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鲍立新 《中国岩溶》2012,31(1):87-93
现阶段滑坡稳定计算大多采用拟静力方法中的极限平衡法,也是现行规范中推荐采用的计算方法。对于大多数滑坡持久工况和短暂工况该方法计算结果与地质理论评价结果基本一致,但对地震工况下的多数计算结果则与实际地质分析结果相差甚远。金江滑坡是白鹤滩水电站近坝区的一个巨型滑坡,在对该滑坡进行极限平衡法分析计算时,首先根据《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》(DL5073-2000)土石坝抗震稳定计算中对地震效应的处理方法,计算出滑坡体不同高度上的动态分布系数及相应高度上的水平向地震力和动态分布系数等效值,进而求解出地震力作用于整个滑坡体上的水平加速度折减值,然后再利用该水平加速度折减值进行稳定性计算。结果表明:在地震工况下金江滑坡整体稳定,稳定性系数为1.23~1.45,与实际地质理论分析结果具有较高的一致性,避免了完全按拟静力法计算结果与地质理论分析结果不符的问题出现。   相似文献   

位于近坝库区的茨菇滑坡,在水库正常蓄水后有近1/3坡体浸没于水位面以下,蓄水前后的滑坡稳定性对工程影响很大。滑坡区地质环境条件复杂,滑坡成因机制为弯曲折断-滑移的地质力学模式。本文进行了对滑坡区扰动样滑带土在不同含水率条件下的剪切强度试验,试验结果表明,粘聚力与含水量相关性好,而摩擦系数则变化不大。结合极限平衡及有限元数值计算,对茨菇滑坡在蓄水前后天然、暴雨及地震工况条件下的稳定性进行分析。结果表明蓄水前滑坡处于稳定状态,水库蓄水以后,天然工况及暴雨工况下滑坡仍然处于稳定状态,地震工况下,滑坡的稳定性系数在1.0以下,滑坡可能失稳破坏。  相似文献   

汶川地震区文家沟泥石流成因模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘传正 《地质论评》2012,58(4):709-715
文家沟2008~2010年期间8次泥石流事件是在地震滑坡堆积体上因持续强降雨渗透变形溃决和后续侵蚀产生的,不同于一般的沟谷型和坡面型泥石流。文家沟滑坡堆积体上新生的泥石流沟共冲出松散固体物质总体积约180×104m3,2010年的"8.13"泥石流事件是其中规模最大的一次,冲出的松散固体物质体积约在115×104m3。文家沟泥石流的成因模式是,强降雨过程在滑坡堆积体上先期出现"渗流管涌、暂态壅水、溃决滑塌"的造沟作用模式,后期出现"溯源侵蚀、冲刷刨蚀、侧蚀坍塌、混合奔流(搅拌机)"的扩沟作用模式。2008年的"6.21"和2010年的"7.31"泥石流事件主要起因于前者,其他事件主要起因于后者。松散堆积体因排泄持续降雨入渗的能力不足而造成地下水滞留和水位升高是导致斜坡体稳定性降低的内在原因。当地下水壅高水位面达到水平时,堆积体内渗透动水压力达到最大,堆积斜坡的稳定性最低,成为堆积体表层发生滑塌溃决的临界条件。  相似文献   

该古崩滑体位于拟建水库坝址线上游27.7 km处,体积巨大,水库三个设计蓄水高程均在滑体剪出口之上,且该区属高烈度区,滑体一旦失稳,可能造成涌浪,甚至堵江和堰塞溃坝,影响严重。本文通过对古滑体地质背景、结构特征、变形破坏特征和形成条件分析,确定该滑体属崩滑性质。在漫长地质历史时期,受到较为频繁构造作用,斜坡岩体块裂化较明显,节理切割严重,产生了不利结构面的空间组合,一旦破坏面贯通,则导致斜坡沿着滑面崩滑下座,覆盖到冲洪积物堆积体之上。其稳定性通过定性、定量两方面评价,其中定量计算中,通过试验资料,结合参数反演确定计算参数,利用规范传递系数法和毕肖普法进行计算。评价结果表明,在天然、暴雨、蓄水及水位骤降工况下,滑体均处于稳定状态。而在考虑地震时,其稳定性迅速降低,滑体整体处于基本稳定状态。  相似文献   

大渡河新华古滑坡体成因机制及稳定性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新华古滑坡体位于拟建水电站坝址线上游12km处,体积巨大,水库设计蓄水高程在滑体剪出口之上,且该区属高烈度区,滑体一旦失稳,可能造成涌浪、甚至堵江和堰塞溃坝,影响严重。目前,古滑体有拉裂缝等变形迹象,属滑移拉裂性质,且古滑坡变形属重力蠕滑性质。稳定性评价结果表明,在天然、暴雨、蓄水及水位骤降等工况下,滑体均处于基本稳定状态。而在考虑地震时,其稳定性迅速降低,滑体有可能整体失稳。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, land development activities on hillsides in northern Utah have resulted in a significant increase in landslide activity throughout the region. The majority of recent landslides are shallow and they occurred on cut gentle slopes especially during spring and early summer due to snowmelt induced elevated groundwater tables. The geologic material documented at numerous landslide sites is a soft gray-green completely decomposed Norwood Tuff. The present study addresses the mechanism of a shallow landslide in completely decomposed Norwood Tuff based on field, laboratory and numerical investigations. Detailed slope surface geometry obtained from laser-scan surveys together with strength and stress–strain parameters derived from laboratory triaxial tests on undisturbed samples of completely decomposed Norwood Tuff collected from the landslide site are employed with finite-element modeling to examine the effects of ground surface deformation patterns on the yielding behavior of the slide mass. The numerical results indicate a gradual retreat of the yield zone with progressive landslide deformation, which eventually becomes concentrated within the accumulation zone of the landslide, compared to a well-developed yield zone within the entire slide mass at the onset of landslide movement. Limit equilibrium stability analyses along potential sliding surfaces of extent limited within the yield zone of the displaced slide mass produce lower safety factors than an analysis based on the original sliding surface comprising the entire slide mass.  相似文献   

Based on field investigation of the constituent structure and geological formation of the Maoping landslide, the authors made an in-depth study of the deformation characteristics and triggering mechanism of the reservoir-induced slide through comprehensive analysis of the about 13 years observation data. The Maoping landslide, the largest ancient landslide in Geheyan reservoir, with a volume of 23.5 million m3, is located on the left bank of the Qingjiang River, 66 km upstream of Geheyan dam. In April 1993 reservoir inundation reactivated the landslide, which resulted in relocation of a village of 290 people. Since then the landslide body has been experiencing persistent deformation with an observed maximum displacement of 2841.4 mm up to October 2005. Therefore, further development of deformation of the landslide becomes a great concern for the safety of the reservoir and dam. The analysis results show that the Maoping landslide is an ancient landslide that is an accumulation of several consequent slides along the bank slope and experienced several secondary slumps in its front in later stages. The ongoing deformation of the reactivated landslide is controlled by mechanical properties of materials and hydraulic effects induced by reservoir. The slip process is of creep deformation as a whole, and appears to be attenuating in later stage, which indicates very low possibility of the high-speed slip and integral failure of the slide.  相似文献   

水库蓄水后库岸边坡的稳定性一直是研究的热点,库水位周期性涨落使得坡体内部渗流场发生变化进而影响其应力场,应力场作用于岩土体产生变形,其中水库水位升降速率对滑坡稳定性的影响尤为显著。本文以瀑布沟水电站库区双家坪滑坡为研究对象,在调查分析的基础上,基于非饱和土力学理论,考虑水—土特征曲线与渗透特性,对库水作用下的双家坪堆积体滑坡稳态—瞬态进行渗流场—稳定性数值计算。运用GeoStudio软件中的seep模块模拟库水作用下滑坡体地下水变化,计算出不同库水位升降速率条件下堆积体滑坡内部渗流场的变化并将结果耦合至slope模块中进行稳定性计算,研究结果表明:水位抬升阶段,滑坡的稳定性表现为先升高再降低,且水位抬升速率越大,滑坡稳定性升高后衰减的程度越大;水位下降阶段,滑坡的稳定性表现为先降低再逐渐回升的趋势,且水位下降速率越大,滑坡稳定性下降后再回升的程度越低。该研究结果对于库区地质灾害防灾减灾、监测预警以及水库合理调蓄具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

侧向剪切扰动诱发滑坡是一种新型滑坡类型,深入研究其成因机理,有助于开展滑坡预警工作。2012年6月29日6时20分左右,贵州省岑巩县思旸镇龙家坡山体发生大规模滑坡,300~400万 m3岩土体失稳后堵塞坡下的马坡河,形成20余 m高的堰塞坝及库容达7万余 m3的堰塞湖。笔者在对灾害现场进行详细地质调查的基础上,结合现场调绘、航拍、颗分试验等手段,对龙家坡滑坡的基本特征进行了分析研究,对滑坡发生及成灾原因进行了初步分析。结果表明:滑坡区风化破碎的厚层堆积体、有利的岩层倾向以及前缘临空是滑坡发生的基本条件;滑坡区南侧地下水径排区被堆填大量粉黏土弃渣,不仅为该区斜坡人为增加了巨大推力,还使该区斜坡地下水局部富集。在强降雨条件下,南侧堆积区首先发生滑动,其对主滑体的侧向剪切扰动作用带动主滑区大规模失稳破坏。由此,对这类侧向剪切扰动诱发的滑坡,在进行地质灾害调查和预警时,除了应调查其岩土体特征外,还必须查明其边界条件。  相似文献   

库水位变动是诱发库岸边坡变形失稳的主要因素。为探究库水位变动下倾倒变形岩体破坏后形成的堆积体斜坡的地下水动力作用,以云南澜沧江的苗尾水电站赵子坪滑坡为研究对象,通过现场地质调查和勘探确定了滑坡形态和坡体结构特征;再结合监测数据深入分析了滑坡在地下水动力作用下的变形失稳机制,并基于非饱和土力学理论和有限元法对其失稳机制进行进一步验证。结果显示:赵子坪岸坡为原始倾倒岩体变形破坏后上部强倾倒岩体沿着折断面发生滑动而形成的堆积体斜坡,内部呈层状堆积的片石表明其还保留了部分倾倒岩体的结构特征。水库蓄水后,由于松散的倾倒堆积体为库水渗入坡体创造了良好的条件,地下水位随库水位升高而快速升高,导致孔隙水压力增大而滑坡阻滑段有效应力减小,从而造成稳定性降低,滑坡易沿着由倾倒折断面演化而成的基覆界面发生滑动破坏。  相似文献   

金坪子滑坡是金沙江下游乌东德水电站下游方向距离大坝最近的一处巨型深厚崩坡积碎屑土古滑坡,以Ⅱ区活动部分为研究对象,在大量勘察试验成果以及长达11a的精确监测基础上,分析滑坡岩土体的物理力学性质以及滑坡的长期动态特征,特别是滑坡与降雨和地下水的动态响应关系,并基于Green-Ampt降雨入渗模型研究了降雨直接入渗补给地下水的可能性,利用极限平衡法探讨了理想刚塑性条件下该滑坡所受力的平衡关系,进而分析滑坡的活动机理。研究结果表明,滑坡的长期持续活动是滑带土黏性流变特征的表现,地表和深部位移均表现为牵引活动模式,地表自2005~2016年的平均位移速率为0.19~0.87mm ·d-1,深部以基底滑动为主,不同部位具有不同程度的内部变形。降雨是影响滑坡动态的最主要因素,在理想情况下,降雨很难直接入渗补给滑区地下水,地下水动态变化缓慢,与滑坡活动有一定正相关关系,但作用并不显著。与一些动态特征直接受地下水位影响的浅层低速滑坡不同,金坪子Ⅱ区的活动机理更可能是降雨在滑坡上部一定深度范围内形成暂态饱和区,滑体容重和渗透作用的变化影响了滑坡的动态。  相似文献   

水库库岸稳定一直是工程建设者最为关心的问题之一,特别是坝前库岸稳定更是工程建设需要重点关注,菌扒湾崩塌体是某工程坝前的松散堆积物边坡,其稳定性影响工程建设及蓄水后边坡稳定,本文将论述菌扒湾崩塌体在不同工况下的稳定性问题。  相似文献   

超覆型库岸老滑坡滑床前缘大多发育一砂卵石层,该砂卵石层的强渗透性将影响滑坡渗流场,从而影响滑坡的稳定性.以三峡库区万州中学老滑坡为例,在确定该滑坡中地下水作用模式为承压水含水层作用模式的基础上,假定砂卵石层的4种不同渗透系数,来研究在库水位波动条件下,滑床砂卵石层渗透性对滑坡稳定性的影响.分析表明,超覆型老滑坡砂卵石层的渗透系数不同,滑坡中浸润线也不同,渗透系数越小,浸润线越低,滑坡中地下水相对库水位的滞后效应越明显;库水位上升阶段、高水位运行阶段和下降初期,万州中学老滑坡各级滑坡的稳定性系数随砂卵石层渗透系数k2的增大而减小;库水位稳定在150 m时,老滑坡整体稳定性随k2的增大而增大,k2的变化对次级滑体和三级滑体的稳定性影响不明显.这对于库区老滑坡的复活和监测预警工程有较强的应用价值.  相似文献   

This paper examines hydrodynamic pressure diagrams due to earthquakes acting on distinct configurations of the upstream face of a dam, considering the reservoir length and different bathymetries of the reservoir bottom. Two suitable mathematical models are used to obtain the dynamic pressure on the dam, and the reservoir free surface oscillation. Conceptual mathematical models are proposed to study the impact of a landslide triggered by an earthquake, and its progress into the reservoir. The waves formed when a landslide advances into the reservoir are tested with the help of laboratory results. These waves and their propagation in the reservoir are studied using experimental data and numerical results, including wave-type analyses based on dimensionless parameters. Two distinct 1DH and 2DV numerical models based on different mathematical formulations are tested. A discussion of physical and numerical results is detailed in a general risk context and uncertainty associated with the input data in a deterministic model. Numerical simulations are performed for the upper and lower limits of the sliding mass velocity diagram which is obtained as a result of the intrinsic uncertainty of the stochastic nature of the friction angle. Finally, the findings are discussed and some conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

Due to the periodic rising and falling of the reservoir water level, the rock–soil body of bank slope is constantly changing between the saturated and unsaturated status, which changes the limit equilibrium condition of the slope body, resulting in a large number of dormant landslide reactivation and new landslide generation after water impounding operation of the three gorges reservoir. Based on the long-term monitoring data of pore-water pressure, water content, reservoir water level, rainfall and landslide deformation, the deformation response regularity of Liujiaba landslide under the fluctuating reservoir level combined scenario is studied in this paper. The results show that the landslide deformation is mainly in the lower section affected by the fluctuation of the reservoir water. The slide deformation appears in the mid-early stage of the water level declining and during the running of 175 m water level. The deformation is gradually increasing from a slowly to rapidly stage, then slows down and gradually reduces to a relative stopped state. Considering that the variation of the saturation line in the landslide will be influenced by the water level fluctuation rate, the SEEP and SLOPE modules are used with Geo-studio software for the fluctuant reservoir level and response pattern of landslide deformation analysis. The study can be provided as a reference for landslides study of debris aggradational landslide.  相似文献   

Embedded stabilizing piles are a significant optimization measure for traditional piles used to reinforce slopes or landslides. The determination of the embedded depth of the pile top is essential for engineering design. On the basis of the potential overtop-sliding failure mechanism for a piled slope, the corresponding overall slip surface is assumed to consist of the upper part from the original slip surface of the landslide, and the lower part occurs in the local slide mass upslope of the piles. The imbalanced thrust force method is used to determine the thrust force of the upper slide mass, and a variational calculus method within the framework of limit equilibrium for the lower slide mass is provided to calculate its limit resistance. According to the equilibrium relationship between the thrust force and the limit resistance under a design factor of safety of the piled slope, a closed-form solution to the piled-slope stability is specifically derived. It can quantitatively exhibit the influences of some important factors, including the embedded depth on the factor of safety and the corresponding slip surface of the slope. The analysis results of some practical examples show that the factor of safety decreases nonlinearly as the embedded depth increases. The proposed method can be applied in practical engineering.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the effects of a potential landslide in La Yesca Reservoir, Jalisco-Nayarit, Mexico. The main purpose of the paper is to predict the maximum wave amplitude, wave run-up, and dam overtopping. The landslide is formed by an unstable slope of more than 24 Mm3 that is partially submerged for the range of the reservoir operation levels. The dynamics of the sliding mass were obtained in detail considering that it moves over a pair of failure surfaces with the potential rupture of a third surface. The paper presents results of a physical model of the reservoir based on Froude similitude (scale 1:200). Impulse waves are produced with a solid wedge shape slide as it moves on rails. The movement was calibrated to reproduce the dynamics of the landslide. Also, numerical modelling of the event was performed with a 2D implicit model that solves the two-dimensional shallow water equations. In this case, the impulse waves were generated at each time increment with the variation of the ground elevation (obtained from the dynamics of the landslide) for the mesh points where the landslide passes. The results of both studies are similar.  相似文献   

文章依据滑坡体岩体破碎、地下水丰富、坡体含水量高、滑坡面积大、厚度小、稳定性差等特点,选取青海省麦秀山1^#滑坡为例。结合麦秀山地区的工程地质特点,利用FLAC-3D有限差分程序,基于强度折减法对该滑坡进行了稳定性分析。通过对滑体岩土体强度指标的折减,模拟地下水对岩土体的影响,当边坡的塑性区由坡脚贯通至坡顶、坡体上特征点的位移值产生突变,且无限制的增长时,认为边坡达到临界破坏状态,此时的强度折减系数即为滑坡的稳定系数,同时可得到滑坡失稳破坏的潜在滑动带,以揭示滑坡的失稳破坏机理。分析计算表明:强度折减法不仅能够模拟出滑坡渐进破坏的过程,而且所求得的稳定系数更符合滑坡的实际状态,在滑坡稳定性分析中具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

2008年汶川Ms8.0级强震触发了体积近12×108 m3的大光包滑坡。该滑坡发生于古生代碳酸盐岩地层,滑带地质背景为斜坡内部深埋400 m、最大厚度达5 m的先期层间构造错动带。最新调查表明,该错动带是斜坡内部地下水通道,错动带岩体处于饱和状态。为揭示强震过程与地下水相关的大光包滑坡启动机制,提出了一种具有软弱层带的硬质碳酸盐岩边坡简化模型,将层间构造错动带概化为碳酸盐岩硬层内部软弱层带,采用FLAC3D程序中的流固耦合算法模拟了模型的响应特性。研究结果表明:强震过程中软弱层带上下碳酸盐岩硬层的变形响应时间、波型、大小出现明显差异,上硬层相对于下硬层产生了张离、压缩和剪切3种非协调变形模式,由此对软弱层带产生了振动冲压-张拉和振动剪切动力学行为,饱水软弱层带形成了具有瞬间放大和累积增涨特征的超孔隙水压力。这里将上下硬层差异性变形称为非协调变形,认为非协调变形是软弱层带应力放大成因,推测软弱层带应力瞬间放大以及放大应力长持时作用下的岩体致损是超孔隙水压力激发和累积的成因;强震过程软弱层带超孔隙水压力导致其内有效应力快速降低,使得斜坡前部锁固段应力快速集中,而后被突然剪断,滑坡骤然启动,揭示了强震过程中超孔隙水压力是大光包滑坡启动的主要原因。  相似文献   

剧冲式高速滑坡全程动力学机理分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
剧冲式高速滑坡是具有剧动启程,高速运行,碰撞解体及冲击成坝的高速岩质滑坡。本文根据高山峡谷区大型滑坡坝的形成过程,分析了高速岩质滑坡的临床峰残强降加速机理,滑体势动转化加速机理,空气动力擎托持速机理及滑坡坝冲击夯实机理,论述了其运动学特征。  相似文献   

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