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  承 《盐湖研究》2015,(2):15-19
湖泊生物碳酸盐形成于湖水底层,化学碳酸盐形成于湖水表层;处于湖积物同一层位的两种成因类型的碳酸盐氧同位素组成(δ18O)差异可能反映了二者形成时的环境差异,如湖泊不同深度的水温差异、碳酸盐质生物如介形类小生境水体δ18O值、两种成因碳酸盐形成的时间先后、湖泊表层水体蒸发情况等。在进行碳酸盐δ18O环境意义分析时,应分开测试生物碳酸盐和化学碳酸盐δ18O。  相似文献   

贵州红枫湖纹理沉积物中近代气温记录   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴丰昌  万国江 《地理科学》1996,16(4):345-350
本通过红枫湖纹理沉积物柱芯碳酸盐特征剖面与流域气温资料对比、沉积纹理年代校正以及早期成岩化学过程对碳酸盐沉积记录的改造作用等方面的研究,表明湖泊碳酸盐沉积记录基本不受早期成岩作用的影响,碳酸钙含量和CaO/MgO·Al2O3比值可作为湖泊沉物中具高分辨率、短时间尺度的气温变化的代用指标。  相似文献   

对前人提出的湖泊自生碳酸盐氧同位素组成(δ18Oc)多种环境解释模型作了评述,指出了各种模型存在的局限性。提出在利用δ18Oc变化进行气候和环境变化研究时,需注意气温对湖泊δ18Oc的影响机制,湖水不同深度层的水温差异对化学沉积和介壳碳酸盐δ18Oc的影响δ18Oc和湖泊水位、降水δ18Oc、湖水盐度的关系,碎屑和自生碳酸盐矿物的分离,湖泊不同碳酸盐矿物间δ18Oc差值的确定,单矿物同位素组成的测试,不同前处理方法对δ18Oc测定的影响,以及碳酸盐沉积时的不平衡效应等问题。  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊沉积物对古气候环境变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
随着全球变化研究的不断深入,青藏高原湖泊沉积物的研究得到很大发展。作为高分辨率古环境变化的“记录仪”,湖泊沉积物在重建晚第四纪全球环境变化中具有特殊的地位和意义。湖泊沉积物中储存的各种信息反映了矿物学、同位素地球化学、生物学、沉积学等方面对气候环境变化的响应。在古环境变化研究中,湖泊沉积物已经从定性化研究逐渐过渡到定量化研究。  相似文献   

曾承  余俊清 《盐湖研究》2004,12(2):14-18
湖泊化学沉积碳酸盐δ18O是研究区域气候演变的重要环境指标之一。青海湖等闭流湖泊的研究结果证实,在对δ18O环境记录进行共生碳酸盐氧同位素分馏效应校正时,应依据具体情况,采用0-1‰的分馏差值。由高温实验结果推断出的常温分馏差值(4‰-7‰)不能被应用到自然条件下湖泊共生碳酸盐氧同位素分馏效应的校正。  相似文献   

湖泊碳酸盐在过去环境变化研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
国内外的研究成果表明,湖泊沉积碳酸盐矿物及其微量元素、同位素分布特征记录了全球或区域古气候环境演变历史,可以从中提取大量定量化的古气候参数。因此,可以根据湖泊碳酸盐矿物的含量和碳、氧同位素变化等信息推知其形成时期的气候环境,重建古环境,揭示气候环境演变的规律。湖泊碳酸盐是一种研究古环境演化重要的代用指标,在过去气候环境变化研究中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

岱海湖泊沉积物频率磁化率对历史时期环境变化的反映*   总被引:52,自引:4,他引:48  
在探讨封闭湖泊沉积物频率磁化率的环境意义的基础上,根据岱海DH32孔湖泊沉积物磁化率的测量结果,结合粒度、孢粉、历史资料和硅藻分析结果,对岱海历史时期的环境变化进行了探讨。研究认为:历史时期内陆封闭湖泊沉积物频率磁化率高值段指示气候偏湿阶段;低值段指示气候干旱阶段;DH32孔湖泊沉积物频率磁化率反映的近300年来岱海气候变化可划分七个阶段,并与粒度、孢粉、硅藻和历史资料的分析结果基本一致。湖泊沉积物频率磁化率是恢复历史时期环境变化的重要环境指标之一。  相似文献   

兹格塘错是位于藏北高原腹地的一个封闭型湖泊,其湖泊变化过程可直接反映区域的气候变化.为了探讨该区域全新世的气候与环境变化过程,在湖泊中心水深30 m处钻取了一支深727 cm的沉积岩芯,对沉积岩芯的碳酸盐和可溶盐含量进行分析,其结果反映了全新世期间湖泊水体退缩与扩张、水质的浓缩与淡化的过程,揭示了区域气候的干湿变化;指出兹格塘错全新世以来一直处于碳酸盐演化阶段,碳酸盐含量共出现六次明显低值时期,分别为(1)9.3~9.0 cal.ks B.P.、(2)8.3~7.7 cal.ks B.P.、(3)6.0 ~5.8 cal.ks B.P、(4)4.7~4.2cal.ka B.P.、(5)3.1~2.9 cal.ka B.P.、(6)0.6~0.2 cal.ka B.P.;而氯离子和硫酸根含量总体很低,且变化趋势几乎一致.碳酸盐和可溶盐含量变化所反映出的湖面波动与环境变化得到了其他资料较好的支持,同时又显示了区域的差异性.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物元素地球化学是探讨湖泊沉积环境的有效代用指标之一.通过青藏高原北缘柴达木盆地湖相沉积剖面沉积物中酸溶组分(AS)和酸不溶组分(AI)常量元素(K,Ca,Na,Mg,Ti,Fe,Mn和Al)的测试,分析了不同组分中常量元素的分布特征及其元素含量与矿物组成的关系.结果显示:剖面中常量元素的组成与沉积物矿物成分密切相关,酸溶组分与酸不溶组分中元素含量差别较大,揭示出不同组分对湖泊沉积环境的响应模式存在差异.其中,沉积物酸不溶组分中的Al、Fe等元素与石英矿物相对含量变化呈负相关,而与粘土矿物相对含量呈正相关,揭示出酸不溶组分元素变化与湖泊流域物质组成或风化强度等信息有关.沉积物酸溶组分常量元素含量相对较低,Na和Ca等活泼元素在酸溶组分中相对富集,与碳酸盐含量有较好的相关性,主要形成于湖泊自生作用.通过与常规代用指标沉积物粒度和87Sr/86Sr对比分析,贝壳堤剖面酸溶组分Mg/Ca比值部分继承了源区的信号,不能直接响应于湖泊盐度的变化.利用去趋势方法,去趋势后酸溶组分Mg/Ca比值与中值粒径及锶同位素比值呈现较好的正相关性,响应于传统的盐度模式解释,揭示了Mg/Ca比值指示湖泊环境变化的可靠性,综合分析不同组分的地球化学元素信息在提取和解译沉积物元素地球化学的环境代用指标方面具有重要意义.  相似文献   

湖泊自生碳酸盐氧同位素组成(δ18OC)在区域气候与环境变化方面的应用研究近年来发展迅速,成果令人瞩目,保存在各类湖泊沉积物柱芯中的δ18OC记录揭示了湖泊水温乃至汇水区域气温,湖泊不同水深处的水温差异、湖泊水位、降水δ18O、冰川融水δ18O、湖水盐度等重要的气候和环境信息。对前人通过研究来自不同类型湖泊、具不同曲线形态的δ18OC记录提出的多种环境解释模型进行了归纳。  相似文献   

Inorganic ash particles are formed by the fusing of inorganic material present during the high temperature combustion of fossil fuels. As they accumulate in lake sediments, they record the history of atmospheric contamination produced from such sources. A technique has been developed for concentrating these particles from lake sediments involving the stepwise removal of unwanted components of the sediment, including organic material and biogenic silica.When applied to a sediment core taken from Loch Tinker, central Scotland, a particle concentration profile, very similar to that of the carbonaceous particle profile (the other component of fossil-fuel combustion ash) is produced. The concentration of the inorganic ash spheres in the sediment is approximately an order of magnitude higher than the carbonaceous particles and there appears to be a continuous pre-industrial background value. This seems to imply a similar source (i.e. coal combustion rather than oil) for both inorganic ash and carbonaceous particles. This method has also been used with success on peat cores.  相似文献   

Major components of lacustrine sediments, such as carbonates, organic matter, and biogenic silica, provide significant paleoenvironmental information about lake systems. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques are fast, cost effective, efficient methods to determine the relative abundances of these components. We investigate the potential of these techniques using sediments from two large lakes, Lake Malawi in Africa and Lake Qinghai in China. Our results show statistically significant correlations of conventionally measured concentrations of carbonate (%CaCO3), total organic carbon (%TOC), and biogenic silica (%BSi), with absorbance in the corresponding FTIR spectral regions and with XRF elemental ratios including calcium:titanium (Ca/Ti), incoherent:coherent X-ray scatter intensities (Inc/Coh), and silicon:titanium (Si/Ti), respectively. The correlation coefficients (R) range from 0.66 to 0.96 for comparisons of FTIR results and conventional measurements, and from 0.70 to 0.90 for XRF results and conventional measurements. Both FTIR and XRF techniques exhibit great potential for rapid assessment of inorganic and organic contents of lacustrine sediments. However, the relationship between XRF-ratios or FTIR-absorbances and abundances of corresponding sedimentary components can vary with sediment source and lithology.  相似文献   

Caledonian low-temperature, high-pressure metamorphic rocks, as first recognised at Motalafjella, central western Spitsbergen, include characteristic brown dolostone and serpentinite. Similar rocks are scattered in the strandflats, along the eastern marginal fault of the Tertiary Forlandsundet Graben, and along thrust faults to the east on both sides of St. Jonsfjorden. The mineral chemistries of the constituent carbonates and oxides are diagnostic of high-pressure metamorphic rocks, containing high contents of MgO in the carbonates and Cr2O3 in the oxides. Based on a surface magnetic-anomaly survey and fault-plane observations, some of these rocks are considered to have been pressed up along faults produced by strike-slip faulting during an early stage of the Forlandsundet Graben formation. The distribution of these rocks indicates that the high-pressure metamorphic rocks extend as much as 50 km to the NNW from Motalafjella to Sarsøyra.  相似文献   

曾承  吴鑫  钱晨阳 《盐湖研究》2010,18(1):21-28
湖积物中不同无机碳酸盐矿物常常混杂在一起,其氧同位素组成(δ18O)差异会影响碳酸盐δ18O环境信息提取的可靠性。不同矿物之间δ18O差值明显且幅度不一。20~25℃时生成的白云石比共生的方解石富集18O可能为0‰~9‰不等,亦或方解石比白云石可能更富集18O达0‰~12.3‰。常温状态,相同条件下形成的文石δ18O值较方解石高出0‰~1‰,或者方解石较文石δ18O值高出0‰~4.47‰。镁方解石中MgCO3的mol百分含量每增加1%,其δ18O值相对于纯方解石δ18O值增加0.06‰~0.17‰。在利用碳酸盐δ18O进行气候及环境研究时,不能根据某种差值进行校正,而应进行单矿物测试。由此,对不同无机碳酸盐矿物的分离及同位素测试、推算方法进行了归纳和述评。  相似文献   

黄土碳酸盐的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
黄土是过去气候变化研究的重要对象之一。黄土中的碳酸盐则是黄土研究的一个重要内容。黄土碳酸盐的研究涉及了对次生碳酸盐的辨识、碳酸盐的含量、碳酸盐中的碳氧同位素以及碳酸盐的Sr同位素及其它微量元素等内容。对前人在这几个方面的研究作一初步的归纳总结,包括次生碳酸盐的辨识和提取对解释古气候环境有重要意义;碳酸盐的含量可反映出黄土和古土壤之间的不同气候状况;根据碳酸盐中的碳氧同位素则能大体定量得到古温度以及古植被状况进而反映古降水情况;而Sr同位素及其它微量元素则能反映出当时的化学风化程度,指示季风的强弱变化。  相似文献   

In the Northern Adriatic Sea, the occurrence of gas seepage and of unique rock outcrops has been widely documented. The genesis of these deposits has recently been ascribed to gas venting, leading to their classification as methane‐derived carbonates. However, the origin of seeping gas was not clearly constrained. Geophysical data collected in 2009 reveal that the gas‐enriched fluid vents are deeply rooted. In fact, the entire Plio‐Quaternary succession is characterized by widespread seismic anomalies represented by wipe‐out zones, and interpreted as gas chimneys. They commonly root at the base of the Pliocene sequence but also within the Palaeogene succession, where they appear to be associated to deep‐seated faults. We suggest that there is a structural control on chimney distribution. Chimneys originate and terminate at different stratigraphic levels; commonly they reach the seafloor, where authigenic carbonate deposits form locally. Gas analyses of some gas bubble streams just above the rock outcrops reveal that gas is composed mainly of methane. Geochemical analyses performed at four selected outcrop sites show that these deposits formed as a consequence of active gas venting. In particular, geochemical analyses indicate carbonate precipitation from microbial oxidation of methane‐rich fluids, although a straightforward correlation with the source depth of gas feeding the authigenic carbonates cannot yet be clearly defined.  相似文献   

The Eocene Hecho Group turbidite system of the Aínsa‐Jaca foreland Basin (southcentral Pyrenees) provides an excellent opportunity to constrain compositional variations within the context of spatial and temporal distribution of source rocks during tectonostratigraphic evolution of foreland basins. The complex tectonic setting necessitated the use of petrographic, geochemical and multivariate statistical techniques to achieve this goal. The turbidite deposits comprise four unconformity‐bounded tectonostratigraphic units (TSU), consisting of quartz‐rich and feldspar‐poor sandstones, calclithites rich in extrabasinal carbonates and hybrid arenites dominated by intrabasinal carbonates. The sandstones occur exclusively in TSU‐2, whereas calclithites and hybrid arenites occur in the overlying TSU‐3, TSU‐4 and TSU‐5. The calclithites were deposited at the base of each TSU and hybrid arenites in the uppermost parts. Extrabasinal carbonate sources were derived from the fold‐and‐thrust belt (mainly Cretaceous and Palaeocene limestones). Conversely, intrabasinal carbonate grains were sourced from foramol shelf carbonate factories. This compositional trend is attributed to alternating episodes of uplift and thrust propagation (siliciclastic and extrabasinal carbonates supplies) and subsequent episodes of development of carbonate platforms supplying intrabasinal detrital grains. The quartz‐rich and feldspar‐poor composition of the sandstones suggests derivation from intensely weathered cratonic basement rocks during the initial fill of the foreland basin. Successive sediments (calclithites and hybrid arenites) were derived from older uplifted basement rocks (feldspar‐rich and, to some extent, rock fragments‐rich sandstones), thrust‐and‐fold belt deposits and from coeval carbonate platforms developed at the basin margins. This study demonstrates that the integration of tectono‐stratigraphy, petrology and geochemistry of arenites provides a powerful tool to constrain the spatial and temporal variation in provenance during the tectonic evolution of foreland basins.  相似文献   

Along-strike variability within a Late Cretaceous to early Palaeocene contractional growth structure and associated alluvial fan deposits is documented at the northern margin of the Arc Basin (Provence, SE France). This contribution shows that alluvial fans can be used as high-resolution proxies to reconstruct structural segmentation and palaeo-geomorphological evolution of a source/basin margin system. Facies-based reconstruction allows the spatial and temporal distribution of alluvial fan bodies to be mapped. Relationships between fan area and catchment size from modern alluvial fan systems were used to estimate palaeo-catchment size. Combining alluvial fan morphologies with catchment area, pebble provenance analysis and growth structure reconstruction, we show that: (1) fan distribution and related depositional processes were strongly influenced by intrinsic parameters such as drainage basin evolution, local structural inheritance and lateral facies changes in source area lithologies; (2) Inherited structures trending N100 effectively controlled the first-order location of the fold and thrust structures (Montagne Sainte-Victoire Range) and adjacent depositional areas (Arc Basin); (3) Syn-sedimentary faults trending N010-030 influenced the source/basin margin development and interacted with developing growth structures; (4) Facies changes in Jurassic carbonates controlled fold development and consequently the structural evolution of the source area; and (5) the N010-030 faults and along-strike variability of the source/basin margin system were ultimately controlled by basement structures that controlled where Late Cretaceous deformation nucleated. The overall architecture of the source/basin margin system reflects segmentation and strain partitioning along strike, as demonstrated by diachronous alluvial fan distribution.  相似文献   

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