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通过场发射环境扫描电镜、低温氮气吸脱附实验、高分辨率背散射电子图像定量分析等技术方法,对渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙河街组页岩油储层的微观孔隙类型、结构特征及孔隙分布进行了系统研究。结果表明:沙河街组页岩油储层微观孔隙类型多样,包括粒间孔、粒内孔、晶间孔、溶蚀孔和晶内孔5类孔隙。有利储集空间为孔径在100~3000nm的孔隙,以粒间孔、粒内孔和溶蚀孔为主。泥岩类和灰岩类孔隙形态包括细颈瓶状(墨水瓶状)和平行板状;白云岩类孔隙形态为平行板状,连通性最好。白云岩类定量面孔率最大且孔隙发育最好,其次为泥岩类,灰岩类较差。影响微观孔隙特征的主要因素包括矿物成分及含量、有机质生排烃和热液作用,其中黏土矿物和泥级颗粒有利于储层微孔发育,方解石的胶结作用和重结晶作用不利于孔隙发育。生排烃产生的有机酸和热液作用增进了次生孔隙的形成。  相似文献   

徐祖新  郭少斌 《现代地质》2015,29(1):206-212
通过氩离子抛光-SEM技术,分析了中扬子地区震旦系陡山沱组页岩储层孔隙类型、孔隙形态、孔径和面孔率特征,探讨了这些孔隙的油气地质意义。研究认为,陡山沱组页岩储层发育有机质孔隙、粒间孔隙、粒内孔隙和微裂缝4种孔隙类型。页岩孔隙形态可分为不规则多边形孔、圆形或椭圆形孔、复杂网状孔、串珠状孔、长条形孔、线状孔6种类型,其中复杂网状孔的连通性最好,有利于压差传递,可提高页岩气的解吸效率和储层的渗透率。页岩孔径为10~2 000 nm,主体范围为20~200 nm,平均面孔率为1.4%~6.2%。不同类型的孔隙能够为页岩气的赋存提供不同尺度的储集空间,微裂缝和粒间孔隙对页岩气的运移最为有利。  相似文献   

王朋飞  姜振学  金璨  吕鹏  李鑫  张昆  王凯  黄璞 《现代地质》2019,33(4):902-910
页岩中的有机质孔隙对烃类气体的赋存至关重要。为了明确渝东南下志留统龙马溪组页岩的有机质孔隙发育特征,使用聚焦离子束氦离子显微镜(FIB-HIM)技术进行观察。FIB-HIM具有极高的分辨率,分辨精度可达到亚纳米级,能够有效识别直径为0~20 nm的孔隙。结果表明:龙马溪组页岩的焦沥青内部发育大量的有机质孔隙,孔隙直径大,连通性好,大量较小直径的孔隙嵌套在直径较大的有机质孔隙中,增加了页岩有机质孔隙系统的比表面积和孔隙连通性,有利于烃类气体在页岩有机质孔隙内的赋存及有效渗流。龙马溪组页岩的固体干酪根内部有机质孔隙的发育特征与焦沥青相比存在较大差别,固体干酪根内部发育的有机质孔隙数量少,孔隙直径小,连通性差,孔隙多呈孤立状存在于固体干酪根内部。  相似文献   

页岩油实验测试分析在页岩油地质评价中发挥着重要作用,目前页岩油储层矿物组成、有机质类型、丰度、物性以及岩石脆性等诸多方面的评价参数均需要通过实验测试来获取。本文评述了页岩油储层评价中烃源岩特性、储层储集性、含油性、可动性及可压性等各项实验测试技术研究现状和趋势,重点阐述了各项实验测试技术的目的及方法。页岩油烃源岩特性要综合有机质类型,丰度,成熟度,生物标志化合物,主量、微量和稀土元素等进行全面准确的评价;储集性与页岩矿物组成、孔隙、裂缝等储集空间分布特征密切相关,结合页岩含油饱和度、页岩油黏度、密度等评价页岩含油性和可动性;页岩可压性评价需综合考虑页岩的矿物组成、岩石力学特征参数等因素。同时探讨了页岩油储层地质评价实验测试技术未来发展方向,指出多种方法联合表征页岩油储层储集空间分布特征、不同赋存状态页岩油的分布特征、天然裂缝发育分析等是页岩油储层地质评价技术的关键攻关方向。  相似文献   

页岩基质孔隙主要包含有机孔隙和无机孔隙,页岩油气在有机孔隙和无机孔隙中的渗流机理不同,对页岩中有机孔隙和无机孔隙的微观结构进行定量表征具有重要意义.首先通过扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,简称SEM)实验分别获取具有代表性的页岩无机孔隙和有机孔隙扫描电镜图像,其中,无机孔隙相对较大,其图像的分辨率较低,有机孔隙相对较小,其图像的分辨率较高;然后,通过图像处理和马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(Markov chain Monte Carlo,简称MCMC)法重构出相应的无机孔隙数字岩心和有机孔隙数字岩心,并提出局部叠加法构建同时包含无机孔隙和有机孔隙的页岩基质孔隙数字岩心;最后对无机孔隙数字岩心、有机孔隙数字岩心和基质孔隙数字岩心的结构特征进行了对比分析.结果表明,局部叠加法构建的页岩基质孔隙数字岩心能够同时描述页岩中的无机孔隙和有机孔隙结构特征,无机孔隙本身连通性较差,有机孔隙本身连通性较好,有机孔隙的局部孔隙度和局部渗透率较高,对页岩中的流体渗流有着重要作用.该方法为页岩中不同的孔隙结构特征描述和油气在纳米尺度孔隙中的传输模拟提供了一个可靠的研究平台.   相似文献   

Shale gas is a resource of emerging importance in the energy field. Many countries in the world have been making big financial investments in this area. Carboniferous shale in the eastern Qaidam Basin shows good exploration prospects, but limited research and exploration work for shale oil and gas resources has been undertaken. Geochemical analyses were performed on shale derived from the Upper Carboniferous Hurleg Formation in the eastern Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province, and secondary electron imaging capability of a Field Emission scanning electron microscope(FE-SEM) was used to characterize the microstructure of the shale. The reservoir and exploitation potential of the studied shale was assessed by comparison with research results obtained from the Barnett Formation shale in Fort Worth Basin, North America and the Basin shale of Sichuan province. The results indicate that the eastern Qaidam Basin Carboniferous shale is high-quality source rock. There are four major microstructural types in the study area: matrix intergranular pores, dissolution pores, intergranular pores, and micro-fractures. The size of the micropores varies from 6–633 nm, the majority of which is between 39–200 nm, with a relatively small number of micro-scale pores ranging from 0.13–1 μm. The pore characteristics of the studied shales are similar to the North American and Sichuanese shales, indicating that they have good reservoir potential. No micropores are present in the organic matter, which is induced by its composition; instead we found an important lamellar structure in the organic matter. These micropores and microfractures are abundant, and are connected to natural visible cracks that form the network pore system, which controls the storage and migration of shale gas. This connectivity is favorable for shale gas exploitation, providing great scientific potential and practical value.  相似文献   

储层孔隙特征和孔隙结构是影响页岩气赋存与储集的重要因素。为评价海陆过渡相高演化煤系页岩储层性质与页岩气储集性能,应用扫描电子显微镜、高压压汞、低温N2和 CO2气体吸附、微米CT扫描、核磁共振实验方法,对沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩气储层孔隙微观特征和孔隙结构进行了研究。结果表明,沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩样品中发育多种类型微观孔隙,常见粒间孔、粒内孔和微裂缝,有机质孔几乎不发育;武乡区块煤系页岩气储层样品孔隙总孔容分布在0.021 9~0.073 5 mL/g之间,平均值为0.039 9 mL/g,总比表面积主要分布在11.94~46.83 m2/g之间,平均为29.16 m2/g,其中介孔(2~50 nm)和微孔(<2 nm)是煤系页岩气储集的主要载体。煤系页岩中的高配位数孔隙数量越多,相应的孔容和孔比表面积越大,孔隙连通性越好;在孔隙数量和总孔容相差不大的前提下,山西组煤系页岩储层孔隙结构与连通性比太原组煤系页岩稍好。  相似文献   

吉木萨尔芦草沟组页岩油层系岩性复杂,揭示不同类型储集层微观孔隙特征及非均质性控制因素,有利于指导该区页岩油甜点评价及优选。本文优选芦草沟组30块页岩油储集层样品,采用场发射扫描电镜、高压压汞、核磁共振等实验手段,刻画页岩油储集层微观孔隙结构,探讨混积型页岩油孔隙非均质性的控制因素。结果表明,芦草沟组发育7类孔隙和3类孔喉组合;随渗透率降低,粒间孔、粒间溶蚀孔等大孔减小,粒内溶蚀孔和晶间孔增加,"大孔-细喉"组合过渡为"短导管"和"树形网络"组合,孔径及可动饱和度均降低。页岩油孔喉非均质性主要受控于粒度和方解石、黏土胶结,前者决定较大孔(>1μm)能否发育,后者进一步缩小孔隙或孔喉,增加非均质性;在两者联合控制下,孔隙度与孔喉参数的相关性较差。  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜、核磁共振和计算机断层扫描3种孔隙结构研究方法对页岩进行了实验分析。研究结果表明:(1)扫描电镜对于页岩样品的局部观察能力较强,能够直观地反映页岩样品的微观孔隙类型和形态等信息,经氩离子抛光后还可观察到样品的有机质纳米级孔隙,但扫描电镜对样品的总体情况反映能力不够完善;(2)核磁共振受岩石骨架的影响小,可以更精确地测定页岩的孔隙度,进行孔隙大小分布、孔隙连通性和可动流体分析,得到样品的总体特征,但对样品细节的反映较欠缺;(3)CT扫描能够定量分析页岩组分,通过三维重构技术建立页岩样品孔隙和高密度物质分布状况的三维模型,从宏观角度反映孔隙的形态和空间配置特征,其主要不足在于三维重构时CT数阀值的选择对结果具有一定影响。综合运用3种方法,才能更准确地对页岩储层孔隙结构进行研究,以得到更加完善的储层孔隙结构资料。  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician Wufeng-Lower Silurian Longmaxi and the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi shales are the major targets for shale gas exploration and development in China. Although the two organic-rich shales share similar distribution ranges and thicknesses, they exhibit substantially different exploration and development results. This work analyzed the nanopore structures of the shale reservoirs in this region. Pore development of 51 shale samples collected from various formations and locations was compared using the petromineralogical, geochemical, structural geological and reservoir geological methods. The results indicate that the reservoir space in these shales is dominated by organic pores and the total pore volume of micropores, mesopores, macropores in different tectonic areas and formations show different trends with the increase of TOC. It is suggested that organic pores of shale can be well preserved in areas with simple structure and suitable preservation conditions, and the shale with smaller maximum ancient burial depth and later hydrocarbon-generation-end-time is also more conducive to pore preservation. Organic pore evolution models are established, and they are as follows: ① Organic matter pore development stage, ② Early stage of organic matter pore destruction, and ③ late stage of organic matter pore destruction. The areas conducive to pore development are favorable for shale gas development. Research results can effectively guide the optimization and evaluation of favorable areas of shale gas.  相似文献   

The pores in shales are mainly of nanometer-scale, and their pore size distribution is very important for the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focused on the organic-rich Lower Silurian black shale from four wells in the Upper Yangtze Platform, and their TOC, mineralogical composition and pore characterization were investigated. Low pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the pore structures were characterized by modified Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR), t-plot, Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and density functional theory (DFT) methods and then the relationship between pore structure and shale gas sorption capacity was discussed. The results indicate that (1) The Lower Silurian shale has high TOC content of 0.92%–4.96%, high quartz content of 30.6%–69.5%, and high clays content of 24.1%–51.2%. The total specific surface area varies from 7.56 m2/g to 25.86 m2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with higher TOC content have more micropores, which results in more complex nanopore structure. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with the increasing TOC content. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3–60 nm) and has high reliability and accuracy for nanopore structure characterization. (4) The TOC content is the key factor to control the gas sorption capacity of the Lower Silurian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

苟启洋  徐尚  郝芳  舒志国 《沉积学报》2022,40(5):1419-1426
页岩孔隙连通性直接影响油气分子在储层内的运移,从而控制页岩气产出的难易程度,是评价页岩气勘探开发潜力的重要参数之一。以焦石坝地区两口关键井(JYA井和JYB井)五峰组—龙马溪组主力层段页岩为例,开展柱塞样的氦气孔隙度与饱和盐水后的核磁共振孔隙度实验,确定页岩储层孔隙连通性特征,探讨孔隙连通性对页岩气开发的影响。研究结果显示:1)氦气膨胀法主要识别页岩储层中的连通孔隙,而核磁共振法可有效反映样品整体的孔隙空间,两者的比值可量化表征页岩孔隙连通性;2)JYA井氦气孔隙度和核磁孔隙度差异较小,具有强烈的正相关关系,页岩样品整体以连通孔隙为主,连通孔隙占比为69.13%~94.94%,平均为85.12%;3)JYB井页岩孔隙连通性相对较差,连通孔隙占比为36.15%~81.71%,均值为58.19%,仅依靠连通孔隙无法充分反映页岩样品的真实孔隙度,导致氦气孔隙度和核磁孔隙度无明显线性关系。纳米CT三维成像技术模拟的孔隙连通性特征及研究样品的脉冲渗透率差异证实了研究结果的有效性。  相似文献   

基于聚焦离子束-扫描电镜方法研究页岩有机孔三维结构   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
页岩中纳米级有机孔的大小直接影响页岩气含气量,其连通性亦对气体运移和开采至关重要。本文选择漆辽地区龙马溪组富有机质页岩,利用聚焦离子束-扫描电镜(FIB-SEM)在纳米尺度上(10 nm)进行有机孔结构的三维重构。研究结果表明:(1)FIB-SEM方法适用于微米级页岩的纳米(3 nm)孔隙结构特征研究。(2)蜂窝状有机孔发育均匀,孔径集中于10~200 nm,连通性较差;界面有机孔孔径集中于200~300 nm,局部连通性较好。(3)页岩总孔隙度与有机质含量成正比。研究认为,对于以有机孔为重要储集空间的页岩,有机质分布越集中,连续性越好,研究孔隙度的表征单元体尺度越小。  相似文献   

The lacustrine shale of deep Shahezi Formation in the Songliao basin has great gas potential,but its pore evolution,heterogeneity,and connectivity characteristics remain unclear.In this work,total organic carbon analysis,rock pyrolysis,X-ray diffraction field emission scanning electron microscopy,the particle and crack analysis system software,low-temperature nitrogen adsorption experiment,fractal theory,high-pressure mercury injection experiment and nuclear magnetic resonance experiment were us...  相似文献   

戚明辉  李君军  曹茜 《岩矿测试》2019,38(3):260-269
孔隙发育特征是泥页岩储集能力评价的关键参数之一。扫描电镜观察法已普遍用于描述泥页岩的孔隙发育特征,但是目前文献中对泥页岩微孔隙类型划分比较混乱,孔隙结构特征参数的表征以定性描述为主,缺乏定量表征手段。本文选取了18个泥页岩样品为研究对象,通过氩离子抛光和高分辨率扫描电子显微镜图像观察,基于孔隙发育形态、位置及成因,对样品中不同孔隙进行类型划分;结合JMicroVision图像分析软件,应用泥页岩微孔隙描述技术和孔隙尺度分类统计技术,统计不同类型孔隙发育数量、孔径大小、面孔率、形状系数、概率熵等参数,对其分布特征进行评价。研究表明,晶(粒)间孔隙和有机孔隙比较发育,其次为晶(粒)内孔和晶间隙。不同类型孔隙其孔径分布以纳米级为主,不同类型孔隙分布较无序,其概率熵主要分布在0.5~0.7之间,对应的形状系数分布差异也较大。有机质孔隙的形状系数主要分布在0.6~0.7范围内,形状分布以椭圆形或近似圆形为主,晶(粒)间孔隙和晶(粒)内孔隙的形状系数主要分布在0.3~0.7,分析晶(粒)间孔隙和晶(粒)内孔隙形状系数分布特征主要是受原始孔隙形态、压实作用和溶蚀作用的影响。研究认为,SEM与JMicroVision相结合是定量研究不同类型微孔发育特征的有效手段,为研究微孔的形成和演化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Songliao Basin is one of the most important petroliferous basins in northern China. With a recent gradual decline in conventional oil production in the basin, the exploration and development of unconventional resources are becoming increasingly urgent. The Qingshankou Formation consists of typical Upper Cretaceous continental strata, and represents a promising and practical replacement resource for shale oil in the Songliao Basin. Previous studies have shown that low-mature to mature Qingshankou shale mainly preserves type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ1 organic matter, with relatively high total organic carbon(TOC) content. It is estimated that there is a great potential to explore for shale oil resources in the Qingshankou Formation in this basin. However, not enough systematic research has been conducted on pore characteristics and their main controlling factors in this lacustrine shale reservoir. In this study, 19 Qingshankou shales from two wells drilled in the study area were tested and analyzed for mineral composition, pore distribution and feature evolution using Xray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), low-pressure nitrogen gas adsorption(N2-GA), and thermal simulation experiments. The XRD results show that clay, quartz, and feldspar are the dominant mineral constituents of Qingshankou shale. The clay minerals are mostly illite/smectite mixed layers with a mean content of 83.5%, followed by illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. There are abundant deposits of clay-rich shale in the Qingshankou Formation in the study area, within which many mineral and organic matter pores were observed using SEM. Mineral pores contribute the most to shale porosity;specifically, clay mineral pores and carbonate pores comprise most of the mineral pores in the shale. Among the three types of organic matter pores, type B is more dominant the other two. Pores with diameters greater than 10 nm supply the main pore volume;most are half-open slits and wedge-shaped pores. The total pore volume had no obvious linear relationship with TOC content, but had some degree of positive correlation with the content of quartz + feldspar and clay minerals respectively. However, it was negatively correlated with carbonate mineral content. The specific surface area of the pores is negatively related to TOC content, average pore diameter, and carbonate mineral content. Moreover, it had a somewhat positive correlation with clay mineral content and no clear linear relationship with the content of quartz + feldspar. With increases in maturity, there was also an increase in the number of carbonate mineral dissolution pores and organic matter pores, average pore diameter, and pore volume, whereas there was a decrease in specific surface area of the pores. Generally, the Qingshankou shale is at a low-mature to mature stage with a TOC content of more than 1.0%, and could be as thick as 250 m in the study area. Pores with diameters of more than 10 nm are well-developed in the shale. This research illustrates that there are favorable conditions for shale oil occurrence and enrichment in the Qingshankou shale in the study area.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地长73亚段的页岩层系有机质含量、矿物含量变化大,发育凝灰岩夹层,具有较强的非均质性,不同岩相的孔隙结构差异及主控因素尚不明确。综合多种分析技术手段,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部长73页岩层系的岩相进行系统划分,对比不同岩相的孔隙结构及物性差异,探讨其有效孔隙网络及主控因素。根据粒度、TOC和矿物成分将长73细粒岩分为8种岩相类型,其中高有机质硅质页岩、凝灰岩及高有机质黏土质页岩三种岩相所占比例较高。长73页岩中有机质丰度高(平均20.04%),类型以Ⅰ型为主,处于低熟到成熟阶段。储集空间根据产状可分为基质孔隙(粒间孔、粒内孔、晶间孔、特大溶蚀孔)、有机质相关孔隙(有机质孔、有机质边缘孔隙)、裂缝(构造缝、成岩缝、晶面裂缝、粒边缝)。各岩相等温吸附曲线特征以IV型为主,迟滞回线以H3型为主。宏孔是储集游离油的有效孔隙,储集性能受岩相、有机质含量及矿物组成控制。凝灰岩孔隙度、渗透率及宏孔比孔容最高,其次为高有机质硅质页岩和高有机质黏土质页岩,而低有机质页岩宏孔比孔容最小,介孔比孔容大。页岩中有机质、黄铁矿含量与宏孔比孔容呈正相关,凝灰岩中石英含量与宏孔比孔容也呈正相关。研究成果可为长73亚段页岩油甜点评价及预测提供地质依据。  相似文献   

The presence of shale oil in the Cretaceous Hengtongshan Formation in the Tonghua Basin, drilled by the well TD-01, has been discussed in this geological investigation for the first time. To evaluate the high-quality source rocks of Cretaceous continental shale oil, the distribution characteristics and the evolution of the ancient environment, samples of shale were systematically analyzed in terms of sedimentary facies, organic geochemistry, and organic carbon isotopic composition. The results demonstrate that a TOC value of 1.5% represents the lower-limit TOC value of the high-quality source rocks. Source rocks have an aggregate thickness of 211 m and contain abundant organic matter, with TOC values of 2.69% on average and a maximum value over 5.44%. The original hydrocarbon-generative potential value(S_1+S_2) is between 0.18 mg/g and 6.13 mg/g, and the Ro is between 0.97% and 1.40%. The thermal maturation of the source rocks is relatively mature to highly mature. The δ13C value range is between -34.75‰ and -26.53‰. The ratio of saturated hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons is 1.55 to 5.24, with an average of 2.85, which is greater than 1.6. The organic types are mainly type Ⅱ_1, followed by type Ⅰ. The organic carbon source was C_3 plants and hydrophytes. The paleoclimate of the Hengtongshan Formation can be characterized as hot and dry to humid, and these conditions were conducive to the development of high-quality source rocks. A favorable paleoenvironment and abundant organic carbon sources provide a solid hydrocarbon generation base for the formation and accumulation of oil and gas in the shale of the Tonghua Basin.  相似文献   

富有机质泥页岩孔隙系统演化特征及其模式的研究有助于完善页岩油气微纳米储层地质理论,进一步揭示页岩油气富集成藏机理,并促进页岩油气综合地质评价与勘探开发.通过综述富有机质泥页岩孔隙系统特征及发育演化影响因素,简述了泥页岩复杂孔隙系统研究发展历程,分析了自然成熟序列泥页岩和模拟序列泥页岩孔隙系统演化特征,总结了国内外富有机...  相似文献   

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