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张鑫  吴艳红  张鑫 《地理学报》2014,69(7):993-1001
青藏高原的湖泊水位变化能够清晰的记录湖泊波动,分析近几十年来气候变暖背景下青藏高原典型湖泊水位的动态变化,对理解全球变化的区域响应特征和规律有重要意义。本文利用多源遥感数据,获取1972-2012年青藏高原南部地区5个典型湖泊的面积与水位序列,并分析了40年来湖泊水位的变化特征。研究结果表明,1972-2012年,普莫雍错,塔若错,扎日南木错水位呈上升趋势,分别上升了0.89 m、0.70 m、0.40 m;同期,佩枯错与玛旁雍错的水位呈下降趋势,分别下降了1.70 m、0.70 m。总体来看,五个湖泊在1990s-2012年的变化比1970s-1990s的变化更剧烈,从空间变化看,处于青藏高原边缘地带的佩枯错与玛旁雍错发生的变化呈现一致性,而位于中部地带的塔若错与扎日南木错的变化也呈现一致性。  相似文献   

近50年气候变化背景下青藏高原冰川和湖泊变化(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了近年来青藏高原冰川和湖泊变化研究取得的成果,并特别着重于冰川和湖泊变化的相互关系论述。在全球变暖背景下,近几十年青藏高原冰川以退缩为主,湖泊水量以增加为主。本文一方面对青藏高原冰川末端退缩、冰川面积和冰川储量变化方面的研究成果进行了综合分析,探讨了冰川变化的时空特征;另一方面从湖泊面积和水位与水量变化探讨了湖泊变化的时空规律。结果表明青藏高原冰川退缩的幅度总体上呈从青藏高原外缘向内陆呈减小的变化态势,受冰川融水补给比较大的湖泊近期面积扩张、水位上升明显。最后指出了青藏高原冰川、湖泊变化研究中存在的问题及今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

西藏玛旁雍错流域冰川与湖泊变化及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,基于1974,1990,1999和2003年4个不同时期的遥感影像,包括Landsat系列影像,ASTER影像和地形图,研究了玛旁雍错流域(面积7786 km2)内冰川与湖泊的变化及其对气候变化的响应。研究结果表明,由于气候变暖,在过去30年里该流域冰川和湖泊都以退为主,有进有退。自1974年到2003年,冰川面积从107.92 km2减少到100.39 km2,冰川退缩明显加速。由于年降水量减少、蒸发量增大,30年中湖泊总面积从782.24 km2减少到748.08 km2。湖面的缩小与扩涨都在加速,尤其是小湖泊变化更明显,湖泊的加速变化可能是青藏高原高海拔内陆流域水循环过程加速的表征之一。  相似文献   

Gao  Xing  Kang  Shichang  Liu  Qingsong  Chen  Pengfei  Duan  Zongqi 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(9):1481-1494
Heavy metals,one of the most toxic classes of pollutants,are resistant to degradation and harmful to the biological environment.The lakes that have developed on the Tibetan Plateau are ideal regions to investigate historic heavy metal pollution,particularly through the use of the reliable 210 Pb dating technique.Environmental magnetism has been successfully applied to estimate heavy metal pollution in different environmental systems due to its characteristics of simple processing steps,good sensitivity,and non-destructibility.However,it has not yet been applied to assess heavy metal pollution in lake sediments on the Tibetan Plateau.A series of environmental magnetic investigations of Qiangyong Co Lake sediments(southern Tibetan Plateau) was therefore conducted to explore the relationship between magnetic minerals and mercury(Hg) concentrations.The results showed that the magnetic mineral species in lake sediments remained stable,with similar levels of four different components from 1899 to 2011.However,the proportion of component 1(C1,hematite) increased continuously with the corresponding decrease in the proportion of C2(goethite),while the proportions of C3 and C4(magnetite) did not change significantly.As a result,the bulk magnetic signals(e.g.,SIRM and clf) were unsuitable for the evaluation of the Hg concentration;however,the proportion of hematite had a strong positive correlation with the Hg concentration.It is possible that the Qiangyong Glacier(the main water supply for Qiangyong Co Lake) has experienced faster melting with global and local warming,and the Hg trapped in cryoconite and ice was released.Hematite,with a large specific surface area,has a strong capacity for absorbing Hg,and both materials are ultimately transported to Qiangyong Co Lake.The proportion of hematite in a sample is therefore a suitable semi-quantitative proxy that can be used to evaluate the Hg concentration in Qiangyong Co Lake sediments.This study confirmed that the variation of magnetic minerals can provide a new method to estimate the variation of Hg concentrations and to study the process of Hg deposition in lakes in the southern Tibetan Plateau on the basis of a detailed environmental magnetic analysis.  相似文献   

1974—2009年西藏羊卓雍错湖泊水位变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
羊卓雍错(简称羊湖)是青藏高原南部最大的一个封闭型内陆湖泊,位于西藏自治区浪卡子县境内,与纳木错、玛旁雍错一起并列为西藏三大圣湖,是藏南地区重要的风景旅游区。始建于1989年的羊湖发电站于1997年正式投入运营,为世界上海拔最高的抽水蓄能电站。在全球气候变暖和人类活动的影响下,其湖面水位变化及其成因备受国内外关注。利用1974—2009年羊湖白地水文观测资料,分析了36年来羊湖水位年际、年内变化特征及其与自然要素(气温、降水和蒸发等)和人类活动之间的关系。结果表明,羊湖平均水位为19.06 m,历史最高值出现在1980年,为21.37 m,2009年水位降至17.08 m的历史最低值。自1974年有水位观测资料以来,羊湖水位呈波动式下降趋势,其中,1974—1977年水位表现为逐年下降,幅度为0.26 m/a;之后至1980年以0.4 m/a呈上升态势,1980年羊湖水位达到了历史最高值;此后,至1996年水位呈显著下降趋势,减少速率为2.08 m/(10 a),1996年是羊湖水位上升的一个转折点,至2004年水位在逐年上升;2004—2009年是一个水位显著下降的时段,速率为0.57 m/a,也是水位下降趋势最为显著的时段。羊湖水位下降年份占整个时段的56%,而44%的年份水位在上升。1974—1984年及2001—2005年水位高于多年平均值,而1985—2000年及2006年之后水位都低于多年平均值。羊湖水位的年内最低值一般出现在6月,最高值则在10月。羊湖年内水位变化对流域降水量的响应具有一定的滞后性,时间为2个月左右。羊湖水位变化主要是由降水波动、气温上升、蒸发的变化等自然因素共同作用的结果,特别是,流域年际降水量波动是湖面水位升降的主要影响因子,人为和工程的影响范围和程度均较小。自羊湖电站1997年运行以来,流域的环境在暖湿的气候大背景下有所改善,且对羊湖水位变化无明显影响。但如果电站不能蓄水与发电并举,达不到总体不消耗羊湖水量的设计目标和水量平衡,对羊湖水位的影响将不可忽视。  相似文献   

Inland lakes and alpine glaciers are important water resources on the Tibetan Plateau. Understanding their variation is crucial for accurate evaluation and prediction of changes in water supply and for retrieval and analysis of climatic information. Data from previous research on 35 alpine lakes on the Tibetan Plateau were used to investigate changes in lake water level and area. In terms of temporal changes, the area of the 35 alpine lakes could be divided into five groups: rising, falling-rising, rising-falling, fluctuating, and falling. In terms of spatial changes, the area of alpine lakes in the Himalayan Mountains, the Karakoram Mountains, and the Qaidam Basin tended to decrease; the area of lakes in the Naqu region and the Kunlun Mountains increased; and the area of lakes in the Hoh Xil region and Qilian Mountains fluctuated. Changes in lake water level and area were correlated with regional changes in climate. Reasons for changes in these lakes on the Tibetan Plateau were analyzed, including precipitation and evaporation from meteorological data, glacier meltwater from the Chinese glacier inventories. Several key problems, e.g. challenges of monitoring water balance, limitations to glacial area detection, uncertainties in detecting lake water-level variations and variable region boundaries of lake change types on the Tibetan Plateau were discussed. This research has most indicative significance to regional climate change.  相似文献   

Inland lakes and alpine glaciers are important water resources on the Tibetan Plateau. Understanding their variation is crucial for accurate evaluation and prediction of changes in water supply and for retrieval and analysis of climatic information. Data from previous research on 35 alpine lakes on the Tibetan Plateau were used to investigate changes in lake water level and area. In terms of temporal changes, the area of the 35 alpine lakes could be divided into five groups: rising, falling-rising, rising-falling, fluctuating, and falling. In terms of spatial changes, the area of alpine lakes in the Himalayan Mountains, the Karakoram Mountains, and the Qaidam Basin tended to decrease; the area of lakes in the Naqu region and the Kunlun Mountains increased; and the area of lakes in the Hoh Xil region and Qilian Mountains fluctuated. Changes in lake water level and area were correlated with regional changes in climate. Reasons for changes in these lakes on the Tibetan Plateau were analyzed, including precipitation and evaporation from meteorological data, glacier meltwater from the Chinese glacier inventories. Several key problems, e.g. challenges of monitoring water balance, limitations to glacial area detection, uncertainties in detecting lake water-level variations and variable region boundaries of lake change types on the Tibetan Plateau were discussed. This research has most indicative significance to regional climate change.  相似文献   

重金属污染物因具有持久性和难降解性,严重影响生态系统健康。青藏高原湖泊远离人类污染区,是研究人类污染物远端效应的理想区域。基于定年数据,湖泊沉积物可以追踪近百年内的人类污染物变化趋势。环境磁学具有经济、快捷和无损耗的特点,被广泛证实可以有效指示重金属污染;但目前还缺乏对青藏高原湖泊沉积物中的相关环境磁学研究。为此,选取青藏高原南部枪勇错1899—2011年的沉积物,进行系统的环境磁学分析,探讨磁性矿物与重金属Hg的相关关系及环境指示意义。结果表明:1899—2011年磁性矿物的类型没有发生变化,可分为4类组分,其中:组分C1(赤铁矿)占比不断增多,C2(针铁矿)占比相应减少,C3和C4(磁铁矿)的占比基本保持不变。样品的饱和等温剩磁和低频磁化率与Hg含量相关性较低。然而C1组分与Hg含量呈现良好的正相关关系。本文认为在近百年全球和青藏高原气温不断增高的趋势下,枪勇错的主要补给——枪勇冰川融化加速,导致原来被冰川或冰尘封存的人类污染产生的Hg重新释放。在这个过程中,C1(赤铁矿)组分因表面积大而易于富集Hg,最终二者一同随融水进入到枪勇错。本研究表明,环境磁学可以应用于青藏高原南部湖泊的重金属研究,并为揭示Hg在青藏高原南部湖泊中的富集过程提供新的视角。  相似文献   

湖泊岸线形态是描述和定量表达湖泊空间分布特征的重要维度。近年来,受气候暖湿化影响,青藏高原内流区湖泊总体呈现快速扩张趋势,湖泊的动态变化不仅体现在面积、水位、水量等水文参数上,还引起湖泊形态的显著变化。基于多期湖泊分布数据,结合分形和景观生态学理论,构建了湖泊岸线形态特征量化的指标体系,对1990年以来,青藏高原内流区湖泊岸线形态的时空变化特征及其影响因素进行定量分析。结果表明:① 近三十年来青藏高原内流区湖泊的分形维数和岸线发育系数总体呈上升趋势,湖泊的近圆率在此期间呈下降趋势,湖泊长宽比指数则无明显变化。② 青藏高原内流区湖泊岸线形态的总体演变特征受到地质构造的控制,体现出一定空间自相关性,断陷湖区的湖泊岸线形态及其变化要明显复杂于坳陷湖区。区域湖泊岸线的变化幅度大致从东北向西南递减,变化幅度在可可西里地区、羌塘高原中部以及羌塘高原东南部3个区域存在空间自相关性。③ 湖泊岸线形态的变化受岸线周边的地形影响,湖滨地形落差较大的区域,湖泊岸线相对稳定,变化速度较慢。岸线指数的变化量与岸线周边1 km缓冲区内的平均高差存在幂函数关系。④ 该区域湖泊岸线形态的变化和湖泊面积的变化幅度也存在一定相关性,当湖泊处于扩张阶段时,湖泊的分形维数和岸线发育系数总体呈现增加趋势,反之减少。本研究揭示了气候暖湿化背景下青藏高原内流区湖泊岸线形态的变化格局与影响特征,讨论了湖泊岸线形态及其变化格局与湖区的地质构造,气候与水文等多个要素间的关系,丰富了湖泊动态变化研究的视角与方法,为深入理解青藏高原湖泊对气候变化的响应特征,监测湖泊变化对湖盆地貌、水系连通度以及湖滨带生态环境等影响提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

青藏高原位于中国西南部、亚洲中部,平均海拔高程大于4000 m,面积约300万km2,是“世界屋脊”,与周边地区一起常被称为地球的“第三极”。青藏高原分布着约1200个面积大于1 km2的湖泊,占中国湖泊数量与面积的一半;同时也是黄河、长江、恒河、印度河等大河的源头,被称为“亚洲水塔”。近几十年来,在全球变暖的背景下,青藏高原升温更加突出,其能量与水循环发生了显著变化,气候趋于暖湿化,冰川加速消融,湖面水位上升。湖泊是气候变化的重要指标,青藏高原湖泊分布密集、人为活动影响较小,多源遥感数据的广泛应用,为监测高原湖泊变化提供了难得的契机。本文依托国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于多源遥感的青藏高原内流区湖泊水量变化及水体相态转换研究(2000-2009年)”,主要研究进展为:初步查明了西藏高原的湖泊数量、面积及水位变化与时空格局,以及湖泊水量变化与水量平衡;探讨了湖泊变化对气候变化的响应。目前对青藏高原湖泊的变化及驱动因素虽有一些认识,但其定量的水量平衡及驱动机制还有待于进一步研究。这对了解世界第三极、一带一路国家和地区水资源状况与变化、生态文明和生态安全屏障建设具有重要的意义,同时也可为第三极国家公园的建立提供重要的科学基础。  相似文献   

藏南羊卓雍错流域水化学区域差异及其成因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
孙瑞  张雪芹  郑度 《地理学报》2013,68(1):36-44
特殊的地理环境造成青藏高原高寒区水化学性质及其动态的特殊性。本文通过对藏南羊卓雍错流域进行水样采集、分析与测定, 探讨了该流域水化学性质的区域差异及其成因。结果表明, 羊卓雍错流域水化学性质区域差异明显主要是自然因素综合作用的结果, 而人类活动对区域水化学性质亦有所贡献。首先, 在特殊的高寒气候条件下, 流域内各湖泊水化学性质差异的根本原因是其水文条件不同。其次, 羊卓雍错西南部湖水样品中硼和锂含量偏高说明该区域湖相沉积中可能存在硼酸盐矿物和含锂菱镁矿。第三, 流域东部和西部河水化学性质差异明显的主因是河流所经地区地质条件不同;羊卓雍错南岸和北岸地下水化学性质差异的关键则是区域水系发育程度不同。此外, 巴纠错、嘎马林河和羊卓雍错南岸水井样品的总氮含量较高, 这反映了人类活动对区域水化学性质的影响。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的青藏高原湖泊透明度遥感反演   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
湖泊透明度是湖泊水体性质的一个重要参数,是湖泊浮游生物和进入湖泊的有机和无机颗粒溶解程度的综合反映,对湖泊生态环境研究具有重要的科学及实践意义。遥感影像是获取面积广、时间长的湖泊透明度的重要手段,但由于实测数据缺乏,目前对青藏高原地区湖泊透明度的遥感反演研究相对不足。本文基于青藏高原地区24个湖泊实测透明度SD(Secchi Depth)值和相应的MODIS遥感影像,建立了该地区湖泊水体透明度SD值MODIS遥感反演模型。结果表明:基于MODIS绿色波段B4的单波段幂函数模型在该地区反演效果最好,精度较高(R2=0.91, N=24),并具有较好的稳定性。以当惹雍错为例,选用该模型反演得到湖泊透明度的时间变化序列,发现该湖存在明显的季节波动和较为明显的年际变化。初步分析得出,降水/融水季节的湖泊透明度与湖泊所在流域的降水率具有密切的关系。本文结果表明,利用遥感手段能够有效地开展青藏高原地区湖泊透明度的反演,可为进一步深入研究该地区湖泊透明度及其影响要素奠定基础。  相似文献   

40 kaBP来亚非季风演化趋势及青藏高原泛湖期   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
基于18个黄土/古土壤序列 (黄土高原与青藏高原) 与27个湖泊沉积序列 (青藏高原、新疆、云南与赤道非洲及其以北的非洲季风区) 对比分析了东亚季风区、印度季风区与非洲季风区40 ka以来的区域环境演变特征。结果显示:上述区域在对应岁差周期的高太阳辐射阶段,也就是40~24 kaBP与14~4 kaBP分别经历了一次环境湿润期,而在末次冰期最盛期,除中国云南、青藏高原及新疆部分地区外,其他地区则较为干燥。青藏高原及其北侧的新疆区,40~24 kaBP比14~4 kaBP气候更为湿润,湖泊呈现40 ka以来的最高最大湖面,高原进入一次泛湖期。而非洲区及黄土高原,则与此相反;14~4 kaBP气候比40~24 kaBP更为湿润、适宜,湖面更高,成壤作用更强。40~24 kaBP,印度季风强盛,加强了对高原的水汽与潜热输送,同时,由于北方冰盖的存在,西风气流则相对南移,增加了对高原的影响,两种气流交互作用引起的强降水,可能是造成湖泊显著扩张的主要原因。  相似文献   

Paleolimnological analyses can be used to evaluate limnological responses to changing climate over decadal to centennial timescales, especially in regions with sparse lake monitoring data. We used a training set with 90 lakes to develop a diatom-based conductivity transfer function and address climate-driven changes in lakes on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Tibet. This new training set is an expanded version of a previous model (Yang et al. in J Paleolimnol 30:1–19, 2003) and shows improved performance statistics for the conductivity model. The expanded training set also contains diatom species not previously identified from the region, such as Stephanodiscus sp. and Cyclotella sp., which are common eutrophic indicator species in other regions, but can also be influenced by water column conductivity. The new conductivity transfer function was applied to Lakes Nam Co and Chen Co in Tibet. Recent conductivity inferences were compared with climate data from the Dangxiong weather station and water level records from Yangzhuyong Co, which show increasing temperature and lower water levels, respectively, since AD 1960. Other studies showed that the water balance for many lakes on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is complex, affected by both evaporation and glacial melting. Our paleolimnological reconstructions, which include sediment particle size data, indicate that over relatively short timescales glacial meltwater can influence lake hydrology, but over decadal timescales, increases in evaporation, driven by rising temperatures, dominate. Our findings suggest that regional warming is lowering water levels at these sites and will continue to do so given predicted future climate warming.  相似文献   

Vegetation phenology is a sensitive indicator of global warming, especially on the Tibetan Plateau. However, whether climate warming has enhanced the advance of grassland phenology since 2000 remains debated and little is known about the warming effect on semiarid grassland phenology and interactions with early growing season precipitation. In this study, we extracted phenological changes from average NDVI in the growing season (GNDVI) to analyze the relationship between changes in NDVI, phenology and climate in the Northern Tibetan Damxung grassland from 2000 to 2014. The GNDVI of the grassland declined. Interannual variation of GNDVI was mainly affected by mean temperature from late May to July and precipitation from April to August. The length of the growing season was significantly shortened due to a delay in the beginning of the growing season and no advancement of the end of the growing season, largely caused by climate warming and enhanced by decreasing precipitation in spring. Water availability was the major determinant of grass growth in the study area. Warming increased demand for water when the growth limitation of temperature to grass was exceeded in the growing season. Decreased precipitation likely further exacerbated the effect of warming on vegetation phenology in recent decades due to increasing evapotranspiration and water limitations. The comprehensive effects of global warming and decreasing precipitation may delay the phenological responses of semiarid alpine grasslands.  相似文献   

Thefluctuahonoflakelet'elsmaywellreflectthevariahonsofthetotalwaterbalanceinthelakebasins.ac,hichcanulteriorlyexplaintilechangesoflocalprecipitationandevaporahon.Theappearanceoftheunitivehighlakelevelinacertainareawasdolnillatedbyhleclimahcchange,asonlythetemperatureandprecipitahonmad'determinethewaterbalanceinmacroscale.TheTibetsPlateauisthebiggestlakedistributedareainChina,inwhichfluctuahonoflakelevelsisoneoftheimportantindicatorstothex'ariationsofaridityandhullildity(FigUrel).Itisoneofthe…  相似文献   

以青藏高原南部的羊卓雍错(简称羊湖)沉积岩芯为研究对象,以较可靠的年代数据( 210Pb和AMS 14C交叉定年)为框架,基于高分辨率的元素地球化学记录,通过数理统计分析方法提取环境信息,结合粒度和磁化率,重建该地区过去2000年来的环境变化。结果显示,该区黑暗时代冷期(DCAP)和小冰期(LIA)气候较为寒冷,降水量较高;而中世纪暖期(MWP)和现代暖期(CWP)气候较为温暖,降水量较低,气候具有冷湿—暖干的特征。其中,重建的温度显示,中世纪暖期的温暖程度似乎持平甚至超过20世纪暖期;小冰期期间可能存在一次百年尺度的温暖事件,而17世纪和18世纪可能是过去2000中最寒冷的一段时期。分析发现,过去2000年以来青藏高原南部存在着冷湿—暖干的气候模式;过去2000年青藏高原南部地区温度的变化可能主要受到太阳辐射的影响,而小冰期期间西风环流的南移和增强可能是导致区域降水增加的重要因素。另外,该时期羊湖的湖泊水位的变化受温度和降水共同控制:当温度降低,降水增加时,湖泊水位上升,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Hydrochemical regime and its mechanism in Yamzhog Yumco Basin,South Tibet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The hydrochemistry of alpine lakes reflects water characteristic and its response to climatic change. Over 300 water samples had been collected from 52 sites of 5 lakes and 7 inflowing rivers in the Yamzhog Yumco Basin, South Tibet, during 2009–2014, basing which the hydrochemical regime and its mechanism were analyzed along with the adoption of hydrological investigations in 1979 and 1984 as well. Results revealed that the waters were hard with weak alkalinity for the Yamzhog Yumco Basin. Most of them were fresh, and the rest were slightly saline. The hydrochemical types of 5 lakes (i.e., Lake Yamzhog Yum Co, Puma Yum Co, Bajiu Co, Kongmu Co, and Chen Co) were SO4 2––HCO3 –Mg2+–Na+, HCO3 –SO4 2––Mg2+–Ca2+, SO4 2––Mg2+–Na+, SO4 2––HCO3 –Ca2+, and SO4 2––Na+–Mg2+–Ca2+, respectively. As for rivers, HCO3 and SO4 2– were the major anions, and Ca2+ was the dominant cation. Lake Yamzhog Yum Co, the largest lake in the basin, exhibited remarkable spatial variations in hydrochemistry at its surface but irregular changes with depth. The weathering of evaporates and carbonates, together with evaporation and crystallization, were the major mechanisms controlling the hydrochemistry of waters in the Yamzhog Yumco Basin. Global warming also had significant impacts on hydrochemical variations.  相似文献   

近20年青海湖水量变化遥感分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原湖泊水量的变化是揭示全球气候变化及其区域水循环响应的重要信息载体。区别于常用的水文学方法,本文利用MODIS遥感影像和LEGOS高度计多年连续数据,基于湖泊水位—面积关系,探讨了湖泊水量变化的遥感分析方法,并以青藏高原面积最大的青海湖为例,揭示青海湖近20年来(2001-2016)湖泊水量年内与年际变化特征。主要结论为:青海湖湖泊面积在2001-2016年间整体扩张了187.9 km2,变化速率为11.6 km2/a;水位在2001-2014年间上升了1.15 m,变化速率为0.10 m/a。青海湖水位—面积关系表现为二次函数关系(相关系数R2=0.83)。基于水位—面积关系,进一步估算分析了青海湖水量平衡的净收支及其年内和年际变化。近20年来,青海湖水量总体呈增加趋势,其变化率约为4.5×108m3/a。降水的增加与蒸发能力的下降是湖泊水量增加决定性的驱动因子。  相似文献   

李治国  芦杰  史本林  李红忠  张延伟  李琳 《地理研究》2015,34(11):2095-2104
采用1:5万地形图、Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像及数字高程模型数据,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,并结合狮泉河、和田和于田3个气象站点1968-2013年的气温、降水量数据对松木希错流域的冰川、湖泊面积变化及其原因进行分析。结果表明:① 1968-2013年流域冰川面积不断退缩,由139.25 km2减少至137.27±0.02 km2,共减少1.98±0.02 km2,减少百分比为1.42%,2001年以后冰川退缩速度加快;② 1968-2013年松木希错面积不断扩张,由25.05 km2增加至32.62±0.02 km2,共扩张7.57±0.02 km2,扩张百分比为30.22%,且2001年之后扩张速率加快,在年代际上与冰川的退缩具有较好的耦合性;③ 1968-2013年湖面潜在蒸散量减少和降水增加分别是导致湖泊扩张的第一和第二影响因素,而升温引起的冰川、冻土融水增加有一定贡献,但影响较小且在年际尺度上不显著。  相似文献   

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