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《西部资源》包头讯:日前从包钢稀土获悉,到"十二五"末,包钢稀土计划实现销售收入200亿元,年均增长率为30.9%,且稀土原料产品的销售收入比重降低到50%以下,稀土材料及其延伸产品的销  相似文献   

本文对马来半岛中央金成矿带北段的New Discovery金矿地球化学特征进行了分析。主要得出:主量元素特征表明该矿床火山碎屑岩为钙碱性铝过饱和系列岩石。微量元素表明可将13种元素分成4个组合:Cr、Co、Cu、Sc、W、Ba;Pb、Ag、Zn;Sb、Ni;Bi、Mo。第一组合为成矿成晕组合,第二组合为多金属矿化组合,第三组合为硫化物蚀变组合;元素组合也对应于不同的矿化阶段。稀土元素分析结果表明,该岩石属轻稀土富集型,铕弱负异常。稀土配分曲线为平缓的右倾。New Discovery金矿床的原岩为中性火山岩,且形成于岛弧——活动大陆边缘区域。  相似文献   

为评估白银区耕地耕层土壤(0~20 cm)的重金属污染,应用X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF-7000)对1 070个土壤样品中Cu、Zn、Ni、Pb、As、Cr、V、Co 8种重金属含量进行了测定,参照最新土壤环境质量标准(GB15618-2008),使用单因子和内梅罗法并结合GIS手段分析耕层土壤重金属空间分布及污染程度等。结果表明:8种重金属平均污染程度由大到小为As、V、Pb、Zn、Cu、Co、Ni、Cr,平均变异程度顺序为Pb、Cu、Zn、Co、As、Cr、V、Ni,空间相关性大小顺序为Zn、Cu、As、Pb、Ni、Cr、V、Co;Cu、Pb的最佳拟合模型为Pentaspherical模型,Zn、V为Gaussion模型,Ni、As为Exponential模型,Cr、Co为Circular模型;8种重金属中Cu、Zn、Pb、As表现出不同程度的污染,评价结果显示安全级、警戒级、轻污染、中污染和重污染分别占全区耕地面积的69.56%、23.88%、2.95%、2.55%和1.06%,受污染面积达到763.4 hm2。  相似文献   

<正>据悉,2015年前2月,内蒙古出口稀土量增价跌,出口660吨,比去年同期增加约30%,但出口平均价格下跌了一半。中国是世界上稀土资源最丰富的国家。内蒙古是中国"稀土大省"。尤其是位于包头市的白云鄂博铁、铌、稀土共生矿床,不仅稀土储量居世界之最,而且稀土元素含量高,种类多,具有重要工业价值。据呼和浩特海关提供数据显示,2015年前2月内蒙古出口稀土660.8吨,比去年同期增加30.8%;价  相似文献   

粪便含水量(WC)和平均颗粒大小(MPS)反映了有蹄类动物体内水份平衡状况及咀嚼效率和消化率,是有蹄类动物在特定环境中生存对策的重要体现。放归普氏野马如何适应干旱环境,是重引入项目的重要研究内容。通过采集到卡拉麦里自然保护区内春、夏、秋季共65份放归野马新鲜粪样,测定粪便含水量和粪便颗粒大小(湿筛法),并比较了这2个指标的季节和性别差异。结果表明:总体上,野马MPS在春季(3.98±0.08mm)显著高于夏季(3.65±0.05mm);春季头马MPS显著高于雌马(t=2.784,P=0.015),但夏、秋季两者无明显差异。春(73.17±1.05%)、夏(70.56±0.99%)、秋(68.12±0.79%)三季野马粪便WC依次降低,但差异不显著。头马的WC在春、夏、秋三季均高于雌马,在春季达极显著差异水平。研究表明:放归野马粪便MPS和WC的季节和性别差异,与环境中可用食物和水源优劣度及不同性别在家族群中承担的角色有关。  相似文献   

应用循环曲线法研究了在353 K的乙酰胺-尿素-NaBr熔体中Co2+在Cu电极上的电化学行为,获知Co2+电还原为金属Co是一步不可逆过程,测得a=0.25和Do=3.24×10-6cm2.s-1;而Ce(Ⅲ)、Sm(Ⅲ)不能单独还原为Ce和Sm,但可以被Co(Ⅱ)诱导而共沉积;由恒电位电解法得到非晶态的Ce-Sm-Co合金膜,合金膜中Ce和Sm的含量随电位、时间和浓度的变化而变化。其合金膜中Sm的最高质量分数可以达到47.98%,Ce的最高质量分数可以达到47.32%。  相似文献   

采用预处理—浸出工艺技术,解决了该矿床半氧化矿石中Au、Ag、Co、Ni、Cu、Mo、Bi的选矿技术,使Au、Ag、Co、Ni、Cu、Mo的浸出率达90%以上,Bi的浸出率85%以上。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对霸王水势的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
 2007年8月采用PSYPRO水势仪,测定了青海省农林科学院林业所试验基地盆栽霸王的叶水势、土壤水势及大气水势,并对霸王叶水势在不同土壤盐胁迫下的日变化进行了动态观测,分析了不同土壤盐胁迫条件下影响霸王叶水势变化的主要影响因子。结果表明,在土壤水分充足的条件下,霸王能在盐分浓度为1.5%的土壤中生长,此时叶水势值大小的比较为0>0.5%>1.5%;叶水势与土壤水势相关性的比较为0>0.5%>1.5%,与大气水势相关性的比较为0.5%>0>1.5%。  相似文献   

包头市街道灰尘重金属空间分布及生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集包头市街道灰尘样品,利用X-Ray荧光光谱仪测定样品中Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn和V的含量,采用ArcGIS空间分析技术研究街道灰尘重金属的空间分布规律,运用地累积指数法和潜在生态风险指数法,评价包头市街道灰尘重金属的污染程度及生态风险。结果表明:包头市街道灰尘中除Ni外,其他重金属元素的平均含量均高于其区域土壤背景值。街道灰尘中Co、Cr、Pb的含量是区域土壤背景值的4.0~10.7、1.8~5.8和1.5~8.7倍。灰尘中重金属元素含量的空间差异较大,Co和Cr的高值区主要分布在工业企业附近;Cu、Zn和Pb的高值区主要分布在交通流量较大的商业中心和家居建材城附近。灰尘中各重金属的污染水平依次为CoCrPbZnCuVMnNi。Co处于中等潜在生态风险,而其他重金属均处于低潜在生态风险。灰尘中重金属总的潜在生态风险属于中等。  相似文献   

<正>在有关部门大力支持下,内蒙古自治区人民政府积极采取措施,加强白云鄂博稀土矿区资源保护,支持包钢集团建成总长58公里的护矿围栏和视频监控系统,并于近期实现了对矿区的全封闭管理。白云鄂博是世界最大的稀土、铁、铌等多金属共生矿,矿区面积48平方公里,稀土储量占全国的93%,产量占全国的65%以上。在巨额利益驱使下,矿区内盗采稀土现象长期屡禁不止。2012年初包钢集团正式启动稀土资源保护工程,在稀土矿区边界建设宽3米、深2米的护矿壕沟和高2.5  相似文献   

用电化学方法测量了Mg_2B_2O_5晶须增强AZ91D镁基复合材料在3.5%NaCl溶液中的开路电位、动电位极化曲线和交流阻抗,研究了晶须体积分数对镁合金基体耐腐蚀性能的影响,并利用SEM和XRD表征了腐蚀后复合材料表面的微观形貌和相组成。结果表明,随着Mg_2B_2O_5晶须体积分数的增加,AZ91D镁基复合材料的耐腐蚀性逐渐提高。当硼酸镁晶须的体积分数为35%时,材料的自腐蚀电位提高0.2V以上,自腐蚀流密度降低了1个数量级;SEM测试表明,复合材料表面生成了一层晶须增韧的腐蚀钝化膜,对基体起到保护作用。  相似文献   

Hydrochemical regime and its mechanism in Yamzhog Yumco Basin,South Tibet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The hydrochemistry of alpine lakes reflects water characteristic and its response to climatic change. Over 300 water samples had been collected from 52 sites of 5 lakes and 7 inflowing rivers in the Yamzhog Yumco Basin, South Tibet, during 2009–2014, basing which the hydrochemical regime and its mechanism were analyzed along with the adoption of hydrological investigations in 1979 and 1984 as well. Results revealed that the waters were hard with weak alkalinity for the Yamzhog Yumco Basin. Most of them were fresh, and the rest were slightly saline. The hydrochemical types of 5 lakes (i.e., Lake Yamzhog Yum Co, Puma Yum Co, Bajiu Co, Kongmu Co, and Chen Co) were SO4 2––HCO3 –Mg2+–Na+, HCO3 –SO4 2––Mg2+–Ca2+, SO4 2––Mg2+–Na+, SO4 2––HCO3 –Ca2+, and SO4 2––Na+–Mg2+–Ca2+, respectively. As for rivers, HCO3 and SO4 2– were the major anions, and Ca2+ was the dominant cation. Lake Yamzhog Yum Co, the largest lake in the basin, exhibited remarkable spatial variations in hydrochemistry at its surface but irregular changes with depth. The weathering of evaporates and carbonates, together with evaporation and crystallization, were the major mechanisms controlling the hydrochemistry of waters in the Yamzhog Yumco Basin. Global warming also had significant impacts on hydrochemical variations.  相似文献   

Sediments of Lake 382, Experimental Lakes Area, Canada, were sampled at six sites using a 5-cm Wildco KB core sampler (KB), a similar device incorporating a ball check valve (BC), and a 0.2 m by 1.2 m flat-faced aluminum freeze core sampler (FC). Cores were sectioned at 1-cm intervals to a depth of 15 cm. Contaminant (210Pb and 137Cs) concentrations (Bq g-1) were measured by gamma spectroscopy, and inventories (Bq cm-2) were calculated following standard methods. Sediments collected using FC, BC and KB had similar contaminant concentrations, however, cores collected by FC and BC had lower estimated inventories than KB cores. Differences between estimates appear to be caused by differences in the water content (WC) of core material. Laboratory studies confirm that FC sediments have higher WC than tube-cored sediment. We hypothesize that ice crystal formation increases the WC of freeze cores, resulting in lower contaminant inventories. Loss of surficial sediment caused by a bow wave may have a similar effect on BC samples. We conclude that KB core gear is appropriate for sampling sediments to measure contaminant concentrations and inventories in recently deposited sediments.  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰地区雪冰中重金属浓度与季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The concentrations of heavy metals Ba, Pb, Cu, Zn and Co in snow pit collected in September, 2005 from the accumulation area of the East Rongbuk Glacier (6523 m a.s.l.), which lies on the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma, were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentrations (pg/ml) of heavy metals are Ba2-227, Co2.8-15.7, Cu10-120, Zn29-4948 and Pb14-142, respectively. The δ18O was determined by MAT-252. The time period of the snow pit spans from autumn 2005 to summer 2004. Seasonal variations of the concentrations and δ18O are observed, of which Pb, Cu, Zn and Co are much lower in summer monsoon season than that in non summer monsoon season, suggesting that different sources of heavy metals contributed to the site. EFc (crustal enrichment factors) is Co3.6, Cu27, Pb33 and Zn180, respectively. Higher EFc values of Pb, Cu and Zn suggest that Pb, Cu especially Zn are mainly contributed by anthropogenic sources. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40501014; No.40871058 Author: Duan Jianping (1981–), Ph.D. Candidate, specialized in climate and environmental change.  相似文献   

珠穆朗玛峰地区雪冰中重金属浓度与季节变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2005年9月采自珠穆朗玛峰北坡海拔6523 m的东绒布冰川积累区一批雪坑样品中重金属Ba,Co,Cu,Zn和Pb的浓度利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪进行了测试,重金属浓度范围分别为(pg/m1);Ba2~227、Co2.8~15.7、Cu 10~120、Zn29~4948、Pb14~142.并利用气体稳定同位素质谱仪MAT-252对样品稳定氧同位素比率(δ18O)进行了测试,雪坑样品对应的时间为2004年夏到2005年秋,δ18O和重金属元素的浓度都存在着季节变化特征.在夏季风期间δ18O值和重金属元素的浓度都很低,而在非夏季风期间δ18O值和重金属元素浓度升高,反映了不同的水汽来源对重金属浓度季节变化的影响及其环境意义.Co,Cu,Pb,Zn的地壳富集系数(EFc)分别为:3.6、27、33、180,表明该地区Pb,Cu,Zn已经受到了人类活动的污染,其中Zn受到的污染最大.  相似文献   

The Wuyo-Gubrunde Horst in the northeastern Nigeria consists of migmatite gneiss, unaltered, altered, and sheared porphyritic granites, pegmatites, aplites, basalts, and sandstone. Uranium has been reported in rhyolite, sheared rocks, and sandstone within the area. The petrogenesis of the granitoids and associated rocks in the area was evaluated in the light of new geochemical data, which showed that the U content of altered porphyritic granite is highest and hydrothermal-related. The granitoids are metaluminous, sub-alkaline, and S-type granite, and have evolved by partial melting of crustal material emplaced at moderate depth of 20–30 km in a syn-to late-collisional within-plate tectonic setting. The negative Eu/Eu* anomaly and high (La/Yb)N ratio of the granitoids indicate magma fractionation. The low SiO2 (<53%) and high Fe2O3 (10%) of the altered porphyritic granite compared to other similar rock units suggest pervasive alteration. The associated basalts are tholeiitic, emplaced within continental plate tectonic setting, and enriched in Ni, V, Nb, Sr, and light rare earth elements, and they have SiO2, Fe2O3, V, Th, and Co contents that are similar to those of the altered porphyritic granites. The U occurrence in the Wuyo-Gubrunde Horst is believed to be sourced from the adjoining Bima sandstone in the Benue Trough, which locally contains carbonaceous zones with anomalously high concentrations of U. The Fe2+/Fe3+ redox fronts formed by alteration of the iron-rich basalts provided the requisite geochemical barrier for U-bearing hydrothermal fluid, causing enrichment of U leached and mobilized from the sandstone through fractures in the rocks.  相似文献   

The factors determining the suitability of limestone for industrial use and its commercial value are the amounts of calcium oxide (CaO) and impurities. From 244 sample points in 18 drillhole sites in a limestone mine, southwestern Japan, data on four impurity elements, SiO2, Fe2O3, MnO, and P2O5 were collected. It generally is difficult to estimate spatial distributions of these contents, because most of the limestone bodies in Japan are located in the accretionary complex lithologies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. Because the spatial correlations of content data are not clearly shown by variogram analysis, a feedforward neural network was applied to estimate the content distributions. The network structure consists of three layers: input, middle, and output. The input layer has 17 neurons and the output layer four. Three neurons in the input layer correspond with x, y, z coordinates of a sample point and the others are rock types such as crystalline and conglomeratic limestones, and fossil types related to the geologic age of the limestone. Four neurons in the output layer correspond to the amounts of SiO2, Fe2O3, MnO, and P2O5. Numbers of neurons in the middle layer and training data differ with each estimation point to avoid the overfitting of the network. We could detect several important characteristics of the three-dimensional content distributions through the network such as a continuity of low content zones of SiO2 along a Lower Permian fossil zone trending NE-SW, and low-quality zones located in depths shallower than 50 m. The capability of the neural network-based method compared with the geostatistical method is demonstrated from the viewpoints of estimation errors and spatial characteristics of multivariate data. To evaluate the uncertainty of estimates, a method that draws several outputs by changing coordinates slightly from the target point and inputting them to the same trained network is proposed. Uncertainty differs with impurity elements, and is not based on just the spatial arrangement of data points.  相似文献   

Soil carbon dioxide content, temperature, and moisture were measured biweekly for one year at Pigeon Mountain, GA. Levels of soil CO2 ranged from 0.04% to 2.4% and were highest during the growing season, lowest during the winter. Soil temperature correlated positively with soil CO2, accounting for 90% of CO2 variation. Soil moisture variations decreased CO2 concentration at times of high soil water content when CO2 was flushed downward, and also at times of low soil moisture content when CO2 production was inhibited. A predictive model of logistic form using 14-day means of daily actual evapotranspiration fit the data well (R2= 0.83). The model also tested well against soil CO2 data acquired in the coastal plain at Rocky Point, NC. If actual evapotranspiration rates are known, the model permits estimation of soil CO2 without preliminary field work, and can be used for studies of karst denudation, which require soil CO2 data for seasonal and regional comparison of solution rates.  相似文献   

The alleviative effects of exogenous salicylic acid(SA) on plants against drought stress were assessed in Gardenia jasminoides seedlings treated with different concentrations of SA.Drought stress was simulated to a moderate level by 15% polyethylene glycol(PEG) 6000 treatment.Seedlings exposed to 15% PEG for 14 days exhibited a decrease in aboveground and underground dry mass,seedling height,root length,relative water content,photosynthetic pigment content,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs),and water use efficiency.In PEG-stressed plants,the levels of proline,malondialdehyde(MDA),hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2),and electrolyte leakage rose significantly,whereas antioxidative activity,including superoxide,peroxidase,and catalase activities,declined in leaves.However,the presence of SA provided an effective method of mitigating PEG-caused physiological stresses on G.jasminoides seedlings,which depended on SA levels.PEG-treated plants exposed to SA at 0.5–1.0 mmol/L significantly eased PEG-induced growth inhibition.Application of SA,especially at concentrations of 0.5–1.0 mmol/L,considerably improved photosynthetic pigments,photosynthesis,antioxidative activity,relative water content,and proline accumulation,and decreased MDA content,H_2O_2 content,and electrolyte leakage.By contrast,the positive effects were not evident,or even more severe,in PEG+SA4 treatment.Based on these physiological and biochemical data,a suitable concentration of SA,potential growth regulators,could be applied to enhance the drought tolerance of G.jasminoides.  相似文献   

尹海龙  田长彦  任婧  陈春秀  黄建 《中国沙漠》2014,34(5):1277-1284
以盐生植物盐角草(Salicornia europaea)为材料,以NaCl模拟不同盐度环境,盆栽试验了氮(0.3g·kg-1,N1;0.6g·kg-1,N2;1.2g·kg-1,N3;2.4g·kg-1,N4)、盐(2.5g·kg-1,S1;5.0g·kg-1,S2;7.5g·kg-1,S3)处理对其生长发育及氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明:(1)不同盐度下施氮均可以显著促进盐角草的生长,地上部干质量均在N2处理下达到最大,而株高均在N1时达到最高,且施氮对盐角草生长的影响与盐度有关;(2)不同盐度环境下施氮所能达到的最高干物质产量及最高施氮限量不同,表现为S3S1S2,随着施氮量的增加,氮素生产力与氮素农学利用效率均表现出下降的趋势;(3)施氮显著增加了盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量,同一施氮水平下盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量均表现为同化枝茎根;(4)同一施氮水平下,随着盐度的增加,盐角草同化枝渗透势显著下降,同一盐度环境下,随着施氮量的增加,同化枝渗透势呈现出下降趋势,渗透调节能力增大;(5)3个盐度环境下,施氮均增加盐角草同化枝光合色素含量,从而提高光合效率,增强其对盐渍环境的适应能力。  相似文献   

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