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金厂金矿18号矿体围岩蚀变发育顺序从早到晚为:钾化、硅化、绿泥石化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化、高蛉土化,从内往外依次发育青磐岩化带、绢英岩化带和钾化带.矿化出现在泥化和绢英岩化叠加处,以及泥化和青磐岩化叠加处.通过短波红外光谱测试技术,识别出本矿区有26种蚀交矿物,其中白云母含量与金矿体呈正相关,说明绢云母化与金矿化关系密切;青磐岩化带蚀变矿物组合为绿泥石+绿帘石+伊利石±埃洛石±蒙脱石±石英;钾化带蚀变矿物组合为钾长石+高岭石+埃洛石±蒙脱石±石英;绢英岩化带蚀变矿物组合为绢云母+埃洛石±蒙脱石±高岭石±石英.  相似文献   

河南西部的西峡石板沟金矿是一个与不规则石英细脉有关的金矿床,石英脉产于切穿闪长岩体的蚀变剪切带中,成矿围岩主要为闪长岩和辉长岩。剪切带中主要的蚀变有硅化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化、绿泥石化、钾长石化和碳酸岩化,近矿体蚀变围岩分带特征明显,从矿化中心向边部蚀变分带依次是:①硅化—黄铁矿化蚀变带;②黄铁矿化—钾长石化蚀变带;③黄铁矿化—绢云母化蚀变带;④绿泥石化—碳酸盐化蚀变带;⑤未蚀变辉长岩。细粒硫化物、不同时代的石英细脉和小型裂隙广泛分布于蚀变带中。该矿床中主要的矿化类型有含金石英脉型和产于剪切带中的蚀变岩型,依据蚀变分带和矿化类型,从钻孔中系统地采集了岩石样品,所有的样品做了部分微量元素和常量元素分析,利用常量元素研究了岩石质量平衡、体积  相似文献   

陕西省铧厂沟金矿床位于勉略缝合带以南,矿体受控于近东西向逆冲断层和韧脆性剪切带。本文以细碧岩矿带为例,系统研究了围岩蚀变分带及蚀变矿物组合,总结了矿床的蚀变分带模式。围岩蚀变以穿切细碧岩透镜体的剪切带为中心向外依次可划分为黄铁绢英岩化带、绢云碳酸盐化带和绿泥赤铁矿化带。蚀变矿物组合分别为黄铁矿+铁白云石+铬云母+绢云母+钠长石+石英+方解石、铁白云石+绢云母+钠长石+石英±黄铁矿、(铁)绿泥石+钠长石+铁白云石+赤铁矿+钛铁氧化物+石英±绿帘石。蚀变岩石组分迁移分析表明,在围岩蚀变过程中, SiO2、Na2O、Fe2O3T、MgO与Y等组分发生不同程度的迁出, K2O、CaO、Ba、Rb、Sr、Cr、Cu、Pb和挥发组分等迁入,并以黄铁绢英岩化带最为显著。金在成矿流体中以Au(HS)–2络合物迁移,成矿流体与富铁细碧岩之间的反应是金沉淀重要机制。  相似文献   

干树金矿是河南熊耳山矿集区内的构造蚀变岩型金矿,矿区的金矿体主要赋存在构造蚀变岩带内,且与多阶段的热液活动密切相关。深源的含金成矿流体沿深大断裂向上运移,在温度、压力控制下,在构造的有利部位与围岩发生交代作用,形成多种围岩蚀变和金矿化。其中,硅化、绢云母化、黄铁绢英岩化、钾化与金矿化关系密切;围岩蚀变具有水平分带和垂直分带特征:从中心向两侧,蚀变依次为黄铁绢英岩化→石英绢云母化→钾化→绢云母化→绿泥石化,金品位呈逐步降低的分布规律;从地表向深部,则出现蚀变为褐铁矿化-高岭土化-硅化-碳酸盐化-绢云母化-钾化-黄铁矿化-黄铁绢云岩化,金品位呈由低转高的变化趋势。  相似文献   

【研究目的】黄沙坪铜锡多金属矿床是湘南地区岩浆热液成矿系统的典型矿床之一。为了深化研究该矿床成岩成矿机制、高效指导深部找矿勘查,需要揭示与隐伏花岗斑岩有关的多金属矿化-蚀变分带规律,构建深部矿化-蚀变空间分带模式。【研究方法】应用热液矿床的大比例尺蚀变岩相定位找矿预测方法,开展矿区内-136 m、-176 m、-256 m中段典型穿脉剖面的矿化蚀变测量和矿物岩石地球化学研究,剖析了矿化-蚀变的强弱变化、矿物共生组合及其空间分带特征,探讨了成矿元素、元素组合及其元素比值变化规律。【研究结果】构建了矿化-蚀变空间分带模式:从花岗斑岩体(内带)→接触带→围岩(外带),依次为钨钼(黄铁)矿化-硅化-绢云母化花岗斑岩带(Ⅰ)→磁铁(钨锡)矿化石榴石矽卡岩带(Ⅱ-1)→钨钼-磁黄铁矿化石榴石矽卡岩带(Ⅱ-2)→铅锌矿化结晶灰岩带(Ⅲ)→强方解石化灰岩带(Ⅳ)的分带规律,各带对应的主要矿物组合为:石英+(黄铁矿+绢云母)→磁铁矿+透辉石+硅灰石+绿帘石+绿泥石+(白钨矿+锡石+黄铁矿+石榴石)→白钨矿+辉钼矿+磁黄铁矿+(锡石+黄铜矿+黄铁矿+闪锌矿+方铅矿)+石榴石+符山石+透辉石+角闪石+萤石+...  相似文献   

本文对毕力赫金矿床Ⅱ矿带围岩蚀变及其与金矿化关系进行了研究.矿床主要蚀变类型为硅化、钾化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化、电气石化、绿泥石化、高岭土化、碳酸盐化,其中硅化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化与金矿化关系密切;蚀变分带明显,由地表向下,依次为青磐岩化带→绢英岩化带→钾质蚀变带,绢英岩化带与金矿化关系最为密切.  相似文献   

近年来红外光谱技术作为一种绿色、快速、无损、精确探测矿物的技术手段而倍受关注,针对斑岩型矿床蚀变矿物高度叠加、蚀变分带界线不明显、细粒蚀变矿物多、黏土蚀变矿物多等特征,该技术在蚀变矿物识别和勘探信息解读等方面优势突出。本文应用红外光谱技术对云南普朗斑岩铜矿区钻孔ZK1801岩心进行矿物识别和蚀变分带划分的研究,识别出钾硅酸盐化带、绿帘石-绿泥石化带、绿泥石-伊利石化带、石英-伊利石化带和泥化带。研究表明:普朗铜矿整个钻孔的蚀变矿物主要有石英、钾长石、绢云母、绿泥石、绿帘石、高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石等;根据矿化特征,发现铜矿体广泛赋存在钾硅酸盐化带和绿帘石-绿泥石化带中,与矿化关系密切的蚀变矿物"石英+钾长石+绢云母"和"绿帘石+绿泥石",可以作为普朗矿床勘查的标型蚀变矿物组合;研究区广泛发育的绢云母Al—OH波长随钻孔深度增加而逐渐从2210~2205nm减小到2202~2198nm, Al—OH波长2210~2205nm(长波绢云母)与矿化关系密切,可以作为普朗矿床勘查的指示信息。  相似文献   

岛弧环境斑岩铜矿蚀变分带模式已为人们所熟知 ,但碰撞造山环境的斑岩铜矿蚀变分带特征尚不清楚。对此 ,文中以西藏冈底斯斑岩铜矿带为例 ,选择驱龙、冲江、厅宫 3个典型斑岩铜矿 ,对其蚀变系统进行了系统研究。依据蚀变矿物组合可分为 3个蚀变带 ,呈环带状分布。从中心向外依次为钾硅酸盐化带、石英绢云母化带、青磐岩化带。泥化带不太发育 ,通常叠加在其它蚀变带之上。钾硅酸盐化带主要蚀变矿物为钾长石、黑云母、石英、硬石膏 ,伴有大量的黄铜矿与辉钼矿 ,是成矿物质的主要堆积区。石英绢云母化带与钾硅酸盐化带渐变过渡或叠加其上 ,是次于钾硅酸盐化带的储矿部位。蚀变矿物组合为绢云母 +石英 +钾长石 ,金属硫化物有黄铁矿、黄铜矿、辉钼矿、斑铜矿 ,少量的方铅矿、闪锌矿。主要的辉钼矿以石英 +辉钼矿脉的形式出现于本矿带。青磐岩化在斑岩体内不发育 ,矿化极微弱。蚀变岩石组分分析表明 ,岩石蚀变及其分带是岩浆流体 /岩石反应时K ,Na ,Ca ,Mg等组分迁移的结果 ,矿化伴随着蚀变发生。钾硅酸盐化带、石英绢云母化带和青磐岩化带的蚀变岩石与未 (弱 )蚀变斑岩具有一致的稀土配分模式 ,REE含量有规律地变化 ,说明蚀变岩石均经历了源于岩浆的流体的交代 ,不同的蚀变形成于岩浆流体演化的不同阶段。蚀?  相似文献   

红海VMS铜锌矿床位于新疆东天山大南湖-头苏泉岛弧带的卡拉塔格地区,矿床上部发育似层状块状硫化物矿体,下部为不整合的脉状-网脉状矿体,块状矿体上盘火山岩盖层中也发育少量铜矿化。本文在前人工作基础上,根据矿物交代次序、脉体穿插关系和矿物共生组合类型,精细划分了矿床的蚀变分带和成矿期次。矿床(含盖层)从浅到深依次发育绿泥石-钠长石-绢云母-碳酸盐化、绿帘石-绿泥石-钠长石-绢云母-碳酸盐化、石英-绢云母-黄铁矿化、块状硫化物矿体、绿泥石-黄铁矿±绢云母化和绿泥石-石英-绢云母化。红海矿床成矿过程可分为VMS成矿期、后期热液叠加期和表生期,其中VMS成矿期可细分为黄铁矿阶段、黄铜矿-闪锌矿阶段和重晶石阶段,后期热液叠加期可细分为钠长石化阶段、绿泥石-绿帘石阶段和石英-碳酸盐阶段。主矿化期及蚀变特征与典型VMS矿床类似,但同时还表现出许多海底交代作用的特征。后期热液在矿体上盘火山岩中所产生的绿帘石化、绿泥石化和绿帘石-石英-黄铜矿-斑铜矿脉、石英-碳酸盐脉等蚀变和矿化,与斑岩矿化系统的青磐岩化类似,表明红海矿床后期可能受到斑岩系统的叠加,矿区具有斑岩铜矿床的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

红外光谱技术,辅以显微镜下鉴定和矿物地球化学分析,通过系统采集达斯矿区地表岩石与钻孔岩芯样品,开展精细蚀变矿物填图,利用绢云母矿物Al- OH基团在2200 nm附近的光谱变化特征,开展勘查区及其外围的找矿预测。结果显示:① 研究区主要矿物为钠长石、微斜长石、石英、绢云母、高岭石、蒙脱石和绿泥石,另含有少量明矾石、电气石、石膏和黑云母等;② 电气石、明矾石、高岭石和绢云母矿物及其组合与成矿关系密切,具有中硫化浅成低温热液型矿床蚀变矿物组合特征;③ 目前已发现的Pb矿(化)体,主要产于300 m以浅,矿体底板为一套蒙脱石+绿泥石为主的蚀变矿物组合。矿体赋存于绢云母(高岭石+少量明矾石+电气石)蚀变带内,蚀变分带特征(矿化体中心向外)表现为:绢云母化→绢云母+高岭石(+少量明矾石+电气石)→绢云母+蒙脱石→蒙脱石+绿泥石;④ 区内长波绢云母指示了深部热源的位置,短波绢云母反映出热液流体与浅部大气降水的混合作用,根据绢云母矿物Al- OH波长插值填图及矿物组合特征变化确定了成矿流体pH值偏中性、温度逐渐降低的变化趋势;⑤ 绢云母矿物在2200 nm附近的光谱吸收深度与Pb品位之间呈正相关关系,10%吸收深度阈值可区分具有相似Al- OH吸收特征的绢云母和高岭石矿物;⑥ 结合GIS空间叠加分析,认为勘查区外围仍具一定找矿潜力。  相似文献   

Orogenic Gold Mineralization in the Qolqoleh Deposit, Northwestern Iran   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandai‐Sirjan Zone, northwest of Iran. Gold mineralization in the Qolqoleh deposit is almost entirely confined to a series of steeply dipping ductile–brittle shear zones generated during Late Cretaceous–Tertiary continental collision between the Afro‐Arabian and the Iranian microcontinent. The host rocks are Mesozoic volcano‐sedimentary sequences consisting of felsic to mafic metavolcanics, which are metamorphosed to greenschist facies, sericite and chlorite schists. The gold orebodies were found within strong ductile deformation to late brittle deformation. Ore‐controlling structure is NE–SW‐trending oblique thrust with vergence toward south ductile–brittle shear zone. The highly strained host rocks show a combination of mylonitic and cataclastic microstructures, including crystal–plastic deformation and grain size reduction by recrystalization of quartz and mica. The gold orebodies are composed of Au‐bearing highly deformed and altered mylonitic host rocks and cross‐cutting Au‐ and sulfide‐bearing quartz veins. Approximately half of the mineralization is in the form of dissemination in the mylonite and the remainder was clearly emplaced as a result of brittle deformation in quartz–sulfide microfractures, microveins and veins. Only low volumes of gold concentration was introduced during ductile deformation, whereas, during the evident brittle deformation phase, competence contrasts allowed fracturing to focus on the quartz–sericite domain boundaries of the mylonitic foliation, thus permitting the introduction of auriferous fluid to create disseminated and cross‐cutting Au‐quartz veins. According to mineral assemblages and alteration intensity, hydrothermal alteration could be divided into three zones: silicification and sulfidation zone (major ore body); sericite and carbonate alteration zone; and sericite–chlorite alteration zone that may be taken to imply wall‐rock interaction with near neutral fluids (pH 5–6). Silicified and sulfide alteration zone is observed in the inner parts of alteration zones. High gold grades belong to silicified highly deformed mylonitic and ultramylonitic domains and silicified sulfide‐bearing microveins. Based on paragenetic relationships, three main stages of mineralization are recognized in the Qolqoleh gold deposit. Stage I encompasses deposition of large volumes of milky quartz and pyrite. Stage II includes gray and buck quartz, pyrite and minor calcite, sphalerite, subordinate chalcopyrite and gold ores. Stage III consists of comb quartz and calcite, magnetite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and gold ores. Studies on regional geology, ore geology and ore‐forming stages have proved that the Qolqoleh deposit was formed in the compression–extension stage during the Late Cretaceous–Tertiary continental collision in a ductile–brittle shear zone, and is characterized by orogenic gold deposits.  相似文献   

Orogenic disseminated and Carlin gold deposits share much similarity in alteration and mineralization.The disseminated orogenic Zhenyuan Au deposit along the Ailaoshan shear zone,southeastern Tibet,was selected to clarify their difference.The alteration and mineralization from the different lithologies,including meta-quartz sandstone,carbonaceous slate,meta-(ultra)mafic rock,quartz porphyry and lamprophyre were researched.According to the mineral assemblage and replacement relationship in all types of host rocks,two reactions show general control on gold deposition:(1)replacement of earlier magnetite by pyrite and carbonaceous material;(2)alteration of biotite and phlogopite phenocrysts in quartz porphyry and lamprophyre into dolomite/ankerite and sericite.Despite the lamprophyre is volumetrically minor and much less fractured than other host rocks,it contains a large portion of Au reserve,indicating that the chemically active lithology has played a more important role in gold precipitation compared to structure.LA-ICP-MS analysis shows that Au mainly occurs as invisible gold in fine-grained pyrite disseminated in the host rocks,with Au content reaching to 258.95 ppm.The diagenetic core of pyrite in meta-quartz sandstone enriched in Co,Ni,Mo,Ag and Hg is wrapped by hydrothermal pyrite enriched in Cu,As,Sb,Au,Tl,Pb and Bi.Different host rock lithology has much impact on the alteration and mineralization features.Carbonate and sericite in altered lamprophyre show they have higher Mg than those developed in other of host rocks denoting that the carbonate and sericite incorporated Mg from phlogopite phenocrysts in the primary lamprophyre during alteration.The ore fluid activated the diagenetic pyrite in meta-quartz sandstone leading the hydrothermal pyrite enriched in Cu,Mo,Ag,Sb,Te,Hg,Tl,Pb and Bi,but the hydrothermal pyrite in meta-(ultra)mafic rock is enriched in Co and Ni as the meta-(ultra)mafic rock host rock contain high content of Co and Ni.However,Au and As shear similar range in both types of host rocks indicating that these two elements most likely come from the deep source fluid rather than the host rocks.It was shown in the disseminated orogenic gold deposit that similar hydrothermal alteration with mineral assemblage of carbonate(mainly dolomite and ankerite),sericite,pyrite and arsenopyrite develops in all types of host rocks.This is different from the Nevada Carlin type,in which alteration is mainly dissolution and silicification of carbonate host rock.On the other hand,Au mainly occur as invisible gold in both disseminated orogenic and Carlin gold deposits.  相似文献   

治岭头金矿位于浙江省遂昌县,是我国东南沿海的一座大型金矿床。该矿床围岩蚀变发育,类型有硅化、绢云母化、绿泥石化、黄铁矿化、方解石化和菱锰矿化。从矿体到围岩可以划分为4个蚀变带:强硅化带、弱硅化-黄铁绢英岩化带、绢云母化带和绿泥石化带。沿矿体走向,蚀变强度整体上呈波动性变化,与矿体呈透镜状产出特征一致。硅化、黄铁矿化、菱锰矿化与金矿化关系最密切,而且这些蚀变具有相似的变化趋势。绢云母化和绿泥石化与硅化的变化趋势不同,且与矿化关系不密切。另外,矿区还发育方解石化,且强度较弱。金矿化及围岩蚀变均发育在古元古界八都群变质岩中,未进入上覆中生代火山岩盖层,证明治岭头金矿成矿作用与中生代火山活动无关。定量计算结果显示:蚀变过程中Al_2O_3、TiO_2、P_2O_5为惰性组分;SiO_2、CaO、MnO、Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn等为明显带入组分;Fe_2O_3、FeO、MgO、K_2O、Na_2O、Ba、Sr等为明显带出组分。根据围岩蚀变和稳定同位素分析,推断治岭头金矿原始成矿热液流体应是富含Si、Ca、Mn、Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn等组分的岩浆热液,后期有大气降水的加入。  相似文献   

Mineral assemblages, chemical compositions of ore minerals, wall rock alteration and fluid inclusions of the Gatsuurt gold deposit in the North Khentei gold belt of Mongolia were investigated to characterize the gold mineralization, and to clarify the genetic processes of the ore minerals. The gold mineralization of the deposit occurs in separate Central and Main zones, and is characterized by three ore types: (i) low‐grade disseminated and stockwork ores; (ii) moderate‐grade quartz vein ores; and (iii) high‐grade silicified ores, with average Au contents of approximately 1, 3 and 5 g t?1 Au, respectively. The Au‐rich quartz vein and silicified ore mineralization is surrounded by, or is included within, the disseminated and stockwork Au‐mineralization region. The main ore minerals are pyrite (pyrite‐I and pyrite‐II) and arsenopyrite (arsenopyrite‐I and arsenopyrite‐II). Moderate amounts of galena, tetrahedrite‐tennantite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite, and minor jamesonite, bournonite, boulangerite, geocronite, scheelite, geerite, native gold and zircon are associated. Abundances and grain sizes of the ore minerals are variable in ores with different host rocks. Small grains of native gold occur as fillings or at grain boundaries of pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite in the disseminated and stockwork ores and silicified ores, whereas visible native gold of variable size occurs in the quartz vein ores. The ore mineralization is associated with sericitic and siliceous alteration. The disseminated and stockwork mineralization is composed of four distinct stages characterized by crystallization of (i) pyrite‐I + arsenopyrite‐I, (ii) pyrite‐II + arsenopyrite‐II, (iii) galena + tetrahedrite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite + jamesonite + bournonite + scheelite, and iv) boulangerite + native gold, respectively. In the quartz vein ores, four crystallization stages are also recognized: (i) pyrite‐I, (ii) pyrite‐II + arsenopyrite + galena + Ag‐rich tetrahedrite‐tennantite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite + bournonite, (iii) geocronite + geerite + native gold, and (iv) native gold. Two mineralization stages in the silicified ores are characterized by (i) pyrite + arsenopyrite + tetrahedrite + chalcopyrite, and (ii) galena + sphalerite + native gold. Quartz in the disseminated and stockwork ores of the Main zone contains CO2‐rich, halite‐bearing aqueous fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures ranging from 194 to 327°C, whereas quartz in the disseminated and stockwork ores of the Central zone contains CO2‐rich and aqueous fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures ranging from 254 to 355°C. The textures of the ores, the mineral assemblages present, the mineralization sequences and the fluid inclusion data are consistent with orogenic classification for the Gatsuurt deposit.  相似文献   

青海赛坝沟金矿地质特征及成矿时代   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
青海赛坝沟金矿是近年在柴达木盆地北缘地区发现的一个较为典型的金矿床。文章对该金矿床形成的地质背景、矿床基本地质特征和成矿时代进行了研究 ,并对矿床成因进行了较为深入的探讨。研究结果表明 ,矿床主要赋矿围岩为花岗闪长岩_英云闪长岩 ,形成时代为新元古代 ,代表着柴北缘造山带的基底 ;矿床严格受NW向韧_脆性剪切带控制 ,与金矿化有关的蚀变主要为硅化、黄铁绢英岩化和黄铁矿化 ;绢云母Ar_Ar法测得蚀变糜棱岩型金矿石的年龄为 (4 2 6± 2 )Ma,另见有含金石英脉切穿印支期花岗岩脉 [全岩K_Ar年龄为 (2 10± 3)Ma],矿化可分为两期。该矿床应为加里东期和晚华力西_印支期复合造山作用形成的造山型石英脉亚型金矿床  相似文献   

Abstract: The Kanggur gold deposit lies in East Tianshan mountains, eastern section of Central Asia orogenic belt. The gold mineralization occurs on the northern margin of the Aqishan‐Yamansu Paleozoic island arc in the Tarim Plate. It was hosted mainly in Middle‐Lower Carboniferous calc‐alkaline volcanic rocks, and controlled by the distributions of syn‐tectonic intrusions and ductile shear zones. In order to determine ore‐forming age of the Kanggur deposit, samples were collected from ores, wall rocks, altered rocks and intrusions. The dating methods include Rb‐Sr isochron and Sm‐Nd isochron, and secondly 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum, U‐Pb and Pb‐Pb methods. Based on the mineral assemblage and crosscutting relationship of ore veins, five mineralization stages are identified. This result is confirmed by isotope geochronologic data. The first stage featuring formation of pyrite‐bearing phyllic rock, is mineralogically represented by pyrite, sericite and quartz with poor native gold. The Rb‐Sr isochron age of this stage is 2905 Ma. The second stage represents the main ore‐forming stage and is characterized by native gold–quartz–pyrite–magnetite–chlorite assemblage. Magnetite and pyrite of this stage are dated by Sm‐Nd isochron at 290.47.2 Ma and fluid inclusion in quartz is dated by Rb‐Sr isochron at 282.35 Ma. The third mineralization stage features native gold–quartz–pyrite vein. In the fourth stage, Au‐bearing polymetallic sulfide‐quartz veins formed. Fluid inclusions in quartz are dated by Rb‐Sr isochron method at 25821 Ma. The fifth stage is composed of sulfide‐free quartz–carbonate veins with Rb‐Sr age of 2547 Ma. The first and second stages are related to ductile‐brittle deformation of shear zones, and are named dynamo‐metamorphic hydrothermal period. The third to fifth stages related to intrusive processes of tonalite and brittle fracturing of the shear zones, are called magmato‐hydrothermal mineralization period. The Rb‐Sr isochron age of 2905 Ma of the altered andesite in the Kanggur mine area may reflect timing of regional ductile shear zone. The Rb‐Sr isochron age of 28216 Ma of the quartz‐syenite porphyry and the zircon U‐Pb age of 2757 Ma of tonalite in the north of Kanggur gold mine area are consistent with the age of gold mineralization (290‐254 Ma). This correspondence indicates that the tonalite and subvolcanic rocks may have been related to gold mineralization. The Rb–Sr, Sm‐Nd and U‐Pb ages and regional geology support the hypothesis that the Kanggur gold deposit was formed during collisional orogenesis process in Late Variscan.  相似文献   

西秦岭李坝金矿床地质、同位素地球化学及其成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李坝金矿床位于西秦岭造山带中的礼-岷矿集区内,赋矿围岩为泥盆系浅变质细碎屑岩,矿床产于中川岩体的外侧热接触变质带内,矿体主要受断裂破碎带控制。本文在李坝金矿床地质特征研究的基础上,对赋矿围岩、花岗斑岩岩脉、矿石硫化物进行了LA-MC-ICPMS原位微区硫同位素测试及化学溶样法分析,对不同地质体的铅同位素进行了系统测定与示踪,测定了成矿流体的氢-氧同位素组成,并对与矿体相伴产出花岗斑岩脉进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年。研究表明,李坝金矿床花岗斑岩脉中黄铁矿δ34S值范围为8.19‰~10.06‰,赋矿围岩中金属硫化物δ34S值范围为4.94‰~9.81‰,矿石硫化物的δ34S值范围为4.94‰~10.82‰,矿石硫化物的硫同位素组成与矿区花岗斑岩及赋矿围岩的硫同位素组成相似,暗示成矿流体中的硫源主要来自受改造或变质的地层岩石与岩浆热液硫的混合。不同地质体的铅同位素组成变化范围较小,在Zartman铅构造模式图解中,样品投影点均落于造山带与上地壳演化线附近,矿石铅投影点与赋矿围岩及矿区岩脉的投影点重合,表明矿石中的铅可能来源于赋矿围岩和岩浆作用的混合。氢-氧同位素研究表明,成矿流体可能为变质流体、岩浆流体及地层建造水的混合热流体。矿区花岗斑岩脉与矿体相伴产出,花岗斑岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为223 Ma,与金矿化时间一致,暗示成矿作用与岩浆活动同时发生。李坝金矿床与矿区岩浆岩同为造山作用的产物,并且其矿床地质特征、同位素地球化学特征与造山型金矿床相似,为形成于秦岭造山带由碰撞向伸展转变环境下成矿物质来源复杂的造山型金矿床。  相似文献   

MININGHISTORYGeographicalytheJiaodonggoldprovincecoversalmostthewholeShandongorJiaodongPeninsula,theeasternhalfoftheShandongP...  相似文献   

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