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泥石流易损度(危害性)评价是泥石流风险评估的重要组成部分.结合熵值法和突变理论的泥石流易损度评价方法,采用客观的熵值法判断指标间相对重要程度,利用突变级数法计算突变级数值进行评价,方法理论基础牢固且避免了确定指标权重值的弊端.以吉林省和龙市地质灾害调查与区划中的10条泥石流易损度评价实例进行验证,结果表明:数据获取、标准化和评价过程简便,易损度等级以轻度和中度为主的评价结果符合实际情况,该方法经过完善指标体系后可更加合理地应用于实际工作中.因此,基于熵值法和突变理论的泥石流易损度评价方法是可行的、可靠的.  相似文献   

泥石流易损度(危害性)评价是泥石流风险评估的重要组成部分.结合熵值法和突变理论的泥石流易损度评价方法,采用客观的熵值法判断指标间相对重要程度,利用突变级数法计算突变级数值进行评价,方法理论基础牢固且避免了确定指标权重值的弊端.以吉林省和龙市地质灾害调查与区划中的10条泥石流易损度评价实例进行验证,结果表明:数据获取、标准化和评价过程简便,易损度等级以轻度和中度为主的评价结果符合实际情况,该方法经过完善指标体系后可更加合理地应用于实际工作中.因此,基于熵值法和突变理论的泥石流易损度评价方法是可行的、可靠的.  相似文献   

昆明市泥石流风险性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用比较成熟的泥石流危险性评价模型,结合ESRI(Environment System Research Institute)公司开发的新一代GIS软件——ARCGIS9.2,对昆明市泥石流进行危险度评价,得出了昆明市各县区的危险度。易损性评价是泥石流灾害风险性评价的一部分,根据国内有关易损性的理论成果,我们建立了昆明市泥石流易损性评价模型,对昆明市以各县区为单位进行了易损性评价,得出了昆明市各县区的易损度。利用联合国给出的自然灾害风险性评价模型:R—H×V,易损度和危险度相乘,得出了昆明市的风险度。使用ARCGIS9.2的自然分级和制图输出功能,对昆明市泥石流风险性进行了分区和制图,给出了昆明市泥石流风险性评价图。结合实际情况综合评判之后发现昆明市各县区呈现出泥石流灾害易损度和危险度不均衡的现象,因此,泥石流灾害发生时,外部社会救援工作就显得特别重要。  相似文献   

针对基于泥石流因子评价方法中选取因子不一及训练样本少的问题,提出了一种基于原型网络的沟谷泥石流灾害易发性评价方法。首先,通过元学习方式组织训练数据,计算每一类沟谷的原型中心。其次,计算未知样本与每一类原型中心的距离,得到其从属类别的概率。最后,根据类别概率计算沟谷的泥石流易发性指数,得到泥石流易发性评价等级。运用模型对怒江州的沟谷进行评价,并与历史灾害数据进行比对,分类正确率达到67.39%,历史事件中泥石流灾害严重程度与模型的评价等级吻合度较好。相比传统实地勘测和因子评价等方法,文章方法能够通过遥感影像进行泥石流灾害区域的快速识别与评价,为泥石流灾害的预警预测研究带来新的思路。  相似文献   

甘肃省天水市罗玉沟泥石流灾害风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘肃省天水市罗玉沟曾经爆发过多次泥石流灾害,造成了巨大的经济损失和环境破坏。文章引用单沟泥石流风险评价模型中危害度的计算方法,对罗玉沟流域可能发生泥石流的概率进行了评价;潜在的经济损失主要从人员社会、物质和资源环境3大类进行评价。泥石流风险评价结果显示,该小流域在100a的尺度内发生泥石流的可能性为80%。潜在的经济损失为379583万元。  相似文献   

通过对天磨沟泥石流进行实地调查,得到了该泥石流沟的地形地貌、物源区、流通区、堆积区等特征。运用模糊综合评判法对天磨沟泥石流进行综合评判,得到该泥石流沟易发概率为69%,中等易发概率为12%,轻微易发概率为19%。运用泥石流风险评价模型,对天磨沟泥石流进行风险评价分析,得到该泥石流沟的危险度为0.804,属于极高危险泥石流沟;易损度为0.65,属于高度易损泥石流沟;风险度为0.52,属于高度风险的泥石流沟。  相似文献   

昆明市东川区是我国最著名的泥石流分布区。基于社会经济发展的需要,联系泥石流研究的相关理论成果,使用泥石流危险性评价模型,结合GIS软件对昆明市东川区泥石流进行危险性评价,得出了昆明市东川区各乡镇的泥石流危险度。易损性评价是泥石流灾害风险性评价的一部分,根据每个乡镇的经济、人口等指标结合国内有关易损性的理论,建立东川区的泥石流易损性评价模型,从而对东川区以各乡镇为单位进行了易损性评价,得出了各乡镇的易损度。有了易损度和风险度,利用联合国提出的自然灾害风险表达式两项相乘得出了东川区的风险度。最后,使用ARCGIS9.0的制图输出功能,对该区域的泥石流风险性进行了分区和制图,给出了昆明市东川区泥石流风险性评价图,使该地区的泥石流风险性评价有了新的以乡镇为单元的量化指标,更好的服务于当地防灾减灾和经济社会建设。  相似文献   

泥石流风险及沟谷泥石流风险度评价   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
风险一词虽然已经广泛被科学家和经济学家所使用 ,但涉及到自然灾害的风险研究则还是 2 0世纪 80年代中后期的事。国内有关泥石流风险的探讨 ,更是 2 0世纪 90年代才初见端倪。国际上 ,泥石流风险评价至今仍然是前沿探索性领域和新兴的研究课题。基于联合国对自然灾害风险的定义及其定量表达 ,本文给出了泥石流风险度 =危险度易损度这一数学命题的近似解。讨论了风险分级和不同风险等级的分布概率以及风险指南。以云南东川因民矿区黑山沟泥石流为例 ,对单沟泥石流风险度评价模型进行了示范应用  相似文献   

多宗隆哇泥石流沟位于青海省兴海县中铁乡,距茨哈峡水电站仅1km,流域面积为144.3km2,由于汇水面积大且物源较多,将对下游的茨哈峡电站造成威胁。运用泥石流风险评价理论,结合泥石流的危险度评价和易损度评价,综合多宗隆哇沟泥石流危险度评价(H单=0.50044)和灾害的易损度评价(V单=0.49),运用自然灾害风险度模型,得出了多宗隆哇沟泥石流的风险度为0.24,为中度风险泥石流沟。  相似文献   

多宗隆哇泥石流沟位于青海省兴海县中铁乡,距茨哈峡水电站仅1km,流域面积为144.3km2,由于汇水面积大且物源较多,将对下游的茨哈峡电站造成威胁。运用泥石流风险评价理论,结合泥石流的危险度评价和易损度评价,综合多宗隆哇沟泥石流危险度评价(H单=0.50044)和灾害的易损度评价(V单=0.49),运用自然灾害风险度模型,得出了多宗隆哇沟泥石流的风险度为0.24,为中度风险泥石流沟。  相似文献   

Quantitative landslide risk assessment requires information about the temporal, spatial and intensity probability of hazardous processes both regarding their initiation as well as their run-out. This is followed by an estimation of the physical consequences inflicted by the hazard, preferentially quantified in monetary values. For that purpose, deterministic hazard modelling has to be coupled with information about the value of the elements at risk and their vulnerability. Dynamic run-out models for debris flows are able to determine physical outputs (extension, depths, velocities, impact pressures) and to determine the zones where the elements at risk can suffer an impact. These results can then be applied for vulnerability and risk calculations. Debris flow risk has been assessed in the area of Tresenda in the Valtellina Valley (Lombardy Region, northern Italy). Three quantitative hazard scenarios for different return periods were prepared using available rainfall and geotechnical data. The numerical model FLO-2D was applied for the simulation of the debris flow propagation. The modelled hazard scenarios were consequently overlaid with the elements at risk, represented as building footprints. The expected physical damage to the buildings was estimated using vulnerability functions based on flow depth and impact pressure. A qualitative correlation between physical vulnerability and human losses was also proposed. To assess the uncertainties inherent in the analysis, six risk curves were obtained based on the maximum, average and minimum values and direct economic losses to the buildings were estimated, in the range of 0.25–7.7 million €, depending on the hazard scenario and vulnerability curve used.  相似文献   

Building vulnerability to debris flows in Taiwan: a preliminary study   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In quantitative risk analyses for natural hazards, vulnerability can be expressed as the ratio of reconstruction, replacement or reproduction expenses due to a damage caused by a certain process intensity and the original value of the element at risk exposed. To discuss the building vulnerability under debris flow events, the ratio is mostly related to debris flow inundation height, building materials and building values. Different types of buildings would resist to the impact of debris flows differently, resulting in different damage levels even under the same inundation height. After debris flow events, the damages to a building include the content loss and the structure loss, which is also variable due to the individual building conditions. This study proposes a flowchart to establish building vulnerability curves through estimating the damages to buildings after debris flow hazards. The losses of content and structure are firstly calculated separately to obtain the loss ratios with respect to original buildings. Secondly, by combining the content and structure loss ratio, the building vulnerability function is derived. In this paper, the original building content value was obtained from governmental statistic records and was based on the market price, and the structure value was received from a regional architecture office. The losses resulting from debris flow impacts were synthetically derived following field surveys. To combine the content and structure losses, a unit building with a floor area of 60?m2 was assumed. The result shows that due to a higher percentage of content value compared with the total building value, the loss ratio resulting from debris flows in Taiwan is higher compared with European studies, in particular with respect to high-frequency but low-magnitude events. The concept of obtaining building vulnerability is particularly suitable for regions where well-documented building loss records are unavailable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is the comparison between the fundamental periods identified experimentally and those calculated using the formulas given in the Algerian Seismic Code (RPA 99) for vulnerability assessment and for experimental data collection of selected sample of old buildings. The results obtained for vulnerability assessment will then be extrapolated to buildings of the same typology built during the 1949 to 1954 period in the northern part of Algeria. From 1949 to 1954, the reinforced concrete constructions in Algeria were built before the first generation of the Algerian Seismic Code. These buildings being old are certainly weakened by the occupancy activities and seismic event loads. Hence, the evaluation of their vulnerability with respect to the regional seismic hazard requires the knowledge of their structure on a site capacity. The empirical formulas to calculate the fundamental period of a building are based on the Algerian Earthquake Code (RPA 99) .These formulas consider only the geometrical dimension (length, width and height) and the structural design of the buildings. The fundamental periods of vibration of twenty-two buildings, located in Algiers, calculated using the empirical formulas given in the RPA 99 are lower than those identified experimentally. A question then rises, do these tested buildings present any damage or not? As five of these buildings were tested before the 21 May 2003 earthquake, the experimental testing highlighted a decrease in the fundamental frequency which means that these buildings are damaged. Hence, for vulnerability assessment, the empirical formulas given in the Algerian Seismic Code (RPA 99) may not be appropriate for vulnerability assessment of the old buildings built during the 1949 to 1954 period.  相似文献   

柴波  陶阳阳  杜娟  黄平  王伟 《地球科学》2020,45(12):4630-4639
冰湖溃决型泥石流是高原山区特殊的地质灾害,以西藏聂拉木县嘉龙湖为例,建立了一套冰湖溃决型泥石流危险性评价方法.以喜马拉雅山区1970—2015年气温波动频次和聂拉木冰湖溃决历史事件预测了未来10年嘉龙湖溃决的时间概率.利用遥感影像识别嘉龙湖上方不稳定冰体的范围和规模,采用美国土木工程师协会推荐公式和修正的三峡库区涌浪计算方法分析了冰川滑坡产生的涌浪规模,从涌浪波压力和越顶水流推力两方面预测了冰碛坝发生失稳的可能性.采用FLO-2D模拟冰湖溃决泥石流的运动过程,以最大流速和泥深表达了嘉龙湖溃决泥石流的危险程度.评价结果表明:2002年嘉龙湖溃决事件与当年气温偏高有关,未来嘉龙湖发生溃决概率高;冰川滑坡激起涌浪能够翻越坝顶,并引起坝体快速侵蚀而溃决;冰湖溃决泥石流对聂拉木县城河道两侧54栋建筑造成威胁.评价方法实现了冰湖溃决型泥石流危险性的定量分析,评价结果对聂拉木县城泥石流防灾具有现实意义.   相似文献   

The risk assessment is not only the one of the most effective soft measures in natural hazard prevention, but also is the base of hazard risk management. On account of the specificity of various elements at risk and debris flow mechanism, the theoretical system and technical procedure of debris flow quantitative risk assessment for buildings and roads were established in the mountaineous area of Southwest China, which included three sections: ①To represent debris flow hazard quantitatively using the intensity index IDF through FLO-2D simulation; ②To build debris flow physical vulnerability curve based on the loss exceedance-probability from Qipan gully debris flow case; ③To quantify the expected loss of the important elements at risk based on their database after setting the future debris flow scenarios. The case study of Yangling catchment indicated that the responding mechanism between elements at risk and debris flow physical mechanism was described quantitatively by this quantitative risk assessment system, which can contribute to the construction planning and prevention measure making in the southwestern mountainous area.  相似文献   

城市泥石流风险评价探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
唐川  朱静 《水科学进展》2006,17(3):383-388
探讨了城市泥石流风险评价的系统方法,该方法包括泥石流扇形地危险区划、城市易损性分析和城市泥石流风险评价三个主要内容。泥石流堆积扇危险区划是基于数值模拟计算出的泥深和流速分布图进行叠合完成的。以美国高分辨率的“快鸟”卫星影像为数据源,完成了研究区的城市土地覆盖类型遥感解译,在此基础上完成了城市泥石流易损性分析,应用地理信息系统提供的统计和分析工具,完成了研究区泥石流风险评价。该风险区划图可用于指导对泥石流易泛区的不同风险地带的土地利用进行规划和决策,从而达到规避和减轻灾害的目的,也为生活在泥石流危险区的城市居民提供有关灾害风险信息,以作避难和灾害防治的依据。  相似文献   

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