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近50年新疆北疆地区气候变化趋势分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和突变检验法,基于1956~2006年新疆北疆8个地区的年均气温和年降水量数据,对北疆8个地区近50年的年均气温和年降水量序列的变化趋势和突变进行了分析.结果表明北疆8个地区的气温和降水呈现了大致相同的变化趋势,自20世纪80~ 90年代以来,北疆大部分地区气温呈现显著上升趋势,出现增温突变.同时,降水量也呈现上升趋势.其中,博州、乌鲁木齐及阿勒泰地区降水量呈现的显著增加趋势,出现突变增加;其余大部地区降水量缓慢增加,没有发生突变.近50年来,北疆气候总体呈现一个增温增湿的变化趋势.  相似文献   

近40年来塔里木河流域旱涝的气候变化   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:10  
以Mann-Kendall检验、z指数变换、最大熵谱和气候趋势系数方法分析塔里木河流域降水突变、旱涝等级、旱涝周期与趋势的时空变化。结果表明:近40年来,流域各段的降水量都有增加的趋势,且存在突变,从源流区至下游突变时间依次提前;20世纪60年代流域干旱多,旱情较重;70~80年代中期属于转换期,出现旱情和涝情较重;80年代后期以后干旱明显减少,雨涝居多,涝情重;90年代中期以来,下游趋势与其余区域不同;准3年周期是流域各段最重要的变化周期。近40年来,上游变湿显著,源流区和中游不显著,下游有微弱变湿趋势;NAO对中上游旱涝影响显著,对全流域影响较大。  相似文献   

庐山旅游区气候变化特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叶正伟  吴威 《地理科学》2011,31(10):1221-1227
采用Mann-Kendall方法,对1955~2008年庐山旅游区气候要素进行变化趋势分析和突变检验,结果表明,近54 a来气温和降水都出现了不同程度的差异性升高和增加趋势。庐山旅游区年平均气温上升趋势较显著,20世纪90年代以来年平均气温明显偏高,并在1996年左右发生了突变。极端最高气温升高幅度微弱,但极端最低气温上升趋势显著,且升高幅度较大。年降水量呈微弱的增加趋势,20世纪70年代频繁波动突变,且20世纪70年代以来年降水量都较以前偏高,其中20世纪90年代最高。近年来,最大日暴雨量和年暴雨日数都呈增加趋势,20世纪90年代是最大日暴雨量和暴雨日数的最高时期。夏秋季节暴雨频繁,暴雨6月最多,大暴雨8月最多,且年降水量增加趋势的贡献可能是夏秋季节极端降水事件增加的结果。  相似文献   

增暖背景下中国东北地区极端降水事件的演变特征   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
利用中国东北地区93站1959~2002年逐日降水资料,研究该区极端降水事件时空演变特征,结果表明:东北地区极端降水事件阈值由东南沿海向西北内陆逐渐减小,6~9月是极端降水事件集中出现月份;1985~2002年是极端降水事件偏多,且为一突变现象;东北地区短时间内连续发生极端降水事件概率较大,其中1~5天时间间隔极端降水事件占23.7%;80年代中期后东北地区增暖背景下,极端降水事件和有1~5天时间间隔的极端降水事件明显增加,特别是松花江下游和牡丹江流域及西辽河上游地区,频次和强度存在增加或增强趋势。  相似文献   

近46年来中国东部季风区夏季气温变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用中国东部季风区375个测站夏季平均气温资料,分析季风区夏季气温的变化特征.结果表明:(1)近46 a东部季风区夏季气温年平均呈缓慢上升趋势,但淮河流域出现下降趋势;(2)夏季气温稳定性随纬度增加而减小;(3)季风区夏季气温年均增温率0.104℃/10 a,全区平均状况看,1970年代中期后开始表现明显上升趋势;(4)季风区夏季气温变化首先表现为全区一致的变化型,然后为南北反相变化型;(5)根据REOF分析将季风区夏季气温异常分6个气候空间类型,东北、华北、江南及华南均呈现上升增温趋势,西南地区增温缓慢,淮河流域则呈现与全球变暖不一致的降温趋势.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地生态环境特征分析   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
科尔沁沙地典型地区生态环境特征的分析表明,40年来科尔沁沙地的年均气温呈逐渐增加的趋势,与全球气温升高变化一致。年降水量的变化呈波动式增加,特别是从20世纪70年代中期到90年代中期年降水量的波动幅度增大。气候类型年际间呈半干旱、半湿润和湿润交替出现,其中半干旱气候出现频率为47.5%,半湿润气候为45%,湿润气候为7.5%。沙尘暴的发生日数从1961年以来呈下降趋势,到1984年以后低于平均水平。科尔沁沙地的土壤和植被的异质性决定了该区域的农牧交错特征,特定的风沙环境促进了农牧交错特征的变化。  相似文献   

利用1958~2015年疏勒河出山口昌马堡水文站径流资料以及同期流域气象资料,揭示了疏勒河出山径流及其对流域气候变化的响应。结果表明:总体上,疏勒河出山径流量呈现增加趋势,特别是20世纪90年代后期以来,出山径流增加趋势更为明显,但近几年,疏勒河出山径流量缓慢回落,21世纪初暂时成为代际变化的拐点。研究亦显示,疏勒河出山径流对河源处高海拔山区气候变化的响应更为敏感,出山径流年际变化实际受到山区气候因素的共同影响,不同时段各因素影响强度具有一定差异;降水是出山径流变化的主控因素,但气温升高导致冰雪融化加快是近年来出山径流增长较快的重要原因。定量分析表明,20世纪90年代后期以来气温等对径流影响比重超过60%,而降水约为30%左右。  相似文献   

以纵向岭谷区的怒江跨境径流量观测数据为基础,应用统计分析方法,研究了怒江跨境径流量的变化特征和规律.结论为:怒江的跨境径流量主要集中在雨季(5~10月),其间的径流量约占全年的82%,径流量的这种年内变化特征说明怒江在年内为雨水补给为主的河流;雨季的怒江跨境径流量在年跨境径流总量中的比重从20世纪60年代中期以来总体是呈下降的趋势;从年际变化上来说,怒江属于高山冰雪融水和雨水混合补给型河流,从20世纪70年代开始,怒江跨境径流量的年际变化就开始呈显著增加的时间演变趋势;径流量最长有可达6个月的持续性,出现在9月;总体来看,怒江跨境径流量的年代际大尺度变化特征主要表现在20世纪80年代的中期以前,径流量相对来说是比较少的,而从80年代的中期以后有明显增加的趋势;怒江跨境径流量的变化主要是由于纵向岭谷区西南季风环流系统活动的变化造成的,至少在夏季风活动期间是这样.  相似文献   

应用光释光技术确定匠杨村黄土沉积序列年代框架。结合地层沉积特征和其他指标测量结果,得到该区自末次冰消期以来成壤环境演变:16.66~13.16kaB.P.期间气候干旱,风尘输入量较大,成壤作用微弱;13.16~8.31kaB.P.期间气候转暖转湿,风尘输入量最小,但因植被没完全恢复致使成壤强度仍很弱;8.31~3.24kaB.P.期间气候湿润,风尘输入量较小,是重要的成壤期,其间6.19~5.77ka和末期3.78~3.24ka旱化趋势导致风尘输入量增加和成壤强度减弱;3.24ka以来,在气候旱化趋势下风尘输入量增加,成壤作用再次减弱。  相似文献   

以协整分析和状态空间模型为分析视角,研究自改革开放以来新疆经济增长与能源消费之间的数量关系.实证结果显示:从协整分析来看,新疆能源消费与经济增长不仅存在着长期均衡关系,而且当期能源消费量受当期经济增长量和前一期能源消费量的影响,并以-0.2090的调整速度向均衡点靠近.从空间状态模型来看,新疆能源消费弹性大约在0.61~0.67之间波动.在工业化前期,能源消费弹性系数呈下降趋势,进入工业化的起步阶段,能源消费弹性系数呈现上升趋势,受1997年亚洲金融危机的影响,1997-2002年出现震荡下滑,而在2002年以后呈现不断上升趋势.在此基础上,给出对策建议.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:

Main Street: Northeastern Oregon: The Founding and Development of Small Towns. Barbara Ruth Bailey.

Food Politics: The Regional Conflict. David N. Balaam and Michael J. Carey, eds.

The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Third World. R. Ballance, J. Ansari and H. Singer.

Neighborhoods in Urban America. Ronald H. Bayor, ed.

The English Heartland. By Robert Beckinsale and Monica Beckinsale.

Regional Dimensions of Industrial Policy. Michael E. Bell and Paul S. Lande, eds.

Tension Areas of the World. D. Gordon Bennett, ed.

Latin America: an Introductory Survey. B. W. Blouet and O. M. Blouet, eds.

Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas, eds.

Energy and Land Use. Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin, eds.

Slopes and Weathering. Michael Clarke and John Small.

Alaska's Rural Development. Peter G. Cornwall and Gerald McBeath, eds.

The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Galen Cranz.

World Congress on Land Policy, 1980, Proceedings. Matthew Cullen and Sharon Woolery, eds.

Oregon Divided: A Regional Geography. Samuel N. Dicken and Emily F. Dicken.

Urban Food Marketing and Third World Rural Development. T. Scarlett Epstein.

South Africa: Spatial Frameworks for Development. T. J. D. Fair.

Institutions and Geographical Patterns. Robin Flowerdew, ed.

Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture, An Interpretive Atlas. Howard F. Gregor.

Planning Theory: Prospects for the 1980s. Patsy Healy, Glen McDougall and Michael J. Thomas, eds.

Neighborhood Mobilization: Redevelopment and Response. Jeffrey R. Henig.

The American Urban System: A Geographical Perspective. R. J. Johnston.

Climate, History and the Modern World. Hubert H. Lamb.

Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man. T. M. L. Wigley, M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer.

China: Railways and Agricultural Development, 1875–1935. Ernest P. Liang.

A Desirable Energy Future—A National Perspective. Robert S. Livingston, T. D. Anderson, T. M. Besmann, M. Olszewski, A. M. Perry, and C. D. West.

Topothesia: Essays Presented to T. S. Ó Máille. B. S. Mac Aodha, ed.

Transportation for the Poor: Research in Rural Mobility. Hal S. Maggied.

Land Uses in American Cities. Harold M. Mayer and Charles R. Haves.

Industrial Organisation and Location. Philip McDermott and Michael Taylor.

Human Adaptability: an Introduction to Ecological Anthropology. Emilio F. Moran.

Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor. Frank Moulaert and Patricia W. Salinas, eds.

The Nuclear War Atlas. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada:

Urbanization and Environmental Quality. Isao Orishimo.

The Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise. John Prest.

Earthfire, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens. Charles Rosenfeld and Robert Cooke.

Contest for the South China Sea. Marwyn S. Samuels.

The Future of the Wetlands: Assessing Visual-Cultural Values. Richard C. Smardon, ed.

Tucson: the Life and Times of An American City. C. L. Sonnichsen.

The Geography of Multinationals. Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift, eds.

Impact of Marine Pollution on Society. Virginia Tippie and Dana Kester.

Reviving the Industrial City: the Politics of Urban Renewal in Lyon and Birmingham. Jerry A. Webman.

Andean Reflections: Letters from Carl O. Sauer While on a South American Trip under a Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1942. Robert C. West, ed.

Cartographic Drawing with Computers. P. Yoeli.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Main Street: Northeastern Oregon: The Founding and Development of Small Towns . Barbara Ruth Bailey . Food Politics: The Regional Conflict . David N. Balaam and Michael J. Carey , eds. The International Economy and Industrial Development: Trade and Investment in the Third World . R. Ballance , J. Ansari and H. Singer . Neighborhoods in Urban America . Ronald H. Bayor , ed. The English Heartland . By Robert Beckinsale and Monica Beckinsale . Regional Dimensions of Industrial Policy . Michael E. Bell and Paul S. Lande , eds. Tension Areas of the World . D. Gordon Bennett , ed. Latin America: an Introductory Survey . B. W. Blouet and O. M. Blouet , eds. Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem . Frederick W. Boal and J. Neville H. Douglas , eds. Energy and Land Use . Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin , eds. Slopes and Weathering . Michael Clarke and John Small . Alaska's Rural Development . Peter G. Cornwall and Gerald Mc Beath , eds. The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America . Galen Cranz . World Congress on Land Policy, 1980, Proceedings . Matthew Cullen and Sharon Woolery , eds. Oregon Divided: A Regional Geography . Samuel N. Dicken and Emily F. Dicken . Urban Food Marketing and Third World Rural Development . T. Scarlett Epstein . South Africa: Spatial Frameworks for Development . T. J. D. Fair . Institutions and Geographical Patterns . Robin Flowerdew , ed. Industrialization of U.S. Agriculture, An Interpretive Atlas . Howard F. Gregor . Planning Theory: Prospects for the 1980s . Patsy Healy , Glen Mc Dougall and Michael J. Thomas , eds. Neighborhood Mobilization: Redevelopment and Response . Jeffrey R. Henig . The American Urban System: A Geographical Perspective . R. J. Johnston . Climate, History and the Modern World . Hubert H. Lamb . Climate and History: Studies in Past Climates and Their Impact on Man . T. M. L. Wigley , M. J. Ingram and G. Farmer . China: Railways and Agricultural Development, 1875–1935 . Ernest P. Liang . A Desirable Energy Future—A National Perspective . Robert S. Livingston , T. D. Anderson , T. M. Besmann , M. Olszewski , A. M. Perry , and C. D. West . Topothesia: Essays Presented to T. S. Ó Máille . B. S. Mac Aodha , ed. Transportation for the Poor: Research in Rural Mobility . Hal S. Maggied . Land Uses in American Cities . Harold M. Mayer and Charles R. Haves . Industrial Organisation and Location . Philip Mc Dermott and Michael Taylor . Human Adaptability: an Introduction to Ecological Anthropology . Emilio F. Moran . Regional Analysis and the New International Division of Labor . Frank Moulaert and Patricia W. Salinas , eds. The Nuclear War Atlas. Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada : Urbanization and Environmental Quality . Isao Orishimo . The Garden of Eden: The Botanic Garden and the Re-Creation of Paradise . John Prest . Earthfire, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens . Charles Rosenfeld and Robert Cooke . Contest for the South China Sea . Marwyn S. Samuels . The Future of the Wetlands: Assessing Visual-Cultural Values . Richard C. Smardon , ed. Tucson: the Life and Times of An American City. C. L. Sonnichsen . The Geography of Multinationals . Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift , eds. Impact of Marine Pollution on Society . Virginia Tippie and Dana Kester . Reviving the Industrial City: the Politics of Urban Renewal in Lyon and Birmingham . Jerry A. Webman . Andean Reflections: Letters from Carl O. Sauer While on a South American Trip under a Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, 1942 . Robert C. West , ed. Cartographic Drawing with Computers . P. Yoeli .  相似文献   

Permafrost engineering has been developing rapidly in recent years. Many projects have been undertaken with the latest technologies and show their importance in supporting regional social and economical development. For example, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been a milestone project in permafrost engineering. However, when designing and building infrastructures in cold regions,  相似文献   

<正>1 Characteristics of Kunisaki GIAS and aims of this research Kunisaki GIAHS in the Kunisaki peninsula and Usa area,Oita,Japan,is a system where forestry,agricultural production,and fisheries are sustained by the strong connection between Sawtooth Oak forest,multiple interlinked irriga tion ponds,and Seto Inland Sea(Vafadari 2013a;2013b;Hayashi 2013).This area receive around 1,500 mm of annual precipitation with a  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Introduction to Climatology for the Tropics . J. O. Ayoade. Conservation and Management of Natural Resources in the United States . Charles F. Bennett. The Keeping of Animals: Adaptation and Social Relations in Livestock Producing Communities . Riva Berleant-Schiller and Eugenia Shanklin, ed. The Evolution of Geographic Thought in America: A Kentucky Root Wilford A. Bladen and Pradyumna P. Karan, eds. Latin America: Geographical Perspectives , 2nd ed. Harold Blakemore and Clifford T. Smith, ed. The Rural Real Estate Market. Department of Geography Publication Series, No. 18 . Chris Bryant. Urban Geomorphology in Drylands . R. U. Cooke, D. Brunsden, J. C. Doornkamp, and D. K. C. Jones with contributions by J. Griffiths, P. Knott, R. Potter, and R. Russell. Italian Geography, 1960–1980. Meeting of the Status of the Geographic Research in Italy, 1960–1980. Treated under the auspices of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and organized by Istituto di Geografia Umana della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano , Giacomo Corna Pellecrini and Carlo Brusa, eds. The Changing Fenland . H. C. Darby. The Future for the City Centre . R. L. Davies and A. G. Champion, eds. Saudi Arabia, Energy, Developmental Planning, and Industrialization . Ragaei El Mallakh, Dorothea H. El Mallakh, eds. For We Are Sold, I and My People: Women and Industry in Mexico's Frontier . Maria Patricia Fernández-Kelly. The Great Lakes Forest: An Environmental and Social History . Susan L. Flader, ed. Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the Yorkshire Woolen Industry . Derek Gregory Crime in City Politics . Anne Heinz, Herbert Jacob and Robert L. Lineberry, eds. Revitalizing Cities . H. Briavel Holcomb and Robert A. Beauregard. Cartographic Relief Presentation . Eduard Imhof. H. J. Steward, Trans. Soviet Union: A Geographical Survey . S. V. Kalesnik and V. F. Pavlenko, ed. Cognition and Environment . Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan. Environmental Protection: The International Dimension . David A. Kay and Harold K. Jacobsen, eds. Mathematical Programming Methods for Geographers and Planners , James Killen. Gentrification Amid Urban Decline: Strategies for America's Older Cities . Michael H. Lang. The North Atlantic Sulphur System . Risto Laulajainen. The Jerusalem Cathedra: Studies in the History, Archaeology, Geography and Ethnography of the Land of Israel, Vol. 2 . Lee I. Levine ed. Jerusalem and Detroit: Recreation Planning and Management . Stanely R. Lieber and Daniel R. Fesenmaier, eds. Heartland and Hinterland: A Geography of Canada . L. D. McCann, ed. Scarborough Where We Live: The Residential Districts of Minneapolis and St. Paul . Judith A. Martin and David A. Lanegran. California: The Geography of Diversity . Crane S. Miller and Richard S. Hyslop. Palo Alto The Dilemma of Amazonian Development . Emilio F. Moran, ed. Boulder Nuclear Waste: Socioeconomic Dimensions of Long-Term Storage . Steve H. Murdock, F. Larry Leistritz, and Rita R. Hamm, eds. Boulder Communism and the Politics of Inequalities . Daniel N. Nelson, ed. The Los Angeles Metropolis . Howard J. Nelson. Dubuque An Historical Geography of Urban System Development: Tidewater Virginia in the 18th Century . James O'Mara. Procedures and Standards for a Multipurpose Cadastre . East Asia: Geographical and Historical Approaches to Foreign Area Studies . Clifton W. Pannell, ed. Dubuque Mackinder: Geography as an Aid to Statecraft . W. H. Parker. Beyond the Urban Fringe: Land Use Issues of Nonmetropolitan America . Rutherford H. Platt and George Macinko, eds. Recreation Geography of the USSR . V. S. Preobrazhensky and V. M. Krivosheyev, eds. Missouri: A Geography . Milton D. Rafferty The Invisible Farmers: Women in Agricultural Production . Carolyn E. Sachs. Cayman Islands Seashore Vegetation: A Study in Comparative Biogeography . Jonathan D. Sauer. Hillslope Materials and Processes . Michael J. Selby. Housing in Britain: The Post-War Experience . John R. Short The Study of Population: Elements, Patterns and Processes . George A. Schnell and Mark Stephen Monmonier. Columbus The Soviet Union: A Systematic Geography . Leslie Symons, ed. The Ottoman Slave Trade and Its Suppression . Ehud R. Toledano. The Impact of Recession on Industry, Employment and the Regions, 1976–1981 . Alan R. Townsend. Landslides and Their Control , 2nd ed. Quido Záruba and Vojtech Mencl. Translated from the Czech by H. Zárubová and V. Mencl.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Unfairly Structured Cities . Blair Badcock Religion and Rural Revolt . Janos M. Bak and Gerhard Benecke The Industrial Geography of Canada . Anthony Blackbourn and Robert G. Putnam The Cuban-American Experience, Culture, Images, and Perspectives. Thomas D. Boswell and James R. Curtis Quaternary Paleoclimatology . R. S. Bradley Development and Crisis in Brazil, 1930–1983 . Luiz Bresser Pereiras Centres of Origin in Biogeography . John C. Briggs Analytical Urban Geography . Martin Cadwallader Geomorphology . Richard J. Chorley , Stanley A. Schumm, and David E. Sugden South Africa: The Impact of Past Geographies . A. J. Christopher The Geography of Underdevelopment. A Critical Survey . D. K. Forbes Health Care in Developing Countries . Wilbert M. Gesler Place to Grow Old: The Meaning of Environment in Old Age . Stephen M. Golant The Emerging Marine Economy of the Pacific . Chennat Gopalakrishnan An Introduction to Agricultural Geography . David B. Grigg The Soviet Union: A Geographical Study . G. Melvyn Howe Geographical Aspects of Health: Essays in Honour of Andrew Learmonth . N. D. Mc Glashan and J. R. Blunden Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation . Tom L. Mc Knight Mountain Experience. The Psychology and Sociology of Adventure. Richard G. Mitchell Jr . Systematic and Regional Biogeography. Stanley A. Morain The Economic Transformation of American Cities. T. J. Noyelle and T. M. Stanback , Jr . Normal Accidents: Living With High-Risk Technologies. Charles Perrow Vanishing Farmland: A Legal Solution for the States. Sarah E. Redfield Applied Methods of Regional Analysis: The Spatial Dimensions of Development Policy. Dennis A. Rondinelli Urbanization in Romania. A Geography of Social and Economic Change Since Independence. Per Ronnas Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis. Gareth Shaw and Dennis Wheeler The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design. Anne Whiston Spirn Political Geography: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Peter Taylor and John House Geographia y Medio Ambiente. Manuel Valenzuela -Rubío Nãgara and Commandery: Origins of the Southeast Asian Urban Traditions. Paul Wheatley The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Community. Mark Wise Geography and Gender. Women and Geography Study Group of the IBG Technological Hazards. D. J. Zeigler , J. H. Johnson , S. D. Brunn  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: USA, Eine Geographische Landeskunde , Vol. I, Der Grossraum in Strukturellem, Wandel, 3rd Ed. Helmut Blume . Introduction to Remote Sensing . James B. Campbell . The Sounds of People and Places: Readings in the Geography of American Folk and Popular Music . George O. Carney , ED. Development and Underdevelopment . John Cole . Mobility and Employment in Urban Southeast Asia: Example from Indonesia and the Philippines . Michael A. Costello , Thomas R. Leinbach , AND Richard Ulack . Soviet Asia: Economic Development and National Policy Choices . Leslie Dienes . The Third World City . David Drakakis -Smith . Scholars' Guide to Washington, DC for Cartography and Remote Sensing Imagery (maps, charts, aerial photographs, satellite images, cartographic literature and geographic information systems). Ralph E. Ehrenberg . Population and Development in the Third World . Allan AND Anne Findlay . The Early Mapping of Hawaii . Gary L. Fitzpatrick . Energetics of Physical Environment: Energetic Approaches to Physical Geography . K. J. Gregory , ED. Wildland Recreation: Ecology and Management . William E. Hammitt and David N. Cole . Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa . J. Hinderink AND J. J. Sterkenburg . The Dynamics of American Housing . James W. Hughes AND George Sternlieb . Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation State . Charles F. Keyes . Resolving Locational Conflict . Robert W. Lake , ED. Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local-level Perspectives . Peter D. Little and Michael M. Horowitz , EDS. Nathaniel Southgate Shaler and the Culture of American Science . David N. Livingstone . Regions: The Economics and Politics of Territory . Ann R. Markusen . Wetlands . William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink . Historical Geography: Progress and Prospect . Michael Pacione , ED. Loess and Periglacial Phenomena . Marton P$eacsi and Hugh M. French , EDS. Regional Management of Metropolitan Floodplains, Experience in the United States and Abroad . Rutherford H. Platt , ED. Human Cartography: Mapping the World of Man . Janos Szegö . Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History . Helen H. Tanner , ED. The Botany of Mangroves . P. B. Tomlinson . Urban Spatial Traffic Patterns . Rodney Vaughan . The Night After … Climatic and Biological Consequences of a Nuclear War . Yevgeni Velikhov , ED. Industrial Geography . H. D. Watts . Dictionary of Quotations in Geography . James O. Wheeler and Francis M. Sibley . Vermont Townscape . Norman Wiliams , Jr. , Edmund K. Kellogg and Peter M. Lavigne .  相似文献   

<正>Dear Readers,Please be informed that being approved by the relevant authority of Chinese government,Journal of Resources and Ecology will change publication frequency from quarterly to bimonthly from 2015,with 64 pages per issue,published at the end of January,March,May,July,September and November.Thank you for your attention.Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any suggestions and questions about this journal.  相似文献   

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