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The grassroots environmental movement often protests locally unwanted land uses. Many grassroots groups have, however, expanded their agenda to the scale of environmental justice. Explanations for this scale transformation include historical circumstances, individuals' radicalization through activism, and the growth of environmental justice networks. This case study, grassroots environmentalists' opposition to a proposed electricity transmission line in Monroe County, WV, explores another explanation: appeals for environmental justice are also a strategic response to siting regulatory procedures. With concepts emerging from the political geography of scale, I interpret the Monroe Countians' efforts and show how their strategies link the grassroots scale with that of environmental justice.  相似文献   

The grassroots environmental movement often protests locally unwanted land uses. Many grassroots groups have, however, expanded their agenda to the scale of environmental justice. Explanations for this scale transformation include historical circumstances, individuals' radicalization through activism, and the growth of environmental justice networks. This case study, grassroots environmentalists' opposition to a proposed electricity transmission line in Monroe County, WV, explores another explanation: appeals for environmental justice are also a strategic response to siting regulatory procedures. With concepts emerging from the political geography of scale, I interpret the Monroe Countians' efforts and show how their strategies link the grassroots scale with that of environmental justice.  相似文献   

沈静  周楚平 《热带地理》2019,39(2):298-308
环境公正已成为国外学术研究的热点问题,且地理学家研究贡献颇多。文章通过梳理国外环境公正的相关研究,特别是地理学家的相关文献,探讨了环境公正的概念建构,并应用Citespace软件分析20世纪90年代以来对环境公正研究的主题词变化态势,从研究内容、方法和尺度等方面总结了环境公正的研究特点,以期为中国环境公正的研究和相关政策的制定提供参考和借鉴。国外学者对环境公正概念主要从“分布公正”“认知公正”与“程序公正”3个方面建构。国外对环境公正的研究主题从关注社区的污染物质和污染设施向气候变化、绿色能源空间等全球性问题发展;研究内容涉及环境公正的分布、原因、影响以及实现方式的多元探讨;研究立场鲜明且在政策与规划方面具有极强的实践性;研究方法涵盖定性和定量两大领域的多种方法,并不断发展;研究尺度上从社区至全球都有覆盖。  相似文献   

The Alta Dam project in Norway is used to illustrate how state control of information may result in environmental injustice through a process of closed decision-making and political marginalization. By closing the decision-making process and related research from stakeholders, a state can attempt to insulate itself from criticism and contrary opinion, even if such practices run contrary to the traditions of inquiry. The exclusionary practices at Alta are examined in relation to the environmental justice literature and history of the Alta dam.  相似文献   

Hilda E Kurtz 《Area》2005,37(1):79-88
The United States environmental justice movement has grown in the last 20 years from tactical cooperation between civil rights and environmental activists on hazardous waste issues into a broad-based movement for social change. As dozens of organizations invest resources in an environmental justice agenda, it is important to examine how such organizations portray their stance toward the goals of the larger movement in order to better understand tensions within the movement between social justice and environmental protection, diversity and commonality, and localized and broader movement agendas. This paper explores what contemporary environmental justice imagery tells us about this social movement through a critical discourse analysis of environmental justice organizations' logos. The conceptual approach used here links a tradition of critical discourse analysis of textual materials with elements of a critical visual methodology. The paper examines how the social grievance of environmental injustice is constructed in relation to the social and natural world, and considers what these images tell us about the identities, relationships and modes of authority that constitute the contemporary environmental justice movement.  相似文献   

始于1980年代的环境公平研究近年来重点转向环境资源,尤其是公园绿地在不同族群和不同收入人群中的空间分布。经过对国内外文献的梳理,从绿地空间环境公平研究主题、绿地公平性影响因素及其测度指标和方法进行了系统综述。分析发现:1)国内外关于绿地空间环境公平的研究主要集中在近十年,呈现稳步增长的态势。总体上从环境公平视角来关注城市绿地空间的研究仍不多,案例绝大多数来自发达国家的城市,更多集中在美国;2)研究主题集中在可进入性与环境公平、绿地空间改造与环境绅士化、绿地使用中的文化公平与环境公平问题以及绿地环境公平感知与地方依恋四个方面;3)城市绿地公平性的测度最常用的是可达性、服务面积等绿地供给性指标,近年越来越多研究开始使用绿地供给与使用者需求的综合测度指标。最后,基于中国快速城市化和快速工业化带来日益紧张的土地利用冲突与经济发展压力,再加上中国特殊的人口、环境特征与文化背景,中国城市普遍面临着对绿地空间需求的日益增长,未来应特别重视城市绿地空间的环境公平问题。  相似文献   

The literatures on urban forestry, environmental justice, and Marxist urban political ecology are considered through empirical attention to the localized racial and ethnic politics which spatially differentiate urban socio-natural landscapes. In the American Southwest, urban landscapes reflect a history in which Anglo Whites were able to distance themselves from spaces of production while gaining access to superior residences and environmental amenities in spaces of reproduction; ethnoracially marginalized Others were treated as necessary yet disfavored populations, thus constituting a segregated mode of production. In this study, we investigate the association between tree canopy cover and the location of urban ethnic minority populations with a focus on the arid Southern High Plains city of Lubbock, Texas. Using data from color infrared aerial photography and block-group demographic indicators from the 2010 US Census, we analyze the city’s arboreal landscape with a mix of methods—hierarchical regression, archival research, and field observation. Results confirm that a lack of tree cover in minority neighborhoods is a symptom of broader environmental inequalities in which contemporary segregation patterns reflect a history of residential and land-use zoning with the socio-natural relations of planting and sustaining urban trees.  相似文献   

Research has documented how grass-roots activists deploy the environmental justice frame to convey their grievances and demand their right to health and safety. While scholars have highlighted the widespread success of this frame, little attention has been paid to instances where the environmental justice frame fails to resonate. Drawing from social movements and environmental justice literatures, we examine how local discursive and cultural contexts can pose barriers to environmental justice claims. Our case is based on legacy pollution from a decommissioned creosote facility in Southern Mississippi. When black residents discovered the pollution in their neighborhood, they made repeated appeals to authorities for remediation and compensation. After being denied inclusion in a lawsuit filed by white residents, they formed an environmental justice organization to mobilize support for their campaign. Findings reveal the importance of both historical contextualization and the social situation of frame deployers in analyses of the environmental justice frame.  相似文献   

Environmental justice is the principle that environmental costs and amenities ought to be equitably distributed within society. Due to the ethical, political, and public–health implications, and because many choices confront those researching environmental justice, standardized measures are needed to inform public dialogue and policy. We develop and test seven indices on three Colorado cities to measure the relationship between the distribution of environmental hazards and minority and poverty–stricken populations, and recommend the Comparative Environmental Risk Index as a preliminary, standardized measure for comparing urban areas. This index is particularly relevant to disadvantaged communities, regional planning organizations, environmental–justice networks and scholars, and state and federal agencies.  相似文献   

The state of Kerala in India is known for its active civil society and the massive decentralization campaign launched in 1996. However marginalization of tribal communities hampers the state's decentralized environmental management strategies. The proposed construction of a dam along the Chalakkudy River will displace two colonies of the Kadar tribe in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns, destroy habitats of local wildlife and devastate unique riverine vegetation endemic to the region. This brings to light issues of social and environmental justice as well as a wider responsibility to protect and preserve unique flora and fauna. The state's decentralization strategies, as they relate to tribal communities, lack consideration of local power distribution and cultural conditioning. This raises questions about the state's role in social justice as well as biodiversity conservation. In 2010 and 2011, the author's interviews in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns reveal that tribal communities perceive that their place in society restricts their contribution regarding natural resource management and use. The paper suggests that unless the culture of planning and decision making in the state are changed, decentralized strategies will be ineffective, resulting in a predominately top‐down approach towards natural resource management, and will negate Kerala's goal of democratic decentralization.  相似文献   

Environmental justice is both a vocabulary for political opportunity, mobilization and action, and a policy principle to guide public decision making. It emerged initially in the US, and more recently in the UK, as a new vocabulary underpinning action by community organizations campaigning against environmental injustices. However, as the environmental justice discourse has matured, it has become increasingly evident that it should play a role in the wider agendas for sustainable development and social inclusion. The links between sustainability and environmental justice are becoming clearer and more widely understood in the UK by NGOs and government alike, and it is the potential synergy between these two discourses which is the focus of this paper. This paper argues that the concept of 'just sustainability' provides a discourse for policymakers and activists, which brings together the key dimensions of both environmental justice and sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the directional shifts in human geographical research on Southeast Asia from 1945 to the present. It first begins with an overview of the identity of the region as conceived in various cultural traditions, such as the Greek, Arabic and Indian traditions. This is followed by an evaluation of regional geographies of Southeast Asia in the post-war period, highlighting the pre-eminence of the geostrategic definition of the region and the failure to come to grips with its rich cultural-historical identity. The paper then goes on to show that, arising from the changes in conceptual developments and methodologies in geography, the early regional emphasis then shifted to systematic concerns, with a movement away from ‘encyclopaedic’ to ‘adjectival’ geography (economic, urban, population, political, cultural and historical) and a greater emphasis on issues concerning national development. Since the 1980s, there have also been fewer regional works on Southeast Asia and though there are now many more indigenous geographers within the region, much of their research is based on their own national or provincial areas. However, this may shift again, given that rapid economic growth has now given the region prominence. Certainly, there is renewed multi-disciplinary interest in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Whilst an extensive body of literature exists on the environmental justice implications of urban greening in North America, Europe and to an extent Australasia, there are fewer analogous studies for tropical zone Asian city contexts. Given increasing global interest in the potential for urban greenspace to contribute to resilience in the face of environmental change and the higher vulnerability of Asian cities to environmental shocks, this is a notable gap. In response, this paper evaluates the contours of environmental justice debates within urban greenspace planning for one subtropical Asian city—Taipei. Through analysis of newspaper reporting on urban greenspace planning within Taipei, the potential and limitations of greenspace planning in contributing to equitably delivering benefits from urban greenspace towards resilience are assessed. Findings suggest that claims to environmental injustice in greenspace debates within Taipei follow broadly similar lines to controversies in Europe and North America. Nevertheless, the need for specific knowledge to understand the different ecosystem services provided by tropical zone ecosystems, and the potential for conflicts over greenspace versus development to be heightened in dense Asian city settings, are highlighted as potential areas where environmental justice debates in an Asian urban greening context may differ from Western cities.  相似文献   

Little agroecological research examines indigenous agroforestry practices that appear to be unsustainable, and how such practices devolved from more environmentally sound land use strategies that have been documented by geographers and others. This paper discusses the political ecological factors that led the Mopan Maya to reject a diverse swidden-fallow management strategy for a system where an abandoned milpa provides few forest products. In doing so, this paper explains the process whereby cultural change, in this case rejection of certain agricultural traditions, leads to a less diverse agricultural landscape and ultimately a less diverse biological landscape.  相似文献   

环境公正研究关注人民生活质量的空间公正问题。从环境经济地理学的角度,本研究以广州市为研究对象,采用1995年、2004年、2013 年的工业企业数据和1990年、2000 年、2010 年的人口普查数据,运用空间可视化工具和多尺度地理加权回归模型等方法,分析了广州市污染企业的分布及其与区域人口社会特征关系的时空变化,然后探讨转型背景下中国城市污染企业分布的环境公正问题。研究发现,广州市污染企业空间分布经历由中心城区集聚向近郊区和边界地带集聚的过程,在城市产业空间重构与社会空间分异的共同作用下,污染企业空间分布的环境不公正问题由最初表现不明显转变为全市范围的阶层差异与企业污染负担之间关系,具有不同于西方环境不公正现象的特征和成因。  相似文献   

Environmental justice laws protect certain populations against discriminatory actions that may result from a myriad of enterprises, including transportation activities. Previous environmental equity studies examining the effects of transportation‐engendered externalities have been criticized on several points, including (1) that the choice of a reference population for comparison to the criterion variable may influence the outcome of research results and (2) that the selection and use of inappropriate methodologies intended to identify and characterize populations may foreordain research outcomes. This article examines the potentially confounding effects of selected spatial scale and population assignment strategies as applied to a study of excessive noise levels at a large Midwestern airport, finding that reported outcomes can vary significantly as a function of methodological choices.  相似文献   


Little agroecological research examines indigenous agroforestry practices that appear to be unsustainable, and how such practices devolved from more environmentally sound land use strategies that have been documented by geographers and others. This paper discusses the political ecological factors that led the Mopan Maya to reject a diverse swidden-fallow management strategy for a system where an abandoned milpa provides few forest products. In doing so, this paper explains the process whereby cultural change, in this case rejection of certain agricultural traditions, leads to a less diverse agricultural landscape and ultimately a less diverse biological landscape.  相似文献   

Diversifying Ethnicity in Australia's Population and Environment Debates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Population–environment debates in Australia are at an impasse. While the ability of this continent to sustain more migrants has attracted persistent scrutiny, nuanced explorations of diverse migrant cultures and their engagements with Australian landscapes have scarcely begun. Yet as we face the challenges of a climate changing world we would undoubtedly benefit from the most varied knowledges we can muster. This paper brings together three arenas of environmental debate circulating in Australia—the immigration/carrying capacity debate, comparisons between Indigenous and Anglo-European modes of environmental interaction, and research on household sustainability dilemmas—to demonstrate the exclusionary tendencies of each. We then attempt to reorient them in productive ways, by attending to the complexity of environmental sustainability in a context of immense ethnic diversity. Attentiveness to ethnic diversity offers three important insights: (1) Anglo-European Australian understandings of nature and environmentalism are culturally specific, but other perspectives are possible; (2) tensions can arise when ethnic differences in environmental attitude or practice come into contact; and (3) cultural environmental research offers scope to identify ethnically diverse vernacular sustainability practices that should be supported. Each of these threads requires attention in a context where population–environment debates often overlook cultural complexity, and readily spiral into strident anti-immigration sentiments.  相似文献   


Environmental justice laws protect certain populations against discriminatory actions that may result from a myriad of enterprises, including transportation activities. Previous environmental equity studies examining the effects of transportation-engendered externalities have been criticized on several points, including (1) that the choice of a reference population for comparison to the criterion variable may influence the outcome of research results and (2) that the selection and use of inappropriate methodologies intended to identify and characterize populations may foreordain research outcomes. This article examines the potentially confounding effects of selected spatial scale and population assignment strategies as applied to a study of excessive noise levels at a large Midwestern airport, finding that reported outcomes can vary significantly as a function of methodological choices.  相似文献   

陶伟  蔡浩辉 《热带地理》2022,42(1):16-28
“遗产时代”已经开启,经过数十年的实践探索,学界积累了丰富的非物质文化遗产保护经验。然而,富有综合性和批判性的地理学对该话题的关注和贡献仍有待提高,文章希望从实践回顾、话题梳理、国家战略推进等3个方面促进地理学者为建构非遗跨学科研究体系贡献力量。首先,从“非遗”概念的诞生以及民间文化的复苏入手,回顾了中国历年有关非遗的保护实践,总结出非遗研究的“特性与意义的构建”“传承与制度的反思”和“开发与社区能动性”3个重点议题,论述了中国学者在积极借鉴西方批判性遗产研究学术成果上所着力构建的具有中国本土特色的非遗研究体系。其后,将非遗放置在乡村振兴、城市发展和文化强国3个国家战略中给予考量,指出非遗作为独特的文化资源,已被纳入到国家政治和社会体系之中,成为助推国家重大战略实施的重要抓手。最后,在总结归纳非遗研究话题与进展的基础上,对地理学在非遗领域可以开展的工作进行讨论,以期启发和深化相关研究。  相似文献   

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