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王娜  吴健生  李胜  王宏亮  彭子凤 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1280-1291
采用城市POI、手机信令数据及夜间灯光遥感数据,以深圳市为例,构建城市活力度量指标分析城市活力的空间特征。构建“5D”指标体系度量城市建成环境,并运用地理探测器,探究建成环境对城市活力的影响机制。结果表明:1)深圳市城市综合活力显示出“南强北弱,西强东弱”的空间分异特征,空间分布极不均衡。城市综合活力最主要反映的是社会活力。2)城市综合活力、经济活力、社会活力、文化活力均受到建成环境的显著影响。高POI密度、高建筑密度、高平均建筑层数和高土地利用混合度对城市活力具有显著促进作用。3)居住人口密度与路网密度、土地利用混合度与路网密度等交互作用对城市活力产生更为积极的影响。4)在影响机制中,建筑密度、平均建筑层数为底层支撑因素,POI密度、土地利用混合度为直接驱动因素,居住人口密度为诱发因素,距行政区中心距离、交叉口密度、路网密度、地铁站点密度和公交站点密度为调节因素。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):857-878
The objective of this article is to reassess the new town building movement in India from 1947 to 1965 through a re-examination of the making of Chandigarh, to show how nationalism, modernism, and local regional influences affected the design and building of new towns. Chandigarh emerged as part of the post-Partition need for a new capital for the Punjab, and involved the efforts of several people and levels of government. The context of newly achieved nationhood became important in the way it shaped the ideals of both national and local political leaders, who wanted architects to transfer these into built form. How successful the architects were in this enterprise was shaped by their professional ideologies and understanding (or lack of it) of the local. Much scholarship exists on issues such as early decisions about Chandigarh's establishment, the Mayer and Le Corbusier plans for the city, and the buildings comprising the Capitol complex that were designed by Le Corbusier. Much less attention has been given to the residential areas of Chandigarh and all that lay beyond the Capitol complex and constitutes the actual town. How did the ideas of modernism, the requirements of the nationalist state, and concern for the local shape the built environment? Was a Western urban design simply replicated here or were there modifications to suit locality and culture?  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):511-530
Office and commercial infrastructure in urban China largely disappeared during the period of central planning between 1949 and 1978. The role of downtown areas in China's cities, however, has been reinvented as a result of China's global integration. In Shanghai, comprehensive planning efforts were made for the renovation of the CBD and the restructuring of the inner city. This article examines the emergence of office and commercial landscapes by linking planning implementation to broad market transition. It argues that the emergence of office and commercial centers in Shanghai can be viewed as the result of market forces as well as discretionary implementation of city comprehensive plans by local governments in the inner city—in response to global integration on the one hand and investor interests on the other.  相似文献   

基于百度POI和美团网评分数据,分析上海市商业型健身休闲场所空间格局及影响机理。结果显示:① 上海市商业型健身休闲场所整体呈现核心?边缘格局,黄浦区、静安区、徐汇区、长宁区、普陀区和虹口区的交界处形成了核心集聚分布区。② 上海市商业型健身休闲场所分布与高人口密度区、高房价地区、交通网络发达区、住宅小区、写字楼和购物中心等空间分布保持较高的契合度。③ 人口密度、地铁距离、小区距离、写字楼距离、连锁情况和房价水平等6个变量是影响空间格局的关键因素,人口密度影响最大,房价水平和写字楼距离其次,地铁距离、小区距离和连锁情况最小,房价水平为负向影响,其余为正向影响。分析影响机理,以期满足人们日益增长的健身休闲需求,优化城市商业空间,提升城市生活品质,助力实现“健康中国”国家战略目标。  相似文献   

北京轨道交通换乘站点对办公空间集聚的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着城市轨道交通建设的不断推进,其对城市空间布局与重构的影响越来越显著,剖析交通与城市经济活动及其功能区集聚之间的关系一直是地理学研究的重要内容。以北京城市商务办公空间为研究对象,重点分析2008 年前后商务办公空间格局和集聚程度随轨道交通变化情况,并进一步探讨不同发展阶段轨道交通换乘站点对商务办公空间集聚程度的影响机制。结果表明:① 办公集聚区等级随着轨道交通换乘站点等级的提升而提升。轨道交通换乘站点对办公区位选择有正向的引导作用,使得办公集聚区的规模和等级有不同程度的提升,集聚效应更为显著。② 北京轨道交通换乘站点周边所形成的办公集聚区在数量和规模上存在明显的区域差异。在500 m、800 m以及1500 m半径范围内,随着换乘站点辐射范围的扩大,其涵盖的高等级办公集聚区的数量也呈现增多现象。③ 轨道交通换乘站点的功能属性对办公集聚区的形成具有一定的空间引导作用。④ 历史惯性、距离衰减、外部效应和主导功能差异是影响轨道交通换乘站点周边、不同半径范围内办公集聚区数量和等级的主要作用因素。  相似文献   

孟凡超  郭军  李明财  张雷  张瑞雪 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1753-1762
基于自动气象站实测资料,通过模拟天津市办公建筑逐时供暖负荷,重点分析了极端低温过程中城市热岛对建筑小时供暖负荷的影响,以期为精细化供暖调控和节能设计提供参考。结果表明:2009—2017年城市和乡村办公建筑供暖负荷均呈减少趋势,城市供暖负荷较乡村平均每年减少7.46%。城市热岛强度(Urban heat island intensity, UHII)每上升1℃,城市办公建筑年供暖负荷较乡村减少2.19 kWh/m2,即热岛强度的增加使城市办公建筑供暖需求有所减少,有利于城市建筑的供暖节能。以2016年1月21~25日典型极端低温过程为例,研究发现,低温过程中城乡小时供暖负荷明显增加,较低温前和低温后增加约10%~20%。受大尺度天气过程影响,低温过程中城乡气温差异变小,UHII减弱。低温前和低温后城市供暖负荷较乡村减少约6%~8%,而低温过程中城市较乡村仅减少约3%;另外,在低温过程中,北京时间07:00~19:00的高负荷时段城乡供暖负荷差异不明显,这些结果表明低温过程中城市热岛对办公建筑供暖负荷的影响不大。  相似文献   

One of the most important attempts to reduce the environmental impacts of the built environment is through the construction of green buildings. This article examines the geography of the emerging green building industry through a study of the spatial distribution of two different elements of that industry. The first element is the location and diffusion of green buildings themselves as certified by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) through their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards. There is a clear shift from an original concentration in major coastal cities to a more even distribution across the country, with broad representation across commercial, public, and nonprofit owners. The second area of study is the spatial distribution of LEED-accredited professionals, who are accredited by the USGBC to oversee the certification process. The distribution of these professionals matches existing concentrations of population, suggesting two different geographies of building green.  相似文献   

转型期杭州城市写字楼空间分布特征及其机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着转型期城市现代服务业的兴起以及信息经济的发展壮大,写字楼经济逐渐成为城市经济发展和城市文明的象征,并对城市空间结构产生了重要影响。通过运用GIS空间密度分析、区位熵和空间自相关等技术方法,探讨了转型期杭州城市写字楼的空间分布特征及其演化机制,结果表明:写字楼空间容量密度分布呈由中心向外围梯度递减格局,并出现多中心融合集聚的形态;写字楼规模容量特征呈现显著的内外围差异性,内城开发密度大而强度小,外围开发强度大而密度小;而规模容量的等级结构不够合理,主要体现在第三级区块发展规模的滞后;写字楼内部企业类型中,基础性依赖行业在空间上的分布较为离散,而生产性服务业则趋于集簇式分布;写字楼内部企业存在较大的区位熵差异,即出现一定的地域专业化特征,同时,发展较为成熟的区块一般具有较高的综合服务能力,而处于发展中的区块则呈现出功能的单一性。总体上看,政治、经济和企业微观主体等各种要素,通过相互交织的综合作用机制,有效地推动了城市写字楼及其生产性服务业在空间上集聚与分散相结合的时空演化进程,其中显著表现在城市经济形态转型、城市郊区化、城市空间结构调整以及政策与政府行为等方面。  相似文献   

北京城市办公活动空间满意度分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张景秋  郭捷 《地理科学进展》2011,30(10):1225-1232
以北京城市办公集聚区为调查范围,选取公司周边绿化、交通、商业配套设施状况以及公司所在地整体环境感受4项主观评价指标,采取问卷调查方式,对北京城市以写字楼为载体的工作场所满意度进行调查和分析。研究认为,北京城区办公活动空间满意度综合评价良好,其中对商业配套设施最为满意,对绿化状况最为不满。从被调查的6个行政区看,位于前3名的分别是朝阳区、丰台区和东城区,海淀区因交通、商业配套不满意导致其综合评价为合格;从满意度的空间分布来看,北高南低,并向北和东北方向延展,形成岛状和片状高值区,与北京办公集聚区空间分布特点一致。城市工作者需要更加舒适的工作环境,对于北京城市工作场所的满意度研究,将有助于对城市从人的满意度和幸福感出发进行规划和建设。北京城市今后应注重对办公空间的整体规划,并依据功能定位和作用进行重点建设,从地方文化入手建设有中国特色和北京特点的办公空间,以办公空间优化引导北京南北城区之间均衡发展。  相似文献   

中小城市家庭生活用能碳排放空间分异——以开封市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2015年开封市居民家庭生活用能的大样本问卷调查数据,采用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)和标准差椭圆(SDE)方法,探索城市居住区家庭生活用能碳排放空间分布特征。结果表明:① 家庭生活用能碳排放存在以热点区为主的空间正相关特性,碳排放高值集聚发生在城市新建开发区和建成区向外扩张较快区域,以2000年以后新建高档商品房小区和机关事业单位家属院为主,低值集聚区则发生在建成时间长、后续开发力度小的区域,以老商品房小区和胡同社区为主;② 开封市家庭电力消耗碳排放占生活用能总碳排放的67%,但人均生活用能碳排放空间格局由供暖碳排放决定,且人均供暖碳排放空间格局又由集中供暖碳排放空间格局决定,故降低集中供暖能耗、缩小居民供暖用能差异成为居民生活用能碳减排工作的重中之重;③ 家庭经济状况、集中供暖设施分布和城市发展的空间格局是家庭生活用能碳排放空间依赖性和空间异质性形成的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

In January 2012 the residents of an inner‐city tenement building in Doornfontein, Johannesburg, were evicted on a court order. The building was situated in a post‐industrial neighbourhood in which thousands of South Africans and foreign nationals, many blind or disabled, live in unlawfully occupied buildings without access to water, basic sanitation, electricity and waste management services. Such buildings are known in policy discourse as ‘bad buildings’, and informally as ‘dark buildings’, invoking both a sense of developmental failure and spiritual insecurity. In this paper I analyse how urban renewal policies created social divisions and alliances not only among the residents of Chambers, which were channelled along nationalist lines, but also between the able‐bodied and disabled, and produced new social alliances. In particular, I document how a group of blind Zimbabweans experienced threats of violence and accusations of betrayal, as they were offered alternate accommodation by the evicting company because of their disability. I argue here that the pressures of private‐sector housing developments intersected with the insecurities and divisions of inner‐city social spaces and also fostered new alliances. Following the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I invoke the concept of ‘decoding dispossession’, proposing that ongoing evictions and dispossessions are characterized by simultaneous movements of ‘decoding and deterritorialization’ and ‘overcoding‐reterritorialization’.  相似文献   

薛德升  邹小华 《地理学报》2018,73(6):989-1001
世界城市及其网络是近20多年来国际上城市研究的重要方向。现有研究主要反映了发达国家高级生产者服务业企业主导下的世界城市网络,针对中国等新兴经济体经济动力影响下的世界城市网络的研究明显不足。以在全球快速扩展中的中资商业银行为对象,利用改进的链锁网络模型,分析了1978年以来中资商业银行境外扩展的时空变化,及其连接下的世界城市网络的空间结构变迁。结果显示:中资商业银行的全球扩展,强化了中国主要城市与西欧和北美核心金融中心城市、全球的区域性门户城市、以及亚太地区的世界城市之间的联系,对不同阶段全球的世界城市网络的发展产生了日益重要的影响。中国的对外经济、人员以及政府间的联系,是影响中资商业银行全球扩展与世界城市网络格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of creativity and place as relevant to Cairns and Townsville in northeastern Australia. These two provincial cities are key to the economic and population growth of northern Australia and as such are the focus of renewed interest from all levels of government. While the creative industries sector in each location is significant, to date there has been no research specifically exploring the views of industry participants in terms of the creative strengths, impediments and opportunities across the region. Interviews with 38 creative industries participants were completed, revealing the significant benefits and challenges associated with being located in a remote tropical environment where the concept of place is strong. The interviews also reveal a number of potential growth strategies for the sector in each location that have the potential to inform policy and urban development approaches not only in the tropical north of Australia but also more broadly across the country. That is, the findings provide further evidence in support of the need for ongoing research into the particular contributions of regional and rural cities to the global creative economy.  相似文献   

北京城市办公集聚区外部环境的主观评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以写字楼为主要载体的办公活动正成为大城市经济发展的主要动力。关注城市办公人员对其工作场所及其环境的主观感受,不仅可以为城市办公空间及外部环境的规划设计提供参考,而且对城市建成环境运行质量的提升以及宜业城市建设的推动具有很大现实意义。本文以北京市10个具有代表性的办公集聚区为调查采样地,选取安全性、通达性、舒适度和便利度作为评价指标,通过问卷调查获取的一手数据来评价从业人员对其所在写字楼周边外部环境的主观感受。研究发现:①被调查者对北京城市办公空间外部环境整体上较为满意。其中,对安全性评价最高,轨道交通和办公配套服务网点建设滞后导致舒适度和便利度的满意程度较低,是当前急需改善的地方。②性别、年龄、学历、职位等个体因素对办公集聚区外部环境的评估结果具有一定影响,特别是女性和受教育程度、职位较高的从业人员对其办公场所的外部环境要求更高。③根据主观评价结果,城市办公集聚区可划分为成熟优越型、发展提升型、滞后型以及不协调型4类。北京市各类型办公集聚区的评估结果揭示了办公空间外部环境现状与从业人员实际需求的差异程度,并为分类进行环境提升改造提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于协同区位商的北京城市职住要素空间关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟斌  高丽萍  李若倩 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1380-1393
就业地和居住地是城市居民工作以及生活的主要场所,同样也是城市空间结构最重要的组成要素,写字楼与居民楼空间关联性研究对深刻理解职住关系有着至关重要的作用。利用协同区位商方法,对北京市写字楼与居民楼空间关联总体特征和局域空间关联格局进行分析。研究表明:① 协同区位商作为一种测量点要素之间联系的方法,能够很好的应用到职住关系的研究中,对丰富职住关系度量指标体系也具有非常重要的意义。② 对北京市的实证分析结果显示,北京市写字楼与居民楼全局协同区位商值小于1,空间关联性较差,表明职住要素的空间联系总体较弱。③ 局域协同区位商的分析表明,北京写字楼与居民楼局域空间关联格局差异明显,不仅不同区域两者空间关联性强弱差别显著,而且不同价位的居民楼和写字楼展现出不同的空间关联特征。④ 北京职住要素空间关联性深受写字楼、居民楼本身布局的影响,其主要影响因素还需要进一步全面分析,加强此领域研究,将有助于城市规划中职住要素的合理空间布局。  相似文献   

浅论广州城市景观生态的持续发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李文翎 《热带地理》1999,19(1):76-82
分析广州市的城市景观存在城市建筑群急剧膨胀、城市道路增长迅速,而耕地、水面与绿化面积出现不断减少的劣势,指出这种景观退化带来的城市气候劣变、城市大气恶化以及城市洪水灾害的加剧等的环境变化是广州市持续发展的主要障碍,提出了保持广州城市环境景观持续发展的政策策略和生态措施。  相似文献   

张景秋  陈叶龙  孙颖 《地理科学》2010,30(6):833-838
以北京市中心城区的6个行政区1037个写字楼实测点位数据和租金属性数据为基础,运用空间自相关和克里格插值等空间分析方法,与北京市基准地价的综合地价进行比较分析,研究北京办公活动的经济空间结构。研究结果表明,北京城区写字楼租金大体呈同心环状分布,与基准地价的综合地价在空间分布态势上基本吻合,并在一定程度上映射出北京城市经济空间结构特征,即总体上呈现同心环状向心集聚,并沿交通干道和对外放射状道路延伸。北京城区写字楼租金的空间分布"高高"模式在办公集聚区和交通主干道附近呈现明显的集中分布态势,说明北京目前办公活动的空间趋势仍然以向心集聚为主,区位与交通条件是影响写字楼租金的重要因素。写字楼租金的空间偏向差异显著,"高高"聚集区主要位于北城,而"低低"模式在南城集聚明显,城区内存在明显的空间差异性,揭示了北京城市内部经济格局失衡现象依旧显著。历史惯性、规划引导、事件推动以及办公活动自身对交通和区位条件的要求是导致北京城市办公活动经济空间结构现状特征形成与发展的主要原因。基于此,租金作为办公活动区位选择的主要因素以及衡量地价和经济发展程度的重要指标,间接影响着城市内部经济空间结构的形成与发展。  相似文献   

刘颖  袁媛  邢汉发  孟媛  牛通 《热带地理》2020,40(5):919-929
以广州市为例,选取中心4个区6 670个采样点(涵盖121个社区)的百度街景图片,从城市建成环境特征探讨了城市贫困识别的可能。首先,训练基于深度神经网络的街景图片分类模型后,对街景要素进行语义分割,并通过缓冲区分析统计社区尺度的街景指标;其次,经主成分分析法提取出建筑围合感、植被围合感、天空开阔感和道路开阔感4个街景主因子,并验证其与多重贫困指数(IMD)的相关性;最后,通过采用简单随机抽样法选取61个社区,构建街景预测的多元线性回归模型,对剩余60个社区进行贫困预测,验证街景指标测度城市贫困的度量精度。结果发现,案例社区的多重贫困指数(IMD)与建筑围合感呈正相关,与植被围合感、天空开阔感、道路开阔感呈负相关;从整体看来,街景预测结果与传统城市贫困测度的空间规律基本相符,而且结果通常比传统测度的城市贫困程度高。这是因为受测度内容、社区类型、街道属性等方面的影响,街景识别方式比较适用于判断建成环境较差的贫困社区。街景图片预测有利于刻画城市贫困人群真实的生活环境,便于对城市建成区进行及时监测,在一定程度上可以与传统城市贫困测度相互校正、弥补不足。  相似文献   

基于中国裁判文书网的传销犯罪数据及与城市建成环境相关的POI数据,以传销高发城市武汉市为例,采用最近邻指数法、核密度估计法和地理探测器对武汉市2012—2019年传销犯罪点的空间格局变化及其建成环境影响因素进行研究。结果发现:1)武汉市传销犯罪在空间上集聚分布,呈现“市中心聚集”和“多中心”的特点,形成了东西湖区、黄陂区及洪山区3个明显的犯罪高发区;2)2012—2019年武汉市传销犯罪的集中区从前期的数量较少且不断转移转变为后期的数量较多且相对稳定的态势,稳定集中于城乡结合部的交通枢纽、商业中心或高校周边人流较大且较复杂的地方,而且具有随着城市的扩张由市中心向外围迁移的趋势;3)武汉市传销犯罪点空间格局的形成是多重因素综合作用的结果,尤其与体育休闲、购物卖场、公司企业、商务住宅等建成环境要素的分布高度相关。最后提出武汉市传销整治工作有效开展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a demographic, economic, and land transformation process. Building construction and operation are integral aspects of urban land use change and contribute to material and energy resources consumption and the resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in urban areas. In this paper, we ask two questions regarding the urbanization process: 1) Do the land, material, and energy use efficiencies associated with the construction and operation of buildings increase over time? 2) Do the gains in resource use efficiencies offset the increases in resource demands due to the magnitude of urbanization? To answer these questions, we use a systematic approach similar to a material flow analysis and apply it to the Pearl River Delta, a rapidly urbanizing region in China. We use a combination of satellite data and official statistics to evaluate changes in urban population density and building density from 1988 to 2008. Both density measures decrease from 1988 to 2003; after 2003, building density increases while population density continues to decline. We also track the indirect impacts of urban land expansion on material and energy demands and associated CO2 emissions using concrete and heating/cooling as proxies for building construction and operation, respectively. Throughout the study period, structural changes and efficiency gains decrease the demand per unit floor area for both building materials and energy. However, the efficiency gains are outstripped by the magnitude of urban expansion, therefore leading to an increase in the demand for resources and CO2 emissions per capita. Our results show that focusing only on gains in efficiency for individual buildings without considering the scale of urban expansion results in underestimate of the cumulative energy, material, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts of urbanization. We emphasize the distinction between the rates versus the accumulations of these impacts over spatial and temporal scales. We discuss the relevance of the Environmental Kuznets approaches to tackling environmental impacts that are cumulative in nature and may lead to irreversible changes in the environment. We conclude that tracking the energy, materials, and emissions impacts of urbanization requires a multi-scale approach that ranges from the individual building to the urban region.  相似文献   

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