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广西布泉地下河发育特征及连通性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明广西布泉地下河岩溶发育规律和分布特征,在1:5万水文地质调查的基础上,对该区地下水水位动态进行长期观测和示踪,研究布泉地下河地表和地下岩溶发育特征,分析布泉河上游和中游各支流间的连通性。该区地表主要为峰丛洼地,溶蚀强烈,地下河管道主要沿断层展布,平面形态呈树枝型,剖面形态呈阶梯型。地下河中下游管道的地下水水位动态对降雨的响应滞后,上游管道及远离管道区的地下水水位动态对降雨的响应敏感。地下河上游和中游地下水平均流速分别为1 166 m/d和1 079 m/d,地下水总体径流速度较快,上游地下水的水力坡度大于中游。地下河上游管道分支较多,地下水连通性较复杂,中游主管道明显,连通性较好。  相似文献   

利用HOBO小型自动气象站、WGZ21型光电数字水位计和CTDP300型在线水质监测仪,对典型岩溶槽谷地下河系统暴雨条件下水文水化学动态变化进行了连续监测,运用WATSPAC软件计算方解石饱和指数(SIc)和CO2分压(PCO2)。分析了降雨过程中,地下河系统水文水化学动态变化特征。结果表明:在降雨过程中,地下河系统总体以稀释效应为主,对降雨的响应速度快。其中,地下河入口水化学变化受降雨稀释效应和外界环境因素共同影响,变化复杂。出口水化学变化以稀释效应为主,较入口规律。强降雨初期主要由来自中下游岩溶裂隙和洼地对地下河管道的快速补给;降雨后期和降雨过程结束后主要由来自上游岩口落水洞的注入补给。青木关流域岩溶发育程度高,岩溶管道流畅通性良好。强降雨形成的短时地表产流集中注入、降雨入渗经裂隙的快速补给对地下河水质的好坏造成直接影响。  相似文献   

岩溶地下河系统在无雨条件下,秋季短时间尺度(10日左右)内其出口处水化学动态具有显著的日周期,连续功率谱及交叉功率谱分析可以识别这一周期。文章以茂兰自然保护区板寨地下河系统出口为研究对象,运用频谱分析方法对2007年10月中旬无雨条件下10日左右连续监测的气象要素、水化学数据进行研究,发现植被覆盖良好的岩溶地下河系统,出口处水化学动态呈现日动态变化周期,表现为白天气温升高,水的pH值升高,二氧化碳分压、电导率和方解石饱和指数降低,其中pH值对气象要素的响应最为敏感,二氧化碳分压对水温的响应最为敏感。  相似文献   

利用多参数自动记录仪(CTDP300)对广西马山县弄拉监测站的降雨量及表层岩溶泉水的水位、水温、pH值、电导率进行了监测。结果表明,系统对环境变化响应及时。其地球化学行为表现为明显的季节与昼夜动态变化,且在不同的气候条件下,水化学动态变化有不同的表现。在正常气候(无雨)条件下,水温、pH与电导率之间具有较好的正相关关系。暴雨期间,降雨开始阶段稀释作用明显。降雨中后期,CO2效应逐渐占主导地位。因此有必要把水、岩、CO2气体作为一个整体来解释表层岩溶作用的水文地球化学行为。  相似文献   

为研究城市化作用下的岩溶区地下水水质演变状况,基于2008-2012年对老龙洞地下河的pH值、电导率、水温、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、Cl-、NO3-、SO42-、PO43-等水物理化学指标的连续监测,分析了老龙洞地下河流域水质的演变趋势,并对2011年8月的单场降雨条件下地下河水质的动态变化进行主成分分析(PCA)。结果表明,在城市化过程中,地下河水Na+、Cl-、PO43-、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-等离子浓度受人类活动影响而明显上升,NO3-、SO42-浓度则因为城市化效应增强和农业活动强度的降低而下降。老龙洞地下河水补给来源复杂,其中碳酸盐岩地质背景、人类活动及水土流失对地下河水质变化起着决定作用。城市化水平的提高、区域环境的变化,使得老龙洞地下河的水质也处于不断变化中,从硝酸盐、硫酸盐的年际变化看,地下河水质已有较大改善。   相似文献   

贵阳市花溪区养牛村一带岩溶发育,地下水资源丰富。为了解该区域在枯水季地下河流量、水位变化情况以及地下水受污染状况,特开展了本研究。研究区域为构造变形复杂的岩溶槽谷地貌,通过野外调查、实测、室内实验等途径获取数据,利用CAD绘图和Excel数据统计,分析了暗河流量、水位、水质、水温、pH值动态特征。结果表明,养牛村地下河岩溶水枯水季流量季调节系数为6.83,平均流量0.102 m3·s-1,处于较稳定状态;水位变化幅度值为2.7,处于稳定状态,水温与pH均呈缓慢上升趋势。根据《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-2017),该区地下水水质处于III-V类水,不宜作为饮用水资源开采。本次研究结果可为该区地下水资源的开发利用和水环境评价与保护提供参考。   相似文献   

利用mapgis软件提取四川省1:20万或1:50万水文地质图信息,初步查清四川岩溶水地下河的空间分布规律,统计得出岩溶地下河约168条,总长度约77.23 km,多年平均枯季流量为470.02 L/s,地下河发育密度为0.88 m/km2,多年平均径流模数为9.52 L/s·km2。四川地下河长度以中、短型为主,小于5 km的占67.92%;流量以中、小流量为主,小于200 L/s的地下河占总量的49%。从区域构造来看,主要分布于准扬子地台的上扬子台坳、四川台坳、龙门山-大巴山台缘坳陷、康滇地轴等;从行政区划来看,主要分布于古蔺县、叙永县、筠连县、邻水县、盐源县等地。  相似文献   

选取桂林丫吉试验场硝盐洞为研究对象,通过示踪试验和高分辨率水文水化学监测,确定滴水补给来源,研究典型岩溶包气带洞穴滴水对降雨响应的水文过程。研究结果表明,硝盐洞XY5滴水主要受到两种径流成分补给,即集中补给的管道流和弥散流。硝盐洞上部包气带中可能存在表层岩溶带含水层,长期维持滴水流量。滴水流量、电导率和示踪剂浓度的峰值均出现在强降雨时段,表现出快速响应的管道流特征,存在降雨阈值引起硝盐洞滴水降雨响应。降雨前岩溶含水层水分条件是包气带水文响应差异的主要原因,雨季滴水对降雨响应迅速,XY5滴水对降雨响应的滞后时间为10 h;而旱季对降雨的响应滞后明显,滞后时间达9.8天,体现了土壤和表层岩溶带的调蓄作用。74.4 mm降雨量是旱季转雨季滴水响应的降雨阈值。借助于洞穴滴水的水文动态变化和示踪试验技术对于研究包气带水文过程,深入了解岩溶含水层结构及特征,揭示岩溶区降雨入渗补给机制具有重要作用。  相似文献   

降水对广西马山兰电堂泉水化学动态变化观测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用多参数自动记录仪(CDTP300)对广西马山兰电堂泉的降雨量、水位、水温、pH值和电导率进行自动化监测,数据采集间隔为15 min。结果发现,降雨期间泉水pH值和温度呈升高趋势的同时却出现电导率急剧降低的现象。通过进一步利用WATSPAC软件计算泉水方解石饱和指数(SIC)、白云石饱和指数(SID)和二氧化碳分压(LogP-CO2),发现其SIC、SID和LogPCO2值在降雨期间均呈明显降低趋势。由此可以推断,兰电堂泉水化学动态变化是由雨水的稀释作用造成的,因为研究区具有较高pH值和低电导率的雨水能够形成坡面流快速通过岩溶管道系统影响泉水的水化学性质,并使稀释作用成为控制表层岩溶泉在雨季水化学动态变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

岩溶水系统的水化学曲线及其在水文地质研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了认识水文地质条件与岩溶泉水化学之间的关系,以西南地区的6个典型岩溶水系统丫吉试验场S31号泉、毛村地下河、官村地下河、陈旗岩溶泉、青木关地下河以及金佛山水房泉为例进行研究。通过对比发现,在这些强烈非均质的山区裸露型岩溶水系统中,仪器能够实现自动化监测的电导率、温度和pH值等指标的水化学曲线存在差异。分析可知控制水化学变化的主要因素如下:首先是降雨补给引起系统的水量与碳酸盐岩溶解过程的变化;其次是CO2气体随降雨进入含水层,促进碳酸盐岩的溶解;最后是地表污染物的淋滤。当电导率、水温、pH曲线出现降低和碳酸盐岩矿物饱和指数下降时,反映的是岩溶水的稀释作用;当电导率曲线出现高峰时,反映的是岩溶水补给的CO2效应,此时水中二氧化碳分压(pCO2)升高;当场雨中水化学曲线的变化滞后于水文动态曲线时,反映的是岩溶管道的活塞流效应;与人类活动有关的NO-3等污染物质量浓度在降雨后出现高峰,反映土壤的降雨淋滤作用,并可能影响电导率的变化趋势。某个系统的水化学曲线趋向于经常出现某几种效应,并且彼此的类型不同,表明了降雨补给的面状渗流方式和集中灌入方式对岩溶水影响的强弱不同,以及系统在径流方式和调蓄机制上的差异。一般而言:以面状补给方式为主的系统,水化学曲线多表现为CO2效应,较少出现稀释作用;而岩溶发育强烈的系统,降雨补给受控于溶蚀裂隙和管道,其水化学曲线较多出现稀释作用,较少出现CO2效应;以管道为主要径流方式的系统易出现活塞流效应,而包气带厚度大和含水层储水能力强的系统水化学变化被减弱。  相似文献   

以重庆青木关岩溶槽谷姜家泉野外观测试验基地为例,利用CTDP300多参数水质自动记录仪、NITRATAX plussc在线硝氮分析仪及HOBO小型气象站,分别对岩溶泉在不同降雨条件下水化学的动态变化特征进行了监测研究。结果表明:岩溶泉水pH值受偏酸性雨水的影响而降低;水温变化取决于降雨量、持续时间及气温等因素影响。分析认为,电导率的变化随环境的不同而不同,一般降雨环境下雨水的稀释作用仅表现在降雨的开始阶段,之后裂隙含水介质起主要作用;暴雨环境下雨水的稀释作用贯穿整个降雨过程,地下河水质主要受岩溶管道裂隙控制,水动力作用占主要地位。NO3-含量与电导率变化呈正相关,都与降雨量密切相关,从而说明降雨是导致岩溶区土壤元素流失的主要原因,也是造成岩溶山区地下水污染的重要原因。岩溶泉水化学动态变化的监测研究对于解决岩溶石山区居民的饮水、水土保持及石漠化治理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

围绕大龙洞水库成库条件调查中存在的疑点问题开展示踪工作。根据示踪试验区的水文地质条件,选择降雨时地表水向地下集中渗漏排泄的狗肉寨极乐村洼地落水洞作为投放点,并在极乐村洼地落水洞的北东大龙洞地下河出口附近的鬼冲地下河、鬼冲泉和大龙洞地下河出口下方对岸100m处的Y034季节性水点(表层带岩溶泉点)及大龙洞地下河出口设置接收点,采用弱酸性红A荧光染料类试剂作示踪材料。示踪结果显示,鬼冲地下河、鬼冲泉和大龙洞地下河与投放点的连通性差;季节性水点Y034与投放点的连通性好;表明通过狗肉寨极乐村洼地落水洞汇集转化成的岩溶地下水与表层岩溶带季节性岩溶泉水水力联系密切,而与鬼冲地下河、大龙洞地下河之间则存在有地下分水岭。  相似文献   

典型岩溶石山包气带洞穴水流的水文过程浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究岩溶包气带洞穴水流的水文过程,在2013年7月1日至2013年11月21日期间,选取桂林丫吉试验场硝盐洞XY5滴水点为研究对象,利用GreenSpanCTDP300多参数仪对其进行了每半小时一次的高频率水文指标监测,分析了包气带洞穴滴水对降雨响应过程及水化学指标的动态变化特征。研究表明:洞穴滴水量、电导率和水温有很好的对应关系;滴水量变化主要受到降雨量、降雨强度和硝盐洞单元体前期含水量的影响,监测期间滴水量变化范围为23.15-589.47 mL/s;水温对降雨响应速度最快且主要受当地气温的影响,流量和电导率基本上表现出同时上升态势,电导率具有季节变化规律,即雨季电导率值较大,波动小,旱季值较小,波动较大;从旱季和雨季的水文过程,并结合旱季滴水主要化学组分的动态变化来看,电导率和水温有3个峰值,不同的峰对应不同产流顺序的水,即裸岩面产生的坡面径流、土壤—基岩界面径流和裂隙水。因此,通过洞穴滴水的水文过程及水化学指标的动态变化特征,可以定性的反映出滴水水源、滴水点运移路径、时间和环境条件的变化。  相似文献   


Globally, it is possible that up to 25% of the world’s population depends on karst water supplies. In karst areas, a high degree of groundwater and surface water linkage often results in the direct recharge of groundwater with polluted run-off following rainfall. In order to reveal the hydrochemical variations after rainfall, especially real-time variation of pollutants, high-resolution auto-monitoring techniques were used at the outlet of Qingmuguan subterranean stream (QSS), which is influenced by agricultural activities. In addition to rainfall, high-resolution measurements of pH, water level, electrical conductivity (Ec) and NO3 concentration were recorded in the monsoon season and fertilizer application period using a data logger with time intervals of 15 min. In the six observed rainfall events, the pH value was mainly controlled by acidic rainfall inputs. The pH showed sharp decline after the rainfall event, and then increased. The Ec was impacted by the rainfall chemistry, dilution effect of rainfall and agricultural wastewater. NO3 derived from agricultural activities was less impacted by rain chemistry; and its variations were mainly affected by the dilution effect of rainfall and agricultural wastewater. Under the influences of the R1 rainfall, the rapid changes of Ec and NO3 were opposite in direction. As the rain continued, both the Ec and NO3 rapidly changed in synchronization within the shortest period of 5 h and the longest of 27 h because of the impact of the agricultural wastewater. The groundwater quality changed due to the influx of agricultural wastewater over the entire monitoring period. According to the National Groundwater Quality Standard, People’s Republic of China (GB/T14848-9), the groundwater quality of the QSS moved through the following grades during the monitoring period: Grade III → Grade IV → Grade V → Grade IV → Grade V → Grade IV → Grade V → Grade IV → Grade III. Traditional sampling methods did not reveal accurate hydrochemistry changes of the QSS, and even generated misleading results. Consequently, the high-resolution auto-monitoring technique is necessary for the future protection and sustainable use of karst aquifer in Southwest China.  相似文献   

In the southeastern United States, which has very few natural lakes, developers often impound headwater streams to create esthetic lakes as focal points in the residential landscape. Given the prevalence and increasing abundance of these water features, it is important to assess and quantify the spatial and temporal impacts these lakes have on headwater stream temperatures. Any changes in the downstream thermal regime may influence not only the biological functioning of a stream, but also important physical and chemical water quality characteristics. The purpose of this study was to quantify the magnitude and extent of the downstream temperature disturbance associated with three different, artificially impounded, residential headwater lakes in Greenville, South Carolina. Water temperature loggers were installed upstream, in-lake, and downstream of three surface-release residential lakes and monitored at 5-min intervals from July 2007 to April 2008. In July/August 2007, longitudinal stream temperature profiles were measured at 50-m intervals both upstream and downstream of each lake in order to assess the spatial extent of the lake’s temperature disturbance. The lakes altered the downstream thermal regime at all three sites, increasing temperature by as much as 8.4 °C and decreasing diurnal variability by as much as 3.9 °C within the period of record. Furthermore, the longitudinal profiles of all three stream-lake systems showed no significant signs of downstream recovery to the upstream temperatures. The ecological effects of such temperature disturbances on stream biotic communities were not quantified in this study, but are likely significant. This study considered lakes only in South Carolina, but the observed changes to the downstream thermal regime are presumably similar for impounded residential headwater lakes across the US Southeast given the similar climate regime and comparable design and construction of these lakes across the region.  相似文献   

The Kali-Hindon inter-stream region extends over an area of 395 km2 within the Ganga-Yamuna interfluve. It is a fertile tract for sugarcane cultivation. Groundwater is a primary resource for irrigation and industrial purposes. In recent years, over-exploitation has resulted in an adverse impact on the groundwater regime. In this study, an attempt has been made to calculate a water balance for the Kali-Hindon inter-stream region. Various inflows and outflows to and from the aquifer have been calculated. The recharge due to rainfall and other recharge parameters such as horizontal inflow, irrigation return flow and canal seepage were also evaluated. Groundwater withdrawals, evaporation from the water table, discharge from the aquifer to rivers and horizontal subsurface outflows were also estimated. The results show that total recharge into the system is 148.72 million cubic metres (Mcum), whereas the total discharge is 161.06 Mcum, leaving a deficit balance of −12.34 Mcum. Similarly, the groundwater balance was evaluated for the successive four years. The result shows that the groundwater balance is highly sensitive to variation in rainfall followed by draft through pumpage. The depths to water level are shallow in the canal-irrigated northern part of the basin and deeper in the southern part. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon water levels range from 4.6 to 17.7 m below ground level (bgl) and from 3.5 to 16.5 m bgl respectively. It is concluded that the groundwater may be pumped in the canal-irrigated northern part, while withdrawals may be restricted to the southern portion of the basin, where intense abstraction has led to rapidly falling water table levels.  相似文献   

For the purpose of exploring seasonal stratification characteristics of water hydrochemistry, the seasonal dynamics and vertical thermal stratification of water temperature in Lake Lugu, the vertical profiles of water temperature (Temp), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) of Lake Lugu were monitored in January, April, July and October 2015, respectively. The results indicated that water body of Lake Lugu appeared thermal stratification in spring, summer and autumn, however, in winter, the water temperature in vertical direction was homogeneous. The thermocline was located between 10 and 25 m, nevertheless, it moved down to range from 20 to 30 m in autumn. In addition, water temperature in hypolimnion was maintained almost as a constant and consistent with annual temperature, indicating water body was stable all along. The results showed that the thermal stratification had some influences on vertical distributions of DO, EC, pH and Chl-a. The significant stratification of DO, EC and pH was found, especially in summer, DO and pH values in thermocline peaked due to greatly stable thermal stratification and temperature increase. In hypolimnion, DO concentration and pH value were very small. Moreover, Chl-a concentration was higher in the surface and lower in the bottom water, implying that human should be highly alter to prevent the emergence of a large area of algae in Lake Lugu. EC took on decreasing variation, besides, lower in the thermocline. While,Lugu Lake water salinity was lower and substantially constant (~ 0.10‰), without considering the effects of salinity, both in vertical sections and in epilimnion, thermocline and hypolimnion, there all existed a simple linear function of the relationship between EC andwater temperature, showing that Lugu Lake was affected by natural climate and keeps natural state.  相似文献   

Coastal waters are severely threatened by nitrogen (N) loading from direct groundwater discharge. The subterranean estuary, the mixing zone of fresh groundwater and sea water in a coastal aquifer, has a high potential to remove substantial N. A network of piezometers was used to characterize the denitrification capacity and groundwater flow paths in the subterranean estuary below a Rhode Island fringing salt marsh.15N-enriched nitrate was injected into the subterranean estuary (in situ push-pull method) to evaluate the denitrification capacity of the saturated zone at multiple depths (125–300 cm) below different zones (upland-marsh transition zone, high marsh, and low marsh). From the upland to low marsh, the water table became shallower, groundwater dissolved oxygen decreased, and groundwater pH, soil organic carbon, and total root biomass increased. As groundwater approached the high and low marsh, the hydraulic gradient increased and deep groundwater upwelled. In the warm season (groundwater temperature >12 °C), elevated groundwater denitrification capacity within each zone was observed. The warm season low marsh groundwater denitrification capacity was significantly higher than all other zones and depths. In the cool season (groundwater temperature <10.5 °C), elevated groundwater denitrification capacity was only found in the low marsh. Additions of dissolved organic carbon did not alter groundwater denitrification capacity suggesting that an alternative electron donor, possibly transported by tidal inundation from the root zone, may be limiting. Combining flow paths with denitrification capacity and saturated porewater residence time, we estimated that as much as 29–60 mg N could be removed from 11 of water flowing through the subterranean estuary below the low marsh, arguing for the significance of subterranean estuaries in annual watershed scale N budgets.  相似文献   

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