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朱晓原 《水文》2006,26(3):45-47
简要回顾了水文测验发展的过程,介绍了中国测验工作的现状,总结了近二十余年水文测验业务建设的重大举措,评价了水文测验技术应用成果,指出了当前中国水文测验存在的主要问题和面临的挑战,提出了今后水文测验工作发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

自2000年以来,在提高了区域重力调查技术要求,更新了区域化探方法技术后,极大地提高了东北地区基础地质工作程度,发现了众多重力异常,圈定和推断了隐伏岩体、盆地和断裂构造.特别是区域化探,获得的地球化学异常更加丰富,真实地反映了地质规律,提供了较多的成矿远景区和找矿靶区,发现了众多矿产地.首次开展的多目标区域地球化学调查,查明了松辽平原土壤元素区域地球化学分布特征,证实了松辽平原土壤环境质量是优良的.这些成果为东北地区的地质工作提供了丰富的地球物理和地球化学基础信息.  相似文献   

赵建平  余闯  陈国兴  宰金珉 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):108-112
在分析土压力随变形发展规律的基础上,给出了一种新的考虑位移影响的土压力计算模型。利用提出的新模型,并考虑了群桩和圈梁的共同协同作用,编制了相关的有限元计算程序。对一个实际的工程实例进行了计算分析,并与实测结果进行了对比,表明了该方法的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

刘细元 《江西地质》1998,12(4):262-266
本文阐述了锦江盆地白垩系的基本层序特征,对其沉积环境作了系统分析,建立了12个基本层序,划分了3大沉积体系,探讨了沉积盆地的形成、发展和消亡的演化规律。  相似文献   

系统采集了扎鲁特旗地区的岩石物性标本,测试了密度、磁化率、剩磁强度及电阻率.全面系统地整理了扎鲁特旗地区岩石物性参数,建立了主要地层-物性柱.分析了地层岩石物性特征,明确了物性界面,补充和丰富了该区的岩石物性资料,为在该区开展后续非震物探工作的方法选择及资料处理解释提供了数据支撑.  相似文献   

如雾似烟的细雨清润的杏花有了些许的兴奋,排着队,一片一片地洇红了由近及远的几条山谷。杜鹃很是深情的一声声的鸣叫,令舒展了枝条的杏树陡然收敛了放荡的思绪。该是唱一杯杏花酒的时刻了,就着这细雨、这杏花,和那唱着歌儿已经远去了的杜鹃。 北方的春天,虽说少了江南特有的那一份烟的婉约和水的妩媚,却多了北方固有的山的刚毅与河的奔放。被春天反复熏染得或浓、或淡的远山,像极了白石老人笔下的丹青水墨。尤其雨后的山谷,杏树枝条的颜色较先前暗了许多,杏花却愈发明丽粉白。都因了一场春雨,再也寻不到杏花一点点的矜持了,自自然然,繁华满树,带着狂野和自信,开了个漫山遍野。  相似文献   

刘少华  肖克炎  王新海 《地质通报》2010,29(10):1554-1557
从运畴学的角度出发,提出了基于带权线性规划的方法拟合变差函数,有效地保证了求解结果的非负性。将样本点建立空间三维网格索引,大大简化了待插点邻域样本的搜索过程,提高了Kriging属性建模的速度。最后结合OpenGL图形库,实现了属性模型的三维可视化,从而有效地实现了地质信息的定量化。  相似文献   

三维弹粘塑性块体元法分析软件的面向对象开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈士军  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2003,24(4):618-621
介绍了三维弹粘塑性块体元理论的基本原理。用VC++ 和AVS编制了块体元法分析软件,实现了人机交互功能。该软件集成了块体元分析的前处理、应力应变分析和后处理三大模块,给出了一种应用于该分析理论的科学计算可视化的有效途径。通过算例,验证了软件的实用性。  相似文献   

金成文 《探矿工程》2008,35(5):49-51
在详细地分析了石老人海水浴场工程地质、环境条件和前期试验成果后,对该工程的抗拔锚杆施工方案进行了大胆的设计,并在施工过程中进行了合理的优化和改进,取得了良好的施工效果,达到了预期的目的.  相似文献   

沥青铀矿的年龄测定方法改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对核行业标准方法“沥青铀矿、晶质铀矿的年龄测定方法”进行了改进。主要采用同位素稀释高分辨等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-MS)测定铀矿物中的铀含量,提高了测量的准确度,提高了分析速度。此外,改进了铀铅分离流程,降低了全流程本底,大大减小了样品用量,提高了TIMS法测定铅同位素组成的准确度。  相似文献   

重力场定义的澄清   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
曾华霖  万天丰 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):595-599
《朗曼现代英文词典》(LongmanModernEnglishDictionary)、《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(OxfordAdvancedLearner’sEnglish ChineseDictionary)、《韦氏词典》(Merriam Webster’sNewCollegiateDictionary)、作为地球物理专业词汇定义源的《勘探地球物理百科词典》(EncyclopedicDictionaryofExplorationGeo physics)以及中国的一些重力教科书、专著及词典 ,把重力场定义为重力或重力作用存在的空间 ,重力效应可以测量的空间 ,即 :力或重力存在的空间。这个定义不同于国外英文地球物理教科书、专著及中、英、俄文场论教科书对重力场的定义 :空间中的重力。定义重力场为重力存在的空间 ,混淆了“场”本身及“场域”的概念 ,并不是一个标准的物理或地球物理定义 ,是一种误导。物理场是空间中存在的一种物理作用或效应 ,分布于引起它的场源体周围。两个物体之间存在着的相互作用力 ,通过每个物体引起的引力场给予另一个物体。重力场可以定义如下 :地球内部及其附近空间一点处存在的重力作用 ,或单位质量受到的重力。重力场是一种力或力场 ,存在于地球表面及其附近的空间。重力场不是空间 ,重力场的测量应当是在重力场存在的空间或场域中 ,而不是在重力场中进行。  相似文献   

燕山南缘盘山岩体的热历史与构造-地貌演化过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用热年代学方法,揭示了燕山南缘盘山岩体的热历史与隆升过程。结果表明,盘山岩体的侵位深度约为10km.岩体侵位以后,经历了快速冷却过程,在226.48Ma~204.95Ma期间,岩体温度由520℃冷却至300℃,平均降温速率为10.22℃/Ma.204.95Ma~118Ma期间为盘山岩体的缓缦隆升时期,平均隆升速率约为0.028mm/a,隆升幅度约2.5km.118Ma~96Ma为盘山岩体较快速隆升时期,隆升速率为0.035mm/a,隆升幅度约0.77km.96Ma~35Ma为盘山岩体与盘山山脉的快速隆升时期,隆升速率约为0.115mm/a,隆升总幅度达7km.35Ma以来,盘山岩体的隆升速率很小,仅约0.014mm/a,隆升幅度约为0.5km.盘山周缘环状构造系统的形成时代略早于226.48Ma,盘山南缘边界正断层的活动时代为中生代末~始新世。   相似文献   

太白山佛爷池剖面的全新世环境变化信息   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
太白山佛爷池海拔3410m,是一个发育在古冰斗中的冰蚀湖。自湖中210cm沉积剖面进行沉积物粒度、孢粉和测年采样分析,表明自8200aBP以来的环境经历了明显的冷暖干湿变化。8200~6800aBP温暖湿润,在7200aBP出现明显增温;6800~5900aBP气候开始波动,大约在6300aBP有一次短暂的变冷,在6000aBP前后出现明显暖期;5900~4800aBP气温下降,大约在5200aBP达到最低,然后气温缓慢回升;4800~2600aBP气候较为温暖湿润,大约在3000aBP达到最高;2600~900aBP气候变冷湿,大约1500aBP达到最低;900aBP~现代变好。   相似文献   

本文通过对在新疆南部塔里木盆地北缘博斯腾湖采集的一根953cm的岩心进行了早全新世以来的古气候重建。对BSTC2000岩心进行了碳酸盐矿物组成、Ca/1000Sr,有机质TOC,C/N和C/S分析,并结合BSTC2000岩心附近的一个沉积物剖面的孢粉资料,利用多指标重建了8500aBP以来的古气候变化特征。在2个平行岩心中对保存的植物叶片、草籽,以及全有机质进行了9个AMS14C年代测定。8500~8100aBP气候冷湿,钻孔位置为河流-滨湖相环境,沉积物中有3层泥炭层。从8100~6400aBP,气温升高,湖泊扩张,气候暖湿,湖泊可能为最高湖面时期。而从6400~5100aBP湖泊稍微下降,气候变冷。在中全新世晚期从5100~3100aBP气候变得高温干旱,但其间的4400~3800aBP有短暂的气候变冷,早期大量的冰雪融水补给博斯腾湖,使得湖泊水位上升。湖泊的第二个高湖面期是5200~3800aBP。在3100~2200aBP气候冷湿,由于蒸发减弱而湖泊有所扩张,湖泊在3100至2800aBP期间是最后一次短暂的高湖面期。这次短期高湖面后,湖泊由于较长时期的低温而引起的供水减少,湖泊收缩。从2200~1200aBP,气候变得干热,湖泊收缩。尽管从1200aBP以来,温度有所下降,气候变得暖干,湖泊又开始有所上升,但是没有达到博斯腾湖出水口孔雀河的海拔高度。  相似文献   

The profile of a river that conveys sediment without net deposition and net erosion is referred to as ‘graded’ with respect to vertical aggradation of the river segment. Three experimental series, designed in terms of the autostratigraphic view of alluvial grade, were conducted to clarify the diagnostic spatial behaviour of graded alluvial–deltaic rivers: an ‘R series’, which utilized a moving boundary setting with a stationary base level; an ‘F series’ in a fixed boundary setting with a stationary base level to produce ‘forced grade’; and an ‘M series’ in a moving boundary setting with constant base‐level fall to produce ‘autogenic grade.’ The results of the three experimental series, combined with geometrical modelling of the effects of basin water depth and other experimental data, suggest the following: (i) in a graded alluvial–deltaic system, lateral shifting and avulsing of active distributary channels are suppressed regardless of whether the downstream boundary of the deltaic system is fixed; (ii) in a delta with a downstream‐fixed boundary, the graded streams are stabilized within a valley that is incised in the axial part of the delta plain, whereby the alluvial plain outside the valley is abandoned and terraced; (iii) in moving boundary settings, the graded river simply extends basinward as a linearly elongated channel and lobe system without cutting a valley; and (iv) a modern forced‐graded alluvial river is most likely to be found in a valley incised into a fan delta in front of very deep water, and the stratigraphic signal of fossil autogenic‐graded rivers will be found in deltaic successions that accumulated in the outer to marginal areas of deltaic continental shelves during sea‐level falls. This renewed autostratigraphic view of alluvial grade suggests a thorough reconsideration of the conventional understanding that an alluvial river feeding a progradational delta is graded with a stationary base level.  相似文献   

Spatial inverse problems in the Earth Sciences are often ill-posed, requiring the specification of a prior model to constrain the nature of the inverse solutions. Otherwise, inverted model realizations lack geological realism. In spatial modeling, such prior model determines the spatial variability of the inverse solution, for example as constrained by a variogram, a Boolean model, or a training image-based model. In many cases, particularly in subsurface modeling, one lacks the amount of data to fully determine the nature of the spatial variability. For example, many different training images could be proposed for a given study area. Such alternative training images or scenarios relate to the different possible geological concepts each exhibiting a distinctive geological architecture. Many inverse methods rely on priors that represent a single subjectively chosen geological concept (a single variogram within a multi-Gaussian model or a single training image). This paper proposes a novel and practical parameterization of the prior model allowing several discrete choices of geological architectures within the prior. This method does not attempt to parameterize the possibly complex architectures by a set of model parameters. Instead, a large set of prior model realizations is provided in advance, by means of Monte Carlo simulation, where the training image is randomized. The parameterization is achieved by defining a metric space which accommodates this large set of model realizations. This metric space is equipped with a “similarity distance” function or a distance function that measures the similarity of geometry between any two model realizations relevant to the problem at hand. Through examples, inverse solutions can be efficiently found in this metric space using a simple stochastic search method.  相似文献   

The high-dimensionality of many compositional data sets has caused geologists to look for insights into the observed patterns of variability through two dimension-reducing procedures: (i)the selection of a few subcompositions for particular study, and (ii)principal component analysis. After a brief critical review of the unsatisfactory state of current statistical methodology for these two procedures, this paper takes as a starting point for the resolution of persisting difficulties a recent approach to principal component analysis through a new definition of the covariance structure of a composition. This approach is first applied for expository purposes to a small illustrative compositional data set and then to a number of larger published geochemical data sets. The new approach then leads naturally to a method of measuring the extent to which a subcomposition retains the pattern of variability of the whole composition and so provides a criterion for the selection of suitable subcompositions. Such a selection process is illustrated by application to geochemical data sets.  相似文献   

本文以贵州荔波董歌洞3号石笋第6、1次和4号石笋第2次主要沉积间断为例,说明依序发生于89.96kaBP、128.65kaBP、113.40kaBP,结束于0.32kaBP、128.21kaBP、65.50kaBP,延续时间89.65ka、0.44ka、47.90ka的沉积间断,具多级次的地质、气候演变属性,沉积间断时间长,显示度明显,气候事件复杂,间断频发,必有更丰富的气候、环境、地质内涵。贵州都匀凯酉七星洞2号石笋Q2F1、Q2F2,5号石笋Q5F3是碰断面,依序发生于74.24kaBP、60.72kaBP、36.80kaBP,彼此相间隔13.52ka、23.92ka,断面及其上、下石笋段的沉积特征,属突变(灾害)性事件,也有其古气候环境意义。系列事件的测年,须在系统测年基础上,于间断、碰断面上下加密测试,及石笋沉积特征的综合观测,以提高事件测年和定性的可信度,增加古气候环境信息量。  相似文献   

The paper describes a mechanical model for estimating the flexural response of a strip footing, supporting a column (imposing a concentrated load), resting on a compacted granular bed overlying a reinforcement layer for example, geogrids, geomats etc. below which lies a loose soil deposit. The footing is idealized as a beam and the reinforcing element is assumed to have finite bending stiffness and negligible frictional resistance. The upper and lower soil layers are idealized by a series of linear and discrete springs (Winkler springs) of different stiffness values. To find the response of such a model the governing differential equations have been derived and expressed in a nondimensional form. A closed form analytical solution of the same has been obtained subjected to appropriate boundary conditions. Using the present approach the resulting solution for a degenerated case of a long beam is found to be identical to the same of Hetenyi (1946, Beams on elastic foundations, University of Michigan press, Ann Arbor, MI). Parametric studies reveal that the ratio of flexural rigidity of upper and lower beam and the ratio of stiffness of the upper and lower soil layers affect significantly the response of the foundation.  相似文献   

Double-scale numerical methods constitute an effective tool for simultaneously representing the complex nature of geomaterials and treating real-scale engineering problems such as a tunnel excavation or a pressuremetre at a reasonable numerical cost. This paper presents an approach coupling discrete elements (DEM) at the microscale with finite elements (FEM) at the macroscale. In this approach, a DEM-based numerical constitutive law is embedded into a standard FEM formulation. In this regard, an exhaustive discussion is presented on how a 2D/3D granular assembly can be used to generate, step by step along the overall computation process, a consistent Numerically Homogenised Law. The paper also focuses on some recent developments including a comprehensive discussion of the efficiency of Newton-like operators, the introduction of a regularisation technique at the macroscale by means of a second gradient framework, and the development of parallelisation techniques to alleviate the computational cost of the proposed approach. Some real-scale problems taking into account the material spatial variability are illustrated, proving the numerical efficiency of the proposed approach and the benefit of a particle-based strategy.  相似文献   

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