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青藏铁路沿线1373年以来气温和地温的变化研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用青藏铁路沿线(格尔木\_拉萨段)近600 a的历史气候代用资料,统计了各资料的年代序列,并用相关、功率谱、谐波、趋势分析等气候诊断方法进行了研究。结果表明:年平均地面温度17世纪中后期至18世纪初为偏冷阶段,20世纪后期为偏暖阶段,升温从18世纪中期开始,一直维持到20世纪末。该地区年平均地面温度和气温16世纪、19~20世纪相对偏暖,而15世纪、17~18世纪偏冷,20世纪的增温程度超过了19世纪的水平。自然波动周期为4~5个。  相似文献   

近50年来中国干湿气候界线的10年际波动   总被引:57,自引:5,他引:57  
利用中国北方1951~1999年降水量和年蒸发量资料,计算了干燥度指数(D)。并据此将中国划分为干旱区(D(0.20)),半干旱区(0.20-0.50)和湿润区(D(0.50)),近50a中国干湿气候波动显著,区域差异大;50a波动幅度东北区为20~400km,华北区为40~400km,西北东部为30~350km,西南区为40~370km,以80年代为界,在20世纪80年代以前(包括80年代),西南区气候具有显著变湿趋势;西北东部稍变湿;华北区和东北区具有变干趋势,且华北区变干程度比东北区严重。进入90年代。西南区和西北东部气候有变干迹象。华北区西部气候的干旱程度有所增加,华北区东部有所减弱,东北区气候进一步变湿,半干旱区是湿润区与干旱区之间的过渡区,是中国季风的边缘地带,也是环境变化的敏感区,20世纪60~70年代中国(北方)干湿气候存在一次突变,由较湿润变为干旱。50年来干湿气候界线呈现出整体移动和东西、南北相异波动的特征,当干湿气候界线同时向西或向北移动时,中国北方气候就变得相对湿润;当同时向东或向南移动时,北方气候就变得相对干旱;当干湿气候界线东西、南北相异移动时,北方气候的干旱程度就介于二者之间。  相似文献   

1971-2010年三江源地区干湿状况变化的空间特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 依据1971-2010年地面观测气象数据,计算了三江源地区湿润指数。利用经验正交函数分解(EOF)和偏相关系数,对近40 a三江源地区干湿状况变化的时空特征及其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:三江源地区干湿状况的变化在其北部与南部、东部与西部间存在明显反相位变化特征。北部和东部的部分区域分别在20世纪90年代和21世纪后表现出气候湿润化趋势,其余大部地区的持续干旱化趋势始于20世纪80年代初,其中南部与西部变干趋势显著,其湿润指数线性趋势率达到-8%/10 a。虽然三江源地区干湿状况主要决定于降水量和相对湿度的变化,但20世纪90年代中期后气温的显著上升,使得气温也成为关键的影响因子之一,即使在降水明显增加的背景下,也引起三江源主体区域湿润指数的明显下降。气候变暖情景下,北部和东部地区在近十几年暖湿化趋势明显,其余大部地区表现为不同程度的暖干化趋势。  相似文献   

藏南沉错地区近1400年来的介形类与环境变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过分析藏南沉错CC1孔的介形类动物群所提供的古环境信息,探讨近1400年来的湖泊演化。CC1孔介形类共计7属15种。据其属种,数量及生态特征,可划分为7个组合,同时发现1400年来沉错环境变化可分为3个时期:(1)公元6世末-14世纪下半叶沉错主要为较深水湖,其中大约在708-780年和1199-1213年湖泊迅速扩大加深;(2)14世纪下半叶-19世纪末沉错主要为浅水湖,其中大约在1454-1525年,1645-1670年和1803-1891年3个时段湖泊强烈退缩,环境极不稳定,而大约在1731-1803年湖泊发生逆向转化,湖水增多,湖面抬升;(3)19世纪末至今沉错由较深水湖转变为浅水湖,20世纪60年代以前为较深水湖,其中大约在1929-1935年湖泊急剧加深,20世纪70年代以来湖泊退缩,湖水变浅。  相似文献   

天山北坡乌鲁木齐河1号冰川与土尤克苏冰川物质平衡观察表示80年代比以前出现大的亏损。青海湖与伊赛克湖在近百年一直处于萎缩状态。从小冰期最盛时以来,乌鲁木齐河谷中冰川面积已缩去44%。上述及其他冰川与湖泊变化证据清楚地指示本世纪气候干暖化趋势增强了,并可能延续到下世纪初。但如由于CO_2及其他痕量气体增加所致的温室效应使下世纪重现全新世早、中期那样的高温,则亚洲中部有可能转为潮湿。  相似文献   

根据兴义市1970年~2000年的气温资料,从平均气温、最高气温、最低气温以及异常气温等多个方面对兴义市近30年的气温变化进行了统计分析,得出近30年来兴义市年平均气温呈上升趋势(0.15℃/10年),特别是20世纪90年代以来增温明显,且冬季变暖趋势大于夏季。可以以20世纪80年代中期为界,将兴义近30年分为冷、暖两个阶段,前期为冷期,后期为暖期。  相似文献   

 依据秦岭南北地区80个站点1980-2009年气象数据,主要应用空间分析方法对半干旱与湿润区、暖温带与亚热带界限的位置变动特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近30 a来,秦岭南北地区的气候干燥度呈明显的纬向分布,由北向南湿度依次增加,其线性趋势除商洛东北部,和西安中部地区呈增加变湿的趋势外,其余部分呈减少趋势;≥10 ℃积温天数呈纬向分布,由北向南依次增加,其线性趋势均为增加趋势,空间分布特征呈同心分布;(2)半干旱与湿润界限在20世纪80年代位置最北,在90年代最南,21世纪前10 a次之;暖温带与亚热带界限在20世纪80年代的位置最南、 90年代略有北移,且在21世纪前10 a位置最北;(3)秦岭南北地区的半干旱与湿润、暖温带与亚热带界限最大波动分别为1.2、0.5 个纬度,且两者30 a平均位置均在34 °N附近;(4)秦岭南北地区近30 a气候暖干化趋势明显,该区的半干旱与湿润区、暖温带与亚热带界限的北移可能会对该地区的种植制度产生较大影响。  相似文献   

中国典型等降水量线年代际空间演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于1960-2013年中国573个气象站的月降水量数据,选用普通克里金插值法生成典型等降水量线(200、400,800 mm),从等降水量线移动距离和移动趋势的角度分析了中国近54年典型等降水量线的时空演变特征。结果表明:(1) 200、400,800 mm等降水量线近54年的空间分布大致呈东北-西南走向,且从西北到东南有序排列。(2) 200 mm等降水量线在宁夏平原和西藏中西部波动强烈,且均有向东和向南偏移趋势。200 mm等降水量线在宁夏平原20世纪70、80年代、21世纪初东移,20世纪90年代、21世纪10年代初西移。西藏中西部自20世纪80年代起200 mm等降水量线有西移和北移态势,新疆北部200 mm等降水量线范围不断扩大。(3) 400 mm等降水量线在华北中东部波动强烈,20世纪70年代、21世纪00年代东移,20世纪80、90年代和21世纪10年代初西移,且整体有向东和向南的偏移趋势,但年代际波动大。(4) 800 mm等降水量线在秦岭-淮河一线波动强烈,20世纪80年代、21世纪00年代北移,20世纪70、90年代、21世纪10年代初南移,且纬度降低趋势较明显。  相似文献   

陕甘宁地区气候变化及相关影响分析   总被引:34,自引:18,他引:16  
陕甘宁地区是中国经济相对落后的地区,从气候方面分析研究它的贫困影响因素.探讨扶贫措施有着现实的意义。采用陕甘宁地区1971~2000年间的气温、降水等气象资料并进行了分析.结果表明:陕甘宁地区年平均气温以0.0379℃/a的速度递增.20世纪90年代以来递增幅度更大,且冬季增温尤其明显。降水以1.0639mm/a的速度递减.但80年代有上升趋势,90年代以来却成明显下降趋势。因此,20世纪90年代成为陕甘宁地区近30年间最暖干的时期。气候的日趋暖干必然对本区的工农业生产带来负而影响并导致该地区贫困现状的加剧.因此分析影响经济发展的气候因素,找出相互关系,制定合理的方法措施是陕甘宁地区扶贫项目的重要环节。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖,大气环流异常调整和人类活动的消极因素影响,江、河流域的气候正不断发生变化。选取红河中下游的元江、元阳、河口作为代表站,利用近40年的观测资料进行线性趋势及异常值分析,旨在找出近年来红河流域的气候变化特征。结果表明红河流域近40年来,年降雨量呈增加趋势,气温呈现明显上升趋势。红河流域春季有暖干向冷湿过渡的趋势,夏季有冷干向暖湿过渡的趋势,秋季和冬季均有冷湿向暖干过渡的趋势。从异常情况来看,降雨平均每6~7年就会出现异常偏多或偏少年份,气温从20世纪80年代起,平均每4年左右时间就会出现异常现象。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionPast Global Changes (PAGES) is one of the important IGBP (International Geo-Biosphere Program) core programs, of which the objectives are to obtain and interpret all kinds of palaeoclimate records, understand the history of environment and ecological change, and provide basic material and necessary test for the establishment and improvement of climate forecasting models. Because the research of climatic and environmental changes on short time scale is the key connection bet…  相似文献   

Climatic and environmental changes since the last glacial period are important to our understanding of global environmental change. There are few records from Southern Tibet, one of the most climatically sensitive areas on earth. Here we present a study of the lake sediments (TC1 core) from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet. Two sediment cores were drilled using a hydraulic borer in Terrace 1 of Lake Chen Co. AMS 14C dating of the sediments showed that the sequence spanned >30,000 years. Analyses of present lake hydrology indicated that glacier melt water is very important to maintaining the lake level. Sediment variables such as grain size, TOC, TN, C/N, Fe/Mn, CaCO3, and pollen were analyzed. Warm and moderately humid conditions dominated during the interval 30,000–26,500 cal year BP. From 26,500 to 20,000 cal year BP, chemical variables and pollen assemblages indicate a cold/dry environment, and pollen amounts and assemblages suggest a decline in vegetation. From 20,000 to 18,000 cal year BP, the environment shifted from cold/dry to warm/humid and vegetation rebounded. The environment transitioned to cold/humid during 16,500–10,500 cal year BP, with a cold/dry event around 14,500 cal year BP. After 10,500 cal year BP, the environment in this region tended to be warm/dry, but exhibited three stages. From 10,500 to 9,000 cal year BP, there was a short warm/humid period, but a shift to cold/dry conditions occurred around 9,000 cal year BP. Thereafter, from 9,000 to 6,000 cal year BP, there was a change from cold/dry to warm/humid conditions, with the warmest period around 6,000 cal year BP. After 6,000 cal year BP, the environment cooled rapidly, but then displayed a warming trend. Chemical variables indicate that a relatively warm/dry event occurred around 5,500–5,000 cal year BP, which is supported by time-lagged pollen assemblages around 4,800 cal year BP. Our lake sediment sequence exhibits environmental changes since 30,000 cal year BP, and most features agree with records from the Greenland GISP2 ice core and with other sequences from the Tibetan Plateau. This indicates that environmental changes inferred from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet were globally significant.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Gaoyou Lake is the third largest lake in Jiangsu Province. It lies in central Jiangsu Province, lower reaches of the Huaihe River, and west of the Jing–Hang (Beijing–Hangzhou) Grand Canal. Previous research on environmental changes of the…  相似文献   

Based on analysis of parameters of cores taken from Gaoyou Lake, including magnetic susceptibility, grain-size characteristics and sedimentary rate, environmental changes during the modern period were examined with the assistance of historical records and Gaoyou Lake water level materials. It is concluded that during the modern period a higher value of magnetic susceptibility and a lower sediment grain size coincided with a wet climate, while a lower value of magnetic susceptibility and a higher grain size were related with a dry climate. The results indicate that the climate in the 123 years period from 1880 to 2003AD can be divided into four stages: two low water level stages (1880–1915AD, 1948–1981AD) and two high water level stages (1915–1948AD, 1981–2003AD). It appears that the regional cli-mate generally underwent a dry–wet–dry–wet pattern in 30-year cycles. At present, it is at the end of a wet period, so the regional climate is expected to become dry in the near future. This conclusion corresponds with the climate records in the historical literature of the Gaoyou area, and it also matches with the climatic changes in North Jiangsu area.  相似文献   

The ca. 13 m long sediment core PG1351, recovered in 1998 from the central part of Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Siberia, was investigated for lithostratigraphy, water content, dry bulk density (DBD), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulphur (TS) and biogenic silica (opal) contents, and for TOC stable isotope ratios (δ13CTOC). The event stratigraphy recorded in major differences in sediment composition match variations in regional summer insolation, thus confirming a new age model for this core, which suggests that it spans the last 250 ka BP. Four depositional units of contrasting lithological and biogeochemical composition have been distinguished, reflecting past environmental conditions associated with relatively warm, peak warm, cold and dry, and cold but more moist climate modes. A relatively warm climate, resulting in complete summer melt of the lake ice cover and seasonal mixing of the water column, prevailed during the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3, 5.1, 5.3, 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 7.1–7.3, 7.5, 8.1 and 8.3. MIS 5.5 (Eemian) was characterized by significantly enhanced aquatic primary production and organic matter supply from the catchment, indicating peak warm conditions. During MIS 2, 5.2, 5.4, 6.2 and 6.4 the climate was cold and dry, leading to perennial lake ice cover, little regional snowfall, and a stagnant water body. A cold but more moist climate during MIS 4, 6.6, 7.4, 8.2 and 8.4 is thought to have produced more snow cover on␣the perennial ice, strongly reducing light penetration and biogenic primary production in␣the lake. While the cold–warm pattern during␣the past three glacial–interglacial cycles is probably controlled by changes in regional summer insolation, differences in the intensity of the warm phases and in the degree of aridity (changing snowfall) during cold phases likely were due to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns. This is the seventh in a series of eleven papers published in this special issue dedicated to initial studies of El'gygytgyn Crater Lake and its catchment in NE Russia. JulieBrigham-Grette, Martin Melles, Pavel Minyuk were guest editors of this special issue.  相似文献   

We present a paleolimnological record from shallow Lake Wuliangsu in the Yellow River Basin, north China, using a short (56 cm) sediment core. Our objective was to investigate environmental changes in this semi-arid region over the past ~150 years. The sediment core was dated using 137Cs and 210Pb. We examined stratigraphic trends in core lithology, nutrients, stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and trace element concentrations in the Lake Wuliangsu core to discern between natural sediments and those affected by human agency. A lithologic transition from yellow, coarse-grained sediment to grey, fined-grained sediment marked the lake’s formation about 1860. Until ~1950, sediments displayed relatively low and constant heavy metal concentrations, indicating little human influence. In the 1950s, enrichment factors (EFs) increased, reflecting greater impact of human activities. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in organic matter (OM), along with heavy metal concentrations, were used to infer past shifts in trophic state and identify pollutants that came from agriculture, industry and urbanization. In the late 1950s, the first evidence for environmental change is recorded by increases in total organic carbon (TOC), total organic nitrogen (TN), TOC/TN, EFs, δ13C and a decrease in δ15N. After about year 2000, a more rapid increase in trophic status occurred, as indicated by greater total phosphorus (TP), EFs, δ15N and lower δ13C values. Changes in isotope and TOC/TN values in the lake sediments may reflect a shift in lake ecology during this period. The first increase in trophic status during the late 1950s was mainly a result of agricultural development in the catchment. In contrast, the change after ca. AD 2000 was driven largely by urban and industrial development. Agreement between paleolimnologic data from Lake Wuliangsu, and both instrumental and written records, indicates that the lake sediments provide a reliable archive for investigating the formation and environmental history of the lake.  相似文献   

 系统简单、受人类活动干扰较小的湖泊沉积物真实地记录了湖区气候环境变化方面的大量信息,特别是沉积速率较快的湖泊,其沉积物是记录高分辨率气候环境变化的良好载体。通过对湖泊沉积物粒度以及元素地球化学特征的分析,探讨了毛乌素沙漠北部泊江海子地区近130 a来的气候环境变化。结果表明:1932年前,气候总体上较为寒冷干旱(1876—1888年湖泊水位较低,气候温暖干旱,温度有下降的趋势;1888—1908年气候较上一阶段湿润,而温度有所降低;1908—1932年气候干旱并且波动频繁,又以1917年前后以及1924—1932年干旱程度最为严重,可能有强沙尘暴发生);1932—1962年,气候温暖湿润但有变冷的趋势;1962—1976年气候频繁波动;1976年以来气候温暖湿润但有变干的趋势,尤其是1990年以后气候波动幅度增大并且出现了暖干化趋势。  相似文献   

150年来青藏高原南红山湖的介形类与环境变化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
青藏高原西北部南红山湖2孔湖芯沉积物中的介形类动物群计有4属4种,据其分布特征划分出5个组合,各组合间的差异表现在介形类动物群丰度和每个种的丰度变化以及特征种的出现。通过分析介形类属种生态特征和组合变化对150年来的南红山湖环境变化进行了探讨。分析结果表明:1884年前为有缓慢水流注入的滨岸浅水期;1885~1970年间为湖水相对温暖期,在这期间湖泊环境仍有次一级的变化,其中,1885~1905年湖面迅速抬升,水深增大,水温也较高,1923~1944年为湖水温度另一个稍高期,1961~1969年湖面再次出现明显上升;1970年以来湖泊退缩、咸化。  相似文献   

Based on analysis of parameters of cores taken from Gaoyou Lake, including magnetic susceptibility, grain-size characteristics and sedimentary rate, environmental changes during the modern period were examined with the assistance of historical records and Gaoyou Lake water level materials. It is concluded that during the modern period a higher value of magnetic susceptibility and a lower sediment grain size coincided with a wet climate, while a lower value of magnetic susceptibility and a higher grain size were related with a dry climate. The results indicate that the climate in the 123 years period from 1880 to 2003AD can be divided into four stages: two low water level stages (1880-1915AD, 1948-1981AD) and two high water level stages (1915-1948AD, 1981-2003AD). It appears that the regional climate generally underwent a dry-wet-dry-wet pattern in 30-year cycles. At present, it is at the end of a wet period, so the regional climate is expected to become dry in the near future. This conclusion corresponds with the climate records in the historical literature of the Gaoyou area, and it also matches with the climatic changes in North Jiangsu area.  相似文献   

Formation of Lake Long, King George Island, Antarctica started about 4,000 years B.P., after which the diatom community changed in response to environmental shifts driven by climatic oscillations (warm/wet and cool/dry). Successive sequences of diatoms in a 7.5-m drill core were divided into 11 assemblage zones by cluster analysis. The most obvious change was an alternation of major dominants, Achnanthes minutissima, Fragilaria alpestris and Fragilaria pinnata v. antarctica according to the climatic oscillations in the late Holocene. Variations in diatom assemblages clearly reflect two warm periods, a single cool period, and three transition periods. The recent warm period (zones 2 and 1) has persisted for approximately 450 years, perhaps sufficiently long to suggest the imminent onset of a new transition period. A recent high TOC (total organic carbon) value in the core reflects a warm period in Antarctica during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

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