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淮北平原降雨入渗补给系数随地下水埋深变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢永玉 《地下水》2012,(1):9-11
水文地质参数对地下水资源评价起着至关重要的作用。其中,降雨入渗补给系数是影响浅层地下水水量、水质的重要参数。它对研究区域水量转化和水量平衡也十分重要。但是由于受降雨量、土壤类型、植被、地下水埋深等诸多因素的影响,准确判断降雨入渗补给系数存在很大困难。如果没有考虑这些因素的影响,尤其是降雨量和地下水埋深的影响,所推求的降雨入渗补给系数就会存在较大误差。结合安徽省淮北平原区五道沟水文实验站观测的降雨量、地下水补给量、地下水水位资料,利用两种不同的方法推求了不同降雨量等级的次降雨入渗补给系数。根据统计学理论研究了不同降雨量条件下,次降雨入渗补给系数随地下水埋深变化的分布规律,建立了次降雨入渗补给系数与地下水埋深的回归模型,并进行了相应的检验。研究表明,在控制地下水埋深的条件下,次降雨入渗补给系数随地下水埋深的变化符合指数分布;在地下水位自由变动的条件下符合伽玛分布。  相似文献   

查明地表水和地下水作用关系对湿地生态保护与修复具有重要意义。采用地表水和地下水位监测、氢氧稳定同位素分析、湖床沉积物温度示踪等方法,研究了白洋淀渗漏对周边浅层地下水的影响范围和深度,评价了地表水垂向渗漏速率,并探讨了芦苇分布面积和地表水位以及地下水位埋深的关系。结果表明:白洋淀渗漏受地质结构和水力梯度等因素影响,对浅层地下水垂向上影响深度为20 m,水平向上影响范围存在较大空间变异。周边浅层地下水的补给来源为大气降雨和地表水,其中地表水渗漏的补给比例为0~90.5%。淀区渗漏速率0.01~0.59 mm/d,和含水层埋深关系密切,埋深越小,越有利于地表水渗漏。1976-2020年,白洋淀芦苇分布面积和地表水位关系密切。当地表水位为6.3~6.8 m时,芦苇分布面积最大,在水位小于6.3 m条件下芦苇面积随着水位增高而增加,大于6.8 m条件下随着水位增高而减少。芦苇台地下水位埋深和地表水位显著相关,在2020年4-9月芦苇生长期,除雨季前期外多数时段台地地下水埋深均适宜芦苇发育,建议在雨季前期实施生态补水,通过降低台地地下水位埋深促进芦苇生长发育。研究结果可为白洋淀生态补水、渗漏防治和生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

深层地下水的属性、深浅层地下水的水力联系(越流)是水文地质工作者一直研究和争论的问题。在对邯郸、邢台东部四县深、浅层地下水的氢、氧同位素样品的采集与测试中,发现该区地下水中氚同位素含量较高(15~30 TU,最高达51.1 TU)。本文利用区域大气降水中氚同位素衰减规律与特征,结合研究区地下水的水位和水质动态特征、含水层及隔水层的岩性特征,对特定水文地质条件下浅层地下水向深层地下水越流的可能性进行了分析研究,认为:本区存在浅层地下水越流至深层地下水的可能,在深层地下水中出现的高氚含量是其重要的证据。  相似文献   

岩溶地下水位对降雨响应具有时空变异性,甑皮岩遗址地下水动力系统结构的认识存在分歧。利用高分辨率降雨水位数据,将研究区分割为不同含水体,通过水位动态、相关分析、滑动窗口采样相关分析等方法,探讨岩溶地下水对降雨响应时空变异特征及成因。结果表明,岩溶强发育、扩散流导水的含水体水位对降雨的响应表现为缓升缓降,水位自相关性强;发育岩溶管道的含水体水位表现为陡升陡降,水位自相关系数衰减速率快,对降雨响应的滞后时间短,互相关函数图呈多峰型;岩溶发育的极不均匀性是造成空间响应差异的主要原因。雨季地下水位对降雨响应的滞后时间远小于枯季;雨季累积降雨量大、水位埋深浅、包气带长期处于饱和或者近饱和状态,降雨垂直入渗补给历时短;雨季暴雨频繁导致含水体地下水短期内形成较大水力梯度,径流补给速度加快。综合分析认为,甑皮岩遗址地下水动力系统由NE向岩溶管道、NS向管道-裂隙以及NE向强径流带3个子径流系统组成。  相似文献   

深层含水系统地下水水质咸化是南通市主要环境地质问题之一,文章从第四纪含水系统自身特有的水文地球化学环境以及地下水开采两方面,对南通市深层含水系统地下水水质咸化特征及形成原因进行分析研究.区内除长江沿岸局部地带出露泥盆系外,大部地区为第四系松散层覆盖,厚度一般200~360m,垂向上多层含水砂层相互叠置,赋存有丰富的地下水.自上而下可划分为浅层、中层以及深层含水系统,其中浅层、中层含水系统埋藏于180m以浅,多为咸水,开发利用程度较低;深层含水系统埋藏于180m以深,地下水具有水质优、水量丰富的特点,因而被广泛开发利用.深层地下水的大量开发利用,改变了地下水的天然动态,水位连年持续下降,并形成了规模较大的区域水位降落漏斗.1997年,南通市最低水位埋深45.0m,下降速率高达1.5m/a,水位埋深大于20.0m的范围达5100km2.此后,区域水位降落漏斗仍在继续扩大、加深,2000年水位埋深已降至56m.随着区域水位降落漏斗的形成和发展,该市深层地下水水质发生了相应的变化,水质动态总体呈咸化趋势,咸化速率由小于4mg/l*a到大于20mg/l\5a不等.在水位漏斗中心区、上部隔水层发育较差地段以及东部沿海地带咸化最为严重,并呈现自西向东咸化程度加重的变化规律.研究结果表明,引起本区深层地下水水质咸化的原因主要有四个方面(1)中层含水系统内咸水越流补给,导致深层含水系统水质咸化.在天然条件下,由于地下水运动缓慢,交替周期长,区内各含水系统地下水水质动态相对稳定.但是,人为强烈开采深层地下水,使其水位大幅度下降,造成中层含水系统与深层含水系统之间出现较大的渗透压,大大激化了中层含水系统的越流补给,致使高矿化水入侵深层含水系统,导致地下水水质咸化;(2)深层含水系统相对隔水顶板粘性土压缩释水补给导致深层含水系统水质咸化.地下水水头降低,打破了地下水原始平衡状态,深层含水系统上部相对隔水顶板粘性土层中的水,在水头差驱使下流向含水层,结果也降低了粘性土中孔隙水对上覆地层的支撑力,导致粘性土层压缩并向含水层排水,即粘性土压缩水;(3)深层含水系统中微咸水、半咸水的迳流补给导致深层含水系统水质咸化.地下水位大幅度下降,地下水水力坡度变陡,迳流速度加快,周边同一含水层高矿化度地下水迅速向漏斗中心流动,导致水质咸化;(4)成井工艺不合格造成深层含水系统水质咸化.因打井市场的开放,一些没有资质打井队伍也进入市场承担工程,由于设备、技术手段不足,采用通天回填现象较普遍,止水质量较差,如果上覆有咸水或微咸水,往往使井边附近地带的地下淡水明显咸化而很快不能使用.  相似文献   

在全面认识苏锡常浅层地下水水文地质条件的基础上,对区内的各种与浅层地下水防污染有关的地质环境因素进行判别,选择含水层厚度、包气带岩性、水位埋深、含水层顶板厚度做为评价的4个因素,以G IS软件ArcInfo为主要工具,通过信息量的空间叠加分析,进行浅层地下水系统防污染性能评价。通过实际水质分析数据,验证了方法的合理性,旨在为加强浅层地下水资源管理提供指导。  相似文献   

殷玉忠  刘佩贵 《安徽地质》2017,27(4):289-293
为实现构建水位和水量双指标相结合的地下水水资源控制管理模式,以安徽省阜阳市为例,分析了阜阳市地下水动态特征,制定了研究区浅层下水水位水量适宜区间,并分析了现状条件下研究区地下水水位水量的适宜性。研究结果表明:研究区北部平原区浅层地下水适宜水位埋深确定为1.5~3.0m,枯水期或春季可适当调整,但建议最大埋深不宜大于3.8m,南部平原区浅层地下水适宜水位埋深可确定为1.0~3.0m,局部地区根据具体要求可做适当调整;现状条件下,阜阳市浅层地下水水位埋深基本位于制定的适宜水位埋深区间内,间接反映出,在现有开采井布局、作物种植结构和灌溉制度前提下,该区浅层地下水开采量较适宜,同时间接验证了制定的地下水适宜水位埋深的合理性。  相似文献   

蒋方媛  郭清海 《地质科技情报》2008,27(2):97-102,107
为开展山西太原盆地的地下水环境保护工作,在GIS平台上利用DRASTIC模型采用地下水位埋深、含水层净补给量、含水层介质、土壤介质、地形、包气带、水力传导系数7个指标评价了盆地浅层孔隙地下水的脆弱性.结果表明:太原市与介休市是盆地内地下水脆弱性最高的地区,同时也是山西省工农业最发达的地区.为解决工农业发展带来的高污染风险性与地下水环境脆弱性这一对明显的矛盾,应加强以上地区的地下水污染防治工作,在开展工作时应坚持"以预防为主,防、治结合"的原则.  相似文献   

论"单位涌水量就是导水系数"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰太权 《地下水》2007,29(5):43-45,68
单位涌水量是井抽水水位降深换算为1 m时的单井出水量;导水系数是含水层宽度为1 m时,地下水水力坡度为1时的单宽流量.二者之间从定义上看毫无关系,但它们的单位(m3/d·m)(m2/d)是相同的.笔者经过多年探讨和初步试验后发现,单位涌水量就是管井抽水所利用含水层的导水系数.  相似文献   

本文在大量钻孔测温资料的基础上,系统分析了河南省城市浅层地温场分布特征,分析了不同地貌类型城市恒温带特征。全区地下水恒温带深度平均深度24.8m,温度一般15.5℃~17.5℃;冲积平原区松散层恒温带深度最浅、温度最高,内陆河谷盆地区松散层恒温带深度最深、温度最低。近山前地带基岩浅埋区,地温梯度低;沿深大断裂带和构造隆(凸)起区,地温梯度高;济源—商丘断裂的新乡—延津段、内黄凸起和通许凸起地温梯度高。通过分析地温增温率特征和地温恢复能力,得出颗粒越粗地温恢复能力K值较大,富水性越强、水力坡度越大K值越大。对影响浅层地温场的多种因素的系统研究表明,该区浅层地温场受城市、人类活动、地下水流场、地下水埋深、构造、地下水补给、排泄等因素影响明显。  相似文献   

陕北能源化工基地潜水易污性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着陕北能源化工基地的建设和发展,地下水污染问题日益突出。为了预防基地地下水的污染,保护水资源,依据陕北能源化工基地地下水勘查、地下水污染调查、野外包气带原位污水垂直入渗、水平运移试验等基础资料,选取潜水位埋深(D)、降雨入渗补给量(R)、含水层岩性(A)、土壤类型(S)、地形坡度(T)、包气带介质(I)和含水层渗透系数(C)7个指标,运用DRASTIC指标叠加法,建立了陕北能源化工基地潜水易污性评价指标体系,对陕北能源化工基地潜水进行了易污性评。依据评价结果,将研究区潜水区划分为易污性高、中、低3个区,并针对3个区提出了相应的防污建议。  相似文献   

Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen (MIN, referring to NO3--N, NO2--N, NH4+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO3--N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by NH4+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of NH4+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months’ proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between NH4+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best (R2=0.9384), NO3--N is the next (R2=0.5128), NO2--N is the worst (R2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ18O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater NH4+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

Based on the observation of a complete hydrological year from June 2014 to May 2015, the temporal and spatial variations of the main inorganic nitrogen(MIN, referring to NO_3~--N, NO_2~--N, NH_4~+-N) in surface water and groundwater of the Li River and the Yuan River wetland succession zones are analyzed. The Li River and the Yuan River are located in agricultural and non-agricultural areas, and this study focus on the influence of surface water level and groundwater depth and precipitation on nitrogen pollution. The results show that NO_3~-N in surface water accounts for 70%-90% of MIN, but it does not exceed the limit of national drinking water surface water standard. Groundwater is seriously polluted by H_4~+-N. Based on the groundwater quality standard of H_4~+-N, the groundwater quality in the Li River exceeds Class III water standard throughout the year, and the exceeding months' proportion of Yuan River reaches 58.3%. Compared with the Yuan River, MIN in groundwater of the Li River shows significant temporal and spatial variations owing to the influence of agricultural fertilization. The correlation between the concentrations of MIN and surface water level is poor, while the fitting effect of quadratic correlation between H_4~+-N concentration and groundwater depth is the best(R~2=0.9384), NO_3~-N is the next(R~2=0.5128), NO_2~--N is the worst(R~2=0.2798). The equation of meteoric water line is δD =7.83δ~(18) O+12.21, indicating that both surface water and groundwater come from atmospheric precipitation. Surface infiltration is the main cause of groundwater H_4~+-N pollution. Rainfall infiltration in non-fertilization seasons reduces groundwater nitrogen pollution, while rainfall leaching farming and fertilization aggravate groundwater nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

Regime of groundwater level is a comprehensive reflection of the hydrogeological environment from the perspective of groundwater. Based on the analysis of the water-level change of 65 groundwater monitoring points from 1987 to 1990, it is found that intermittent cones of depression came into being due to groundwater exploitation in Guilin during the observation period. The buried depth of groundwater in the drawdown cones, the annual variation of water level and specific yield have higher values. Improvement has been made to the formula of infiltration coefficient of precipitation. By using the precipitation response data recorded at every 15 minutes for water level of No. 9 borehole which is near Zengpiyan Cave, the specific yield of phreatic variation zone is indirectly calculated by using the modified formula. The results are range from 0.012 to 0.462 and the spatial distribution of specific yield is ascertained. These make up the deficiency that empirical values cannot be categorized based on the actual conditions. What’s more, the widely used Aviriyanover’s empirical formula is poorly applicable to karst area. This is due to its strict requirement for outside conditions, such as shallow buried depth, homogeneous aquifer medium and small hydraulic gradient.  相似文献   

华北平原地下水脆弱性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对华北平原地域广阔,地貌和水文地质条件复杂、地下水开发利用程度高,地下水位埋深、包气带和含水层岩性差异性大等特点,基于大量钻孔和地下水位监测资料,厘定了包气带岩性和地下水位埋深变化对脆弱性评价影响,进而建立适宜华北平原的DRITC评价指标体系,并应用于华北平原地下水脆弱性评价。评价中,根据华北平原水文地质条件,划分4评价分区,剖分2 km×2 km单元34 253个,采用地下水位埋深、净补给量、包气带岩性、含水层累积厚度和渗透系数5个因子作为评价指标,求得地下水脆弱性综合指数及脆弱性分布图。结果表明,华北平原山前冲洪积扇和古黄河冲洪积平原的现代黄河影响带地下水脆弱性高或较高。野外采样7 472组地下水有机污染测试分析结果佐证,脆弱性高或较高区有机污染检出项数多,其他地区较少,由此验证评价结果的客观性。  相似文献   

The chemical and hydrodynamic characteristics of groundwater in deltaic regions are strongly influenced by the complex stratigraphy of these areas, caused by the continuously varying depositional environments associated with their recent hydrographic evolution. As a case study, the eastern sector of the Po River plain, northern Italy, has been investigated to understand the quality of the available groundwater resources. Based on the analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic data, the recharge characteristics, the groundwater residence time and the aquifer vulnerability are defined. The results show significant qualitative degradation of the unconfined aquifer due to the shallow depth to water, while in the underlying confined aquifer, a hydrochemical facies of Ca–HCO3 type prevails. The spatial variation and relationship between oxygen-18 and deuterium determine: firstly, hydraulic separation of the two hydrogeological units; secondly, direct infiltration of local precipitation to the unconfined aquifer; thirdly, the occurrence of waters originating in the Alps and locally from the Apennines, pervading the confined aquifer. The tritium results suggest local mixing between the superficial waters and the confined aquifer, occurring along the palaeo-river channels. This increases the pollution vulnerability of the confined hydrogeological unit within the plain, which is the only natural groundwater resource exploited for water supply.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of groundwater resources in water-supply demands in arid and semiarid areas such as Iran, it is essential to investigate the risk of groundwater pollution. Nitrate is one of the main pollutants that penetrate into the groundwater from various sources such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and domestic and industrial sewage. Unfortunately currently, nitrate contamination of the aquifers is a serious problem in Iran. The Karaj aquifer is not exempted, and the nitrate pollution zone, with concentrations far beyond the permitted limit (50 mg/L), expands fast. In this paper, the long-term groundwater-quality data (from 2000 to 2013) collected from Alborz Province Water and Wastewater Company were analyzed using ArcGIS10 and statistical software, and the spatial and temporal patterns of nitrate pollution in drinking-water wells in the Karaj plain and effective parameters (such as depth to groundwater level, hydraulic gradient, land use, precipitation, and urban, agricultural and industrial wastewater) were investigated. The authors also investigated the status of nitrate concentration variation using the concepts of geostatistics, based on determinations from 62 to 194 surveyed wells with a suitable distribution across the plain. With respect to the relationship between quality parameters, hydrogeological status of the aquifer and land usage, causes of the increase in the concentration of nitrate in the water and its trend were investigated as well. Results revealed that the nitrate levels in the northern portion of the study area were the highest with maximum concentrations of 181.7 mg/L from 2000 to 2013. Based on nitrate concentration distribution maps, the levels of nitrate increased from 2006 onwards to 26–100 mg/L. Unfortunately from 2008 to 2012, a pollution zone with a nitrate water concentration of 101–150 mg/L has been observed and even a concentration of 180 mg/L has been determined. In 2000, the entire aquifer area has been drinkable but with the increase in nitrate concentration, the area with undrinkable water has expanded to 21% in 2003, 24% in 2005, 33% in 2007, 39% in 2009, 43% in 2011 and 44% in 2013. The results of this study could provide valuable information with on the status of nitrate water concentrations in the Karaj plain which demands proper strategies and qualitative approaches in the future.  相似文献   

A map shows intrinsic vulnerability to pollution of the Chrzanów karst-fissured aquifer (273 km2) in the southern part of Poland. This aquifer is intensively drained by numerous intakes and Zn-Pb ore mines. A DRASTIC-type parametric system was applied for groundwater vulnerability evaluation. Vulnerability assessment is based on six factors (depth to groundwater table, lithology of the unsaturated zone, net recharge, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, groundwater flow velocity, aquifer thickness). For the final vulnerability map construction at the scale of 1:50,000, a combination of the aquifer simulation model (using MODFLOW) and a geographical information system was applied. Maps of the net recharge, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer and groundwater flow velocity were derived by aquifer modelling. Based on the vulnerability index (21-182), six relative vulnerability classes were selected. Reliability of the map has been verified.  相似文献   

张雪  晏婴 《城市地质》2015,(4):38-43
饮用水中氟浓度超标,是导致地方性氟中毒疾病的主要因素。通过水质资料综合分析,结合农村安全饮水工程的施工及水质专项调查,开展了地下水中氟分布规律的研究,掌握了氟在地下水空间的分布规律。浅层地下水中氟离子浓度超标范围主要集中在东南部及南部地区,氟离子浓度与含水层深度呈反相关系,随时间变化幅度较大。深层地下水中氟离子浓度超标区主要集中在中部,当含水层埋深在300m以内时,氟离子浓度与含水层深度呈正相关系,随时间变化幅度较小。浅层地下水中氟的富集与气候条件、含水层岩性、地下水径流速度密切相关,深层地下水氟超标是由地质原因造成的。研究成果为水井施工设计提供了技术支持,为研究治理地下水中氟浓度超标的措施提供依据。  相似文献   

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