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Deepwater oil and gas exploration has become a global hotspot in recent years and the study of the deep waters of marginal seas is an important frontier research area.The South China Sea(SCS)is a typical marginal sea that includes Paleo SCS and New SCS tectonic cycles.The latter includes continental marginal rifting,intercontinental oceanic expansion and oceanic shrinking,which controlled the evolution of basins,and the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the deepwater basins on the continental margin of the northern SCS.In the Paleogene,the basins rifted along the margin of the continent and were filled mainly with sediments in marine-continental transitional environments.In the Neogene–Quaternary,due to thermal subsidence,neritic-abyssal facies sediments from the passive continental margin of the SCS mainly filled the basins.The source rocks include mainly Oligocene coal-bearing deltaic and marine mudstones,which were heated by multiple events with high geothermal temperature and terrestrial heat flow,resulting in the generation of gas and oil.The faults,diapirs and sandstones controlled the migration of hydrocarbons that accumulated principally in a large canyon channel,a continental deepwater fan,and a shelf-margin delta.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is an important area for studying the evolution of continental marginal basins in the northern South China Sea (SCS), but the structural variability and spatiotemporal rifting process remains poorly understood. This study investigates the differential structural features of the eastern, middle and western PRMB, as well as the extensional deformation laws in operation during the rifting stage, according to an integrated analysis of geometric characteristics and kinematic parameters, i.e., horizontal displacement and stretching factors of basin and crust. The PRMB underwent at least three phases of intense extension, which varied in time and space. (1) During the middle Eocene, most sags in the PRMB were intensely stretched and high-angle planar to listric boundary faults controlled the wedge-shaped stratigraphic geometry. (2) During the late Eocene-to-early Oligocene, the stratigraphic geometry of the sags was slightly wedge-shaped and continuously controlled by boundary faults, however, the extensional strength decreased relatively in the Northern depression zone, but increased in the Southern depression zone. (3) During the late Oligocene, the extension was extremely weak in the northeast PRMB, but relatively strong in the southwest PRMB, leading to tabular stratigraphic geometry in the northeast PRMB, but localized slightly wedge-shaped stratigraphic geometry in the southwest. The southwest PRMB still underwent relatively strong extension during the early Miocene. The southwest PRMB that was induced by a small-scale localized mantle convection system constantly rifted during the late Oligocene, controlled by the weak lithosphere, westward (southwestward) diachronous opening and southward jump of the ocean ridge. The applied quantitative parameters and spatiotemporal rifting process may be used as a reference with which to study the segmented continental margin rifts.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution history of the South China Sea(SCS) is important for understanding the interaction between the Pacific Tectonic Domain and the Tethyan Tectonic Domain,as well as the regional tectonics and geodynamics during the multi-plate convergence in the Cenozoic.Several Cenozoic basins formed in the northern margin of the SCS,which preserve the sedimentary tectonic records of the opening of the SCS.Due to the spatial non-uniformity among different basins,a systematic study on the various basins in the northern margin of the SCS constituting the Northern Cenozoic Basin Group(NCBG) is essential.Here we present results from a detailed evaluation of the spatial-temporal migration of the boundary faults and primary unconformities to unravel the mechanism of formation of the NCBG.The NCBG is composed of the Beibu Gulf Basin(BBGB),Qiongdongnan Basin(QDNB),Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB) and Taixinan Basin(TXNB).Based on seismic profiles and gravity-magnetic anomalies,we confirm that the NE-striking onshore boundary faults propagated into the northern margin of the SCS.Combining the fault slip rate,fault combination and a comparison of the unconformities in different basins,we identify NE-striking rift composed of two-stage rifting events in the NCBG:an early-stage rifting(from the Paleocene to the Early Oligocene) and a late-stage rifting(from the Late Eocene to the beginning of the Miocene).Spatially only the late-stage faults occurs in the western part of the NCBG(the BBGB,the QDNB and the western PRMB),but the early-stage rifting is distributed in the whole NCBG.Temporally,the early-stage rifting can be subdivided into three phases which show an eastward migration,resulting in the same trend of the primary unconformities and peak faulting within the NCBG.The late-stage rifting is subdivided into two phases,which took place simultaneously in different basins.The first and second phase of the early-stage rifting is related to back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.The third phase of the earlystage rifting resulted from the joint effect of slab-pull force due to southward subduction of the proto-SCS and the back-arc extension of the Pacific subduction retreat system.In addition,the first phase of the late-stage faulting corresponds with the combined effect of the post-collision extension along the Red River Fault and slab-pull force of the proto-SCS subduction.The second phase of the late-stage faulting fits well with the sinistral faulting of the Red River Fault in response to the Indochina Block escape tectonics and the slab-pull force of the proto-SCS.  相似文献   

通过对南海西北次海盆新获得的地震资料进行综合解释和层序地层分析,揭示了海盆中的沉积对构造演化阶段的响应。始新世-早渐新世陆缘裂陷期,盆地以对称裂谷形式,发育地堑裂谷层序,沉积以近物源为特征,相变大,发育了冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖相沉积,沉积体系的配置受同沉积断裂控制明显,快速沉降和充分的物源供给决定了沉积体系的构成特征。晚渐新世海底扩张期,岩石圈破裂,陆缘进一步拉开并开始海底扩张,出现海相沉积,来自陆坡的陆架边缘三角洲越过陆坡进入海盆,在海盆内沉积了一套向海盆中部逐渐减薄的楔状地层,并伴有大量的火山碎屑沉积物。早-中新世以来热沉降期,随着构造沉降增大,相对海平面总体不断上升,进入深水盆地,形成陆架陆坡体系,大量的碎屑物质以重力流、深水底流等深水作用方式进入海盆;沉降晚期陆架-陆坡物源供应减弱,琼东南中央峡谷成为其主要的物质供应来源通道,在此期间二次海平面下降、回升的综合作用下,海盆内发育了多期以下切水道为特征的低水位域沉积体系。  相似文献   

南海地质构造与油气资源   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
文章对南海海盆的边缘构造、盆内的断裂构造以及岛弧与弧后盆地的构造特征进行了论述。指出南海海盆喜马拉雅期构造层、基底及盖层特点。根据陆缘扩张观点将珠江口盆地的沉积盖层在扩张型陆缘演化阶段划分为第1扩张旋回(K2-E13)、第2扩张旋回(E23-N11)和第3扩张旋回(N21),上述3个旋回控制着生、储.盖的分布。东沙断隆亦是如此。南沙断块区的礼乐断块盆地以及曾母地堑带的曾母地堑盆地和万安地堑盆地均具有含油气远景。  相似文献   

南海北部珠江口—琼东南盆地白垩系—下渐新统记录了华南大陆边缘从主动陆缘向被动陆缘的转换过程。基于盆地构造-地层、单井相、地震相等特征的综合分析,结合南海中南部的沉积环境和区域构造演化,探讨南海北部白垩纪—渐新世早期的沉积环境演变及构造控制背景。研究发现: (1)南海北部白垩系广泛分布,古新统分布极为有限; 始新世早-中期,琼东南盆地只在部分凹陷深部发育了小规模的滨浅湖相和扇三角洲相沉积,珠江口盆地白云凹陷以大规模发育的湖泊相为特征; 始新世晚期—渐新世早期,琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地白云凹陷都受到海侵作用的影响,以海岸平原相和滨浅海相为主。 (2)构造演变包括5期:包括白垩纪安第斯型大陆边缘的“弧—盆”体系发育期,古新世区域隆升剥蚀山间盆地发育期,始新世早-中期裂陷发育,始新世晚期—渐新世早期陆缘破裂期,渐新世晚期东部海盆稳定扩张期。最后,探讨了南海盆地中生代末/新生代初的动力学转换过程及特征。  相似文献   

东非陆缘深水盆地具有巨大油气资源潜力,但对陆坡峡谷沉积特征研究较少,制约有利储集层预测。本研究利用三维地震资料,对东非坦桑尼亚滨海盆地陆坡峡谷开展精细研究。结果表明:(1)研究区陆坡发育多条大型海底峡谷;上陆坡处,坡度较陡,峡谷内以侵蚀作用为主,沉积物主要局限在褶皱推覆带的翼部;褶皱推覆带之外的下陆坡区,坡度变缓,峡谷末端发育席状砂质沉积及砂泥混杂的碎屑流沉积,同时在峡谷北侧发育向北延伸的泥质漂积体;在陆坡边缘,发育海底滑塌,形成块体搬运沉积。(2)峡谷沉积受陆源物质供给、褶皱推覆带、北大西洋底流以及陆坡边界断层等因素控制。受东非裂谷海域分支活动影响,研究区陆架窄、陆坡陡,陆源物质可迅速通过陆架,进入陆坡峡谷:与河流相连的峡谷,物源充足、规模较大,有沉积物发育而没有与河流直接相连的峡谷物源有限、规模较小,峡谷内无明显沉积;褶皱推覆带通过改变海底地形来控制峡谷内沉积分布,褶皱翼部发育沉积,核部则以侵蚀为主;褶皱推覆带外,北大西洋底流与峡谷末端重力流发生交互作用,细粒物质被搬运至峡谷北岸形成漂积体;陆坡边缘断层活跃,峡谷被断层切割,形成断崖,并引发海底滑塌,陆坡处不发育水道及朵体沉积,陆源物质通过峡谷被搬运至更深的深海盆地内。  相似文献   

张裂陆缘作为威尔逊旋回中关键的一环,是研究地球板块构造及其演化过程的重要构造单元.本文阐述了3种类型张裂陆缘(富岩浆型、贫岩浆型和中间型)的地壳结构特征,总结了它们的演化过程与机制,分析表明构造作用、岩浆活动程度、先存结构等是形成不同类型张裂陆缘的主要控制因素.针对南海北部陆缘复杂的构造属性与演化机制问题,提出了今后重点研究方向:南海北部陆缘是否同时具有贫岩浆型与富岩浆型的部分特征;南海北部陆缘丰富的岩浆活动与蛇纹石化地幔剥露能否共存.在南海北部陆缘同时开展三维深地震探测、物理模拟和数值模拟几种手段联合研究,相互约束,共同验证,是建立科学可信的张裂-破裂机制地质模型的必要途径.   相似文献   

大陆解体与被动陆缘的演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
火山型被动陆缘是大陆解体过程中形成的一类陆缘类型,其演化过程与活动陆缘一样复杂多变。随着近年来对大陆解体过程与被动陆缘演化的深入研究,对其沉积过程、岩浆活动以及变质作用研究都有了很大的进展。陆壳减薄解体的过程有许多不同的模式,不对称的简单剪切模式可能是火山型被动陆缘的成因,其机制是软流圈隆起的最大位置从剖面上看与地壳减薄最大位置不在一条垂线上,造成软流圈上升的岩浆在解体的大陆一侧形成火山型被动陆缘。被动陆缘的沉积建造由两套沉积物组成,一套是大陆解体的裂谷阶段所形成的陆相沉积物和双模式火山岩组合,另一套是稳定陆缘的复理石组合;岩浆作用中基性岩类反应了物质直接源于上地幔的主要特点,并有部分受到地壳混染的特征;变质作用中高温低压环境主要发生在裂谷作用阶段,其特点反映了大陆解体过程中随着时间的增温和减压过程,而拆离伸展阶段则被脆性变形所代替。  相似文献   

火山型被动陆缘是大陆解体过程中形成的一类陆缘类型,其演化过程与活动陆缘一样复杂多变。随着近年来对大陆解体过程与被动陆缘演化的深入研究,对其沉积过程、岩浆活动以及变质作用研究都有了很大的进展。陆壳减薄解体的过程有许多不同的模式,不对称的简单剪切模式可能是火山型被动陆缘的成因,其机制是软流圈隆起的最大位置从剖面上看与地壳减薄最大位置不在一条垂线上,造成软流圈上升的岩浆在解体的大陆一侧形成火山型被动陆缘。被动陆缘的沉积建造由两套沉积物组成,一套是大陆解体的裂谷阶段所形成的陆相沉积物和双模式火山岩组合,另一套是稳定陆缘的复理石组合;岩浆作用中基性岩类反应了物质直接源于上地幔的主要特点,并有部分受到地壳混染的特征;变质作用中高温低压环境主要发生在裂谷作用阶段,其特点反映了大陆解体过程中随着时间的增温和减压过程,而拆离伸展阶段则被脆性变形所代替。  相似文献   

Oblique-shear margins are divergent continental terrains whose breakup and early drift evolution are characterized by significant obliquity in the plate divergence vector relative to the strike of the margin. We focus on the Rio Muni margin, equatorial West Africa, where the ca. 70-km-wide Ascension Fracture Zone (AFZ) exhibits oblique–slip faulting and synrift half-graben formation that accommodated oblique extension during the period leading up to and immediately following whole lithosphere failure and continental breakup (ca. 117 Ma). Oblique extension is recorded also by strike–slip and oblique–slip fault geometry within the AFZ, and buckling of Aptian synrift rocks in response to block rotation and local transpression. Rio Muni shares basic characteristics of both rifted and transform margins, the end members of a spectrum of continental margin kinematics. At transform margins, continental breakup and the onset of oceanic spreading (drifting) are separate episodes recorded by discrete breakup and drift unconformities. Oceanic opening will proceed immediately following breakup on a rifted margin, whereas transform and oblique-shear margins may experience several tens of millennia between breakup and drift. Noncoeval breakup and drift have important consequences for the fit of the equatorial South American and African margins because, in reconstructing the configuration of conjugate continental margins at the time of their breakup, it cannot be assumed that highly segmented margins like the South Atlantic will match each other at their ocean–continent boundaries (OCBs). Well known ‘misfits’ in reconstructions of South Atlantic continental margins may be accounted for by differential timing of breakup and drifting between oblique-shear margins and their adjacent rifted segments.  相似文献   

新生代以来南中国海的多幕旋回运动形成了其北部陆坡性质各异、演化有别的多个陆缘沉积盆地。依据各盆地新生界发育特征、主干地震剖面及钻井资料对南海北部的相对海平面变化与沉积环境进行系统分析,采用年代地层对比的方法探讨南海北部构造演化序列与海陆变迁规律的内在联系,再现了南海北部陆缘新生代的海陆变迁过程,从而建立了南海北部陆缘裂谷盆地、走滑拉分盆地和陆内裂谷盆地的构造—沉积充填一体化模式。新生代海平面整体呈上升趋势,古近纪各盆地以陆相河流、粗粒三角洲湖相沉积为主;而新近纪主要发育滨浅海及三角洲相,呈现出明显的早陆后海的规律。靠近陆地一侧的陆内裂谷盆地北部湾盆地海侵最晚,其古近系充填厚度明显大于新近系,以发育近源扇三角洲为特色;而靠近海域一侧的走滑拉分盆地(莺歌海盆地)则以新近纪海相沉积占优势;陆缘裂谷盆地(琼东南与珠江口盆地)古近纪陆相与新近纪海相相对均衡发育,发育大型三角洲与碳酸盐岩台地。不同盆地的沉积充填特征主要受构造运动与海侵规模控制,并由此奠定了不同盆地的资源前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a sedimentary and structural analysis that together with maps, sections and new Ar/Ar data enable to describe the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Mauléon hyper-extended rift basin exposed in the W-Pyrenees. Hyper-extension processes that ultimately resulted in exhuming mantle rocks are the result of the subsequent development of two diachronous detachment systems related to two evolutional stages of rifting. An initial Late Aptian Early Albian crustal thinning phase is first recorded by the development of a crustal necking zone controlled by the north-vergent Southern Mauléon Detachment system. During a subsequent exhumation phase, active faulting migrates to the north with the emplacement of the Northern Mauléon detachment system that exhumed north section thinned continental crust and mantle rocks. This diachronous crustal thinning and exhumation processes are also recorded by the diachronous deposition of syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts above the two supra-detachment sub-basins. Syn-tectonic sedimentary tracts record the progressive exhumation of footwall rocks along detachment systems. Tectonic migration from the southern to the northern Mauléon Detachment system is recorded by the coeval deposition of “sag” deposits above the necking zone basin and of syn-tectonic tracts above exhumed rocks north section. Located on a hanging-wall situation related to the Mauléon hyper-extension structures, the Arzacq Basin also records a major crustal thinning phase as shown by its subsidence evolution so as by deep seismic images. The absence of major top-basement structures and its overall sag morphology suggest that crustal thinning processes occurred by decoupled extension of lower crustal levels contrasting with the Southern Mauléon Detachment system. Reconciling observations from the Mauléon and Arzacq Basins, we finally propose in this paper that they were the result of one and the same asymmetric crustal thinning and exhumation processes, where extension is accommodated into the upper crust in the Mauléon Basin (lower plate basin) and relayed in ductile lower crust below the Arzacq Basin (upper plate basin).  相似文献   

匡增桂  郭依群 《地球科学》2011,36(5):914-920
广州海洋地质调查局自2000年以来在南海北部陆坡区相继开展了多个航次的天然气水合物资源的调查及研究工作, 取得了非常丰富的地震资料.在对这些地震资料精细解释的基础上, 识别出了6种典型的地震相: 透镜状前积相、丘状前积相、V字型充填相、席状平行相、底辟—气烟囱状杂乱相、丘状杂乱相; 并由此分析出3种类型的沉积相: 深水浊积相、滑塌相、峡谷水道相.结合似海底反射(BSR) 在研究区范围内的分布, 研究BSR与各沉积相之间的空间位置关系, 由此分析出了3种水合物成藏模式: 断层沟通浊积扇体成藏模式、断层沟通峡谷水道成藏模式、断层沟通峡谷水道及滑塌扇体成藏模式.   相似文献   

郄文昆  王向东 《地质科学》2012,(4):1071-1084
通过分析石炭纪-早二叠世滇黔桂盆地北缘深水区的地层序列和沉积特征,探讨沉积演化过程及其控制因素。研究区深水地层序列包括下述的9个岩石地层单元:鹿寨组(C1lz)、巴平组(C1bp)、下如牙组(C1xr)、上如牙组(C1sr)、王佑组(C1w)、睦化组(C1m)、打屋坝组(C1dw)、南丹组(C1-P1nd)和船埠头组(C1c),并且可以识别出4种主要的深水沉积相:台间盆地相、斜坡相、深水陆棚相和台前斜坡相,以砂岩、碳质页岩、硅质泥岩、硅质岩、钙屑碎屑岩、泥晶灰岩和白云质灰岩为主要特征,与桂西南深水盆地的差别显著。依据地层序列和沉积组合的时空分布特征,可以将石炭纪-早二叠世滇黔桂盆地北缘深水区的沉积演化划分为3个阶段: 1)裂谷作用强烈期(早石炭亚纪汤耙沟期早期); 2)裂谷作用减弱期(早石炭亚纪汤耙沟期中期-德坞期); 3)裂谷作用稳定期(晚石炭亚纪-早二叠世)。  相似文献   

A block and basin system of Devonian to Carboniferous age, with Caledonide/Appalachian trends, bounds the northern margin of the supposed Hercynian Ocean on a predrift reconstruction of continents in the North Atlantic area. Basin initiation and subsidence patterns are established from broad deductions concerning sedimentary facies trends, contemporary volcanism and faulting. The British and Irish basins may be due to tensional effects arising from differential syn- to post-orogenic uplift, mantle partial melting and southward directed, lower crustal creep towards the Hercynian continental margin. The Maritime Canadian basins may be due to tensional effects associated with major dextral strike-slip faults along an extension of a transform fault system related to closure of the supposed Hercynian Ocean.  相似文献   

We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the eastern Korean margin that led to the separation of the southwestern Japan Arc. The eastern Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprising a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau that is a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau are bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and considerably symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Analysis of rift fault patterns suggests that rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension rather than strike-slip deformation. Two extension directions for rifting are recognized: the Onnuri and Hupo Basins were rifted in the east-west direction; the Bandal Basin in the east–west and northwest–southeast directions, suggesting two rift stages. We interpret that the east–west direction represents initial rifting at the inner margin; while the Japan Basin widened, rifting propagated southeastward repeatedly from the Japan Basin toward the Korean margin but could not penetrate the strong continental lithosphere of the Korean Shield and changed the direction to the south, resulting in east–west extension to create the rift basins at the Korean margin. The northwest–southeast direction probably represents the direction of rifting orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope of the Korea Plateau; after breakup the southwestern Japan Arc separated in the southeast direction, indicating a response to tensional tectonics associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate in the northwest direction. No significant volcanism was involved in initial rifting. In contrast, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which appears to reflect asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin, although it is in a back-arc setting, can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism influenced by asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

位于南海北部陆缘的珠江口盆地裂后沉降特征不同于陆内典型断陷盆地。研究表明,盆地裂后期发生了阶段性有序差异沉降,可分为4个阶段: (1)渐新世早期(~33.9~27.2 Ma),以盆地整体缓慢沉降,大规模海侵为主要特征;(2)渐新世晚期(~27.2~23.0 Ma),以邻近西北次海盆的珠四坳陷强烈沉降为主要特征,差异沉降控制了陆架坡折带的发育和该时期陆架浅水和陆坡深水沉积环境的分布;(3)中新世早—中期(~23.0~10.0 Ma),陆缘强烈沉降区向北扩展至珠二坳陷,尤其是白云凹陷,导致陆架坡折带向北跃迁,并奠定了现今陆架浅水和陆坡深水的沉积格局;(4)中新世晚期—现今(~10.0~0 Ma),陆缘构造沉降逐渐减弱,陆坡由沉积区转变为沉积过路区,沉积物得以大量进入西北次海盆。渐新世2期快速沉降的初始时间,分别对应于南海扩张脊的跃迁,陆缘裂后沉降随扩张脊向南跃迁而向北扩展,并伴有岩浆作用的早强晚弱特点,而沉降量的大小则与裂陷期地壳的薄化程度正相关,反映了陆缘岩石圈经历了早期挠曲回弹的均衡调整和扩张脊跃迁导致地幔物质有序向南撤离而沉降的演化过程。珠江口盆地裂后有序差异沉降控制了陆架坡折带的发育,进而控制了浅水与深水两大沉积体系的展布。  相似文献   

洋-陆过渡带是理解大陆岩石圈破裂和海底初始扩张的关键位置,但是在南海北部地区仍然存在关于相关地质过程的诸多疑问.通过近年开展的国际大洋发现计划航次以及深部地质地球物理探测,取得以下4个方面的认识.(1)南海北部的洋-陆边界一般与自由空间重力异常的正-负值过渡位置对应,而更加准确地限定需要结合反射、折射地震资料.稳定大洋岩石圈生成与大陆岩石圈最终破裂之间的洋-陆过渡边界的位置比以往认为的还应往深海盆方向移动.(2)洋-陆过渡带代表了远端带构造作用减弱和岩浆作用逐渐增强的区域.陆坡地壳发育扩张后岩浆底侵、洋-陆过渡带发育同破裂期岩浆喷出结构和侵入反射体.(3)在中生代的古俯冲带弧前区域,新生代的断裂沿着早期的构造开始活动,岩石圈多处发生强烈的共轭韧性剪切作用.随着大陆岩石圈的进一步拉伸减薄,部分靠陆一侧的裂谷中心停止张裂,成为夭折裂谷,以台西南盆地南部凹陷、白云凹陷、西沙海槽为代表,而南海陆缘异常伸展和最终破裂的地方集中在南侧裂谷中心.夭折裂谷下亦发现地幔蛇纹石化,进一步反映了较弱的同破裂岩浆活动.(4)南海初始洋壳的增生沿着大陆边缘走向具有显著的变化,南海东北部洋-陆过渡带下伏地幔明显抬升和部分蛇纹石化,地震纵、横波速度以及折射波衰减特征都支持此观点,反映南海东北部是一个贫岩浆型大陆边缘.未来,南海北部洋-陆过渡带有望成为南海“莫霍钻”的理想备选钻探区.   相似文献   

通过对柴北缘地区的野外地质调查及室内实验分析,根据地质剖面中发育的岩石组合类型、沉积构造等特征,对研究区早奥陶世台地斜坡盆地相沉积体系进行了详细研究。认为研究区早古生代持续的海平面上升、柴北缘洋陆俯冲及陆弧碰撞是控制该时期盆山格局及沉积充填演化的重要因素。柴北缘早奥陶世台地边缘颗粒滩相发育在多泉山组中下部,岩性以生物碎屑灰岩、鲕粒灰岩以及泥晶灰岩为特征。而研究区斜坡相深水物质主要是由重力流搬运的碳酸盐岩再沉积物组成,共识别出包括细粒沉降微晶泥、滑塌角砾岩、颗粒流、瘤状灰岩、碎屑流以及浊积岩等不同类型的斜坡异地沉积物。研究区盆地相处于碳酸盐岩沉积体系岛弧碎屑岩沉积体系两大沉积体系的转换位置。受到柴北缘洋陆俯冲及陆弧碰撞等影响,隆升的陆壳基底及大陆岛弧物质向盆地提供大量碎屑物质,因此在靠近岛弧边缘地区发育了砂质碎屑流、浊流等重力流沉积体系下的弧后盆地沉积产物。  相似文献   

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