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珠江河口磨刀门的整治与地貌演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从排洪通道、航运通道、排水通道的形成以及浅滩围垦等方面阐述磨刀门10 a综合整治的效 果.口门延伸、平原扩展及地貌类型、沉积构造及冲淤变化反映了近20多年来磨刀门从浅海 湾演变为三角洲的过程.“磨刀门外水下三角洲”未来的发展趋势受沉积基础、水动力条件 、泥沙运动和沉积作用的影响.由于水动力从径流优势型转变为径流-潮流优势型,沿岸流 、风暴潮、波浪的作用增强,使得口外海域的滩槽向西南方向延伸.未来“磨刀门外水下三角洲”治导线的布设应为南偏西,并保持大喇叭口态势.  相似文献   

湄洲湾中央深槽及白牛浅滩的成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过流场和地形特征的分析,研究湄洲湾中央深槽及白牛浅滩的形成机理。从湾顶延伸至口外的中央深槽,在半岛、岛屿和岬角控制下,由潮流塑造而成,但发育过程各段不尽相同,有涨潮流作用为主、落潮流作用为主和涨落潮流共同作用的三种类型。白牛浅滩的地貌形态,似沙嘴,如沙脊,又像独立的堆积体,形成模式与众不同,是湄洲湾中一个特殊的浅滩。  相似文献   

湛江港潮汐汊道落潮三角洲沉积动力过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
张乔民  郑德延 《地理学报》1995,50(5):421-429
湛江港是华南海岩规模最大的中潮溺谷湾型潮汊道港湾,口外发育规模巨大、形态典型的落潮三角洲。依据据现场调查资料分析,落潮三角洲具有马蹄形浅滩包围中央深槽的地貌结构,由中心至周边为粗砂至极细砂同心半圆带状分布的表层沉积分布,中央深槽落潮流动力为主,周边浅滩波潮流动力为主的动力场结构。  相似文献   

江苏北部废黄河口水下三角洲稳定性和深水港建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
废黄河口三角洲的演化主要表现为水下三角洲大面积的冲蚀和三角洲海岸线的夷平,形成了由—10m以深的平坦悔床、—5m~—10m问的水下斜坡和—5m以浅的近岸浅滩三个地貌单元构成的地形格局。—10m~—15m水下平台稳定,略有冲刷;而水下斜坡随着往复性潮流长轴与斜坡走向逐渐趋于一致,潮流侧向侵蚀弱化;近岸浅滩则表现为人工护岸条件下的有限下切。这为深水港口的建设提供了良好的近岸水深条件和相对稳定的水陆域环境。  相似文献   

山东莱州浅滩的沉积动态与地貌演变   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在野外观测和历史地貌调查的基础上,利用地理信息系统和遥感技术,研究了现代莱州浅滩的地貌演变规律和人类活动对浅滩地貌冲淤动态的影响。结果表明,受其特有的沉积动力过程控制,莱州浅滩不断淤高并向东北迁移、西北延伸。1958年以来由于修建水库、码头和海底采沙等人类活动导致泥沙亏损,浅滩在继续向东北迁移、西北延伸的同时,总体上处于侵蚀、解体状态,在中部和近岸部分之间、近岸部分和刁龙嘴海岸之间先后形成了贯通的潮流槽,不同地貌部位冲淤状态存在差异。  相似文献   

锦州湾滩地动力地貌特征及其冲淤变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了锦州湾滩地动力地貌特征,海滩剖面形变,潮滩微地貌类型与横向分带性;并采用潮滩剖面重复水准测量、新老海图对比和210pb沉积速率测定等方法着重讨论了潮间浅滩和水下浅滩的冲淤变化。新老海图对比值为4-6mm/a,210pb沉积速率测定为1-5mm/a,湾内泥沙输沙量估算为2-4mm/a,三个量值基本接近。  相似文献   

杭州湾北部潮流冲刷槽演变的分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
曹沛奎  董永发 《地理学报》1989,44(2):157-166
潮流冲刷槽是河口湾中重要的地貌类型。杭州湾是一个强潮海湾,它的北部在潮流作用下形成的冲刷槽具有典型性。本文通过动力、地貌和沉积相结合方法,在冲刷槽几何形态和动态特征分析基础上,论证了冲刷槽水流结构和泥沙输移,并指出冲刷槽在潮流作用下,纵向延伸和垂向增深较小,处于基本稳定状态,为港口建设提供依据。  相似文献   

渤海湾曹妃甸深槽形成机制及稳定性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
渤海湾湾口曹妃甸岬角地貌特征明显,紧贴甸头前沿发育有渤海湾最深的巨型潮汐深槽。该深槽的发育有着一定的地质构造基础,曹妃甸沙岛形成的岬角地貌构成了深槽的边界条件,由此引起的局部潮流增大成为深槽形成与维持的主要动力条件。曹妃甸深槽长期以来边界条件与动力条件已基本适应,周边滩槽形势基本稳定,海床以轻微冲刷态势为主。近年来随着曹妃甸港区开发的不断深入,各种工程建设对深槽冲淤演变的影响日益增强,但由于并没有改变曹妃甸深槽的边界条件及动力形成机制,深槽稳定性良好。  相似文献   

磨刀门河口沉积物粒度特征与沉积环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁娟 《热带地理》2005,25(2):117-122
磨刀门河口的发育深受地质构造和动力条件的制约,在河流和海洋的相互作用下,形成了复杂的沉积特征。根据磨刀门河口表层沉积物的粒度分析结果,运用数学地质方法对粒度参数进行多元统计对应分析,并在此基础上结合地貌和动力条件,分析河口的沉积物粒度特征及其动力沉积环境。结果表明,河口表层沉积物主要有粉砂质粘土、粘土质粉砂、极细砂、细砂等类型;沉积环境可划分为河口主槽沉积环境、涨潮流沉积环境、浅滩沉积环境、拦门沙坝沉积环境及河口前缘沉积环境。  相似文献   

海南岛火山海岸以沿小火山口形成的海蚀地貌以及全新世火山爆发使局部海湾抬升为海岸阶地、河口堵流并形成深切海湾以及促进了珊瑚礁发育为特征,火山活动改变了海岸带的地势、坡度、动力条件、沉积特征以及海岸演变趋势,海岸发育具有构造内动力、波浪、水流等外动力以及生物活动等多项作用影响。火山岩岩性与时代反映出北部湾湾底现代拉张构造活动。夏威夷火山造陆与板块移动形成岛链,近期熔岩流喷溢改变地貌与大气质量等为其特征  相似文献   

A high-resolution bathymetric survey of the entire underwater slope in South Baikal was carried out for the first time by means of the multibeam echosounder. New elements were revealed in the underwater relief of the southern slope of the basin from the Kultuchnaya river to the Mysovka river, and a relevant regionalization was carried out into three areas according to the presence of ancient landforms and the intensity of the processes of their reworking, with the boundaries along the delta-front and the river fan of the Utulik and Pereemnaya. We reconstructed the formation process of the modern relief of this area of the underwater slope and determined a dominant role of the underwater-erosion processes in the formation of the modern relief, with the tectonic movements served as the “trigger” for them. The study revealed a direct correlation between the reworking of the ancient geomorphological surfaces and the occurrence of separate large underwater elevations or group ridges (remnants), canyons and linear depressions. It is determined that the pivotal role in the appearance of the modern relief of the underwater slope in the second area of extensive plano-convex (in section) and fan-shaped (in plan) delta-fronts of large rivers and debris fans enveloping the remnants. The existence of a steep underwater slope from the mouth of the Pereemnaya to the mouth of the Bol’shaya Tel’naya and of two large benches, and also the proximity of the maximum depths of the southern basin at the foot of this slope are explained by a more intense step-like lowering of this part of the lake when compared with the western part of the basin. This also accounts for the absence of large remnants in this part of the slope. The area of occurrence of lacustrine-fluvial and lacustrine-delta deposits of the Tankhoi paleobasin within the southern basin of Baikal is reconstructed. Four new hydrate-bearing structures associated with these deposits and morphologically pronounced in the vertex parts of the remnants were discovered. The morphological exploration indicators of the presence of new accumulations of gas hydrates on the underwater slopes of Baikal have been expanded.  相似文献   

多尺度数字地貌等级分类方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
参考已出版的全国各级各类比例尺的地貌类型图的分类方案及图例表达,探讨了中国1:100 万数字地貌的等级分类方法,采用基于形态、成因、物质和年龄等地貌要素,综合反映地貌特征的等级分类指标和分类体系,初步构建了中国多个国家基本比例尺(即1:400 万、1:100 万、1:50 万、1:25 万、1:5 万)数字地貌等级分类方法,发展了由连续分布的多边形图斑反映形态成因类型,以及由离散的点、线和面图斑共同反映形态结构类型的数字地貌类型数据组织方式,构建了多尺度数字地貌类型的编码方法。该研究可为发展多尺度地貌类型图的编制提供方法基础,也可为当前正在进行的地理国情监测工程的大比例尺地貌类型信息普查提供分类规范和技术支持。  相似文献   

辽河三角洲地貌演化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper mainly analyzes the geomorphological changes of the tidal deposition in the Liaohe Estuary based on the multi-year bathymetric charts in 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2005 and Landsat TM images in 1987, 1994, 2002 and 2005. Evolution of the tidal depositional system during the past 20 years in the Liaohe River was studied on the basis of 50 boreholes drilling and 30 km shallow stratigraphic exploration from 2002 to 2005. The main tidal depositional body of the modern Liaohe River delta is located in the Shuangtaizihe Estuary. The stratum within the depth of 10 m includes tidal bank facies, tidal channel facies and neritic facies with paleo-delta facies underlying them. The sediments of tidal bank facies are mainly composed of sand and silt with siltation load and suspended load of about 50% respectively in proportion. The sediment of tidal channel facies and neritic facies is composed of clayey silt and silty clay which belongs to suspended load. The study area was a small bay between the old Daliaohe River, the old Dalinghe River and the Raoyanghe River complex delta since the Holocene to 1896. Many tidal banks formed and expanded rapidly after the Shuangtaizihe River was excavated by labor in 1896. The runoff and sediment discharge have decreased since the construction of brake at the Shuangtaizihe River in 1958.The Shuangtaizihe Estuary is in the state of deposition as a whole whose tidal bank is increasing and expanding southward, westward and northward. The maximum expansion speed is 87 to 683 m/a and the mean depositional rate is 0.189 m/a. Erosion occurred in some part of tidal bank with average erosional rate of 0.122 m/a. The tidal channel was filled up with sediment at a migration speed of 48–200 m/a. Geomorphologic changes have happened under the combined influences of runoff, ocean dynamics and human activities. The main source of sediment changes from river sediment to sediment driven by tidal current and longshore current.  相似文献   

This paper mainly analyzes the geomorphological changes of the tidal deposition in the Liaohe Estuary based on the multi-year bathymetric charts in 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2005 and Landsat TM images in 1987, 1994, 2002 and 2005. Evolution of the tidal depositional system during the past 20 years in the Liaohe River was studied on the basis of 50 boreholes drilling and 30 km shallow stratigraphic exploration from 2002 to 2005. The main tidal depositional body of the modern Liaohe River delta is located in the Shuangtaizihe Estuary. The stratum within the depth of 10 m includes tidal bank facies, tidal channel facies and neritic facies with paleo-delta facies underlying them. The sediments of tidal bank facies are mainly composed of sand and silt with siltation load and suspended load of about 50% respectively in proportion. The sediment of tidal channel facies and neritic facies is composed of clayey silt and silty clay which belongs to suspended load. The study area was a small bay between the old Daliaohe River, the old Dalinghe River and the Raoyanghe River complex delta since the Holocene to 1896. Many tidal banks formed and expanded rapidly after the Shuangtaizihe River was excavated by labor in 1896. The runoff and sediment discharge have decreased since the construction of brake at the Shuangtaizihe River in 1958.The Shuangtaizihe Estuary is in the state of deposition as a whole whose tidal bank is increasing and expanding southward, westward and northward. The maximum expansion speed is 87 to 683 m/a and the mean depositional rate is 0.189 m/a. Erosion occurred in some part of tidal bank with average erosional rate of 0.122 m/a. The tidal channel was filled up with sediment at a migration speed of 48–200 m/a. Geomorphologic changes have happened under the combined influences of runoff, ocean dynamics and human activities. The main source of sediment changes from river sediment to sediment driven by tidal current and longshore current.  相似文献   

渤海湾淤泥质海岸潮汐汊道的发育过程   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张忍顺 《地理学报》1995,50(6):506-513
本文以黄河三角洲沿岸为例,论述淤泥质海岸上潮汐汊道的发育过程。研究表明,淤泥质海岸潮汐汊道与废弃河口深化化有密切关系。它的外侧海岸是在高海面时形成并被现代动力过程所切割的贝壳砂堤或砂堤。  相似文献   

The evolution of estuarial geomorphological and sedimentary systems in the Late Holocene is considered using the river deltas along the Arctic coast of Siberia as an example. Presented are the stadial development patterns of the main morphogenetic types of estuarial systems for the period of stabilization of postglacial transgression of the World Ocean.  相似文献   

A key question of structural-hydrographic analysis of river systems is considered, namely: Is it possible to sufficiently rigorously determine the geomorphological situation that is responsible for the formation of the primary element of the hydrographic network? The objective of this study is to develop an optimal technique for automatic digitizing of the river network in terms of digital elevation models on the basis of searching for an optimal form of the index permitting a separate parameterization of the climatic and geomorphological conditions of the basins. A comparative testing is made of the use of the different variants of the index in the digitizing process as well as analyzing the “slope-area” relations for landscape-hydrological localities.  相似文献   

近20年辽河三角洲地貌演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
运用钻探和浅地层探测等最新调查成果,对近20年的辽河三角洲潮流沉积进行了研究.根据不同时期水深地形和卫星影像资料对比分析了现代辽河三角洲潮流地貌变化.现代辽河三角洲的沉积主体位于双台子河口.研究区10 m深度内的地层主要包括:潮滩相、潮道相和浅海相沉积,其下为古三角洲相.潮滩相沉积物以砂和粉砂为主,分选中等,跳跃和悬浮组分各占50%左右:浅海相和潮道相沉积物主要为软弱的粘土质粉砂和粉砂质粘土,以悬浮组分为主.全新世以来至1896年,研究区为古辽河、古大凌河和绕阳河之间的小海湾.1896年,双台子河被人工开挖为分洪河道以来,口门外形成盖州滩等潮滩,并快速发育.1958年,双台子河建闸后,人海径流量和输沙量减小.目前.双台子河口整体处于淤积状态,潮滩面积不断增加,整体向南、西、北3个方向扩展.潮滩最大淤进速率为87~683 m/a,平均淤积速率为0.189 m/a.潮滩东侧局部发生侵蚀,平均侵蚀速率为0.122 m/a.潮道面积缩小,具有向西、向北迁移的趋势,最大迁移速率为48~200m/a.双台子河口地貌发育受径流、海洋动力和人类活动的影响,沉积物的主要来源由双台子河河流输沙演变为潮流和沿岸流输沙.  相似文献   

金德生  乔云峰 《地理科学进展》2016,35(11):1420-1430
作为中国现代河流地貌研究的开拓者和奠基人,沈玉昌先生对开创流水地貌实验研究的初衷,为后人创新流水地貌实验开拓了先河,特撰写本文纪念先生100周年诞辰。主要内容有:①憧憬河流地貌实验与筹建流水地貌实验室。包括先生的初衷、实验室调研与筹建、实验试运行及起步实验;②流水地貌实验室扩建及实验研究蓬勃发展。包括结合国家重大及地方委托项目开展的一系列实验研究,开拓流域地貌系统及坡面发育演变的实验,建立河流地貌过程响应实验相似型理论;③河流地貌实验的新进展。包括河流地貌实验室建设及实验装置更新,河型系统发育演变过程实验的新进展,穹隆与坳陷非均匀升降对河流地貌系统发育影响的实验等。最后进行了展望,为了使中国实验流水地貌学研究继续深化,需要进行6个方面创新探索,特别是:加强构造运动、气候变化及人类活动快速变化导致的非稳定状态河流动力地貌过程实验研究,揭示其复杂性、敏感性及前兆性特征,加强实验研究力量的协作与融合,加强流水地貌实验研究的综合性、交叉性学术交流。  相似文献   

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