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自生碳酸盐矿物是揭示甲烷渗漏过程及其周期性变化的重要指标。为了方便、快速地识别出自生碳酸盐矿物,在探讨了前人建立的端元组分模型(文石、高镁方解石、生物成因方解石和碎屑)在我国南海北部适用性的基础上,利用沉积物全样中Sr/Ca和Mg/Ca值计算了南海北部神狐海域两支沉积物柱状样中自生碳酸盐矿物的质量分数,计算结果表明,在不同沉积深度均有含量不等的自生碳酸盐矿物。这一结果被X射线衍射结果和沉积物中存在晶形完好的自生高镁方解石和文石矿物所验证,表明利用前人建立的端元组分模型计算的结果具有可靠性。自生碳酸盐矿物的出现显示该海域深受甲烷渗漏作用影响。利用地球化学指标(Sr/Ca和Mg/Ca)获得的自生碳酸盐矿物含量垂向变化显示该区域甲烷渗漏具有强弱交替的周期变化。运用端元组分模型来获取沉积物柱状样中自生碳酸盐矿物的高分辨率剖面,从而识别甲烷渗漏信息非常方便,在大范围寻找甲烷渗漏和天然气水合物方面具有较大潜力。  相似文献   

微量元素是岩溶洞穴沉积中非常重要的一类古气候环境替代指标,为近20年来国内外的一个研究热点。总结前人的研究,主要取得了以下一些重要认识:(1)洞穴上覆土壤和围岩是洞穴次生碳酸盐沉积Mg、Sr的主要来源;(2)Mg/Ca与Sr/Ca能够指示气候环境变化,但需结合其它指标综合考虑。(3)洞穴次生碳酸盐沉积Mg/Ca与Sr/Ca受多种气候环境因素(包括土壤和围岩的组成和性质、水-岩相互作用、先期碳酸盐沉积、分配系数等)影响,其古气候环境指示意义具有多解性;(4)矿物结晶作用对Mg/Ca与Sr/Ca有一定的影响,特别是文石在向方解石转变的过程中容易丢失Mg、Sr,此外,杂质的混入也将抑制Mg、Sr进入方解石,从而引起洞穴次生碳酸盐沉积Mg/Ca与Sr/Ca比值的变化。今后应进一步加强对石笋中这些微量元素的影响机制研究,尤其是对一些影响因素与微量元素含量变化之间的定量关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

基于ARIMA模型的洞庭湖第四纪沉积物中镉演化及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对洞庭湖区沉积物钻探取样的年代学和地球化学研究基础上,分别建立第四纪和全新世时期Cd和Cd/Ca的时间序列演化ARIMA模型,并据模型的拟合值及未来预测值对区域地球化学环境中Cd的演化规律进行了探讨,结果显示区内Cd的演化有较显著的周期性——环境地球化学旋回,与气候多次冷暖的交替有关;沉积物Cd/Ca受气候环境等控制,分析该比值的变化规律可推测区域环境地球化学的演变历史;Cd和Cd/Ca两者的变化基本同步,说明该区Cd的演化主要为自然演化;未来30年内沉积层的Cd含量仍有逐渐增高的趋势,之后转为降低。从本区环境地球化学指标的时间变化规律及其与全球环境变化的相关联中说明自然条件是区域镉等元素沉积的主控因素。  相似文献   

文章采用全谱直读等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)的方法测定了1986~1996年海南岛东部海域滨珊瑚的Sr/Ca比值,建立了该海域月分辨率的Sr/Ca海水表面温度计方程:SST(℃)=170-16 (mmol/mol),n = 133,r=0.80,p=0.01, 此与韦刚健等在西沙海域建立的温度计方程:SST(℃)=169-16.7 (mmol/mol)一致,这表明南海中、北部海域也出现有相似的微量元素温度计。此外,文章还分析了在某些年月份SST的实测值和计算值出现的显著差别,探讨了可能造成的海洋气象环境因素。  相似文献   

前人对Site 4B站位海底浅表层沉积物的研究显示该站位历史上可能存在甲烷渗漏事件。为研究该站位的甲烷渗漏历史,分析了Site 4B站位柱状沉积物的元素地球化学特征,及沉积物中Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca比随深度的变化规律以及自生碳酸盐矿物的分布特征。元素相关性分析表明:研究区Ca、Sr等碳酸盐相关的元素极有可能来自于与甲烷渗漏有关的自生碳酸盐。结合沉积物的粒度特征,认为Site 4B站位在15.78 ka B.P.之前泥火山活动造成甲烷渗漏,且甲烷渗漏速率具有增大-减小的周期性变化特点。研究站位在24.15 ka B.P.、27.47 ka B.P.、31.05 ka B.P.具有相对较高的甲烷渗漏速率,且在31.05 ka B.P.达到最大值。研究结果对探明南海北部的甲烷渗漏历史具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

利用全谱直读等离子体光谱(ICPAES)的分析方法精确分析了南海珊瑚的SrCa和MgCa比值,结合实测表层海水温度(SST),标定了海南岛南部三亚海域和西沙海域两个滨珊瑚的SrCa和MgCa温度计。在此基础上,尝试对两个南海北部全新世时期的珊瑚进行SST记录重建。结果显示约540aB.P.(小冰期)西沙海域夏季月均SST较现代低约1℃,而约6500aB.P.(大暖期)海南岛三亚海域夏季月均SST则高出现代1.0~1.5℃。  相似文献   

高温(150℃以上)合成白云石实验被认为是了解自然条件下白云石成因的有效途径。选择自然条件下对白云石成因有重要影响的Mg/Ca值(摩尔浓度比)指标,分别采用鹿角珊瑚和大琵琶螺两种文石质生物碎屑为先驱反应物,在220℃高温环境下对不同Mg/Ca值(0.5、0.7、1.0、1.2、1.5)和不同反应时间(0.5、1.0、1.5、2、3、6、8、14 h)条件下文石质生物碎屑的白云石化过程开展研究。结果表明,在高温条件下白云石化过程可分为诱导阶段、快速反应阶段和平稳阶段,这一反应过程未明显受到先驱文石质反应物的影响,反映了流体Mg/Ca浓度对白云石化产物具有明显的控制作用。随着反应溶液Mg/Ca值的提高,白云石化的诱导期缩短、速率加快,产物白云石中CaCO3的摩尔分数降低且有序度提高,表明高Mg2+浓度能够促进Mg2+快速交代文石中的Ca2+并完成白云石的有序化过程。研究结果为解释自然条件下Mg/Ca浓度对白云石化过程的影响提供了基础理论支撑。  相似文献   

Mg/Ca比对微生物成因的碳酸盐矿物种类和形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究Mg/Ca比对生物成因的碳酸盐矿物种类和形态的影响是研究各种含镁方解石形成机理的关键。本文在Mg/Ca摩尔比分别为1、2、4、6和8的条件下进行了为期55d的硫酸盐还原细菌诱导碳酸盐矿物形成的实验,利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜研究了Mg/Ca比对碳酸盐矿物种类和形态的影响。实验结果表明:①Mg/Ca比与矿物的种类之间存在密切的关系。在Mg/Ca摩尔比较低(1和2)时仅形成高镁方解石,在Mg/Ca摩尔比为4时,形成的矿物组合为含镁方解石+高镁方解石,在Mg/Ca摩尔比为6和8时,矿物组合为高镁方解石+单水碳钙石+钙白云石;②Mg/Ca比影响矿物的生长速率。Mg/Ca比越高,晶体生长速率越快;③Mg/Ca比明显影响矿物的形态。随着Mg/Ca比的增大,矿物的形态有如下发展规律:哑铃形→花菜状→光球状→刺球状。这些研究结果将有助于探讨制约含镁碳酸盐矿物种类和形态的机制。  相似文献   

作为川东北地区三叠系飞仙关组天然气气藏最重要储集岩的粒屑白云岩和结晶白云岩的成因始终是沉积和石油地质学家高度关注的研究热点之一.在总结川东北地区三叠系飞仙关组不同类型白云岩形成温度的基础上,通过已有的白云化流体Ca/Mg值和温度之间关系式获得了川东北地区三叠系飞仙关组白云化流体的Ca/Mg值的主要分布范围.结果表明:不同类型白云岩对应的白云化流体具有不同的Ca/Mg值,同时证实了三叠纪海水或与之有关的海源流体、三叠纪海水与大气淡水混合流体的Ca/Mg值都符合在40~130℃区间、甚至更高温度下白云化(白云石沉淀)作用的要求,微晶白云岩和具原始结构的粒屑白云岩可能与地表—近地表的低温、小Ca/Mg值混合流体中相对快速的白云石沉淀作用有关,并形成了相对细的他形白云石;结晶白云岩(包括结构类似的过渡岩石类型、白云石胶结物)可能与埋藏的高温、大Ca/Mg值三叠纪海水或与之有关的海源流体中相对缓慢的白云石沉淀作用有关,并形成了相对粗的自形白云石.白云化流体的Ca/Mg值估算,可望为川东北地区三叠系飞仙关组优质储层白云岩的成因研究提供一些有价值的基础资料.  相似文献   

有孔虫壳体Mg/Ca温度计是近10年来发展最快、应用最广的恢复古海水温度的方法之一。随着研究的深入,这一方法面临的问题也越来越突出。其中,海水盐度影响壳体对Mg元素的吸收,是对Mg/Ca温度计"忠诚度"最具威胁性、也是近来最受人们关注的因素之一。查阅了最近2年有关Mg/Ca温度计中盐度效应的最新研究成果,整理出对盐度因...  相似文献   

南海东岛湖泊沉积物中的生态环境记录   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
东岛牛塘为目前在西沙群岛少见的淡水湖泊,发育保存完好的沉积物。文章通过对一根长126cm的沉积柱开展多方面的沉积学分析,包括沉积物的岩性特征,反映碳酸盐含量的白度、CaO和LOI950℃以及反映有机质含量的TOC,TN,TS和LOI550℃等地球化学指标随深度的变化特征,沉积物和环境介质的碳、氮同位素的对比分析,沉积物的稀土元素和Sr,F,P,Se等元素地球化学特征。结果认为:该湖泊沉积剖面自上而下可分成3个具有明显不同沉积学特征的沉积单元,其中25~96cm的沉积层明显地受到了海鸟粪的影响。识别出的海鸟粪土沉积层,为进一步研究历史时期岛屿鸟类生态系统和气候演化提供了良好的信息载体。  相似文献   

The levels and depth distributions of As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, Fe and Mn in two sediment cores DY2 and DY4 collected from the "Cattle Pond" of Dongdao Island, South China Sea, were determined and analyzed with the main objective to identify the sources of these elements and evaluate the corresponding sedimentological and geochemical processes. Lithological characters and sedimentary parameters such as LOI950℃, CaO, LOI550℃ and TOC indicate that the depth of 96 cm and 87 cm are the critical points for DY2 and DY4 cores, respectively. As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg and P are remarkably enriched in the ornithogenic sediments above the critical depth points; their concentration-versus-depth profiles are similar to those of TOC and LOI550℃; the ratios of As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg over Ca are significantly correlated with P/Ca. Statistical and comparative analyses of these elements' levels in the ornithogenic sediments of DY2 and DY4 strongly suggest that seabird droppings are the main source of these elements. Additionally, for the upper sediment layers of DY2 and DY4 cores, Fe oxide sorption mechanism, like organic matter, may also play an important role in the abundances of heavy metals. Heavy metal Pb has geochemical characteristics distinctly different from those of As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg and P, and its isotope composition indicates an origin of anthropogenic emissions from the surrounding countries. These geochemical characteristics in the orinithogenic sediments of Xisha Islands are compared with the studies in the remote Antarctic and Arctic regions.  相似文献   

We reconstruct SST from coral Sr/Ca ratios measured at three coral cores taken from the lagoon of Tahiti (French Polynesia). Two coral cores were drilled from the same coral colony (one horizontally and one vertically), and a third core was drilled vertically from another coral growing at a different site. We evaluate several Sr/Ca records as proxies for regional SST variations: (1) the three single-core records from Tahiti, (2) an average Sr/Ca record computed from the two cores drilled from the same coral colony, (3) an average Sr/Ca record computed from all three Tahiti cores, and (4) an average Sr/Ca record computed from the three Tahiti cores and a fourth core taken from a different island (Rarotonga). On a monthly scale, the average Sr/Ca record including the four coral cores from Tahiti and Rarotonga shows the best correlation with regional SST. The variance of the SST reconstruction is very realistic and the residual SST is low. This suggests that reconstructing SST from average proxy records gives a better representation of regional SST variations. Of the three Tahiti cores, the one that was drilled horizontally shows the best correlation with grid-SST on an annual mean scale. All three Tahiti corals show much larger interannual SST variations than that indicated by grid-SST.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and precise procedure for measuring multiple elements in foraminifera and corals by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SF-MS) with both cold- [800 W radio frequency (RF) power] and hot- (1200 W RF power) plasma techniques. Our quality control program includes careful subsampling protocols, contamination-free workbench spaces, and refined plastic-ware cleaning process. Element/Ca ratios are calculated directly from ion beam intensities of 24Mg, 27Al, 43Ca, 55Mn, 57Fe, 86Sr, and 138Ba, using a standard bracketing method. A routine measurement time is 3–5 min per dissolved sample. The matrix effects of nitric acid, and Ca and Sr levels, are carefully quantified and overcome. There is no significant difference between data determined by cold- and hot-plasma methods, but the techniques have different advantages. The cold-plasma technique offers a more stable plasma condition and better reproducibility for ppm-level elements. Long-term 2-sigma relative standard deviations (2-RSD) for repeat measurements of an in-house coral standard are 0.32% for Mg/Ca and 0.43% for Sr/Ca by cold-plasma ICP-SF-MS, and 0.69% for Mg/Ca and 0.51% for Sr/Ca by hot-plasma ICP-SF-MS. The higher sensitivity and enhanced measurement precision of the hot-plasma procedure yields 2-RSD precision for μmol/mol trace elements of 0.60% (Mg/Ca), 9.9% (Al/Ca), 0.68% (Mn/Ca), 2.7% (Fe/Ca), 0.50% (Sr/Ca), and 0.84% (Ba/Ca) for an in-house foraminiferal standard. Our refined ICP-SF-MS technique, which has the advantages of small sample size (2–4 μg carbonate consumed) and fast sample throughput (5–8 samples/hour), should open the way to the production of high precision and high resolution geochemical records for natural carbonate materials.  相似文献   

The Sr/Ca of aragonitic coral skeletons is a commonly used palaeothermometer. However skeletal Sr/Ca is typically dominated by weekly-monthly oscillations which do not reflect temperature or seawater composition and the origins of which are currently unknown. To test the impact of transcellular Ca2+ transport processes on skeletal Sr/Ca, colonies of the branching coral, Pocillopora damicornis, were cultured in the presence of inhibitors of Ca-ATPase (ruthenium red) and Ca channels (verapamil hydrochloride). The photosynthesis, respiration and calcification rates of the colonies were monitored throughout the experiment. The skeleton deposited in the presence of the inhibitors was identified (by 42Ca spike) and analysed for Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The Sr/Ca of the aragonite deposited in the presence of either of the inhibitors was not significantly different from that of the solvent (dimethyl sulfoxide) control, although the coral calcification rate was reduced by up to 66% and 73% in the ruthenium red and verapamil treatments, respectively. The typical precision (95% confidence limits) of mean Sr/Ca determinations within any treatment was <±1% and differences in skeletal Sr/Ca between treatments were correspondingly small. Either Ca-ATPase and Ca channels transport Sr2+ and Ca2+ in virtually the same ratio in which they are present in seawater or transcellular processes contribute little Ca2+ to the skeleton and most Ca is derived from seawater transported directly to the calcification site. Variations in the activities of Ca-ATPase and Ca-channels are not responsible for the weekly-monthly Sr/Ca oscillations observed in skeletal chronologies, assuming that the specificities of Ca transcellular transport processes are similar between coral genera.  相似文献   

Sr isotope and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical compositions of freshwater ostracode tests separated from a sediment core represent the last 16 ka of sedimentation in Lake Constance, Central Europe. The chemical evolution of the paleowater's dissolved load of Lake Constance was estimated by correcting the ostracode data for Ca/Mg/Sr fractionation due to biogenic calcification. Since the Late Pleistocene deglaciation, the Ca/Sr molar ratios of paleowaters increased systematically from about 100 (a near marine signature) to about 200. Ca/Mg molar ratios varied in the range of 1–25. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate Late Pleistocene paleowater compositions of 0.7086–0.7091, significantly more radiogenic than present day waters (0.7085). Sr isotopes and Ca/Mg/Sr chemical data together show that weathering of Mesozoic evaporites consistently dominated the dissolved Sr load (80–90%). Carbonate and silicate weathering were less important (1–10%). Trends of Sr dissolved loads were therefore not related to Mg which was mainly mobilized by carbonate weathering. Biotite weathering was an important source of radiogenic Sr in the paleowaters. The short-term release (duration about 600–800 years) of radiogenic Sr during glacier retreat started 15.2 ka ago and was due to enhanced biotite weathering at the glacier base. Long-term release of radiogenic Sr was due to biotite weathering in glacial soils and silicate rocks, and has gradually declined since the Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(3-4):339-349
We present a new high precision analytical method for the determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in carbonates using an inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometer (ICP-QMS) with a 650-W cold plasma technique and a desolvation introduction system. Signal intensities are detected in pulse-counting mode and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios are calculated directly from intensity ratios of 24Mg/43Ca and 86Sr/43Ca using external matrix-matched standards for every 4–5 samples to correct for instrumental mass discrimination and low-frequency ratio drift. Significant matrix effect of Ca content on Mg/Ca determination (− 0.018 Mg/Ca (mmol/mol)/[Ca] (ppm)), can be overcome by diluting [Ca] to 6–8 ppm in the sample solution or using an empirical correction. The Sr/Ca ratio affects the Mg/Ca determination, with a factor of − 0.32% Mg/Ca per mmol/mol. This is mainly caused by the influence of doubly charged 86Sr, which biases the intensity measurement of the 43Ca+ ion beam. This effect results in a trivial offset of less than 0.1% on Mg/Ca measurements for Quaternary foraminiferal and coral samples. The internal precision of our method ranges from 0.1 to 0.2%. Replicate measurements made on standards and samples show long-term external uncertainties (2σ) of Mg/Ca = 0.84% and Sr/Ca = 0.49%. The minimum sample size requirement is only 3.5 μg of carbonate. The application of this newly developed technique on the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber from a core recovered in the southern South China Sea yields a glacial–interglacial difference in sea surface temperature (SST) of 3 °C. Three-year coral Sr/Ca data suggest that the seasonal SST ranged from 22.6–23.8 °C in winter to 26.9–27.9 °C in summer in Nanwan, south Taiwan, during 2000–2002. The coral-Sr/Ca inferred SSTs in 2002 match well with instrumental records, which demonstrates the validity of this ICP-QMS method.  相似文献   

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