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火山玻璃风化层的透射电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用透射电镜(TEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)研究了长白山天池火山1000年和4000年前两次大喷发产生的火山玻璃风化层特征.TEM分析显示,4000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度3.7 mm,1000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度为1.0 mm.EDX分析显示,两次大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层化学组成与火山玻璃相比富Al、Fe,而si减少.火山玻璃风化层富Al发生在Al的浓度较高的中到弱酸溶液中(pH=5~6),火山玻璃表面形成含有少量的非晶质的Al、Si、Fe物质,这些非品质的次生物质是火山玻璃风化早期阶段形成的.天池火山喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征的差异可能与火山喷发年代和喷发后的环境有关,研究天池火山不同期次喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征具有一定的理论和实际应用价值.  相似文献   

本文在长白山天池火山野外地质工作基础上,对天池火山黄色浮岩(50000年前大喷发)、灰白色浮岩(千年大喷发)和黑色浮岩(八卦庙期喷发)等三期空降浮岩开展了扫描电子显微镜高精度结构分析以及浮岩气孔结构的局域化定量研究。三期浮岩洛伦茨分析表明:黄色浮岩和黑色浮岩气孔均一化程度基本一致,而灰白色浮岩均一化程度更高,反映了千年大喷发在岩浆演化程度和喷发动力学行为上的特殊性,推测可能与幔源岩浆注入地壳岩浆房的动力过程有关。气孔大小幂律分布以及气孔形态分形特征的复杂性分析表明,50000年前大喷发的浮岩幂指数和分形维数最高,揭示了其自组织临界态程度最高,对外界环境触发最为敏感,而另外两期浮岩幂指数和分形维数呈现出标准的幂律衰减,据此我们推测三期喷发可能均处在天池火山系统逐渐稳态恢复的大周期中。  相似文献   

爆炸式喷发过程中,火山碎屑物气孔记录了挥发分出溶、膨胀和合并等信息,其大小、形态、数量密度、空间分布等局域特征是推断火山喷发动力条件的重要参考。文章基于天池火山三期喷发(50 000年前大喷发的黄色浮岩、千年大喷发的灰白色浮岩和1668年八卦庙期喷发的黑色浮岩)野外地质工作,以非线性火山喷发动力学为指导,开展了火山通道内气泡生长的流体动力学研究,揭示出岩浆流体黏性力和界面张力的共同作用对于岩浆减压和气泡生长过程的约束。在浮岩气孔结构的定量化分析基础上,进一步研究了天池火山三期喷发的浮岩气孔参数,通过气泡生长流体动力学方程得到了千年大喷发灰白色浮岩毛细管数Ca值为253, 明显高于50 000年前大喷发黄色浮岩(Ca值为94)和八卦庙期喷发黑色浮岩(Ca值为111),表明了千年大喷发曾发生过明显的成分变化,推测可能与幔源基性岩浆注入有关;而50 000年前大喷发黄色浮岩气孔不规则形态参数(1-Ω)值为0.098,大于后两期喷发(分别为0.052和0.064),可能意味着天池火山系统动力学平衡的弛豫周期变小或浮岩气泡生长受动力学、流变学改造过程减弱,这可为进一步研究天池火山活动规律提供参考。三期浮岩毛细管数Ca量级为102,气孔不规则形态参数(1-Ω)量级为10-1,从动力学上首次证实了天池火山属于普林尼型或超普林尼型喷发。  相似文献   

张秉良 《地质学报》2011,85(6):947-954
利用扫描电镜和能谱分析研究天池火山天文峰剖面全新世喷发物中长石表面硅膜的结构状态和化学组成,结果显示:天文峰剖面从顶部黑色浮岩向下到暗灰色浮岩中,长石表面发育有不同结构状态的硅膜.硅膜的结构特征有随火山喷发时代越早,长石颗粒表面硅膜越厚,结构越复杂;喷发时代越晚,长石颗粒表面硅膜越薄,其结构越简单的变化趋势,即长石表面...  相似文献   

太平洋北部铁锰结核富集区沉积物的元素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
鲍根德 《沉积学报》1990,8(1):44-56
本文对太平洋北部铁锰结核富集区沉积物的元素地球化学作了较为详细的研究。因子分析提供的信息表明,元素的分布主要受三个因子控制:(1)粘土及Fe、Mn氧化物水化物胶体的吸附作用;(2)生物化学作用过程有关的自生沉积作用;(3)海底页岩风化及附近海区的火山喷发作用。元素的来源:(1)Fe、Mn、Cu、Co、Ni、Zn、Cr、Cr、Mg、Al、Ti、K共生,主要来自粘土吸附;(2)C有机、N、Sr、Na及Si、Ca、Sr主要来自生物化学过程沉积;(3)Pb主要来源于岩石碎屑(火山喷发碎屑)。  相似文献   

熔体包裹体对长白山天池火山千年大喷发的指示意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李霓  樊祺诚  孙谦  盘晓东 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2604-2614
长白山天池火山在全新世曾有过几次喷发,其中距今约1000年发生过大规模布里尼式爆炸喷发(即“千年大喷发”),其喷发产物——灰白色碱流质浮岩和喷发柱垮塌形成的火山碎屑流分布范围极广,除长白山区外,在朝鲜半岛和日本北部也有大量浮岩降落和堆积。根据野外较大范围的系统采样、镜下观察和测试分析,在天池火山千年大喷发产物的碱性长石晶屑中发现了两组颜色、形态、化学成分迥异的“火口组”和“圆池组”熔体包裹体,对揭示天池火山千年大喷发的成因具有重要意义。根据电子探针分析结果,“火口组”熔体包裹体成分为英安岩和粗面英安岩,寄主晶多为透长石;“圆池组”熔体包裹体成分为粗面英安岩和流纹岩,寄主晶为歪长石。相对“火口组”熔体包裹体,“圆池组”包裹体具有高SiO2、高H2O和高Cl含量的特点,化学成分也更为演化,可能是天池火山千年大喷发时岩浆结晶分异后期的产物。两组包裹体的存在为千年大喷发前的层状地壳岩浆房和成分并非单一提供了证据,它们可能是在同次大喷发的不同序列中喷出的。由于地幔岩浆注入地壳岩浆房,导致不同层位岩浆的扰动和混合作用,因挥发分出溶在岩浆房最顶部形成挥发分梯度和过饱和,最终触发了天池火山的千年大喷发,对当时的气候环境造成过较大影响。  相似文献   

加勒比海圣卢西亚岛最新喷发(<1百万年)的英安质熔岩属钙-碱性火山岩系。呈岩穹、岩钟状火山侵出体及猛烈喷发的浮岩相产出。根据矿物学及岩浆包裹体温压地球化学研究,英安质浮岩富含挥发组分,各类矿物斑晶在岩浆结晶分异晚期,于800-900℃、0.6-1.8千巴(P_(H_2O))条件下近于同时结晶析出;英安岩侵出体形成于猛烈爆发之后,气体大量逸出,挥发分含量较低,各类矿物斑晶于880℃、1千巴(P_(H_2O))条件下近于同时结晶析出。  相似文献   

为研究缅甸翡翠次生部位的元素成分演化特征,采用主量元素测试、微量元素测试、电子探针及X射线粉晶衍射分析方法对缅甸翡翠的灰绿色次生色(翡翠界称之蓝雾)部位、黄蓝色次生色部位及黄(红)色次生色(翡翠界称之黄(红)雾)部位的元素及矿物成分进行了测试与分析。结果显示,与蓝色次色生部位相比较,黄色次生色部位中的Na、Al、Si元素的含量递增对应着X粉晶衍射中伊利石等的出现,黄色次生色部位的Fe、Mg等元素的含量递减对应着绿泥石的峰的消失。表明带有蓝雾的砾石被抬升到地表后,其中的大量的Fe被偏酸性的雨水淋滤带出,少量被氧化成Fe3+后沉淀形成黄、红雾。氧化条件加上湿热气候区偏酸性水的作用,能够使绿泥石和硬玉矿物逐渐地风化分解,形成高岭石和褐铁矿。  相似文献   

陈福  朱笑青 《地球化学》1987,(4):341-350
作者提出在火山脱气阶段形成强酸性和还原性雨水的风化淋滤条件,在火山间歇期形成饱含CO2气雨水和氧化能力较强的风化淋滤条件下,地史晚期的火山间歇期则形成近似于现代空气雨水的风化淋滤条件。作者用自己设计的模拟实验仪器对多种岩石类型进行了三种大气雨水的风化淋滤模拟实验,计算了元素的带出强度和伴生关系,结合地质情况讨论了雨水pH值的历史演化,风化淋滤作用为沉积矿床提供金属元素的条件,以及风化壳矿床类型的历史演化等问题。  相似文献   

为探讨黑色页岩风化过程中的元素活动规律,采集了湘西东坪、柑子坪下寒武统黑色页岩风化-成土剖面的样品进行了主、微量元素地球化学分析。结果表明,两剖面风化层有不同的主量元素组成,但其土壤层的主量元素组成相对均一。主量元素Si、K、Na、P等在风化过程中活泼而被淋滤释出;而Al、Fe、Mg等元素既可被淋滤释出,又可产生次生富集。而成土过程中,所有主量元素都表现被淋出的特征。元素Mn的次生富集明显;重金属V、Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Zn、Pb等在风化-成土过程中的化学活性与Al、Fe等主量元素相似;亲石元素Sc、Rb、Sr、Cs、Ba、Th、U、Ga、Ge等在风化-成土过程中的活性较强,趋于被淋出,且其淋滤释出率随风化程度增强而升高;高强场元素Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta等的化学活性相对稳定。  相似文献   

Alteration of basaltic glass to palagonite is characterized by a nearly isomolar exchange of SiO2, Al2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, P2O5, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Hf, Sc, Co and REE for H2O and K2O, whilst TiO2 and FeO are passively accumulated during removal of the remaining cations. The network forming cations Al and Si are removed from the glass in proportion to the gain in Ti and Fe, whilst the other cations do not show a significant relationship to the amount of Ti and Fe accumulation. Sr isotopic data show that during palagonite formation approximately 85% of the basaltic Sr is lost to the hydrous solutions and 40% of seawater Sr is added to the glass, yielding an average loss of the same order of magnitude as of the network forming cations. Losses and gains of oxides yield an average increase of +105% TiO2.K, Rb, and Cs show high increases, but KRb and KCs ratios indicate two different alteration processes: (1) formation of palagonite involves a drastic decrease in these ratios, indicating structural similarities between palagonite and smectite; (2) surface alteration of glass is characterized by an increase in KRb and KCs ratios, probably best interpreted as sorption of alkalies in ratios approximating those of seawater.The total fluxes involved in alteration of glass in the upper portion of the oceanic crust are estimated from the modal abundance of palagonite in the oceanic crust and the abundance of the vein materials smectite and carbonate. Smectite and carbonates act as a sink for a significant portion of the elements liberated up during alteration of basaltic glass except for Na and Al, which are probably taken up by zeolites and/or albite, possibly hidden in the macroscopic estimate of carbonate. Formation of the observed quantity of secondary phases requires additional sources for Si, Fe. Ca and K. K is provided in excess from the inflowing seawater at reasonable water/rock ratios. The remaining excess Ca, Si and Fe required may be derived by alteration of interstitial glass and breakdown of anorthite rich plagioclase and titano-magnetite, and/or by supply of deeper seated metamorphic reactions.  相似文献   

The high-grade assemblage Cd-Ga-Si-Qz can be thermodynamically modelled from available calorimetric data on the metastable reaction: (I) $$3 MgCd \rightleftarrows 2 Py + 4 Si + 5 Qz$$ naturalK D Fe-Mg between garnet and cordierite and experimental results on cordierite hydration. In the system SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-H2O, reaction (I) becomes (II) $$3 MgCd \cdot nH_2 O \rightleftarrows 2 Py + 4 Si + 5 Qz + 3 nH_2 O$$ . However, hydrous cordierite is neither a hydrate nor a solid solution between water and anhydrous cordierite and when nH2O (number of moles of H2O in Cd) is plotted against \(P_{H_2 O} \) , the resulting isotherms are similar to adsorption isotherms characteristic of zeolitic minerals. Reaction (II) can thus be considered as a combination of reaction (I) with a physical equilibrium of the type nH2O (in Cd)?nH2O (in vapor phase). Starting from a point on equilibrium (I), introduction of H2O into anhydrous Mg-cordierite lowers the chemical potential of MgCd and hence stabilizes this mineral to higher pressure relative to the right-hand assemblage in reaction (I). The pressure increment of stabilization,ΔP, above the pressure limit of anhydrous cordierite stability at constantT, has been calculated using the standard thermodynamics of adsorption isotherms. Cordierite is regarded as a mixture of Mg2Al4Si5O18 and H2O. The activity of H2O in the cordierite is evaluated relative to an hypothetical standard state extrapolated from infinite H2O dilution, by using measured hydration data. The activity of Mg2Al4Si5O18 in the cordierite is then obtained by integration of the Gibbs-Duhem equation, and the pressure stabilization increment,ΔP, computed by means of the relation: $$\Delta V_s \Delta P \cong - RT\ln a_{MgCd}^{MgCd \cdot nH2O} \left( {\Delta V indepentdent of P and T} \right)$$ . Thus, one may contour theP-T plane in isopleths of nH2O=constant within the area of Mg-cordierite stability allowed by the hydration data for \(P_{H_2 O} = P_{total} \) . The present model indicates greater stabilization of cordierite by H2O than the model of Newton and Wood (1979) and the calculated curve for metastable breakdown of hydrous MgCd is consistent with experimental data on cordierite breakdown at \(P_{H_2 O} = P_{total} \) . Mg/(Mg+Fe) isopleths have been derived for cordierites of varying nH2O in the SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-FeO-H2O system using the additional assumptions that (Fe, Mg) cordierite and (Fe, Mg) garnet behave as ideal solutions, and that typical values of the distribution coefficient of Fe and Mg between coexisting garnet and cordierite observed in natural parageneses can be applied to the calculations. The calculated stable breakdown curve of Fe-cordierite under conditions of \(P_{H_2 O} = P_{total} \) to almandine, sillimanite, quartz and vapor has a positive slope (dP/dT) apparently in contrast to the experimental negative slope. This may be explained by hydration kinetics, which could have allowed systematic breakdown of cordierites of metastable hydration states in the experiments. The bivariant Cd-Ga fields calibrated from the present model are, potentially, good petrogenetic indicators, as, given the iron-magnesium ratio of garnet and cordierite and the hydration number of cordierite, the temperature, pressure and water fugacity are uniquely determined. As this geothermobarometer is in part based on the water content of cordierite, it can be used only if there is some assurance that the actual hydration is inherited from high-grade metamorphic conditions. Such conditions could be realised if the slope of unloading-cooling retrograde metamorphism is more or less parallel to a cordierite isohydron.  相似文献   

Experiments carried out on the system SiO2-NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8(Qz-Ab-Or) at 1 kbar in the presence of H2O and F show that the quartz-alkali feldspar field boundary is progressively displaced towards the feldspar join as F contents increase from 0 to 4 wt. %F. Increasing , in the absence of F, has already been shown to have a similar effect (Tuttle and Bowen 1958; Luth, Jahns, and Tuttle 1964). The increased size of the quartz field in the F-bearing system compared to the hydrous system is believed to be caused by progressive removal of Al from the tetrahedral network of the melt by complexing with F. The residual network in the melt is thus enriched in Si and this stabilizes precipitation of quartz rather than feldspar for certain bulk compositions. The common presence of quench cryolite (Na3AlF6) in certain experiments carried out with 4 wt.% F supports this interpretation and indicates that some Al in the melt may be present in six-fold coordination with F. The effect of H2O in the absence of F may be similar, with Al being progressively removed from four-fold coordination as more H2O is dissolved in the melt. Although a proportion of Al in hydrous melts may occur in six-fold coordination, dry melts predominantly contain Al in four-fold coordination. This major difference in Al complexing may be one of the main causes for differences in the high-pressure phase relations of wet and dry Albearing silicate systems.  相似文献   

Experiments carried out in the system granite-H2O-HF at 0.1 GPa show that the crystal-liquid equilibrium temperature of quartz rises and that of alkali-feldspar goes down with increasing F content. The calculated results of quartz and alkali feldspar crystal-liquid equilibrium show that the activity of SiO2 in melt increases and the activities of NaAlSi3O8(Ab) and KAlSi3O8(Or) decrease, with a greater decreasing extent for a Ab L than a Or L . These systematic changes are believed to be caused by F complexing with Al, Na, K, but not Si in the melt, and are consistent with F decomposing AlO 2 ? tetrahedra and more preferentially forming complexes with Na than K. The comparison between effects of F and H2O on phase equilibrium suggests that the maximum difference affecting melt structure between F and OH is F complexing without Si and OH complexing with Si in granitic melt.  相似文献   

Solubility and solution mechanisms of H2O in depolymerized melts in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 were deduced from spectroscopic data of glasses quenched from melts at 1100 °C at 0.8-2.0 GPa. Data were obtained along a join with fixed nominal NBO/T = 0.5 of the anhydrous materials [Na2Si4O9-Na2(NaAl)4O9] with Al/(Al+Si) = 0.00-0.25. The H2O solubility was fitted to the expression, XH2O=0.20+0.0020fH2O-0.7XAl+0.9(XAl)2, where XH2O is the mole fraction of H2O (calculated with O = 1), fH2O the fugacity of H2O, and XAl = Al/(Al+Si). Partial molar volume of H2O in the melts, , calculated from the H2O-solulbility data assuming ideal mixing of melt-H2O solutions, is 12.5 cm3/mol for Al-free melts and decreases linearly to 8.9 cm3/mol for melts with Al/(Al+Si) ∼ 0.25. However, if recent suggestion that is composition-independent is applied to constrain activity-composition relations of the hydrous melts, the activity coefficient of H2O, , increases with Al/(Al+Si).Solution mechanisms of H2O were obtained by combining Raman and 29Si NMR spectroscopic data. Degree of melt depolymerization, NBO/T, increases with H2O content. The rate of NBO/T-change with H2O is negatively correlated with H2O and positively correlated with Al/(Al+Si). The main depolymerization reaction involves breakage of oxygen bridges in Q4-species to form Q2 species. Steric hindrance appears to restrict bonding of H+ with nonbridging oxygen in Q3 species. The presence of Al3+ does not affect the water solution mechanisms significantly.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2006,225(3-4):373-387
Rock-forming zeolites often exhibit complex solid solutions reflecting isomorphous substitutions between Si and Al in tetrahedral framework sites, between charge-balancing extraframework cations, and between water molecules and vacancies. Although the number of moles of charge on extraframework cations in a zeolite must equal the moles of Al in order to maintain charge balance, the relationships between Si–Al and extraframework substitutions vary considerably across this mineral group. Review of available compositional data suggests that there are three main modes of Si–Al substitution in zeolites: 1) coupled CaAl–NaSi substitution; 2) coupled substitution of a single extraframework cation plus Al for Si; and 3) completely uncoupled substitution among extraframework cations and Si and Al on tetrahedral sites. Among zeolites that exhibit the latter two modes of solid solution, Si–Al substitution can be described by an SiO2 H2O) compositional exchange vector from a hypothetical, pure-silica endmember composition. Recent calorimetric, structural, and theoretical investigations suggest that Si–Al substitution follows a non-ideal, athermal solution model characterized by no excess enthalpies of mixing and negative excess entropies of mixing. Because Si–Al exchange in these minerals can be explicitly or implicitly described by exchange of an SiO2 component, the Si/Al ratio in their framework can be predicted solely as a function of temperature, pressure, and the chemical potential of SiO2. Application of this model leads to calculated Si/Al ratios in stilbite (coexisting with albite), analcime, and chabazite consistent with observed mineral compositions and parageneses in very low-grade metamorphic environments. Coexistence of silica polymorphs with zeolites containing SiO2·nH2O exchange vectors potentially provides a means of performing thermobarometric calculations in very low-grade metamorphic and diagenetic environments.  相似文献   

The Tulul Al Hammam area in central Jordan is an advantageous natural analogue site to study long-term U(VI) retention in ~?1 Ma old U-bearing combustion metamorphic marbles with clinker-like mineralogy exposed to prolonged supergene alteration for at least ~?100 kyr. The marbles contain abundant grains of high-temperature (ca. 800–850 °C) primary double Ca-U(VI) oxides (mainly Ca3UO6 and CaUO4), which are commonly replaced by hydrated calcium uranates with various impurities (Si, Fe, Al and F). A more hydrous natural analogue of X-phase (Ca2UO5·2-3H2O) occurs as a predominant secondary U compound after primary Ca-U(VI) oxides. The phase was studied by single-crystal XRD, SEM/EDX and electron microprobe (EPMA) analyses and Raman spectroscopy. It is a non-crystalline phase with a specific finger-like microtexture consisting of thin (no wider than 1–2 μm) lamellar particles. Its Raman spectrum shows a single strong band at 706–713 cm?1, sometimes coexisting with up to three weak diffuse bands (ν ~?390, ~?540 and 1355–1400 cm?1). The find of the natural X-phase (Ca2UO5·2-3H2O) is evidence of its long-term stability in a natural environment. It proves explicitly that the compound Ca2UO5·nH2O is a solubility-limiting phase in aged cements. The results have implications for geological disposal of radioactive wastes.  相似文献   

Melting experiments have been performed at 1 bar (anhydrous) and 1- and 2-kbar H2O-saturated conditions to study the effect of water on the differentiation of a basaltic andesite. The starting material was a mafic pumice from the compositionally zoned tuff deposited during the ~75 ka caldera-forming eruption of Newberry Volcano, a rear-arc volcanic center in the central Oregon Cascades. Pumices in the tuff of Newberry caldera (TNC) span a continuous silica range from 53 to 74 wt% and feature an unusually high-Na2O content of 6.5 wt% at 67 wt% SiO2. This wide range of magmatic compositions erupted in a single event makes the TNC an excellent natural laboratory in which to study the conditions of magmatic differentiation. Our experimental results and mineral–melt hygrometers/thermometers yield similar estimates of pre-eruptive H2O contents and temperatures of the TNC liquids. The most primitive (mafic) basaltic andesites record a pre-eruptive H2O content of 1.5 wt% and a liquidus temperature of 1,060–1,070 °C at upper crustal pressure. This modest H2O content produces a distinctive fractionation trend that is much more enriched in Na, Fe, and Ti than the calc-alkaline trend typical of wetter arc magmas, but slightly less enriched in Fe and Ti than the tholeiitic trend of dry magmas. Modest H2O contents might be expected at Newberry Volcano given its location in the Cascade rear arc, and the same fractionation trend is also observed in the rim andesites of the rear-arc Medicine Lake volcano in the southern Cascades. However, the Na–Fe–Ti enrichment characteristic of modest H2O (1–2 wt%) is also observed to the west of Newberry in magmas erupted from the arc axis, such as the Shevlin Park Tuff and several lava flows from the Three Sisters. This shows that modest-H2O magmas are being generated directly beneath the arc axis as well as in the rear arc. Because liquid lines of descent are particularly sensitive to water content in the range of 0–3 wt% H2O, they provide a quantitative and reliable tool for precisely determining pre-eruptive H2O content using major-element data from pumices or lava flows. Coupled enrichment in Na, Fe, and Ti relative to the calc-alkaline trend is a general feature of fractional crystallization in the presence of modest amounts of H2O, which may be used to look for “damp” fractionation sequences elsewhere.  相似文献   

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