,这与金沙江流域乃至整个华南地壳最初形成的年龄十分相似。表明,川西、藏东地区雄松群变质岩可能属于华南地壳的组成部分。其形成时间应在早元古代或更早的时期内。  相似文献   

 Pb、Sr、Nd同位素体系研究表明沥青与寒武纪、奥陶纪地层中的干酪根具有明显的同位素组成差异,表明来自异源。沥青Pb同位素组成具有明显的幔源与壳幔混合特征,而干酪根显示出壳源特征。沥青与干酪根的Nd同位素组成也存在着明显的差别,反映出老地壳源与新地壳源的明显差别。来自柯坪隆起大湾沟沥青的Nd-Sr同位素体系给出了晚元古的相关等时线,年龄分别为872Ma与1195Ma,可能代表了沥青的最早形成年龄。但来自塔北隆起的沥青其Sm-Nd体系显示出介于大湾沟沥青与干酪根之间的混合相关,表明具有壳源与幔源的二元混合成因。Rb-Sr和Pb-Pb等时线趋向和Pb模式年龄还给出加里东期(~440Ma)和印支期(~250Ma)的原油运移与沥青沉淀年龄信息。Nd模式年龄还表明柯坪-阿克苏地区存在太古宙基底(3.2-2.5Ga).塔里木油藏受深断裂控制。  相似文献   

Eclogites from the deepest structural levels beneath the Semail ophiolite, Oman, record the subduction and later exhumation of the Arabian continental margin. Published ages for this high pressure event reveal large discrepancies between the crystallisation ages of certain eclogite-facies minerals and apparent cooling ages of micas. We present precise U-Pb zircon (78.95 ± 0.13 Ma) and rutile (79.6 ± 1.1 Ma) ages for the eclogites, as well as new U-Pb zircon ages for trondhjemites from the Semail ophiolite (95.3 ± 0.2 Ma) and amphibolites from the metamorphic sole (94.48 ± 0.23 Ma). The new eclogite ages reinforce published U-Pb zircon and Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock isochron ages, yet are inconsistent with published interpretations of older 40Ar/39Ar phengite and Sm-Nd garnet dates. We show that the available U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages, which are in tight agreement, fit better with the available geological evidence, and suggest that peak metamorphism of the continental margin occurred during the later stages of ophiolite emplacement.  相似文献   

The Chinese Altai, as a key portion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), is dominated by variably deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and granitic intrusions. Its Early Paleozoic tectonic setting has been variously considered as a passive continental margin, a subduction-accretion complex, or a Precambrian microcontinent, and two representative competing tectonic models have been proposed, i.e., open-closure versus subduction-accretion. Recent studies demonstrate that the high-grade metamorphic rocks previously considered as fragments of a Precambrian basement have zircon U-Pb ages (predominantly 528 to 466 Ma) similar to those of the widely distributed low-grade metasedimentary rocks named as Habahe Group in the region, and all these meta-sedimentary rocks were dominantly deposited in the Early Paleozoic. Petrological evidence and geochemical compositions further suggest that these meta-sedimentary rocks were probably deposited in an active margin, not a passive continental margin as previously proposed. The detrital zircons of sediments and igneous zircons from granitoids including the inherited ones (mainly 543–421 Ma) mostly give positive ?Hf(t) values, suggesting significant contributions from mantle-derived juvenile materials to the lower crust. A modeling calculation based on zircon Hf isotopic compositions suggests that as much as 84% of the Chinese Altai is possibly made up of “juvenile” Paleozoic materials. Thus, available data do not support the existence of a Precambrian basement, but rather indicate that the Chinese Altai represented a huge subduction-accretion complex in the Paleozoic. Zircon U-Pb dating results for granitoids indicate that magmatism was active continuously from the Early to Middle Paleozoic, and the strongest magmatic activity took place in the Devonian, coeval with a significant change in zircon Hf isotopic composition. These findings, together with the occurrence of chemically distinctive igneous rocks and the high-T metamorphism, can be collectively accounted for by ridge-trench interaction during the accretionary orogenic process.  相似文献   

The Early Caledonian Central Asian Orogenic Belt hosts fragments of continental blocks with Early and Late Precambrian crystalline basement. One of the structures with an Early Precambrian basement was thought to be the Dzabkhan microcontinent, which was viewed as an Early Precambrian “cratonal terrane”. The first geochronologic data suggest that the basement of the Dzabkhan microcontinent includes a zone of crystalline rocks related to Late Riphean tectonism. Geological, geochronological (U-Pb zircon dates), and Nd isotopic-geochemical data were later obtained on the northwestern part of the Dzabkhan microcontinent. The territory hosts the most diverse metamorphic complexes thought to be typical of the Early Precambrian basement. The complexes were determined to comprise the Dzabkhan-Mandal and Urgamal zones of high-grade metamorphic rocks. Gabbrodiorites related to the early metamorphic episode and dated at 860 ± 3 Ma were found in the Dzabkhan-Mandal zone, and the gneiss-granites marking the termination of this episode were dated at 856 ± 2 Ma. The granitoids of the Dzabkhan batholith, whose emplacement was coeval with the termination of the late high-grade metamorphic episode in rocks of both zones, have an age of 786 ± 6 Ma. Similar age values were determined for the granitoids cutting across the Late Precambrian rocks of the Songino and Tarbagatai blocks, which mark the stage when the mature Late Riphean continental crust was formed. The Late Riphean magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the Dzabkhan microcontinent were found out to have Nd model ages mostly within the range of 1.1–1.4 Ga at ?Nd(T) from +1.9 to +5.5. The Nd model age of the metaterrigenous rocks is 2.2?1.3 Ga at ?Nd(T) from ?7.2 to +3.1. The results of our studies provide evidence of convergence processes, which resulted in the Late Riphean (880?780 Ma) continental crust in Central Asia. Simultaneously with these processes, divergence processes that were responsible for the breakup of Rodinia occurred in the structures of the ancient cratons. It is reasonable to suggest that divergence processes within ancient continental blocks and Rodinia shelf were counterbalanced by the development of the Late Riphean continental crust in the convergence zones of its surrounding within established interval.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2046-2064

The Jebel Ja’alan and Qalhat inliers of Oman represent the easternmost exposures in the Arabian peninsula of the Neoproterozoic basement associated with the East African Orogen (EAO) and the assembly of East and West Gondwana. These inliers expose tonalitic gneisses and metasediments intruded by granodiorites and granites of the Ja’alan batholith. Zircons from the gneisses yield U–Pb SIMS ages of ca. 900–880 Ma, which are interpreted as crystallization ages. These represent the oldest magmatic events associated with the closure of the Mozambique Ocean reported to date. Zircon of this age is also the dominant component in the metasediments. The Ja’alan batholith yields ages of ca. 840–825 Ma. Nd isotopes indicate that both the gneisses and the batholith range from juvenile to slightly more evolved, with εNd(t) of +6 to +1.5 interpreted to reflect variable contamination by older, evolved continental material; this is also indicated by >900 Ma detrital zircon from the metasediments. The Nd data also contrast with the uniformly juvenile signature of younger, ca. 840 Ma, rocks of the Marbat region of southern Oman that lie structurally to the west. The Ja’alan and Qalhat inliers thus document eastward increasing age and continental influence, consistent with the progressive development of arc rocks onto the western margin of East Gondwana, although the location and nature of the eastern continental block remain elusive.  相似文献   

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