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典型岩溶槽谷区地下水化学特征及地球化学敏感性分析   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
利用2012年4月-2013年3月的水化学数据研究了重庆老龙洞地下河流域地下水系统地球化学敏感性。结果表明,研究区表层岩溶泉和地下河水化学阳离子分别以 Ca2+、Mg2+和 Ca2+、Na+为主,阴离子以 HCO-3、SO2-4为主;表层岩溶泉雨季 Mg2+/Ca2+摩尔比和地下河雨季 Na+/Ca2+摩尔比旱季大于雨季,表层岩溶泉和地下河雨季 HCO-3/SO2-4摩尔比分别为3.428-6.524、3.122-5.966,旱季 HCO-3/SO2-4摩尔比分别为5.693-8.664、3.428-6.524,表现出低SO2-4、高 HCO-3的特征,主要受农业活动影响的表层岩溶泉主量元素地球化学敏感性依次为 HCO-3> SO2-4>Ca2+>NO-3> Mg2+> Na+> K+>Cl-,而受农业活动、工业活动、城镇建设活动等多种因子共同影响下的地下河主量元素地球化学敏感性有所变化,依次为 HCO-3>Na+> Ca2+> K+> Cl-> Mg2+>NO-3> SO2-4,随着人类影响的加剧,离子敏感指数将会有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

广西红水河中下游澄江地区地下水地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西南岩溶地下水污染调查评价中广西红水河中下游澄江地区地下水数据为基础,对该地区26件样品的水化学类型、化学成分含量特征、成分间相关特征以及化学成分的空间分布特征及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:该地区地下水水化学类型为Ca-HCO3型或Ca·Mg-HCO3型;地下水中测试指标背景含量均未超过Ⅲ类水标准;大部分测试指标在该地区地下水中分布较均匀,只有Zn、Se和Hg在局部富集,分布不均匀;该地区地下水中元素含量与p H值没有明显的相关关系,而总硬度、HCO-3、Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+、SO2-4、NO-3、I-等元素间则显示出一定的相关关系,地下水中起决定性作用的是HCO-3、Ca2+、Mg2+;该地区地下水中元素含量空间上具有片状分布特点,主要受地质背景、地理条件和人类活动的综合作用所制约。  相似文献   

不同城镇功能区岩溶地下水化学敏感因子识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着西南地区城镇化进程的不断推进,西南城市区岩溶地下水环境压力迅猛增加,水质恶化显著。采集西南岩溶区四个典型城市(遵义市、桂林市、贵阳市和娄底市)的86组地下水样,运用描述性统计分析、变异系数分析及主成分分析法,综合研究了不同城镇功能区岩溶地下水化学特征及易受人类活动影响的敏感因子。结果表明,工业区岩溶地下水中电导率、总硬度、TDS、Na+、Mg2+、Cl -、SO2-4、NO-2、Mn这9项指标的含量均最高,商业住宅区次之,城乡结合处最低;而K+、NH+4和NO-3三者浓度表现为商业住宅区最高。研究区各地下水化学组分普遍具有较高的空间变异性,其中工业区易受人类活动影响的敏感因子为SO2-4、I-、Fe,商业住宅区易受人类活动影响的敏感指标为Na+、NO-2、NO-3,城乡结合处的主要敏感指标为Na+、Mg2+、NO-2。   相似文献   

黄河源区阿尼玛卿山耶和龙冰川表层雪化学组成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2005年9月底, 在黄河源区阿尼玛卿山耶和龙冰川随海拔变化采集89个雪样, 分析了微粒和主要可溶无机离子(Na , K , Mg2 , Ca2 , NH 4, Cl-, NO-3, SO2-4)浓度以及δ18 O, 研究了各种物理化学指标在冰川中的时空分布特征. 结果表明: 大多数样品中主要阴、 阳离子当量摩尔浓度顺序为: NO-3>SO2-4>Cl-;Ca2 >NH 4>Na >Mg2 >K , 碳酸盐类物质是化学离子主要来源. 各种主要可溶离子有着明显的季节变化过程. 但由于融化再凝结过程, 不是所有离子在污化层浓度最大. 在所采样区域的表层雪中化学离子没有明显变化趋势, 指示局地物质的输入有限. 受降水量效应影响, 暖季δ18 O值低, 冷季高. 样品中, 9种离子被分为: 1)Ca2 , Mg2 和HCO-3~CO2-3;2)NH 4, SO2-4和Cl-;3)NO-3;4)Na , K 四个群组.  相似文献   

为了掌握亚热带季风气候岩溶地区流域水化学变化特征及量化流域内岩石化学风化过程对吸收大气CO2的贡献,文章选取湘西峒河流域作为研究对象,于2016年7—8月对研究区干流和7个子流域进行了水样采集与分析。结果表明:河水pH平均值为8.31,总体呈偏碱性。EC与TDS的变化范围较大,这主要与流域内岩性的分布有关。水中离子以Ca2+、HCO-3为主,水化学类型为HCO3—Ca型,岩性控制水化学的组成。HCO-3、Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩的风化,其余离子来源多受人为活动影响。峒河流域干流的主要离子中,HCO-3、Ca2+和Mg2+浓度从上游至下游总体下降,反映了河流从碳酸盐岩区流向碎屑岩为主地层的过程。NO-3、K+、Na+、F-、Cl-和SO2-4呈增长趋势,说明峒河受人为污染影响较大,反映出人为活动的密集程度。通过子流域的划分可知流域上游主要受灰岩以及白云岩控制,中游以灰岩控制为主,下游受砂岩、泥岩及碎屑岩控制为主。收集流域最终出口吉首观测站一个水文年的数据并运用水化学—径流法估算出峒河流域无机碳通量为60 477.33 tCO2/a,碳汇强度为71.15 tCO2/(km2·a)。  相似文献   

南宁市区地下水水化学特征及形成机制   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
苗迎  孔祥胜  宋朝静 《中国岩溶》2015,34(3):228-233
为了深入研究南宁市区地下水水化学特征、水质情况及地下水质量演变的主要水化学过程,文章采集南宁市区22组孔隙水和7组岩溶水,检测pH值、阴阳离子、溶解性总固体(TDS)和总硬度等化学指标,探讨地下水水化学特征和形成机制。结果表明:研究区孔隙水和岩溶水pH平均值均小于7,两种水TDS和总硬度基本一致,主要的阴离子(HCO3-、Cl-、SO42-)中含量最高的是HCO3-,平均分别为68.08mg/L和106.68mg/L;对于阳离子(Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+),研究区孔隙水和岩溶水均表现为Ca2+≥Na+Mg2+K+,其中Ca2+的平均含量分别为24.04mg/L和31.34mg/L;地下水化学成分主要通过风化-溶滤作用与混合作用形成,地下水水化学类型为HCO-3–Ca2+型水;地质环境背景是地下水pH值普遍偏低的主要原因,人类活动对地下水的影响越来越重要,pH值和水化学类型改变均与经济发展、人口增加、工矿企业增加等人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   

大沽河流域上游水化学特征及其控制因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈京鹏  蒋书杰  杨询昌  王华飞  刘伟  王学鹏  谭志容 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062028-2022062028
大沽河流域是青岛市、烟台市重要的供水源区,为研究大沽河流域水化学特征及成因机制,选取大沽河流域上游补给区开展研究,采集35个地下水样品和5个地表水样品。综合运用描述性统计分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs图以及离子比值等方法,结合水文地质条件,分析研究区水化学特征,探索其水化学组成的成因机制。结果表明,大沽河流域地下水为弱碱性水,占优势的阴、阳离子分别为HCO-3、SO2-4和Ca2+、Mg2+。水化学类型共分多种,其中以HCO-3·SO2-4—Ca2+·Mg2+为主。大沽河流域水化学特征受水—岩作用、阳离子交换作用的影响,岩石风化溶解是水化学特征的主要控制因素,且阳离子交换作用活跃。Na+、K+、Cl-、偏硅酸主要来源于硅酸盐岩的溶解,Ca2+、Mg2+和SO2-4主要来源于碳酸盐岩的溶解,显著高于来自蒸发盐岩风化溶解的贡献。人类活动对地下水化学特征有较大影响,农业种植、养殖业等人类活动导致水中NO-3浓度普遍偏高,同时人类活动加剧了硅酸盐矿物的风化溶解,使得偏硅酸浓度升高,超过74%的水样偏硅酸质量浓度达到了25 mg/L。  相似文献   

大沽河流域是青岛市、烟台市重要的供水源区,为研究大沽河流域水化学特征及成因机制,选取大沽河流域上游补给区开展研究,采集35个地下水样品和5个地表水样品。综合运用描述性统计分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs图以及离子比值等方法,结合水文地质条件,分析研究区水化学特征,探索其水化学组成的成因机制。结果表明,大沽河流域地下水为弱碱性水,占优势的阴、阳离子分别为HCO-3、SO2-4和Ca2+、Mg2+。水化学类型共分多种,其中以HCO-3·SO2-4—Ca2+·Mg2+为主。大沽河流域水化学特征受水—岩作用、阳离子交换作用的影响,岩石风化溶解是水化学特征的主要控制因素,且阳离子交换作用活跃。Na+、K+、Cl-、偏硅酸主要来源于硅酸盐岩的溶解,Ca2+、Mg2+和SO2-4主要来源于碳酸盐岩的溶解,显著高于来自蒸发盐岩风化溶解的贡献。人类活动对地下水化学特征有较大影响,农业种植、养殖业等人类活动导致水中NO-3浓度普遍偏高,同时人类活动加剧了硅酸盐矿物的风化溶解,使得偏硅酸浓度升高,超过74%的水样偏硅酸质量浓度达到了25 mg/L。  相似文献   

贵州威宁窑上组沉积物物源特征及沉积控制因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据威宁草海第四纪窑上组沉积物主量元素和REE特征,探讨沉积物物源特征、气候演变情况、沉积物堆积控制因素。结果表明:Al、Mg、Ca、K、Na和Ti的含量变化在剖面上一致,它们的相关系数很高(0.522~0.985)。Fe含量和Mn含量呈正相关形式,与Al、Mg、Ca、K、Na和Ti呈负相关。Fe2O3含量在土黄色粘土的铁质层很高(42.86%~50.57%)。样品中REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式与贵州土壤、贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳配分模式很相似,与峨眉山玄武岩配分模式不一致,但其含量略低于贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳的含量;沉积物主要来源于碳酸盐岩,且碳酸盐岩强烈风化成土作用使REE超常富集,在剖面上呈现高ΣREE(平均219.38μg/g)。通过Mg/Ca、MgO/Al2O3、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3、(Fe2O3+Al2O3)/(MgO+CaO)、(K+Na+Ca+Mg)/(Fe+Mn)、(Al+Fe+Mn)/(K+Ca+Mg)和(MgO+Na2O+CaO)/Al2O3等气候指标研究,表明在草海窑上期为湖泊沉积时期,气候经历了由温暖湿润向冷干的转变。同时,认为物源性质、构造运动、气候等共同控制该区沉积物形成。  相似文献   

王艳忠 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):469-474
为了解黑龙江东宁金厂金矿体土壤离子的电导率异常特征,查明金矿体中土壤离子电导率成分的离子组成以及不同种类离子的含量变化关系对电导率的贡献大小,初步探讨矿区土壤离子电导率异常的形成机理,本文对金厂金矿开展了土壤离子电导率测量,取得以下认识:(1)发现多个具有成矿远景的离子电导率异常区,经深部工程验证具有隐伏的金矿体;(2)组成土壤离子电导率异常的离子成分主要是HCO-3、SO2-4、Ca2+、Cl-、K+、Na+、F-、Mg2+、Mn2+等一套水可溶性离子,经过相关分析得出金矿电导率异常与各离子的相关系数为HCO-3>Ca2+>SO2-4>Cl->K+>Na+>F->Mg2+>Mn2+。  相似文献   

Water soluble components of PM10 Chongqing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of water soluble ions (Na+, NH4 +, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NO3 -, Cl-, and SO 4 2- ) in PM10 samples collected on cellulose filters by a medium-volume cascade impactor were determined, which were obtained from three kinds of areas in Chongqing: industrial area (Jiulongpo district), commercial and residential area (Jiangbei district) and background area (Jinyun Mountain in the Beibei district). The results showed that except for the background site, the annual average values of PM10 are 23% – 61% higher than the national air quality standard (GradeII) (0.1 mg/m3), even that the value of the control site is still 20% higher than American standard (0.05 mg/m3). This implied that serious pollution of fine particles occurred in Chongqing. Nine kinds of soluble ions in water of PM10 were analyzed by ion chromatography (IC) and the annual average concentrations follow the order of [SO 4 2- ] > [NO3 -] > [Cl-] > [F-], and [Ca2+] > [NH4 +] > [K+] > [Na+] > [Mg2+]. Their values were different in these areas: the industrial area > the commercial and living area > the control area. As for NH4 +, K+, Ca2+, NO3 - and SO 4 2- , their seasonal average concentrations show a similar variation trend: the values in spring and fall were higher than those in summer and winter. The seasonal average concentrations of [Cl-], [F-], [Na+] and [Mg2+] are much lower than those of other ions. However, the concentrations of [Na+] changed more greatly in different seasons than those of the other three ions. Correlation coefficients showed that the three areas have been polluted by coal smoke and dust to different extents, while some local resources of pollution should be taken into consideration as well.  相似文献   

再生水入渗携带的抗生素污染是地下水污染的来源之一,已经成为城市地下水资源的安全中不可忽视的问题。抗生素对复杂和脆弱地下水环境中的微生物群落及其功能的影响值得关注。本研究基于利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序方法,对3月和9月两个月份再生水渗入区城市地下水中微生物群落结构进行分析。结合现场调查测试和室内分析,测得样品中离子(K~+、Na~+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH~+4、F~-、Cl~-、SO■、NO~-3、NO~-2、HCO~-3、CO■)浓度,并采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱技术测得主要的抗生素浓度(环丙沙星、诺氟沙星、氧氟沙星、莫西沙星、磺胺吡啶和磺胺醋酰),对研究区地下水环境中微生物群落结构及与环境因子的响应规律进行探讨。结果表明:(1)研究区内3月份地下水中抗生素浓度要高于9月份整体抗生素浓度,以磺胺醋酰和环丙沙星为主,此外除了季节因素外,人类活动可能是影响抗生素分布的又一因素;(2)微生物群落主要由变形菌门(Proteobacteria,81.0...  相似文献   

Study of precipitation chemistry over an industrial city   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The growing trend of industrialization has marked impact on the atmospheric chemistry around the globe. Such impacts are also predicted for developing countries like India. Acid precipitation due to secondary pollutants is one of them. The present investigation was conducted with an aim of studying the precipitation chemistry over Asansol city, India during the monsoon season. The rain water samples, collected on event basis during the period of June to September 2006, were analyzed for HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, NH4 +, K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and pH using standard procedures. The study revealed that the precipitation was alkaline in nature with mean pH value of 6.08. Dominant anion in rain water samples was HCO3 ? (36 %), whereas Ca2+ was highest among the cations (53 %). The observed acidic events, based on pH value, were only 17 %, indicating the alkaline components effectively neutralize rain water over the area. This was also supported by the total alkaline to acid ion ration of 1.05. The ratio of (NO3-?+Cl?) and SO4 2? was >1, indicating that acidic properties were influenced by HNO3 and HCl. In the ratio between (Ca2++NH4 +) and (NO3 ?+SO4 2?), values >1 were obtained, indicating significant alkaline influence, which effectively prevented acid depositions in the area.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical controlling factors for high rate of groundwater contamination in stressed aquifer of fractured, consolidated rocks belonging to semi-arid watershed are examined. The groundwater in mid-eastern part of Prakasam district confining to Musi-Gundlakamma sub-basins is heavily contaminated with nitrate and fluoride. Distinct water chemistry is noticed among each group of samples segregated based on concentration of these contaminants. The nitrate is as high as 594 mg/l and 57 % of the samples have it in toxic level as per BIS drinking water standards, so also the fluoride which has reached a maximum of 8.96 mq/l and 43 % of samples are not fit for human consumption. Nitrate contamination is high in shallow aquifers and granitic terrains, whereas fluoride is in excess concentration in deeper zones and meta-sediments among the tested wells, and 25 % of samples suffer from both NO3 ? and F? contamination. Na+ among cations and HCO3 ? among anions are the dominant species followed by Mg2+ and Cl?. The NO3 ?-rich groundwater is of Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ?, Ca2+–Mg2+–Cl? and Na+–HCO3 ? type. The F?-rich groundwater is dominantly of Na+–HCO3 ? type and few are of Na+–SO4 2? type, whereas the safe waters (without any contaminants) are of Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ?– and Na+–HCO3 ? types. High molecular percentage of Na+, Cl?, SO4 2? and K? in NO3 ? rich groundwater indicates simultaneous contribution of many elements through domestic sewerage and agriculture activity. It is further confirmed by analogous ratios of commonly associated ions viz NO3 ?:Cl?:SO4 2? and NO3 ?:K+:Cl? which are 22:56:22 and 42:10:48, respectively. The F? rich groundwater is unique by having higher content of Na+ (183 %) and HCO3 ? (28 %) than safe waters. The K+:F?:Ca2+ ratio of 10:5:85 and K+:F?: SO4 2? of 16:7:77 support lithological origin of F? facilitated by precipitation of CaCO3 which removes Ca2+ from solution. The high concentrations of Na+, CO3 ? and HCO3 ? in these waters act as catalyst allowing more fluorite to dissolve into the groundwater. The indices, ratios and scatter plots indicate that the NO3 ? rich groundwater has evolved through silicate weathering-anthropogenic activity-evapotranspiration processes, whereas F? rich groundwater attained its unique chemistry from mineral dissolution-water–rock interaction-ion exchange. Both the waters are subjected to external infusion of certain elements such as Na+, Cl?, NO3 ? which are further aggravated by evaporation processes leading to heavy accumulation of contaminants by raising the water density. Presence of NO3 ? rich samples within F? rich groundwater Group and vice versa authenticates the proposed evolution processes.  相似文献   

河北汤泉地热流体水文地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提要:汤泉位于河北省遵化市西北部,为山前丘陵地貌,地热资源丰富。本文通过对该地区地热流体研究发现:Na+、Ca2+、K+、Mg2+与SO2-4、HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3是该地区地下热水的主要成分,水化学类型主要为SO2-4-Na+型,属于未污染的天然弱碱性水;流体中F-含量平均为9.36 mg/l,远高于国家地下水质量标准ⅴ级;可溶性SiO2的含量可作为地热温标;地热流体总矿化度平均为782.33 mg/l,属于淡水;为中等腐蚀型水,不结碳酸钙垢,无CaSO4?2H2O垢和SiO2垢生成的可能;地热流体属于含岩盐地层溶滤的陆相沉积水;根据氢氧稳定同位素可知,河北汤泉地热流体主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical study of surface water of the West Bokaro coalfield has been undertaken to assess its quality and suitability for drinking, domestic and irrigation purposes. For this purpose, fourteen samples collected from rivers and ponds of the coalfield were analysed for pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+), major anions (HCO3-, F-, Cl-, SO42- and NO3-) and trace metals. The pH of the analysed water samples varied from 7.3 to 8.2, indicating slightly alkaline in nature. The electrical conductivity (EC) value varied from 93 μs cm-1 to 906 μs cm-1 while the TDS varied from 76 mg L-1 to 658 mg L-1. HCO3- and SO42- are the dominant anion and Ca2+ and Na+ the cation in the surface water. The concentration of alkaline earth metals (Ca2+ + Mg2+) exceed the alkali metals (Na+ + K+) and HCO3- dominates over SO42- + Cl- concentrations in the majority of the surface water samples. Ca2+ -Mg2+ -HCO3- and Ca2+ -Mg2+ -Cl- are the dominant hydrogeochemical facies in the surface water of the area. The water chemistry is mainly controlled by rock weathering with secondary contribution from anthropogenic sources. For quality assessment, analyzed water parameter values compared with Indian and WHO water quality standard. In majority of the samples, the analyzed parameters are well within the desirable limits and water is potable for drinking purposes. However, concentrations of TDS, TH, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe are exceeding the desirable limits in some water samples and needs treatment before its utilization. The calculated parameters such as sodium absorption ration, percent sodium, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index and magnesium hazard revealed good to permissible quality and suitable for irrigation purposes, however, higher salinity, permeability index and Mg-ratio restrict its suitability for irrigation at few sites.  相似文献   

Agricultural activities act as dominant polluter of groundwater due to increased fertilizers and pesticides usage. Bist-Doab region, Punjab, India, is one such region facing deterioration of groundwater quality due to usage of fertilizers. This study aims in delineating and evaluating the groundwater quality in the region. Water samples are collected from canals, reservoir, and shallow and deep groundwater. Water types in canal and reservoir in Kandi region are Mg2+HCO3 ? and Mg2+Ca2+Na+HCO3 ?, respectively. While water types of shallow and deep groundwaters are found to be of two types: Na+Mg2+Ca2+HCO3 ? and Ca2+Mg2+Na+HCO3 ?. Presence of Mg2+ in groundwater at locations adjoining canals indicates recharge due to canal. The major ion (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, HCO3 ?) chemistry of the region is due to weathering of rocks that are rich in sodic minerals and kankar. Deep groundwater quality in the region meets BIS and WHO standards for drinking purpose, unlike shallow groundwater which is of poor quality at many locations. Both shallow and deep groundwater with high sodium concentration (>1.5 meq/l) affect cropping yield and permeability of soil matrix. High concentration of SO4 2? and NO3 2? (>1 meq/l) in shallow groundwater at few locations indicates influence of anthropogenic (fertilizer) activity. Factor analysis indicates that the major cations, bicarbonate and chloride are derived from weathering/dissolution of source rocks. Higher concentration of nitrate and presence of sulphate in shallow groundwater at few locations is due to usage of fertilizers and pesticides.  相似文献   

Fifty groundwater samples were collected from Al-Hasa to analyze the pH, electrical conductivity (EC, dS m?1), total dissolved solids (TDS), major anions (HCO3?, CO32?, Cl?, SO42?, and NO3?), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), and total hardness. The analyzed data plotted in the Piper, Gibbs, and Durov diagrams, and water quality index (WQI) were calculated to evaluate the groundwater geochemistry and its water quality. The results reveal that most of the investigated samples are Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42?, Cl? and Na+, and HCO3? water types using the Piper diagram. Na+?>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+ are the dominant cations, while Cl??>?HCO3??>?SO42??>?CO32? are the dominant anions. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values varied from 0.79 to 10; however, the Kelly ratio (KR) ranged between 0.1 and 2.2. The permeability index (PI) showed that well water is suitable for irrigation purposes with 75% or more of maximum permeability. The US salinity diagram revealed that the water quality classes of studied waters were CIII-SI, CIII-SII, and CIV-SII, representing height hazards of salinity and medium- to low-sodium hazard. The water quality index (WQI) results indicated that total dissolved solids are out of the drinking water standard limits in Saudi Arabia. The WQI revealed that 38% of the studied wells were considered as poor water (class III), 52% are found as very poor water class (IV), and 10% are unsuitable water for drinking class (V).  相似文献   

The change in groundwater chemistry along the groundwater flow path in the Matsumoto tunnel vicinity was studied, and the origin of the groundwater and dissoluted substances was determined. The relationship between the concentration of HCO3 , Ca2+, and Na+, and CO2 gas pressure in the groundwater indicated that the HCO3 , Ca2+, and Na+ were produced by the reaction of the CO2 gas in the groundwater and feldspar in the rocks. The relationship between the concentration of NO3 and the Eh and pH values in the groundwater indicated that in an oxidative condition, ammonia-oxidizing and nitriteoxidizing bacteria used NH4 + and produced NO3 and H+, and in a reductive condition, denitrifying bacteria used NO3 and produced N2 gas and OH. The stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratio in the groundwater and precipitation indicated that the groundwater originated from precipitation that had fallen on the area. The concentration of3H and the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios in the groundwater suggested that it has been getting warmer climatically for more than 60 years. The stable carbon isotopic ratio indicated that the HCO3 in the groundwater, excluding deep well water, originated from CO2 gas produced by organic matter in the soil. The deep well water, which had a higher concentration of HCO3 than the other groundwater sampled, was thought to have acquired HCO3 though contact with rocks. The36Cl/Cl ratio indicated the recharge age of the deep well water sampled at a depth of 760 m at the foot of the plateau was recent.  相似文献   

本文利用层次聚类分析和因子分析两种多元统计方法探讨了贵州省毕节市岩溶地下水水化学组分特征及影响因素。结果表明:研究区地下水组分浓度变化范围较大,具有明显的空间变异性,其受到地理因素、水岩作用过程、土壤等自然因素、人类活动的影响。这四个影响因素能够解释地下水水化学组分82%的特征,其中,水岩作用过程和人类活动是主要影响因素。地下水中HCO3-、SO42-、Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐岩矿物的溶解,同时也受到人类采煤活动的影响;Cl-、K+、Na+和NO3-则主要受到人类活动,特别是农业化肥、粪肥、农药施用和生活污水排放等因素的影响。本研究有助于深化对西南岩溶地下水水化学特征的理解,有助于有效预测岩溶地下水污染物来源,且对岩溶区水资源的合理开发利用具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

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