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磷酸盐缓凝剂的优选与水泥复合浆液性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研制了一种以无机聚合物(水玻璃)为速凝剂,以磷酸盐为缓凝剂配制而成的CWP水泥复合浆液。在该复合浆液中,用磷酸二氢铵作缓凝剂效果最好。CWP复合浆液在流变性,塑性强度,稳定性和结石强度上具有优良的性能。  相似文献   

在原硫木质素浆液的基础上,通过加入适量的无机物(D)可以得到一种新型硫木质素复合浆液,与以前的硫木质素液相比,硫木质素复合浆液强度更高,价格更低廉,浆液胶凝时间更易调控,这种性能优良的新型复合浆液在工程中将有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

复杂地层钻进中常用的注浆材料需要良好的时间可控性和固结体强度,因此研制一种可控时间、增加固结体强度、效果良好的注浆浆液是有意义的。针对以上问题,利用正交试验的方法研制了一种复合注浆材料。在不饱和聚酯中添加水泥及引发剂、促进剂使浆液在要求时间内固化,最终配方的固化时间为62 min,抗压强度为32.6 MPa。该浆液作为化学浆液具有可注性好、浆液粘度低、能注入到细微裂隙中的优点,固结体强度高,并且塑性性能良好,由于在浆液中添加了水泥,降低了成本,较之一些化学浆液有一定的优势。  相似文献   

王涛  刘斯宏  郑守仁  鲁洋 《岩土力学》2019,40(4):1420-1426
针对高堆石坝坝体变形大且持续时间长的问题,提出了一种提高堆石体压缩模量、减缓流变变形的方法,即利用易流动、后期硬化的高掺粉煤灰水泥砂浆(简称复合浆液)在堆石体摊铺过程中充填堆石体孔隙,在施工碾压的基础上进一步减小堆石体孔隙率。首先,通过观测复合浆液在透明玻璃球中的流动性态,研究不同配比与掺量对复合浆液流动特性的影响;然后,通过侧限压缩和流变试验,研究掺复合浆液堆石料的压缩模量、流变变形的变化规律。试验结果表明:复合浆液在颗粒体孔隙中的流动性能与粉煤灰掺比、水胶比、砂粒最大粒径以及掺量有关;复合浆液的掺入能有效提高堆石料压缩模量,减少流变变形,且对于软岩料、级配不良料效果更为明显;复合浆液在堆石料中主要起到了充填、胶结与润滑作用。  相似文献   

为满足深部钻孔防漏、堵漏需求,提出采用具有吸水膨胀特性的丙烯酸高吸水膨胀树脂作为堵漏材料。首先研究了树脂的膨胀堵漏机理;其次通过室内实验,测定其基本性能,如吸水倍数、抗温抗盐性能等,并通过堵漏材料测定仪评价其堵漏性能;最后采用玻璃纤维及硅烷偶联剂作为复合堵漏强化材料进行堵漏实验研究。试验结果表明,丙烯酸高吸水膨胀树脂具有高吸水和良好的抗温保水性能,作为堵漏材料对漏层具有即堵性,但吸水后凝胶强度较低,承压能力较差;采用有机处理剂处理玻璃纤维-树脂复合堵漏材料,极大提高了封堵层承压能力,堵漏效果良好。  相似文献   

王胜  华绪  徐世桐  汪靖扉 《探矿工程》2016,43(10):63-67
普通硅酸盐-硫铝酸盐复合水泥浆液在地质灾害快速治理工程中具有广阔的应用前景,但复合浆液的流变特性直接影响到应用效果。采用理论分析与试验相结合的方法对不同配合比的普通硅酸盐-硫铝酸盐复合水泥浆液的流变特性进行了研究。根据试验结果绘制了复合水泥浆液的剪切应力-剪切速率变化曲线;通过测定浆液的表观粘度随时间的变化情况分析了水泥浆液粘度的时变特性。试验结果表明,水灰比对复合水泥浆液的流型有较明显的影响,减水剂对浆液的流型无明显影响,但对浆液的流变参数的数值影响较大,研究结果对于工程应用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

超强吸水性蒙脱石/聚丙烯酸钠复合材料的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以蒙脱石和丙烯酸为原料,采用溶液聚合法合成了超强吸水性蒙脱石/聚丙烯酸钠复合材料,优化了该复合材料吸自来水性能的配方,即蒙脱石添加量为30%,单体的中和度为70%.交联剂用量为0.10%,引发剂用量为0.15%,在此配方下制备的复合材料吸蒸馏水倍率为420g/g,吸自来水倍率为220g/g,吸生理盐水倍率为55g/g,凝胶强度215g/cm^2。同时,该复合材料具有聚合反应便于控制且不粘容器、吸水倍率高、抗盐性能好、凝胶强度大、成本大幅度降低的优点,可广泛应用于农林园艺、生态环境治理等领域作保水剂。  相似文献   

以微晶白云母的超细粉体与丙烯酸为主要原料,采用溶液聚合法制备微晶白云母/聚丙烯酸钠超强吸水性复合材料,优化该复合材料吸自来水性能的配方,即中和度100%,丙烯酰胺用量30%,交联荆用量0.04%,白云母用量60%,引发荆用量0.40%;在此配方下制备的复合材料.吸蒸馏水倍率为420g/g,吸自来水倍率为220g/g,吸生理盐水倍率为55g/g。XRD、SEM分析表明,白云母在复合过程中没有发生结构的变化,在复合材料中均匀分散。同时,该复合材料具有反应便于控制且不粘容器、抗盐性能好、凝胶强度高,特别是白云母可添加60%,丙烯酰胺用量30%,使成本大幅降低。该产品可广泛应用于农林因艺、生态环境治理等领域作保水剂。  相似文献   

针对高堆石坝坝体变形大且持续时间长的问题,提出了一种提高堆石体压缩模量、减缓流变变形的方法,即利用易流动、后期硬化的高掺粉煤灰水泥砂浆(简称复合浆液)在堆石体摊铺过程中充填堆石体孔隙,在施工碾压的基础上进一步减小堆石体孔隙率。首先通过观测复合浆液在透明玻璃球中的流动性态,研究不同配比与掺量对复合浆液流动特性的影响;然后通过侧限压缩和流变试验,研究掺复合浆液堆石料的压缩模量、流变变形的变化规律。试验结果表明:复合浆液在颗粒体孔隙中的流动性能与粉煤灰掺比、水胶比、砂粒最大粒径以及掺量有关;复合浆液的掺入能有效提高堆石料压缩模量,减少流变变形,且对于软岩料、级配不良料效果更为明显;复合浆液在堆石料中主要起到了充填、胶结与润滑作用。  相似文献   

针对高堆石坝坝体变形大且持续时间长的问题,提出了一种提高堆石体压缩模量、减缓流变变形的方法,即利用易流动、后期硬化的高掺粉煤灰水泥砂浆(简称复合浆液)在堆石体摊铺过程中充填堆石体孔隙,在施工碾压的基础上进一步减小堆石体孔隙率。首先通过观测复合浆液在透明玻璃球中的流动性态,研究不同配比与掺量对复合浆液流动特性的影响;然后通过侧限压缩和流变试验,研究掺复合浆液堆石料的压缩模量、流变变形的变化规律。试验结果表明:复合浆液在颗粒体孔隙中的流动性能与粉煤灰掺比、水胶比、砂粒最大粒径以及掺量有关;复合浆液的掺入能有效提高堆石料压缩模量,减少流变变形,且对于软岩料、级配不良料效果更为明显;复合浆液在堆石料中主要起到了充填、胶结与润滑作用。  相似文献   

This laboratory project aims to investigate the influence of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) grout injection on sandy soil improvement. In order to make the polymeric material injectable through the soil particles, adhesive polymer is mixed with water in certain weight percentages. Fine grained sand with different dry densities in its loose, medium and dense state, is prepared in a cylindrical mould and subjected to this polymeric grout injection. Unconfined compression tests are conducted on grouted samples after passing their curing period. Results illustrate that increasing the polymer percent in grout leads to significant compressive strength and elastic modulus enhancement. On the other hand, by increasing grout concentration, loose sand demonstrated higher compressive strength and elastic modulus improvement in comparison with medium and dense sand.  相似文献   

Borehole extensometers are commonly utilized in field monitoring programs to measure settlement. In order to secure the targets of the extensometer, the borehole is typically backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. In the absence of standards for grout mix designs and due to non-universality of the properties of the backfilling grout, the accuracy of settlement furnished by borehole extensometers may be questionable. A preliminary parametric study was conducted to investigate the influence of grout stiffness on settlement measurements using borehole extensometers. The finite element program ABAQUS was used to model a borehole extensometer installed in an isotropic homogeneous elastic soil layer of a finite depth subjected to a uniform surface surcharge. Effect of the grout?Csoil elastic moduli ratio, soil/grout interface parameters (friction angle and shear strength), and extensometer embedment depth were investigated. Soil/grout interface behavior was assumed to comply with the elastic-perfectly plastic Coulomb friction model. The mechanism of measuring settlement using borehole extensometers was studied. The numerical study revealed that minimum errors in settlement can be obtained if the grout?Csoil elastic moduli ratio is made equal to about 1.0. Depending on the grout?Csoil moduli ratio, larger grout/soil interface friction angle and interface shear strength are generally associated with smaller settlement errors. Compared to fully embedded extensometers, partial embedment yields smaller settlement errors for grout?Csoil moduli ratio significantly above unity. In view of the findings of this preliminary parametric study, it is suggested to adopt the grout?Csoil moduli ratio in conjunction with grout compressive strength as the controlling criterion rather than the grout compressive strength only (current standard of practice). Additionally, it is evident that cement-bentonite grout mix should be carefully designed as part of the settlement monitoring programs to match the expected deformability (stiffness) of the soil mass under consideration. Future laboratory, field and numerical studies are needed to investigate more complex soil stratifications and to evaluate the behavior of various grout mixes.  相似文献   

An important design parameter in cement-grouted soil nailed structures is the shear strength at the interface between the grouted nail and the surrounding soil. Both field and laboratory pull-out tests are normally used to investigate this interface shear strength. However, these tests have some limitations. In this study, direct shear box tests are adopted to investigate the interface shear strength behaviour between a completely decomposed granite (CDG) soil and a cement grout plate. Tests were carried out in a large direct shear test apparatus over a range of constant normal stress, soil moisture content, and soil–cement grout interface surface waviness. The laboratory test procedures are briefly described and the main test results are presented, followed by a discussion of the shear behaviour of the soil–cement grout interface. The interface shear behaviour is compared with the shear strength behaviour of the same soil tested under comparable conditions. It is shown that the shear stress–displacement behaviour of the soil–cement grout interface is similar to that of the soil alone. The test results indicate that the interface shear strength of the CDG and cement grout material depends on the normal stress level, the soil moisture content, and the interface surface waviness.  相似文献   

岩溶突水治理浆材的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李利平  李术才  崔金声 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3642-3648
以深部地下工程的加固和高压突水治理为研究对象,对一种新型化学注浆材料的化学反应封堵机制进行了可行性分析,并针对化学浆液的流动性、渗透性、抗冲刷性以及固结体的强度、水质毒理等因素进行了室内试验研究,详细地分析了浆液的物理化学特征,给出了浆液最佳配比值以及相应的性能指标。结合高压突水工程实例,开展现场注浆封堵试验,检验浆材用于突水封堵治理的可行性,并与超细水泥、水泥-水玻璃、尿醛树脂等常见注浆材料的封堵效果进行对比。试验结果表明:该化学浆液具有反应块、强度高、抗冲刷性强、无毒以及良好的渗透性和遇水膨胀功能,在现场应用中表现出良好的可控性和可泵性以及理想的注浆效果,与水泥类和一些常用化学浆材相比,具有运输快捷、配料方便、工艺简单的优点,所得结论对后续研究具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

邱浩浩 《地质与勘探》2020,56(6):1272-1277
黏土水泥浆材是采空区处治的优选注浆材料,但目前关于优化浆材配比的研究较少。针对毕威高速公路水塘隧道出口段采空区处治工程,提出采用黏土水泥浆液进行注浆处理,并进行室内试验研究,得到了不同配比浆液的凝结时间、结石率、结石密度、结石体抗压强度、渗透系数及冲蚀率等性能指标。试验结果表明,固相比较低的浆液凝结时间较短,抗压强度较高,渗透系数较大;随原浆比重增加,浆液的凝结时间缩短,强度提高且渗透系数降低;偏铝酸钠可有效缩短浆液的凝结时间;最终确定了黏土水泥浆材的配比和原浆比重。本次研究可为高速公路下伏采空区的注浆治理提供设计依据。  相似文献   

An elasto‐viscoplastic model is formulated using composite element technique for the bonded anchorage head of stranded wire cable in rock mass. This composite element contains sub‐elements corresponding to the rock material, the grout material, the stranded wire material, the rock/grout interface, and the grout/stranded wire interface, respectively. The displacement in each aforementioned sub‐element is interpolated from the corresponding nodal displacements of the composite element. In this manner, the mesh generation taking into account of tension cable anchors may be highly facilitated. By the application of the virtual work principle, the governing equation for solving the nodal displacements of the composite element is established. The proposed model has been incorporated into the conventional finite element algorithm and implemented in the program CORE3, in which the anchorage head is embedded within the composite elements. The comparative study concerning the pull‐out test has been carried out for the validation of the proposed model and algorithm. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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